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孙凡  鲁继红 《林业科学》2006,42(9):140-142
植物在正常的生理状态下,会产生并释放具有种属特征的挥发性物质,这些物质形成了植物气味特征的主体,调控着昆虫的多种行为,诸如寄主定向、产卵、逃避、取食、聚集等(杜家纬,2001).植物一旦受到植食性昆虫侵袭,会释放一些特殊的化合物,这些气味往往具有信号功能,可以招引天敌昆虫(董文霞等,2000;Souissi etal.,1998)或是作为植食性昆虫的趋避物(Faeth,1986;Leather et al.1987).试验表明:人为造成的机械损伤能全部或部分地模拟昆虫取食(Baldwin et al.,1983;Lyytik,1999).因此,研究植物挥发物及创伤诱导挥发物可为利用天然活性化合物防治害虫提供理论依据.  相似文献   

植物挥发物的收集方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物挥发物对调节生态系统各级营养层之间的关系具有重要作用。传粉昆虫和植食性昆虫可通过健康植物释放的挥发物来进行寄主定位,而被植食性昆虫为害诱导产生的挥发物则对植食性昆虫具有直接或间接的防御功能。对植物挥发物的收集和鉴定,继而筛选出吸引或者趋避害虫以及吸引天敌的有效成分,对害虫的生物防治、保持生态系统的平衡具有很重要的现实意义。本文简介了收集植物挥发物的几种方法,并对目前比较常用的萃取、蒸馏、吸附剂吸附、电子鼻等方法进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

天牛科昆虫是危害严重的林业害虫,给林业生产造成重大损失。昆虫信息化合物的鉴定及应用,在害虫综合治理(IPM)中发挥着重要的作用。到目前为止,已从100多种天牛科物种中鉴定出信息化合物质,天牛亚科(Cerambycinae)、沟胫天牛亚科(Lamiinae)和椎天牛亚科(Spondylidinae)鉴定出雄性天牛的聚集信息素组分,花天牛亚科(Lepturinae)和锯天牛亚科(Prioninae)物种主要是鉴定出雌性天牛释放性的性信息素组分。这些信息素组分在不同亚科、不同属和种之间重叠率高,同一种组分可以在多种天牛物种中发挥作用,调节昆虫行为活动的信息化学物质在害虫治理中具有应用潜力和广阔的前景。对国内外已研究的天牛科信息素组分进行系统分析,可为今后鉴定新的天牛科信息素组分提供依据,加快我国天牛科信息素组分鉴定和应用进程。  相似文献   

环境因子对植物他感化合物的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
植物的他感化合物(alellochemicals)是主要由植物次生代谢产生的,能对另一种生物的行为、健康或生态处境有影响的非营养性物质[1]。过去,人们常将他感化合物称为次生化合物。其中的许多物质具有抗虫性,它们在植物中的含量、组成比例,因植物种类、个体发育阶段及其外界环境因子的不同而有所变化,从而影响植物的抗虫性。这是植物对取食者的一种重要防御策略,同时也是植物与取食者协同进化的结果。深入研究环境与植物他感化合物的关系,对于研究昆虫与植物的关系具有重要的理论意义,并对害虫的综合治理具有重要的实…  相似文献   

本文综述了植物-植食性昆虫-天敌三重营养关系中的化学信息联系,昆虫通过植物释放的挥发性化学物质来定位,植物在受到植食者危害后一方面产生生理和生物学的变化来抵御侵害,另一方面通过释放互益素吸引天敌来阻止植食者的继续危害。信息化学物质在三重营养关系中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

植物叶片生物源挥发性有机化合物的排放量在生物化学和大气过程中起到了很重要的作用。生物源挥发性有机化合物的排放量可能涉及数量不同多种化合物,是一种重要的植物信号传导方法。然而,一些挥发性化合物的排放量可能对区域内的空气质量产生负面的影响。为了更好的了解生物源挥发性有机物在植物生理学和化学生态学中的作用,更好的预测这些排放量将如何改变空气质量,必须要了解这些不同的化合物之间的潜在的联系。过去,对不同植物的生物挥发量进行直接比较是很困难的,因为调查和测量往往集中于一类数量有限的化合物中,并且在对不同功能组别的化合物的分离和检测的分析技术也较为缺乏。此外,相关性强的树种通常会挥发出相类似的化合物,这是使植物本身和与其他植物发出的生物源挥发性有机化合物的排放量难以辨明的原因。  相似文献   

