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无土栽培营养液消毒技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了减少营养液排放对环境造成的污染,世界范围内的无土栽培系统正逐步由开放式向封闭式转变.封闭式无土栽培系统中根系病害的传播危险急剧增加,因此营养液消毒技术的研究和应用发展迅速.该文综述了国内外营养液消毒方法、原理、成本及应用效果,重点介绍了营养液消毒新技术-慢砂过滤.  相似文献   

为了减少营养液排放对环境造成的污染,世界范围内的无土栽培系统正逐步由开放式向封闭式转变。封闭式无土栽培系统中根系病害的传播危险急剧增加,因此营养液消毒技术的研究和应用发展迅速。该文综述了国内外营养液消毒方法、原理、成本及应用效果,重点介绍了营养液消毒新技术-慢砂过滤。  相似文献   

无土栽培营养液循环控制系统   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
该文介绍了营养液循环控制系统的设计和构成,营养液检测控制过程。采用最小二乘拟合的方法建立离子选择电极的测量模型,从而实现温室无土栽培中营养液的在线检测。采用动态矩阵控制算法控制离子浓度,在一定程度上克服了某些不确定干扰的影响,并解决了超调的问题。  相似文献   

对奶牛舍颗粒物浓度和分布进行实时连续监测,是评估其环境风险和制定科学减排措施的前提。随着大型奶牛舍的快速发展,对尽可能少且科学地布置测点数量和位置并能够对舍内颗粒物浓度进行精准监测,提出了新的挑战。为探究测点优化布置方案,该研究基于物联网技术在大型自然通风奶牛舍内3个相邻饲养区域布置17个采样点,对总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particle, TSP)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度进行了连续6个月监测,得到舍内浓度平均值(视为“真值”);利用系统聚类和误差分析方法得到优化的测点方案,并将其颗粒物浓度结果与6种传统测点方案进行对比,以确定最优的测点数量和位置方案。结果表明,舍内3个饲养区域内颗粒物浓度分布均匀,PM2.5浓度在不同采样高度上无统计差异(P>0.05),而TSP浓度在屋顶通风口下方(9.0 m)明显低于1.5和2.5 m高度(P<0.05)。与真值相比,优化测点方案的TSP和PM2.5浓度监测误差绝对值之和分别为6.4%~22.6%和4.7%~14.2%,均低于传统测点方案。综合考虑优化方案的科学性和传统方案的易操作性,确定最优测点方案为:在奶牛舍中央屋顶通风口下方1.0~2.0 m处布置1个测点,在奶牛卧床上方2.5 m高度布置2个测点,上述3个测点按奶牛舍斜对角线进行布置;另外,分别在挤奶通道、饲喂通道、清粪通道上方2.5 m高度处各布置1个测点;共计6个测点。该优化测点方案可满足监测准确性和易操作性要求。  相似文献   

中国大陆无土栽培发展概况   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
近15年来,中国无土栽培的发展异常迅猛,1985年全国无土栽培的面积只有0.1hm2,1995年发展到50hm2。目前中国无土栽培的总面积约为315hm2,与5年前相比增长了3倍多,其中绝大部分都用于蔬菜生产,只有很小一部分用于花卉生产。目前中国生产上使用的无土栽培系统主要为有机生态型无土栽培系统、浮板毛管法、NFT、DFH和鲁-SC系统。存在的主要问题是如何降低无土栽培系统的投资、提高产量、改善品质、并不污染环境。有机生态型无土栽培能生产绿色食品蔬菜。该文主要介绍了中国无土栽培的历史、采用的主要无土栽培系统型式、无土栽培研究和推广工作进展以及无土栽培在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   

温室土壤连作对黄瓜主要病害的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
在温室条件下,通过田间系统观察和室内测定相结合的方法,研究了不同连作年限温室土壤对黄瓜主要病害发生的影响.结果表明:随种植年限的延长,土壤中病原微生物数量增加,是导致黄瓜土传病害加重的主要原因;黄瓜植株生长发育不良,黄瓜的光合速率及抗性酶活性降低,植株自身抗病性下降,是引起黄瓜病害发生加重的内因;温室内温度降低、湿度提高、光照下降,是导致黄瓜病害发生加重的外部条件.随着连作年限延长,黄瓜病害发生依次加重,土传病害对连作的反应比气传病害敏感,病害是土壤连作障碍的重要原因之一.  相似文献   


This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in Vinces Los Rios (Ecuador). The aim of this work is to evaluate the relationship between different parameters and the nutrient demand of a greenhouse soilless cucumber production system in a tropical climate as well as to propose an empirical model for the design of the nutrient supply to the system. Considering the results obtained in this experiment, there was a high correlation between nutrient demands of the system with nutrient supplies and water uptake but not with leaf area index. With respect to the models, nutrient supplies and leaf area index were the most significant variables for nitrate (NO3?), chloride (Cl?) and manganese (Mn). For calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) and zinc (Zn), nutrients supply was the most significant variable and for the rest of nutrients [phosphates (H2PO4?), sulfates (SO42)?, potassium (K+), sodium (Na+) and iron (Fe)], the three variables assessed were significant.  相似文献   

