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孙珍凉 《福建稻麦科技》2006,24(1):18-18,28
为解决水稻旱育秧生产工序复杂,苗期病虫害重,死苗多等难题;试验应用由江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所研制的以药肥缓释高吸水种衣剂“旱育保姆”实施种子包衣,以常规旱育秧为对照,比较观察了该技术在促进种子出苗、防治苗期病虫害、提高秧苗素质以及大田生长发育与产量形成的优  相似文献   

应用高吸水种衣剂种子包衣,研究其在扬粳4227机插秧上的应用效果,分析不同药种比种子包衣处理对水稻秧苗出苗率、成苗率、秧苗素质及秧苗根系形态特性的影响,结果表明,适宜药种比包衣(1∶30)处理出苗率、成苗率分别比不包衣处理高出3.93个百分点和7.35个百分点;且壮秧率大幅度提高,秧苗素质明显增强;同时还起到了适当增强秧龄弹性,延长适栽期的效果。  相似文献   

水稻旱育抛植优化栽培技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
较好的秧苗素质是水稻旱育抛植获得高产的基础,而单株带蘖依然是衡量旱育壮秧的主体指标,中籼稻大苗抛植单株带蘖3个以上,中粳稻大苗抛植单株带蘖2个以上较好。旱育抛植密度的合理配置是获得高产的重要措施,本研究揭示,我地中籼稻每米抛植27-37苗,基本茎蘖苗90-120,中粳稻每平方米抛植45-50苗,基本茎蘖苗140-160,有利用获得较高产量。  相似文献   

水稻应用带药、带肥播栽综合栽培技术,是提高粮食单产的一项重要措施.种子包衣是种子消毒的理想方法之一,是防虫、防病的关键措施之一,也是水稻生产安全有效、稳产增产的重要保证,2001-2002年仙游县推广<水稻种子包衣综合技术>,获2002年度农业部粮食丰收奖二等奖.为了进一步探索不同种衣剂对水稻秧苗安全性、秧苗素质、病虫害及早稻产量的影响,选用几种较常见的种衣剂进行比较试验,为种子包衣综合技术提供科学依据.  相似文献   

水稻旱育秧技术在我国应用面积迅速发展。但是 ,经过这几年的生产应用 ,出现三大问题 :一是秧苗生理转换期生理性和病理性死苗严重 ;二是好气性的恶苗病发生严重 ,且易受地下害虫危害 ;三是旱育秧苗体轻、根盘小且根部难以带土 ,在抛植时容易出现“遇风雨飘秧、遭烈日败苗”现象 ,造成立苗难、植伤重。同时 ,在江淮地区应用 ,由于雨水偏多、日照偏少 ,往往导致秧苗窜高 ,降低苗体素质。因而 ,影响了该项技术优势的充分发挥。江苏里下河地区农科所针对上述突出问题 ,将节水、保水技术与种衣剂及其包衣技术有机结合 ,经多年的探索研究 ,研制成…  相似文献   

丸化剂对水稻种子出苗和秧苗生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以早稻品种金优974、湘早籼31号和晚稻品种新香优80、湘早籼10号为材料,比较研究了自研的丸化剂与进口种衣剂对水稻萌发、出苗、秧苗素质、苗期抗病虫能力的效应.结果表明,用丸化种衣剂包衣有利于种子发芽和出苗,提高秧苗综合素质.其中,成秧率提高6.8%~9.4%,秧苗根系活力提高7.1%~32.4%,病虫害防治效果分别达到95.7%~98.5%和77.5%~90.35%.  相似文献   

