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<正>河北省遵化市养猪专业户李某,于2009年6月3日发现自家饲养的26头母猪有2头发病,表现为高热、食欲减退。至6月6日,又有3头母猪和1头公猪发病,其中2头母猪流产,公猪睾丸肿胀、发热。  相似文献   

不同季节及生长阶段母猪的饲养管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的规模化猪场既有种猪(公猪与母猪)又有商品猪,母猪所产仔猪基本上全部用于本场育肥生产肉猪。猪场饲养模式一般分群为种公猪、种母猪、后备公猪、后备母猪、未断奶仔猪、育成猪、育肥猪。规模化养猪场饲养母猪几百头甚至上千头,母猪  相似文献   

(一)发病情况2009年6月3日河北省遵化市养猪专业户李某饲养的26头母猪有2头发病,表现为高热、食欲减退,至6月6日,又有3头母猪和1头公猪发病,其中2头母猪流产,公猪睾丸肿胀、发热。经用青霉素、链霉素、安乃近等药物治疗无效,1头体质虚弱的母猪死亡,随后到我市疫控中心就诊。  相似文献   

(一)发病情况2009年6月3日河北省遵化市养猪专业户李某饲养的26头母猪有2头发病,表现为高热、食欲减退,至6月6日,又有3头母猪和1头公猪发病,其中2头母猪流产,公猪睾丸肿胀、发热。经用青霉素、链霉素、安乃近等药物治疗无效,1头体质虚弱的母猪死亡,随后到我市疫控中心就诊。  相似文献   

1生产流程待配母猪阶段。在配种舍内饲养空怀、后备、断奶母猪及公猪进行配种。每条万头生产线每星期参加配种的母猪24头,保证每星期能有20头母猪分娩。妊娠母猪放在妊娠母猪舍内定位栏饲养,在临产前1星期转入产房。  相似文献   

种公猪的饲养与管理是一个猪场发展的核心,种公猪站饲养的种公猪关系到辐射区域内能繁母猪的生产力。本交方式一头种公猪只能负担20头~30头母猪,采精公猪一头公猪能负担500头~1000头母猪的配种任务,采精公猪的管理尤其重要。因此加强采精公猪的饲养管理,使种公猪具有健康和旺盛的性欲,保证获得优质的精液,提高母猪的繁殖率,是种公猪站应有的职责和生存发展的根本。  相似文献   

近年来,猪高热病在我国大部分地区流行较为严重.2011年10月上旬,江苏省某猪场暴发了一起以高热、皮肤发紫、母猪流产为主要症状的疫病,经综合治疗得到控制.现将诊治情况报告如下: 1 发病情况 该猪场饲养母猪49头,仔猪及育肥猪229头.2011年9月26日从外县某猪场调入约克夏公猪1头,9月30日,该公猪和其相邻圈舍饲养的3头怀孕母猪突然发病,3d内发病母猪数增至32头,10月4日一母猪流产后死亡,10月5日调入的公猪死亡.主要表现为不食、高热、皮肤发紫、怀孕母猪流产.总发病36头,发病率73.5%,死亡2头,病死率5.6%.育肥猪于1个月前、母猪于每个空怀期均注射过4头份猪瘟单价疫苗.开始用头孢金抗、吉享金典等药物治疗,效果不明显.  相似文献   

2009年2月15日,江油责禄养殖场与成都泰丰畜牧新技术有限公司就引进荷兰velos智能化母猪饲养管理系统达成协议。该养殖场总目标饲养母猪720头(LY♀和托佩克♀),第一期先饲养LY母猪360头,公猪30头;第一批种母猪4131头,仔猪5049头。这是绵阳第2家,四川第6家成功引进该设备的猪场。  相似文献   

2007年8月24日,江苏省东海县牛山镇养猪户饲养的15头母猪、2头公猪和168头仔猪中有5头妊娠母猪、1头公猪和54头仔猪突然发病。  相似文献   

一例猪乙型脑炎的诊治报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1发病情况 2009年7月19日,唐山市丰润区杨官林镇养猪户蔡某饲养的15头母猪、2头公猪和168头仔猪中有5头妊娠母猪、1头公猪和54头仔猪突然发病。  相似文献   

The use of a palatine prosthesis in the treatment of a traumatic cleft palate in a dog is described. Attempts at surgical repair of the cleft failed and the prosthesis successfully obturated the defect for 10 months. The value of this technique used alone or in combination with palatoplasty is discussed.  相似文献   

We report the successful use of a cortico-cancellous bone graft to repair a cleft of the secondary palate in a 6-month-old Akita dog. The cleft extended from the incisal papilla to the posterior border of the soft palate. It was 10 mm wide in the hard palate and 16 mm in the soft palate. The cleft was repaired using the "push-back" method with single-pedicled mucoperiosteal flaps to close the cleft in the soft tissues, and a free bone graft from the tibia (cortex with cancellous bone attached) to fill the defect in the hard palate. Two and one-half years after the operation the graft was indistinguishable from surrounding bone on radiographs. Maxillary growth appeared to have progressed normally, resulting in normal occlusion.  相似文献   

A five-year-old, neutered male, Bernese Mountain Dog was referred because of a two-week history of hematuria and a one-week history of polydipsia and polyuria. Palpation of the dorsomedial mesogastrium revealed a mass on the left side, which was seen via radiography and ultrasonography to be attached to the left kidney. The left kidney and the attached mass were excised surgically, and the dog had an uneventful recovery. Histological examination of the mass revealed a dense proliferation of non-polymorphic spindle cells, which stained positive for smooth muscle actin via immunohistochemistry. Leiomyoma of the kidney was diagnosed. Postoperatively, there was mild azotaemia, which did not affect the general condition of the dog and was still present 15 months after surgery. Leiomyoma of the kidney is a benign tumor, and hematuria may be the only clinical sign.  相似文献   

Meningiomas are one of the most common nervous system tumors in dogs. They are mostly solitary, benign, intracranial tumors of the transitional type. Tentative diagnosis can usually be made on historical data, clinical and neurological signs, and radiographs, with an antemortem diagnosis confirmed by exploratory surgery and histologic evaluation of biopsy. The literature contains many reports of the gross, histological and ultrastructural morphology of canine meningiomas, but little on the cytologic features of these tumors. This report describes the cytologic appearance of an intracranial meningioma in a 9-year-old Miniature Schnauzer.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old, Quarter horse mare was treated for severe cellulitis secondary to a gunshot wound near the right humerus. The bullet was not retrieved due to the risk of damaging the radial nerve or elbow joint. Despite the presence of the bullet, the mare resumed athletic soundness once the infection had resolved.  相似文献   

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