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在牧草及秸秆类粗饲料的调制加工工艺中,青贮是一种实用易推广的技术,青贮处理具有改善和提高青贮原料营养价值以及长期保存等优点,在世界各国都作为一种处理粗饲料的主要调制加工技术进行推广。在生产应用中青贮技术得到不断的改进,从传统的单一秸秆青贮发展到多种形式的添加剂青贮、豆科禾本科原料的混贮、草捆青贮、拉伸膜裹包青贮、半干青贮、真空青贮等多种形式,  相似文献   

半干青贮是使苜蓿迅速风干,含水量降到40%~50%后再进行青贮,这种青贮饲料兼有干草和青贮的优点。由于苜蓿常规青贮不易成功,近年来,欧美各国采用低水分青贮法。用此方法调制的青贮料,基本上保持了原饲料的营养成分,养分损失仅为10%-15%,使原来难以青贮的豆科牧草如苜蓿,三叶草等都能获得较好的青贮效果。  相似文献   

青贮饲料具有气味醇香、柔软多汁、颜色黄绿、适口性好等优点,在世界各国畜牧生产中普遍推广应用,已成为饲喂食草家畜重要的青绿多汁饲料。目前青贮调制技术同以往相比有较大改进,在青贮方法上变得更加丰富,可以根据不同的条件和需求采用不同的青贮方法。青贮法的改进提高了青贮效果,改善了青贮饲料的品质。青贮设备在向大型密闭式的青贮塔、青贮池发展。青贮工艺在向机械化方向发展。青贮原料由农作物的秸秆发展到专门建立饲料地、种植青贮原料,特别是种植青贮玉米,使青贮饲料的数量和质量有较大提高。  相似文献   

本文就青贮原料、原料种类、原料季节性、质量要求、青贮加工工艺、青贮质量分析等,进行了系列报道,并指出平地青贮在南方牧业的可行性。  相似文献   

青贮玉米作为草食畜最佳饲料越来越受到广大养殖企业、农户的重视。2021年金塔县青贮玉米面积突破3 350 hm2,青贮总量达到250 000 t。窖贮全株玉米青贮采样检测评定质量均与全国标准持平,个别指标略有提高,达到了优质青贮推荐标准。但也还存在玉米青贮产量不高,品质下降,机械化不足,不能满足饲喂需要等问题。要加快青贮玉米优质品种引进、试验、示范、推广,加强技术示范宣传培训,加强技术服务体系建设,推动玉米青贮产业化发展,使金塔县的青贮玉米生产迈上新的台阶。  相似文献   

燕麦(Avena sativa L.)是反刍家畜主要的粗饲料来源之一,其富含丰富的碳水化合物,有益于改善奶牛瘤胃健康、提升生产性能。青贮是燕麦安全贮藏的主要形式之一,具有适口性好、消化率高等优点。关于燕麦青贮,前人已经进行了大量研究,主要集中在燕麦青贮的含水量、收获期、添加剂、混贮、饲喂等方面的研究,基于此本文对燕麦青贮方面的研究进行了归纳总结,综述了影响燕麦青贮发酵品质、营养品质的受制因素和燕麦青贮的利用价值,进而推动优质燕麦青贮的调制和利用,促进燕麦青贮的发展。  相似文献   

<正>青贮玉米是玉米的三大类型(青贮型玉米、籽粒型玉米、鲜食型玉米)之一。青贮玉米是在收获期内收割地上全部绿色植株(茎、叶、穗),经过切碎和加工后,用青贮发酵的方法来调制青贮饲料以喂养草食家畜的一种玉米。青贮玉米是奶牛、肉牛、肉羊等草食动物必不可少的基础饲料之一,具有气味酸香、适口性好等优点,发展前景非常广阔。尤其是给奶牛饲喂青贮玉米,可明显增加产奶量,显著提升奶产品质量。  相似文献   

青贮原料。一般说来,青贮原料中的糖分含量不宜低于鲜重的1-1.5%。禾本科植物如玉米、高梁等,含糖较多而粗蛋白质较少,是容易单独青贮的原料;豆科牧草及豆科饲料作物,含糖较少而粗蛋白质较多,不宜单独青贮,宜与禾本科牧草或青玉米秸、高粱秸以1:2重量混贮或青贮时加入含糖较多  相似文献   

青贮饲料添加剂的种类和使用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青贮质量提高的关键技术是采用了青贮添加剂,其目的是为了保证乳酸发酵占有优势,以便能得到良好的青贮。在瑞典、美国、英国常以甲醛、甲酸、丙酸等用于青贮。青贮饲料中添加量为85%的甲酸3.6kg/t;欧美一些地区还有用甲酸钙和亚硫酸钠用于青贮。近年来,随着奶牛业的发展,我国青贮的数量和质量也有了大幅度的提高,市场上青贮饲料添加剂的类型逐渐增多,应用也愈来愈广,如:尿素、纤维素酶、有机酸类等。青贮添加剂主要分为三类。第一类是保护剂,抑制其饲料中有害微生物的活动,防止饲料的腐败和霉变,减少饲料中营养成分的流…  相似文献   

