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The field experiment studied the effect of irrigation [irrigation 15 days before sowing (DBS), irrigation 15 DBS + rice straw mulch, irrigation 7 DBS and irrigation 7 DBS + one irrigation at flower initiation] and biofertilizers [no biofertilizer (control), Rhizobium inoculation and Rhizobium inoculation + phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB)] on chickpea growth. In mulch treatment, paddy straw mulch was applied at 4 t ha?1 one day after pre-sowing irrigation and was retained until sowing. Pre-sowing irrigation at 15 DBS showed 28.7 and 30.0% less plant stand than irrigation applied 15 DBS + straw mulch and irrigation applied 7 DBS, respectively. Nodulation was significantly higher with irrigation 15 DBS + mulch and irrigation 7 DBS than with irrigation applied 15 DBS. The grain yield was 16.6, 20.3 and 44.0% higher in irrigation 15 DBS + mulch, irrigation 7 DBS and irrigation 7 DBS + irrigation at flowering treatments, respectively, over irrigation at 15 DBS. Rhizobium inoculation significantly improved the number of nodules and nodule dry weight compared with no treatment. Grain yield was significantly higher with Rhizobium than in untreated plots. Water use efficiency was highest when irrigation was applied 7 DBS.  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive growing seasons (2013 and 2014) to evaluate the effects of inoculations with Rhizobium and Azotobacter on the growth and yield of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties under saline (5.8 dS m?1) arid condition. The single treatment of either Rhizobium or Azotobacter exhibited to promote the growth of chickpea to some level, however, co-inoculation produced more effects and increased the shoot dry weight (30.3 and 26.4%), root dry weight (17.5 and 26.3%), nodule number (79.1 and 43.8 piece per plant), nitrogen content in roots (9.62 and 10.9%), in shoots (12.6 and 8.3%) and seed protein (7.1 and 4.3%) in both Flip06-102 and Uzbekistan-32 chickpea varieties compared to the control. Our studies showed that the highest yield response of 429 (27.9%) and 538 (23.9%) kg?ha?1 over the control was revealed by the co-inoculation with Rhizobium and Azotobacter inoculants in Flip 06-102 and Uzbekistan-32, respectively. A new introduced Flip 06-102 chickpea variety was more salt tolerant and had higher root nodulation than the local Uzbekistan-32 chickpea variety. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents in the shoots and roots were significantly (p?Rhizobium plus Azotobacter could be applied to improve the vegetative growth and yield of chickpea and to alleviate the effects of salt stress.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during summer (2013/2014) and winter (2014) in two different soil types to evaluate the effect of biochar and P fertilizer application on growth, yield, and water use efficiency of chickpea. Soil types include Rhodic Ferralsols (clay) in Thohoyandou and Leptic Cambisols (loamy sand) in Nelspruit, South Africa. Treatments consisted of a factorial combination of four biochar levels (0, 5, 10 and 20 t ha?1) and two phosphorus fertilizer levels (0 and 90 kg ha?1) arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. Biochar application at 5 t ha?1 significantly increased biomass, grain yield and water use efficiency of biomass production (WUEb) in the clay soil compared to 10 and 20 t ha?1. However, the increase was attributed to the addition of P fertilizer. Biochar application had no effect on yield components in the loamy sand soil, but P fertilizer addition increased number of seeds/pod in the loamy sand soil and number of pods/plant in the clay soil. Biochar and P fertilizer application on growth and yield of chickpea varied in soil types and seasons, as the effect was more prominent in the clay soil than the loamy sand soil during the summer sowing.  相似文献   

The effect of soil sterilization, and seed inoculation with three Rhizobium strains (3889, CP5b and IC 26) were studied on 5 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes (Jordan local, ILC 72 from Spain, ILC 484 from Turkey, C 235 from India, and ILC 1272 from U.S.A.). The main objective of the work was to investigate the effect of inoculation with different Rhizobium strains on yield, nodulation and other agronomic characteristics of different chickpea genotypes. Inoculation with Rhizobium resulted in a significant increase in grain yield for all genotypes tested. The average increase due to inoculation was 110% over the uninoculated control. Inoculation resulted in more nodules, greater nodule fresh weight and higher nitrogen uptake. The various Rhizobium strains differed in their effects. Genotypes responded differently to inoculation.  相似文献   