为解决装配式日光温室柔性墙体蓄热能力不足的问题,该研究通过在墙体内侧附加蓄热层的方式,设计了一种集蓄热、保温和防水多功能于一体的装配式柔性复合墙体。首先,通过对多种材料进行综合性能评估,筛选出优质的表层材料和保温材料,将其复合制成柔性保温墙体;其次,将水、沙子、相变水凝胶(phase change hydrogel,PCH)作为蓄热层固定在柔性保温墙体内侧,从而形成柔性复合墙体;最后,在4个模型温室中分别对墙体进行性能测试,以未附加蓄热层的柔性保温墙体为对照(CK),分析试验墙体的蓄热和保温性能。单一墙体材料的性能测试结果表明,表层材料中镀铝编织布、黑色淋膜毡抗拉性能好且不透水,断裂强度分别为1.06、0.56 kN,断裂伸长率分别为30.99 %、65.91 %;保温材料中再生棉、太空棉和空气柱保温效果较好且使用成本低,热阻值分别为0.30、0.50、0.76 (m2·℃)/W。柔性复合墙体的性能测试结果表明,所有处理中5 kg/m2 PCH柔性复合墙体的蓄热和保温性能最佳,热阻值为2.50 (m2·℃)/W,单位面积累计吸热量与放热量分别为1.48、1.13 MJ/m2;在典型晴天和阴天条件下,该处理的夜间室内平均温度分别比CK提高了3.08、1.87 ℃。上述分析结果表明,通过在柔性保温墙体内侧附加相变蓄热层的方式,能够增强墙体的蓄热和保温性能。研究结果可为今后装配式日光温室柔性复合墙体设计及材料选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) by form of nutrition, ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3?), affects metabolic and physiological processes of plants. In general, a high proportion of N in NH4+ form results in poor growth. Nonetheless, a number of species exhibit optimum growth when high levels of NH4+ are provided. In the present study, lisianthus [Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn] was grown in rockwool cultures and irrigated with nutrient solutions containing 15 mM N with varying proportions of NH4+ and NO3?. The results showed that an increase in NH4+-N form increased plant height, number of flowers and leaves, leaf area, and shoot, stem, and leaf dry weight. The proportion of NH4+ also affected leaf concentration of phosphorus, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), although leaf N concentration was unaffected. Potassium leaf concentration was higher when a low proportion of NH4+ was supplemented in the nutrient solution; however, plants exhibited a decrease in leaf K concentration and a decrease in leaf Ca as the proportion of NH4+-N increased. Shoot dry weight was higher with low leaf K whereas high leaf Ca was associated with high shoot dry weight. Net photosynthesis rate was higher in plants irrigated with solutions containing 75% of total N in NH4+ form than in those irrigated with solutions of 0 or 25%. The results suggest that lisianthus can tolerate high levels of NH4+, probably associated with a higher assimilation of Ca.  相似文献   

温室滴灌条件下番茄植株茎流变化规律试验   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
为探明滴灌条件下温室番茄植株茎流速率变化规律及其影响因素,本文采用Dynamax公司开发的包裹式茎流计观测日光温室番茄植株的茎流变化,研究茎流速率的变化规律及茎流速率监测结果的标准化处理技术,探索植株茎流与气象因子的相互关系,分析水分胁迫对番茄植株茎流速率的影响。研究表明,采用单位叶面积上的茎流速率表征茎流变化规律可在一定程度上降低因探头安装位置不同对监测结果的影响;在充分供水条件下,影响番茄植株茎流速率的主要因子是太阳辐射和饱和水气压差,番茄植株的日茎流速率与太阳辐射呈线性关系,与饱和差呈对数关系(R2>0.90,P<0.01);土壤水分状况会明显影响番茄植株茎流状况,茎流速率随水分胁迫加剧而骤减。研究结果证明番茄植株茎流速率经标准化处理后可以真实的反映植株蒸腾规律。  相似文献   

