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OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that feedlot cattle with acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) have bacterial infection of the lung or liver and concurrent bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection significantly more often than pen mates without AIP ANIMALS: 39 feedlot cattle with signs consistent with AIP and no history of treatment with antimicrobials and 32 healthy control cattle from the same pens. PROCEDURES: Lung and liver specimens were obtained postmortem for bacterial or mycoplasmal culture and histologic examination; lung tissue was assessed for BRSV infection immunohistochemically. RESULTS: Among affected cattle, 26 had AIP confirmed histologically. Lung tissue from 11 cattle with AIP yielded microbial respiratory tract pathogens on culture; tissues from control animals yielded no microbial growth. In 4 cattle with AIP and 2 control animals, liver abscesses were detected; bacteria were isolated from abscessed tissue in 3 and 1 of those animals, respectively. Immunohistochemically, 9 cattle with AIP and no control animals were BRSV-positive. Histologically, 9 AIP-affected cattle had only acute alveolar damage with exudation, and the other 17 had acute exudation with type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. No lesions of AIP were detected in control animals. Only 4 AIP-affected cattle had bacterial infection of the lung with concurrent BRSV infection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that microbial respiratory tract pathogens are more common in cattle with AIP than in healthy pen mates. Control of bacterial pneumonia late in the feeding period may reduce the incidence of AIP at feedlots where AIP is a problem.  相似文献   

Thirty-three cattle with fatal respiratory tract disease were examined for gross and histologic lesions and for the presence of viral and bacterial agents in the lungs. Fifteen cattle had lesions characteristic of atypical interstitial pneumonia (AIP), and 18 had other respiratory tract diseases, including infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, shipping fever pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary abscess, and edema of the trachea. Gross necropsy findings in the cattle with AIP were uncollapsed and emphysematous lungs; histopathologic findings included interstitial edema, thickening of alveolar walls, hyaline membrane formation, and hyperplasia of type-II pneumonocytes. The infective agents found in the lungs of the 33 cattle included bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine herpesvirus type 1, Pasteurella sp, mycoplasmas, and Corynebacterium pyogenes. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus was detected by use of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase on lung tissue sections; bovine herpesvirus type 1 was detected by these techniques and by isolation of the virus. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus was significantly (P = 0.01) associated with lesions of AIP (11 of 15), compared with those of other respiratory tract diseases (5 of 18).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare concentrations of 3-methyleneindolenine (3MEIN) in lung tissues obtained from feedlot cattle that died as a result of acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) and cattle that died as a result of other causes and to compare blood concentrations of 3MEIN in healthy feedlot cattle and feedlot cattle with AIP. STUDY POPULATION: Blood samples and lung tissues collected from 186 cattle housed in 14 feedlots in the western United States. PROCEDURE: Samples of lung tissues were collected during routine postmortem examination and submitted for histologic, microbiologic, and toxicologic examination. Blood samples were collected from cattle with clinical manifestations of AIP and healthy penmates. Histologic diagnoses were categorized as AIP, bronchopneumonia (BP), control samples, and other disorders. Concentrations of 3MEIN were determined in lung tissues and blood samples, using an ELISA. RESULTS: Concentrations of 3MEIN in lung tissues were significantly greater in AIP and BP samples, compared with control samples. Absorbance per microgram of protein did not differ between BP and AIP samples. Blood concentrations of 3MEIN were significantly greater in cattle with AIP, compared with healthy cattle or cattle with BP. Odds of an animal with AIP being a heifer was 3.1 times greater than the odds of that animal being a steer. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased pulmonary production of 3MEIN may be an important etiologic factor in feedlot-associated AIP.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of feeding 1.5% cysteine-rich feather meal or 550 IU of vitamin E for 40 d before slaughter on the rates of death and emergency slaughter due to acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) in commercial feedlots. Blood and lung tissue were collected at slaughter from 83 animals clinically diagnosed with AIP, 40 asymptomatic penmates, and 40 heifers receiving either feather meal (20) or vitamin E (20); the left lung was subsampled for histologic examination. Blood and lung tissue were analyzed for thiol adducts of 3-methyleneindolenine (3ME) and reduced glutathione. Supplementation with feather meal or vitamin E had no effect on the rates of death and emergency slaughter attributable to AIP and did not influence the levels of 3ME or reduced glutathione in blood or lung tissue. Although supplementation with greater amounts of feather meal or vitamin E may have been necessary to significantly affect factors related to feedlot AIP, increased supplementation would be uneconomical for commercial feedlots, given the relatively low incidence of AIP.  相似文献   