早稻穴盘旱育抛秧出苗成秧快 ,发根力强 ,抛栽后大田期植株地上部生长迅速、旺盛 ,并且省工、高产 ,具有较大的推广价值。但旱育抛秧培育壮秧技术难以掌握 ,而在使用了水稻壮秧营养剂后能显著提高秧苗素质 ,抛栽大田后缓苗期短 ,穗分化提前 ,能提高成穗率和穗粒数 ,增加产量。早稻穴盘旱育抛栽既有穴盘抛栽省工、省力的特点 ,又有旱育秧苗根系发达的优势 ,在晋安区新店镇深受农民的喜爱 ,通过试验和示范表明 ,在其它栽培措施基本一致的前提下 ,应用穴盘旱育抛栽技术能提高水稻产量 5 % ,但是培育旱育壮秧的技术措施在生产上难以到位 ,尤其是…  相似文献   

早稻种衣剂筛选试验初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用6种种衣剂对早季水稻种子进行包衣。经筛选对比试验,结果表明:参试种衣剂对早稻种子发芽率无不良影响。能不同程度提高成秧率及秧苗素质,大部:分种衣剂处理能提高早稻产量。其中。友缘护苗、优富8号处理的单产比对照增产达极显著水平。浙江生物型2SB处理的单产比对照.增产达显著水平,友缘护苗、优富8号、浙江生物型ZSB三种种衣剂可在建瓯市作为早稻种子包衣剂进一步示范推广。  相似文献   

水稻旱育秧专用药肥缓释高吸水种衣剂及其应用技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻旱育秧技术在我国应用面积迅速发展。但是,经过这几年的生产应用,出现三大问题:一是秧苗生理转换期生理性和病理性死苗严重;二是好气性的恶苗病发生严重,且易受地下害虫危害;三是旱育秧苗体轻、根盘小且根部难以带土,在抛植时容易出现“遇风雨飘秧、遭烈日败苗”现象,造成立苗难、植伤重。同时,在江淮地区应用,由于雨水偏多、日照偏少,往往导致秧苗窜高,降低苗体素质。因而,影响了该项技术优势的充分发挥。  相似文献   

水稻旱育保姆种衣剂试验效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对黑龙江省寒地水稻苗期易发病的问题,开展了旱育保姆种衣剂应用试验。结果表明,采用旱育保姆种衣剂处理种子,可使水稻秧苗素质提高,生育加快,增产。较目前普遍应用的壮秧剂A效益增加700元/hm~2。  相似文献   

通过对36份西洋参种苗的质量研究,据种苗根重及根长2项指标,制定了西洋参种苗分级标准。种苗分级标准为:1年生根重≥1.61,根长≥4.04,2年生根重≥3.26,根长≥9.64,3年生根重≥10.13,根长≥20.25划为Ⅰ级种苗;1年生根重在1.47~1.61之间,根长在3.66~4.04之间,2年生根重在2.97~3.26之间,根长在8.76~9.64之间,3年生根重在8.31~10.13之间,根长在17.76~20.25之间划为Ⅱ级种苗;1年生根重≥1.33,根长≥3.36,2年生根重≥2.69,根长≥8.03,3年生根重≥6.61,根长≥15.72划为Ⅲ级种苗;其余为不合格种苗。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):367-374
The relay strip intercropping system of wheat-corn-soybean is widely used in southwest China. However, it is hard to obtain a stable production of soybean with this system, since soybean plants grow under shading by corn; the stems are thinner and susceptible to lodging. We examined the effects of seed treatment with uniconazole powder (0, 2, 4 and 8 mg kg-1 seed) on the growth of soybean seedlings under relay strip intercropping, some morphological characteristics and yield. The seedling height, first internode length, cotyledonary node height and leaf area per plant were decreased, while the stem diameter, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, root volume, leaf greenness and root to shoot dry weight ratio were increased by uniconazole treatment. The root vigor and root active absorption area were also increased significantly by uniconazole treatment. Moreover, 2 and 4 mg kg-1 uniconazole powder treatment increased shoot dry weight, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and seed yield significantly. Thus, the results suggested that seed treatment with uniconazole powder at a suitable concentration can improve soybean seedling growth, resist the lodging and also increase the seed yield under shading by corn in relay strip intercropping system.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):407-413

