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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of tillage and residue management on activities of phosphatases (acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, and inorganic pyrophosphatase) and arylsulfatase. The land treatments included three tillage systems (no-till, chisel plow, and moldboard plow) in combination with corn residue placements in four replications. The activities of these enzymes in no-till/double mulch were significantly greater than those in the other treatments studied, including no-till/bare, no-till/normal, chisel/normal, chisel/mulch, moldboard/normal, and moldboard/mulch. The effect of mulching on activities of phosphatases was not as significant as on activities of arylsulfatase. The lowest enzyme activities were found in soil samples form no-till/bare and moldboard/normal treatments, with the exception of inorganic pyrophosphatase, which showed the lowest activity in no-till/bare only. Among the same residue placements, no-till and chisel plow showed comparable arylsulfatase activity, whereas the use of moldboard plow resulted in much lower arylsulfatase activity. The activities of phosphatases and arylsulfatase were significantly correlated with organic C in the 40 soil samples studies, with r values ranging from 0.71*** to 0.92***. The activities of alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, and arylsulfatase were significantly correlated with soil pH, with r values of 0.85***, 0.78***, and 0.77***, respectively, in the 28 surface soil samples studied, but acid phosphatase and inorganic pyrophosphatase activities were not significantly correlated with soil pH. The activities of phosphatases and arylsulfatase decreased markedly with increasing soil depth and this decrease was associated with a decrease in organic C content. The activities of these enzymes were also significantly intercorrelated, with r values ranging from 0.50*** to 0.92***. Received: 4 October 1995  相似文献   

Storage can markedly influence microbial and biochemical properties in soils, yet recommendations for sample storage are based on studies of temperate soils that regularly experience extended cold periods. We assessed the influence of storage conditions on microbial phosphorus and the activity of four hydrolytic enzymes (phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, β-glucosidase, and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase) in three lowland tropical forest soils from the Republic of Panama that experience a constant warm temperature. The soils spanned a strong rainfall gradient and contained contrasting physical and chemical properties (pH 3.6-5.9; total carbon 26-50 g C kg−1; clay 33-62%; total phosphorus 0.30-0.60 g P kg−1). Storage treatments were: (i) room temperature (22 °C in the dark), (ii) refrigerated (4 °C in the dark), (iii) air-dried (10 d, 22 °C), and (iv) frozen (−35 °C). There were significant changes in enzyme activities and microbial phosphorus during refrigerated and room temperature storage, although changes were relatively small during the first two weeks. An initial marked decline in enzyme activities for one soil analyzed within 2 h of sampling was attributed to a flush of activity caused by sampling and soil preparation (sieving, etc.). For longer-term storage (>2 weeks), ambient laboratory temperature appeared preferable to freezing and cold storage, because one month of storage caused a marked decline in enzyme activities and microbial phosphorus in one soil. Freezing preserved the activities of some enzymes in some soils at rates comparable to cold or room temperature storage, but caused a marked decline in microbial phosphorus in two soils. Air-drying caused a marked decline in microbial phosphorus and the activity of all enzymes. We therefore conclude that enzyme assays and microbial phosphorus should be determined in tropical forest soils after no more than two weeks storage in the dark at ambient laboratory temperature.  相似文献   

