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Young Norway spruce stands (Picea abies [L.] Karst) are typically cleaned of non-crop species on one or several occasions during young stand stage. In order to objectively evaluate the perceived benefits of early cleaning (EC), we studied the effects of EC on three study sites 2–2.5 years after receiving the treatment. Experiments were established as a randomised complete block design with a total of 40 blocks. Although height growth and mortality were not significantly affected, we found that EC substantially reduced canopy competition and, consequently, the mean diameter of released spruce grew 21–32% faster depending on the site. Furthermore, non-crop trees that were cleared during EC had fewer sprouts in two of the three sites and the sprouts were substantially smaller than the corresponding non-crop trees on control in all sites. EC can reduce the cost of pre-commercial thinning because EC reduced the estimated time needed for subsequent management by 18–49%. Thus, EC offers forest owners and managers an economically viable young stand management option.  相似文献   

Altogether 82 plots (261 estimations) of Picea abies (L.) Karst, and 193 plots (360 estimations) of Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands were estimated by a vertical tube. The “crown free projection”, CFP, of stands thinned in three methods with different thinning grades was measured: unthinned, heavily and very heavily thinned, heavily thinned delayed first thinning, extra heavily thinned and thinned from the top. Basal area (m2ha?1) density (stems ha?1) and diameter sum (m ha?1) were plotted against CFP. Basal area was the best practical measure of stand in this study. Generally Scots pine stands have higher CFP and the curves are steeper than in Norway spruce stands. Depending on the grade of thinning, heavily and very heavily thinned spruce stands, delayed first thinning included, have CFP values of 10–15% and stands thinned from the top, 20–40%, compared with 30–80% and 30–60% respectively in pine stands. Extra heavily thinned stands have the highest CFP, 20–80% in spruce and 50–90% in pine stands. The CFP levels after thinning are too high in pine stands for avoidance of sucker and sprout production of aspen and birch. In dense Norway spruce stands thinned from the top or heavily and very heavily thinned, the CFP values are low enough (≤30%) to diminish the production of suckers.  相似文献   


This study analysed the effects of young stand characteristics on optimal thinning regime and length of rotation periods for even-aged Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stands. Stand development was based on a distance-independent, individual-tree growth model. The young stand data were collected from 12 well-stocked Norway spruce stands in southern Finland. Results showed that optimal thinning regimes and rotation period depend on site quality and initial stand characteristics. At the first thinning, optimal thinning type depended on initial density. Thinning from both ends of the diameter distribution turned out to be optimal for initially dense stands. At the second and subsequent thinnings, thinning from above was clearly superior. At a low interest rate, thinning from below was optimal for the first thinning regardless of stocking level. For the study data, optimal rotation periods varied from 61 to 92 years at 3% interest rate. The high variation in length of rotation period was due to the sensitivity of optimal length of rotation period to site qualities, initial stand structure and density.  相似文献   


The effect of the timing of precommercial thinning on the productivity of work was examined in young Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stands in southern Finland. The common problem of large variation between sample plots in time studies was avoided by introducing a new approach based on a combination of stand measurements, tree-ring analysis and existing work productivity functions. The results indicated that a 2 year delay in the precommercial thinning of a stand was enough to cause an increase of 10-42% in the consumption of working time at a mean height of 1.5-3.1 m. At a later thinning, at a mean height 4.1-7.2 m, the increase was 8-24%. The development of the stand up to the first commercial thinning was not significantly influenced by a 2 year delay in the late precommercial thinning.  相似文献   

The form and magnitude of storm damage and stand disclosure patterns were assessed in 332 randomly chosen pure and regular stands of spruce (Picea abies L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) after storm lothar, within a region of the Swiss Midlands. This data was analysed in relation to maximal wind speed, measured with Doppler radar techniques and other influential factors such as relief, allometric characteristics, silvicultural history, and neighbourhood. In addition, storm damage, assessed from aerial photographs over an extended perimeter (about 70,000 ha) was considered. A storm of the magnitude of lothar (December 26 1999), with an average maximal wind speed of 45 m s−1 (160 km h−1) appears to have a highly chaotic wind field structure, with great spatial and temporal variation of wind gusts. Wind speeds were not a significant predictor for damage in spruce stands and only weakly influential for beech. The consequences of this high randomness were analysed to estimate the return time of such a storm at the stand level. It lies between 86 and 113 years for spruce, 357 and 408 for beech. Only a few independent variables were significant and the overall explanatory strength of the model was unexpectedly low (R 2=0.07 for spruce and 0.30 for beech). Among the more reliable predisposing factors were mixture and aspect combined with gradient. An admixture of 10% or more broadleaved tree species or wind-firm conifers like Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] significantly reduced the vulnerability of spruce stands (by a factor of more than three). On wind-exposed aspects, damage was more than twice the average. Steeper slopes caused a significant reduction in susceptibility (by a factor of six for slopes over 50%, in comparison to gentle slopes <20%). Other factors such as height to diameter ratio of trees or time since last thinning did not appear to be significant predictors.  相似文献   


