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The influence of a continuous feathermoss layer (dominated by Pleurozium schreberi) on soil temperature, soil water potential and tree growth was assessed in a 5-year study. The feathermoss layer was manually removed from 900 m2 plots in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) stands of northwestern Alberta. The interception and retention of nutrients by moss was estimated in N fertilization treatments with and without moss removal. As well, the potential for intraspecific competition to affect nutrient dynamics was assessed through a thinning treatment. Removal of the moss layer increased soil temperatures in summer and increased the period when soil was frost free, but the plots without moss had soil temperature as low as −13 °C in one winter period with little snow cover. Moss removal did not significantly affect N concentrations of the tree foliage but did reduce needle weight. Thinning had little effect on the rate of diameter growth after the first 3 years, but produced a significant increase in growth by year 4. Fertilization had a consistently positive effect on radial stem increments and N content of foliage, regardless of the presence of moss on the plot. Overall, the intraspecific competition between trees was apparently greater than interspecific competition between moss and trees.  相似文献   

Commercial thinning is a silvicultural treatment used to increase the merchantable yield of residual trees. Growth response to thinning, however, is highly variable and discrepancies between studies remain largely unexplained. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effect of natural root grafting on growth response after thinning. We excavated root systems of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in five naturally regenerated stands, in which three had been commercially thinned 6 and 9 years earlier. Radial growth before and after thinning was examined using dendrochronological techniques. Thinning increased radial growth of trees, however growth increments were significantly less for trees that had root grafts with removed trees, while growth of grafted trees was better in unthinned stands. Furthermore, radial growth response of trees grafted to removed trees was smaller than that of non-grafted trees 4 years and more post-thinning. On average, non-grafted stumps survived less than 1 year (0.4 year), while grafted stumps lived 2.0 years after the stem was removed. Differences in growth response to thinning between grafted and non-grafted trees thus appear to be linked to the support of roots and stumps of removed trees by live residual trees.  相似文献   

Total foliage dry mass and leaf area at the canopy hierarchical level of needle, shoot, branch and crown were measured in 48 trees harvested from a 14-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation, six growing seasons after thinning and fertilization treatments.

In the unthinned treatment, upper crown needles were heavier and had more leaf area than lower crown needles. Branch- and crown-level leaf area of the thinned trees increased 91 and 109%, respectively, and whole-crown foliage biomass doubled. The increased crown leaf area was a result of more live branches and foliated shoots and larger branch sizes in the thinned treatment. Branch leaf area increased with increasing crown depth from the top to the mid-crown and decreased towards the base of the crown. Thinning stimulated foliage growth chiefly in the lower crown. At the same crown depth in the lower crown, branch leaf area was greater in the thinned treatment than in the unthinned treatment. Maximum leaf area per branch was located nearly 3–4 m below the top of the crown in the unthinned treatment and 4–5 m in the thinned treatment. Leaf area of the thinned-treatment trees increased 70% in the upper crown and 130% in the lower crown. Fertilization enhanced needle size and leaf area in the upper crown, but had no effect on leaf area and other variables at the shoot, branch and crown level. We conclude that the thinning-induced increase in light penetration within the canopy leads to increased branch size and crown leaf area. However, the branch and crown attributes have little response to fertilization and its interaction with thinning.  相似文献   

