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The development of an organic matter (OM) based on mixed sheep manure and peat, when it was incorporated into soils as fertilizer, was studied. The experiment was carried out in soils under almond tree culture, with drip irrigation and non irrigation regimes. Two doses, 10 and 4.5 kg tree–1, were assayed. Changes in the humic acid fraction one year after incorporation into soils showed oxidation and enrichment in condensed structures, as observed by an increase of the O*:H* ratio and a decrease of the H*:C* ratio, and also by FTIR spectra. The oxidative process was more significant in the coarser textured and also in the non‐irrigated soil. The evolution of the ratios Cext:Cox and CHA:CFA throughout the culture cycle was followed by sampling and chemical analysis of different forms of organic carbon. Evolution of Cext:Cox showed a uniform humification state in the irrigated soil, and a significant decrease in the non‐irrigated soil, at the beginning of the experiment. Curves of CHA:CFA evolution showed changes attributed to mineralization or drainage of the fulvic acids fraction, giving a maximum in spring in both soils and a final increase at the end of the cycle by drainage only in the irrigated soil.  相似文献   

基于番茄产量品质水肥利用效率确定适宜滴灌灌水施肥量   总被引:15,自引:13,他引:15  
研究滴灌施肥条件下水肥组合对温室番茄根系生长、产量品质和水肥利用效率的影响,并运用多元回归分析和空间分析相结合的方法,寻求满足单目标最大的灌水施肥制度,以及综合评价产量品质和水分利用效率的水肥调控效应,提出同时满足高产优质高效的最接近的灌水施肥制度。通过小区试验,设灌水和施肥(N-P2O5-K2O)2因素,3个滴灌水量(高水:100%ET0、中水:75%ET0、低水:50%ET0,ET0是参考作物蒸发蒸腾量)和3个施肥水平(高肥:240-120-150 kg/hm2、中肥:180-90-112.5 kg/hm2、低肥:120-60-75 kg/hm2)。结果表明,番茄产量、水分利用效率、肥料偏生产力和品质受灌水和施肥影响显著。产量与灌水量和施肥量正相关;减小灌水量和增大施肥量,水分利用效率增大;增大灌水量和降低施肥量,肥料偏生产力增大。维生素C和番茄红素随施肥量的增加先增大后降低(中水除外),可溶性糖随施肥量增加而降低(中肥除外),可溶性固形物和糖酸比分别在中水与低水、高水与低水之间差异显著(P<0.05)。根质量、根长、根表面积及根体积与产量有显著的线性正相关关系。通过多元回归分析和空间分析得出,灌水量为159 mm,施肥量为479.4、404.4和382.8 kg/hm2时,水分利用效率、番茄红素和糖酸比最大;灌水量为279 mm,施肥量为510 kg/hm2时,产量最大;灌水量为262 mm,施肥量为225 kg/hm2时,肥料偏生产力最大。产量和品质同时达到大于等于85%最大值的灌水施肥区间大约为210~230 mm和385~453 kg/hm2,产量、水分利用效率和品质同时达到大于等于85%最大值的最接近灌水施肥区间为198~208 mm和442~480 kg/hm2。此研究为当地温室番茄滴灌施肥生产过程中水肥科学管理提供指导依据。  相似文献   