The soil microbial biomass and activity were estimated for seven field (intensive and extensive management), grassland (dry and wet), and forest (beech, dry and wet alder) sites. Three of the sites (wet grassland, dry and wet alder) are located on a lakeshore and are influenced by lake water and groundwater. Four different methods were selected to measure and characterize the microbial biomass. Values of microbial biomass (weight basis) and total microbial biomass per upper horizon and hectare (volume basis) were compared for each site.Fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration results were correlated but dit not give the same absolute values for microbial biomass content. When using the original conversion factors, substrate-induced respiration gave higher values in field and dry grassland soils, and fumigation-extraction higher values in soils with low pH and high water levels (high organic content). Results from dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification, two methods for estimating microbial activity, were not correlated with microbial biomass values determined by fumigation-extraction or substrate-induced respiration in all soils examined. In alder forest soils dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification gave higher values on the wet site than on the dry site, contrary to the values estimated by fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration. These microbial activities were correlated with microbial biomass values only in field and dry grassland soils. Based on soil dry weight, microbial biomass values increased in the order intensive field, beech forest, extensive field, dry grassland, alder forest, wet grassland. However, microbial biomass values per upper horizon and hectare (related to soil volume) increased in agricultural soils in the order intensive field, dry grassland, extensive field, wet grassland and in forest soils in the order beech, wet alder, dry alder. We conclude that use of the original conversion factors with the soils in the present study for fumigation-extraction and substrate-induced respiration measurements does not give the same values for the microbial biomass. Furthermore, dimethylsulfoxide reduction and arginine ammonification principally characterize specific microbial activities and can be correlated with microbial biomass values under specific soil conditions. Further improvements in microbial biomass estimates, particularly in waterlogged soils, may be obtained by direct counts of organisms, ATP estimate, and the use of 14C-labelled organic substrates. From the ecological viewpoint, data should also be expressed per horizon and hectare (related to soil volume) to assist in the comparison of different sites.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of information exists about the effect of land use on soil enzyme activities, much of this is contradictory and brings into question the suitability of soil enzyme activities as indicators of how land use affects soil quality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of land use on different soil biochemical properties, especially hydrolytic enzyme activities, with the aim of providing knowledge about the problems related to the use of enzymes as indicators of soil quality. The data presented derive from various studies in which a large number of soils under different types of forest or agricultural management were analysed by the same methods. All of the soil samples were characterized in terms of their main physical and chemical properties, the activity of several hydrolases, microbial biomass C and soil basal respiration. The results indicate that soil use causes a large reduction in organic matter content and that the effect on enzyme activity varies depending on the type of land use or management and the type of enzyme. Furthermore, the enzyme activities per carbon unit (specific activities) in soils affected by land use are almost always higher than in maximum quality soils (climax soils under oak vegetation or oak soils), and land use also generates greater increases in the specific activity as the C content decreases. The mechanism responsible for these increases probably involves loss of the most labile organic matter. Enzyme enrichment is not always produced to the same degree, as it varies as a function of the enzyme and the type of land use under consideration. It is concluded that the complexity of the behaviour of the soil enzymes raises doubts about the use of enzyme activities as indicators of soil degradation brought about by land use.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants from atmospheric deposition and from fertilizer and pesticide applications are important hazardous substances in forest soils. Data are presented showing that these substances preferentially accumulate in the upper humic horizons of the soils. Another group of substances to be considered in relation to the chemical time bomb concept are the components of humus and soil minerals, mainly nitrogen and metals, which May, be mobilized and thus threaten groundwater quality. Forestry management practices such as thinning, cropping, fertilization and liming are discussed as potential triggers for the mobilization of harmful substances. in this context, The turnover (build-up and mineralization) of organic matter plays a crucial part. It will be shown, however, that even more danger arises from soil acidification induced by the atmospheric deposition of acidifying pollutants such as sulphates and nitrates.  相似文献   

Physical protection is one of the most important ways for stabilization of organic carbon (OC) in soils, and in order to properly manage soils as a sink for carbon, it is necessary to know how much OC a given soil could protect. To this end, we studied individual horizons taken from 16 soil profiles under Quercus rotundifolia stands, all over calcareous parent materials. Horizons were subjected to a sequential extraction using solutions of sodium polytungstate (NaPT) of increasing density: (i) NaPT d=1.6, using slight hand agitation, to obtain the free light fraction (FL); (ii) NaPT d=1.6 and ultrasonic dispersion, to obtain the Occluded Fraction I (Ocl I); (iii) NaPT d=1.8, to obtain the Occluded Fraction II (Ocl II); and (iv) NaPT d=2.0, to obtain the Occluded Fraction III (Ocl III). The fraction of density>2.0 are taken as dense fraction (DF). The free organic matter was further divided into FL>50 (retained by a 50 μm mesh: coarse organic fragments) and FL<50 (non-retained: fine organic fragments). The fractions FL>50 and FL<50 were taken together as free organic matter. The rest of the fractions are taken together as protected organic matter. The obtained fractions were analyzed for total OC, total N, and carbohydrate content. The percentage of non-hydrolyzable OC and N in each fraction was taken as an indicator of OC and N recalcitrance, respectively.For both OC and N, the fractions FL>50 and DF are dominant; the rest of the fractions are of much lower quantitative importance. In H horizons and in most A horizons, most of the OC and N are free, whereas in B horizons both OC and N are mostly protected. Overall, the percentages of free OC and N are very high and are currently amongst the highest ever recorded.Organic matter recalcitrance is lowest in the two most protected fractions (Ocl III and especially DF), and highest in the first occluded fractions (Ocl II and especially Ocl I). The free organic matter (FL>50 fraction) has an intermediate quality: it includes recognizable plant fragments, but the indicators tested (recalcitrance, carbohydrate content, cellulose to total carbohydrates ratio) suggest that it is not always the most fresh and non-decomposed fraction.There are clear maxima for both protected OC and N, which can be approached by curve fitting. By exponential fit, the obtained maxima are 84.1 g of OC and 7.7 g of N kg−1 of mineral particles <20 μm. These maxima are much higher than the upper limits obtained by other authors. Differences in the sampling approach are suggested as the reason for such discrepancies.  相似文献   

