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The effects of initial spacing and tree class on the basic density of Norway spruce were evaluated in a stand on a fertile site in southwestern Sweden. The basic density at 0 and 4 m above ground level was significantly higher for trees planted with an initial spacing of 1.5 m than for trees planted with wider initial spacings. A decrease in initial square spacing from 2.5 m to 1.5 m had little effect, of small practical importance, on the basic density. The density at 0 and 4 m above ground was significantly higher for the suppressed trees than for the intermediate and dominant ones, and for the intermediate trees compared with the dominant trees. Differences in basic density appeared to be due mainly to differences in growth‐ring width. Basic density decreased outwards from the pith to the bark at 1.3 and 4 m above ground.  相似文献   

Effects of windbreaks on airflow, microclimates and crop yields   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The mechanisms by which a porous windbreak modifies airflow, microclimates and hence crop yields are addressed, based upon recent wind tunnel experiments, field observations and numerical modelling. This paper is thus an update to the excellent reviews in Brandle (1988). It shows how a turbulent mixing layer initiated at the top of the windbreak dominates the airflow behind a windbreak. This mixing layer spreads vertically as it moves downwind, growing at a rate determined by the turbulence in the approach flow and the windbreak's ‘permeability’. The roughness of the terrain and land-cover upwind, windbreak height and porosity are thus the main controls on the amount and extent of shelter provided by a windbreak. The changes in temperature, humidity, heat and evaporation fluxes given these changes in turbulence are then described. Based on the turbulent mixing layer model, the highly sheltered ‘quiet zone’ will be typically warmer and more humid while further downwind in the ‘wake zone’, cooler and drier conditions would be expected. The careful experimental studies needed to verify these theoretical predictions have not yet been published. Shade is also shown to modify the heating in the quiet zone and, depending on the orientation of the windbreak, can offset the warming in the quiet zone. Lastly, the mechanisms affecting plant productivity are described in light of these airflow and microclimate changes. A major effect of a windbreak is to reduce the incidence of low frequency, high magnitude damage events such as sandblasting or lodging. Microclimate effects, however, do not always improve productivity. For example, while shelter may improve water-use efficiency in irrigated crops by increasing yields and reducing water-use, this may not be the case in dryland agriculture. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of two training systems (Central Leader with branch pruning versus Centrifugal Training with minimal pruning, i.e., removal of fruiting laterals only) on canopy structure and light interception was analyzed in three architecturally contrasting apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars: 'Scarletspur Delicious' (Type II); 'Golden Delicious' (Type III); and 'Granny Smith' (Type IV). Trees were 3D-digitized at the shoot scale at the 2004 and 2005 harvests. Shoots were separated according to length (short versus long) and type (fruiting versus vegetative). Leaf area density (LAD) and its relative variance (xi), total leaf area (TLA) and crown volume (V) varied consistently with cultivar. 'Scarletspur Delicious' had higher LAD and xi and lower TLA and V compared with the other cultivars with more open canopies. At the whole-tree scale, training had no effect on structure and light interception parameters (silhouette to total area ratio, STAR; projected leaf area, PLA). At the shoot scale, Centrifugal Training increased STAR values compared with Central Leader. In both training systems, vegetative shoots had higher STAR values than fruiting shoots. However, vegetative and fruiting shoots had similar TLA and PLA in Centrifugal Trained trees, whereas vegetative shoots had higher TLA and PLA than fruiting shoots in Central Leader trees. This unbalanced distribution of leaf area and light interception between shoot types in Central Leader trees partly resulted from the high proportion of long vegetative shoots that developed from latent buds. These shoots developed in the interior shaded zone of the canopy and therefore had low STAR and PLA. In conclusion, training may greatly affect the development and spatial positioning of shoots, which in turn significantly affects light interception by fruiting shoots.  相似文献   


Using data from nine spacing experiments of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Norway, covering wide ranges of site index and initial spacing, this study evaluated stand basal area and volume responses to initial spacing and examined whether these responses varied by stand ages or site quality. We developed nonlinear regression models that described the standing basal area or volume responses to initial spacing along with site index and stand ages. The results show that closer spacings produced higher standing basal area and volume than wider spacings. The response curves are highly nonlinear in younger stands and become nearly linear in mid-rotation stands, indicating stronger responses at younger ages and weaker responses as age increases. Furthermore, for young stands, spacing effects are stronger at closer than at wider spacings. The basal area and volume responses to initial spacing tend to be similar across site indices. However, the interaction of site index and stand age on spacing responses makes it difficult to isolate the effect of site index on spacing responses. Mortality is higher and begins earlier at closer spacings than wider. The mean diameter of the largest 100, 400, 600, and 800 trees ha?1 increased with spacing in three out of the nine experiments. Dominant height did not vary by initial spacing for any of the experiments. The findings suggest that the extra volume production in stands of closer initial spacing is restricted to early stand development.  相似文献   