Field data were collected over 2 consecutive years to characterize acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) in feedyard cattle. Thirty-eight cattle with clinical symptoms of AIP were examined following emergency slaughter; 31 (all heifers) were confirmed to have AIP on the basis of gross and histological lung pathology. The 7 without AIP, plus 17 asymptomatic penmates, were used as contemporary controls. Plasma concentrations of 3-methylindole (3MI) metabolites were higher (P < 0.001) in heifers afflicted with AIP than in the control animals, and concentrations of 3MI mercapturates in the urine were lower (P < 0.007) in affected heifers. Concentrations of 3MI adducts in lung tissue and in microsomal protein did not differ (P > 0.05) between the 2 groups, and 3MI was not detected in ruminal fluid from either group. Total ruminal bacterial numbers and populations of lactobacilli and protozoa were similar (P > 0.05) between the AIP-positive and unafflicted groups, but fewer (P < 0.05) cellulolytic bacteria were present in the positive group. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus antigen was not found in lung tissue from any of the heifers confirmed to have AIP. To our knowledge, this study is the first to implicate 3MI metabolites as having a role in feedyard AIP. Further research is required to determine the factors responsible for the elevation in 3MI adducts in plasma and urine of feedyard cattle afflicted with AIP.  相似文献   

Over a 3-y period, 906,000 cattle were monitored in 23 feedlots in southern Alberta for symptoms of acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP). Plasma, urine, and lung tissue were collected at slaughter from 299 animals clinically diagnosed with AIP and from 156 healthy penmates and analyzed for 3-methylindole (3MI) derivatives and reduced glutathione concentration. From each animal, the left lung was subsampled for histologic examination. Concentrations of glutathione in lung tissue were reduced (P < 0.001) in animals showing clinical symptoms of AIP as compared with their asymptomatic penmates. Animals histologically confirmed as having AIP had higher levels of 3MI protein adducts in blood and lung tissue (P < 0.05) than did emergency-slaughtered animals without AIP. Within feedlots, where pens of heifers were fed either a standard dosage of melengestrol acetate (MGA) or none, the rate of death attributable to AIP was similar between treatment groups, but emergency slaughter after clinical diagnosis of AIP was done 3.2 times more often (P < 0.001) in the MGA-fed heifers than in the group not fed MGA. Use of MGA did not influence glutathione concentration. As growth performance of heifers given steroidal implants may not be improved by feeding MGA, the most cost-effective method of reducing the incidence of AIP-related emergency slaughter in feedlot heifers may be to eliminate MGA from the diet.  相似文献   

Heat stress and dusty conditions are common challenges for cattle during the summer, and a typical method of alleviating these problems involves sprinkling cattle and pens with water. The effect of sprinkling water on the incidence of zoonotic pathogens has not been previously studied. Four pens of heifers (n = 41) were cooled using sprinklers, and four pens (n = 43) served as controls. Heifers were crossbred Charolais, with white and red hair coats. Sprinkling was initiated when cattle were on full concentrate feed (July). Fecal samples, hide swipes, and BW were collected on d 0, 28, 63, 95, and 98. Average daily gain, DMI, and G:F were calculated, and carcass traits were collected 36 h after processing. Performance data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design, and zoonotic pathogen data were analyzed using chi2 analysis. Sprinkling tended (P = 0.054) to increase the incidence of fecal Salmonella spp. populations on d 98, but simultaneously tended to decrease (P = 0.058) the Escherichia coli O157:H7 incidence on hides on d 98. The most prevalent Salmonella serovars in this study were Kentucky, Muenster, Meleagridis, and Cerro. Performance measures and carcass traits did not differ between treatments (P > 0.10). Under our conditions, sprinkling cattle with water did not affect the incidence of zoonotic pathogens in feces or on hides.  相似文献   