When forest soils are investigated, the identification of litter and soil layers is a key step. Mid-infrared spectroscopy seems to be promising for this due to its capability to provide fingerprint information. In this study, a large data set of mid-infrared spectra of different forest soils (L, FH and Ah horizons of coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests) was available together with general analyses data (among others organic carbon, total nitrogen and carbonate contents). This set was used for devising models for the identification of different soil layers and to follow the characteristics of different forest types in the different layers. Canonical discriminant functions were calculated using nine mid-infrared bands occurring in both organic layers and mineral soil layers. The discriminant analysis of the topsoil layers showed that aliphatic mid-infrared bands dominated the first function and yielded a clear separation of mineral and organic layers. Further, this analysis reflected the higher chemical diversity in the organic layers visible by a high scattering of the calculated data points. Two tests with two separate data sets showed a reliable and reproducible performance of the model. Separations of forest types were best possible in the organic layers, in which the deciduous forests were separated best from mixed and coniferous forests. Also for these discriminations, aliphatic bands were dominating. Advanced degradation of soil organic matter resulted in small distances of equidistant forest-type group-centers in the 5-10 cm layers of the mineral soils. Dominating molecular moieties in the discriminant functions in these layers were carbonates and aliphatic bands. The applied methodology suggests mid-infrared spectroscopy as an appropriate tool for soil layer identification, allowing for unequivocal discrimination between organic and mineral soil layers. Discriminations of forest types delivered information about dominating mid-infrared bands in the single layers and allowed conclusions about functional groups dominating these differences.  相似文献   


This study aimed to clarify pedogenetic processes and classification of yellowish Brown Forest Soils according to the Classification of Forest Soils in Japan and the Yellow Brown Forest soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan in the warm and cool temperate forest of Kyushu district, Japan. In addition, the study aimed to clarify a problem with the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan. Thirty-six soil profiles of Brown Forest Soils, including 13 yellowish Brown Forest Soils and 15 Yellow Brown Forest soils, were compared with regard to their chemical properties and the relationship with climatic conditions was assessed. The yellowish Brown Forest Soils had thin A horizons, low pH and low levels of free oxides in the B horizons, and a low amount of silica and a high aluminum and iron to silica ratio. These features were related to the paleo reddish weathering. The immaturely developed A horizon of the yellowish Brown Forest Soils was caused by these weathered, low-activity substances. The Yellow Brown Forest soils had low levels of active iron oxides and a low activity ratio of free iron oxides compared with the Haplic Brown Forest soils in the same thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides was correlated to mean annual air temperature with the carbon stocks and with many other chemical properties. Accordingly, classification of Brown Forest Soils was clearer according to thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides can become an effective index that distinguishes Yellow Brown Forest soils under warm temperate lucidophyllous forest and Haplic Brown Forest soils under cool temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest with considerable vertical soil zonality.  相似文献   

