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谷氨酰胺对断奶仔猪生产性能和血液生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选取21日龄的杜×长×大三元断奶仔猪66头,随机分为2组,每组3个重复,每个重复9~13只,研究日粮中添加1%的谷氨酰胺对断奶仔猪生长性能和血液生化指标的影响.结果表明,添加1 %的谷氨酰胺可使断奶仔猪21~35日龄阶段平均日增重比对照组提高19.2 %(P<0.05),平均日采食量提高16.3 %(P<0.05),血清碱性磷酸酶含量提高74.3 %(P<0.05),血清尿素氮含量降低35.4 %(P<0.05),腹泻率明显降低.添加1 %的谷氨酰胺还可使断奶仔猪21~49日龄阶段平均日增重提高11.5 %(P<0.05),35~49日龄阶段血清尿素氮含量降低43.7 %(P<0.05).  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the impact of dietary fiber (DF) sources on sow and litter performance, and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE) and nutrients. A total of 48 sows were stratified for body weight at mating and randomly assigned to one of four DF sources (mixed fiber [MF], palm kernel expellers [PKE], sugar beet pulp [SBP], or soy hulls [SH]) and fed the diet from mating until farrowing. Within DF treatments, sows were supplemented with one of two extra energy sources (glycerol or sugar dissolved in water), whereas a third group (control) received water from day 108 of gestation until farrowing. The number of total born, live-born, and stillborn pigs; birth time and birth weight of the pigs; farrowing duration; and farrowing assistance (FA) were recorded. Live-born pigs were weighed again at 12 and 24 h after birth to record weight gain, which was used to estimate intake and yield of colostrum. Blood samples were collected once daily from day −3 relative to farrowing until day 1 after farrowing in sows and once from selected pigs right after birth. Fecal samples were collected on day 114 of gestation and colostrum at 0, 12, 24, and 36 h after onset of farrowing. Intake of soluble and insoluble nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) was greater for SBP (P < 0.001) and PKE (P < 0.001) supplemented sows, respectively, when compared with other groups. Farrowing duration and stillbirth rate were not affected by DF sources, but PKE and SH supplemented sows had greater FA than SBP and MF supplemented sows (P < 0.001). Extra energy supplement did not improve the farrowing performance. Concentration (P = 0.02) and output (P = 0.04) of dry matter in colostrum, and ATTD of GE (P < 0.001) and crude protein (CP; P < 0.001) were lower for PKE supplemented sows than in sows from the remaining groups. Intake of insoluble NSP correlated negatively with ATTD of GE (P < 0.001) and CP (P < 0.001). Concentrations of glucose (P < 0.001), lactate (P < 0.001), CO2 (P < 0.001), and HCO3 (P < 0.001) in sows blood were increased with time progress relative to farrowing. Newborn pigs from PKE supplemented sows had greater concentration of lactate (P = 0.02) and lower blood pH (P = 0.02) than the remaining treatments. In conclusion, PKE supplement reduced ATTD of GE and CP, and concentration and output of dry matter in colostrum but increased FA. Results of this experiment indicated that the use of PKE as a fiber source for late gestating sows should be avoided.  相似文献   

The concentrations of IgG, IgM, IgA and the specific sow colostrum trypsin inhibitor (SCTI) were measured by radial immunodiffusion in colostrum and milk samples from sows and in serum samples from their offspring during the suckling period. A clear time dependence was found for all the measured variates in both whey and serum. Statistically significant positive correlations were found between, on the one hand, concentrations of IgG and IgA, but not IgM, in sera from 39 suckling piglets 1 and 3 days old, and, on the other hand, concentrations of the same immunoglobulins and of the trypsin inhibitor in maternal colostrum (n = 7). Multiple regression analyses showed that at day 1 and day 3 the levels of both IgG and IgA in serum samples from the suckling piglets were positively influenced by both the SCTI and the IgG or IgA contents in maternal colostrum.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary live yeast (LY) supplementation during late gestation and lactation on reproductive performance, colostrum and milk composition, blood biochemical and immunological parameters of sows. A total of 40 multiparous sows were randomly fed either the control (CON) diet or the CON diet supplemented with LY at 1 g/kg from d 90 of gestation to weaning. Results showed that the number of stillborn piglets and low BW piglets were significantly decreased in the LY-supplemented sows compared with sows in the CON group (P < 0.05). Moreover, the concentrations of protein, lactose and solids-not-fat were increased in the colostrum of LY-supplemented sows (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the plasma activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GGT) at d 1 of lactation and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) at weaning day were decreased by feeding LY diet (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, sows fed LY diet had higher plasma concentration of immunoglobulin G compared with sows fed CON diet at d 1 of lactation (P < 0.05). In conclusion, LY supplementation in maternal diets decreased the number of stillborn piglets and low BW piglets, improved colostrum quality and health status of sows.  相似文献   