The effect of enrofloxacin therapy was investigated in 110 male double-muscled cattle weighing 275 +/- 3 kg, during a spontaneous outbreak of shipping fever occurring 11 +/- 2 days after they arrived in the feedlot. Forty-six diseased animals were divided randomly into three groups A, B and C, containing 17, 19 and 10 animals, respectively; the animals in group A were injected intramuscularly once daily for three consecutive days with 2.5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin, those in group B with 5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin and those in group C with 10 mg/kg of oxytetracycline. Clinical, serological, production and respiratory functional observations were recorded. The animals were clinically cured after the three day treatment except for three in group A and two in group C. These five animals made a clinical recovery after a three day booster treatment with a dose of 5 mg/kg enrofloxacin. The changes in respiratory gas exchange values induced by shipping fever were completely reversed 15 days later, suggesting that there had been no irreversible lung damage. The daily weight gains and the arterial blood gas values of the three groups of treated cattle were not significantly different. The high efficacy of the low dosage of enrofloxacin in this clinical syndrome may be explained by its antibacterial activity against Pasteurella species and Mycoplasma species. This field trial supports the in vitro studies which suggested than enrofloxacin is an appropriate therapy in cases of shipping fever.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate three acute phase proteins (APP) [haptoglobin (HPT), lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) and transferrin (Tf)] in feedlot cattle with naturally occurring respiratory disease diagnosed by a calf health scoring chart (CHSC). Seventy-seven beef calves were observed for signs of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) during the first 28 days after arrival at the feedlot. Fourteen cases and pen matched controls were selected based on the CHSC. BRD cases were defined as a score of ≥5, while controls were defined as a score ≤4. The mean CHSC score in cases was 6.9 which was significantly greater than the controls 2.8 (P < 0.01). Mean plasma LBP and HPT concentrations were significantly greater in cases than controls (P < 0.01). Our study results show that measurement of HPT and LBP could be useful in detecting respiratory disease in feedlot conditions. Transferrin concentrations between the two groups were not statistically different.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe the nature and distribution of microscopic lung lesions in feedlot cattle with interstitial pneumonia and to determine whether bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) antigen was present in affected lungs. Lungs with macroscopic lesions compatible with interstitial pneumonia were collected from cattle from 5 west-central Saskatchewan feedlots that had been on feed for greater than 60 days at the time of death. Interstitial pneumonia was most consistently present in dorsal portions of caudal lung lobes and in 21/28 cases (75%) had a multifocal to coalescing distribution. All 28 lungs exhibited hyaline membrane formation and some degree of type II alveolar epithelial cell hyperplasia, consistent with an acute to subacute duration. Twenty-one of 28 cases (75%) had concurrent bronchopneumonia in at least 1 lung lobe; bronchopneumonia was grossly evident in 9/28 cases (32%). Chronic bronchitis or bronchiolitis was present in at least 1 section in 12/28 (43%) of the lungs, and 25/28 (89%) had at least 1 focus of bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans. Bronchopneumonia and bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans were markedly less common in 10 sets of bovine lungs obtained from an abattoir. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus antigen was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry in 2/28 cases and was associated with bronchiolar epithelial necrosis that was more severe than the bronchiolar lesions in the BRSV antigen-negative cases. Interstitial pneumonia in feedlot cattle in this study was more frequently associated with suppurative bronchopneumonia and bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans than with BRSV infection.  相似文献   

