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通过对依兰县林业局所属的国有林场及乡镇林业站近几年来进行的林地、林木在使用权、所有权改革中所进行的方式方法的探讨,对林地林木权属转让的可行性进行分析,得出这种改革在林区还是可行的,两种权属进行适当的转让,对林区经济的发展,森林资源的培育,林业经济的繁荣都起到了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Technical change is developing rapidly in some parts of the forest sector, especially in the pulp and paper industry where wood fiber is being substituted by waste paper. In forest sector models, the processing of wood and other input into products is frequently represented by activity analysis (input–output). In this context, technical change translates in changes over time of the input–output (I–O) coefficients and of the manufacturing cost (labor, capital, and materials, excluding wood and fiber). In the case of the global forest products model, the I–O coefficients and the manufacturing costs are determined empirically from historical data, while correcting for possible reporting errors. The method consists of goal programming. The objective function is the sum of the weighted absolute value of the deviations from estimated and observed production in each country of interest. The constraints express the relationship between the multiple output (sawnwood, panels, pulp, paper) and input (wood, waste paper, other fiber) and prior knowledge on the limits of the I–O coefficients. The paper presents observed technical changes from 1993 to 2010 and projections to 2030 with their consequences for the global forest sector in terms of prices, production and consumption, value added, and carbon sequestration in forest biomass.  相似文献   

In the United States, the majority of publicly traded and vertically integrated forest firms with both manufacturing facilities and timberland holdings have either sold their timberlands to private investors, or converted their corporate structure into Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). In this study, timberland ownership changes between 1997 and 2010 were reviewed, and their impact on publicly traded forest products firms was assessed. Changes in industrial timberland ownership were organized into four groups: 24 large timberland sales by public forest firms; six jumbo timberland sales; seven announcements related to timber REIT conversions; and four land acquisitions by timber REITs. Event analysis and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model were employed to evaluate event-induced abnormal returns and volatility. The review revealed that most vertically integrated forest firms in the United States had divested their timberlands between 1997 and 2010. Four timber REITs have been formed since 1998, and they own 15.5 million acres of timberlands at present. Timberland sales by forest firms and acquisitions by REITs generated negative abnormal returns, while conversions to REITs produced positive impacts. In most cases, these events also increased asset volatility. These findings help us understand the adjustment of stock returns and volatility due to past ownership changes, and may shed light on similar changes by privately held forest firms in the future.  相似文献   