沼液基含腐植酸水溶性液体肥制取工艺参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索沼液开发含腐植酸水溶性液体肥的可行性和工艺方法,促进沼液无害化处理和资源化利用,该文以沼液为基料,以黄瓜配方肥为基肥,螯合剂、稳定剂为辅料,开展了不同工艺参数(沼液添加量、稳定剂添加量、螯合剂添加量,反应温度,反应时间)对含腐植酸水溶性液体肥质量指标影响的单因素和正交试验。结果表明:沼液、螯合剂、稳定剂添加量以及反应温度、时间对液体肥中水不溶物含量有重要影响,沼液制取黄瓜专用型含腐植酸水溶性液体肥的较优工艺参数为:基肥添加量为原料质量的39.6%,沼液添加量为59%,螯合剂添加量为4%,稳定剂添加量为0.4%,反应温度为40℃、反应时间为1.5 h的条件下,所获得的液体肥中总养分质量浓度为220.47 g/L,腐植酸质量浓度为33.25 g/L,水不溶物质量浓度为18.6 g/L,利用该工艺方法生产出来的沼液基含腐植酸水溶性液体肥料产品具有腐植酸、氮磷钾营养元素含量高、水不溶物含量低等特点。该研究为利用沼液开发高品质含腐植酸水溶性液体肥提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Scope and Goal  Humic substances (HSs) are the product of microbial degradation, chemical polymerisation and oxidation of organic matter. HSs can be divided into different fractions: humic acid (HA), hymatomelanic acid (HMA), fulvic acid (FA) and humin. HSs play a fundamental role in accumulation and exchange processes of chemical compounds (metals and organic pollutants) in the environment. HSs can form soluble complexes that migrate long distances or precipitate, carrying bound cations with them. The migration/precipitation abilities depend on the metal ion, the ion charge, the degree of ionisation of the organic molecule, the ionic strength of the media, and the location of the metal ion. Objective  Estonia is rich in the Baltic Sea and lake sediments. Historically, mud has been used in human treatment as a curative mud. High-molecular HSs are an important part of curative mud and they have a strong effect on its properties. The curative mud which is used in human therapy may not be polluted with different organic and inorganic contaminants. The aim of this work is to characterise and compare HSs isolated from the Baltic Sea mud (Haapsalu Bay) and from the sediments of Lake Ermistu (Estonia). Results and Conclusions  We determined the yield of basic extraction of different HSs components from mud in the course of separation. We found that acid pre-treatment of mud increased the amount of extracted HSs more in the sea mud than in the lake mud. These results show that HSs are bound to the inorganic/organic structure of mud and are released during prolonged treatment with an acid. We performed elemental analysis of the different fractions of HS extracts. HMA fractions had the highest carbon content and the lowest nitrogen content. HMA contains more polysaccharides than amino acid residues. These subunits may cause a better solubility of HMA in water as compared to HA. Acid pre-treatment of the natural sea and the lake mud diminished the content of carbon in most of the HS fractions. The content of nitrogen in the sea and in lake FA diminished by about two times. We determined the metal content in the mud and its HS fractions. We found that the concentration of heavy metals Pb and Cr is lower than <0.08 mg/kg. As expected, the total metal concentration is considerably lower in the lake than in the sea mud. Acid pre-treatment of mud shows that the sea HA forms more stable Fe and Mg complexes, while the sea HMA contains more stable Zn and Cu complexes. The lake HSs result in more stable Mg complexes with HA and HMA fractions. Sea FA binds Cu and Mg better, but lake FA is more effective in binding Zn. To compare the amount of metals extracted from HA, HMA, FA (with that, remains in HS fractions), the metal concentration in the alkaline full extract of the sea mud was determined. Alkaline treatment removed 0.8% Mg, 7.9% Cu, 5.2% Zn and 3.8% Fe together with HSs from the sea mud, the rest remained in humin and in the mineral part of the mud. The following work-up was additionally carried out for most of the metals. So, we found that there was only 1.7% of Fe, 2.1 % of Mg, 23.2% of Zn and 45.2% of Cu left in HA, HMA and the FA fraction (as a sum) from the total amount of those metals in HSs. This means that Cu is the metal most strongly bound to HSs. On the bases of HS separation data we found that the order of stability of the metal-humate complexes is Cu>Zn>Mg>Fe. The ultraviolet spectra of HA, HMA and FA revealed that HMA had the biggest molar absorption and calculated aromaticity. Recommendations and Outlook. The characteristics of HSs, isolated from the Baltic Sea and Lake Ermistu mud reveal the difference of HSs from the sea and the lake mud. Also, different properties of HS fractions are observed. Metals are concentrated variously in different HS fractions. In all cases the content of Pb and Cr was low, meaning that the mud preparations are nontoxic in respect to these metals. The order of stability of metal-humate complexes is Cu>Zn>Mg>Fe. The order of affinity of metals to HS fractions obtained have to be extended to other metals of environmental interest. The ability of HSs to bind metals may make them a candidate for natural, environmentally safe substances to concentrate hazardous metals and to remove them from natural water reservoirs.  相似文献   

