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A profit function for a typical commercial farm of intensive guinea pig production was designed. The simulated farm contained 86 cages with a ratio of 7:1 females/males, with continuous mating. Kits were weaned at 15 days of age and slaughtered for meat production at 90 days of age. The absolute (EW) and relative economic weights of the main traits were calculated. The highest EW were kits produced per kindling (US$25), kits weaned per kindling (US$22), kits born alive per kindling (US$20), and the number of kindlings per female and year (US$12). Profit, returns, and costs per female and year were US$15, 68, and 53, respectively. Returns came from the production of young guinea pigs and discarded reproductive adults for meat production, 90 and 10% of the total returns. The highest costs were feeding and labor, 44 and 23% of the total cost. The EW and profit did not substantially change when simulating variations of ±20% in the prices of kilograms of fattening feed and kilograms of live weight of guinea pig, showing their robustness to future variations in market prices or to variations in prices between countries. The results obtained highlight the importance of the feeding costs in the guinea pig meat production.  相似文献   

由于受非洲猪瘟疫情等因素的影响,2019年猪肉产能出现大幅下滑,生猪存栏和能繁母猪存栏连续10个月下降,猪肉供应减少,进口量激增;猪肉消费减少,白条鸡、鸡蛋等替代品消费增加;生猪、猪肉和仔猪价格明显上涨,猪肉稳价保供压力大。2020年,生猪产能将逐渐恢复,加上猪肉进口的扩大和储备肉的投放,猪肉供销将趋于稳定。  相似文献   

The maturation of the US beef and pork markets and increasing consumer demands for convenience, safety, and nutrition suggests that the beef and pork industries must focus on product development and promotion. New marketing arrangements are developing that help coordinate production with consumer demands. The relative high levels of incomes in the United States are likely to increase the demands for branded products rather than increase total per capita consumption. Foreign markets represent the greatest opportunity for increased demand for commodity beef and pork products. Increasing incomes in developing countries will likely allow consumers to increase consumption of animal-source proteins. Real prices of beef and pork have declined substantially because of sagging domestic demand and increasing farm-level production technologies. Increasing US beef and pork exports have obviated some of the price declines. Pork attained a net export position from a quantity perspective in 1995. The United States continues to be a net importer of beef on a quantity basis but is close to becoming a net exporter in terms of value. By-products continue to play a critical role in determining the red meat trade balance and producer prices. The United States, however, must continue to become cost, price, and quality competitive with other suppliers and must secure additional market access if it is to sustain recent trade trends. Several trade tensions remain in the red meat industry. For example, mandated COOL will undoubtedly have domestic and international effects on the beef and pork sectors. Domestically, uncertainty regarding consumer demand responses or quality perceptions regarding product origin, as well as added processor-retailer costs will be nontrivial. How these factors balance out in terms of benefits versus costs to the industry is uncertain. From an international perspective, some beef and pork export suppliers to the United States could view required labeling as a trade restriction, which could ultimately impact future US red meat exports. Conversely, some countries may view such labeling requirements as an opportunity to brand high-quality products. The US lamb meat industry has experienced declining real prices, domestic production, and demand. The cessation of wool incentive payments, increased environmental regulations, and competition by imports have significantly affected the industry. Import suppliers have capitalized on product quality in this niche market. Trade restrictions initially imposed in 1999 by the US Government were ruled illegal by the WTO. The US Government responded by providing financial assistance to lamb producers. Product quality improvements and promotion aimed at the domestic market, however, will be critical factors in shaping the economic viability of the US lamb meat industry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate potential revenue impacts of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the United States similar to the outbreak in the United Kingdom during 2001. DESIGN: Economic analysis successively incorporating quarantine and slaughter of animals, an export ban, and consumer fears about the disease were used to determine the combined impact. SAMPLE POPULATION: Secondary data for cattle, swine, lambs, poultry, and products of these animals. PROCEDURE: Data for 1999 were used to calibrate a model for the US agricultural sector. Removal of animals, similar to that observed in the United Kingdom, was introduced, along with a ban on exportation of livestock, red meat, and dairy products and a reduction and shift in consumption of red meat in the United States. RESULTS: The largest impacts on farm income of an FMD outbreak were from the loss of export markets and reductions in domestic demand arising from consumer fears, not from removal of infected animals. These elements could cause an estimated decrease of $14 billion (9.5%) in US farm income. Losses in gross revenue for each sector were estimated to be the following: live swine, -34%; pork, -24%; live cattle -17%; beef, -20%; milk, -16%; live lambs and sheep, -14%; lamb and sheep meat, -10%; forage, -15%; and soybean meal, -7%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Procedures to contain an outbreak of FMD to specific regions and allow maintenance of FMD-free exports and efforts to educate consumers about health risks are critical to mitigating adverse economic impacts of an FMD outbreak.  相似文献   

