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以‘金太阳’和‘凯特’杏1年生枝条为试验材料,在4℃条件下的进行低温处理以打破休眠,然后将枝条放入组织培养室中培养,统计萌芽率。结果表明:当低温累积时数达到640小时,‘金太阳’和‘凯特’杏萌芽率均达到55.5%,解除休眠。  相似文献   

‘金田杏’是杏品种‘阿克西米西’芽变新品种。果实卵圆形,平均单果重20.5 g,最大单果重36.0 g;果实淡黄色,果面光滑无毛,果顶平,缝合线浅,两半对称;离核,杏仁清香味甜;果肉黄白色,肉质较细、纤维少,汁液多,风味甜,味清香,品质上等;可溶性固形物含量17.50%,可食率92.50%;在山东省临沂市,果实6月中旬成熟,为中早熟、鲜食加工取仁兼用品种。2014年12月通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

以‘凯特’杏为试材,采用不同培养基组分及不同培养基类型的方法,测定了花粉萌发率和花粉管伸长长度,研究了不同培养基组分及不同培养基类型对花粉萌发和花粉管伸长的影响。结果表明:固体培养基适合‘凯特’杏离体萌发,最适培养基组分是10%蔗糖+0.10%硼酸+0.5%琼脂;在该培养基上,花粉萌发率达90%以上,花粉管生长长度为13 510.30μm。  相似文献   

‘树上干’杏是新疆伊犁河谷特有的杏树品种。介绍了‘树上干’杏育苗建园、土肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理和病虫害防治等栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

‘玫硕’杏亲本为‘蜜香’ב凯特’,平均单果重117.6g,果实近圆形,缝合线浅,片肉对称;果皮金黄色,阳面有玫瑰红色;果肉金黄色,肉质细,纤维少,味浓甜、芳香,可溶性固形物含量15.1%,可滴定酸含量1.59%。‘玫香’杏亲本均为优良实生单株,平均单果重97.0 g,果实近圆形,片肉对称;果皮橙黄色,阳面有玫瑰色红晕;果肉金黄色,汁液多,肉质细密,酸甜适中,香味较浓,可溶性固形物含量14.6%,可滴定酸含量1.39%。2个品种适应性强,早实、丰产、稳产,在黄河流域及生态类型相似地区均可种植。  相似文献   

‘维多利亚’葡萄发生裂果是影响其产量和品质的直接因素,为综合防治葡萄裂果造成的危害,特进行本次试验。结果表明:在‘维多利亚’葡萄成熟期裂果即将发生前,叶面喷施生长调节剂(脱落酸100倍+萘乙酸10 000倍),约间隔10 d再喷1次效果最佳,裂果率约为4%。  相似文献   

‘曙光8号’是在河北省沧州‘金丝小枣’资源中选育出的大果型、芽变、抗裂果的地方枣优良新品种。果实长圆形,果个大,平均单果质量14.02 g,鲜枣可溶性固形物含量29.99%,可食率96.47%。果皮深红色,肉质疏松,汁液多、甘甜。在河北沧州9月下旬进入成熟期,丰产稳产,抗裂果,为优良的鲜食、制干品种,适于河北平原枣区栽培。  相似文献   

中阉生产上栽培的杏品种多为华北生态群.而该生态群杏产量低且不稳定,其主要原因是自花不结实、雌蕊败育和花期低温。山东省果树研究所以自花结实、抗霜冻能力强、雌蕊败育率低、综合性状优良为选育目标。通过实生选种选育出早熟杏新品种‘金凯特’。1997年从‘凯特’大树上采种,1998年播种,2001年丌始结果,表现出抗霜冻能力强、雌蕊败育率低、结果早、  相似文献   

‘濮林杏1号’是2004年濮阳市林业科学院进行杏资源调查与收集时,在内黄县白条河小杂果示范园内收集到的优良单株,亲本不详。果实长圆形,平均单果重98.7 g,最大果重110 g;纵径5.74 cm,横径5.38 cm,侧径5.18 cm;缝合线中深,片肉不对称,梗洼中深;果皮底色金黄色,向阳处着红晕,果面有茸毛,外观艳丽、洁净,果皮中厚,易剥离;果肉金黄色,肉质细、密、软,粗纤维少,多汁,味甜、芳香味较浓;可溶性固形物含量13.0%,维生素C含量87.6 mg/kg,总酸含量1.27%,可溶性糖含量7.77%。离核,鲜核平均重3.3 g。仁苦、较饱满,鲜仁平均重1.05 g。在河南省濮阳市6月10日前后果实成熟。常温下可贮放5~7 d。  相似文献   

 岱玉’杏是从泰山地方杏种群中选育出的优良新品种。果个大,平均单果质量105 g,可溶性固形物含量14.5%,品质上等,仁甜,果实耐贮运。果实发育期60 d左右,比‘凯特’杏早熟20 d。丰产,稳产,抗细菌性穿孔病及褐腐病。  相似文献   

油桃裂果研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从品种特性、果实生长发育特点、果实细胞组织结构等内部因素和气象因子、土壤条件、栽培措施等外部因素方面综述了油桃裂果的影响因素,寻找引起油桃裂果的主要原因,并提出防止油桃裂果相应的技术措施。首先从园地选择、品种选择方面尽量做到适地适栽,因地制宜,另外果园增施有机肥,提高土壤透水性和保水性,适时灌水,及时排水,使水分保持均衡状态,合理修剪,加强病虫害防治,严格疏花疏果,实行套袋栽培等一系列科学化管理均是防止油桃裂果和果锈的有效技术措施。  相似文献   