无机包膜肥料在提高小麦氮素利用率和产量效应的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
A field experiment with winter wheat (Triticum aestivurn L.) was conducted on a silt loam calcaric endorusti-ustic Cambosols derived from the Yellow River alluvial deposits in Henan, China, from 2001 to 2002 to evaluate N recovery and agronomic performance of different mineral coated fertilizers (MiCFs) compared to normal urea used in wheat cropping systems under field conditions. Five treatments, including CK (check, no N fertilizer), urea and three different MiCFs at an equivalent N application rate were established in a randomized complete block design. N release from MiCFs in soil was more synchronous with the N requirement of wheat throughout the growth stages than that from urea, with grain yield of the MiCF treatments significantly higher (P 〈 0.05) than that of the treatment urea. Correspondingly, the N recovery rate was greater for all MiCFs compared to urea, increasing from 32.8% up to 50.1%. Due to its high recovery and low cost, use of the mineral coated N fertilizers was recommended instead of the polymer coated N fertilizers.  相似文献   

包膜尿素对温室番茄产量、品质和经济效益的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用田间小区和试验示范研究了包膜尿素对番茄产量、 品质和施肥经济效益的影响,包膜尿素20%的氮混入育苗基质,剩余80%在移栽时条施(总施氮量为常规施氮量的50%)。结果表明,包膜尿素接触施肥的番茄壮苗指数比常规育苗提高了47.9%;与普通尿素底施加3次追肥相比,施用包膜尿素的番茄产量较等氮量普通尿素(N 180 kg/hm2)和常规施氮量(N 360 kg/hm2)处理分别增加了5.1%和9.7%,氮肥利用率提高了9.0~10.2个百分点;相比普通尿素,包膜尿素改善了番茄品质,其中可溶性糖含量提高6.5%9.~4%,Vc含量提高10%~11.3%。与常规施氮相比,包膜尿素在氮肥投入略低的情况下(减少44 Yuan/hm2),番茄单位面积产值和净收益(扣除肥料投入)比常规施氮量增加了33.8%。施用包膜尿素的表层(020 cm)土壤硝态氮含量相对普通尿素起到了削峰填谷作用,降低了硝态氮的淋失风险。  相似文献   

采用测定信号物质含量方法进行番茄秧苗模拟运贮试验,结果表明:模拟运贮期间的“断光”“断水”使得番茄秧苗的信号物质含量发生明显而定向的变化,即使植物衰变的胞间信号脱落酸和内源乙烯含量在运贮过程中急剧上升;同时,参与植物合成代谢的胞内信号钙调素(CaM)及NAD激酶的活性同步下降,最终导致产生“胁变性生理衰变”,使得运贮以后秧苗的正常生长代谢受到抑制,运贮中信号系统的定向变化是发生 “胁变性生理衰变”进而导致其质量下降的内在因素,至此, 运贮期间番茄秧苗质量下降的信号系统已经基本明确。这方面研究为完善蔬菜生产产业化技术体系尤其是揭示工厂化番茄秧苗运贮中质量下降的机理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

