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姜作发  唐富江 《水产学杂志》2006,19(2):28-31,50
2004年5、7、9、12月对大力加湖浮游动物的种类组成结构特征进行了研究。结果表明:大力加湖鲟鱼放养场浮游动物59个种属,密度16475 ind./L,生物量0.3923mg/ L。浮游动物季节变化比较明显,密度春季最高为44200.0ind/L,生物量变化不明显。浮游动物鱼产潜力3666kg,放养量18330尾。  相似文献   

2004年5、7、9、12月对大力加湖浮游植物的种类组成结构特征进行了研究。结果表明:大力加湖鲟鱼放养场浮游植物96个种属,密度255.54×10~4 ind./L,生物量14.166 mg/L。浮游植物季节变化比较明显,密度秋季最高为456.160×10~4 ind./L,生物量以秋季最高30.105 mg/L。多样性指数变化是夏季>秋季>冬季>春季;均匀度指数变化是冬季>夏季>秋季>春季。全库总鱼产潜力527760 kg,总放养量2804800尾。  相似文献   

2004年5月、7月、9月和12月对大力加湖鲟鱼放养场水化学特征进行了调查,结果表明:大力加湖鲟鱼放养场水质良好,透明度变幅在45~90cm,pH值变幅在6.69~8.72,水呈中性。水型属重碳酸盐类,钙组Ⅰ型(C_Ⅰ~(ca))软水。水中主要营养元素含量,总氮含量较高平均为1.63 mg/L,磷酸盐含量较低平均为0.0339 mg/L。离子含量以冬季最高104.52 mg/L,春季最低51.64 mg/L。水中离子含量高低次序为HCO_3~->Ca~(2 )>Cl~->Mg~2>Na~(?) K~ 。探讨了水体的的营养类型和利用。  相似文献   

为了给星湖国家城市湿地公园科学管理提供依据,2006~2008年对星湖鱼类区系现状进行了系统调查。在星湖5个湖区共设15个监测点,进行了12次调查。结果表明,有鱼类45种,隶属于8目、21科、37属;其中,鲤形目2科、8亚科、18属、19种,占星湖鱼种类的42%;其次是鲈形目7科、7属、11种,占星湖鱼类种数的24%;土著鱼类32种,占星湖鱼类种数的71%;外来物种13种,占星湖鱼类种数的29%。星湖鱼类可分3种生态类型,即洄游型鱼类3种、半洄游型13种、定居性型29种;地理区划为3个区系复合体,即热带平原鱼类区系复合体、中国江河平原鱼类区系复合体、古代第3世纪鱼类区系复合体。星湖鱼类种群变化受制于人类的各项活动,主要经济鱼类为人工放养的奥利亚罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、鳙、鲢;其中奥利亚罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼经过近10年自然繁殖,已发展为绝对优势种。  相似文献   

广东星湖鱼类区系及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给星湖国家城市湿地公园水域科学管理提供依据,2006~2008年对星湖鱼类区系现状进行了系统调查。本调查在星湖5个湖区共设15个监测点,j进行了12次调查。结果:采集到鱼类45种,隶属于8目21科37属;其中鲤形目2科8亚科18属,19种,占星湖鱼种类的42%;其次是鲈形目7科7属,11种,占星湖鱼类种数的24%;土著鱼类32种,占星湖鱼类种数71%,外来物种13种,占星湖鱼类种数29%;星湖鱼类可分3种生态类型:洄游型鱼类3种、半洄游型13种、定居性型29种;地理区划为3个区系复合体:热带平原鱼类区系复合体、中国江河平原鱼类区系复合体、古代第3世纪鱼类区系复合体。星湖鱼类种群变化受制于人类的各项活动,主要经济鱼类为人工放养的奥利亚罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、鳙、鲢,其中奥利亚罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼经过近10年自然繁殖,已发展为绝对优势种。  相似文献   

铁甲水库马口鱼生物学的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马口鱼(Opsariichthys bidens Gunther)在我国分布较广。在鱼类区系组成简单、无大型凶猛鱼类存在的水库中,马口鱼就成为主要的凶猛鱼类。虽然马口鱼个体小,但口裂很大,对水库中放养的鱼种有一定的危害。  相似文献   

东港湖浮游生物调查及渔业利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
东港湖浮游生物的种类组成、现存量及其季节变动具有典型的草型湖泊特征,水体属中营养型,浮游生物所能提供的鱼产量为55 470 kg 。水草的鱼产潜力十分可观,是维持湖水生态系统稳定的关键。在合理放养滤食性鱼类的同时,应控制草食性鱼类的放养,保护水草资源,并开展名、特、优水产动物养殖  相似文献   

进贤湖泊鱼类区系组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文叙述了进贤湖泊鱼类区系。共采集到鱼类标本80种,分别隶属于10目17科69属。其中鲤科鱼类分布最广,种类最多,占总种数的63.75%。鲥鱼、鲟鱼等在内湖已未见。  相似文献   

