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黄岗市广济药业股份有限公司已建成年产30吨医药核黄素车间,具有相当的技术优势和生产经验,主要原料自给。该产品作为饲料添加剂,市场前景相当广阔。年产300吨饲料核黄素项目总投资361万美元,中方投资120万美元,外方投资241万美元。项目建成后,年销售收入1627万美元,利润466万美元。该项目已投入资金近24万美元,现已形成年销售收入45万美元,创汇30万美元,年利润13万美元规模。现寻求合作、合资。单位:湖北省黄冈市广济药业股份有限公司联系人:何谥电话:(0713)6213329邮编:4364…  相似文献   

一、项目简介“中国执行联合国防治荒漠化公约能力建设”(CPR/96/111)项目自1997年8月开始实施,至2000年7月完成,项目总金额为150万美元,其中联合国开发计划署提供无偿援助资金110万美元,中国政府分摊40万美元。项目由外经贸部中国国际...  相似文献   

由全球环境基金资助的“中国自然保护区管理项目”(GEF项目)从1995年开始实施,经过七年的辛勤工作已于2002年成功结束。陕西省是主要受益省之一,实际投资1064.5万美元,占项目总投资的45%(其中GEF项目赠款682.3万美元,国内配套382.2万美元)。佛坪、太白山、周至、牛背梁、长青是  相似文献   

开发土地万亩,首期1000亩,进行农业综合开发。包括反季节种植、无土栽培、珍稀水产养殖、特珍水果和鲜花卉生产、农业机械化及工程项目。交通便利,紧临京九铁路和106国道。基地的基础设施已初具规模,排灌及防涝设施完备,产品市场需求量很大,市场前景好。项目总投资836万美元,其中企业自筹356万美元,占总投资的42.58%,外资480万美元,占56.42%。投资回收期8.1年(含建设期),预计年销售收入783.4万美元,利税260万美元,税收85.9万美元,利润174.2万美元。项目单位──黄冈市生态…  相似文献   

贵州省煤炭业招商引资项目项目名称项目单位建设规模项目总投资(万美元)拟利用外资(万美元)电话金沙黄青树煤矿金沙县煤炭工业局30万吨/年无烟煤83383308676-221597盘江焦化厂盘江矿务局40万吨/年Ⅰ、Ⅱ级铸造焦甲醇8万吨817073530...  相似文献   

中加合资生产磁力耐腐蚀泵化工业的大力发展,使耐腐蚀泵的市场看好。项目来源:加拿大;项目投资:60万美元;流动资金:30万美元;投资比例:加方60—70%;合资年限:12年;年产量:100台,产品全部外销;年产值:约180万美元;可分利润:约57万美元...  相似文献   

目前联合国正式把湖北省的特困林业大县鹤峰县确定为1997年中国第一个实施林业扶贫示范项目区,联合国无偿援助资金80万美元,中国政府分摊援助资金20万美元。至此,鹤峰县成为湖北省第一个联合国援助林业扶贫示范项目县(市)。鹤峰县实施乡村林业扶贫示范项目,主要进行技术培训和重点扶持1360户  相似文献   

新疆部分引资项目项目名称项目投资总额(万美元)需引进资金额(万美元)生产产品及规模(产量/年)合作方式投资回收期预测(年)企业名称生产加气混凝土砌块142955万立方米合资合作4新疆农业第五师机械厂生产石料、异形材、板材300协商石料3000立方米、...  相似文献   

西部大开发战略的实施,为“十五”我省林业对外合作交流工作带来了前所未有的历史机遇。5年来,全省林业行业先后与全球环境基金、世界银行等7个国际机构、国际金融组织和德国、韩国等3个发达国家政府开展了项目合作与交流,累计引进项目16个,其中技术合作类5个,生态保护类4个,生态造林类6个,生态扶贫类1个。利用外资总额1935万美元,其中无偿援助1753万美元,贷款182万美元。项目数量和外资额分别占过去22年总量的76%和81%。项目区范围涉及全省7个市(州)的近30个县(市、区)。至目前,已成功执行了4个项目,正在执行的10个项目实际到位外资400多万美元,另外2个项目今年下半年将要启动。5年来14个项目完成造林5万多亩,购置各类车辆及办公设备319台(件),开展人员交流200多人次,培训项目技术人员360多人,为今后进一步开展项目合作与交流奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

