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In this work, we found it appropriate to carry out a study directed towards isolating and identifying the entailed microorganisms which trigger off footrot in sheep, placing special emphasis on the serotipification of the different Dichelobacter nodosus species. With this goal in mind four flocks from the Portuguese region of 'Alto Alentejo' were selected, all of them had one common feature: their main health problem was ovine footrot. We also set out to determine the elastolitic capacity of isolated strict-anaerobic bacteria, in order to be able to clarify the direct involvement of these microorganisms in the outbreak of this infectious process.  相似文献   

Ovine footrot is a contagious and debilitating disease that is of major economic significance to the sheep meat and wool industries. The causative bacterium is the gram negative anaerobe Dichelobacter nodosus. Research that has used a classical molecular genetics approach has led to major advances in our understanding of the role of the key virulence factors of D. nodosus in the disease process. D. nodosus strains produce polar type IV fimbriae and extracellular serine proteases. Mutagenesis of the fimbrial subunit gene fimA and the pilT gene, which is required for fimbrial retraction, and subsequent testing of these mutants in sheep virulence trials has shown that type IV fimbriae-mediated twitching motility is essential for virulence. The extracellular protease genes aprV2, aprV5 and bprV have also been mutated. Analysis of these mutants has shown that ArpV5 is the major extracellular protease and that AprV2 is the thermostable protease that is responsible for the extracellular elastase activity. Structural analysis of AprV2 has revealed that it contains several novel loops, one of which appears to act as an exosite that may modulate substrate accessibility. Finally, virulence experiments in sheep have shown that the AprV2 protease is required for virulence.  相似文献   

A method for the control of ovine footrot is described which utilises the most appropriate measures to suit the circumstances for individual properties. This approach was used to eradicate the disease from three Central Otago fine-wool properties wintering in excess of 35,000 sheep on widely differing classes of land. This programme incorporates the use of proven.techniques and suitable planning together with input from the rural veterinarian, who plays an important role in demonstration and advising on control measures.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Sheep exposed to uncontrolled outbreaks of footrot were observed on one farm for 3 successive years and on another for one year. Observations were made from mid-winter to early summer. In each outbreak about 70% or more of sheep exposed to footrot acquired the disease. Natural remission occurred in each outbreak and some cases healed while new cases continued to develop. A feature of all outbreaks observed was that a much higher proportion of late onset cases healed than cases which developed early in the outbreaks. By contrast, 90% of sheep already affected before spring had lesions which persisted into next summer. It is suggested that there is a spectrum of resistance to footrot among sheep. This spectrum includes animals which remain chronically infected and those that do not become infected at all. Intermediate levels of resistance are reflected firstly in the time taken by different groups of sheep, to become affected after exposure and secondly, to heal after becoming affected.  相似文献   

A method for the control of ovine footrot is described which utilises the most appropriate measures to suit the circumstances for individual properties. This approach was used to eradicate the disease from three Central Otago fine-wool properties wintering in excess of 35,000 sheep on widely differing classes of land. This programme incorporates the use of proven techniques and suitable planning together with input from the rural veterinarian, who plays an important role in demonstration and advising on control measures.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the location of major foci of footrot in goats in the Extremadura region of Spain by the determination of locally occurring strictly anaerobic microorganisms involved in the pathogenesis and development of this disease. The most commonly isolated microorganisms belonged to the genera Dichelobacter, Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas and Prevotella; these were found in conjunction with other species of minor importance. The species most frequently isolated were Fusobacterium necrophorum (40%), Dichelobacter nodosus (31.7%), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (21.1%) and Prevotella melaninogenica (12.9%). Virulence factors identified in the isolated microorganisms included haemolysins, elastases and lecithinases, which enabled the organisms involved to initiate and/or aggravate the disease. Serotyping was performed for Dichelobacter nodosus isolates, since this species is responsible for triggering the process of infection. A and C were the most frequently isolated serovarieties (representing 40.7% and 25.9% of the cases, respectively).  相似文献   

Effectiveness of vaccination in controlling ovine footrot   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Efficacy of reducing footrot by use of a commercial vaccine was evaluated over 2 yr with 223 ewes from five crossbred genotypes. Ewes were assigned randomly within genotype, age and initial footrot status to a 2 x 3 factorial array of vaccination in the 1st yr and fall vaccination, winter vaccination or control in the 2nd yr. The flock contained a single Bacteroides nodosus serotype (XV) known to be highly cross-reactive with one of the vaccine serotypes (British serotype H). Vaccination reduced footrot incidence by 61% (P less than .01) in the 1st yr and by 45% (P less than .01) in the 2nd yr. Vaccination of previously uninfected ewes did not significantly reduce the rate of new infection, but vaccination of infected ewes reduced re-infection by 92% (P less than .01). Vaccination in the 1st yr failed to produce any carryover or additive protection in the 2nd yr. Genotypes differed in both footrot incidence (P less than .05) and footrot reduction following vaccination (P less than .05), but the effect was inconsistent between years. Vaccination increased serum antibody titers in both years (P less than .01). Among vaccinates in the 1st yr, infected ewes had lower titer levels than uninfected ewes (P less than .01), but no correlation between titer level and incidence was observed in the 2nd yr.  相似文献   