人工林物种多样性与害虫的控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗长维  李昆 《林业科学》2006,42(8):109-115
根据国内外的最新研究成果,从人工林害虫可持续控制的需求出发,对利用物种多样性与系统稳定性控制虫害的可能性、人工林物种多样性与害虫控制的关系及其内在作用机制、天然林与人工林在抑制虫害能力上的差别进行综述,分析人工林植物物种多样性与昆虫物种多样性对害虫控制的影响,认为植物物种多样性主要从植食性昆虫搜寻寄主植物,植物营养的差异对植食性昆虫取食和发育的影响,及种类组成不同的植物群落中植食性昆虫天敌数量的变化3个方面影响害虫的发生;要通过调节植物群落中昆虫物种的多样性影响目标害虫的种群数量,既要维护其天敌类群的稳定,也要使与害虫处于同一营养层次的其他植食性昆虫有足够的多样性,甚至也要保护和利用中性、中位及顶位昆虫.对人工林害虫的控制,可借鉴天然林自控虫害的原理,采用生态育林、封山育林及生物技术措施,逐步调整林分的结构,提高其物种多样性,增强林分自身的抗虫能力.  相似文献   

昆虫能够产生支配其各方面行为的信息化学物质,该物质具有无毒、无害和种属特异性等特点,可利用其进行高效、可持续的害虫治理。数百种昆虫信息素和相关引诱剂已被广泛用于害虫种群监测和大面积生产防治。目前,应用能改变昆虫行为的信息化学物质已成为国内外特别是欧美发达国家防治害虫的重要措施。为充分发挥昆虫信息化学物质的作用,综述了国内外昆虫信息化学物质及其应用前景,主要包括昆虫信息化学物质研究的简要回顾、信息化学物质的概念、作用与特点以及在害虫综合治理中应用的现状。  相似文献   

昆虫信息素在森林害虫测报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫的信息素,是昆虫腺体释放的一种化合物或几种化学物质组成的混合物。经空气传播,使其它个体嗅到后,产生行为反应,是同种昆虫个体间传递信息的化学物质。科学地使用信息素测报方法,能准确地预测林间害虫出现日期、种群数量及分布范围等,为防治森林害虫提供可靠依据。本文对信息素的测报害虫方法、测报技术和影响信息素测报诱捕器准确性的因素以及常见的测报问题,分别作了阐述。  相似文献   

昆虫趋化性及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
昆虫取食时对寄主植物的趋性是一种普遍现象,这种趋性还表现在对不同种类食物的气味成分表明出不同的敏感性或专一性,这是昆虫系统发育的结果,通过对土栖白蚁、桉树叶甲、肉桂泡盾盲蝽等几种害虫取食时的趋化性表现及其应用研究。提出了利用昆虫趋化性的两种途径。一是利用昆虫嗅觉感受系统对其寄主植物行异气味组成的专一性,生产有效的引诱剂诱杀害虫或将害虫从目的树种引诱到非目的树种上,达到保护目的树种的目的;二是从树木提取吸引害虫的植物内含物作为引诱剂。  相似文献   

As an importam bio-resource, insect resources have not been put into full play as healthy food. Based on study and analysis, the nutritive value of edible insects was reviewed. The results showed that insects have rich protein (20%-70%), amino acid (30%-60%),fat (10%-50%),fatty acid, carbonhydrate (2%-10%), mineral elements, vitamins and other activated elements which are good for human 's health. As protein resources, the nutritive value of edible insects is as good as animal and plant resources. Insects have feature of rich species and large population, therefore as nutritive resources, edible insects can befully used and have great development potentiality.  相似文献   