该文从2019年中国生猪和猪肉产品价格大幅波动而带动CPI快速上调的“高通胀风险”及与工业生产PPI下降的“高通缩风险”关联性,探讨了推动猪肉价格快速上涨的机制.难控性“猪疫情”、规律性“猪周期”、投机性“猪炒作”及泛化性“外贸战”是促进肉产品价格快速上涨的“启动”、“叠加”、“内讧”及“外推”四大机制,并建议以此为机...  相似文献   

After the broad industrialization of the US pork industry, there has been a development of niche markets for export and domestic pork; that is, there is a pork niche market phenomenon. The US pork niche market phenomenon is characterized, and 2 of the major markets are explained in detail. With the Midwest's tradition of a diversified family-based agriculture and record low hog prices of the late 1990s, the conditions were conducive for this phenomenon to develop. Pork niche markets utilize various sales methods including Internet sales, local abattoir sales, direct marketing, farmer networks, and targeting to organized groups. In 2003, there were approximately 35 to 40 active pork niche marketing efforts in Iowa. The Berkshire breed is an example of a swine breed that has had a recent resurgence because of niche markets. Berkshire pork is known for tenderness and excellent quality. Berkshire registrations have increased 4-fold in the last 10 yr. One of the larger niche marketers of "natural pork" is Niman Ranch Pork, which has more than 400 farmer-producers and processes about 2,500 pigs weekly. Many US consumers of pork are interested in issues concerning the environment, food safety, pig welfare, and pig farm ownership and structure. These consumers may be willing to pay more for pork from farmers who are also concerned about these issues. Small- and medium-sized swine farmers are active in pork niche markets. Niche markets claim product differentiation by superior or unique product quality and social attributes. Quality attributes include certain swine breeds, and meat quality, freshness, taste or flavor, and tenderness. Social or credence attributes often are claimed and include freedom from antibiotics and growth promotants; local family farm production; natural, organic, outdoor, or bedded rearing; humane rearing; known origin; environmentally friendly production; and the absence of animal by-products in the feed. Niche pork markets and alternative swine production practices offer an unusual contrast to commodity pork markets and industrial confinement swine production. Because they strive to have these attributes in their product, the niche pork market producers are a distinct clientele group. If niche pork markets continue to flourish, the markets and the producers that supply them will be a viable sector in a diverse US pork industry.  相似文献   

The potential market for single-ribbed bellies and Boston butts in South Korea was characterized and quantitative selection criteria were identified for use by U.S. packers when selecting pork for export. South Korean retail meat market managers and traders/wholesalers in Seoul and Pusan were interviewed and asked to identify the quality attributes that are considered when making pork-purchasing decisions. In addition, pork labeling characteristics and meat display case measurements and space allocations were recorded in each retail store. Data from box labels were recorded in retail storage coolers to characterize pork products currently being merchandized in South Korea. Sample retail packages of belly and butt slices were collected and sent to a commercial laboratory for analysis of iodine values, ether-extractable fat content, total aerobic plate count (APC), total coliform count (TCC), and generic Escherichia coli count (ECC). No quality attributes of U.S. products exceeded the expectations of retailers. Quality attributes of U.S. pork products that exceeded the expectations of traders included presence of foreign material, marbling, tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall eating satisfaction. Traders/wholesalers assigned negative ratings for overall workmanship and adherence to purchase criteria for U.S. pork products. Retail APC for South Korean belly samples were higher (P < 0.05) than APC for U.S. belly samples. Retail TCC and ECC for butts and belly samples and APC for butt samples did not differ by country of origin. Retail prices for South Korean bellies were higher (P < 0.05) than prices for retail U.S. and Danish bellies. Pork butt prices did not differ (P > 0.05) by country of origin. Beef, pork, and poultry products comprised 66.8, 27.8, and 5.4%, respectively, of the total meat display case frontage. U.S. beef products occupied, on average, 18% of the total beef display area, whereas U.S. pork products comprised 2.6% of the total pork display case area.  相似文献   