The incidence of butt rot in two consecutive rotations of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in 28 permanent sample plots at four different sites in Denmark was evaluated. Incidence of butt rot was estimated by visual examination of stumps at final felling of the previous rotation and by examination of bore cores taken at the butt from a random sample of trees before first thinning of the subsequent rotation. There was no correlation between the incidence of butt rot at final felling of the previous rotation of Norway spruce and the incidence of butt rot at first thinning of the subsequent rotation of Norway spruce. The incidence of butt rot at final felling was between 19 and 100%, and at first thinning between 0 and 20%. The S-form of Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. was the most commonly found decay-causing organism at all sites. Root systems of 28 trees without decay at stump height in the present rotation were excavated to estimate the incidence of root rot. Heterobasidion annosum was found in only one root. Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schw. ex Fr.) Parm. was found in 25% of the excavated root systems. The result of the study shows that the incidence of butt rot at first thinning of Norway spruce is not necessarily higher on sites where the previous rotation was heavily infected than on sites where infection in the previous rotation was low.  相似文献   


The initial density of a stand influences both the prethinning growth and the quality of the harvested trees. This study investigated the effects of different square spacings (2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 m) with thinning from above and thinning from below on stand development and tree characteristics in a 33-year-old Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] plantation in southern Sweden. Before thinning the total standing volume was not significantly different between treatments. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and diameter of the thickest branch were positively correlated. Before thinning, dbh of the trees and their thickest branches were significantly higher in the stands with 3.0 m spacing. After thinning, the dbh and the diameter of the thickest branch did not significantly differ between the 3.0 m spacing with thinning from above and 2.0 and 2.5 m spacing with thinning from below. Spacing did not significantly influence the presence or size of spike knots. The results suggest that a combination of wide spacing with thinning from above may yield timber of similar quality to denser spacing with thinning from below.  相似文献   


Height and diameter distributions between improved and unimproved (checklot) seedlots for white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] and black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP] were compared using the two-parameter Weibull function. Individual tree height at age 5–15 years and diameter at breast height at age 15 years that were collected from two series of large-plot realized gain tests were used for this purpose. For both species, improved seedlots did not significantly (α=0.05) change the shape parameter of the distributions relative to their checklots, suggesting that an overall shape value will be adequate to predict tree size distributions of various improved seedlots. The most important finding was that seedlot influenced the scale parameter (related to the range of the distribution) significantly, but from a practical viewpoint, only those scale values of the higher rated seedlots (i.e. seedlots collected from a rogued seed orchard or superior families) were significantly higher (α=0.05) than those of the respective unimproved seedlot. The changes in scale value of the alternative improved seedlots relative to the checklot (ΔScale) were comparable in magnitude to the respective realized genetic gains, suggesting that tree improvement effects on the scale value can be adjusted by realized genetic gains. The results also suggest that site and age significantly affected the scale value; in general, ΔScale became larger at earlier ages or on better sites. The findings reported here will be used in the development of yield functions for genetically improved white and black spruce in New Brunswick.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of thinning on allometry and needle-age distribution in natural stands of Abies sachalinensis Masters by comparing a thinned stand to an unthinned, control stand. Specifically, we attempted to clarify how allometry was altered after a thinning. We assumed that the needle-age distribution of trees in the thinned stand would show a younger composition than in the control stand, given the effect of improved light conditions on needle dynamics following a thinning. These investigations were conducted in dense Abies stands located in central Hokkaido, northern Japan, 19 years post-thinning. In the thinned stand, the ratio of individual needle mass to stem mass increased significantly, as compared to the control. A difference in the H–DBH relationship between the stands was probably related to this tendency. Mean needle age of trees differed significantly between the two stands, and the thinned stand showed a younger needle age than the control. Within each stand, dominant trees showed older mean needle age than codominant or suppressed trees. These tendencies may have been caused by differential needle dynamics affected by light conditions in the stands, and by different crown positions among the trees within a stand. In summary, trees in the thinned stand showed increased growth rates after thinning, which were caused by increased needle mass, younger composition of needles, and improved light conditions.  相似文献   