Keeping of piglets on slatted metal floor, without complementary iron supply, caused anaemia within seven days from parturition. Hb levels in the blood dropped from 7.00 +/- 1.16 to 3.47 +/- 0.74 mmol/l. Iron deficit reduced growth and vitality. The iron levels in blood plasma of the piglets tested varied between 5 and 35 mumol/l, immediately after parturition. Intraperitoneal or oral administration of Fe-dextran (150 mg Fe) on the first day after parturition resulted in physiological iron levels in blood plasma, after seven days. Yet, when 14 days had passed, the levels were similar to those recorded from piglets without additional iron supply. Iron bonding capacity of blood plasma increased in piglets of all groups up to the seventh day from birth. Death occurred, on the second day of age, to many piglets with protein levels below 50 g/l plasma. Copper levels in blood plasma of newborn piglets were below those recordable from sows, but they went up by more than three times of their original values up to the seventh day from birth. In piglets, zinc, levels of blood plasma after parturition were higher than those of sows and went up by some 50 percent, within seven days from birth.  相似文献   

Forty-two sows were used to determine the effects of adding a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product (SCFP) to the gestation and lactation diets on the performance of sows and their progeny. At 5 d before breeding, sows were allotted to 2 dietary treatments representing 1) sows fed a diet with 12.0 g of fermentation product/d through gestation and 15.0 g of fermentation product/d through lactation (SCFP treatment, n=22), and 2) sows fed a diet with equal amounts of a mixture of corn and soybean meal instead of the SCFP (CON treatment, n=20). Sow BW and backfat thickness were recorded. Blood was collected from sows, as well as piglets, for the measurement of cell numbers, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), and IgG. Fecal samples from d 7 to 9 of lactation were collected to determine apparent total tract nutrient digestibility. The composition of colostrum and milk was also measured. No difference (P > 0.10) in reproductive performance was observed between treatments. However, sows in the SCFP treatment tended to have increased total litter weaning weight (P=0.068) and litter BW gain (P=0.084) compared with sows in the CON treatment. Neutrophil count was decreased (P < 0.05) by adding the fermentation product on d 110 of gestation and d 17 of lactation, whereas a decreased (P < 0.05) white blood cell count was observed only on d 110 of gestation. Concentration of PUN tended to be greater (P=0.069) for sows in the CON treatment compared with sows in the SCFP treatment on d 110 of gestation. Apparent total tract nutrient digestibility values of ash, CP, DM, and ether extract were not affected (P > 0.10) by adding the fermentation product. Protein and fat contents in colostrum and milk did not differ (P > 0.10) between treatments. Colostrum from sows in the SCFP treatment contained a greater (P < 0.05) amount of ash than colostrum from sows in the CON treatment. Immunoglobulin G measured in the colostrum, milk, and plasma of piglets did not differ (P > 0.10) between sows in the CON and SCFP treatments. This study indicates that adding the SCFP in the gestation and lactation diets has the potential to 1) improve litter BW gain during lactation, possibly by improving maternal protein utilization, as shown in a tendency to reduce PUN; 2) improve the maternal health status, as shown by the reduced neutrophil cell count; and 3) increase milk production, as shown in a tendency to improve litter BW gain without affecting nutrient composition of the colostrum and milk.  相似文献   

抗菌肽饲料添加剂对母猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为观察抗菌肽饲料添加剂对母猪生产性能的影响,试验于母猪产前35d在饲料中添加抗菌肽饲料添加剂,观察母猪产仔及仔猪健康状况。结果表明:试验组母猪的窝均产仔数和窝均活仔重量均高于对照组;分娩、断奶的成活率分别比对照组提高了6.48、16.10个百分点;弱仔率和仔猪腹泻率显著降低。经济效益试验组比对照组提高259.08元/窝。说明抗菌肽饲料添加剂可有效提高母猪的生产性能。  相似文献   

Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the replacement effects of milk powder(MK) and fish meal(FM) by enzymatic soybean(ESB) in diets on growth performance, immunological parameters, SCFAs production and gut microbiome of weaned piglets.Methods: A total of 128 piglets with initial body weight at 6.95 ± 0.46 kg, were randomly assigned into 4 dietary treatments with 8 replicates per treatment and 4 piglets per replicate for a period of 14 d. Piglets were offered isonitrogenous an...  相似文献   

The present study is aimed to evaluate the effects of different levels of earthworm (EW) powder and vermihumus (VH) on the growth performance, humoral immunity response, plasma constituents and reproductive performance of Japanese breeder quails. A total of 336 birds were assigned to seven treatments in a completely randomized design from day 30 to 90 of age. The dietary treatments were carried out, one without any addition of EW and VH, the second had a standard rate of VH at 0.8%, while a range of EW additions was supplied from 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%. The effects of treatments on body weight and mortality were not significant (p > .05). The highest feed intake was observed in birds fed the diets supplemented with 1% and 1.5% EW (p < .05). The highest titre of antibodies against influenza virus and sheep red blood cells belonged to the EW and VH treatments (p < .05). The antibody titre against Newcastle disease virus vaccine was not affected by the treatments. In general, the birds receiving EW and VH had the highest egg weight, egg production and egg mass weight (p < .05). Nonetheless, various levels of EW powder negatively affected hatchability and increased mortality and leg disorders (p < .05). The results showed that the levels of dietary 1% and 1.5% of EW powder gave the best growth and reproductive performance to birds respectively.  相似文献   

为探讨围产期奶牛血清和初乳中免疫球蛋白含量的变化,采用免疫抑制法测定血清和初乳中Ig G、Ig A、Ig M的含量,并分析其与产奶量之间的关系。结果显示,奶牛围产期血清中Ig G、Ig A、Ig M含量均先降低后升高,与分娩当天相比,产前21 d时三者含量分别减少62.1%,65.2%,62.6%,而产后21 d时其含量仍未恢复到产前21 d时的水平;初乳中Ig G、Ig A、Ig M含量随泌乳时间的延长逐渐降低。此外,产前血清中免疫球蛋白含量的减少量和初乳中免疫球蛋白含量与产奶量呈负相关性。试验表明,奶牛在围产期阶段处于免疫抑制状态,表现为产前免疫球蛋白的减少和分娩前后低水平的免疫球蛋白水平,这些变化可能是导致围产期奶牛较高发病率的原因之一。  相似文献   

The study investigated the impact of feeding OmniGen‐AF® (OG; Phibro Animal Health, Quincy, IL) from dry‐off to week 4 of lactation at two doses on production performance and metabolic adaptation of multiparous Holstein cows. Forty‐eight cows were blocked and assigned randomly to three treatments: OG was fed at 0 g/head/day (CON), 60 g/head/day (OG60), or 90 g/head/day (OG90). No difference was observed in dry matter intake (DMI) throughout the experiment, whereas feeding OG tended to decrease the percentage body weight change (PWC) on week 2. Although colostrum yield was not affected by treatment, colostrum IgG production of OG90 tended to be higher than that of CON. OG supplementation did not affect overall milking performance but decreased milk SCC during the first 4 weeks of lactation. In prepartum, OG supplementation decreased the concentrations of serum albumin and calcium, and increased serum globulin. OG supplementation tended to increase serum total protein, globulin, and calcium contents postpartum. Furthermore, reduced incidence of mastitis and udder edema were observed. In conclusion, supplementing cows with OG from dry‐off period reduces or modulates the inflammation responses associated with parturition, potentially resulting in improved postpartum health, while feeding OG more than 60 g/head/day did not warrant further benefits.  相似文献   