One-year old seedlings of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) were subject to seven soil temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) for 4 months. All aspen seedlings, about 40% of jack pine, 20% of white spruce and black spruce survived the 35 °C treatment. The seedlings were harvested at the end of the fourth month to determine biomass and biomass allocation. It was found that soil temperature, species and interactions between soil temperature and species significantly affected root biomass, foliage biomass, stem biomass and total mass of the seedling. The relationship between biomass and soil temperature was modeled using third-order polynomials. The model showed that the optimum soil temperature for total biomass was 22.4, 19.4, 16.0 and 13.7 °C, respectively, for jack pine, aspen, black spruce and white spruce. The optimum soil temperature was higher for leaf than for root in jack pine, aspen and black spruce, but the trend was the opposite for white spruce. Among the species, aspen was the most sensitive to soil temperature: the maximum total biomass for aspen was about 7 times of the minimum value while the corresponding values were only 2.2, 2.4 and 2.3 times, respectively, for black spruce, jack pine and white spruce. Soil temperature did not significantly affect the shoot/root (S/R) ratio, root mass ratio (RMR), leaf mass ratio (LMR), or stem mass ratio (SMR) (P>0.05) with the exception of black spruce which had much higher S/R ratios at low (5 °C) and high (30 °C) soil temperatures. There were significant differences between species in all the above ratios (P<0.05). Aspen and white spruce had the smallest S/R ratio but highest RMR while black spruce had the highest S/R but lowest RMR. Jack pine had the highest LMR but lowest SMR while aspen had the smallest LMR but highest SMR. Both LMR and SMR were significantly higher for black spruce than for white spruce.  相似文献   

The effects of stand density on increment and branch properties were studied in three spacing experiments of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. The stand densities ranged from 350 stems ha−1, regarded as open-grown trees, up to 1,600 stems ha−1, corresponding to the density recommended for forestry practice. Properties of all the branches were measured from the stem apex downwards. The study material included a total of 5,661 branches from 45 trees. Increasing stand density resulted in a decrease in radial increment as well as shorter and narrower crowns, but it had no effect on height increment. The average number of spike knots per tree was 0.87, 0.27, and 0.33 in densities of 350, 700 and 1,600 ha−1, respectively. Additionally, in the widely spaced stands of 350 stems ha−1, the fraction of trees having spike knots was high (over 50%). At a density of 1,600 ha−1, the sample trees had somewhat less branches in a whorl compared with the more widely spaced plots. The most pronounced effect of stand density was the increase in branch diameter with decreasing stand density. At a density of 350 ha−1, the maximum branch diameter of all the sample trees exceeded the diameter limit of quality class B in the European quality requirements for round wood. The results give some indication that trees subjected to severe competition would produce smaller branches per unit of crown projection area. However, the possibilities for reducing branch dimensions relative to stem and crown size through competition appear quite restricted.  相似文献   

The effects of spacing on the stem and branch properties of Norway spruce growing on a good soil in southwestern Sweden were evaluated. Butt logs from sample trees were test sawn, and the boards were machine‐stress graded and graded according to Swedish export rules. Branch diameter and bole diameter both responded positively to an increase in spacing. Quality, as reflected by stress and export grades, increased in response to a decrease in spacing.  相似文献   

Tree survival after planting ispartially a function of the tree's capacity toproduce new roots. In a field trial we assessedthe potential to modify the IAA concentrationin roots, root growth responses, and plantsurvival by root application of plant growthregulators (PGRs) such as IBA, NAA, andethylene, or alginate, a moisture retentionmaterial. Container-grown Douglas-fir,Englemann spruce, and lodgepole pine werelifted before and during prescribed liftingwindows and treated with Stim-root®, Ethrel®,Hormogel®, or alginate before or aftercold-storage, then planted in a clearcut.Lifting trees outside of the prescribed liftingwindow decreased IAA concentrations in roots ofDouglas-fir, Englemann spruce, and lodgepolepine. Treating plants with different PGRs aftercold storage increased root IAA concentrationsand root growth after planting compared totreating plants prior to cold storage. Rootgrowth and above ground plant growth andsurvival were well correlated to IAAconcentrations in roots of Douglas-fir andEnglemann spruce. IAA concentrations in rootsof lodgepole pine correlated with root growth,but did not correlate with survival. A costanalysis of treatment effects on growth andsurvival showed that certain post-cold storagePGR treatments can decrease the cost necessaryto attain target stocking and increase the sizeof the trees. Our results suggest thatapplication of PGRs or other root-promotingmaterials to tree roots before planting has thepotential to be a cost-beneficial method forincreasing root growth and tree survival.  相似文献   