A 4-year (2008–2009 to 2011–2012) study was conducted on the effect of mineral phosphorus (P) + sulphur (S) and biofertilizers on rain-fed chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) at the Punjab Agricultural University’s Research Station, Ballowal Saunkhri, India. The experiment comprised of five combinations of P and S, viz. control (P0S0), no P + 10 kg S ha?1 (P0S10), 15 kg P + 10 kg S ha?1 (P15S10), no P + 20 kg S ha?1 (P0S20) and 30 kg P + 20 kg S ha?1 (P30S20); and three seed inoculation levels, viz. control, Rhizobium and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), were laid out in randomized complete block design. Combined application of P + S resulted in improved growth, nodulation, yield attributes and yield. The increase in seed yield over control due to P + S ranged from 11.8% to 17.7%. Seed inoculation with Rhizobium recorded the highest growth, nodulation, yield attributes and yield of chickpea and was statistically at par with PSB and significantly better than no inoculation. Highest benefit/cost ratio (B:C, 2.19) was obtained in P30S20. In view of environmental pollution and high costs of chemical fertilizers, biofertilizers alone or in combination may help to achieve sustainable and ecological agricultural production.  相似文献   


Field experiments were conducted during 2013–2014 at Tashkent, Uzbekistan to evaluate the performance of chickpea variety “Jakhongir” with the variable proportion of nitrogen (N) and bio-fertilizer inoculation in the moderate saline (5.6?±?0.6?dSm?1) soil condition. The studied treatments were No control (non-fertilized), N1 mineral-N (50?kg?N?ha?1), N2, mineral-N (75?kg?N?ha?1), N3, mineral-N (100?kg?N?ha?1) equivalent 0%, 50%, 75%, and 100% from recommended rate for chickpea, Rhizobium inoculation (Bio)?+?No control, Rhizobium inoculation (Bio)?+?N1, Rhizobium inoculation (Bio)?+?N2, and Rhizobium inoculation (Bio)?+?N3. Seed inoculation with Rhizobium was significantly superior over no inoculation treatments at all rate of N fertilization. The middle rate of N fertilization 75?kg?N?ha?1 combined with biofertilizer inoculation had of superior effect on chickpea, producing 73.2% more yield (1.68?Mg ha?1), oil, protein, and sugar content performed 16.4%; 15.0%, and 17.9% higher value, respectively, in comparison to control.  相似文献   

To study the effects of organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) on yield and nodulation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cv. ILC 482, a spilt-plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted in 2008 at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Faculty, University of Mohaghegh, Ardabili. Experimental factors were inorganic N fertilizer at four levels (0, 50, 75, and 100 kg ha?1) in the main plots that applied in the urea form, and two levels of inoculation with Rhizobium bacteria (with and without inoculation) as subplots. Nitrogen application and Rh. inoculation continued to have positive effects on yield and its attributes. The greatest plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, number of pods per plant, number of filled and unfilled pods per plant, number of grains per plant, grain yield, and biological yield were obtained from the greatest level of N fertilizer (100 kg urea ha?1) and Rh. inoculation. Application of 75 and 100 kg ha?1 urea showed no significant difference in these traits. Furthermore, the greatest rate of N usage (100 kg urea ha?1) adversely inhibited nodulation of chickpea. Number and dry weight of nodules per plant decreased significantly with increasing N application rate. The lowest values of these traits recorded in application of 100 kg ha?1 urea. Results indicated that application of suitable amounts of N fertilizer (i.e., between 50 and 75 kg urea ha?1) as starter can be beneficial to improve nodulation, growth, and final yield of inoculated chickpea plants.  相似文献   

Strains isolated from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizospheric soil from selected sites in Algeria were screened for their plant-growth-promoting potential, for indole acetic acid production and P solubilization ability. Then, we selected native rhizobial strains with high nitrogen-fixing potential. On the basis of their efficiency under controlled conditions, two plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolates and three nodulating bacteria were selected. Then, the effect of single PGPR isolates inoculation was compared to their combination with rhizobial inoculants on plant growth, on native cereal-growing soils under greenhouse conditions. No effects were observed on chickpea yield by using rhizobial inoculation alone, nor by PGPR-rhizobial co-inoculation on two soils presenting weak and no nodulation pattern in natural conditions. Only PGPR inoculation improved growth of plants on soil with no nodulation pattern. These findings emphasized inoculation on native soils at a little scale before large assays on field because no one could predict inocula behavior with native soil microflora.  相似文献   