苜蓿半干青贮饲料调制方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
干青贮技术是调制青贮饲料的一种新工艺。用半干青贮调制的饲料,基本上保持了原饲料的营养成份,使原来难于青贮的豆科牧草如苜蓿、三叶草等,都能获得较好的青贮效果。国内目前只有少数学者进行过半干青贮技术试验研究,在生产中还未应用推广。对涉及半干青贮工艺方案的选择、机具配备、经济效益及半干青贮饲料的营养价值等问题,尚未进行深入的探讨研究。新疆饲草资源丰富,其中苜蓿是新疆的主要栽培牧草,种植面积约占全国总面积的50%以上。苜蓿是优质粗饲料,但因其含糖量低,含水率高,一般认为不能青贮,只适于制备干草。传统的干草…  相似文献   


A fodder flow/animal experiment 40,8 ha in extent (7,5 ha irrigated), with 19 paddocks, was carried out over a two and a half year period.

The aims were: firstly, to compare fodder crops within seasons, and fodder flows over three seasons (winter‐spring‐summer), by means of pasture and animal parameters; secondly, to make economic comparisons between different fodder flows, for growing out beef steers.

The conclusions were that: Digitaria eriantha ssp. eriantha is superior to Eragrostis curvula cv. Ermelo for animal production; maize residue gives economically favourable results due to low costs and compensatory growth of cattle; an irrigated pasture providing fodder in more than one season of a flow, for example, Festuca foggage — Festuca pasture — Digitaria pasture, gives a very profitable fodder flow, because the costs of production are divided between two seasons; dryland fodder flows with the sequence maize residue — silage or hay — Digitaria or, with silage or hay replacing the maize residue, were also very profitable; and, the fodder flow giving the highest livemass gain per steer, is not necessarily the most economic. Different kinds and classes of livestock require different fodder flows.  相似文献   

采用75%切碎的饲用甜菜根茎与15%芦苇草粉、8%棉籽壳及2%玉米粉进行混合青贮,并替代荷斯坦奶牛常规日粮中的部分玉米青贮,进行饲喂对比试验。结果表明,饲用甜菜混贮饲料干物质含量为27.8%、粗蛋白含量为2.76%、粗脂肪含量为0.92%、粗纤维含量为11.28%、粗灰分含量为3.23%、钙含量为0.10%和磷含量为0.04%。饲用甜菜混贮饲料等量替代10kg奶牛日粮中的玉米青贮饲喂奶牛,试验组比对照组每头奶牛日平均产奶量降低0.09kg,试验末期对照组和试验组的乳蛋白率分别为3.17%和3.18%,乳脂率分别为3.66%和3.73%,分析结果表明,产奶量及乳品质差异均不显著。可见饲用甜菜块根混贮是一种较好的饲料,可以替代玉米青贮饲喂奶牛,混贮是饲用甜菜块根一种理想的贮藏方法。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨饲用玉米对生长育肥猪生产性能的影响。选取体重(40±1) kg相近的大白×长白×杜洛克商品猪21头,随机分为3组,每组7头,分别饲喂以普通玉米(N组)和饲用玉米吉单198(T1组)、吉单327(T2组)为饲料原料的日粮,进行了78 d的饲养试验。结果表明,T1组、T2组育肥猪的日增重分别较N组提高了10.37%、2.22%,各组试验猪的饲料转化效率基本一致。平均每头猪的纯收入:T1组和T2组分别比对照组每头多85.1和36.1元。因此,本试验结果表明,饲用玉米能够提高生长育肥猪的生产性能,从而增加养殖效益。  相似文献   

武得礼  葛文华 《草业科学》1997,14(5):47-49,54
对玉米/燕麦、玉米/箭舌豌豆、玉米/燕麦和箭舌豌豆立体种植模式的产出效果进行了研究。结果表明,套种牧草使玉米籽实产量较对照有显著降低,但总生物产量并没有降低,且粗蛋白质产量显著高于对照,经济效益和能量转化效率都有所提高。从生产饲料的角度,经模糊综合评价,得到景泰荒漠绿洲区最佳玉米牧草立体种植模式为:燕科与箭舌豌豆混播与玉米套种,带幅150cm。  相似文献   

The northwestern part of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in South Africa is suitable for sheep farming as well as crop production. However, there are some constraints to animal production due to the low quality of natural vegetation during winter. Alternative winter feeding strategies have been suggested from research conducted in similar vegetation types in other parts of South Africa. Grazing maize is a potential alternative fodder source but its low crude protein might be a limitation to acceptable livestock production. This preliminary study investigated the potential of inter-cropping maize with high protein content crops for providing sheep with fodder of acceptable quality during winter in northwestern KZN.

