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The current fire regime threatens black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) persistence in the Mediterranean Basin, which recommends larger-scale fuel treatments. Prescribed burning is an option for stand protection but its use in young stands (which are particularly at risk) is hindered by the scarce knowledge on post-fire tree survival.


The objectives were to characterize bark thickness as a fire-resistance trait in P. nigra and to describe how post-fire tree survival responds to tree size and fire effects in a 16-year-old plantation.


Bark thickness was related to diameter at breast height and height in the stem. Metrics describing tree size and stem and crown damage were measured 1?year after prescribed burning in 259 trees. Tree survival was modeled with logistic regression and Classification and Regression Tree analysis.


Bark thickness increased linearly with diameter at breast height (dbh) and decreased with height in the stem. Tree survival was primarily a function of crown injury. Stem damage was an influent factor in small trees.


Due to thinner bark and lower tolerance to crown damage, young P. nigra trees are less fire-resistant than other Mediterranean pines, e.g., Pinus pinaster. Prescribed fire should not be attempted if dbh <10?cm. Mechanical clearing is the treatment of choice in young stands with a significant shrub layer.  相似文献   

Shoot elongation patterns in 2 and 3-year-old Pinus radiata seedlings were monitored twice a month during 2003 and once a month during 2004 in three progeny tests in northern Spain. Fifty-eight half-sib families were studied. Several annual growth parameters were measured in each seedling: initiation, termination and duration of height growth and number of new buds formed each year. Total height, internode length and frost resistance were also measured in each seedling. The variation in these traits among families and sites was studied, as well as the effects of environmental parameters (temperature and rainfall) on growth phenology patterns. The extent to which bud phenology is genetically controlled and related to growth traits was examined. Families differed significantly in total summer shoot growth and number of summer flushes (lammas growth). The number of cycles produced per year ranged from one to four. Monocyclic families grew throughout the year, whereas polycyclic families grew episodically, depending on rainfall.  相似文献   

Individual-tree distance independent diameter growth models were developed for black spruce and jack pine plantations. Data used in this study came via stem analysis on 1170 black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) and 800 jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) trees sampled from 75 stands of 25 even-aged monospecific plantations for each species in the Canadian boreal forest region of northern Ontario. Of the 75 stands, 50 were randomly selected for each species and all trees from these stands were used for model development. Trees from the remaining stands were used for model evaluation.A nonlinear mixed-effects approach was applied in fitting the diameter growth models. The predictive accuracy of the models was improved by including random effects coefficients. Four selection criteria - random, dominant or codominant, tree size close to quadratic mean diameter, and small sized - were evaluated for accuracy in predicting random effects for a new stand using the developed models. Random effects predicted based on trees selected using the random selection criterion provided more accurate diameter predictions than those using trees obtained via other selection criteria for both species. The models developed here are very important to forest managers as the diameters predicted by these models or, their stand-level summaries (i.e., basal area, average diameter), are used as inputs in any forest growth and yield models. In addition, individual-tree diameter growth models can be used to directly forecast changes in diameter distribution of stands.  相似文献   

Mistletoe infection results in substantial growth losses in mistletoe‐infected forests. This study reports and evaluates the results of retrospective analyses of radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in relation to the level of infection of pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum). A total of 43 Scots pine trees were destructively sampled from different sites. Of these trees, 14 were uninfected and 29 were infected. Infection classes were determined using six‐class dwarf mistletoe rating system (DMRS). All needle and mistletoe biomass were removed completely and weighed for each sampled tree. Subsamples from needles and all mistletoe biomass were taken to the laboratory for oven‐dried weight determinations. Five‐cm‐thick wood discs were cut from the stem at the breast height (1.3 m) to determine annual basal area increment for the last 25 years. In addition to DMRS, new infection classes were created using mistletoe‐to‐needle biomass (MB/NB) ratio. The results showed that the radial growth losses could be as much as 41% to 64% at different infection levels. The rate of growth loss in relation to DMRS and MB/NB ratio was similar, but with a larger variability in DMRS values. The results showed that both DMRS rating and MB/NB ratio seem to be important for quantifying growth loss on Scots pine trees infected with mistletoe. The results of this study can also be invaluable in modelling the effects of mistletoe on the growth of Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