Following recovery from ovine footrot, a proportion of sheep in a flock may carry the causative organism and spread it to other sheep if environmental conditions are favourable. Footrot affected sheep have elevated levels of serum antibody against Bacteroides nodosus, but these levels decline rapidly after clinical recovery. When challenged by subcutaneous injection with 470 micrograms of protein extracted from the cell membrane of B. nodosus, without adjuvant, sheep that had recovered clinically from virulent footrot produced a marked increase in specific serum antibody within 7 d, while antibody levels in footrot-free sheep injected with the same antigen, and in saline injected controls, did not increase over a period of 25 d. Artificial stimulation and serological detection of immune memory may be useful in footrot eradication programs by identifying sheep that have had clinical footrot infection. This procedure may be applicable to other diseases where antibody responses are inconsistent or transient.  相似文献   

Footrot and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) are common causes of foot disease of sheep in the UK. The study reported here is a split flock randomised treatment trial undertaken on a group of 748 fattening lambs on a UK sheep farm affected by CODD and footrot. The sheep were randomly assigned to one of two treatment protocols. In protocol A, all sheep were given two doses of footrot vaccine (Footvax, MSD), plus targeted antibiotic therapy (long-acting amoxicillin, Betamox LA, Norbrook Pharmaceuticals) to sheep with foot lesions likely to be associated with a bacterial infection. In protocol B, the sheep only received targeted antibiotic therapy. Sheep were re-examined and foot lesions recorded five and nine weeks later. New infection rates in the footrot vaccinated group were lower compared with the vaccinated group for both CODD (18.2 per cent compared with 26.4 per cent, P=0.014) and footrot (12.55 per cent compared with 27.5 per cent, P<0.001). Recovery rates were unaffected for CODD (80.46 per cent compared with 70.97 per cent, P=0.14) but higher for footrot (92.09 per cent compared with 81.54 per cent, P=0.005) in sheep which received the vaccine. On this farm, a footrot vaccine efficacy of 62 per cent was identified against footrot and 32 per cent against CODD infection. An association between a sheep having footrot at visit 1 and subsequently acquiring CODD was identified (odds ratio [OR] 3.83, 95 per cent CI 2.61 to 5.62, P<0.001). These results suggest a role for infection with Dichelobacter nodosus in the aetiopathogenesis of CODD on this farm.  相似文献   

Ovine footrot remains the most important cause of lameness in sheep flocks in the UK, despite the existence of proven methods for the control of the disease. Recent research suggests that sheep farmers may be unaware of these methods and may allocate greater resources to treatment of footrot rather than to its prevention. Foot paring, topical treatments, vaccination and parenteral antibiotic therapy all have a role in treating sheep with advanced footrot infections, but prevention of severe infections is best achieved by the timely implementation of control programmes. These are usually based on footbathing and vaccination. For control programmes to be effective it is essential that the pathogenesis and epidemiology of footrot is understood and that control methods are implemented at appropriate times in the season, depending on climatic and pasture conditions. This article reviews these strategies and makes recommendations for steps to reduce the spread of footrot between flocks and to reduce the incidence of footrot within UK flocks.  相似文献   

Bacteroides nodosus involved in several outbreaks of ovine footrot over a number of years were subjected to DNA restriction endonuclease analysis. Individual isolates were found to have characteristic Bam HI profiles which permitted their accurate identification and differentiation from other isolates. Bam HI profiles of B. nodosus isolates were used in epidemiological investigations involving consecutive outbreaks of footrot on individual and neighbouring farms. The relationship of given isolates to a common source could be established by this means. Restriction endonuclease analysis provides an additional epidemiological tool in ovine footrot investigations as it accurately identifies interstrain differences in a manner not possible by conventional bacteriological and serological means.  相似文献   