寿光大棚菜地土壤呼吸强度、酶活性、pH与EC的变化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为防治土壤退化、促进农业可持续发展提供科学依据,以寿光地区露地土壤作对照,研究了连作1、5、8和12年大棚蔬菜(番茄)土壤有关生物学指标的变化。结果表明,土壤呼吸强度和脱氢酶活性棚内高于棚外,并随连作年限延长开始增强而后减弱,由于管理差异,12年棚龄土壤又回升。随着连作年限延长,土壤脲酶活性逐渐减弱,而过氧化氢酶活性逐渐增强;土壤呼吸强度和酶活性都由表层向底层逐渐减弱。土壤pH随连作年限增加逐渐下降,而EC逐渐增加,至12年棚龄时,与对照比0—20 cm土层pH下降了1.06单位,其他层次变化不显著。试验还表明,该地区表层土壤pH变化于6.45~7.51,EC 0.5 mS/cm,能较好地满足作物生长需要,同时,EC是影响土壤pH及酶活性变化的重要因素。土壤EC及过氧化氢酶活性可作为反映大棚菜地土壤质量变化的参考指标。  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of disturbance, vegetation type, and microclimate on denitrification and denitrifier community composition, experimental plots were established at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Soil cores were reciprocally transplanted between meadow and forest and samples were collected after 1 and 2 years. Denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) was measured using the acetylene block assay and terminal restriction length polymorphism profiles were generated with nosZ primers that target the gene coding for nitrous oxide reductase. Nitrate concentrations, C mineralization, and water content were measured to gain additional insights into soil properties controlling DEA. Meadow soils were significantly higher in DEA than forest soils, and the highest DEA levels were observed in cores transferred from the meadow into the forest. Nitrate concentrations were also different between forest and meadow soils, but did not correlate to DEA. DEA was higher in open versus closed cores, suggesting an association between denitrification and the rhizosphere. Denitrifier communities of undisturbed forest and meadow soils shifted through a 4-year period but remained distinct from each other. Similarly, denitrifier communities clustered by vegetation type of origin regardless of manipulation, suggesting that the overall denitrifier communities are well buffered against environmental changes.  相似文献   

Cl-对土壤中肥料氮、微生物数量和酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pot experiments were conducted to study the effect of Cl^- on transformation of fertilizer N,number of microorganisms and enzyme activities in soils.It is indicated that Cl^- did not show significant influence on total number of bacteria,actinomyces and fungi,but significantly reduced the number of nitrosolbacteria, which led to decrease of NO3^- content in the soil.Application of Cl^- to soil could significantly enhance the adtivities of phosphatase and urease in the coastal saline soil and orthic aquisols,In hilly red soil,however,the application of Cl^-1 at the rate of 500-1000mg Cl^- kg^-1 soil significantly decreased the activity of the two enzymes mentioned above.  相似文献   

 Microbial biomass C (Cmic), C mineralization rate, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles and community level physiological profiles (CLPPs) using Biolog were determined from the humus and mineral soil layers in adjacent stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) at two forest sites of different fertility. In addition, the Fourier-transformed infrared (FTIR) spectra were run on the samples for characterization of the organic matter. Cmic and C mineralization rate tended to be lowest under spruce and highest under birch, at the fertile site in all soil layers and at the less fertile site in the humus layer. There were also differences in microbial community structure in soils under different tree species. In the humus layer the PLFAs separated all tree species and in the mineral soil spruce was distinct from pine and birch. CLPPs did not distinguish microbial communities from the different tree species. The FTIR spectra did not separate the tree species, but clearly separated the two sites. Received: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

The effects of organic matter removal, soil compaction, and vegetation control on soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, C-to-N ratio, and functional diversity were examined in a 6-year loblolly pine plantation on a Coastal Plain site in eastern North Carolina, USA. This experimental plantation was established as part of the US Forest Service's Long Term Soil Productivity Study. Sampling was undertaken on eight treatments within each of three blocks. Treatments sampled included main 2×2 factorial treatments of organic matter removal (stem-only or complete tree plus forest floor) and compaction (none or severe) with split-plot treatment of vegetation control (none or total vegetation control). Two blocks were located on a somewhat poorly drained, fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic aeric Paleaquult (Lynchburg soil) and one on a moderately well drained, fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic aquic Paleudult (Goldsboro soil). Soil microbial C and N were positively related with soil C and N, respectively. Microbial C and N on the Lynchburg soil were higher than those on the Goldsboro soil. Organic matter removal decreased microbial N. Compaction reduced microbial C-to-N ratio. Vegetation control decreased microbial C and C-to-N ratio. The number of C compounds utilized by bacteria was not affected by soil type or treatment. However, soil types and treatments changed bacterial selections for a few C compounds on BIOLOG plates. Soil microbial properties varied more due to the natural soil differences (soil type) as compared with treatment-induced differences.  相似文献   