Three treatments including mechanical damage, Lymantria dispar attacking and daubing oral secretions of the insects on mechanically damaged cut were conducted on Populus simoniixPopulus pyramibalis c.v. in order to find the genuine reason leading to effective resistance response of tree to insects attacking. The release situation of the induced volatiles of the plant was analyzed by TCT-GC/MS at 24 hours after damages. The results indicated that some of the volatiles such as (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, decanal, 3-hexenyl isovalerate, nonanal, ocimene, and 2-cyanobutane can be induced by both insects attacking and mechanical damage, while 2,6-dimethyl-1,3,5,7-octatetraene, 2-methyl-6-methylene-1,7-octadien-3-one, caryophyllene,Isovaleronitrile, diethyl-methyl-benzamide, and dicapryl phthalate were only induced by insects attacking. Such difference in volatiles was attributed to that there existed active components in oral sections of the larvae of Lymantria dispar  相似文献   

Plants interact with multiple organisms throughout their life cycle. As a result, they are commonly attacked by multiple species of herbivores, leading to the induction of plant defence systems. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) play an important role in the interaction between community members and can be used to manipulate insect pest behaviour, being a valuable tool in integrated pest management strategy. In this study, the interaction of two chewing insects, the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis, and the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and of one piercing-sucking insect, the Neotropical brown stinkbug, Euschistus heros, was evaluated for the induction of volatile compounds in cotton under single- and multiple-species attacks. As a control, the emissions of undamaged plants were also measured. In addition, the effect of HIPVs on boll weevil behaviour was also assessed. Qualitatively, single- and multiple-species herbivory induced a similar volatile blend. There was, however, a difference in the amount and proportion of compounds emitted. Plants infested with E. heros emitted a blend of volatiles more similar to that of the undamaged control compared to the other herbivore-induced treatments. The plant volatiles emitted due to simultaneous multiple-species herbivory were induced faster than volatiles emitted by sequential herbivory events, indicating different induction mechanisms depending on the attack configuration. In addition, cotton volatiles induced by an individual attack of A. grandis were attractive to conspecifics, as were the volatiles induced by multiple-species herbivory in both simultaneous and sequential attacks. The use of cotton HIPVs, both under multiple- and single-species attack, can be used for the development of alternative methods for semiochemical-based weevil management, e.g., enrichment of aggregation pheromone traps with plant volatiles.  相似文献   

Holopainen JK 《Tree physiology》2011,31(12):1356-1377
Plants produce a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Under abiotic and biotic stresses, the number and amount of produced compounds can increase. Due to their long life span and large size, trees can produce biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) in much higher amounts than many other plants. It has been suggested that at cellular and tree physiological levels, induced production of VOCs is aimed at improving plant resistance to damage by reactive oxygen species generated by multiple abiotic stresses. In the few reported cases when biosynthesis of plant volatiles is inhibited or enhanced, the observed response to stress can be attributed to plant volatiles. Reported increase, e.g., in photosynthesis has mostly ranged between 5 and 50%. A comprehensive model to explain similar induction of VOCs under multiple biotic stresses is not yet available. As a result of pathogen or herbivore attack on forest trees, the induced production of VOCs is localized to the damage site but systemic induction of emissions has also been detected. These volatiles can affect fungal pathogens and the arrival rate of herbivorous insects on damaged trees, but also act as signalling compounds to maintain the trophic cascades that may improve tree fitness by improved efficiency of herbivore natural enemies. On the forest scale, biotic induction of VOC synthesis and release leads to an amplified flow of BVOCs in atmospheric reactions, which in atmospheres rich in oxides of nitrogen (NOx) results in ozone formation, and in low NOx atmospheres results in oxidation of VOCs, removal in ozone from the troposphere and the resulting formation of biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles. I will summarize recent advances in the understanding of stress-induced VOC emissions from trees, with special focus on Populus spp. Particular importance is given to the ecological and atmospheric feedback systems based on BVOCs and biogenic SOA formation.  相似文献   

