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单氰胺对温室甜樱桃休眠解除的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验以温室栽培的红灯、美早和早大果3个甜樱桃品种为试材,研究了单氰胺对甜樱桃离体休眠芽休眠解除的影响及喷施单氰胺对树体萌芽及开花的影响。结果表明,涂抹2%单氰胺后,红灯离体休眠芽比对照可以提前10d解除休眠,而美早和早大果解除休眠的时间与对照相同。温室升温时喷施1%单氰胺可使树体的萌芽时间提前12-16d,开花时间提前15-17d,并且提高了树体的萌芽整齐度和开花整齐度。  相似文献   

上海地区使用单氰胺打破甜樱桃休眠的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上海栽培的早红宝石甜樱桃进行喷施2%单氰胺、遮阴和2%单氰胺+遮阴等3种打破休眠措施比较,发现喷施2%单氰胺对打破休眠和提高着果率最有效,与对照(空白)相比能提前萌芽5天,花期持续时间明显缩短,着果率达到20%。对早红宝石进行单氰胺处理后,单叶面积增大,单位新梢叶面积相应增加,着果率提高了18.8个百分点,发育正常子房的比例由12%提高到58%。单氰胺处理先锋品种,显著增加了果实可溶性固形物含量,提高了糖酸比,明显改善了品质,但对果实硬度和大小无显著影响。  相似文献   

[目的]探究单氰胺处理对不同葡萄生长发育的影响,揭示破眠剂解除葡萄休眠的主要影响因子.[方法]以早黑宝、早霞玫瑰、绍星一号3个葡萄品种为试材,在设施栽培条件下进行破眠剂单氰胺(H2CN2)涂芽处理,以清水处理为对照(CK).观察单氰胺处理后各品种葡萄冬芽显微结构及其生长发育动态,测定各品种葡萄农艺性状、芽酶活性、叶片光...  相似文献   

设施栽培红灯樱桃在萌芽前(或升温1周左右)喷0.3%、0.6%、1%、1.5%的单氰胺,可使其萌芽期、盛花期提前4-16d,果实成熟期提前2-11d,不影响果实的品质与产量,仅此一项667m^2可增加收入2292-12822元。建议生产中使用0.6%-1%的单氰胺。  相似文献   

单氰胺是一种植物休眠终止剂,可有效抑制植物体内过氧化氢酶活性,加速植物体内氧化磷酸戊糖(PPP)循环,从而加速植物体内基础性物质的生成,刺激作物生长,终止休眠.  相似文献   

甜樱桃日光温室栽培加温时间及解除休眠技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
揭示了甜樱桃休眠机制,采用喷布乙烯利、强制降温、遮荫等方法强迫提早落叶进入休眠,采用硫脲、GA3和6-BA等物质改变樱桃内源物质的存在状态,提前结束休眠的技术手段,确定了甜樱桃日光温室栽培加温时间是在12月中旬左右,实现在3月份甜樱桃成熟,满足淡季水果供应,增加樱桃栽培的经济效益.  相似文献   

温度是影响落叶果树芽休眠解除最主要的因素,直接关系到促成栽培的成败.现综述不同温度类型对落叶果树芽休眠解除的影响,以期对设施栽培提供理论依据.  相似文献   

研究了GA3对天女木兰种子在变温层积条件下解除休眠过程中碳水化合物的影响,以此探讨外源赤霉素(GA3)对层积过程中天女木兰种子解除休眠的作用机理。结果表明,1000mg/LGA3水溶液处理极显著促进天女木兰种子萌发,在整个层积过程中,GA3水溶液处理诱导淀粉含量下降;蔗糖含量变化剧烈,在层积90d降至最低,  相似文献   

在大樱桃棚室栽培生产过程中,由于部分果农扣棚晚,升温早,也不进行人工降温,往往使得大樱桃树未能满足其需冷量,出现开花不整齐现象。为了解决这个问题,应用了有利于打破休眠的单氰胺,效果很好。施用方法:在棚室栽培的大樱桃树扣棚后充分浇水、施肥,扣地膜后,于2010年1月2日分别对红灯、美早、先锋、斯坦拉、佐藤锦品种树用单氰胺100~150倍液均匀喷洒,要求均匀快速,浓度不要过大,喷布不要过多。如果喷  相似文献   