Nursery management methods for elongating seedlings are needed for stabilization of early growth after transplanting in the semi-dwarf rice cultivar Hokuriku 193, unlike japonica commercial cultivars. This study aimed to investigate how keeping the plants at 28°C for 5 d after sowing (H treatment) and nitrogen top-dressing (N treatment) affects seedling quality and early growth after transplanting. Control plants had seedling lengths of 6.5 cm to 10.9 cm at transplanting. The H and N treatments significantly increased the seedling length, and the increase was greater in the H-treated plants. The H × N treatment elongated seedlings by 2.5 – 3.7 cm compared to the control plants. The N treatments, but not the H treatments, improved biomass production and tillering early after transplanting owing to the high nitrogen concentration in the seedlings. Combining H and N treatments can contribute for improving seedling length and early plant growth after transplanting in Hokuriku 193.  相似文献   

Direct seeding of guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) in west Texas has been successful. However, studies have involved only USDA and `Mexican Bulk' lines. New selections developed by plant breeders must be screened for their adaptability to direct seeding. The objective of this study was to evaluate the standard establishment and production parameters (biomass, rubber and resin content, rubber and resin yield) of six direct seeded guayule selections (AZ-R1, AZ-R2, CAL-6, CAL-7, UC-101, and UC-104). An experiment was initiated on a Delnorte gravelly loam on 23 July 1993 at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Fort Stockton, TX. Conditioned and raw seed of the six guayule selections were planted 10 mm deep on raised beds spaced 1 m apart. Laboratory seed germination ranged from 34–92%. Seedling density was greatest with conditioned seed (61 seedlings/m) versus raw seed (37 seedlings/m) when averaged across all lines 30 days after planting. Individually, seedling density in plots established by conditioned seed was greatest with CAL-6 (68 seedlings/m), UC-104 (66 seedlings/m), AZ-R1 (65 seedlings/m), UC-101 (64 seedlings/m), and CAL-7 (61 seedlings/m), and were significantly greater than the seedling density in plots established with raw seed. Both conditioned and raw seed produced adequate guayule stands. Nonetheless, conditioning improved germination, and in the field, conditioned seed was observed to germinate and emerge quicker resulting in more efficient irrigation management. The AZ-R1 seedlings were the most vigorous and were tolerant to flea beetles (Epitrix sp.). Plants were thinned to a 0.36 m spacing in April 1994. Six plants from each selection in the conditioned seed treatments were harvested on 23 February 1995 and 6 March 1996. Each plant was divided into branch (clipped 10 cm above the soil surface) and root sections. Biomass and rubber and resin yields were greatest in the branch versus root fractions. Total rubber yield (branches plus roots) at both harvests was greatest in selections AZ-R2 and UC-104.  相似文献   

应用不同播种方式和灌溉方法研究了孔穴塑盘育秧实用技术,结果表明:1)土种分播每孔穴4~5粒芽谷,播后浸润沟灌,出苗穴率和成苗效率较高,土种混播或泥浆播种,虽较省工,但成苗率不如土种分播;播后淹灌或浇灌,易引起烂种烂芽,2)每盘播80g芽谷以下随播种量增中空穴减少,播种量超过每盘80g芽谷虽空穴减少,但秧苗素质下降,3)床土混土重0.5%的NPK营养剂有利于培育强壮秧苗,不添加NPK营养则秧苗较弱  相似文献   

Summary A potato crop can be grown from true potato seed (TPS) either by transplanting seedlings to the field (seedling transplants) or by planting tubers derived from seedlings (seedling tubers). The effect of the planting method on performance of TPS families was evaluated for three types of families, 4x×2x hybrid, open pollinated, and self pollinated. Families from seedling transplants and seedling tubers and their 4x parental clones were compared for tuber yield and specific gravity. Families from tubers had substantially higher yields and significantly more uniform specific gravity than families from transplants. Hybrid seedling tuber families had a higher mean yield than the parental clones and did not differ from them in specific gravity. Selection in the seedling generation could further improve both OP and hybrid families from transplants and from seedling tubers. Paper no. 3163 from the Department of Genetics, University of Madison.  相似文献   