张巍巍  王新 《猪业科学》2021,38(6):100-103
在我国群众食用的各种肉类中,猪肉占据绝对优势。在肉类消费中,很长时间以来猪肉消费皆处于较大占比。非洲猪瘟于2018年8月进入我国,极大程度干扰到国内生猪养殖,猪肉价格一路上涨,一度接近牛肉。受到猪肉售价提高的影响,其他肉类与菜类的售价皆随之提高,也造成了较大的社会影响。在我国,生猪养殖模式上,大多数为集约化养殖,非洲猪瘟的流行在极大程度上威胁到生猪养殖业,导致巨大经济损失。如何防控非洲猪瘟,避免造成较大的损失,文章将从病原来源、发展现状及如何防治等方面进行分析,进而在理论层面上给予防控非洲猪瘟工作以指导,拱筑防控非洲猪瘟城墙。  相似文献   

中国猪肉价格波动研究——兼与美国的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪肉价格的大幅波动给我国的生猪生产及猪肉消费带来极大的影响。本文通过对1995年以来猪肉月度价格变动及1985到2006年生猪及猪肉年度价格波动的分析,探讨我国猪肉市场价格的长短期变动规律,并从生猪的生产结构、生产周期、生产成本、疫情、宏观环境及与美国的猪肉市场的国际比较等方面解析中国猪肉价格波动的原因。提出鼓励并扶持生猪的规模化生产、提高生猪行业的组织化程度、加大政府投入力度、完善动物防疫体系等主要对策措施。  相似文献   

Fresh meat retail cases in 104 supermarkets across 5 regions of the United States were audited for product space allocation, percentage of space allocated to each fresh meat category and frequency of species among all stock keeping units (n = 14,863). The United States was divided into Mountain/Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, and West Coast regions. Fresh meat categories for self-service cases included beef muscle cuts, ground beef, pork, veal, lamb, chicken, turkey, fresh sausage, value-added, heat and serve, ham-bone-in, ham-boneless, ham steak, other processed meats, seafood, and nonmeat items. Fresh meat categories for the full-service case included seafood, beef, pork, chicken, and other. Whole muscle beef, pork, and chicken products were available in all stores. Ground beef products and turkey were reported in almost all stores, 94.5 to 100%, respectively. The majority of the self-service meat case was dedicated to beef in all regions except for the Northeast, where chicken occupied the majority of the self-service case. Linear meters of self-service fresh meat case were greatest in the Northeast region, which was similar to Mountain and Midwest regions, but different (P = 0.003) than the Southeast and West Coast regions. However, the West Coast region best utilized the retail meat case by providing consumers with the greatest number of offerings per linear meter. The percentage of stores audited with a full-service meat case was 37.5%, and the percentage with a full-service seafood case was 60.6%. The full-service meat case was the smallest (number of linear meters, P = 0.039) in the Southeast and largest (number of linear meters, P = 0.039) in the Midwest.  相似文献   