东港湖的水生维管束植物及其利用建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了东港湖水生维管束植物的种类组成、生物量、分布以及与渔业的关系。由于放养鱼类的摄食,水生植被多样性不高,稳定性较差。根据东港湖水生植被特点和发展趋势,提出了水草利用模式。  相似文献   

茂兴湖渔场共有大中型放养场6处,其中沿嫩江边有4处水面约为10万亩,近年产商品鱼在1200吨-1500吨之间,这些鱼源除一了场自己培育的鱼种放养以外,还有嫩江汛期进入放养场的自然鱼类。后者对企业经济效益的提高是有着不可忽视的作用。几年来我们在放养场内捕获的自然鱼类比重是相当大的。  相似文献   

Abstract. The short-term ecological effects of a simulated large-scale regulation release (360 1061d-1), over a 5-day period, from an impoundment into the Afon Vyrnwy were investigated. A dramatic increase in the density and biomass of the fish fauna occurred at the time of the release. Elevated discharge rate was considered the primary factor responsible for the enhancement of the fauna. This increase in density and biomass of the fish fauna was suggested as being the result of fish displaced by tru-released water moving upstream to regain station after the flow had abated. Implications of these observations in the design of operating guidelines for use at regulating reservoirs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a fundamental study of the fish fauna already present within the irrigation canals. The fauna was investigated with a view to determining its use in the control of nuisance biota. Twenty-seven species of fish were collected, comprising 22 genera and 12 families. This fauna is closely allied to the fauna of the source water, the Blue Nile. Several Blue Nile species are absent and some of those collected are new recordings for the area. Each species of fish collected had neither a suitable feeding habit nor a wide enough distribution to have any significant effect on the levels of nuisance biota. This includes the mosquito fish. Gambusia affinis, which was specifically introduced for mosquito control. Improvement in the ecological conditions within the canals involves both the management of the already-existing fish stocks and the introduction and management of additional species. A reduction in the levels of aquatic weeds using phytophagous fishes should be a high priority with malacopliagous and larvivorous species also being introduced and their stocks managed. Species suitable for introduction, which are generally endemic to the Nile system, are suggested. The fish species diversity falls as the canals become smaller and the water within them subject to much greater variations in flow and quality. The lowest order canals (field canals) are probably unsuitable for permanent fish stocks. The nuisance biota within field canals can be controlled by simple improvements in crop-watering procedures. The widely distributed and diverse fauna found within minor canals suggests that problems due to fish-kills brought about by heavy pesticide and herbicide usage are not so severe as previously thought. The management of the ecological problems is a complex task due to the interrelationships of many factors.  相似文献   

西藏水资源丰富,鱼类进化与青藏高原隆起、自然环境隔离演变息息相关,与鱼类和水环境密切相关的鱼类寄生虫区系也逐渐引起关注和重视。初步的研究显示,尽管西藏鱼类种类单一,但鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫种类较多,显示较高的多样性,而且发现了一些裂腹鱼特有的复殖吸虫和棘头虫种类,以及一些以鸟类为终末宿主的线虫和绦虫种类。西藏特有的放生习俗和候鸟迁徙现象,水电工程兴建和水体污染现状,以及土著鱼类资源量下降和青藏高原气候变化等因素,都有可能影响西藏鱼类寄生虫区系的组成与演变。寄生虫区系调查可为该地区鱼类寄生虫的种类、分布和数量提供详细的数据,进而了解寄生虫的形成与演变过程,弄清环境与寄生虫多样性的关系,为西藏渔业资源的开发与利用提供科学依据。本文对上述问题进行了总结和论述。  相似文献   

围网养殖对华阳河湖鱼类群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢涵  蒋忠冠  夏治俊  郭婉昀 《水产学报》2018,42(9):1399-1407
为了发展渔业生产,人们将大量自然湖泊通过围网的方式投放鱼苗进行养殖。目前,这种养殖模式对鱼类群落的影响没有得到有效的评估。本研究于2016年在华阳河湖围网养殖区和非养殖区分别设置采样点对鱼类进行季度调查,探讨围网养殖对鱼类群落结构的影响。结果显示,在围网养殖区共采集鱼类6目12科35属46种,非养殖区采集鱼类6目11科40属57种,其中以鲤形目种类最多,分别占养殖区和非养殖区鱼类总数的65.22%和63.16%。非养殖区的优势种为?和短颌鲚,而鲢、鳙是围网养殖区的优势种。与非养殖区相比,围网养殖区山溪河流性鱼类百分比从21.05%降低至15.22%。通过双因素方差分析解析养殖与季节对鱼类群落结构的影响,发现围网养殖区的鱼类密度、物种数、优势度指数都显著低于非养殖区,而均匀度指数显著高于非养殖区。通过SIMPER分析得出,造成养殖区和非养殖群落结构差异的重要贡献物种为短颌鲚、?、鲤、太湖短吻银鱼、鲫、鱵、鲢和鳙。  相似文献   