We studied the combined effects of thinning on stand structure, growth, and fire risk for a Scots pine thinning trial in northern Spain 4 years following treatment. The thinning treatments were: no thinning, heavy thinning (32–46% of basal area removed) and very heavy thinning (51–57% of basal area removed). Thinning was achieved via a combination of systematic and selective methods by removing every seventh row of trees and then by cutting suppressed and subdominant trees in the remaining rows (i.e., thinning from below). Four years after thinning, mean values and probability density distributions of stand structural indices showed that the heavier the thinning, the stronger the tendency towards random tree spatial positions. Height and diameter differentiation were initially low for these plantations and decreased after the 4-year period in both control and thinned plots. Mark variograms indicated low spatial autocorrelation in tree diameters at short distances. Diameter increment was significantly correlated with the inter-tree competition indices, and also with the mean directional stand structural index. Two mixed models were proposed for estimating diameter increment using a spatial index based on basal area of larger trees (BALMOD) in one model versus spatial competition index by Bella in the other model. As well, a model to estimate canopy bulk density (CBD) was developed, as this variable is important for fire risk assessment. Both heavy and very heavy thinning resulted in a decrease of crown fire risk over no thinning, because of the reduction in CBD. However, thinning had no effect on the height to crown base and thus on the flame length for torching. Overall, although thinning did not increase size differentiation between trees in the short term, the increase in diameter increment following thinning and the reduction of crown fire risks support the use of thinning. Also, thinning is a necessary first step towards converting Scots pine plantations to more natural mixed broadleaved woodlands. In particular, the very heavy thinning treatment could be considered a first step towards conversion of overstocked stands.  相似文献   

A combined species – provenance – family experiment with Scots pine and lodgepole pine was planted in Canada and Sweden. One aim of the experiment was to evaluate the two species’ sensitivities to pathogens and insects 25 years after establishment in their non-native continents. In Canada, Scots pine had better average survival than lodgepole pine, but survival rates among trees from the best seed-lots were equal. In Canada only western gall rust infected Scots pine to some extent, and mountain pine beetles attacked and killed Scots pine more frequently than lodgepole pine. At one site in Sweden, lodgepole pine had higher survival rates than Scots pine, whether evaluated as an overall average or with data from only the best surviving seed-lots. At the other Swedish site, the species’ survival rates were equal, largely since moose damage was much more frequent on lodgepole pine than on Scots pine. Adaptation to local conditions seemed to be important in the resistance of stem breakage caused by heavy snowfalls. The exotic species generally seemed to resist the new threats, but more serious damage by mountain pine beetle on Scots pine than on lodgepole pine in Canada demonstrates possible drawbacks when using exotic species which are phylogenetically similar to native.  相似文献   

Lodgepole pine is native to western North America, but it is also planted as a fast-growing alternative to Scots pine in Sweden. The production of these two species, when grown as native and as exotic species, was compared in a transcontinental two-species provenance experiment. The tests were planted in 1986 on five sites in northwestern Canada and two sites in Sweden, and included full-sib families, half-sib families, seed orchard collections and natural stand seed collections of both species. After 25 years, lodgepole pine produced 48% more volume (m3ha?1) and had 27% higher survival than Scots pine at one Swedish site, and had similar volume production and survival at a second. In the five Canadian sites, Scots pine produced on average 22% more volume than lodgepole pine. The variation between sites was, however, large. This higher volume of Scots pine in Canada could be due to higher survival (+28%) and less frequent damage; but higher top height for lodgepole pine in Canada indicated higher potential productivity. The results indicate that an exotic species may produce more than the native species, possibly thanks to higher survival, but it is also possible to increase production with successful population selection of the native species.  相似文献   

Mistletoe infection results in substantial growth losses in mistletoe‐infected forests. This study reports and evaluates the results of retrospective analyses of radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in relation to the level of infection of pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum). A total of 43 Scots pine trees were destructively sampled from different sites. Of these trees, 14 were uninfected and 29 were infected. Infection classes were determined using six‐class dwarf mistletoe rating system (DMRS). All needle and mistletoe biomass were removed completely and weighed for each sampled tree. Subsamples from needles and all mistletoe biomass were taken to the laboratory for oven‐dried weight determinations. Five‐cm‐thick wood discs were cut from the stem at the breast height (1.3 m) to determine annual basal area increment for the last 25 years. In addition to DMRS, new infection classes were created using mistletoe‐to‐needle biomass (MB/NB) ratio. The results showed that the radial growth losses could be as much as 41% to 64% at different infection levels. The rate of growth loss in relation to DMRS and MB/NB ratio was similar, but with a larger variability in DMRS values. The results showed that both DMRS rating and MB/NB ratio seem to be important for quantifying growth loss on Scots pine trees infected with mistletoe. The results of this study can also be invaluable in modelling the effects of mistletoe on the growth of Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