Since individual tree leaf area is an important measure for productivity as well as for site occupancy, it is of high interest in many studies about forest growth. The exact determination of leaf area is nearly impossible. Thus, a common way to get information about leaf area is to use substitutes. These substitutes are often variables which are collected in a destructive way which is not feasible for long term studies. Therefore, this study aimed at testing the applicability of using substitutes for leaf area which could be collected in a non-destructive way, namely crown surface area and crown projection area. In 8 stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), divided into three age classes and two thinning treatments, a total of 156 trees were felled in order to test the relationship between leaf area and crown surface area and crown projection area, respectively. Individual tree leaf area of the felled sample trees was estimated by 3P-branch sampling with an accuracy of ±10%. Crown projection area and crown surface area were compared with other, more commonly used, but destructive predictors of leaf area, namely sapwood area at different heights on the bole. Our investigations confirmed findings of several studies that sapwood area is the most precise measure for leaf area because of the high correlation between sapwood area and the leaf area. But behind sapwood area at crown base and sapwood area at three tenth of the tree height the predictive ability of crown surface area was ranked third and even better than that of sapwood area at breast height (R2 = 0.656 compared with 0.600). Within the stands leaf area is proportional to crown surface area. Using the pooled data of all stands a mixed model approach showed that additionally to crown surface area dominant height and diameter at breast height (dbh) improved the leaf area estimates. Thus, taking dominant height and dbh into account, crown surface area can be recommended for estimating the leaf area of individual trees. The resulting model was in line with many other findings on the leaf area and leaf mass relationships with crown size. From the additional influence of dominant height and dbh in the leaf area model we conclude that the used crown model could be improved by estimating the position of the maximum crown width and the crown width at the base of the crown depending on these two variables.  相似文献   


This study examined the geographical pattern of changing forest condition in Norway by comparing two nation - wide, independent sets of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) plots with 8 yr of crown density data. Each set had some limitations regarding its ability to provide reliable information about the pattern of its changes in crown density. This problem mainly concerned the sampling strategy and the grid density. One set was a random sample and the other was a subjective sample. However, a consistent geographical pattern was found at the regional scale, with the greatest reductions in crown density in mid Norway and south - eastern Norway. These areas are little to moderately affected by long - range air pollution, and the results draw the attention towards a range of other stress factors. There was no relationship between the two samples at the local scale. The change in crown density between 1990 and 1997 estimated from the two samples was significantly different. The results demonstrated the influence of different sampling techniques on the forest health statistics, but also indicated that the two samples together can form a basis for further studies of forest condition in Norway, since the subjective sample complements the random sample at the regional level.  相似文献   


The economic outcomes of stump treatment against spore infections of the root rot pathogen Heterobasiodion annosum s. l. were analysed based on simulations in four stands typical of Swedish forestry and forest management: (A) Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stand on former agricultural soil (SI?=?32), (B) Norway spruce stand (SI?=?26) on forest land; (C) Mixed stand of Norway spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (SI?=?24) with only H. parviporum present, i.e. no infection of Scots pine and no possibility of interspecies spread of disease between hosts; and (D) same as C, but H. annosum s. str. (Fr.) Bref and H. parviporum Niemelä & Korhonen present, i.e. interspecies spread of disease possible. Models for disease development, growth and yield and cross-cutting were used in the simulations. The simulated decay frequency in Norway spruce trees ranged between 2 and 90%. Stump treatment at the previous final felling and in all thinning operations was profitable at interest rates 1 and 3% in stands A, B and D, but not in stand C. In stand C, no stump treatment at all or treatment in thinnings only gave the highest net future value. Implications for stump treatment in practical forestry are discussed.  相似文献   

