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德国狩猎活动管理现状探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2006年起,我国业已开展了21a的国际狩猎活动被停止了2 a.作为野生动物资源的合理利用方式,狩猎活动的停止对野生动物保护造成了负面影响.本文基于对德国狩猎管理工作的实地考察基础上,较为系统地介绍了该国狩猎活动开展现状;并从法律法规、狩猎资格管理制度、狩猎权管理规定、狩猎额度管理制度、野生动物福利规定等方面,探析了德国狩猎管理现状.本研究有助于为我国重新开展狩猎活动,并将狩猎活动趋于有序化和制度化提供科学依据.  相似文献   

郑杰  杨宏伟 《野生动物》2000,21(4):11-14
野生动物狩猎业是古代人类从事的一项活动,亦是现代人类与野生动物资源保护和合理利用活动的一种形式。其根本目的是为了实现保护、利用、发展的良性循环,以促进保护事业的发展。青海的国际狩猎是在经济改革初期发展的一项涉外狩猎活动。十多年来,它不仅为青海合理利用丰富的野生动物资源开辟了一条有效途径,  相似文献   

在保护区建立之前,白马雪山国家级自然保护区北部叶日藏族居民,把狩猎收入作为主要经济来源。在狩猎中,出于对自然的崇拜,禁止到神山周围去狩猎,并严格限制狩猎期、地点、数量及工具等,故形成了如同现代科学方法规划和管理的猎场。从而为栖息在这里的多种珍稀野生动物创造了适宜的繁衍生息条件,促进了种群数量的长期稳定发展,基本做到了资源的永续利用。这种宗教信仰和传统狩猎习俗所起到的客观保护作用,值得在野生动物保护管理工作中借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,世界狩猎业发展迅速,各国成立了不同的部门来管理狩猎业。非洲的狩猎业极其发达,狩猎收入在开展狩猎的国家GDP中均占有一定份额,也是野生动物保护资金的主要来源;欧洲的运动狩猎不仅是重要娱乐活动,也被视为文化的传承,其狩猎制度非常完善;美国的狩猎是一项全民化的大众娱乐活动,美国渔和野生动物管理局每5a进行一次全国性的渔猎大调查,以便掌握钓鱼、狩猎及野生动物相关娱乐活动的翔实数据;澳大利亚有着狩猎的传统,当地土著一直就以狩猎作为重要生产方式,现今澳大利亚北部仍旧保留这项传统。而运动狩猎在澳大利亚经过20多年发展,已摸索出其特有的可持续狩猎模式。  相似文献   

本文所要谈的是以野生动物为劳动对象的,以驯养、狩猎为主,包括产品加工、流通及其行政管理在内的一种产业。如叫狩猎业,嫌有无视保护为重点的时代要求之意,如叫野生动物事业则有物质生产性产业与社会公益性事业不分之嫌。故此,暂且叫做野生动物业。  相似文献   

为全面了解黑龙江省野生动物资源保护执法情况和调查工作进展情况,抓好全省野生动物管理工作以及今冬明春野生动物资源外业调查工作,1997年10月29日,黑龙江省林业厅在哈尔滨市召开了野生动物保护执法和资源调查工作汇报会。会议听取了各地学习、宣传和贯彻执行《黑龙江省野生动物保护条例》,狩猎生产、驯养繁殖、经营利用和运输管理工作的汇报;奖励了在野生动物资源调查中表现突出的地市讨论了与《黑龙江省野生动物保护条例》相配套的野生动物运输、经营、收费等三项规定(初稿);部署了今冬明春野生动物保护管理和资源调查工作。参加…  相似文献   

为加强野生动物及其生境的基础保护工作,对狩猎资源动态进行有效的监管,2016年5月对拟建的河北小五台国际狩猎场野生动物资源进行首次本底调查。根据本次实地调查结果,共记录狩猎场鸟类和兽类物种104种,隶属16目43科。小五台国际狩猎场动物区系以古北界居相对优势,种类有65种,占该区域内鸟兽物种种数的62. 50%;广布种有26种;东洋界物种最少,仅有13种。留鸟和夏候鸟占绝大多数,分别为44. 71%和35. 29%。鸟类群落结构丰富,以鸣禽为主,非雀形目鸟类物种占29. 41%,雀形目鸟类占70. 59%。猎场境内森林植被茂密,生境复杂多样,狩猎资源充足,狩猎动物主要为西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、雉鸡(Phasianus colchicus)等。建议猎场在对野生动物有效保护的基础上,合理制定狩猎方案,与周边村落共同开发合作项目,积极推进当地狩猎业发展。  相似文献   