Intact soil cores from a montane tropical rain forest site in the Atherton Tablelands (Kauri Creek) and from a lowland tropical rain forest site in the Coastal Lowlands (Bellenden Ker), Queensland, Australia were investigated during different hygric seasons for the magnitude of gross nitrification rates using the Barometric Process Separation technique (BaPS). Pronounced seasonal variations of gross nitrification rates were found at both sites with highest values during the transition period between dry and wet season (montane site: 24.0 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1; lowland site: 13.1 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1) and significantly lower rates of gross nitrification during the dry and wet season. Rates of gross nitrification were always higher at the montane site than at the lowland site, but the opposite was found for N2O emissions. The results indicated that the high losses of N2O at the lowland tropical rain forest site may be contributed largely by high denitrification activity due to its wetter and warmer climate as compared to the dryer and colder climate at the montane tropical rain forest site. This conclusion was supported by analysis of cell numbers of microbes involved in N‐cycling. Higher numbers of denitrifiers were present at the lowland site, whereas higher numbers of nitrifiers were found at the montane site.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of elemental S (S0) under three moisture (40, 60, 120% water-filled pore space; WFPS) and three temperature regimes (12, 24, 36°C) on changes in pH and available P (0.5 N NaHCO3-extractable P) concentrations in acidic (pH 4.9), neutral (pH 7.1) and alkaline (pH 10.2) soils. Repacked soil cores were incubated for 0, 14, 28 and 42 days. Application of S0 did not alter the trends of pH in acidic and neutral soils at all moisture regimes but promoted a decrease in the pH of alkaline soil under aerobic conditions (40%, 60% WFPS). Moisture and temperature had profound effects on the available P concentrations in all three soils, accumulation of available P being greatest under flooded conditions (120% WFPS) at 36°C. Application of S0 in acidic, neutral and alkaline soils resulted in the net accumulation of 16.5, 14.5 and 13 g P g–1 soil after 42 days at 60% WFPS, but had no effect under flooded conditions. The greatest available P accumulations in the respective soils were 19, 19.5 and 20 g P g–1 soil (equivalent to 38, 41, 45 kg P ha–1) with the combined effects of 36°C, 60% WFPS and applied S0. The results of our study revealed that oxidation of S0 lowered the pH of alkaline soil (r=–0.88, P<0.01), which in turn enhanced available P concentrations. Also, considering the significant relationship between the release of sulphate and accumulation of P, even in acidic soil (r=0.92, P<0.01) and neutral soil (r=0.85, P<0.01) where the decrease in pH was smaller, it is possible that the stimulatory effect of sulphate on the availability of P was due to its concurrent desorption from the colloidal surface, release from fixation sites and/or mineralization of organic P. Thus, in the humid tropics and irrigated subtropics where high moisture and temperature regimes are prevalent, the application of S0 could be beneficial not only in alleviating S deficiency in soils but also for enhancing the availability of P in arable soils, irrespective of their initial pH.  相似文献   

The dry forest soils (80%) of a 3.3 ha catchment in Gårdsjön, were treated with 1.5 ton/ha dolomite in 1984. In half the catchment an additional dose of 4.5 ton/ha was added in 1986 (i.e. totaly 6 ton/ha). By 1991 the concentrations of exchangeable calcium and magnesium had increased by 450% to 800% in the humus layer and upper 0–5 cm of the mineral soils and by 500% and 300%, respectively, in the 5–10 cm and 10–20 cm soil depth in the 6 ton/ha part. By 1.5 ton, Ca and Mg increased in humus and 0–5 cm in the mineral soil. Potassium decreased in the humus and the mineral soil with both 1.5 ton and 6 ton per ha. The accumulated output of K by runoff was however only 1 kg during the 6 years until 1992, which indicates that the losses from the soil also may have resulted in increased uptake by the forest. Tree growth and nutrient content in current needles was, however, unchanged. Increased contents of Mg, Ca and Zn was observed in some species of ground vegetation. Nitrate and ammonium concentrations and fluxes in runoff were identical to the reference catchment, while inorganic Al and Mn decreased by 40–50% and H+ by 30%. The accumulated extra output by runoff of Mg was about 7% and of Ca 0.6% of the amounts applied by the two treatments in 1984 and 1986.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are predicted to experience an increasing level of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, which may cause significant shifts in plant community composition and concomitantly stimulate soil acidification. However, little is known concerning the effects of N deposition on belowground microbial communities in alpine grassland ecosystems such as on the Tibetan Plateau. This study examined the responses of soil N-transforming microbes (measured after DNA extraction and quantitative PCR), soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) and N (SMBN), and soil enzyme activities to different forms (NH4 +-N, NO3 ?-N, and NH4NO3-N) and rates (1.5 and 7.5 g N m?2 year?1, denoted as low and high N, respectively) of N fertilization (addition) in two successive plant growing seasons. The N rate, not N form, influenced the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). High N addition significantly increased ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) abundance which differed across different N form treatments. Nitrogen addition had no significant impact on the abundance of soil denitrifiers. The SMBC and SMBN were significantly decreased by high N additions, but no difference was found among different N forms. Despite higher urease activities being detected in the late plant growing season, the activities of invertase and alkaline phosphomonoesterase stayed unchanged irrespective of the different N amendments and plant growing season. Significant positive correlations were found between potential nitrification rates and AOB abundances. These results highlight that AOB seemed to respond more sensitively to different N fertilization and might have prominent roles in soil N cycling processes in this Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow than AOA.  相似文献   

