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在兽医临床工作中,经常会遇到一些腰脊损伤的患犬前来就诊,一般多见于京巴犬、德国黑背等犬种。这些患犬或因外力作用,或因运动不当或因自身缺陷而引起发病。病犬经过临床治疗,大多取得了满意的疗效,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

犬腹部闭合性损伤多因犬腹部受钝性暴力作用所致,以组织损伤或内脏器官破裂,而腹部皮肤保持完整为特征。2008年9月15日,张某携带1只10岁的白色雌性京巴犬求诊,现将诊治情况简述如下。  相似文献   

犬腹部闭合性损伤多因犬腹部受钝性暴力作用后发生,以造成组织损伤或内脏器官破裂,而保持腹部皮肤完整为特征。2008年9月,家住滨海县城的张某携带一条10岁的白色雌性患病京巴犬前来我站就诊。现将诊治情况简述如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

余春  侯小强 《警犬》2004,(9):20-20
犬蜱又名壁虱或扁虱,俗称草爬子、狗豆子,为不全变态节肢动物。蜱的种类很多,在北京地区寄生于犬体表上的蜱常见有:羚头血蜱、长角血蜱、血红扇头蜱、二棘血蜱等,呈褐色或黑褐色,长卵圆形。前不久,某部犬场数十头犬发生蜱感染,经及时救治,已全部康复。现将防治结果与体会报告如下,供同行参考。  相似文献   

京巴犬是地球上最古老的犬种之一,多为金黄色,长毛,头上偶尔系一两根丝带作装饰。12个世纪以来,京巴犬一直是北京城里的顶级犬种。  相似文献   

京巴犬是地球上最古老的犬种之一,多为金黄色,长毛,头上偶尔系一两根丝带作装饰。12个世纪以来,京巴犬一直是北京城里的顶级犬种。  相似文献   

急性脊髓损伤(ASCI)是兽医临床上常见而又严重的创伤,其致残率极高。常见的急性脊髓损伤主要见于脊柱骨折(椎体骨折、椎体错位、椎弓骨折等)、椎间盘脱出或突出等。脊椎骨折主要与外伤有关,如:车祸、从高处跌落、暴力打击脊柱等。常见的脊柱骨折类型主要有:暴裂骨折、移位骨折、压缩性骨折等。  相似文献   

吴嘉  于娜 《警犬》2009,(11):19-21
急性脊髓损伤(ASCI)是兽医临床上常见而又严重的创伤,其致残率极高。常见的急性脊髓损伤主要见于脊柱骨折(椎体骨折、椎体错位、椎弓骨折等)、椎间盘脱出或突出等。脊椎骨折主要与外伤有关,如:车祸、从高处跌落、暴力打击脊柱等。常见的脊柱骨折类型主要有:暴裂骨折、移位骨折、压缩性骨折等。  相似文献   

2008年9月15日,家住江苏省滨海县城的张某携带一头10岁的白色雌性京巴犬前来就诊.现将诊治情况简述如下,以飨读者.  相似文献   

1 临床症状   2 0 0 1年 8月 30日 ,接诊一突发呼吸困难的京巴犬 ,病犬精神紧张 ,两前肢张开 ,后肢蜷卧于地 ,头颈前伸 ,左右摇摆擦地 ,张口喘息 ,呼吸急促 ,不时发出痛苦的呻吟。2 诊断 触摸食管未感到有异物 ,遂进行“X”光透视 ,可见在喉头下方有一黄豆粒大小的异物 ,紧贴于气管壁 ,其它部位未见异常。据临床症状及“X”光透视确诊为异物所致气管不完全阻塞。3 治疗 征得畜主同意 ,决定采取手术的方法取出异物。术前 84 6合剂 0 .1mL/kg肌肉注射 ,等犬进入麻醉状态后术部喷湿、剃毛、消毒、铺设创巾。手术于颈腹侧上 1/ 3处…  相似文献   