Two silvicultural alternatives for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) plantations in north-western Spain were simulated and compared.One corresponded to the current management practice appliedin the region and the other was an intensive silvicultural regime.Both alternatives were described by a specific combination ofplantation density, precommercial treatments, thinning patternand rotation age. Stand development of each silvicultural alternativewas generated using a regional growth and yield model implementedin a simulator called GesMO, for three site qualities that representedpoorest, intermediate and best sites found in the region. Differenttimber grades associated with each alternative were predicted,and estimates of costs and selling prices were used to predicta cash flow pattern for each of the simulated alternatives.The alternatives were ranked using the criterion of net presentvalue of an infinite series of rotations. Sensitivity analysis,in terms of basic prices, discount rate and rotation length,was also carried out. In addition, the effects of risk of fireon net revenues were evaluated. For the present regional marketconditions the results showed that the currently applied alternativeis not the best one if the main aim is profit maximization.For very poor quality sites the proposed schedules are uneconomicalfor all silvicultural alternatives.  相似文献   

Inoculation experiments were performed in order to evaluate the virulence of Gremmeniella abietina isolates from Spain on the main pine species planted in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the influence of seedling age on this virulence. Two different experiments were carried out with four isolates of G. abietina from Spain. The greenhouse experiments consisted of seedling inoculations. One‐ and 2‐year‐old seedlings of the following five pine species were used: Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus uncinata; also, 1‐year‐old seedlings of P. nigra were inoculated. The relative necrosis length (RNL) caused by the pathogen after 130 days was used as a response variable. The laboratory experiments were performed on 2‐ to 6‐year‐old internodes of the above pine species excluding P. uncinata. The necrosis length after 6 weeks of incubation was measured. The results have shown that all G. abietina isolates were pathogens on seedlings of these six pine species and seedlings of P. halepensis were consistently the most susceptible ones, although it is important to take into account that all the isolates used in the present work were isolated from P. halepensis, the only pine species in Spain where G. abietina has been recovered up to now. The susceptibility of the other pine species depended on the age of the seedlings.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pollution has increased worldwide during the last decades affecting forest ecosystems. Thermal power plants give off high levels of contaminants, which can damage forest health. Bioindicators can be helpful tools used for evaluating environment changes by giving an accurate measure of the extent of pollution. The focus of this study was to analyse fungal mycoflora in Pinus sylvestris stands near a thermal power plant and the possible correlation between the presence of the fungi and the air quality as measured by lichens and mosses. Fungi associated with pine needles were selected as subjects of this study because of their phytopathological importance and association with the pine trees' decline. Samples for this study were selected from eight plots in close proximity to a thermal power station in northern Spain. Symptoms of decline were previously observed in all the plots before sampling was performed. Lichens were used as bioindicators of environmental quality in two ways, first using the Index of Atmospheric Purity and second through categorization of lichen species based on their sensitivity. In addition, botanical quality was measured regarding the presence or absence of mosses. With two seasonal samplings (autumn and spring) and the use of four types of pine needle plant material (green needles, dried needles, half–green, half‐dried needles and fallen needles), both endophytes and epiphytes present in the needles were isolated and observed. Thirty fungal species in total were identified of the 1095 isolates obtained. Furthermore, significant differences in fungal isolates were observed between seasons and among the different plant material. Results showed that both environmental air quality and botanical quality were negatively correlated with the relative isolation frequency of fungi. The higher number of isolates was attributed to a possible infection produced by fungi, which could be a leading factor in the trees' decline.  相似文献   

Interest in development of multicohort stands of red pine (Pinus resinosa) in the Great Lakes region of North America prompted an investigation of the potential impact of the shoot blight pathogen Sirococcus conigenus (syn. S. strobilinus) on understory red pine seedlings. In May 2002 and 2003 healthy, 1‐year‐old red pine seedlings were planted in the understory of a maturing red pine plantation in northern Wisconsin in an area with a history of presence of this pathogen. Occurrence of shoot blight symptoms was recorded periodically during the summer, and in each year seedlings were harvested in fall and examined for signs of shoot blight pathogens. By fall 2002 and 2003, respectively, shoot blight incidence was 89% and 98% and most seedlings were dying. Pycnidia with conidia of S. conigenus were present on almost all of the symptomatic seedlings. The conifer shoot blight and canker pathogen Diplodia pinea (syn. Sphaeropsis sapinea) was also detected, though less frequently. Pycnidia of S. conigenus tended to be found more frequently on symptomatic current year's shoots than symptomatic previous year's shoots; the opposite was true for pycnidia of D. pinea. Risk from S. conigenus to understory red pine seedlings should be considered in any plans for development of multicohort red pine stands in areas where the pathogen is present.  相似文献   