不同氮水平下黄瓜-番茄日光温室栽培土壤N_2O排放特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为探讨日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内N2O排放动态变化及其对不同氮水平的响应规律,采用密闭静态箱法,研究了常规氮量(黄瓜季1 200 kg/hm2,番茄季900 kg/hm2)、比常规氮量减25%(黄瓜季900 kg/hm2,番茄季675 kg/hm2)、减50%(黄瓜季600 kg/hm2,番茄季450 kg/hm2)以及不施氮对日光温室土壤N2O排放的影响。结果表明,温度是影响日光温室土壤N2O排放强度的重要因素,4-10月(平均气温为27.4℃)的N2O排放通量最高达818.4μg/(m2·h);而2-3月(平均气温15.1℃)以及11-12月(平均气温14.7℃)期间的N2O排放通量最高仅为464.5μg/(m2·h),比4-10月的N2O排放峰值降低了43.2%。N2O排放峰值在氮肥追施后5 d内出现,N2O排放量集中在氮肥施用后7 d内,可占整个监测期(271 d)排放量的64.7%~67.8%。施氮因增加了土壤硝态氮含量而引起N2O排放爆发式增长,0~10 cm土壤硝态氮含量与N2O排放量呈指数函数关系(P0.01)。日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内的N2O排放量为0.99~9.92 kg/hm2,其中75.6%~90.0%由施氮造成。与常规氮用量相比,氮减量25%和50%处理的N2O排放量分别降低了40.4%和59.3%,总产量却增加4.9%和7.4%。综上所述,合理减少氮用量不仅可显著降低日光温室土壤N2O排放,而且不会引起产量的降低。该研究为日光温室蔬菜生产构建科学合理的施氮技术及估算中国设施农田温室气体排放量提供参考。  相似文献   

采用室内培养方法, 以西藏拉萨地区选取的草地、农田为对照, 测定并比较日光温室土壤碳、氮矿化特征, 揭示草地和粮田转变为日光温室菜地后土壤矿化演变过程, 为西藏高原设施菜地土壤管理提供科学依据。结果表明, 草地、农田、1年温室、5年温室土壤有机碳矿化速率均在培养前期(0~7 d)日均矿化量最快, 且草地土壤显著高于农田和5年温室土壤(P<0.05), 温室土壤间无差异(P>0.05); 在培养28 d后, 农田土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2-C累积量高于草地, 草地高于1年温室和5年温室, 但不同类型土壤碳矿化释放的CO2-C累积量间差异不显著(P>0.05)。无论是草地、农田还是温室, 4种土壤氮矿化都主要发生在培养的前期(0~3 d), 之后随着培养时间的延长, 不同利用类型土壤氮素转化以氮素的固定为主; 至培养结束时, 草地、农田、1年温室、5年温室土壤无机氮含量分别为培养0 d的29.04%、75.94%、66.86%、65.70%, 说明草地土壤氮素矿化能力较农田和温室强, 而温室土壤氮素矿化能力随着温室利用年限的延长而不显著升高, 农田氮矿化能力最弱。方差分析表明, 土壤氮矿化能力因土壤类型而异但矿化过程不因土壤类型而存在差异。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the production potential of banana cultivars, ‘Grand Nain’, ‘Petit Nain’, ‘Poyo’, ‘Williams’ and ‘Basrai’, as alternatives to the ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ for open-field and greenhouse cultivation in subtropical conditions. Stem circumference, stem height, total leaf number, bunch stalk circumference, days from shooting to harvest, number of hands per bunch, number of fingers per bunch, finger circumference, finger length and bunch weight were measured in open-field and greenhouse cultivation. Cultivars ‘Williams’ and ‘Grand Nain’ were superior to ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ in greenhouse cultivation, while these two cultivars and ‘Petit Nain’ and ‘Basrai’ were superior to ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ in open-field cultivation. ‘Poyo’ was not suitable for greenhouse cultivation because of its excessive height and for open-field cultivation due to its sensitivity to wind damage. Greenhouse cultivation of bananas was superior to open-field cultivation for all cultivars with increases in yield of 19 to 28% according to the cultivar.  相似文献   

A large root system plays a decisive role in potassium (K)‐acquisition efficiency of cotton. Coronatine (COR), a non‐host‐specific phytotoxin, may affect the auxin level in plants and might therefore be useful in regulating lateral‐root (LR) development. Our objectives were (1) to examine the effects of COR on root development, especially the LR formation in hydroponically grown cotton seedlings, and (2) to explore possible mechanisms involved. The results showed that K deficiency (0.05 mM) significantly reduced LR formation in cotton seedlings, possibly due to the decrease of endogenous indole acetic acid (IAA) in roots by more than half. Following the application of 10 nM COR, the LRs significantly increased by 26% in K‐sufficient (0.5 mM) solution and by 95% in K‐deficient solution. Although COR did not increase the free IAA level in the primary root, the polar auxin‐transport inhibitor N‐1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) decreased its stimulating effects on LR formation by 25%–30%, suggesting that the COR‐induced LR formation was independent of increased auxin level but likely associated with auxin transport. Treatment of plants with 1‐naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) increased LR formation at NAA concentrations of 100 nM, but had no effect at 10 nM. In the presence of 1 nM COR, however, NAA increased LR formation at 10 nM concentrations. This indicates that LR formation due to COR possibly involves changes in auxin sensitivity. In addition, the shorter LRs of COR‐treated seedlings were clearly restored when COR was removed from solutions for 12 d, and the total root length, total root surface area as well as K uptake increased significantly, suggesting that COR may be potentially useful for enhancing the K‐acquisition efficiency of cotton seedlings.  相似文献   