以树莓品种"费尔杜德"穗条为试材,研究了单氰胺浓度(喷施浓度为0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%、2.5%)和蓄冷阶段(0%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%和100%)的交互作用对树莓休眠脱除的影响。结果表明:在所有浓度处理中,0.5%浓度单氰胺破眠效果最佳,药害表现最轻,当单氰胺浓度≥1.0%时,穗条药害严重;在处理时期上,穗条处于40%冷积累阶段施用0.5%单氰胺破眠效果明显,水培2周后,穗条萌芽率大于50%;当冷积累量超过总需冷量的50%以后,单氰胺处理组萌芽率下降。试验当中,单氰胺的浓度和冷积累的交互作用导致"费尔杜德"穗条萌芽率具有极显著差异(P≤0.001)。  相似文献   

甜樱桃品种吉列玛叶片再生不定梢的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在基本培养基NN69或WPM上附加BA和低浓度的NAA,IAA,IBA作培养基,诱导甜樱桃品种吉列玛试管苗的叶片产生了不定梢。以WPM附加BA 3mg/L和IAA0.3mg/L的处理,不定梢再生率最高为33.3%。  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a self-incompatible species. Determination of the S-genotypes of cherry cultivars is crucial for breeding and to select appropriate cultivars for cross-fertilisation and fruit set. In this study, we characterised the S-genotypes of 25 sweet cherry cultivars, some of which had being bred at the Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology (RBIP), Holovousy, Czech Republic, and others were European cultivars in the RBIP collection. S-genotyping was carried out by polymerase chain reaction using consensus primers for the S-RNase and SFB genes, and capillary electrophoresis. Nine different known S-haplotypes (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S9, S13, and S16) were identified and the cultivars were assigned to 12 incompatibility groups. One local cultivar, ‘Pta?ka z Plzně’, originated from a wild forest seedling and used as a pollinator, was assigned to Group 0 of universal donors. The pedigree of some cultivars was confirmed by their S-genotype. This study represents the ?rst comprehensive S-genotype screening of sweet cherry genetic resources in the Czech Republic and will be useful for the design of crossing programmes and orchard management of these sweet cherry cultivars.  相似文献   


The high degree of polymorphism of AFLPs provides an efficient system for identification and genome analysis of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) cultivars and selections. The cultivars of sweet cherry have usually been characterized by assessment of phenotypic and pomological traits. AFLP markers were employed to identify 38 sweet cherry accessions and estimate the genetic diversity among this material. Ten of 18 tested primer combinations were informative with up to 80 bands per primer combination. Seven to 33% of the amplfied bands were polymorphic depending upon primer combination. Allcultivars and selections tested could be clearly identified. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the usefulness of molecular markers in revealing the genetic diversity among different sweet cherry genotypes.  相似文献   

Microsatellite (SSR) markers were used to characterise 23 sweet cherry cultivars of Ukrainian, and four cultivars of non-Ukrainian, origin. To assess their genetic diversity and relatedness, 11 pairs of primers were applied to microsatellite loci, resulting in amplification of 66 SSR alleles. The mean value of the number of different alleles, and the polymorphic index content, amount to 7.333 and 0.700, respectively, demonstrating a significant genetic diversity of the investigated sweet cherry cultivars. Four highly polymorphic SSR loci (EMPAS02, EMPAS06, PceGA34, UDP98-412), which belong to the list recommended by the European Cooperative Program for Plant Genetic Resources, can be used as a minimum genetic marker set for identification of the majority of the studied cultivars; however, for successful discrimination of the most similar cultivars, more markers, located on all chromosomes of sweet cherry, appear to be necessary. Application of unweighted variable-group method using averages clustering allowed elucidation of the relatedness among the sweet cherry varieties, and showed that the Ukrainian cultivars combine genetic material of local, western European, and probably Caucasian origin; however, the origin of several cultivars still remains unclear, and should be studied additionally.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) remains recalcitrant for genetic transformation due to the lack of efficient plant regeneration systems via organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis. In this study, in vitro shoot cultures were derived from a single mature embryo (open pollinated) of ‘Selah’ sweet cherry. Leaf explants were cultured on Woody Plant Medium supplemented with different plant growth regulators to induce shoot regeneration. The optimal regeneration at a frequency of 32.5% and an average of 1.1 shoots per explant occurred on the medium containing 4.54 µM thidiazuron (TDZ) and 2.95 µM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Transient transformation showed an efficient delivery of the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (gusA) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105. Under the optimal gene delivery conditions, stable transformations were conducted using pGA643 and pBI-VcFT containing a blueberry FLOWERING LOCUS T (VcFT). A total of 500 leaf explants, 250 for each construct, were used for transformation. After 10-week selection, three leaf explants transformed with the pGA643 produced four kanamycin-resistant shoots, in which stable integration and expression of the nptII were confirmed by Southern blot and RT-PCR analysis, respectively. This study demonstrated that it was possible to produce stable transgenic sweet cherry using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of leaf explants.  相似文献   