腐植酸-尿素是近年来的一种新型有机无机复合肥料,其增产效应显著,但是在小麦-玉米轮作中该肥料的利用率和环境调控因素尚不清楚。本研究通过田间定位与室内培养试验,以不施肥处理(Control)和单施尿素处理(Urea)为对照,研究腐植酸-尿素直接掺混处理(U+HA1)、腐植酸-尿素活化处理(U+HA2)和腐植酸-尿素活化催化处理(U+HA3)对小麦和玉米生长、土壤理化性质、氮肥利用率和土壤氮转化及土壤脲酶含量的影响。研究结果表明:活化腐植酸-尿素处理的小麦、玉米籽粒产量分别较Urea处理增产15%~28%和8%~10%。活化腐植酸-尿素施用显著地降低土壤容重、p H和土壤颗粒粒径的中位粒径,提高了土壤的比表面积、电导率、有机碳含量和矿质态氮含量。小麦季活化腐植酸-尿素处理下氮肥回收利用率较Urea处理显著增加,增加幅度为37%~91%,玉米季的增加幅度为78%~93%。活化腐植酸-尿素处理下小麦和玉米的氮肥农艺利用率和偏生产力均较Urea处理高。此外,回归分析表明活化腐植酸-尿素的氮肥当季回收利用率随土壤硝化比率、有机氮的矿化量及脲酶含量的增加而降低,而随土壤颗粒比表面积的增大而提高。本研究结果明确了腐植酸-尿素活化处理对小麦、玉米的增产效果较好,可改善土壤理化性质,其中腐植酸-尿素活化催化处理(U+HA3)的效果最好。研究结果为活化腐植酸-尿素肥料的深入研发与推广提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Low phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) is one of the major reasons of poor wheat production worldwide. Among the various approaches used to enhance PUE, polymer coated fertilizers are relatively a new concept. Keeping this in view, a field study was conducted to evaluate polymer coated di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) to enhance growth, yield and PUE of wheat. Commercial DAP and polymer coated DAP (50%, 75% and 100% of recommended dose) were tested in wheat. Results revealed that application of 50% polymer coated DAP produced the same results or higher than 100% commercial DAP. However, the maximum increase in growth (plant height, root length, number of tillers m?2, inter-nodal distance), yield (number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yield and biological yield) and phosphorus acquisition by wheat was observed with 100% polymer coated DAP. Moreover, 100% polymer coated DAP increased phosphorus recovery and agronomic efficiency compared to other treatments.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters of nitrate uptake (Imax, Km and Cmin) were evaluated in young seedlings of Triticum durum L., cv. Appulo, exposed to nitrate and/or to soil‐extracted humic acids (HAs) of different molecular weight. The uptake was enhanced after induction at low levels of nitrate (50 μM KNO3), while it was inhibited after induction at higher concentrations (2000 μM). The kinetic parameters of uptake were selectively influenced by pre‐treatment with HAs: total (TE) and, at a greater extent, low (LMS, < 3500 Da) molecular size humic fraction increased either the nitrate uptake rate (Imax) and the efficiency of the whole transport system (low Km and Cmin), while an opposite result was evidenced in high molecular size (HMS, > 3500 Da)‐treated plants. An additive effect was shown when nitrate and humic substances were provided simultaneously: the uptake rate was enhanced in TE‐ and LMS‐treated plants, but was strongly delayed in HMS‐treated plants. Removal of nitrate and/or humic fractions de‐induced the system and NO3 uptake rate decreased. Exposure to HAs was not able to induce nitrate reductase activity in root and leaf tissues. Inhibitors of protein synthesis p‐fluorophenylalanine and cycloheximide reversed the positive effect of LMS fraction on nitrate uptake. This would support the hypothesis of a promoting effect of HAs on the molecular expression of proteins of the nitrate transport system.  相似文献   

聚合物包膜肥料中钾素释放特征及其模拟   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以水和水饱和石英砂为介质,研究了2种聚合物包膜肥料中钾素的释放特征。结果表明,钾素释放主要受温度影响,同时还受到颗粒大小和形态的影响;在水饱和石英砂中溶出与在水中溶出差别不大。采用水为介质,以一聚合物包膜肥料养分释放的理论模型为基础,对影响聚合物包膜肥料钾素释放的因素进行了研究,并进行了灵敏性检验。结果表明,温度越高、包膜的厚度和颗粒半径越小时钾素释放越快,且试验结果和模拟结果达到极显著的相关性;模拟结果比实际结果明显偏低,但表现出了较好灵敏性和相关性,是一个具有理论基础和应用潜力的聚合物包膜肥料养分释放模型。  相似文献   