In 2009, 1462 Escherichia coli isolates were collected in a systematic resistance monitoring approach from primary production, slaughterhouses and at retail and evaluated on the basis of epidemiological cut-off values. Besides resistance to antimicrobial classes that have been extensively used for a long time (e.g. sulphonamides and tetracyclines), resistance to (fluoro)quinolones and third-generation cephalosporins was observed. While in the poultry production chain the majority (60%) of isolates from laying hens was susceptible to all antimicrobials tested, most isolates from broilers, chicken meat and turkey meat showed resistance to at least one (85-93%) but frequently even to several antimicrobial classes (73-84%). In the cattle and pig production chain, the share of isolates showing resistance to at least one antimicrobial was lowest (16%) in dairy cows, whereas resistance to at least one antimicrobial ranged between 43% and 73% in veal calves, veal and pork. Resistance rates to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid in isolates from broilers were 41.1% and 43.1%, respectively. Likewise, high resistance rates to (fluoro)quinolones were observed in isolates from chicken meat and turkey meat. In contrast, ciprofloxacin resistance was less frequent in E.?coli isolates from the cattle and pig production chain with highest rate in veal calves (13.3%). Highest resistance rates to cephalosporins were observed in broilers and chicken meat, with 5.9% and 6.2% of the isolates showing resistance. In dairy cattle and veal, no isolates with cephalosporin resistance were detected, whereas 3.3% of the isolates from veal calves showed resistance to ceftazidime. Resistance to (fluoro)quinolones and cephalosporins in E.?coli isolates is of special concern because they are critically important antimicrobials in human antimicrobial therapy. The emergence of this resistance warrants increased monitoring. Together with continuous monitoring of antimicrobial usage, management strategies should be regularly assessed and adapted.  相似文献   

Trichinella is a food-borne parasitic zoonoses and human cases are still reported in Europe mainly due to the consumption of pig meat originating from small backyard farms. Infections originating from industrialized pig farming have not been reported for decades in Europe, due to control measures to prevent the transmission of Trichinella from wildlife by indoor housing and good management practices. Therefore, risk-based monitoring programs might replace individual carcass control in industrialized pig farming as described in EU legislation SANCO 2075/2005. Transmission of Trichinella species between wildlife and the risk that may pose to humans via consumption of contaminated pork meat has not been studied quantitatively. One pathway by which human trichinellosis can occur is the rat–pig–human route. To evaluate the transmission risk though this pathway the dose responses of rat, pig, and human were studied. Experimental T. spiralis infection was performed in rats with doses of as few as 10 parasites and the data set was analysed using a newly developed dose response model that describes larvae per gram (LPG). Experimental T. spiralis infection in pig was analysed in a similar way. Furthermore nine published outbreaks of human trichinellosis were analysed to determine the dose response in humans. The risk of human trichinellosis via the rat–pig–human transmission was simulated by the Monte Carlo method. A pair of female and male parasites representing the lowest infection pressure from the environment, led to the probability of human trichinellosis by consumption of 100 g of raw pork meat equal to 5% via the studied rat–pig–human pathway. In the absence of rodent control near the farm, a low infection pressure from wildlife presents a relatively high risk of human trichinellosis via consumption of uncooked pork meat.  相似文献   

高远飞 《猪业科学》2020,37(7):67-69
传统的养猪模式难以应对诸如非洲猪瘟这样的疫病,普通平层猪场叠加而成的楼房没有从本质上得到改进,而结构创新之后的楼房猪场在养猪的可靠性上大大增强,并可能发展为城市养猪新模式,为防非保猪、稳产保供提供一种解决方案。在此基础上升级的"料、养、宰、商一体化"造肉工厂模式,更是一种能把运猪变为运肉的可行解决方案。当这些模式得到应用和推广时,困扰行业的"猪周期"问题也将得到妥善解决。  相似文献   