The present study was designed with the objective of improving the nodulation and growth of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by integrating co-inoculation of Rhizobium sp. (Mesorhizobium ciceri) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) carrying ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) deaminase activity with P-enriched compost (PEC) under irrigated and rainfed farming systems. PEC was prepared from fruit and vegetable waste and enriched with single super phosphate. The results demonstrated that co-inoculation significantly (P?<?0.05) increased the number of nodules per plant, nodule dry weight, pods per plant, grain yield, protein content, and total chlorophyll content under irrigated and rainfed conditions compared to inoculation with rhizobium alone. Integrating PEC with co-inoculation showed an additive effect on the nodulation and growth of chickpea under both farming systems. Analysis of leaves showed a significantly (P?<?0.05) higher photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate in comparison with inoculation with Rhizobium. Compared to irrigated farming system, co-inoculation with PEC under rainfed conditions was more beneficial in improving growth and nodulation of chickpea. Post-harvest soil analysis revealed that the integrated use of bioresources and compost enhanced microbial biomass C, available N content, dehydrogenase, and phosphomonoesterase activities.  相似文献   


This study investigated effects of iron (Fe) and nitrogen (N) foliar application on Fe and zinc (Zn) content in chickpea grain, grain yield, and protein content. Application of FeSO4 at 0.5% at flowering?+?pod formation stages resulted in the highest Fe (73.50 and 75.34?mg Fe kg?1 grain in first and second year) and Zn (35.08 and 34.21?mg Zn kg?1 grain) content in grain followed by the application of FeSO4 at 0.5% at flowering stage alone (68.27 and 69.97?mg Fe kg?1 grain and 32.44 and 32.27?mg Zn kg?1 grain) and control (54.63 and 55.69?mg Fe kg?1 grain and 29.48 and 29.07?mg Zn kg?1 grain). Urea spray at 2% at flowering as well as at flowering?+?pod formation stages also improved the Zn and Fe content in the grain. Combined use of Fe and urea improved the grain Fe and Zn content over sole application of Fe.  相似文献   


Bio-inoculants have been used for enhancing plant growth in horticultural crops even in nutrient-limited soils. The present research evaluated the effect of inoculation of two growing media with six biofertilizer consortia on the growth and buddability of ‘Rough lemon’ rootstock subsequently budded with ‘Kinnow’ mandarin variety. Soil + FYM + Cocopeat (SFC) with Azospirillum (Azo) + AM fungi consortium improved seed germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll, P, K, root growth, root epidermis, and cortical region thickness; xylem and phloem diameter in rough lemon; budding success and growth in Kinnow mandarin saplings. It also increased OC, P, and K levels in growing media. AM spore count and AM root colonization showed a positive correlation with budding success, root P and soil P content. SFC fortified with Azo + AM fungi resulted in better growth and buddability of rough lemon seedlings along with better growth of Kinnow mandarin saplings.  相似文献   

Summary Chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) and their symbiosis with specific strains of Rhizobium spp. were examined under salt stress. The growth of rhizobia declined with NaCl concentrations increasing from 0.01 to 2% (w : v). Two Rhizobium spp. strains (F-75 and KG 31) tolerated 1.5% NaCl. Of the 10 chickpea cultivars examined, only three (Pusa 312, Pusa 212, and Pusa 240) germinated at 1.5% NaCl. The chickpea — Rhizobium spp. symbiosis was examined in the field, with soil varying in salinity from electrical conductivity (EC) 4.5 to EC 5.2 dSm-1, to identify combinations giving satisfactory yields. Significant interactions between strains and cultivars caused differential yields of nodules, dry matter, and grain. Four chickpea — Rhizobium spp. combinations, Pusa 240 and F-75 (660 kg ha-1), Pusa 240 and IC 76 (440 kg ha-1), Pusa 240 and KG 31 (390 kg ha-1), and Pusa 312 and KG 31 (380 kg ha-1), produced significantly higher grain yields in saline soil.  相似文献   