金琎  李琦 《玉米科学》2010,18(6):61-63
实验研究了铈的不同施用方法对盐(NaCl)胁迫下玉米幼苗保护酶系统的影响。结果表明:根施20 mg/L铈和喷施30 mg/L铈对盐胁迫下玉米幼苗的防护效应较好,使超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性下降,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性上升。说明稀土元素铈能在一定程度上减轻盐对玉米幼苗造成的伤害。  相似文献   

以3个野生稻品种(系)和常规稻品种吉粳301(CK)为试验材料,研究了不同NaCl浓度对野生稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,盐胁迫对野生稻和常规粳稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响不同,NaCl浓度≤0.3%时,盐胁迫对3个野生稻种子发芽及幼苗生长没有影响,但促进吉粳301种子发芽及幼苗生长;NaCl浓度≥0.5%时,随着NaCl浓度的增大,3个野生稻种子发芽率逐渐降低,幼苗的根长、苗长、根冠比逐渐变小;NaCl浓度与3个野生稻种子发芽率有一定的负相关性;NaCl对野生稻幼苗根的抑制作用强于对苗的作用;不同野生稻品种对NaCl溶液的耐受能力不同,从大到小依次为MY-3、延引红、HY-1。  相似文献   

花生种子大小和形状对出苗和幼苗建成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同花生品种的饱满种子为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,在幼苗3叶期和6叶期不同幼苗生长阶段研究种子大小(重量)、形状(长、宽、长/宽比)等特性与出苗速率及幼苗生长的关系。结果表明,花生种子大小、形状影响萌发出苗和幼苗生长。①花生种子质量愈大且种形愈长,其出苗后残留于子叶中的物质能量愈多,幼苗地上部鲜重较小;种子质量较小时,其长、宽、厚等性状与幼苗生长无明显相关关系,但种子质量和长/宽比显著影响地上部干物质的积累;适中质量的种子其长、宽、质量和长/宽比均明显促进地上部和根系的生长发育,且其种子长度和质量与残留物间呈显著相关关系。②中等质量的种子对根系生长的影响很小,且适中的长/宽比明显促进种子萌发时物质的运转和幼苗的生长。③较长粒型花生种子其长度与子叶残留物呈极显著正相关,宽度与子叶残留物呈显著负相关,且与地上部生长无显著相关关系;中等长度和较短粒型的种子的质量明显利于幼苗地上部的生长。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and air temperature on the germination of seed bulbils and the seedling vigour of two Chinese yam lines. Plants were grown under two [CO2] levels, ambient and elevated (ambient + 200 μmol mol?1), and two mean air temperature regimes, 22.2 °C (ambient + 1.4 °C) and 25.6 °C (ambient + 5.2 °C). Elevated [CO2] did not affect bulbil germination under both air temperature regimes. During the early growth stage, the dry weight (DW) of leaves, vines, shoots, roots, belowground parts (roots + tubers) and whole plants were higher under elevated [CO2] than ambient [CO2] for both lines under the low- and high-temperature regimes. The values of vigour indexes (index I = germination % × seedling length and index II = germination % × seedling DW) were also higher under elevated [CO2] than ambient [CO2] for both lines. These results indicated that Chinese yam seedlings respond positively to elevated [CO2] during the early growth stage. The above:belowground DW ratios were lower under elevated [CO2] than ambient [CO2] in seedlings with very small new tubers for both yam lines, indicating that elevated [CO2] strongly affected the root growth in the early growth stage. The DWs of post-treatment seed bulbils were higher in the elevated [CO2] under both air temperature regimes. The results showed that Chinese yam used a smaller amount of the reserves in seed bulbils under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2].  相似文献   

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