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BACKGROUND: Wheat can be stored for many months before being fumigated with phosphine to kill insects, so a study was undertaken to investigate whether the sorptive capacity of wheat changes as it ages. Wheat was stored at 15 or 25 °C and 55% RH for up to 5.5 months, and samples were fumigated at intervals to determine sorption. Sealed glass flasks (95% full) were injected with 1.5 mg L?1 of phosphine based on flask volume. Concentrations were monitored for 11 days beginning 2 h after injection. Some wheat samples were refumigated after a period of ventilation. Several fumigations of wheat were conducted to determine the pattern of sorption during the first 24 h. RESULTS: Phosphine concentration declined exponentially with time from 2 h after injection. Rate of sorption decreased with time spent in storage at either 15 or 25 °C and 55% RH. Rate of sorption tended to be lower when wheat was refumigated, but this could be explained by time in storage rather than by refumigation per se. The data from the 24 h fumigations did not fit a simple exponential decay equation. Instead, there was a rapid decline in the first hour, with phosphine concentration falling much more slowly thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: The results have implications for phosphine fumigation of insects in stored wheat. Both the time wheat has spent in storage and the temperature at which it has been stored are factors that must be considered when trying to understand the impact of sorption on phosphine concentrations in commercial fumigations. Copyright © The state of Queensland (through the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation) 2009. Published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Owing to increased tolerance and the development of resistance in stored product insects to the fumigant phosphine, in recent years there has been a shift in the target terminal concentration from 100 ppm (100 mL m(-3)) to a higher level of 1000 ppm to achieve 100% insect mortality in 7 day commodity treatments. Therefore, there is a need to investigate whether the revised target concentration could be achieved for food commodities fumigated with phosphine at the standard dose of 2 g m(-3) for 7 days under airtight conditions at > or = 25 degrees C. When different types of food commodity (total 74) were fumigated (300 g per replicate) with phosphine at 2 g m(-3) for 7 days, the terminal gas concentrations in the free space of the commodities varied from 0 to > 2000 ppm. In chambers containing no substrate, a 1417 ppm concentration was recorded. Paddy rice, most of the oilseeds, shelled tree nuts, butter beans, cardamom, green gram splits, coriander powder, rice bran and cocoa powder were more sorptive (> or =60%), such that the target concentration of 1000 ppm was not achieved at the end of 7 days. For these commodities, increased doses of 3-6 g m(-3) were required to attain 1000 ppm. In-shell almonds, green cardamom, in-shell peanuts, leaf tea, tamarind pulp and sunflower seeds were exceptionally sorptive (>90%), so that 0, 41, 112, 168, 203 and 217 ppm respectively were noted at the end of 7 days; the dose must exceed 6 g m(-3) for effective fumigation of these commodities.  相似文献   

A series of isothiocyanates (R-NCS, R, 1–6 carbon atoms) was applied in the vapour phase to wheat in sealed containers. The speed of sorption, as measured by the rate of loss from the intergranular air space, was inversely proportional to molecular weight; e.g. the time for 50% sorption of hexyl isothiocyanate was over 100 times longer than for the methyl analogue. Despite extensive sorption, most of the applied chemicals was recovered from the fumigated wheat seven days after dosing, indicating that sorption did not lead to extensive degradation. Purge and trap techniques proved suitable for recovery of low-boiling, but not high-boiling chemicals.  相似文献   

在小麦含水量分别为9.3%、12.6%和14.4%,装满度分别为100%、70%、50%、30%和0%,气体浓度为100mL/m3和400mL/m3的条件下,测定小麦对磷化氢的吸附率,结果表明小麦对磷化氢的吸附率随着粮食水分增加,磷化氢浓度和装满度增大有不同程度增加.在药量较大的施药初期和装满度大时,检测到的磷化氢浓度高于设定浓度,磷化氢浓度、小麦水分和装满度较低时,小麦对磷化氢的吸附较容易达到平衡.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾磷化氢熏蒸技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确磷化氢熏蒸技术在苹果蠹蛾检疫处理中的应用可能,本文在常温和低温条件下分别使用不同剂量磷化氢对苹果中的苹果蠹蛾幼虫进行了熏蒸,并测定了不同条件磷化氢熏蒸对苹果品质的影响。结果表明,25℃下0.76mg/L磷化氢熏蒸96h虽然能完全杀灭苹果中的苹果蠹蛾幼虫,但是会产生药害;5℃下3.04mg/L磷化氢熏蒸264h可完全杀灭苹果中的苹果蠹蛾幼虫,且无药害;进一步的品质测定结果表明,5℃不同剂量磷化氢熏蒸264h的苹果在室温贮藏14d后,其失重率、糖度、酸度等品质指标均无明显变化。本文的结果表明,磷化氢低温熏蒸能在保持苹果品质的同时有效杀灭其中的苹果蠹蛾幼虫,因而在苹果的检疫处理中极具应用前景。  相似文献   