Two strains of Pseudomonas MRS23 and CRP55b showed antagonistic activity towards the pathogenic fungi Aspergillus sp., Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri, Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani under culture conditions. Larger growth inhibition zones were obtained on nutrient agar (NA) and King's B media in comparison to potato dextrose agar and pigment production media. Both the strains produced siderophore in agar plates as well as in liquid cultures. Fungal inhibition zones were reduced in size and abolished in iron-supplemented NA medium by Pseudomonas strains MRS23 and CRP55b, respectively, indicating that some other metabolites along with siderophores are involved in growth inhibition of fungi by strain MRS23, whereas CRP55b produced only siderophores. Only Pseudomonas strain MRS23 was found to produce hydrocyanic acid (HCN). Seed bacterization with Pseudomonas strains of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars, H8618 and C235, showed root-stunting effects at 5 days, whereas this inhibitory effect was overcome at 10 days of seedling growth in cv. H8618. Coinoculation of chickpea with Pseudomonas strains MRS23 and CRP55b, and Mesorhizobium sp. Cicer strain Ca181 resulted in the formation of 68.2-115.4% more nodules at 80 and 100 days after planting as compared to single inoculation with the Mesorhizobium strain under sterile conditions. The shoot dry weight ratios of coinoculated treatments at different stages of plant growth varied from 1.18 to 1.35 times that of Mesorhizobium-inoculated and 3.25 to 4.06 times those in uninoculated controls. The plant N contents were also increased significantly on coinoculation. Coinoculation effects of HCN-producing strain MRS23 were significantly lower than those of non-HCN-producing strain CRP55b in terms of shoot dry weight and shoot N. The results demonstrated the potential benefits of using rhizosphere bacteria as coinocula in nodule promotion and plant growth in chickpea.  相似文献   

The effect of six phosphate-solubilizing fungi (PSF, two strains of Aspergillus awamori, and four of Penicillium citrinum) isolated from rhizosphere of various crops, was observed on the growth and seed production of chickpea plants (Cicer arietinum L. cv. GPF2) in pot experiments. The phosphate (P) solubilizing activity of PSF in liquid varied from 38 to 760 μg ml?1 for tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and 28–248 μg ml?1 for mussoorie rock phosphate (MRP). All PSF isolates were biocompatible and produced growth-promoting hormone, Indole acetic acid (IAA), varying in concentration from 2.5 to 9.8 μg ml?1. Of the various pot experiments carried out in green house, maximum stimulatory effect on chickpea plants growth was observed by inoculation of two A. awamori strains. This treatment resulted in 7–12% increase in shoot height, nearly three-fold increase in seed number and two-fold increase in seeds weight as compared to the control (un-inoculated) plants. Inoculation of four strains of P. citrinum exhibited lesser stimulatory effect. It showed 7% increase in shoot height, two-fold increase in seed number and 87% increase in seeds weight as compared to the control plants. However, a consortium of all the six fungal isolates showed no stimulatory effect on chickpea plants growth.  相似文献   

Bacteria containing ACC-deaminase in the vicinity of roots may influence plant growth by modifying root architecture through their potential to regulate ethylene synthesis in plant roots. Approximately 138 isolates capable of utilizing ACC as the sole source of N were isolated from the rhizosphere soil of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants. Under axenic conditions, some rhizobacterial isolates were highly effective in increasing root length (up to 2.08 fold), number (up to 3.7 fold) and length (up to 3.9 fold) of lateral roots, and root biomass (up to 83%) of chickpea as compared to uninoculated control. Serratia proteamaculans strain J119 was found to be the most effective plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) in improving root and shoot growth, nodulation and grain yield of chickpea as compared to respective controls in growth pouches, pot and field trials. A highly significant direct correlation (r = 0.99) was observed between number of lateral roots under axenic conditions (jar trial) and number of nodules per plant in pot and field trials. Interestingly, S. proteamaculans J119 also exhibited highest ACC-deaminase activity in addition to root colonization compared to other tested strains. The results of this study demonstrated that changes in root growth and architecture (particularly lateral roots) as a result of inoculation with PGPR containing ACC-deaminase are crucial for improving growth, yield and nodulation of chickpea under field conditions.  相似文献   

The aims of our study were to enhance growth, yield and disease control of chickpea by various combinations of microbial strains (Mesorhizobium, Azotobacter chroococcum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Trichoderma harzianum). Pseudomonas and Trichoderma showed positive IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) production, phosphate solubilisation and antagonistic activities against Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani as compared to other strains. In two year investigations, tetra-inoculants have shown significant growth attributes, yield and phytopathogen growth inhibition followed by tri-inoculants than control. Therefore, tetra-inoculants (Mesorhizobium-Azotobacter-Pseudomonas-Trichoderma) may be used as efficient biofertilizer and bio-control agent for chickpea production (Cicer arietinum L.) in eastern Uttar Pradesh.  相似文献   