We studied heartwood and sapwood variation in western redcedar (Thuja plicata) at three sites, including a 95-year-old naturally regenerated, unmanaged stand, a 35-year-old planted spacing trial, and a 30-year-old naturally regenerated stand to which thinning and fertilization treatments had been applied. In the 95-year-old stand, we studied within-tree variation in heartwood and sapwood. In the thinning/fertilization trial and the planted spacing trial, we studied effects of cultural practices and growth rate on heartwood and sapwood. In the trees that we studied, sapwood width was generally fairly narrow, rarely exceeding 3.5 cm. Heartwood formation in western redcedar appeared to begin at a relatively small stem diameter (7 cm) and at a young age, probably 10–15 years. The amount and proportion of heartwood increased with distance downward from the top of the tree, with the implication that older trees will contain a greater proportion of heartwood than younger trees. For any given age, it appears that cultural treatments that favor rapid growth will result in stems with greater amounts of both sapwood and heartwood, and a greater proportion of heartwood.  相似文献   

Intr0ducti0nNorwayspruce(PiceaabiesKarst)is0l1eoflI1e111ostimportal1tc011iferinFra11ce.lnl99l,tI1etotaIareaofNorwaysprLICewasestimatedt0be723000I11112.ItsvoIUmewasl27Inilli0I1m3.Tl1eanl1uaIvoILl111eiI1crc-mentwas5.74millionm3.ltiswideIyacceptedII1atIargeri11itialspacingssI1ouldbeusednow.l111940's,thedensity0ftl1epIantatiol1rangedfr0m5000to10000stems/hm2.Nowtl1einitiaIdensityvariesbetweenI000to250Ostems/I1m2.TI1eIargestspacit1g111aybe650~800stems/hm2.S0ithasasignifica11cetostLldyt…  相似文献   

Reforestation of woodlands with native species in the Erzgebirge, where large-scale deforestation has been caused by severe air pollution, was investigated. In an experiment, three tree species (Norway spruce, rowanberry, and birch) were studied with regard to fencing (no protection versus protection against game browsing) and site preparation techniques with eight levels: a control and seven amelioration techniques (soil cultivation, weed control, liming, and their combinations). Four criteria, survival, growth, production, and vitality, were used in assessing the success of the plantings. Repeated-measures analyses were performed to examine the development of the young plantations over an observation period of 7 years, and to determine whether this development was dependent on the experimental factors. Spruce showed high survival rates, reasonable growth and production, and good individual vitality. With the exception of survival, birch responded similarly to spruce. The low survival rate of birch resulted from the initial small size of the seedlings. By providing appropriate seedling material, both species could be used for reforestation. Seedlings of rowanberry were unsuccessful due to severe mouse damage, confirming the necessity of rodent control when planting cleared areas with this species is undertaken. Game browsing was not significant. None of the amelioration techniques had a major effect on the studied criteria of the three tree species. Slightly positive effects occurred only when spruce was limed and when birch received soil cultivation. Weed control by scything showed undesirable results, particularly for birch. For reasons of financial thriftiness, none of the amelioration techniques could be justified for the study area.  相似文献   

In this study, a stepwise method was introduced to identify the best variables for predicting lumber static bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) based on stand and tree characteristics in black spruce (Picea mariana). In the initial development of the technique, the two equations were fitted independently using ordinary least squares (OLS). A test for cross-equation correlation using black spruce data showed highly significant correlation between the two equations. Since the cross-equation correlation exists between the two equations, more efficient parameter estimation can be achieved through joint-generalized least squares, better known as seemingly unrelated regression (SUR). A simultaneous system of two equations was derived for black spruce. The two methods were evaluated and compared for some statistical parameters. The results indicated that there is a small difference between the two methods, but parameter estimates from seemingly unrelated regression estimation had smaller standard errors in all cases as compared to those from ordinary least squares estimates. Therefore, the system estimation methods theoretically perform better for simultaneously interdependent systems of equations and the appropriate system estimation approaches are recommended for estimating coefficients in simultaneously interdependent systems of forestry equations.  相似文献   