Large‐scale grassland rehabilitation has been carried out on the severely degraded lands of the Tibetan plateau. The grasslands created provide a useful model for evaluating the recovery of ecosystem properties. The purposes of this research were: (1) to examine the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices on carbon and nitrogen in plants and soils in early secondary succession; and (2) to evaluate the degree to which severely degraded grassland altered plant and soil properties relative to the non‐disturbed native community. The results showed: (1) The aboveground tissue C and N content in the control were 105·97 g m−2 and 3·356 g m−2, respectively. The aboveground tissue C content in the mixed seed treatment, the single seed treatment, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 137 per cent, 98 per cent, 49 per cent and 38 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The corresponding aboveground tissue N content was 109 per cent, 84 per cent, 60 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. (2) Root C and N content in 0–20 cm depths of the control had an average 1606 g m−2 and 30·36 g m−2, respectively. Root C and N content in the rehabilitation treatments were in the range of 26–36 per cent and 35–53 per cent, while those in the severely degraded treatment were only 17 per cent and 26 per cent of that in the control. (3) In the control the average soil C and N content at 0–20 cm was 11 307 g m−2 and 846 g m−2, respectively. Soil C content in the uppermost 20 cm in the seeded treatments, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 67 per cent, 73 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively, while soil N content in the uppermost 20 cm was 72 per cent, 82 per cent and 79 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The severely degraded land was a major C source. Restoring the severely degraded lands to perennial vegetation was an alternative approach to sequestering C in former degraded systems. N was a limiting factor in seeding grassland. It is necessary for sustainable utilization of seeding grassland to supply extra N fertilizer to the soil or to add legume species into the seed mix. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



The alpine meadow has received mounting attention due to its degradation resulting from overgrazing on the Tibetan Plateau. However, belowground biotic characteristics under varied grazing stresses in this ecosystem are poorly understood.

Materials and methods

Here, the responses of soil protozoan abundance, community composition, microbial biomass, and enzyme activity to five grazing patterns including (1) artificial grassland without grazing (AG), (2) winter grazing (WG), (3) grazing for 7 months within a fence (GF), (4) continuous grazing for a whole year (CG), and (5) natural heavy grazing (HG) were investigated for two continuous years. Soil protozoan community composition was investigated using the most possible number (MPN) method, and soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity were analyzed using chloroform fumigation extraction and substrate utilization methods, respectively. Multivariate statistical analysis, the analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple comparisons, and correlation analysis were together performed.

Results and discussion

The WG treatment had the highest abundance of total protozoa (2342–2524 cell g?1). Compared with AG treatment, HG treatment significantly reduced the abundance of soil total, flagellate and ciliate protozoa, and protease activities in 2012 and 2013. Significantly, lower soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) was also observed in the HG (6.60 and 14.6 mg N kg?1) than those in other four treatments (22.3–82.9 mg N kg?1) both in 2012 and 2013, whereas significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) was observed in HG than that in AG treatment in 2012. Moreover, significantly positive correlations were detected between the abundance of soil protozoa and soil moisture, pH, organic C, total N, and MBN. Our results indicated that soil protozoa showed a negative response to increasing grazing intensities and therefore, suggesting that aboveground grazing practices also exerted strong impact on belowground protozoa, not only on soil microbial characteristics.


Soil protozoan community composition was apparently different between the HG treatment and other four grazing patterns and was potentially impacted by altered soil properties and MBC and/or MBN. Our results suggested that moderate grazing may sustain better belowground biotic diversity and ecosystem functioning in this alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau.

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