桃小食心虫在我国温带水果主产区广泛分布,严重威胁水果出口贸易。为明确纯磷化氢熏蒸处理桃小食心虫的可能性,本文系统研究了纯磷化氢在不同温度条件下对桃小食心虫的毒力。耐受性分析结果表明,桃小食心虫各虫态对磷化氢的耐受力有很大差别,1~2龄幼虫耐受性最弱,5龄老熟幼虫耐受性最强。室内毒力试验结果表明,25℃,0.14~0.70mg/L磷化氢熏蒸5龄老熟幼虫81~199h或15℃,0.28~0.84 mg/L磷化氢熏蒸136~166h,桃小食心虫死亡率可达99%;在25℃和15℃下,试虫达到一定死亡率的气体浓度、时间乘积(CT)关系式分别为k=C0.5 T和k=C0.2 T,说明在本试验所取浓度范围内,处理时间是影响磷化氢对桃小食心虫老熟幼虫毒力作用的主要因素,相同条件下高温比低温更有利于磷化氢熏蒸杀虫。本文首次对不同温度条件下纯磷化氢熏蒸桃小食心虫的毒力作用进行了系统研究,明确了纯磷化氢熏蒸技术在水果携带桃小食心虫的检疫处理中极具应用前景。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ethyl formate formulations are being considered to replace methyl bromide for fast grain disinfestation. Grain adsorbs ethyl formate rapidly, which can result in inadequate fumigation concentrations and unacceptable grain residues. A model of ethyl formate sorption kinetics will enable fumigation approaches to be determined that meet disinfestation and food safety requirements. RESULTS: This paper identifies all mass transport processes involved in ethyl formate sorption by wheat from published and experimental evidence. The model accounts for reaction losses of ethyl formate in air and grain using first‐order kinetics, transport in the gas and solid phases with linear mass transfer coefficients and uses a linear partition relationship representation of sorption equilibrium. Batch experimental data were measured to determine model coefficients. Novel gaseous breakdown data for ethyl formate in air were measured, and first‐order kinetics was demonstrated, although the specific reactions involved were not identified. CONCLUSION: The model predicts air and grain fumigant concentrations relevant for grain disinfestation and food residue contamination successfully. The form of the model should be applicable to all fumigant–grain systems, as it accounts for the diffusion and reaction influences known to occur with all modern fumigants under concentration and exposure conditions relevant to industry. Copyright © 2009 CSIRO, Australia. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文在25℃条件下,利用磷化氢熏蒸南洋臀纹粉蚧以及越南进口红心、白心火龙果4 h,研究了磷化氢熏蒸处理对南洋臀纹粉蚧的杀灭效果以及对火龙果采后储藏品质的影响。耐受性比较试验结果表明,不同发育阶段的南洋臀纹粉蚧对磷化氢的耐受性为雌成虫>3龄若虫=2龄若虫>1龄若虫。毒力分析试验表明,使用1.70 mg/L磷化氢熏蒸雌成虫4 h可在95%置信区间下达到99.996 8%的死亡率。品质试验结果表明,使用0.55~2.21 mg/L磷化氢熏蒸处理对两种火龙果冷藏和货架期间的色泽、硬度、可溶性糖、酸度均无显著影响,但在熏蒸后短期内会提高呼吸强度,随着储存时间延长,呼吸强度恢复正常。这些结果显示,磷化氢熏蒸用于进口火龙果携带南洋臀纹粉蚧的检疫处理可达到理想效果,在25℃使用1.66~2.21 mg/L磷化氢熏蒸4 h可作为口岸检疫熏蒸的技术指标。  相似文献   