The root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitwood is an important parasite of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Four chickpea genotypes were evaluated for tolerance to M. javanica in naturally infested fields at three locations. Each genotype was evaluated for number of galls, gall size, root area covered with galls and number of egg masses produced. All the cultivars were susceptible or highly susceptible. Seed yield, weight of 100 undamaged seeds, total dry matter and plant height were compared with checks. Chickpea cultivar Annigeri and a local check were used as nematode susceptible checks in all locations. The four promising nematode tolerant genotypes produced significantly greater yield and total dry matter than the checks in fields naturally infested with M. javanica at three locations. These M. javanica tolerant lines represent new germplasm and they are available in the chickpea genebank at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) bearing the identification numbers ICC 8932, ICC 11152, ICCV 90043 and ICCC 42.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2005,28(2):139-146
The effect of a combined inoculation of Rhizobium, a phosphate solubilizing Bacillus megaterium sub sp. phospaticum strain-PB and a biocontrol fungus Trichoderma spp. on growth, nutrient uptake and yield of chickpea were studied under glasshouse and field conditions. Combined inoculation of these three organisms showed increased germination, nutrient uptake, plant height, number of branches, nodulation, pea yield, and total biomass of chickpea compared to either individual inoculations or an uninoculated control. Increased growth and yield parameters were more pronounced when T. harzianum-PDBCTH 10 was inoculated along with the phosphate solubilizing bacterium and Rhizobium. Studies on population dynamics in the rhizosphere showed, there was no significant inhibition between the introduced organisms.  相似文献   

The deficiency of potassium (K) has resulted in decreasing the yield and quality of food grains. Moreover, with decreasing water resources the use of wastewater in agriculture as an alternative source of water and nutrients is being debated. This study was therefore undertaken to test wastewater for its suitability as irrigation water together with uniform basal doses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and varying doses of potassium (K0, K20, K40 and K60). It was observed that the plants receiving wastewater as a source of irrigation water performed better with a lower K dose. Potassium at 20?kg?ha?1 along with wastewater resulted in better growth, photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s) and yield of the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Thus fertilizer rates could be lowered with the use of wastewater which can serve not only as the source of water but of nutrients also. However, regular monitoring of wastewater and soil for any buildup of heavy metal is necessary. The physical and chemical parameters of wastewater were also tested and most of them were found to be well within the permissible limits as set by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to test the symbiotic performance and plant nutrient uptake of the twelve nationally registered chickpea cultivars (‘Çak?r’, ‘I??k-05’, ‘Can?tez-87’, ‘Hisar’, ‘Ya?a-05’, ‘Azkan’, ‘Küsmen-99’, ‘Gökçe’, ‘Damla-89’, ‘Diyar-95’, ‘Aziziye-94’, and ‘?zmir-92’) in Turkey. Inoculation with Mesorhizobium ciceri increased the average nodule number by 687%, nodule weight by 257%, plant height by 6%, shoot dry weight by 12%, root dry weight by 21%, chlorophyll content by 4.2%, nitogen (N)% by 7.9%, and total N by 22.7%. Averaged across chickpea cultivars, inoculation also significantly increased sulfur (S) by 14.4%, phosphorus (P) by 1.9%, magnesium (Mg) by 13.8%, potassium (K) by 6.2%, calcium (Ca) by 17.4%, copper (Cu) by 4.5%, iron (Fe) by 16.5%, manganese (Mn) by 10.9% and zinc (Zn) uptake by 9.4%. The macro- and micronutrient uptake of cultivars significantly correlated with their nitrogen content and the magnitude of response to inoculation in relation to nodulation, plant growth, nitrogen fixation, and nutrient uptake significantly varied among cultivars. Based on the amount of fixed N and plant nutrient uptake, ‘Azkan’, ‘Aziziye-94’, ‘Küsmen-99’, ‘Diyar-95’, and ‘Hisar’ were the genotypes with the most positive response to inoculation. Our data showed that nodulation, nitrogen fixation, plant dry matter production, and macro- and micronutrient uptake of the inoculated chickpea can be improved by selecting the best compatible cultivar.  相似文献   

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