Data from seven Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in central Sweden that had undergone pre-commercial thinning (PCT) were used to investigate the biological effect of PCT on the diameter at breast height (DBH) growth of the remaining trees. Two treatments were considered: a PCT treatment and a control (C) with no PCT. The DBH of the trees in each stand was measured on up to four occasions over 15 years. We examined mean DBH and DBH growth of the largest 300, 600, 900 and 1200 trees ha?1. Two methods of selecting the trees used to calculate the mean DBH values for each measurement occasion were considered: the actual mean DBH (Dma), which is based on the DBH distribution of the trees on the measurement occasion in question, and the genuine mean DBH (Dmg), which is based on the DBH distribution of the trees on the final measurement occasion of the study and therefore focuses on the same set of trees for all measurement occasions. There was no clear difference between the Dma- and Dmg-based DBH increments, but the Dmg values tended to be somewhat larger both for the C and PCT treatments. Over a 15-year period, the relative mean yearly increments (Dma/Dmg) for different tree size classes ranged from 0.91 to 0.98, with lower values for the C treatment and larger DBH size classes. We found that PCT promotes DBH growth: over a 15-year period, the increased growth amounted to about 2.0 mm year?1 compared to the trees in unthinned plots.  相似文献   

Scots pine is a highly diverse species, extended across Europe from Scandinavia to Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey. It is also a valuable species, used in many commercial monoculture plantations in Great Britain and particularly in Scotland. Because of the diversity of growing environments and its commercial importance, it is necessary to identify the combination of significant factors affecting the observed variability of growth. Temperature, mainly during the growing season, is quite commonly considered as the most important factor in knowledge-based or empirical models. However, in highly oceanic climates like that of Scotland, the impact of temperature may have a less significant impact on growth. Here we argue that other factors, such as incoming winter solar radiation, frost, drought and management also have a significant effect on the growth of Scots pine. In addition, we argue that the already developed Ecological Site Classification knowledge-based model, used as a forest management tool in Great Britain, should be updated to incorporate our findings. Furthermore, we discuss the need to include management impact and possibly more physiological based components in its growth modelling routines, as these would allow the introduction of the effect of winter solar radiation.  相似文献   

In this study, I developed a nonlinear mixed-effects model based on the Richards curve that describes the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. I fitted the model to data from 29 long-term experimental monitoring plots in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantations in northeastern Japan. Simulations using the model on high-productivity sites and at moderate thinning intensities indicated that net yields after ca. 80 years were lower in unthinned stands than in thinned stands; in other cases, such as at younger ages and at sites with low and average productivities, net yields were similar for each thinning intensity (including no thinning). These results could be attributed to the fact that the net current annual increment in stand volume (CAInet) in the thinned stands exceeded that of the unthinned stands after a certain age (the “inversion” age) and to the negative correlation between site productivity and the inversion age. In addition, I found that a single rescaled growth curve was capable of describing the growth in stand volume at sites with different thinning histories and site productivities. This rescaled curve simply and clearly explained the effects of thinning and site productivity on stand volume growth. The existence of a single curve suggests that the positive effect of thinning on stand volume growth does not depend on site productivity, but it will require patient measurements over longer periods to reveal a positive effect at sites with low productivity.  相似文献   