Models for predicting height and diameter of individual trees in young Picea abies (L.) Karst. stands were developed. Data collected in a large survey of young forest stands in Sweden (the HUGIN young stand survey) were used in the construction of the models. Models were developed both with and without competition indices included. When constructing the competition indices trees within three metres from the subject tree were regarded as competitors. Functions with competition indices included (distance dependent) will be useful in analyses of the development of stands with different stand structure, whereas functions without competition indices (distance independent) will be useful in systems for long‐term forecasts of yield.  相似文献   

谈抚育间伐的目的和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李长军  崔忠 《森林工程》1999,15(3):9-10
文中对抚育间伐的目的进行了分析,并从有利于森林培育出发,提出了在抚育间伐作业中应执行的几点原则。  相似文献   

Observed diameter distributions of forest stands are adapted to the Johnson S b probability function. The stands investigated are untreated mixed stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) aged between 20 and 32 years. The adaptation of the Johnson Sb probability function is made both on mixed spruce and birch, and on each species separately. Altogether 156 observations were tested with observed distributions against calculated distributions in the Kolmo‐gorov‐Smirnov test. The fractiles are predicted with multiple regression and two multivari‐ate techniques, simultaneous‐equation models (multivariate regression) and partial least squares with latent variables. The independent variables are characteristics of site and stand. Both multivariate methods predict diameter distribution well when tested.  相似文献   

选择欧洲云杉3个种源、黑云杉3个种源、白云杉3个种源、青海云杉1个种源进行了不同种、种源的苗期生长性状变异试验。结果表明:云杉不同种、种源间苗期性状差异显著。4个种的1年生苗以苗高进行排序:欧洲云杉〉黑云杉〉白云杉〉青海云杉。欧洲云杉、黑云杉、白云杉各个种的不同种源间有很大的变异及选择潜力。因此在进行云杉引种时,应选择不同的种、种源,才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to show the effects of five tree-selection strategies when thinning on quality and growth properties of Norway spruce stands, and their potential for improving quality in the stands. The five strategies were thinning to retain high-quality (HQ) and low-quality (LQ) trees, thinning from above (A) and below (B) and thinning to obtain an even distribution of residual trees (S). The study was conducted in two planted stands close to rotation age, located in southern Sweden, which had been thinned twice since the establishment of the thinning experiment. In the two quality-based treatments trees were selected for harvest on the basis of the following growth and quality traits: tree class, vitality, dbh, height, straightness, branch diameter and quality defects. The quality traits were found to be largely independent of tree size, thus the selection strategies based solely on dbh (A and B) did not improve quality within the stands. Thinning targeting HQ traits promoted the retention and growth of HQ trees, and improved overall quality of the stands compared to the other treatments. HQ thinning increased the share of straight trees by 15%, on average. Significant proportions of stem crooks and quality defects detected before the first thinning were invisible 21 years after it. All thinned stands had higher proportions of naturally pruned trees than unthinned stands. The selection method had no influence on periodic annual increment after thinning.  相似文献   

本文在“海岸林风害危险率评价的理论推导”(Journal of Forestry Research, 2002, 13(4))一文的基础上,对1997年12月经四种间伐处理的黑松海岸林进行了连续四个生长季的风害调查,同时,对黑松海岸林内与林外风速廓线和林分透光分层疏透度的分布也分别进行了观测。应用在这些观测数据,依据“海岸林风害危险率评价的理论推导”文中获得的风害危险率评价方法,对单株树木及林分的风害风险率进行了评估,结果表明,单独依据平均直径与结合风速廓线和林分结构的风害风险率,构成了评价海岸森林风害的重要指标。不同间伐强度和风害发生率之间的关系表明,在间伐初期林分的稳定性有所下降,这可能是由于林冠粗糙度和风负载的增加及周围树木的保护效应的减少而引起的。然而,经过一段时间后,间伐处理能够促进林分生长,从而提高了林分的稳定性和对强风的抵抗力。在本试验观察过程中只发现了强风对林冠的损害,而即使是在间伐海岸林外风速达到30.2 m·s-1的条件下,也没有发现风倒或风折。本次研究中获得的结果表明,尽管在间伐之初风害的概率增加了,但是,间伐作为一种最为有效的林分管理方法,可以成为保持海岸林健康、稳定的一种长期经营管理策略。图3表4参19。  相似文献   