利用植物源杀菌材料作为包衣剂研制出杀菌包膜复合肥, 在番茄小区试验中研究了其杀菌及对番茄生长的影响。结果表明: 各杀菌包膜复合肥处理(分别用ZYF1~ ZYF5 表示)均能有效延缓养分的释放, 与施普通复合肥处理(CK1)相比各杀菌包膜复合肥处理土壤硝态氮在番茄生长后期仍能保持较高含量。除ZYF4 处理外, 其余杀菌包膜复合肥处理番茄产量均明显高于CK1, 其中ZYF3 处理番茄产量最高, 达11.1 kg·m-2, 较CK1 高16.8%。各杀菌包膜复合肥处理的氮肥利用率也均大于CK1(33.3%), 其中ZYF2、ZYF3 处理分别较CK1 处理高9.9 个和9.5 个百分点。各杀菌包膜复合肥对番茄的Vc 含量无显著影响, ZYF1 处理显著降低了番茄的硝酸盐含量, 而ZYF2、ZYF4、ZYF5 处理则促进了番茄对硝酸盐的累积。各杀菌包膜复合肥处理显著降低了番茄枯萎病、灰霉病的发病率, 其中ZYF1 处理对这两种病菌均有较高的抑制作用, 使发病率较CK1 分别下降17.7 个和12.5 个百分点。  相似文献   

包膜复合肥对夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率与土壤速效氮的影响   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15  
以郑单958为材料,比较研究了复合肥(CF)与包膜复合肥(CCF)对华北平原夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率及土壤速效氮与土壤氮素表观盈亏的影响。结果表明,1)玉米产量随施氮量增大而增大,施N.180.kg/hm2时,CCF处理高于CF处理,施N.90.kg/hm2时表现相反;2)与CF处理比较,CCF处理施N.180.kg/hm2时,氮肥利用率高5.3个百分点,施N.90.kg/hm2时低2.4个百分点;3)土壤速效氮含量一般随施氮量增大而提高,各时期表土层CCF处理较CF处理高,中、下土层表现相反。大喇叭口期之前,CF处理中、下土层土壤速效氮含量高于上土层(020.cm或040cm),而CCF180处理060.cm土层高于60120.cm土层;4)不施氮,各生育阶段均出现土壤氮素表观亏缺,且吐丝后亏缺量占总亏缺量近80%;土壤氮素表观亏缺量随施氮量增大而降低,两种肥料表现一致;同等施氮量下CCF处理亏缺量较CF处理低。包膜复合肥氮素释放较平稳,对土壤速效氮向下运移的控制较好,有利于减少氮素潜在的淋洗损失。综合考虑产量、氮肥利用与氮素损失等因素,包膜复合肥用量N.180.kg/hm2是吴桥试区夏玉米季较为理想的选择。  相似文献   

基于产量品质和水肥利用效率西瓜滴灌水肥制度优化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
实现大棚西瓜量化管理是实现大棚西瓜精准化管理的基础,也是提高产量品质与水肥利用效率的重要途径。以西瓜为试材,在以关中塿土为主的壤土地区采用膜下滴灌的灌溉方式,通过二因子五水平正交旋转组合设计,灌水量依据西瓜蒸腾需水量(Eapotranspiration,ETc)分别设置0.49ETc、0.55ETc、0.70ETc、0.85ETc、0.91ETc 5个水平,施肥量依据目标产量(Fy)分别设置0.50Fy、0.65Fy、1.00Fy、1.35Fy、1.50Fy 5个水平,共16个处理,测定西瓜相关品质、产量、灌溉水分利用效率和肥料偏生产力;采用主观层次分析法、客观熵权法和基于博弈论的组合赋权法计算各指标权重,用近似理想法建立模型,分析水肥滴灌量对综合评价值的影响。结果表明,水肥协同影响西瓜综合评价值,且灌水量对其影响大于施肥量;综合评价值随水肥施入量增加均呈先升后降的趋势,当灌水量为0.73ETc,施肥量为1.03Fy时,西瓜综合评价值最高,达到0.74。因此,推荐在水肥资源相对充足的关中地区按0.73倍西瓜蒸腾需水量和1.03倍目标产量对西瓜灌溉施肥;而在水资源相对亏缺地区,应适当降低...  相似文献   