为了解不同施肥处理对普陀樟(Cinnamomum japonicum var.Chenii)、全缘冬青(Ilex integra Thunb.)、红楠(Machilus thunbergii Sieb.et Zucc)3种海岛树种苗木生长及造林效果的影响,设置了7个不同的施肥处理,即(1)N(对照),(2)N+P,(3)N+2P、(4)N+K、(5)N+2K、(6)N+1P+1K、(7)N+2P+2K,于2011年5月至2012年1月观测苗高和地径,并测定植物各部分的生物量。结果表明:3种苗木不同施肥处理下,通过测算苗木质量指数QI可知,在N+1K施肥组合下,全缘冬青的苗木质量最好,而红楠在N+2P+2K的施肥组合下苗木质量最高,普陀樟在N+1P+1K的施肥组合下,苗木质量要好于其他处理。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the success of regeneration in gaps of variable size in pine-dominated stands in terms of seedling density. It was based on an experiment in central Lapland containing circular clear-cut gaps of 20, 40 and 80 m in diameter on typical sub-xeric and xeric pine sites with site preparation (patch scarification). The observation period covered the first five years after cutting. The average number of seedlings that had emerged after gap cutting was about 22 000?ha?1 for pine and 7 000?ha?1 for birch. The proportion of regeneration sample plots without any pine seedlings was less than 10%. The seedling density diminished constantly with greater distance from the edge stand but indicating sufficient density up to the largest gap size in the study (diameter 80 m, area ca. 0.5?ha). Site preparation promoted regeneration remarkably, and we conclude that successful regeneration would be achieved in most cases with soil scarification exposing just 10–20% of the soil surface.  相似文献   

选择4年生湿地松优良家系试验林,通过测土配方施肥,研究其对湿地松生长与叶片、枝条养分含量及其土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:施肥后第2年,土壤全P含量与湿地松树高及胸径生长呈现极显著正相关,其数学模型分别为:y=-5.944 4 x+1.318 9、y=-7.500 0 x+2.700 0;施肥后土壤中速效K含量与叶片中全K含量呈现极显著正相关,其数学模型为:y=0.010 8 x-0.163 3;速效K含量与湿地松树高及胸径生长,其数学模型分别为:y=-0.032 8 x+1.513 3、y=-0.047 4 x+3.002 9;土壤中全N增长与湿地松叶片全N含量增长均呈现显著正相关,其数学模型为:y=7.016 1 x+0.162 1。湿地松平均树高与胸径相较于未施肥的对照组增幅分别达11%与13%以上,其差异达到了极显著水平。  相似文献   

This study examines a large number of structural and growth-related responses of young Scots pine in relation to simulated browsing from large herbivores. We combined different modes of intensity, timing, and duration of clipping for nine consecutive years from 2000 to 2008. Data on tree responses were collected yearly during this period, as well as in 2011, and were analyzed using ordination techniques and generalized linear models. A key result demonstrated is the serious effects of clipping on the youngest pines. Mortality was high when clipping started the first year, indicating that the trees are vulnerable at that stage, but after that increasing intensity and duration of clipping were the main causes of mortality. Among the different treatment factors, intensity of clipping had the largest influence on altering the final growth responses, some of the quality responses, and mortality. Timing of clipping was the most important factor for explaining the occurrence of the majority of responses related to stem structure. Duration of clipping had the largest effect on the responses that included repeated-measures data, such as height development and number of stems. We discuss the long-term consequences of browsing for the trees and the implications for forest management.  相似文献   

Damage to residual stand after partial harvesting or thinning may lead to serious economic losses in terms of both timber quality at the final harvest, and tree growth reduction. Logging damages and their effect on tree growth were studied in a long term experiment on Corsican pine in central Italy. Damage frequency, agent (felling, skidding), position (root damage, stem base, between 0.3 and 1 m a.g.l., >1 m a.g.l.) and severity (light, severe) and tree growth were measured after selective thinning from below and at 10 years after the treatment. In detail, we aimed at: monitoring mechanical damages to trees at the end of thinning and after 10 years; and assessing stand stability, growing stock, ring width and basal area at 10 years after the thinning. The thinning removed about 20% of volume, 38% of trees and 26% of basal area. The basal area decreased from 56 m2 ha−1 to 42 m2 ha−1 but after 10 years it increased again to 56 m2 ha−1. Immediately after thinning, 13.6% of the standing trees was damaged, out of these 36.17% showed severe injuries. Damages to standing trees were mainly due to skidding. Ten years after thinning, the percentage of damaged trees was about 17%, out of which 86.67% showed severe wounds. An increase of damaged trees and of trees with severe wounds was observed suggesting that a deeper knowledge on long-term effect of logging damages is needed. This study did not highlight any effect of logging damage on tree growth. In fact, no difference in ring width was recorded between damaged and undamaged trees.  相似文献   