The response of tree survival and diameter growth to thinning treatments was examined over 29 years, in various thinning treatments established in a 21-year-old even-aged mixed species regenerating forest in Victoria, Australia. The treatments were control, crown release, strip thinning and three different intensities of thinning from below (light, moderate, and heavy). Each treatment was replicated three times in a complete randomised design. Logistic and multilevel regression analyses showed that tree survival, growth and thinning response (change of tree growth due to a thinning treatment) were functions of tree species, size, age, removed and remaining competition, as well as time since the treatment. Mean annual tree diameter growth in unthinned stands was highest for Eucalyptus sieberi L. Johnson (1.9 mm) followed by Eucalyptus baxteri (Benth.) Maiden & Blakely ex J. Black (1.6 mm), and lowest for both Eucalyptus consideniana (Maiden) and Eucalyptus radiata (Sieber ex DC) combined (0.7 mm). Diameter growth increased with tree size for both E. sieberi and E. baxteri, but not for E. consideniana and E. radiata. Smaller trees were more likely to die due to shading and suppression than their larger counterparts. A mortality model suggested, however, that both shading and suppression had very little effect on trees in both E. consideniana and E. radiata species, which were less likely to die compared to trees in the other species. This result indicates that both E. consideniana and E. radiata species may be relatively shade tolerant compared with the other species. Total thinning response was a sum of positive (increased growing space) and negative (thinning stress) effects. Following thinning, smaller trees showed signs of thinning stress for the first one or two years, after which the highest percentage thinning response was observed. While larger trees were initially less responsive to thinning, the rate of decrease in the response for subsequent years was greater in smaller trees than larger ones. The average amount of thinning response showed similar trends to diameter growth increasing from E. sieberi (1.7 mm) through E. baxteri (0.6 mm) to both E. consideniana and E. radiata (0.5 mm). This translates into low average percentage thinning response in E. baxteri (34%), twice as much in both E. consideniana and E. radiata (69%) and highest overall percentage response in E. sieberi (87%). Thinning response and the duration of this response appeared to increase with thinning intensity and was still evident 29 years after thinning. Heavy thinning did, however, reduce the number of trees to a severely under-stocked condition, which prohibited optimum site occupancy, requiring 29 years of post-thinning development for the heavily thinned stands to regain their pre-thinning stand basal area.  相似文献   

Stand age is an important structural determinant of canopy transpiration (E(c)) and carbon gain. Another more functional parameter of forest structure is the leaf area/sapwood area relationship, A(L)/A(S), which changes with site conditions and has been used to estimate leaf area index of forest canopies. The interpretation of age-related changes in A(L)/A(S) and the question of how A(L)/A(S) is related to forest functions are of current interest because they may help to explain forest canopy fluxes and growth. We conducted studies in mature stands of Picea abies (L.) Karst. varying in age from 40 to 140 years, in tree density from 1680 to 320 trees ha(-1), and in tree height from 15 to 30 m. Structural parameters were measured by biomass harvests of individual trees and stand biometry. We estimated E(c) from scaled-up xylem sap flux of trees, and canopy-level fluxes were predicted by a three-dimensional microclimate and gas exchange model (STANDFLUX). In contrast to pine species, A(L)/A(S) of P. abies increased with stand age from 0.26 to 0.48 m(2) cm(-2). Agreement between E(c) derived from scaled-up sap flux and modeled canopy transpiration was obtained with the same parameterization of needle physiology independent of stand age. Reduced light interception per leaf area and, as a consequence, reductions in net canopy photosynthesis (A(c)), canopy conductance (g(c)) and E(c) were predicted by the model in the older stands. Seasonal water-use efficiency (WUE = A(c)/E(c)), derived from scaled-up sap flux and stem growth as well as from model simulation, declined with increasing A(L)/A(S) and stand age. Based on the different behavior of age-related A(L)/A(S) in Norway spruce stands compared with other tree species, we conclude that WUE rather than A(L)/A(S) could represent a common age-related property of all species. We also conclude that, in addition to hydraulic limitations reducing carbon gain in old stands, a functional change in A(L)/A(S) that is related to reduced light interception per leaf area provides another potential explanation for reduced carbon gain in old stands of P. abies, even when hydraulic constraints increase in response to changes in canopy architecture and aging.  相似文献   

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