Juvenile Prunus avium shoot apices produced flowering shoots after grafting to mature trees irrespective of treatment of the apices in the season before grafting with G A or G A + cytokinin. Scions grown from mature shoot apices grafted to seedling stocks failed to flower, again irrespective of prior hormone treatment. Similar treatment of mature shoot apices with these hormones, or with zeatin, inhibited concurrent floral initiation, but G A or GA + zeatin treatments increased flowering of scions grown from the treated apices after grafting to untreated mature trees. Localized shoot tip or root drench treatment of one or two year old seedlings with (2RS, 3RS)-paclobutrazol failed to induce flowering, but treatment of three or four year old plants did stimulate flowering. Branch or stem girdling or root flooding applied alone or in combination to three year old plants did not affect flowering. Floral initiation by three or four year old plants was inhibited by treatment with GAs. The results were consistent with the presence in seedlings of a root- produced, xylem transported, graft-transmissible inhibitor(s), which control the initiation of otherwise competent meristems, and which could include factors other than GAs. Juvenile meristem competence to flower was not affected by prior GA treatment.  相似文献   

通过对拉宾斯(Lapins),滨库(Bing)和红丰(Hongfeng)3个抗裂性不同的甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)品种进行果实发育期外源补钙处理,研究了甜樱桃果实整个发育过程中果肉Ca2+质量浓度变化规律,及其对甜樱桃裂果的影响。结果表明,1)拉宾斯果实在成熟后期果肉Ca2+质量浓度呈稳定的上升趋势,而滨库和红丰在果实成熟期果肉Ca2+质量浓度则呈下降趋势。2)外源补钙处理可明显提高果实中的钙含量,所有处理的果实在整个发育过程中果肉Ca2+质量浓度都明显高于对照,其中拉宾斯比对照高12%、比滨库高13%、比红丰高40%。3)在裂果试验中,高抗裂品种拉宾斯对于外源补钙不敏感,叶面补钙处理后裂果率由7%降为4%;而抗裂性较差的滨库和红丰则非常敏感,裂果率滨库由49%降为28%、红丰由92%降为60%,证明果肉Ca2+质量浓度的提高可明显降低果实裂果率。  相似文献   

甜樱桃果实发育过程中激素含量的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以9年生‘红灯’甜樱桃为试材,对果实不同发育时期果肉内源激素变化动态进行了测定分析。结果表明:果肉中ZRs含量在果实第Ⅰ速长期开始时最高,之后除在果实第Ⅱ速长期开始时有小幅增加外,均呈逐渐下降趋势; IAA和GAs的变化动态相似,在果实第Ⅰ速长期含量较高,随果实发育逐渐减少,均在硬核期结束时(盛花后25d)降到最低值,进入第Ⅱ速长期后又迅速增加并达到最大值,与果实生长动态吻合; ABA含量分别在盛花后第5、15、35d出现高峰,与落果(花)时期基本一致。  相似文献   

绝大部分甜樱桃品种自交不亲和,因此自交不亲和基因型的鉴定对于生产具有重要的意义。以甜樱桃主栽品种为试材,建立基于PCR技术的甜樱桃品种S基因型鉴定技术。试验根据已发表的樱桃S基因序列设计了2对引物组合BFP73/74,BFP93/94,结合S1、S5基因的特异扩增引物,利用扩增片段长度的不同,就可以对樱桃品种的S基因型进行鉴定。通过对已知S基因型品种基因组的扩增,最终建立了基于PCR技术的甜樱桃品种S基因型鉴定技术。  相似文献   

乙醇对中国樱桃贮藏效应的初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乙醇蒸汽对中国樱桃贮藏品质影响的研究结果表明,2mL/kg和6mL/kg的乙醇可明显延缓樱桃果实可滴定酸、可溶性糖、Vc和可溶性蛋白含量的下降及腐烂率的上升。0±0.5℃下贮藏12d,其腐烂率分别比对照低25.5%和51.0%,良好地保持了樱桃果实的采后品质。  相似文献   

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