Abstract. The potential for using coal-derived humic substances to improve the available water holding capacity (AWC) and aggregate stability of typical Mediterranean soils was evaluated in the laboratory using an agricultural surface (0–20 cm) soil from each of three regions of Italy, (Sicily, Tuscany and Venetia) and five rates of humic acids (HA), 0,0.05,0.10,0.50 and 1.00 g/kg. There were significant ( P < 0.05) differences between the field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), and available water capacity (AWC) values of the controls and those treated with 0.05 g/kg of the HA. Beyond this rate, differences in these properties were not significant. At the 1.00 g/kg HA rate, the relative improvements in AWC over the three controls were 30%, 10% and 26%. Low rates (0.05 to 0.10 g/kg) of HA were also needed to obtain a 40 to 120% improvement in aggregate stability of these soils relative to the controls. These results indicate that the addition of highly humified organic matter such as coal-derived humic substances can improve the structural and water retention properties of degraded arable soils. However, since there is not yet any direct evidence that these humic materials can ameliorate soils under field conditions, field studies will be needed to validate these results.  相似文献   

The absorption of inorganic N by greenhouse vegetables is significantly influenced by seasonal variations in northern China. However, little research has been conducted on the effects of enhanced NH4+–N on the growth, quality and fertilizer use efficiency of greenhouse tomato, which could provide the basis for N management in tomato plants under a continuous cropping system throughout the year. A field experiment was designed to study the responses of the photosynthetic characteristics, fruit qualities and water use efficiencies of tomatoes under a continuous cropping system under different N supplies. To summarize according to the equivalent N supply and the combined comprehensive weighing evaluation model, the quality, yield and efficiencies of tomato were closest to the ideal goals under the 30% and 20% NH4+–N in the overwintering and early spring seasons, respectively. The quantitative index provides the basis for the comprehensive management of water and fertilizer at high yields.  相似文献   

番茄综合营养品质指标构建及其对水肥供应的响应   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
为构建番茄综合营养品质指标,分析其对水肥供应的响应,该文以灌水量和氮、磷、钾肥用量为试验因素,按照四元二次正交旋转组合设计,进行番茄盆栽试验,监测番茄可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、糖酸比、番茄红素和维生素C 6项单一品质指标,根据主观层次分析法与客观熵权法和基于博弈论的组合赋权法,确定番茄单一营养品质评价指标权重,次序为:番茄红素糖酸比维生素C可溶性糖可溶性固形物可滴定酸;通过近似理想解法,构建番茄果实综合营养品质评价指标。在此基础上,通过回归分析建立番茄综合营养品质与水肥因子的数学模型,分析其对水肥因子的响应关系。结果表明,各水肥因子对番茄综合营养品质的主效应表现为:施磷量施氮量灌水量施钾量。当其他因素为中间水平时,番茄营养品质随灌水量或施氮量的增加呈开口向下的抛物线型变化,随磷肥用量的增加线性增加,随施钾量的增加呈开口向上的抛物线型变化。交互作用表现为,灌水量与施氮量、磷与钾肥用量之间存在显著交互作用。表明灌水量、氮肥用量过高不利于番茄综合营养品质的提高,合理增施磷肥和钾肥可有效提高番茄营养品质。  相似文献   

Results from a field experiment conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India showed that coating urea with elemental sulfur or gypsum or phosphogypsum gave higher yields (12.08, 6.78 and 6.14% higher grain yield compared to prilled urea) of high yielding an aromatic rice cultivar ‘Pusa Sugandh 5’ (Pusa 2511) and increased the efficiency of prilled urea. As regards nitrogen use efficiency sulfur coated urea was nearly twice as effective as gypsum or phosphogypsum coated urea; the latter two were equally effective compared to prilled urea alone.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium and humic acid on seed germination, growth and macro- and micro-nutrient contents of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) seedlings in saline soil conditions were evaluated. Different levels of humic acid (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg kg?1) and calcium (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg kg?1) were applied to growth media treated with 50 mg NaCl kg?1 before sowing seeds. Seed germination, hypocotyl length, cotyledon width and length, root size, shoot length, leaf number, shoot and root fresh weights, and shoot and root dry weights of the plant seedlings were determined. Macro- and micro-nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) contents of shoot and root of seedlings were also measured. Humic acid applied to the plant growth medium at 1000 mg kg?1 concentration increased seedling growth and nutrient contents of plants. Humic acid not only increased macro-nutrient contents, but also enhanced micro-nutrient contents of plant organs. However, high levels of humic acid arrested plant growth or decreased nutrient contents. Levels of 100 and 200 mg kg?1 Ca2+ application significantly increased N, Ca and S contents of shoot, and N and K contents of root.  相似文献   

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