肖文平 《山西林业》2006,(3):7-7,17
山西世行贷款林业项目从1995年开始实施,截止目前,已建、在建的项目已有三期,总投资4.53亿元,其中世行贷款2986万美元,规划造林7.40万hm^2,涉及全省8市、35个县(区)。到2005年底,已累计完成造林8.20万hm^2,使用世行贷款2434万美元。项目建设历经10年,尽管每一期项目的具体目标有所不同,贷款的条件和转贷渠道也有所变化,但总体来看,项目实施对改善生态环境、  相似文献   

俄乌地缘政治冲突对全球针叶材供需格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
文中构建涵盖19个经济体的全球针叶材区域价格均衡模型,模拟分析俄乌冲突引发的全球针叶材供需格局变化与调整。结果表明,俄乌冲突导致显著的贸易转移效应,俄罗斯和白俄罗斯2国对欧盟针叶材出口合计减少900万m3,对中国、埃及、土耳其出口合计增加543万m3;乌克兰对欧盟出口增加255万m3,对中国、土耳其出口则合计减少183万m3。俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的中国市场份额将分别达到29%和3%。俄白2国退出欧盟市场造成6%的供应空缺,而乌克兰可以填补其中的一半。俄乌冲突造成木材贸易出超方和入超方利益分化,全球整体福利受损,俄罗斯福利下降约1亿美元,中国、美国、日本等木材贸易赤字方分别减少4 300万美元、2 400万美元、600万美元,加拿大、欧盟、新西兰等木材贸易盈余方分别增加2 700万美元、2 200万美元、1 300万美元,全球总福利下降2亿美元。  相似文献   

By their very definition, non-timber forest products (NTFPs) originate in hinterlands and link to final consumers through value chains. This paper quantifies four value chains of the highly valuable agarwood sourced in Lao People's Democratic Republic, by looking at the actors involved and the different stages from harvesting to retail, and incorporates both legal and illegal activities. Data were collected in a national harvest and trade study, an international market survey of Arab markets, and by interviews with key informants. The results show a huge global retail value estimated between USD 666 and 2300 million, of which Lao agarwood accounts for about 2%, i.e., USD 33 million. The export value to Laos is estimated at approx. USD 14 million, with a quantity of wood and wood-equivalents of 931 t. Patterns and domains of value-addition and -appropriation are discussed along with responses in the value chain to over-harvesting and signs of resource scarcity.  相似文献   

为配合国家计委决定开展的《中国全局节约战略、规划和对策研究》,作者对世界发展趋势进行了分析,认为实行开源与节流并举的方针,在不增或少增原木采伐量的前提下,大力节约木材,充分合理利用木材资源,是适合我国国情的最现实、最有效的措施,也是解决我国林业"两危"的重大战略对策。  相似文献   

我国果木人造板生产现状及发展概述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国是世界果木经济林种植大国之一,每年约可产生4 175万t枝桠材,近10年来,我国已经开始以果木为原料生产人造板.笔者对我国果木人造板生产现状、企业运行情况、应用及市场情况、存在的问题等方面进行了调研和总结,并在此基础上给出了发展建议,以期对果木人造板生产健康有序发展提供支持.  相似文献   

The focus of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the global forest sector has shifted from developed to developing economies (currently accounting 73% of total) during the past two decades. China has been the main global driver with its annual FDI soaring from USD 130 million in 2002 to USD 550 million in 2010. In light of international economic and business theories, choice of foreign entry mode is considered the most critical issue in corporate expansion strategy, which, however, has not been empirically studied in the forest sector. To fill this gap, our paper focuses on modeling two equity-based entry mode choices (i.e. wholly owned subsidiary or joint ventures) of foreign investment projects in China based on data from 109 activities of the Top 100 forest, paper, and packaging industry companies. By using logistic modeling, the main determinants of corporate entry mode choice are found to be cultural and geographical distance between the corporate home country and China, duration of corporate presence in China, and spatial concentration of local-level forest industry. Instead, investment project size and local resource availability are found to have no significant impact on corporate entry mode choice in China.  相似文献   