Aflatoxicosis was diagnosed in lightweight feedlot cattle fed aflatoxin-contaminated cottonseed or gin trash. Clinical signs of hepatic damage and death were recorded for more than 200 of the 14,000 animals in a feedlot. Aflatoxin concentration in feedlot products fed to these cattle ranged from 96 to 1,700 ng/g. Diagnosis was based on the correlation of characteristic microscopic liver lesions, high concentration of aflatoxin in cottonseed feed products, and isolation and detection of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin M1 in urine and liver from affected calves. This report describes a large-scale outbreak of aflatoxicosis and demonstrates the need for careful quality control of feed products susceptible to aflatoxin contamination.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of air quality on the occurrence of pneumonia in feedlot cattle, the following environmental values were measured at a feedlot: suspended particulates in 5 particle-size fractions, relative humidity, air temperature, and barometric pressure. Pneumonia incidence data were classified by the number of days the cattle had been at the feedlot (days on feed). The concentration of airborne particles, range of temperature, days on feed, and season of the year were associated with incidence of pneumonia in cattle. Pneumonia incidence rates were greatest both within 15 days of arrival at the feedlot and during the fall sampling periods. The incidence of pneumonia in the 16 to 30 days-on-feed group was closely associated with the concentration of particles 2.0 to 3.3 microns in diameter and the range of daily temperature when exposure occurred 15 days before the onset of disease in the fall and 10 days before in the spring.  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most significant disease affecting feedlot cattle. Indicators of BRD often used in feedlots such as visual signs, rectal temperature, computer-assisted lung auscultation (CALA) score, the number of BRD treatments, presence of viral pathogens, viral seroconversion, and lung damage at slaughter vary in their ability to predict an animal’s BRD outcome, and no studies have been published determining how a combination of these BRD indicators may define the number of BRD disease outcome groups. The objectives of the current study were (1) to identify BRD outcome groups using BRD indicators collected during the feeding phase and at slaughter through latent class analysis (LCA) and (2) to determine the importance of these BRD indicators to predict disease outcome. Animals with BRD (n = 127) were identified by visual signs and removed from production pens for further examination. Control animals displaying no visual signs of BRD (n = 143) were also removed and examined. Blood, nasal swab samples, and clinical measurements were collected. Lung and pleural lesions indicative of BRD were scored at slaughter. LCA was applied to identify possible outcome groups. Three latent classes were identified in the best model fit, categorized as non-BRD, mild BRD, and severe BRD. Animals in the mild BRD group had a higher probability of having visual signs of BRD compared with non-BRD and severe BRD animals. Animals in the severe BRD group were more likely to require more than 1 treatment for BRD and have ≥40 °C rectal temperature, ≥10% total lung consolidation, and severe pleural lesions at slaughter. Animals in the severe BRD group were also more likely to be naïve at feedlot entry and the first BRD pull for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus, Bovine Parainfluenza 3 Virus, and Bovine Adenovirus and have a positive nasal swab result for Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 and Bovine Coronavirus. Animals with severe BRD had 0.9 and 0.6 kg/d lower overall ADG (average daily gain) compared with non-BRD animals and mild BRD animals (P < 0.001). These results demonstrate that there are important indicators of BRD severity. Using this information to predict an animal’s BRD outcome would greatly enhance treatment efficacy and aid in better management of animals at risk of suffering from severe BRD.  相似文献   

Using data collected from company lot records, potential risk factors related to feedlot management, the cattle, and climate were determined. The risk factors were analyzed by use of weighted multiple regression techniques to determine their effects on the incidence of lower respiratory tract disease in a cohort of 95 lots containing 17,696 cattle. The gender of the cattle, the number of days that groups of cattle filled a lot, pregnancy checking of heifers, and the average temperature change in the first 14 days in which the cattle were on feed significantly influenced the incidence of lower respiratory disease. The incidence of lower respiratory tract disease was most influenced by risk factors in the first 30 days on feed.  相似文献   

Tilmicosin, a new semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic, was evaluated in eight field trials as a single subcutaneous injection at dosages of 0 (placebo), 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg for the treatment of naturally occurring respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. Animals for these trials were selected from large groups of recently-shipped feeder cattle at the time clinical signs of respiratory disease and body temperature of 40.6°C or higher were observed. Treated animals were evaluated daily for 10 days and finally at day 28. Each animal was weighed on the first day and again on day 28. Animals that died were necropsied. All treatment dosages were effective in significantly lowering mortality, improving weight gains, lowering body temperature, and reducing the severity of clinical signs when compared to the placebo-treated controls. Body temperature was the only variable with statistically significant differences among the dose levels.  相似文献   

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