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通过广东兴畲高速公路在施工过程中几个小桥涵变更的实例,从多方面论述小桥涵的优化变更设计,降低施工难度,减少工程造价。  相似文献   

冰冻地区小桥涵冻害十分普遍,阻车、毁路、破坏小桥涵。本文提出一种解决办法,以期彻底解决冰冻地区的小桥涵冻害。  相似文献   

灾后恢复重建林区公路建设工程项目,正在陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区林业系统紧锣密鼓地进行着。林业第一线的工作实践证明,林区公路有无小桥涵、设置是否合理、施工质量的优劣,直接关系和制约着林区公路的畅通以及安全使用。笔者认为,目前林区公路存在最主要、最关键的问题是,林区公路没有或者没有科学合理的排水构造物(小桥涵)。在这里,笔者就小桥涵在林区公路中的作用以及小桥涵设计的一般原则和要求简述如下:  相似文献   

一九八三年和一九八四年,兴安盟地区公路水毁极为严重,路基桥涵被冲毁多处,损失十万元,给客货运输和城乡人民往来带来很大困难,有认真研究如何防治公路水毁之必要。公路桥涵水毁的主要原因是桥涵淤塞或孔径小,渲泻量不够,经不住洪水冲击。  相似文献   

通过梅州市梅县扶大至五华县大坝公路新建工程勘测设计情况的介绍.分析和归纳桥涵设计方案的原则.桥涵方案的比选.说明桥涵设计原则和方案比选的重要性。  相似文献   

对桥涵主体结构及附属构造的技术状况进行全面检查,评定桥涵技术状况等级;查清桥涵的病害成因、破损程度、承载能力或抗灾能力等(包括桥梁基础冲刷状况);检查时采用仪器设备,通过检测并结合理论分析,对桥涵的缺损状况、病害成因、承载能力或抗灾能力作出科学明确的判定,并根据检测结果提出针对性的维修处治措施及建议。  相似文献   

在我国沿海地区以及江河湖泊沿岸,往往存在厚度不等,承载力较低的高压缩性的淤泥或淤泥质土,呈塑性,力学强度极差,根本没有浅部天然持力层存在,在这种软土地基上建造小桥涵,  相似文献   

刘长生 《森林工程》2011,(4):42-45,50
公路桥涵车用电子限高报警装置,是一种防止超高车辆撞坏桥涵的自动检测报警装置。文中描述这种专用电子限高装置的工作原理、基本要求以及常用的激光检测器与红外检测器的性能,为下一步进行设计公路桥涵车用电子限高报警装置提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

在公路工程中,路基台背回填施工质量的好坏对路基的强度、稳定性及不均匀沉降产生直接影响,从而对路面质量也造成一定的制约。在高等级公路中,最常在桥涵台背位置出现路基沉陷问题引发的跳车现象。文章简要阐述了公路施工中台背回填技术的质量控制。  相似文献   

本文从设计、施工、养护和天然因素等方面分析了林区公路桥涵水毁产生的原因,提出了水毁桥涵的解决办法。  相似文献   

Fish population dynamics in a 24.3 ha mangrove-dominated mosquito impoundment in east-central Florida were examined by seining and culvert traps before and after installation of culverts that established estuarine connection for the first time in 39 years. In a 27-day period following the culvert opening, fish species increased from 9 to 21, while total number of fish in the impoundment decreased. Movement of fishes through culverts in both directions commenced immediately following culvert opening. Recruitment of transient species into the impoundment appeared to key on a single wind-driven high tide event. Such short-term events may be important cues for fish movement into and out of impounded salt marshes.  相似文献   

本对林区公路涵洞位置提出了几种设计方法。即(1)逢沟设涵;(2)改移河槽;(3)截弯曲直;(4)特殊情况下的涵洞设计。  相似文献   

李志宏  杨海军 《森林工程》1999,15(4):55-55,29
本文阐述了中小桥上部结构采用后张法16m预应力空心板的施工时应注意的问题,如预应力空心板的预制中底模的施工;侧模、蕊模;砼的要求;浇筑空心板的具体步骤。  相似文献   

在密山市方虎公路的几座桥梁工程中,运用注浆技术对台背填土进行固结处理,取得了较好的效果。文中主要介绍了注浆技术的各个主要技术参数、施工工艺和质量控制等。  相似文献   

黑龙江省迎春林业局环城道路工程项目中有两座涵洞,通过地质勘查得出地基属于软土地基,所以在设计时采用钢筋混凝土箱涵结构。本文根据工程实例,简要阐述钢筋混凝土箱涵施工技术在工程项目中的应用。  相似文献   

浅谈公路桥涵台背回填施工质量控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈玉梅 《林业科技情报》2004,36(2):65-65,67
本文作者结合工程实践,对公路桥涵台背回填施工工艺及质量控制进行了全面论述,提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

本文对避免桥头跳车桥涵台背回填在施工中从材料的选择上,以及施工安排及具体施工方法做了详细介绍.  相似文献   

綦清华  王忠伟 《森林工程》2002,18(1):53-54,48
以湖南省衡阳市西外环线中,小桥的超薄组合式桥台为例,介绍了壁厚仅0.4m的组合桥台的施工工艺。经施工方案比选,采用整体浇注法,通过控制钢筋和模板的制安质量,注重混凝土和拌和、浇注及养护,可确保超薄组合式桥台的施工质量和效率。  相似文献   

在连云港盐滩地绿化施工过程中,采用铺设暗渠和客土回填等工程措施以及强化适生树种选择、提高种植技术水平和加强养护管理等技术措施,栽植各类绿化植物29种,结果表明平均成活率达93.26%,其中22种生长状况优良,表现出较强的适应性。  相似文献   

A well developed network of roads must exist as a necessary infrastructure system in modern forestry to facilitate forest operations. But forest roads have the potential to disrupt the drainage characteristics of watersheds and lead to negative impacts on the environment with increased erosion and sediment yields. Numerous factors affect surface erosion of roads and sediment production potential; determining and ranking them could be a guide for management decisions to erosion control. In this study, the CULSED model (as an extension of ArcGIS) was used to estimate sediment delivery and the distribution of a road network, given the existing culverts. Using the model, some culverts were added to the road network around places with high sediment delivery in order to minimize it. After a correlation analysis and adjustment between sediment production and the factors, i.e., road width, road gradient, age of road and vegetation cover, the trend of changes in sediment delivery with model changes in the input was investigated with a sensitivity analysis of the model. The results show that adding new culverts to the road resulted in a significant reduction of sediment delivery. The most important factor affecting sediment delivery was road width, followed by road gradient, vegetation cover and age of road. Road width and gradient were positively correlated with sediment delivery, while vegetation cover and age of road were negatively correlated. The best model to show the relation between sediment delivery and road width as well as with road gradient was a linear model, for vegetation cover a cubic equation and for road age a power model. The results of sensitivity analysis showed that sediment delivery had the greatest sensitivity to changes of road width and was least sensitive to changes in the age of the road. This model can help to estimate sediment delivery with its spatial distribution, which can be used for optimization of cross drain systems and strategies of sediment control. Application of the model requires field trials to acquire the necessary input data. The reliability of our results is a function of the accuracy of inputs, especially digital elevation model.  相似文献   

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