Free-range pig farming is common amongst the small-scale farmers in western Kenya. In order to determine the characteristics of this type of production system, a cross-sectional questionnaire survey on farm characteristics and management was collected from 182 farmers in Busia District. The mean farm size was one acre, while the mean number of pigs per farm was 3.6. Pigs were mainly kept as a source of income (98%) and majority were of cross breed variety (64%). The production systems included farrow to weaner (12%), porker to finisher (36%), and mixed (46%). Sixty five percent (65%) of the pigs were tethered and housing was not provided in 61% of the farms. Most of the feeds were sourced locally. Lack of castration and delayed weaning of pigs was observed on 49% and 30% of the farms, respectively. The main production constraints included pig diseases (81%) and high cost or lack of feed (81%). Haematopinus suis infestations and worm infections were considered to be the most important diseases by 71% and 55% of the farmers, respectively. Farmers had moderate knowledge on parasitic disease diagnosis with 31% and 62% not having a history of either deworming or spraying pigs with acaricides, respectively. Marketing constraints were common amongst the farmers and included poor prices and inadequate market information. In conclusion, the production system was characterized as low-input with an income objective. Future research and development approaches should focus on the integration of free-range farmers into the country’s market chains through access to extension services.  相似文献   

Official national statistics show a gradual decline in the incidence of trichinellosis in Russia from 971 cases in 1996 to 527 cases in 2002. Of the total 864 cases involved in 47 trichinellosis outbreaks during 1998--2002, only 35.8% were due to infected pork compared to 80% in 1995--1996. Other important sources were wild animals, such as bear (Ursus arctos) (39.5%), badger (Meles meles) (10.6%), and dog meat (11.9%). Children composed 15.9% of all cases. Overall, 81.0% of pork-cases occurred in the European part of the country, and 89.4% of bear-meat cases were from the Asian region where most of the badger and dog-meat cases also originated. The percent of clinically severe cases of disease derived from pork and from bear meat was 7.7% and 7.9%, respectively; the frequency of moderate cases from pork was significantly higher than from bear meat. Clinically severe cases from badger and dog meat were 1.1% and 1.9%, respectively, where the number of clinically moderate cases from badger meat was significantly larger than that from dog meat. A disturbing trend is the 52.3% of trichinellosis cases during 1998--2002 in Russia that were derived from wild animal meat, especially the clinically severe cases occurring among the aboriginal Siberian population. The contributing factors to the slow decline in trichinellosis incidence in Russia and to the increase in percentage of cases originating from wild animal meat are the distribution and consumption of veterinary-uncontrolled pork, poaching and distribution of wild animal meat, and the neglect of medical and civil regulations. These trends should be seriously evaluated by the institutions of health, education, and by the veterinary service.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a livestock area, including farm density and animal species, influence the spread of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). In this study, the impact of livestock area on FMD epidemics was examined using an FMD transmission model. For this simulation, three major livestock areas were selected: the 2010 FMD epidemic area in Japan as the baseline area (BS), a cattle and pig mixed production area (CP) and a cattle production area (C). Simulation results demonstrated that under the 24-hr culling policy, only 12% of epidemics among 1,000 simulations were abated within 100 days in the CP area, whereas 90% of the epidemics ceased in the BS area. In the C area, all epidemics were successfully contained within 100 days. Evaluation of additional control measures in the CP area showed that the 0.5-km pre-emptive culling, even when only targeting pig farms, raised the potential for successful containment to 94%. A 10-km vaccination on day 7 or 14 after initial detection was also effective in halting the epidemics (80%), but accompanied a large number of culled or vaccinated farms. The combined strategy of 10-km vaccination and 0.5-km pre-emptive culling targeting pig farms succeeded in containing all epidemics within 100 days. The present study suggests the importance of preparedness for the 24-hr culling policy and additional control measures when an FMD outbreak occurs in a densely populated area. Considering the characteristics of the livestock area is important in planning FMD control strategies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the slaughter process on the Campylobacter (C.) coli prevalence on pig carcasses and finally pork. To detect C. spp., faecal samples, organ samples and surfaces of slaughter pigs were sampled. Additionally, various abattoir surfaces (n=208) and 227 pork and minced meat samples were included in our study.Whereas a high C. spp. prevalence (64.0%) was detectable in the faeces of slaughter pigs (all isolates were identified as C. coli), low detection rates were observed on pig carcasses after the slaughter process before the chilling period (21.1%).The impact of chilling reduced the detection rate of C spp. on pig carcasses even further to 0.8%. Only C. jejuni strains were isolated after the chilling process. Chilling and the associated drying of the skin are responsible for that massive reduction of C. spp prevalence. Significantly more C. spp. were isolated from livers compared to the corresponding carcasses. Only 5 out of 208 swab samples from different surfaces of the abattoir were C. coli positive. Bacteriological investigation could not detect any C. spp. strains from pork and minced pork meat.The low detection rates at the end of the slaughter and processing line indicate that pork may only play a minor role in the transmission of C. coli infections to humans. By genotyping C. coli-isolates from selected animals we were able to demonstrate three possible ways of contamination of the slaughter carcass surface. Genetically highly related strains were detectable on carcass surfaces of consecutively slaughtered animals. Faecal isolates and isolates from the carcass surface showed occasional high similarities. C. coli-genotypes from tonsils and genotypes from the corresponding slaughter carcasses formed a close cluster.  相似文献   