Nutrient seed priming is a strategy to increase the seed reserves of mineral nutrients as primary source for mineral nutrition during seedling development and early growth. The present study investigates the effects of zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) seed priming on growth and nutritional status of soybean under conditions of Zn and Mn limitation. Nutrient seed priming increased the natural seed reserves for Zn by, approximately, sixfold and by fivefold for Mn; however, 40–60% of the primed nutrients were adsorbed to the seed coat. Zinc seed priming was able to maintain plant growth for 5 weeks in the same way as Zn supply via the nutrient solution. It is concluded that nutrient seed priming offers perspectives to improve seed quality of soybean for early seedling development under limited nutrient supply or availability and needs further investigation on performance under various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Long-term field experiments with annual crop rotation were established in 1955 and 1956 at three locations (Lukavec, ?áslav, Ivanovice) in the Czech Republic, which differ in their climate and soil physicochemical properties. The effect of cattle farmyard manure (FM) and a combination of FM and mineral (NPK) fertilizer application (FMNPK) on nutrient status of soil and the response of winter wheat, and nutrient content of wheat grain and straw were evaluated after ~60 years since the establishment. The results showed higher pseudototal (aqua regia soluble) contents of phosphorus and sulfur from FM and FMNPK application compared with control, whereas the labile and moderatory labile content of individual nutrients (except calcium) varied between treatments. The nutrient content of wheat grain and straw was more significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the location and growing season than by the fertilizers. The substantial changes in wheat nutrient uptake occurred for the weakly acidic loamy Gleyic Phaeozem, whereas the lowest response due to fertilizer application was observed for the acidic Cambisol (sandy loam texture). Even after six decades of FM and FMNPK application, the effectiveness of these treatments was predominantly influenced by the soil and climatic conditions at the individual locations.  相似文献   

Bioenergy is becoming an important option in Global Change mitigation policy world‐wide. In agriculture, cultivation of energy crops for biodiesel, biogas, or bioethanol production received considerable attention in the past decades. Beyond this, the cultivation of Miscanthus, used as solid fuel for combustion, may lead to an increase in soil organic matter content compared to other agricultural land use, since C‐sequestration potential in soils of Miscanthus crops is high due to, e.g., high amounts of harvest residues. This may indirectly contribute to a reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentration. The objective of the present work was to investigate the development of soil organic carbon and Miscanthus‐derived C contents, as well as to estimate carbon stocks in soils cultivated with Miscanthus using 13C‐natural‐abundance technique. The investigations were carried out in relation to soil depth up to 150 cm in a sequence of 2, 5, and 16 y of cultivation relative to a reference soil cultivated with cereals. Amounts of total organic C (TOC) and Miscanthus‐derived C (Miscanthus‐C) increased with increasing duration of cultivation. For example, TOC increased from 12.8 to 21.3 g C kg–1 after 16 y of cultivation at the depth of 0–15 cm, whereby the portion of Miscanthus‐C reached 5.8 g C kg–1. Also within deeper soil layers down to 60 cm depth a significant enhancement of Miscanthus‐C was detectable even though TOC contents were not significantly enhanced. At soil depth below 60 cm, no significant differences between treatments were found for Miscanthus‐C. Within 16 y of continuous commercial farming, Miscanthus stands accumulated a total of 17.7 Mg C ha–1 derived from Miscanthus residues (C4‐C), which is equivalent to 1.1 Mg C4‐C ha–1 y–1. The annual surplus might function as CO2 credit within a greenhouse‐gas balance. Moreover, the beneficial properties of Miscanthus cultivation combined with a low requirement on fertilization may justify the status of Miscanthus as a sustainable low‐input bioenergy crop.  相似文献   


To evaluate the impact of soil clay mineralogy on the utilization efficiency of potassium fertilizers by rice, potassium fixation studies were made on fourteen soil clays having a range of mineralogical compositions. Soil clay with monomineralic beidellite fixed the highest proportion (76%) of the added potash, followed by clays containing either dominant or major vermiculite (51–66%). Fixation was significantly less severe (<35%) in vermiculitic clays containing hydrous mica. All the clays with mineralogical suites without beidellite or vermiculite, but consisting of montmorillonite, chlorite, hydrous mica, halloysite, kaolinite, and x‐ray amorphous material did not fix appreciable amounts (<18%) of the applied potassium.  相似文献   

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