施肥和覆盖对澳洲坚果344和OC生长和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解养分和地面覆盖对澳洲坚果生长和产量的影响,采用L9(34)正交设计,对8年生澳洲坚果品种344和OC开展施肥和覆盖试验。结果表明,试验实施1 a时,品种344的平均地径、树高、冠幅、冠高的增长率分别为13.0%、9.2%、4.1%、6.1%,品种OC的平均地径、树高、冠幅、冠高的增长率分别为6.3%、4.8%、1.3%、4.5%,品种间差异极显著(P≈0.0000.01)。各处理组合中,品种344的单株鲜果产量为0.5~1.4 kg/株,单位面积鲜果产量为191.6~470.1 kg/hm2;品种OC的单株鲜果产量为1.6~9.7 kg/株,单位面积鲜果产量为535.1~3 235.3 kg/hm2;各处理组合间,仅品种OC的单株产量呈现极显著的差异(P≈0.0000.01);同一品种的不同单株间,产量差异也较大。影响生长和产量的主导因子因品种不同而异,所以对于不同的澳洲坚果品种应研究相应的丰产栽培技术。  相似文献   

This study considered the effects of thinning on the development of compression wood in stems of 35-year-old stand of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra L.). Part of the stand had been thinned at 5-yearly intervals and part left unthinned. Twenty trees each from the thinned and unthinned stands were randomly selected and felled. Measurements were made on tree height, stem diameter, stem slenderness and canopy depth. Wood samples were removed from the central part of the main log and cross-sectional measurements made on ring width, basic density and compression wood content. Cross-sectional area of compression wood was found to be three time higher in stems from the unthinned trees in comparison with those from the thinned trees. No significant differences in mean radial ring width or basic density were found between treatments. Correlations indicated that, with increasing in stem diameter, compression wood content increased in the unthinned trees, while a decline in compression was observed in the thinned trees. Tree height was also positively correlated with compression wood content in unthinned trees, while no equivalent relationship was observed in thinned trees. Observations from this study, while not conclusive, suggest that phototropic stimulus may be producing stem inclinations in the unthinned stand as trees compete for space in the canopy, whereas crown competition has been largely eliminated in the thinned stand; and that this is responsible for compression wood levels recorded in this study.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验设计研究了不同氮、磷用量对野牛草生长和叶片叶绿素含量的影响,结果表明:氮的施用可明显改善野牛草的生长,表现为显著增加草屑积累量,提高生长速率和叶片叶绿素含量,但磷的效果不显著。  相似文献   

RIKALA  RISTO  REPO  TAPANI 《New Forests》1997,14(1):33-44
In this study the effect of summer fertilization on the initiation of frost hardening of containerized second-year Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings is studied. During the second growing season three different fertilization programs (water soluble NPK with micronutrients) determined by electrical conductivity of peat water extract (0.2, 0.5 and 1.2 mS cm-1) were initiated. The growth and nutrient concentrations of needles were monitored during the fertilization period. The frost hardiness of seedlings was assessed on four separate occasions at two week intervals from August 7 to September 18. This assessment was based on artificial freezing tests and visual damage scoring of tissue browning on current-year needles. Clear differences in foliar N, P and K concentrations were observed between the fertilization treatments. Fertilization prolonged the growing period of needles and increased root collar diameter. In all the tests, the highest fertilization level resulted in the highest level of frost hardiness. The difference between the fertilization treatments ranged from 1 °C to 2.2 °C. Frost hardiness increased with an increase in foliar nitrogen concentration and slightly less consistently with increases in foliar phosphorus and potassium concentrations.  相似文献   

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