This study evaluated how socializing piglets before weaning affects behavior of lactating sows and the pre- and postweaning behavior and performance of piglets. Two farrowing rooms, each with 6 pens, and 1 nursery with 4 pens were used. In total, data were obtained from 24 sows and their litters. In each farrowing room, the solid barriers between 3 farrowing pens were removed on d 12 after farrowing, and the sows remained confined in their crates (experimental group). In the other 3 farrowing pens of each farrowing room, sows and their litters were kept under conventional conditions until weaning (control group). All piglets were weaned 28 d after birth. After weaning, piglets from each group remained together in 1 pen of the nursery. The behavior of sows (lying, standing, sitting, nursing) and piglets (lying, active, suckling) in the farrowing rooms was observed for 24 h before and for 48 h after removal of the barriers between the pens. In addition, behavior (active, lying, feeding, agonistic behavior) of piglets was observed in the nursery during the initial 48-h period after weaning. Each piglet was weighed on d 5, 12, and 28 after birth and thereafter weekly until the fifth week of rearing. In the farrowing room, mixing of litters did not influence behavior of piglets and sows. Preweaning weight gain of the piglets did not differ (P = 0.60) between the treatments. In the initial 48 h after weaning, less agonistic behavior (P < 0.001) was observed in piglets belonging to the experimental group. During 5 wk of rearing, piglets in the experimental group gained more weight compared with the control group (P = 0.05). The advantage shown by the experimental group became especially conspicuous in the first week after weaning (P = 0.05). By socializing unfamiliar piglets before weaning, stress due to mixing could at least be distanced in time from the other burdens of weaning, thereby improving performance.  相似文献   

To study the influence of sow dietary fat on piglet body characteristics, multiparous sows were allocated to one of four different dietary treatments: a conventional low fat (3%) diet (LF) and three high fat (6%) diets; high fat saturated (HFS), high fat oats (HFO), and high fat linseed (HFL). All sows were fed the allocated diet from weaning of the preceding litter until the day after farrowing. At farrowing, one liveborn piglet per litter (NB), was sacrificed and dissected immediately after birth. The heaviest (H) and the lightest (L) piglets in the litter were killed and dissected in the same manner at one day of age. Measurement of body length and circumference, organ weight, body chemical composition and muscle glycogen content were determined. Body measurements were adjusted to the mean body weight (1.67 kg). Dietary treatment did not have any significant influence on body components or carcass traits except for lung weight, being lower in HFO and HFL than in LF piglets. Piglet category affected almost all parameters considered, showing the lowest values for NB piglets, except for lung and circumference that were higher in NB than in L and H piglets; and length which was lower in NB than in L piglets. NB piglets had the highest amount of muscle glycogen content, no difference was found between H and L piglets. Dietary treatments influenced piglet chemical composition, showing the highest overall values of dry matter (DM), protein, and fat for the HFL piglets' carcasses. The present data provide additional information on the depletion of energy reserves; it would appear that sow dietary fat has relatively little effect on progeny since only body chemical composition was significantly influenced by HFL diet.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the variations of blood corpuscle and immunoglobulin G (IgG) of plasma and milk in sows fed placenta. The first experiment was designed with two groups, the experimental group (Ex: with placenta) and the control (Ct: without placenta) depending on whether they were fed placenta or not. The second experiment was designed using varying condition of placenta (fresh: Fp or cooked: Cp) and amounts of placenta (900 g or 1800 g) according to 2 × 2 factorial design. The number of erythrocytes were higher (P < 0.05) in Ct than in Ex on day 1 of Experiment 1. It was greater in Fp than in Cp on day 3 (P < 0.01) and day 8 (P < 0.05) in Experiment 2. The concentration of hemoglobin was greater (P < 0.05) in Fp than in Cp on day 3 in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, the concentration of IgG in milk was significantly greater in Ex than in Ct on day 15 (P < 0.05) and day 20 (P < 0.01). In Experiment 2, the concentration of IgG in plasma was significantly greater in Fp than in Cp from day 3 to day 20 (P < 0.05). The concentration of IgG in milk was greater (P < 0.05) in Fp than in Cp on day 1 in Experiment 2. The results indicate that, when supplied as a feed, fresh placenta affected the IgG in the plasma and milk of sows.  相似文献   