黑龙江的鱼类区系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
作者根据多年来对黑龙江水系鱼类调查所获标本和参考文献资料,对 黑龙江鱼类区系进行了研究。黑龙江水系共有鱼类120种(包括8亚种),隶属82属24科;河口海淡水鱼类和溯河性鱼类为22种,纯属淡水鱼类计89种,尚包括移植放流鱼类6种,土著鱼类仅为92种。  相似文献   

Consideration of fish introductions into the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. The fish fauna of the Sepik River system, Papua New Guinea is described. The fish species diversity in this large river is low, even by comparison to other overs in the south of the island. There are particular biological constraints to increasing the yield of the fishery based on native fish stocks. The yield of the Sepik River fishery is low by comparison to rivers in other zoogeographie regions. People in the Sepik also suffer from protein malnourishment. The introduction of appropriate fish species would significantly improve the stocks upon which the fishery is based. The economic cost of stocking is not an issue. Yield estimates suggest that the long-term benefits of improved stocks could be considerable. The indigenous freshwater fish fauna is unique and arguments against stocking relate to the conservation of that fauna and the existing fisheries. Alternatives to stocking are discussed. If stocking does not occur then a permanently disadvantaged fishery must be accepted. Decisions rest with the government and will be based on further research and consideration. Considerations must relate to the particular inland fisheries development problems in the country. The approach being taken is to appraise fish introductions properly before they occur. A cautious approach is recommended and suggestions about particular species that might be suitable for introduction are premature at present.  相似文献   

Studies of trait–environment relationships provide important tools for the prediction of the response of biological communities to environmental alterations. The Amazon basin presents enormous potential for the development of research on this type of relationship, given the diversity of both its fish fauna and the aquatic ecosystems this fauna inhabits. The present study investigated the association between local environmental variables and the functional traits of fish in 54 streams of six major Amazonian basins. We identified the relationship between the characteristics of the streams (channel morphology, channel habitat units, riparian vegetation cover, large woody fragments and instream cover for aquatic organisms) and fish traits related to locomotion, habitat use and feeding behaviour. The fish fauna of the broader, deeper and more slowly flowing streams was dominated by nektobenthic species that exploit autochthonous resources such as fish and invertebrates. In narrow, fast‐flowing streams, by contrast, there was a predominance of benthic fishes with varying feeding habits, including periphytivorous and invertivorous species. Narrow, shady streams were inhabited by nektonic species adapted for the exploitation of resources from the marginal vegetation. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of the association between the functional structure of fish assemblages and local environmental variables in Amazonian streams. We hope that these findings will stimulate further research into the natural variation in stream fish assemblages that will ensure the development of more effective management strategies that better protect these important aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract – The River Purtse was historically a significant Atlantic salmon spawning river in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). After the establishment of oil shale mining and processing in the catchment area in the late 1920s, the salmon population went extinct. By the 1970s, the river was heavily polluted and the lower reaches lacked any fish fauna. However, since the 1990s, pollution from oil shale mines was greatly reduced and water quality started to improve. The first fish species to repopulate the polluted area were gudgeon and nine‐spined stickleback. The first salmon parr from wild spawning were recorded in 2006. Up to 2009, a total of fifteen fish species have been recorded including trout and the sensitive bullhead. This study illustrates the natural recovery of the fish fauna following water quality improvement.  相似文献   

五强溪水利工程对沅江鱼类资源的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1989年沅江鱼类资源调查结果,报道沅江鱼类区系组成,五强溪未成水库库区及坝下江段渔业资源状况和产飘流性卵鱼类的繁殖状况,并就五强溪水利工程对沅江鱼类资源的影响进行了预测,提出了发展渔业对策。  相似文献   

Macrobenthos: before, during and after a fish farm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We have investigated the effect of a salmon farm on the local benthos and the benthic environment. The bottom fauna was examined before establishment in March 1988, during operation in September 1989 and April 1990, and after closure in March-April 1991. During this time 2417 tonnes of salmon were produced. The samples were collected from two stations within 250m of the farm site. The sediment contained mainly clay and silt, the organic content varied from 9·1 to 17·3% and there was no increase in the organic content during the sampling period.
The bottom fauna in 1988 was rich and relatively similar at both stations. The species number close to the farm declined from 65 in 1988 to only 11 in 1989. A year after the fish farm was moved, the number of species had risen to 29.
The fish farm clearly influenced the bottom fauna in the immediate vicinity of the site but no effect was found at 250 m distance. The environmental conditions had improved in 1991 after abandonment of the site, but the fauna had not returned to the status measured before operations began in 1988.  相似文献   

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