Raphanus sativus (Japanese radish), Ornithopus sativus (serradella) and Vicia dasycarpa (grazing vetch) showed promising results in terms of dry matter yield and nutritional value. The production of Pennisetum glaucum (babala) and Avena sativa (oats) was relatively high. However, the nutritional value of both these species was marginal. Glycine max (soybeans) and Lablab purpureus (dolichos) showed good and above required nutritional properties, but dry matter yield was low.  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江省草地资源现状及农区的自然状况分析,提出了黑龙江省农业产业结构需要调整的办法。同时指出了解决黑龙江省未来饲草饲料应从发展牧草资源着手,并充分利用秸秆资源,大力发展青贮玉米。  相似文献   

苜蓿青贮添加剂及其应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青贮苜蓿作为一种良好的饲料来源在我国尤其是北方地区对缓解饲料短缺、调剂青绿饲料的丰歉有着十分重要的意义。但是,由于苜蓿具有缓冲能较高、可溶性碳水化合物含量低的特点,直接用其调制青贮饲料很难获得良好的品质。因此,国内外的很多研究都集中于使用添加剂调制来获得优质的苜蓿青贮饲料。就近年来国内外苜蓿青贮添加剂的相关研究和应用现状进行了总结,并对今后的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

我国饲草饲料资源的生产现状与长远发展的战略预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚彦臣 《草业科学》1992,9(5):12-17

A comparison of pasture and fodder crops for the production of slaughter lambs in the Pretoria‐Witwatersrand‐Vereeniging (PWV) area. A number of pasture and fodder species were evaluated for the production of mutton with weancr lambs. Animal performance and meat production under three stocking rates, which were classified as light, medium, and heavy, were obtained with the aim of identifying best pasture/fodder for every season. The pastures/fodders included were Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar and Triticum X Secale pastures under irrigation, Avena sativa and Vicia dasycarpa pasture mixture and maize crop residues under rainfed conditions, and Medicago sativa and Digitaria eriantha hay for the winter months. The spring pastures were L. multiflorum cv. Midmar, Lolium perenne cv. Nui and Dactylis glomerata cv. Hera under irrigation, while the summer pastures included Digitaria eriantha var. eriantha and M. sativa cv. Cuf 101 pastures under rainfed conditions and Cynodon dactylon cv. NK37 under irrigation. Of these, the midmar pasture for the winter and spring, maize crop residues for the winter, Hera for the spring and Cuf 101 for the summer seemed to be the best pasture of those tested in their season of use, from an animal production point of view.  相似文献   

The ash, silica and certain important micronutrients were estimated in conventional and unconventional feed and fodder resources available in Southern India. Commonly used dry roughages, such as paddy straw, ragi straw, maize kadbi/stalk, jowar kadbi/stalk, bajra stalk and wheat straw, were high in ash (9.9% +/- 0.77%) and silica (6.4% +/- 0.65%) and low in most of the other micronutrients, except iron, with paddy straw containing most silica (>9%). Cultivated non-leguminous (maize, jowar) and improved green crops (hybrid napier, guinea, green panic, NB-21, CO-1) were also high in ash (10.5% +/- 0.60% and 12.5% +/- 0.51%) but were moderate sources of P, Mg and Cu and good sources of Zn (98 +/- 13.8 ppm and 55 +/- 6.7 ppm). Leguminous green fodders (stylosanthus, lucerne, cow pea, soyabean) were excellent sources of Ca (1.9% +/- 0.16%), Mg (0.40% +/- 0.05%), Cu (30 +/- 5.2 ppm), Zn (121 +/- 14.7 ppm) and Fe (1234 +/- 166 ppm) and moderate sources of P. Mixed local grasses and weeds were high in silica (6.9% +/- 1.00%) but were good sources of Cu, Zn and Fe. Cereal grains (maize, wheat, rice, ragi) were low in ash (2.9% +/- 0.33%) and were relatively poor sources of Ca (0.22% +/- 0.03%), Mg (0.19% +/- 0.03%) and Cu (13 +/- 3.1 ppm). Pulses were low to medium sources of most minerals and good sources of Fe (1230 +/- 293 ppm). Oil seed cake/extractions (groundnut cake, cotton seed cake, soyabean meal, sunflower cake, safflower cake) and cereal by-products (rice polish, rice bran, wheat bran) were excellent sources of P (1.1% +/- 0.47% and 2.3% +/- 0.19%) and good sources of Zn (65 +/- 3.9 ppm and 66 +/- 10.7 ppm) and Fe (938 +/- 130 ppm and 662 +/- 126 ppm). Among the unconventional feeds screened, orange peel, sunflower heads, meat meal, rubber seed cake, spirulina algae and sea weeds contained plentiful Ca, Zn and Fe: tree leaves/top feeds (mulberry, erythrina, glyricidia, banana, subabul, groundnut haulms) were excellent sources of Ca (1.5% +/- 0.13%), Zn (120 +/- 22.9 ppm) and Fe (1033 +/- 133 ppm) but relatively poor sources of P. Soyabean husk, cocoa seed husk, rubber seed cake and meat meal were moderate to good sources of P (1.0% and 0.33%). The high Zn and Fe values of most feeds/fodders were probably due to soil contamination. This account of the micronutrient content of feed/fodder resources should help in strategic supplementation intended to alleviate local deficiencies.  相似文献   

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