As failure to control Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) with phosphine is a common problem in the grain-growing regions of Brazil, a study was undertaken to investigate the frequency, distribution and strength of phosphine resistance in R. dominica in Brazil. Nineteen samples of R. dominica were collected between 1991 and 2003 from central storages where phosphine fumigation had failed to control this species. Insects were cultured without selection until testing in 2005. Each sample was tested for resistance to phosphine on the basis of the response of adults to discriminating concentrations of phosphine (20 and 48 h exposures) and full dose-response assays (48 h exposure). Responses of the Brazilian R. dominica samples were compared with reference susceptible, weak-resistance and strong-resistance strains from Australia in parallel assays. All Brazilian population samples showed resistance to phosphine: five were diagnosed with weak resistance and 14 with strong resistance. Five samples showed levels of resistance similar to the reference strong-resistance strain. A representative highly resistant sample was characterised by exposing mixed-age cultures to a range of constant concentrations of phosphine for various exposure periods. Time to population extinction (TPE) and time to 99.9% suppression of population (LT(99.9)) values of this sample were generally similar to those of the reference strong-resistance strain. For example, at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L(-1), LT(99.9) values for BR33 and the reference strong-resistance strain were respectively 21, 6.4 and 3.7 days and 17, 6.2 and 3.8 days. With both strains, doubling phosphine concentrations to 2 mg L(-1) resulted in increased LT(99.9) and TPE. High level and frequency of resistance in all population samples, some of which had been cultured without selection for up to 12 years, suggest little or no fitness deficit associated with phosphine resistance. The present research indicates that widespread phosphine resistance may be developing in Brazil. Fumigation practices should be monitored and resistance management plans implemented to alleviate further resistance development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most fumigants are adsorbed by grain at differing rates depending on the fumigant or grain type. Sorption can reduce the concentrations of fumigation doses to sublethal levels before grain has been disinfested. A model to predict fumigant losses due to sorption in industrial scenarios is needed. RESULTS: This work reviews the kinetics of grain fumigant sorption and develops a new alternative model based upon key factors established from the literature and batch experimental results. The novel model accounts for linear mass transfer within the grain, irreversible 'binding' and linear partitioning of the fumigant to the grain. Model coefficients were estimated by minimizing the sum of squared residuals between model predictions and experimental data. The model was compared with other options including diffusion into spheres, and results for methyl bromide and phosphine are provided. CONCLUSION: The model describes the transient changes of fumigant concentrations in both the intergranular air and grain. It provides the capacity to predict fumigant concentrations throughout grain stacks for a wide range of scenarios of industrial importance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, is a widespread, significant pest of stored commodities, has developed strong resistance to phosphine, the major grain disinfestant. The aim was to develop effective fumigation protocols to control this resistant pest. RESULTS: Time to population extinction of all life stages (TPE) in days was evaluated at a series of phosphine concentrations and temperatures at two relative humidities. Regression analysis showed that temperature, concentration and relative humidity all contributed significantly to describing TPE (P<0.001, R(2)=0.95), with temperature being the dominant variable, accounting for 74.4% of the variation. Irrespective of phosphine concentration, TPE was longer at lower temperatures and high humidity (70% RH) and shorter at higher temperatures and low humidity (55% RH). At any concentration of phosphine, a combination of higher temperature and lower humidity provides the shortest fumigation period to control resistant L. bostrychophila. For example, 19 and 11 days of fumigation are required at 15 degrees C and 70% RH at 0.1 and 1.0 mg L(-1) of phosphine respectively, whereas only 4 and 2 days are required at 35 degrees C and 55% RH for the same respective concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The developed fumigation protocols will provide industry with flexibility in application of phosphine.  相似文献   

本文研究了磷化氢(PH3)和溴甲烷(MB)复合熏蒸对番石榴实蝇的毒力以及对红心火龙果采后品质的影响。结果表明,复合熏蒸方式下,各个浓度的磷化氢和溴甲烷均存在增效,当溴甲烷浓度为4 g/m3时,复合熏蒸发挥最佳增效效果的磷化氢浓度为1.42 g/m3。复合熏蒸番石榴实蝇仅需13.19 g/m3的溴甲烷即可在95%置信区间下达到致死率99.996 8%。与对照相比,复合熏蒸对火龙果的外观和内部品质无显著影响,而与溴甲烷单独熏蒸相比,复合处理会显著降低呼吸强度并减少药害。因此,溴甲烷和磷化氢复合处理对番石榴实蝇具有协同效应,表明磷化氢和溴甲烷复合熏蒸有可能成为水果采后处理的一种新策略。  相似文献   

磷化氢对小麦中玉米象致死效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)的卵、幼虫以及蛹在粮食籽粒内部生活与发育,粮粒结构会影响熏蒸气体的渗透以及对隐蔽虫态的杀虫效果,了解粮粒内卵、幼虫、蛹以及成虫对磷化氢耐受能力的差异,有助于科学有效杀虫。本文测定了3个玉米象品系对磷化氢的抗药性,及在100、200、300、400和500mL/m3的磷化氢浓度下玉米象成虫及其隐蔽虫态卵、幼虫和蛹在不同熏蒸时间的死亡率。主要结果为:3个品系的玉米象对磷化氢均未产生抗性。在各磷化氢浓度下,经6h熏蒸后100mL/m3浓度下成虫的死亡率近59%,而500mL/m3浓度下死亡率在91%以上;经12h熏蒸后各品系成虫的死亡率均达100%,而其卵、幼虫和蛹死亡率均小于100%;经24h熏蒸后,各品系的卵、幼虫和蛹死亡率达100%的磷化氢浓度需要在400mL/m3及以上;经36h熏蒸后,100mL/m3浓度可完全致死玉米象BJXNSz品系的卵、幼虫和蛹,但对另外两个品系的卵、幼虫和蛹的致死率小于100%;磷化氢熏蒸48h以上的各浓度均可完全致死受试害虫。结果表明,100mL/m3以上的磷化氢浓度均可在不同时间致死玉米象各虫态,但完全致死玉米象各虫态的时间在100mL/m3浓度下需要48h,在500mL/m3浓度下需要24h,浓度升高完全致死害虫的时间缩短。玉米象卵、幼虫和蛹对磷化氢耐受力相接近且远大于成虫。  相似文献   