The extant forest sector strategy research rests on Porter's classic dictum that successful firms pursue a singular strategy. A growing research stream on organizational ambidexterity, however, challenges this traditional view and recommends the pursuit of hybrid strategies, a phenomenon that we note existing among forest sector firms. In this study, we set out to compare the financial performance of firms pursuing a singular or pure strategy and those pursuing hybrid strategies. We compare whether a differentiation, overall low cost, or hybrid strategy yields higher financial performance. We first deduce our study hypotheses and then test each using data from 441 US-based manufacturing firms drawn from multiple sub-sectors. We find no evidence that a hybrid strategy is a more effective choice towards enhanced firm performance than a singular strategy. We also find that firms pursuing a differentiation strategy are the highest performers while there is little difference in performance of firms pursuing other strategies.  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革后森林资源规划设计调查的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着2003年集体林权制度改革试点以来,林权的变化对森林经营和相关的调查规划设计等产生了深远的影响。本文对林权制度改革后森林资源规划设计调查的小班区划和调查中出现的问题进行分析探讨,提出了相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革后林木采伐管理面临的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着林权制度改革的不断深入,发现了采伐纠纷、伐区监管困难、指标难以落实、林木采伐管理各种矛盾日益突显等问题,亟待解决。在深入调研的基础上分析了林权制度改革后林木采伐管理面临的问题,提出相应管理对策,为林业决策和管理部门提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Restoring altered forest landscapes toward their ranges of natural variability (RNV) may enhance ecosystem sustainability and resiliency, but such efforts can be hampered by complex land ownership and management patterns. We evaluated restoration potential for southern-boreal forests in the ∼2.1 million ha Border Lakes Region of northern Minnesota (U.S.A.) and Ontario (Canada), where spatially distinct timber harvest and fire suppression histories have differentially altered forest conditions (composition, age–class distribution, and landscape structure) among major management areas, effectively resulting in forest landscape “bifurcation.” We used a forest landscape simulation model to evaluate potential for four hypothetical management and two natural disturbance scenarios to restore forest conditions and reduce bifurcation, including: (1) a current management scenario that simulated timber harvest and fire suppression practices among major landowners; (2) three restoration scenarios that simulated combinations of wildland fire use and cross-boundary timber harvest designed to emulate natural disturbance patterns; (3) a historical natural disturbance scenario that simulated pre-EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes and windthrow; and (4) a contemporary fire regime that simulated fire suppression, but no timber harvest. Forest composition and landscape structure for a 200-year model period were compared among scenarios, among major land management regions within scenarios, and to six RNV benchmarks. The current management scenario met only one RNV benchmark and did not move forest composition, age–class distribution, or landscape structures toward the RNV, and it increased forest landscape bifurcation between primarily timber-managed and wilderness areas. The historical natural disturbance scenario met five RNV benchmarks and the restoration scenarios as many as five, by generally restoring forest composition, age–class distributions, and landscape structures, and reducing bifurcation of forest conditions. The contemporary natural disturbance scenario met only one benchmark and generally created a forest landscape dominated by large patches of late-successional, fire-prone forests. Some forest types (e.g., white and red pine) declined in all scenarios, despite simulated restoration strategies. It may not be possible to achieve all objectives under a single management scenario, and complications, such as fire-risk, may limit strategies. However, our model suggests that timber harvest and fire regimes that emulate natural disturbance patterns can move forest landscapes toward the RNV.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to project the effects on the world forest sector of eliminating quickly all import tariffs. The projections were done for two scenarios: (1) progressive tariff reduction according to the current schedule of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; (2) complete elimination of all tariffs within the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries. The projections were obtained with the global forest products model (GFPM), for the years 1998–2010. The model gave market equilibrium projections of quantities produced, consumed, imported and exported for each of 180 countries, and for 14 commodity groups, covering roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp and recycled fibers and paper and paperboard. The model also projected world equilibrium prices. The results showed that, with or without ATL agreement, the world consumption and trade of all forest products would continue to grow along the historical trends, and the world prices of forest products would increase moderately. With the elimination of tariffs in APEC countries, the projected world production and consumption of all products would change little (less than 0.5%). The tariff reduction effects would be larger for trade, and the commodity composition of world trade would shift from raw materials to more processed products. The timber harvest would change in a number of countries, but the net effect at the world scale would be small. While the US consumption and production of forest products would change little, the US would reduce its export of logs and increase exports of most processed products. The US timber harvest was expected to be indistinguishable compared to what it would be in the absence of the Accelerated Tariff Liberalization agreement.  相似文献   

新时期林权纠纷的主要类型及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着林权制度改革的深入开展,有关国有林场的林权纠纷问题成为了改革的主要焦点和难点。本文以木兰林管局为对象,根据其林权纠纷形成的主要原因,划分为内部管理不善型、管护责任不强型、群众无端挑起型和重证、无效证件型纠纷类型,并讨论了化解国有林场林权纠纷的对策和建议,即履行资源管理交接手续、明确工作任务目标、建立专门组织、加强资源档案管理、加强督导检查和协调好乡邻关系。  相似文献   

Literature critiques current predictive scenario approaches applied in the forest sector. Backcasting -a means to create normative scenarios- seems promising, but sparsely used. Combining backcasting with exploratory scenarios (combined scenario approach) seems appropriate to address these critiques. We performed such an exercise with the participation of Dutch forest sector stakeholders. A one-day workshop was successfully executed, in terms of process, results, and participant satisfaction. A robust strategy was formulated, consisting of cross-scenario actions related to marketing, public opinion, and education. Novel methodological elements were included, related to the desired end-point, visually represented by ecosystem services ladders. Although the method requires the capacity to prepare, use and learn from scenarios, which is not easily attained, the main added value lies in the ‘soft’ results. It fits in with the government's shifted focus towards policy approaches that include social engagement, effectiveness and social support. It provides structured accounts of informed decisions towards ownership, transparency, legitimacy and accountability, and thus aids in grasping increasing complexity and uncertainty. We recommend continued testing the usefulness of the combined scenario approach (and thus tapping in to the diversity of participative methods offered by future studies), carefully choosing the duration of the workshops, applying broad stakeholder involvement, and continuing the use of ecosystem services ladders.  相似文献   