中国一半以上的自然保护区都集中在我国的西部地区。但是由于目前我国的西部地区经济相对比较落后,人们文化素质偏低,造成了狩猎严重,为了加快经济发展,过度开发等状况的出现,给自然保护区和野生动物资源的保护带来了极大的压力。因此要实现野生动物的可持续发展,必须将经济利益与生态效益相结合,采取多渠道保护野生动物的发展战略。  相似文献   

重视野生动物在流通领域的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,野生动物保护受到社会上越来越广泛的重视。《野生动物保护法》和《保护条例》的贯彻实施,有力地打击了乱捕滥猎及倒卖走私珍稀动物的犯罪活动,促进了野生动物资源保护管理工作。但是,随着社会经济、文化事业的发展和人民物质文化生活水平的提高,野生动物及其产品的社会需求正在迅速增长,如各地新建、扩建动物园、博物馆、旅游或狩猎场所,需要不断补充或增加珍  相似文献   

世界上许多国家由于人口增多,工业发展和农业集约经营,使野生动物自然栖息地逐渐缩小;与此同时,一些国家的猎人数量也在不断增加。为了满足人们对狩猎产品的需要,必须采取在自然条件下繁殖野生动物的措施。国外在野生动物繁殖利用方面的经验比较丰富,仅将其中有关部份综述如下。  相似文献   

野生动物保护与利用关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对公众对野生动物保护和利用关系所持的不同看法,提出对种群中超过环境容纳量的老、弱、病、残个体进行适当的利用;修改《野生动物保护法》和国家的相关规定:加强对查获野生动物产品的管理;加大对犯罪分子的惩处,从而达到既保护野生动物,又能合理利用野生动物及其产品的目的。  相似文献   

Black bear populations in Alabama have been low since the early part of the 20th century, but an increase in sightings over the past decade has led researchers to believe that populations may be growing, spurring discussions on restoring the species throughout its native range in the state. The rise of a large carnivore population is likely to increase human–wildlife interactions and attract outspoken opinions in support of and against population recovery. We conducted a mail survey of Alabama residents to access public views and opinions toward growing bear populations. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the degree to which residents’ attitudes toward black bears could be predicted by demographic, cognitive, and experiential variables. Results demonstrate that the strongest predictors of attitudes toward bears included mutualist and hunting beliefs, trust in the state wildlife management agency, race, and exposure to bear education materials.  相似文献   

Wildlife management increasingly incorporates public participation to be more inclusive and reduce tensions between management and the general public in the decision-making process. There is also a need, however, to include spatial data since most wildlife biological and biophysical data are stored spatially in geographic information systems (GIS). This article presents a method for integrating this information using public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS). We asked stakeholders to identify specific places on a map that they would like to see maintained for the conservation of particular threatened species. This information is useful for identifying public wildlife management preferences and for allowing comparisons between public and expert opinions. We found high levels of public accuracy in identifying suitable habitat for threatened species conservation. We also identified places of potential conflict due to incompatible stakeholder preferences, but found little conflict between public conservation and development preferences.  相似文献   

Existing sources of wildlife morbidity and mortality data were evaluated and 3 pilot active surveillance projects were undertaken to compare and contrast methods for collecting wildlife disease data on Vancouver Island for public health purposes. Few organizations could collect samples for diagnostic evaluation, fewer still maintained records, and none regularly characterized or reported wildlife disease for public health purposes. Wildlife rehabilitation centers encountered the greatest variety of wildlife from the largest geographic area and frequently received submissions from other organizations. Obstacles to participation included the following: permit restrictions; financial disincentives; staff safety; no mandate to collect relevant data; and lack of contact between wildlife and public health agencies. Despite these obstacles, modest investments in personnel allowed novel pathogens of public health concern to be tracked. Targeted surveillance for known pathogens in specific host species, rather than general surveys for unspecified pathogens, was judged to be a more effective and efficient way to provide useful public health data.  相似文献   