Because of the high cost of maintaining a series of unthinned, densely stocked stands over long periods of time, suitable data about potential forest density and tree survival for different planting espacements are difficult to find. Direct assessment of the potential density (which is always preferable to speculation, however ingenious the estimation may be) requires densely stocked unmanaged field studies that are remeasured regularly during long observation periods. An example of such a study is the Correlated Curve Trend (CCT) series of spacing studies established by O'Connor in South Africa. This contribution presents results for unthinned Pinus patula stands using an unusually large data set, specifically: (1) the potential density using the relationship between the quadratic mean diameter and trees per hectare, which does not confirm Reineke's constant of ?1.605; (2) the relationship between average spacing and average tree diameter (known as Nilson's sparsity), which is found to be non-linear, thus contradicting previous assumptions; and (3) the development of the ratio basal area/trees per hectare, which appears to remain unchanged during the life of a planted forest, irrespective of the planting espacement. Finally, we present a tree survival analysis, based on the Weibull distribution function, for the Nelshoogte replicated CCT study, which has been observed for almost 40 years after planting and provides information about tree survival in response to planting espacements ranging from 494 to 2 965 trees per hectare.  相似文献   

In the Nordic countries, Norway spruce (Picea abies) is a major species in tree breeding. In order to facilitate breeding work and availability of highly bred forest regeneration material, the time required for breeding and implementation of results should be shortened. This could be done by accelerating production of clonal material for field testing, and possibly for planting stock, by combining production of rooted cuttings with somatic embryogenesis (SE). This would allow efficient production of numerous plants of the same genotype, with equal age and propagation history between genotypes. In the present work, we studied the rooting potential of cuttings from Norway spruce emblings. Altogether 36 clones from 12 families representing elite breeding materials and ornamental forms were examined under different rooting conditions (container type and rooting media) in 2015 and 2016. Our results show that Norway spruce emblings are good donors for cuttings. Best combination (peat–vermiculite mixture and Plantek 81f containers) resulted in 91% rooting, variation among the tested clones of elite breeding materials being 55–100% per treatment. The rooting variation between families is acceptable for breeding purposes. High rooting (87–96%) of ornamental forms indicates propagation potential with the combination of SE and rooted cuttings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the variation in root litter mass‐loss rates in a climatic transect across a large region ranging from the Arctic Circle (66°N) in Scandinavia to Berlin (52°N) in north‐east Germany, dominated by coniferous monocultural forests. To investigate the combined influence of litter quality and climate, data were used from 37 sites and plots at which root litters of three coniferous species (Pinus sylvestris, Pinus contorta and Picea abies) had been incubated. In spite of the considerable climatic differences among sites, there were no strong relationships between any climatic variable and the lst‐yr mass loss (range 17.0–40.9%). For the lst‐yr mass loss, the average annual temperature was the most rate‐regulating factor for all litter combined, with a value for R 2 adj of 0.186. Substrate quality also had an influence. Thus, for the whole region lignin concentration was significant, with a value for R 2 adj of 0.142. For the separated groups of pine and spruce stands the value for r 2 increased but the factor average temperature still dominated and for pine the R 2 adj reached a value of 0.346. Over the region N concentration in the fresh pine root litter was significant (R2 adj = 0.232). For the root litter of P. abies the average temperature in July was the strongest rate‐regulating climatic factor, with a value for R 2 adj of 0.381. A combination of temperature in July and the initial P concentration in the litter gave an R 2 adj value of 0.713 for P. abies litter, thus explaining about 71% of the variation.  相似文献   


The impact of tree species on soil carbon stocks and acidity in southern Sweden was studied in a non-replicated plantation with monocultures of 67-year-old ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), beech (Fagus silvatica L.), elm (Ulmus glabra Huds.), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.). The site was characterized by a cambisol on glacial till. Volume-determined soil samples were taken from the O-horizon and mineral soil layers to 20?cm. Soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), pH (H2O), cation-exchange capacity and base saturation at pH 7 and exchangeable calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium ions were analysed in the soil fraction?<?2 mm. Root biomass (<5 mm in diameter) and its proportion in the forest floor and mineral soil varied between tree species. There was a vertical gradient under all species, with the highest concentrations of SOC, TN and base cations in the O-horizon and the lowest in the 10–20?cm layer. The tree species differed with respect to SOC, TN and soil acidity in the O-horizon and mineral soil. For SOC and TN, the range in the O-horizon was spruce?>?hornbeam?>?oak?>?beech?>?ash?>?elm. The pH in the O-horizon ranged in the order elm?>?ash?>?hornbeam?>?beech?>?oak?>?spruce. In the mineral soil, SOC and TN ranged in the order elm?>?oak?>?ash?=?hornbeam?>?spruce?>?beech, i.e. partly reversed, and pH ranged in the same order as for the O-horizon. It is suggested that spruce is the best option for fertile sites in southern Sweden if the aim is a high carbon sequestration rate, whereas elm, ash and hornbeam are the best solutions if the aim is a low soil acidification rate.  相似文献   