Pine plantations on selected sites in the extensive zone of degraded oak coppice of northern Greece are deemed necessary for increasing wood production in the area and suitable site preparation may accelerate early tree growth. Seven site preparation treatments including raking (R), with sub-soiling (RS), disc harrowing (RD), tine ploughing (RT) and their combinations (RSD), (RDT) and (RSDT) were compared for the establishment of black pine (Pinus nigra Arn) in an oak coppice site, of conglomerate parent material at Anthrakia, northern Greece. The randomised blocks trial of three replications and 110 trees per treatment, half of which were fertilised with 150 g NPK per plant, was assessed at the age of 15 years for diameter, dominant tree height and survival. There was no significant difference between the treatments in any of the traits examined, nor did the fertilisation had any effect. Only the fertiliser × treatment interaction was found significant at p<0.001 for dominant height, accounting for 37% of the observed variation in this trait. The lack of response to site preparation treatments may be attributed to the hard Bt3 clay horizon, extending beyond cultivation depth (50 cm), that prevents the roots penetration into deeper moist soil layers. The F × T interaction, where the combination of (RSDT) treatment and fertiliser was found to accelerate tree height growth in relation to the same treatment without fertiliser, indicates that thorough soil cultivation is needed for fertilisation to be effective in such sites.  相似文献   

The western steppe of Patagonia, Argentina, is being afforested with conifers since long ago. However, the effects of this land-use change on some soil parameters are still unknown. We determined soil organic matter (SOM) and root abundance at different soil depths, in 29 paired steppe-ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) stands planted at different times and densities between the 36°43′ and 44°8′S, and the 71°29′ and 70°35′W, in Patagonia, Argentina. SOM was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in steppe than in afforestations at upper soil horizons (0–30 cm soil depth), and similar at deeper depths. Soil OM was also higher in steppe as compared to sparse/young afforestation stands. Denser/older stands showed equal or slightly higher SOM values as compared to steppe. While root abundance was higher (p < 0.05) in afforestations than in steppe at all but in the superficial soil horizon, it has not yet significantly contributed to SOM formation. This study contributes to the understanding of how ponderosa pine afforestations, planted on a steppe of Patagonia, affect SOM, adding useful information for other areas of the world in which afforestations replace native vegetation.  相似文献   

以健康黑松(Pinus thunbergii)幼苗为材料,用非伤害性刺激,如冷冻和伤害性刺激,如:烧伤、刺伤、化学伤害等引发了植物体内的波形的变化,研究表明,非伤害性刺激能在幼苗体内引起动作电波的传递,伤害性刺激除了能引起动作电波的传递外,还能引起较为复杂的变异电波的传递并对这种现象进行了讨论。图4参28。  相似文献   

A total of 2257 recently felled stumps were sampled from 22 mixed naturally regenerated forest stands in the Aosta Valley, western Italian Alps, and examined for Heterobasidion annosum butt rots. Disease incidence ranged from 6% to 71% depending on sites, and H. annosum accounted for 92% of the total number of diseased stumps. H. annosum incidence was significantly higher (Chi‐squared multiple comparison tests, p < 0.05) on Norway spruce (44%) than on the other tree species (silver fir = 18%, larch = 12% and Scots pine = 6%). Based on the information on the airborne inoculum composition of the fungus, all the three European species of H. annosum were present, with a variable frequency, depending on site. A partial least squares regression analysis showed that the relative abundance of Norway spruce and four variables describing the size of trees were the best predictors for the incidence of H. annosum butt rots. A model having these variables as predictors was developed (r2 = 0.75; p < 0.001) and successfully validated on five additional forest stands. An estimate of the losses in yield and value of timber associated with the disease, i.e. direct losses, was also carried out in the forests included in the survey. The percentage of direct financial losses was either comparable or lower than the average level of disease incidence.  相似文献   

Stand Density Control Diagram (SDCD) is a stand-level mathematical model, which describes the relationships between yield, density and mortality throughout all stages of stand development. The SDCD is primarily used to derive density control schedules by management objectives. The main objectives of the present study are to define a modified model of SDCD for application to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) plantations in Bulgaria, to examine the fitness of the model with representative experimental data sets from plantations of both species and to present a way of direct application of the SDCDs for practical purposes. The constructed SDCDs characterize the spatial-temporal dynamics of the pine plantations in a broad range of densities, forest sites and growth stages from 4 to 26 (28) m of dominant height class. The full density lines were fixed with self-thinning exponents α = 1.69 and α = 1.75 for Scots pine and Austrian black pine, respectively, and the trajectories of natural thinning for 23 initial densities (444-40000/ha) were determined. A direct way for application of the SDCDs to the plantation management was designed to estimate the optimal initial densities for the maximum attainable final yield and large-size wood production by self-thinning stands.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to study the influence of the vegetation on the soil C pool of forests of pines (Pinus sylvestris) and oaks (Quercus pyrenaica), located in Central-Western Spain. Horizons from selected soils located in these forests were sampled, and the soil organic C (SOC) was determined. In addition, in vitro incubation experiments were carried out, under controlled conditions, to monitor the stability of SOC against the microbial activity. Soil humus fractions were isolated following a classical procedure of chemical fractionation using alkaline solutions, before and after the incubation experiment. A deeper O horizon was found under the pine forest than under oak one; however, higher SOC content was found in the oak site than that under pine one. During the in vitro mineralization process, a lower CO2 production by the soil sample from pine forest was observed, in relation to that emitted by the oak soil. In addition, a lower humification degree was estimated for the soil humus under pines than for that under oaks. In conclusion, replacement of oaks by pines produced a decrease in SOC accumulation and a lower quality of humus in the forest soils.  相似文献   