通过在田间条件下进行两因素裂区试验,研究了3种不同施药机——智能防飘、智能普通和常规施药机在推荐剂量和减量20%条件下施用苯磺隆对冬小麦田间杂草播娘蒿的防治效果和对小麦的安全性。结果表明:施药机种类和施药剂量及其二者的交互作用均未对播娘蒿的防治效果和对小麦的营养生长产生显著影响;施药机种类因素对小麦产量产生了显著影响,智能机械施药处理小麦产量显著高于常规施药机处理;而除草剂剂量因素对小麦产量的影响并不显著。可见,智能施药机在降低20%的除草剂使用量条件下可以达到与常规施药机相当的除草效果,而且对小麦的增产效果更优。该研究结果有助于推动我国农田杂草化学防治中智能机械在除草剂减量使用中的大规模应用。  相似文献   

磷化氢对3种储粮书虱致死浓度与时间的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较测定了磷化氢对嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila(Pearman)、嗜虫书虱L.entomophila(Enderlein)和小眼书虱L.paeta(Pearman)等3种储粮书虱的毒力,并研究了在室温条件下磷化氢浓度分别为100、200、300、400和500mL/m3的完全致死时间。结果表明:磷化氢对嗜卷书虱、小眼书虱和嗜虫书虱的LD50值(95%置信限)分别为0.0039(0.0038~0.0042)、0.0804(0.0750~0.0887)和0.0815(0.0815~0.0892)mg/L,嗜虫书虱对磷化氢的耐受力比嗜卷书虱高20多倍。在试验浓度下第7d可全部致死嗜卷书虱,100mL/m3的浓度完全致死小眼书虱和嗜虫书虱则需22d多;200mL/m3完全致死小眼书虱和嗜虫书虱的时间约为19d,300mL/m3浓度完全致死小眼书虱和嗜虫书虱的时间在13d和16d,400mL/m3及以上浓度完全致死小眼书虱在7d以内,完全致死嗜虫书虱仍需13d。500mL/m3的浓度完全致死嗜虫书虱仅缩短到10d。采用磷化氢熏蒸书虱在100~500mL/m3的浓度范围内,提高浓度可以使完全致死书虱的时间明显缩短。  相似文献   



Ethanedinitrile (EDN) is a fumigant being commercialized worldwide as an alternative phytosanitary treatment to methyl bromide (MB) for forest products. The penetration characteristics of MB and EDN were measured through the bark of wooden blocks (100 × 100 × 50 mm) cut from the upper (average bark thickness 5 ± 2 mm) and lower (average bark thickness 25 ± 5 mm) trunk of recently felled pine (Pinus radiata D.Don) trees. Doses of 48 g m−3 MB and 50 g m−3 EDN were applied to chambers at 10 and 20°C for 10 h.


Penetration of MB was influenced by the interaction between fumigation time and temperature, with concentrations increasing at a higher rate at 20°C compared with at 10°C. After 10 h, an average concentration of 8.05 ± 0.89 g m−3 had penetrated the bark of log sections at 20°C, whereas 5.20 ± 0.89 g m−3 was measured at 10°C. By contrast, the factors examined in this study did not significantly impact the penetration of EDN. Concentration × time (CT) values for MB under the bark were 35.20 ± 2.30 g h m−3 at 10°C and 55.85 ± 9.58 g h m−3 at 20°C; whereas for EDN, CT values were 19.50 ± 6.80 g h m−3 at 10°C and 19.08 ± 4.10 g h m−3 at 20°C.


MB can achieve a higher concentration under the bark of log sections during simulated fumigations, but all of the factors examined affected the ability of MB to penetrate the bark of wooden blocks. By comparison, the penetration of EDN through the bark is more consistent than MB under laboratory conditions. © 2022 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

在10~15 ℃、16~20 ℃、21~30 ℃3个温度范围下,不同剂量的溴甲烷、磷化氢熏蒸出口杂交稻种的试验表明:溴甲烷、磷化氢能有效地杀灭米象,但不能完全杀灭干尖线虫。熏蒸后对杂交稻种的发芽率检测表明磷化氢对杂交稻种表现安全,但16~20 ℃下,40 g/m3溴甲烷及21~30 ℃下,32 g/m3溴甲烷熏蒸处理24 h,杂交稻种子发芽率显著降低。  相似文献   

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