This study adds to the literature on the gendered culture of the forest sector by examining testimonies of sexual harassment in relation to the gendering of forestry-related competence and organisations and the consequences that the sexualisation of social relations in organisations has, mainly for women. The empirical base of the study comprised testimonies within the campaign #slutavverkat published on Instagram to highlight experiences of sexual harassment of women in the Swedish forest sector. Qualitative content analysis of the testimonies suggested that the situations described in the testimonies in #slutavverkat comprise controlling actions that diminish women’s power in the forest sector. Sexualised forms of male control and harassment thus work to remind women that they are first and foremost a representation of women, rather than of forestry professions and knowledge. In that sense, sexualised forms of male control and harassment are part of, rather than deviating from, the overall gendering of forestry as a men-dominated sphere. The study adds to organisational understandings and policy developments on discrimination and harassment and suggests that researchers and policy-makers interested in reducing inequality in forestry need to pay more attention to issues of harassment and sexualisation of social relations.  相似文献   

Institutional change in the forest sector: trust and mental models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper looks, from a perspective of institutional economics, at a process of change of rules and organisational practises in the forestry sector, particularly drawing on a case study of small-scale private forest owners in the Allgäu, Bavaria. It is argued that the process of change may be initiated by the traditional factors mentioned by the various theories of institutional change (technological change, changes in preferences, changes in relative factor prices, etc.). However, the direction of change observed in the short run cannot be understood with the help of efficiency theories of institutional change. Denzau and North (1994) extended those theories by introducing mental models as explanatory variables. Mental models are the interpretations (half-baked theories) people use to understand their environment. As observed, mental models play a crucial role in determining the direction of change. However, the question that arose was: what determines the selection of mental models in an uncertain environment? It is observed that trust plays an important role. Therefore, an extension of the Douglas and North theory is suggested.  相似文献   

关于雅安市集体与个人林权制度改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据雅安市集体林经营管理现况,对今后林权制度改革提出了原则意见和具体改革措施。  相似文献   

通过对辉南县非公有制林业发展状况的调研,明确了非公有制林业的地位与作用,提出了非公有制林业在发展过程中存在的问题,并对其今后的发展提出了对策。  相似文献   

从林业有害生物与森林、森林生态系统及森林灾害的关系出发,分析了林业有害生物胁迫指标在森林健康评价中的特殊性,指出林业有害生物是森林生态系统中各种不健康因素对系统影响的"放大器",是系统出现问题的"指示剂",并用该指标对森林健康状况进行了评价;对我国森林类型进行了分组,在此基础上提出了针对林业有害生物的森林康复策略。  相似文献   


A partial equilibrium forest sector model which is augmented to include bioenergy was applied to project the use of bioenergy based on forest fuels and forest industry by-products in Norway for three different scenarios of the future prices of electricity and oil. The impacts on forestry and forest industries of the different energy price scenarios were also studied. The advantage of the suggested methodology is that it allows for assessments of the economic potential of bioenergy, taking into account the competition for raw materials, the specific heat demand of various regions, and interregional and international trade. Bioenergy will, according to this study, be fairly competitive in some market segments with the current price levels of electricity and oil, and only a minor increase (decrease) in energy (roundwood) prices would release substantially increased bioenergy production levels. Pulpwood prices of pine and non-coniferous species are projected to increase substantially when assuming increasing energy prices. Except for particleboard mills, production levels of forest industries appeared relatively insensitive to the energy price changes.  相似文献   


Research indicates that natural resources managed in common, resembling traditional commons such as the Swedish forest commons, could be a type of regime with the potential to stimulate successfully sustainable use conditions. This is supported by findings regarding the characteristics of Swedish forest commons, their claimed concern for the environment and relatively high proportion of old forest in two out of three regions. Swedish environmental policy is directed towards environmental quality objectives and the Sustainable Forests objective states, among other things, that biological diversity must be maintained and enhanced. Swedish National Forest Inventory data for the period 2003–2006 were used to analyse differences between forest commons in northern Sweden and other ownership categories regarding the proportion of forestland with a large deciduous element, the proportion of forest older than 80 years with a large (> 25%) deciduous element, the volume of dead wood and the proportion of forest older than 140 years, parameters corresponding to the interim targets for enhanced biological diversity. The results show no consistent differences in indicator variables between the forest commons and other ownership categories, signifying that forests managed in common have been conducted in ways promoting biodiversity more effectively than in other ownership categories. Further studies of different ownership categories regarding driving forces and forest status are warranted.  相似文献   

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