The practice of harvesting forest residues is rapidly increasing due to rising demand for renewable energy. However, major concerns have been raised about the sustainability of this practice and its net impact on productivity, in particular through negative effects on the growth of subsequent tree crops. We measured height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree spacing density on 23-year-old second rotation stands of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), following whole tree harvesting (WTH—of all above ground biomass, by cable crane) or conventional stem-only harvesting (CH) of the first rotation crop. Overall, WTH reduced tree DBH by 10.3% (p = 0.017), with weaker evidence that it may have reduced height (by 8.2%, p = 0.164) and stand basal area (by 15.3%, p = 0.101). However, treatment effects differed greatly between individual blocks and, analysed separately by block, significant differences (WTH plot trees smaller than CH plot trees) were most notable in the two more exposed south-facing blocks (where, in both cases, p < 0.01 for height and p < 0.05 for basal area). Variation in productivity between the experimental plots cannot simply be attributed to preharvesting site environment – no correlation was found between first rotation and second rotation productivity – nor was treatment effect explained by differences in tree spacing density. Treatment effects can be attributed to the removal of three to four times larger quantities of N, P and K in the tree biomass by WTH than by CH of the first rotation crop, combined with greater competition with tree natural regeneration and other vegetation in WTH plots during the early stages of the second rotation. Soil moisture was higher in WTH plots but there was no evidence that WTH increased soil acidity or aluminium mobility nor that it decreased soil organic matter. The results also highlight the complexities of predicting the effect of harvesting treatment on future productivity, even within single-age, single-species forests. The study demonstrates the risk that WTH can reduce second rotation productivity of conifer forests in acidic upland sites, and that this practice will only be sustainable with appropriate interventions to overcome shortage of nutrients and high levels of vegetation competition.  相似文献   

Black spruce forests growing on clay soils in northwestern Quebec change structure from dense even-aged stands to open uneven-aged stands such that almost all forests older than 200 years have an open canopy. These forests become unproductive over time because they are prone to paludification. The main goal of our study was to document the transition between dense and open stands in terms of gap dynamics, with a focus on tree regeneration. Our objective was to determine whether forests remain open due to a lack of regeneration, a lack of growth or both. Nine stands along a 50–250-year-old time since fire gradient were sampled with the line intersect sampling method. Gap fraction increased with stand age and reached a maximum of 77% in the oldest site. In old-growth stands, gaps were interconnected due to the low density of these forests. Most of the gap makers were found with broken stems. Regeneration was dominated by black spruce layers and was relatively abundant (1.71 stems/m2). However, the majority of gap fillers were smaller than 1 m in height in stands of all ages. Instead of a lack of regeneration, the opening of the forests is due to a lack of growth associated with cold and wet organic deposits. Partial harvesting could be implemented on the most productive sites, while management techniques including soil disturbances will be required on low productivity sites to recreate good growth conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of management history on the availability of decayed downed wood and the use of downed wood as a regeneration substrate in mixed-species stands in the Acadian Forest of Maine. Regeneration of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.), balsam fir (Abies balsamea L. Mill), and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was quantified. Treatments included variants of selection cutting, commercial clearcutting (unregulated harvesting), and no harvesting for >50 years (reference). Area of wood substrate (wood ≥ Decay Class III and ≥10 cm on at least one end) was less in the commercial clearcut than in the reference; other treatments were not differentiated. Spruce and hemlock seedlings were found at higher densities on wood than paired forest floor plots of equal area, regardless of treatment. Conversely, fir and maple were less abundant on wood than forest floor plots in reference and selection treatments, but more or equally abundant on wood than forest floor plots in the commercial clearcut. These findings suggest that silvicultural treatment affects both the availability of decayed downed wood and seedling-substrate relationships, and that forest management in the Acadian Region should consider availability of downed woody material.  相似文献   

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