兰州市肉与肉制品微生物污染状况的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解兰州市定点屠宰场生猪屠宰加工产品的卫生质量以及肉与肉制品致病菌污染状况。方法:2003-2006年,应用国标法对2个定点生猪屠宰场300份生猪胴体样品进行了菌落总数、大肠菌群和沙门氏菌检验;采用随机采样法对兰州市不同酒店和超市的生猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、禽肉100份,熟肉制品1 200份进行了常见致病菌的检验。结果:生猪胴体体表和肉样沙门氏菌检出率分别为7.5%和14%;生肉检出致病菌阳性20份,总检出率为20%;熟肉制品检出致病菌阳性39份,阳性率为3.25%。生肉中以猪肉致病菌阳性率最高,为20%。结论:兰州市生猪胴体的卫生质量急需提高,屠宰生产加工水平亟待改善。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted at the height of the pandemic influenza H1N1/09 outbreak in Australia in 2009. The objectives of the study were to evaluate public perceptions about transmission and prevention of the disease, to understand their concerns and preparedness to cope with the disease, and to investigate drivers influencing their behaviour. A questionnaire was designed and administered to 510 customers visiting 15 butcher shops in the Greater Sydney region between 26th June and 2nd August 2009. Data were analysed to estimate the proportion of people with certain perceptions and to evaluate the influence of these perceptions on two binary outcome variables: (1) whether or not people believed that avoiding pork would protect them from contracting H1N1/09, and (2) whether or not they actually made some changes to pork consumption after the outbreak. A majority of the respondents had perceptions based on fact about transmission and prevention of H1N1/09. As many as 96.8% of the respondents believed that washing their hands frequently was likely to protect them from contracting H1N1/09. Similarly, most believed that they could contract H1N1/09 by travelling on public transport with a sick person present (94.1%), by shaking hands with a sick person (89.2%), or by attending a community gathering (73.7%). Women were more likely than men to have factual perceptions about protective behaviours. Misconceptions regarding transmission of the disease were evident, with 21.7% believing that avoiding eating pork could protect them against H1N1/09, 11.1% believing that they could contract H1N1/09 by drinking tap water, 22.8% by handling uncooked pork meat and 15.6% by eating cooked pork. Approximately one third of respondents believed that working in a pig farm or an abattoir increased their likelihood of contracting H1N1/09 (36.9% and 32.3%, respectively). Younger people (<35 years old) were more likely to have these misconceptions than older people. Reduction in consumption of pork, ham or bacon was significantly associated with misconceptions regarding the risk of contracting H1N1/09 from eating pig meat products. It is recommended that in the event of a future disease emergency, communication activities providing factual information and targeting younger people should be used.  相似文献   

张伟力  潘清煜 《养猪》2014,(1):68-69
本文对80 kg级通城肥猪胴体作了肉切块质量评价。其切块在红度、系水力、细嫩度、大理石纹等方面表现不俗。其切块脂肪雪白无暇,有合理的坚挺度从而使切块亭亭玉立。本测定提示通城猪具有典型的华中型肉质特点,具备极品鲜肉品相。  相似文献   

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