Canine gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a naturally acquired condition of large-breed dogs primarily and is associated with high mortality. The clinical course suggests that reperfusion injury may be important in the pathogenesis of GDV. To evaluate the role of xanthine oxidase and iron-dependent lipid peroxidation (which are purported mechanisms of reperfusion injury) in the pathogenesis of GDV-related mortality, we created experimental GDV in 21 dogs. These dogs were then treated with either allopurinol (a xanthine oxidase inhibitor), U74006F (an experimental lipid peroxidation inhibitor), or saline solution (NaCl, 0.85%). Three of 8 dogs died in the allopurinol-treated group, none of 5 died in the U74006F-treated group, and 4 of 8 died in the saline solution-treated group. Tissue malondialdehyde concentration, a nonspecific indicator of lipid peroxidation, was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in the duodenum, jejunum, colon, liver, and pancreas of the saline-solution treated and allopurinol-treated dogs than in the same tissues of the U74006F-treated dogs after surgical correction of the GDV (ie, during reperfusion), compared with malondialdehyde concentrations determined before inducing GDV. The results of this study support the concept that lipid peroxidation associated with reperfusion injury is important in the pathogenesis and high mortality of canine GDV. Furthermore, this lipid peroxidation and mortality may be preventable by appropriate and timely treatment.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old male Belgian Malinois was referred for evaluation of progressive caudal paresis of 2 to 3 weeks' duration. Radiography revealed a mottled appearance to the body of L4 and misshapen intervertebral foramen at L4-L5. Myelography revealed that the dye column terminated within the body of L4. Computed tomography revealed a soft tissue mass adjacent to or involving the spinal cord and L4, with complete destruction of a portion of the floor of the vertebral foramen. Small circular lesions were also noticed within the body of L3 and L5. A left-sided hemilaminectomy was performed. Histologic examination of a biopsy specimen revealed a high-grade sarcoma. Because of the poor prognosis, the dog was euthanatized. Necropsy examination revealed osteosarcoma, with lesions in L3 to L7, the sacrum, and the lungs. Metastatic lesions in adjacent bones have been termed skip metastases and the primary tumor is typically in long bones. Prognosis associated with skip metastases is similar to or even graver than that associated with pulmonary metastases. In the dog of the present report, the unusual finding of distinct foci of osteosarcoma within 5 adjacent lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum was consistent with skip metastases, potentially spread via the vertebral venous plexus.  相似文献   

Thirty-two static and dynamic histomorphometric determinants of tetracycline-labeled trabecular bone were determined for the L1 and L3 vertebrae of 5 intact and 6 oophorectomized Beagle bitches. Because significant differences in trabecular bone remodeling between the 2 vertebrae were not found, we concluded that the mean of the combined L1 and L3 data, or the mean of data generated from individual vertebrae, may be representative of trabecular bone remodeling of the lumbar vertebrae of Beagles.  相似文献   

In the dog congenital or acquired stenosis of the lumbosacral region is commonly encountered. In humans the lumbosacral junction is the most often affected part of the vertebral column. Lumbosacral instability, one possible etiology for stenosis of the vertebral canal plays an important role in man. This study summarizes the functional anatomy and some important geometric and kinematic considerations necessary for the understanding of the motion (flexion-extension) between two adjacent vertebra.  相似文献   

Caudal lumbar disk herniations (i.e., third lumbar [L3] to seventh lumbar [L7] intervertebral spaces) represent approximately 15% of surgically treated thoracolumbar disk herniations in dogs. A retrospective case-control study was conducted to determine the postoperative outcome of this subset of dogs in the authors' neurosurgical practice. Medical records (1985 through 1996) were reviewed for dogs with caudal lumbar disk herniation confirmed at surgery. Thirty-six cases were identified. For each case, two dogs that underwent surgical treatment for upper motor neuron thoracolumbar disk herniation (tenth thoracic [T10] to L3 intervertebral spaces) were selected as controls. Probabilities of functional recovery for cases and controls were 81% and 85%, respectively (p value of 0.49). In dogs with caudal lumbar disk herniation, complete sensorimotor loss was the only significant predictor of functional recovery (p value of 0.005). Disk herniations that occur at the thoracolumbar junction and those that occur in the caudal lumbar region should not be considered to be different in terms of surgical treatment and postoperative outcome. The lower motor neuron signs that often accompany caudal lumbar disk herniation reflect the site of spinal cord injury and do not necessarily predict a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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