Footrot is a mixed bacterial infection of the hooves of sheep. The gram-negative anaerobic bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus is the principal causative agent, with different strains causing diseases of different severity, ranging from benign to virulent. In Australia, in the state of New South Wales (NSW), only virulent footrot is subject to regulatory action, including quarantine. However, it is often difficult to distinguish benign footrot from virulent footrot in the initial stages of infection, or under adverse climatic conditions. The gelatin gel test, which measures the thermostability of secreted bacterial proteases, is the laboratory test most widely used in Australia to aid in the differential diagnosis of footrot. The proteases of virulent strains are, in general, more thermostable than the proteases of benign strains. However, there are some false positives in the gelatin gel test, which may lead to unnecessary quarantine procedures. We used Southern blot analysis on 595 isolates of D. nodosus from 124 farms on which sheep had benign or virulent footrot to test for the presence of the intA gene. We found that for D. nodosus strains which are stable in the gelatin gel test, there is a high correlation between the presence of the intA gene and the ability of the strain to cause virulent footrot. We also developed a PCR-based assay for the rapid detection of intA, which can be used to test DNA extracted from colonies grown on plates, or DNA extracted from cotton swabs of culture plates.  相似文献   

A microbiological study of 25 cases of ovine footrot was performed. Cultures belonging to Dichelobacter nodosus were isolated in 48% of the sampled animals. The sensitivity of the 99 strict anaerobic bacterial isolates to 5 antibiotics (penicillin G, amoxycillin, spiramycin, erythromycin and oxytetracycline) was studied. The percentage of resistant cultures was in all cases higher than 30%. The efficacy of erythromycin and oxytetracycline in the treatment of ovine footrot was studied. To conduct this test, an intramuscular injection was applied, of one antimicrobial or the other, at the beginning of the treatment. The tolerance of animals to the antimicrobials, the success rate of treatment and the severity of lameness were evaluated. The percentage of animals cured within 15 days was around 75%. In contrast, only 44% improvement was achieved in the lameness. No differences were found between the two antimicrobials in the above indices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine sheep farmers' attitudes to and beliefs about ovine footrot, and to improve their knowledge about the diagnosis, control and eradication of this disease. METHOD: Eighteen workshops, involving 291 farmers, were conducted across Victoria in the spring of 1996. The workshops were designed as small-group discussions with a maximum attendance of 20 farmers to encourage active participation. All participants completed questionnaires before each workshop and 12 to 40 weeks after the last workshop. RESULTS: Before the workshops the farmers had a poor understanding of the principles of diagnosis, control and eradication of footrot. For example, only 50% knew the footrot organism survived in soil for less than 7 days, over two-thirds did not know the reason for paring sheep's feet during an eradication program, and only 31% realised cattle were a potential source of footrot infection for sheep. After the workshops, understanding about footrot was significantly improved; 87% said Dichelobacter nodosus survived in soil less than 7 days, 71% knew the reason for paring sheep's feet and 64% realised that cattle were a potential source of footrot infection. As well as improved knowledge, change of attitude among farmers is fundamentally important if virulent footrot is to be successfully controlled and eradicated. The workshops successfully initiated this process; 40% of farmers thought the workshops changed their attitudes to footrot, while 37% said they gained an increased understanding of other people's opinions about the disease. CONCLUSION: Farmers' poor understanding of ovine footrot is a constraint to the programs aimed at controlling this disease. Small group workshops may be an effective way to influence farmers' attitudes and beliefs, and could facilitate the effectiveness of regulatory disease control programs.  相似文献   

Factors associated with the proportion of sheep cured of virulent footrot after antibiotic treatment were studied in a field trial under dry environmental conditions. From 2 similar flocks, 1091 Merino sheep weighing about 50 kg and infected with virulent footrot received an intramuscular injection of either 12 mL of a mixture of penicillin (250 mg/mL) and streptomycin (250 mg/mL), 6 mL of long acting oxytetracycline (200 mg/mL) or 6 mL of a mixture of lincomycin (50 mg/mL) and spectinomycin (100 mg/mL). Variables that were significantly associated with the proportion of sheep cured were: the type of antibiotic used, the number of feet infected and the flock from which the sheep came. There was an interaction between antibiotic type and number of feet infected and between antibiotic type and flock in association with the proportion of sheep cured. The extent of paring and the occurrence of blowfly strike in footrot lesions treated with diazinon had no significant association with the proportion of sheep cured.  相似文献   

A field trial was carried out to compare 3 topical treatments for ovine footrot. They were preliminary hoof paring with weekly footbathing either in 10% formalin, or in 10% zinc sulphate + 0.2% anionic surfactant ('Teepol'), or twice-weekly footbathing in the same zinc sulphate-surfactant mixture without hoof paring. Control sheep were not treated. Within 21 days, the number and severity of active lesions of footscald and footrot among treated sheep were substantially reduced by comparison with the controls; no significant differences were observed between treatments. Treatment effects were also comparable against mild footrot infection of the sole or heel region, hut in the more advanced lesions the healing response to paring and zinc footbathing was superior to that from paring and formalin footbathing (P<0.01). Twice-weekly footbathing in zinc-surfactant solution was effective in preventing new footrot infection. No chronic toxic effects attributable to zinc sulphate at a concentration of 10% were demonstrable in the hoof integument either clinically or histologically.  相似文献   

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