Plants respond to insect attack by emission of volatile organic compounds, which recruit natural enemies of the attacking herbivore, constituting an indirect plant defence strategy. In this context, the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis is attracted by oviposition-induced plant volatiles emitted by Vicia faba plants as a consequence of feeding and oviposition by the pentatomid host Nezara viridula. However, this local tritrophic web could be affected by the recent invasion by the alien pentatomid bug Halyomorpha halys, an herbivore that shares the same environments as native pentatomid pests. Therefore, we investigated in laboratory conditions the possible impact of H. halys on the plant volatile-mediated signalling in the local tritrophic web V. fabaN. viridulaT. basalis. We found that T. basalis wasps were not attracted by volatiles induced in the plants by feeding and oviposition activities of H. halys, indicating specificity in the wasps’ response. However, the parasitoid attraction towards plant volatiles emitted as a consequence of feeding and oviposition by the associated host was disrupted when host, N. viridula, and non-associated host, H. halys, were concurrently present on the same plant, indicating that invasion by the alien herbivore interferes with established semiochemical webs. These outcomes are discussed in a context of multiple herbivory by evaluating the possible influences of alien insects on local parasitoid foraging behaviour.  相似文献   


Insects are known to be negatively impacted by noise from anthropogenic sources. Recently, pest control methods have been developed using specific airborne (sound) and substrate-borne vibratory signals. However, there is limited information available on the effects of non-specific vibrations on pest insects, especially those not known to use sound or vibration for communication. Here, we tested whether non-specific substrate-borne or airborne vibrations (white noise) cause reductions in the number of aphids of three species on single plants in short-term (24 h) laboratory trials. Substrate-borne vibrations transmitted through the host plant reduced total numbers of all three species (45 to 62% reductions in total aphid numbers), while airborne vibrations played through speakers had no detectable effect. The effect of substrate-borne vibrations on aphid numbers appeared to be mostly due to inducing aphids to leave the plant, rather than reducing the reproductive output of remaining aphids. To our knowledge, our results provide the first proof-of-concept indicating that non-specific substrate-borne vibrations can affect pests not known to use vibrations to communicate and should be explored further as a physical pest control method. Future research in this area is needed to investigate longer-term effects of non-specific vibrations on pests, their host plants, and their natural enemies.


昆虫与植物是陆地生物群落中最为重要的组成部分,二者间的相互作用是多方面的,其中最为重要的是昆虫选择植物作为食物和生长场所、昆虫为植物传授花粉两方面。根据昆虫与植物相互作用的特点,得出昆虫与植物的关系总的来说就是协同进化的关系,包括昆虫与植物的互相抵抗与互相利用。  相似文献   

昆明世博园害虫及天敌调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年对昆明世博园昆虫进行了调查,鉴定标本15目69科158种,其中害虫77种,天敌昆虫30种,其它昆虫51种。确定世博园云南省新分布记录昆虫5种,其中4种为害虫。比较建园前后4个阶段的昆虫种类组成及变化,结果表明,自1999年建园以来,昆虫种类趋于增加,但害虫所占比例由建园前及开园时的67%以上降至目前48.7%。文章讨论分析了园区的害虫动态和管理问题,并提出害虫监测及生态控制建议。  相似文献   

采用改进的便携式循环收集装置,直接捕集无损伤天然活体绿化植物珍珠梅的挥发成分,进行热脱附—气相色谱/质谱联用(TCT—GC/MS)分析,鉴定出不同季节的挥发成分差异,并结合相关的人体脑波测试实验总体结果及挥发成分中的刺激性、毒害性物质评价,指出珍珠梅对于林业人类工效学中绿色嗅觉环境建设的慎用问题。  相似文献   

紫胶虫、白蜡虫、倍蚜虫主要寄主植物种类研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
紫胶虫 (lacinsect)、白蜡虫 (waxscale)、倍蚜虫 (gallaphids)是我国重要的资源昆虫。资源昆虫的寄主植物不仅是它们的栖息和繁衍场所 ,更是其食物来源。寄主植物种类繁多 ,其中不乏优良寄主植物物种。通过在紫胶、白蜡、五倍子的主产区广泛收集紫胶虫、白蜡虫、倍蚜虫的寄主植物物种资源 ,在南亚热带的云南景东进行繁殖 ,用迁地保存的方式保存于景东试验站树木园内。多年来 ,已收集、保存了紫胶虫、白蜡虫、倍蚜虫的寄主植物 2 0 0余种 ,隶属 36科 98属。本研究于 1 993年至 1 999年立题进行 ,现将主要结果报…  相似文献   

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