通过 1999~ 2 0 0 0年进行不同时期浇水试验 ,结果表明杏果第二速长期浇水是造成大棚凯特杏裂果的主要原因。  相似文献   

于金丝小枣果实发育的中后期,叶面及果面喷布400 倍氯化钙、350 倍磷酸二氢钾、800 倍植物细胞分裂素、2500 倍康得保植物营养素、800 倍稀土“大丰收”溶液,均可减轻裂果,防效为36 % ~75 .8 % 。其中400 倍氯化钙溶液防效最好,成本最低。  相似文献   

新疆不同葡萄品种果实成熟期酸成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究新疆不同葡萄品种酸成分的含量及差异性,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定了新疆20个无核及40个有核葡萄品种的酒石酸、苹果酸和柠檬酸,对各品种的有机酸与总酸含量进行了比较,最后将60个葡萄品种的酸成分进行聚类分析。结果表明,酒石酸和苹果酸是决定总酸含量的最重要因素。无核葡萄品种的酒石酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸以及总酸含量均高于有核品种。60个葡萄品种分为3大类:分别为高酒石酸、高苹果酸类型;高酒石酸、低苹果酸类型;低酒石酸、低苹果酸类型。研究结果为葡萄加工品种的选择提供了科学依据,对葡萄品种的选育与推广具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

果树裂果现象在果实发育过程中普遍存在,本文从果实的遗传因素、生理特征、矿质元素、外界环境、栽培方式等方面对果实裂果发生原因进行了分析,并提出相应防治对策。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,92(2):125-135
The influence of pre-blossom temperatures on flower development and fruit set is ascertained in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), a species without previous records on the effect of pre-blossom temperature on fruit set, but that is particularly prone to erratic fruit set. A polyethylene cage was used during pre-blossom development of flower buds to increase maximum temperatures by 6–7 °C and mean temperatures by 3 °C in orchard conditions. This increase in temperature accelerated flower bud development, caused a hastening in flowering time and following hand-pollination, reduced fruit set. At anthesis, flowers that had developed in warmer conditions weighed less and showed less development of the pistil than control flowers. Pistil growth of flowers under warm conditions did not differ from that of the control flowers when both the populations were compared on a real time scale in spite of the fact that warmed buds were at an advanced external phenological stage. Thus, hastening of external floral development by warm pre-blossom temperatures was not accompanied by advance in pistil development. This lack of synchrony resulted in premature flowering of flowers with underdeveloped pistils that had a reduced capability to set fruit. The results are discussed in terms of flower quality and its implications in fruit set and subsequent crop load.  相似文献   

The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity, changes and accumulation of phenolic content were studied in the peel, seed and pulp of rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum L. (Rongrien and Seeechompoo cultivars) during fruit maturation. The IC50 values of the radical scavenging activity of the peels, in both cultivars remained low through fruit development (1.42–4.75 μg/mL) but the values of the seed and pulps were low at the beginning and increased markedly toward fruit development until harvest (4.87 to >1000 μg/mL). The accumulation of phenolic compounds in rambutan peels of Rongrien and Seechompoo cultivars increased continuously until reaching a maximum of 1653 and 733 mg per fruit at the time of being harvested, at 112 and 98 days after full bloom (DAFB), respectively. Ellagic acid, corilagin and geraniin in the peels of both cultivars were observed and quantified. The major component in the peels of the two cultivars was geraniin. The accumulation of ellagic acid, corilagin and geraniin in the peels increased and reached the maximum at the harvest stage, especially the major constituent of geraniin (1011 and 444 mg/fruit for Rongrien and Seechompoo, respectively). The free radical scavenging property was observed to have a relationship with the phenolic content quantified in different parts of the rambutan fruit. This research demonstrates potential data on phenolic constituents through fruit development, especially in the peels at the time of harvest.  相似文献   


Black chokeberry fruits are rich in anthocyanins and can be used as a raw material for the production of natural food colourants. Fruit quality was studied during maturation in three true black chokeberry cultivars and in three cultivars derived through hybridization between chokeberry and rowans (Sorbus spp.). For each trait studied, the three black chokeberry cultivars were very similar. The three hybrid cultivars differed however from the black chokeberry cultivars for some traits in both timing and size of the response which indicates that cultivar selection for improvement of fruit quality can hardly be done among the true black chokeberry genotypes but may be efficient when the hybrid cultivars are also included. For the black chokeberry cultivars, maximum berry weight was reached already by the 22 August. Anthocyanin content increased by 180% during the period mid-August to mid-September. Meanwhile, the content of undesirable brown compounds increased by 100%. The content of malic acid remained unchanged whereas total acidity decreased in the initial part of the study period. Variation among sampling dates in total acidity was negatively correlated with variation in berry weight which suggests that dilution by water uptake affects total acidity. For the true black chokeberry cultivars, optimal harvest date was determined to be 8 September for this trial, when both mean berry weight and anthocyanin content had reached their maximum. By harvesting one week earlier browning was reduced by 32% but with a simultaneous decrease in anthocyanin content of 20%.  相似文献   

对杏不同品种4年生树的新梢摘心试验结果说明:新梢摘心后1周左右开始萌发副梢,3周后叶芽不再萌发。4月30日摘心副梢萌发数量多,副梢生长量大。副梢生长量大的品种可在5月21~28日进行第2次摘心控制旺长。新梢对摘心的敏感性和品种特性相关,供试品种在萌生副梢能力、副梢萌发的节位、萌芽早晚等方面有明显差异,萌生副梢能力高低依次为子荷、甘玉、冀光、大丰。  相似文献   

以12年生的凯特杏为试材,连续3年进行了施有机肥处理对其果实品质和产量的影响试验,结果表明,在凯特杏果园施肥管理中应注重有机肥施入,即每667 m~2施2 800kg有机肥,可保证果实生长发育,增加果园产量和品质。  相似文献   

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