广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年6月,对广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识进行了问卷调查。结果表明:(1)公众对野生动物保护知识匮乏,缺乏野生动物保护法制意识;(2)公众普遍对野生动物面临的威胁有较明确的认识,具有保护意愿,但缺乏保护野生动物的积极性和主动性;(3)公众接受野生动物保护教育的主要途径是电视。本文针对广东大峡谷自然保护区公众野生动物保护意识现状及其存在的问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) targets high-priority conservation needs (e.g., water quality, wildlife habitat) by paying landowners an annual rental rate to remove environmentally sensitive or agriculturally unproductive lands from rowcrop production, and then implement conservation practices on these lands. This study examined motivations of South Dakota landowners for enrolling in the James River Basin CREP. All 517 newly enrolled landowners were mailed a questionnaire in 2014 measuring demographics, behaviors, opinions, and motivations (60% response rate). Cluster analysis of 10 motivations for enrolling identified three motivation groups (wildlife = 40%, financial = 35%, environmental = 25%). The financial group had the youngest mean age (62 years), followed by the wildlife (65) and environmental groups (68). Among respondents, 43% favored the public access requirement of this CREP with the environmental group most in favor. Understanding landowner enrollment motivations and decision criteria will assist in strategies (e.g., financial incentives, increasing yield via habitat restoration) for increasing future participation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the risks associated with wildlife rehabilitation and the reemergence of wildlife rabies in North Carolina through assessment of the status of knowledge and attitudes of licensed in-state wildlife rehabilitators about rabies and rabies vector species (RVS). DESIGN: Questionnaire survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 672 North Carolina licensed wildlife rehabilitators registered in 1999. PROCEDURE: Wildlife rehabilitators were contacted by mail to determine their status of knowledge and attitudes regarding rabies and RVS. The questionnaire was designed to determine rehabilitators' recent experiences with RVS, attitudes toward regulations, and knowledge of rabies virus transmission. Results were analyzed by use of the chi2 test. RESULTS: Questionnaire responses were provided by 210 of the 672 (31.3%) wildlife rehabilitators. Among rehabilitators, there were some inconsistencies in their knowledge base regarding rabies (eg, 25% reported that they did not know at what age animals were capable of transmitting rabies virus). Most respondents were amenable to all proposed licensing prerequisites for handling RVS (ie, record keeping, additional training, and veterinarian support). Respondents reported > 580 calls annually about rehabilitating RVS, and 80% believed at least some of their peers were rehabilitating RVS illegally. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: With the establishment of rabies as a disease that is endemic among wildlife species in North Carolina, educational efforts directed at wildlife rehabilitators (a subpopulation of residents potentially at high risk of rabies virus infection) would have direct and indirect public health benefits; similar efforts may be useful to public health communities elsewhere in the United States.  相似文献   

Public trust thinking (PTT) promises to inspire ecologically and socially responsible wildlife governance in the United States, but its application is not straightforward. We describe eight broad challenges to comprehensive application of PTT including: increasing authority and capacity; overcoming resistance to change; achieving fair consideration of all public interests; facilitating broad public participation; and fulfilling commitments to future generations. We discuss potential solutions including: distributing responsibilities for public wildlife conservation among governmental and nongovernmental entities; adopting an expansive definition of “wildlife;” promoting an inclusive interpretation of PTT among public wildlife professionals; rejuvenating relationships between the public and wildlife agencies; and increasing public participation and accountability in decision-making processes. Efforts to address challenges in specific socioecological contexts should be led by people working in those contexts. Achieving comprehensive application of PTT will require collaboration and cooperation among governmental and nongovernmental partners, supported by diverse and engaged members of the public.  相似文献   

Diseases in wildlife have been recognised as having the potential to affect human health, livestock health and species conservation. In order to assess and respond to these potential risks in an effective and a proportionate way, the UK Government initiated development of the Wildlife Health Strategy to provide a framework for decision making. The England Wildlife Health Strategy (EWHS) has been developed through extensive consultation. Discussions and negotiations with government departments, agencies, non-governmental public bodies and wildlife organisations were held to obtain advice and input on specific and specialised aspects of wildlife health. A series of workshops to investigate the application of innovative science to wildlife health policy contributed further. A formal public consultation was held that proposed a range of actions to implement the strategy. A summary of responses to this consultation was published in October 2007. The EWHS was published in June 2009 and provides a framework for a generic four-stage approach to wildlife health that can be adopted by decision makers both within and outside government.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a bacterial systemic infection which affects domestic animals and wildlife, as well as humans. Many wild animals act as reservoirs of leptospires. Nevertheless, the real role of wildlife animals as source of infection to livestock and humans, as well as the most important reservoirs and leptospiral strains remains unclear. This systematic review assesses the available data about wildlife and their biomes in Latin America, concerning to leptospiral infection. In addition, we discuss the development of the research on leptospirosis in wildlife in this region. After the application of exclusion criteria, 79 papers were analyzed, comprising 186 species, 122 genus, 53 families, and 19 orders from four classes. Mammals were the most studied class, followed by Amphibian, Reptile, and Aves. The Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup was predominant in most biomes and many orders. A small number of antigens detected the majority of seroreactive animals of each class, and a smaller panel may be used at microscopic agglutination test. Further studies must always consider edaphoclimatic conditions besides only host class or species, in order to obtain a broader understanding of the wild epidemiological cycle of leptospirosis in the region. In conclusion, direct and indirect evidences demonstrate that leptospirosis is largely widespread among wildlife in all biomes of Latin America. Moreover, more research on the role of wildlife on the epidemiology of leptospirosis and its impact on livestock and public health are required, particularly focusing on direct detection of the agent.  相似文献   

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