Needle retention (number of needle sets), needle density, height increment and radial increment were surveyed on seven Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) and seven Japanese red pines (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) growing on the same site. Number of needle sets on branches with respect to whorl position was estimated visually. In 1999, maximum summer needle retention was observed on the fifth and sixth whorl from the top, with values of 3.4 needle sets for the black pines and 2.4 needle sets for the red pines, respectively. The needle trace method (NTM) was used to determine needle retention and needle density along the main stems retrospectively for the years 1968–1998. The long-term mean summer needle retention along the main stem was 3.7 needle sets for the black pines and 2.2 needle sets for the red pines. In both pine species, the number of needle sets varied from year to year. However, the long-term budget between newly born and annually shed needle sets was in equilibrium. The long-term average of needle density per cm of stem shoot was 9.4 needle pairs for the black pines and 7.4 needle pairs for the red pines. The results showed clear intra-specific and inter-specific similarities in needle retention, height increment and radial increment trends. The values for number of needle sets, height increment and radial increment positively increased with favorable growing conditions, whereas the value of needle density had an opposite tendency.  相似文献   

Fungal species were recorded from Populus tremula leaves, twigs and bark (trunk) at eight sites in the northern region of Spain, with the aim of evaluating the effect of sampling site, sampling tissue and isolation method on the frequency and species distribution of the fungi recovered from necrotic and healthy tissues. Two different isolation methods were used: the first consisted of finding fruitbodies on plant tissues after incubating them in wet and warm conditions, and the second included growing mycelia from plant fragments plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA). A total of 48 fungal species were isolated from 960 plant fragments. Cytospora chrysosperma, previously reported to be a pathogen of poplar, was recovered very frequently and was recorded as much in healthy as in dead or dying tissues. Cladosporium maculicola, Elsinoe veneta, Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans and Pollaccia radiosa were also frequently isolated. The isolation frequencies from necrotic and healthy plant tissues were significantly different between sites and isolation methods. The incubation in moist chambers revealed significantly more fungal isolates and a higher species richness (38 species) than isolations on PDA. However, 16% of the fungal species were exclusively recorded from cultures. Therefore, a combination of several isolation methods is recommended for surveys of fungal communities associated with trees.  相似文献   

Measurements were carried out to survey the quantity of above- and below-ground biomass and its distribution of five Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) growing on a sandy soil. The roots, divided into diameter groups, were surveyed using two methods—soil coring and excavation. Average dry weight of total biomass of the trees was 176,185 g. Roots represented 13.2%, below-ground stump 6.5%, stem 70.4% and branches with needles 9.9% of total biomass. Roots made up about two thirds and stump one third of below-ground biomass. Total length of below-ground biomass (except roots with diameter < 0.1 cm) was 479.1 m/tree. Roots with diameter of 0.1–0.2 cm represented only 0.7% of below-ground biomass, however as much as 49.9% of their total length. Roots with diameter over 10.0 cm constituted as much as 21.6% of below-ground biomass, however were only 0.3% of its total length. Root systems had well developed tap roots to maximal depth of 231 cm. The results indicated that mass and length of roots with diameter 0.5–2.0 cm had a close correlation with branch mass. Mass and length of roots with diameter 2.0–10.0 cm closely correlated to stem mass. Stem mass, root mass and root length closely correlated to DBH. A rather low correlation was found between DBH and mass of branches and below-ground stump. DBH was a suitable variable for predicting total biomass.  相似文献   

Lavigne MB 《Tree physiology》1996,16(10):847-852
Stem respiration rates of 31-year-old jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) trees from northern and southern provenances growing in a common garden were compared. At 15 degrees C, the seasonal course of stem respiration rate of northern provenances was not statistically different from that of southern provenances. A relationship existed between maintenance respiration rate and stem growth rate. Because relationships between sapwood relative growth rate and annual growth and maintenance respiration rates were similar for northern and southern provenances, no clinal differences in stem respiration rates were observed.  相似文献   

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