In three series of experiments the variations of lactic acid and glucose concentrations were investigated in pregnant sows, crossbreds of the Large White and Landrace breeds, and in their foetuses on the 104th and 113th day of pregnancy, then in farrowing sows of the same breed and their piglets at delivery (birth) and till the 10th day after birth. In nonpregnant sows the value of lactacidaemia is 1.60 +/- 0.08 mmol per 1. In the first twenty days of pregnancy it increases to 2.50 +/- 0.95 mmol per 1 (p less than 0.05). In the following days of pregnancy until the 81st to 100th day the value ranges from 1.5 to 1.7 mmol per 1. In the last twenty days of pregnancy it increases slightly to 2.10 +/- 0.25 mmol per 1. On the 104th and 113th day the values of lactacidaemia in foetuses in vena and arteria umbilicalis make 7.40 +/- 0.41 and 6.80 +/- 0.37, or 8.50 +/- 0.43 and 8.16 +/- 0.21 mmol per 1, respectively. Glucosaemia values are decreasing in pregnant sows in the first forty days, in the following period of pregnancy they are increasing and on the 101st to 120th day of pregnancy they make 5.39 +/- 0.26 mmol per 1. The foetus to dam ratio lactic acid concentrations is 2.3 and 2.1, respectively, on the 104th and 113th days. Lactacidaemia is highest in farrowing sows (3.15 +/- 0.19 mmol per 1), then there is a statistically significant decrease in the value of this characteristic, and on the day after delivery it makes 2.38 +/- 0.66 mmol per 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Forty Simmental cows were divided into four groups with 10 per group to investigate the effect of a transition diet supplemented with synthetic β‐carotene and natural carotenoid‐rich feed (pumpkin silage) on chemical composition of the colostrum. The control group (I) was fed grass and maize silage and supplemental concentrates, group II additionally received 400 mg/day/cow of synthetic β‐carotene, in group, III 40% DM of maize silage was replaced with pumpkin silage to increase β‐carotene intake by 400 mg in relation to group I, and in group IV 60% DM of maize silage was replaced with pumpkin silage without adjusting for β‐carotene. Colostrum was collected from the cows within 5 hr of calving to determine colostrum composition, the content of immunoglobulins and carotenoids, total antioxidant status (TAS), the content of some bioactive proteins and the composition of fatty acids. The study showed that the experimental diets had no effect on the gross composition of colostrum. The content of α‐carotene, β‐carotene and violaxanthin was significantly higher in group IV than in group I and that of lutein higher in group IV than in groups I and II. Total antioxidant status of colostrum in group IV was significantly higher than in group I. Groups III and IV were characterized by a higher concentration of immunoglobulin IgG in relation to group I. IgM level in groups II, III and IV was significantly higher than in group I and that in groups III and IV was also higher than in group II. The highest IgA concentration was observed in group IV and the lowest in group I. Lysozyme concentration was higher in group IV compared to groups I and II. The diets had no effect on the total content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA in colostrum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplemental magnesium(Mg) on the performance of gilts and parity 3 sows and their piglets.Fifty-six gilts(Trial 1) and 56 sows(Trial 2) were assigned to one of 4treatments according to their mating weight,respectively.The treatments comprised corn-soybean meal based gestation and lactation diets(0.21%magnesium) supplemented with 0,0.015,0.03,or 0.045%Mg from mating until weaning.The results showed that magnesium supplementation significantly(P 0.05) reduced the weaning to estrus interval in both gilts and sows.There were significant effects(P 0.05) of supplemental magnesium on the total number of piglets born,born alive and weaned in sows.In late gestation and lactation,the digestibility of crude fiber(quadratic effects,P 0.05),and crude protein(P 0.05),were significantly influenced by magnesium in gilts and sows,respectively.There were differences among the 4 groups in terms of the apparent digestibility of dry matter and crude fiber in sows(P 0.05) during both early and late gestation.The apparent digestibility of gross energy was increased for sows in late gestation(P 0.05),and lactation(quadratic effects,P 0.05).At farrowing and weaning,serum prolactin levels and alkaline phosphate activities linearly increased in sows as the Mg supplementation increased(P 0.05).Serum Mg of sows at farrowing and serum urea nitrogen of sows at weaning was significantly influenced by Mg supplementation(P 0.05).The Mg concentration in sow colostrum and the serum of their piglets were increased by supplemental magnesium(P 0.05).In addition,growth hormone levels were linearly elevated(P 0.05) in the serum of piglets suckling sows.Our data demonstrated that supplemental magnesium has the potential to improve the reproduction performance of sows,and the suitable supplemental dose ranged from 0.015%to 0.03%.  相似文献   

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