福建柯木类中的米槠、苦槠、红锥、高山锥和格氏栲的细胞构造具有共同特点。五种木材随着密度的增加导管细胞壁平均厚度变化不大,导管平均长度呈递增趋势。早晚材管孔的大小差异大,早晚材急变,导管的长度与孔径比值大;管孔的排列呈火焰状离散型,木射线宽窄不一,多数呈宽或较宽。导管的弦向直径与水分流密度呈正相关,导管长度越长,则水分传输性能越差,即径向干缩变化远小于弦向造成导管的收缩和扭曲,从而带来导管破裂,最终导致木材干燥缺陷。在木材干燥中这些特征造成木材内部温度梯度(t)/(x)或含水率梯度(w)/(x)显著增大时,对木材干燥速率有影响的水分流密度I_1值发生相应变化,只是变化值远小于木材表面向介质传递的水蒸汽量I_2,即I_1I_2。此现象更容易形成内外水分梯度差异,从而产生内应力,导致木材开裂翘曲和皱缩。此外,由于米槠等其早晚材导管的大小差异大,以及拥有宽窄不同的木射线,造成水份传导不均匀也影响木材干燥质量。  相似文献   

Longer forest rotation ages can potentially increase accumulation of carbon in harvested wood products due to a larger proportion of sawlogs that can be used for manufacturing durable wood products such as lumber and plywood. This study quantified amounts of carbon accumulated in wood products harvested from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands grown in Mississippi by extending rotation ages traditionally used to manage these stands for timber. The financial viability of this approach was examined based on carbon payments received by landowners for sequestering carbon in standing trees and harvested wood products. Results indicated a potential to increase carbon accumulated in wood products by 16.11 metric tons (t) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per hectare (ha) for a rotation increase of 5 years and 67.07 tCO2e/ha for a rotation increase of 65 years. Carbon prices of $50/tCO2e and $110/tCO2e would be required to provide a sufficient incentive to forest landowners to extend rotations by 5 and 10 years, respectively. With 2.8 million ha of loblolly pine stands in Mississippi, this translates to a possible increase in wood products carbon of 45 million tCO2e and 80 million tCO2e for harvest ages increased by 5 and 10 years, respectively. Higher carbon prices lengthened rotation ages modestly due to low present values of carbon accumulated with long rotations.  相似文献   

木材工业是印尼仅次于石油和天然气的第3大产业。近20年来,印尼的木材工业发展迅速,已成为当今世界上最大的阔叶材胶合板生产国和出口国。本文阐述了印尼木材工业发展战略和政策,生产体系的结构与变化,以及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Input–output analysis was used to evaluate the total economic impact (i.e. the sum of the direct, indirect and induced impacts) of the forestry and wood products sectors on the Irish economy. The total impact of the forestry sector on a number of regional economies was also examined, as were the short-term economic consequences of an afforestation scenario. Only economic activity associated with timber production was considered, and externalities associated with the sector were not accounted for. The results show that in 2003, forestry produced a direct output of €255.4 million. For every euro of output from forestry, a further €0.85 of economic activity was generated, yielding a total output of €472.4 million and total employment level of 7182. The wood products sector generated a total output of €1.6 billion and a total employment level of 12,246. These estimates of the economic impact of the forestry and wood products sectors cannot be added due to an overlap in indirect and induced impacts. The gross total value of an afforestation programme amounting to 15,000 ha per annum over 5 years was shown to be €475.0 million. Accounting for the fact that almost all land currently afforested is in agriculture, the net total value of this afforestation programme ranged from €157.8 million to €340.4 million, depending on the farming system being replaced and whether stacking of direct payments to farmers under the Single Payment Scheme applies to the land being planted.  相似文献   

林产品化学利用是指以木质和非木质林产品为原料,经化学加工制备国民经济所需的各种产品.主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等.近年来中国林产化学工业发展较快,特别是建设林纸一体化工程,为发展木材制浆工业,改变中国制浆造纸工业原料结构创造了良好的条件,按计划2005年木浆产量将达380万t,2010年达750万t.松香产量已超过50万t/a,出口约30万t/a.木质活性炭产量达6万t/a.随着我国经济的发展对林化产品的需求将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

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