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We studied the absorption, assimilation, translocation and distribution of nitrogen (N) from urea applied in autumn to leaves of 1-year-old potted Fuji/M26 apple (Malus domestica Borkh) trees. In early October, all leaves of each tree were painted with either 3% urea (enriched to 10 atom % with 15N) or water (control trees). Four trees were harvested before the treatment and N and amino acid contents were determined. Four trees from each treatment were harvested at 2, 4, 7, 10, 15 and 20 days after urea or water application. Total N, amino acids and 15N in leaves, bark, xylem, shank and roots were analyzed to determine uptake and mobilization of N from urea. Most uptake of 15N by leaves occurred during the first 2 days following application of urea. The mean rate of absorption during these 2 days was 0.29 g m-2 day-1. Amino acids in leaves, bark and roots increased significantly after urea application compared with control values. The highest concentrations of amino acids in leaves and bark occurred 4 days after application, whereas the highest concentrations of amino acids in roots occurred 10 days after application. Total 15N content in leaves peaked 2 days after urea application and then decreased, whereas 15N content in roots and bark increased throughout the experiment. Total 15N content in xylem and shank was low. Leaves absorbed 35% of the 15N applied as urea, and 63.6% of absorbed 15N was translocated out of leaves within 20 days after urea application. We conclude that N from urea was converted to amino acids in leaves after foliar application in autumn, and roots and bark were the main sinks of N from urea applied to leaves.  相似文献   

Elstar apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) on M.9 rootstock received either 5 or 35 g N tree(-1) year(-1) during the first two growing seasons after planting, applied as Ca(NO(3))(2) on a daily basis for nine weeks through a drip irrigation system. During the third growing season (1994), all trees were treated with 20 g N tree(-1) year(-1) as (15)NH(4) (15)NO(3) with applications starting on April 22 and continuing for 10 weeks. Soil solution nitrate-N and ammonium-N were monitored weekly with suction lysimeters located 30 cm beneath the drip emitters. Spur and shoot leaves were sampled intensively from full bloom to the end of rapid shoot growth. During the period of nitrogen application, soil solution nitrate-N and ammonium-N were relatively constant, at about 24 and 1.0 mg l(-1) respectively. Growth of the spur leaves was completed by one week after full bloom (May 12), whereas biomass of the shoot leaves increased until mid-June. Nitrogen for growth of the spur leaves was supplied mainly from remobilization, which was dependent on previous N supply. Accumulation of fertilizer N in spur leaves was independent of previous N treatments and continued until the end of the monitoring period (June 24), but contributed only 13% to total spur leaf N. Nitrogen for shoot leaf growth was independent of previous N treatments and was initially supplied primarily by remobilization, but by the end of extension growth, fertilizer N contributed 48% to total shoot leaf N. Linear increases in leaf N uptake throughout the period of rapid shoot growth and the large contribution of fertilizer N to total shoot leaf N were attributed to the constant supply of N available in the root zone through daily N fertilization.  相似文献   

苹果叶片再生体系建立研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以乔纳金苹果试管苗叶片为外植体诱导不定芽再生,在培养基中添加不同浓度TDZ与NAA或IAA配合,使用琼脂或Polygel作为固化剂。结果表明,较适宜的叶片再生不定芽的培养基为TDZ 2.0mg/L和NAA 1.0mg/L,或TDZ 2.0mg/L与IAA 4.0mg/L。较适宜的组培固化剂为5.0g/L的Polygel。在不同的组培固化剂中,卡那霉素均能抑制不定芽的发生数量,但琼脂和Polygel效果不同。  相似文献   

The freezing pattern and frost killing temperatures of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) xylem were determined by differential thermal analysis and infrared differential thermal analysis (IDTA). Results from detached or attached twigs in controlled freezing experiments and during natural field freezing of trees were compared. Non-lethal freezing of apoplastic water in apple xylem as monitored during natural winter frosts in the field occurred at -1.9?±?0.4 °C and did not change seasonally. The pattern of whole tree freezing was variable and specific to the environmental conditions. On detached twigs high-temperature freezing exotherms (HTEs) occurred 2.8 K below the temperature observed under natural frosts in the field with a seasonal mean of -4.7?±?0.5 °C. Microporous apple xylem showed freezing without a specific pattern within a few seconds in IDTA images during HTEs, which is in contrast to macroporous xylem where a 2D freezing pattern mirrors anatomical structures. The pith tissue always remained unfrozen. Increasing twig length increased ice nucleation temperature; for increased twig diameter the effect was not significant. In attached twigs frozen in field portable freezing chambers, HTEs were recorded at a similar mean temperature (-4.6?±?1.0 °C) to those for detached twigs. Upon lethal intracellular freezing of apple xylem parenchyma cells (XPCs) low-temperature freezing exotherms (LTEs) can be recorded. Low-temperature freezing exotherms determined on detached twigs varied significantly between a winter minimum of -36.9 °C and a summer maximum -12.7 °C. Within the temperature range wherein LTEs were recorded by IDTA in summer (-12.7?±?0.5 to -20.3?±?1.1 °C) various tiny clearly separated discontinuous freezing events could be detected similar to that in other species with contrasting XPC anatomy. These freezing events appeared to be initially located in the primary and only later in the secondary xylem. During the LTE no freezing events in the bark and central pith tissue were recorded. Attached twigs were exposed to various freezing temperatures at which LTEs occur. Even if 60% of XPCs were frost-damaged twigs were able to recuperate and showed full re-growth indicating a high regeneration capacity even after severe frost damage to XPCs.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of root-zone temperature on bud break, flowering, shoot growth and gas exchange of potted mature apple (Malus domestica (Borkh.)) trees with undisturbed roots. Soil respiration was also determined. Potted 'Braeburn' apple trees on M.9 rootstock were grown for 70 days in a constant day/night temperature regime (25/18 degrees C) and one of three constant root-zone temperatures (7, 15 and 25 degrees C). Both the proportion and timing of bud break were significantly enhanced as root-zone temperature increased. Rate of floral cluster opening was also markedly increased with increasing root-zone temperature. Shoot length increased but shoot girth growth declined as root-zone temperatures increased. Soil respiration and leaf photosynthesis generally increased as root-zone temperatures increased. Results indicate that apple trees growing in regions where root zone temperatures are < or = 15 degrees C have delayed bud break and up to 20% fewer clusters than apple trees exposed to root zone temperatures of > or = 15 degrees C. The effect of root-zone temperature on shoot performance may be mediated through the mobilization of root reserves, although the role of phytohormones cannot be discounted. Variation in leaf photosynthesis across the temperature treatments was inadequately explained by stomatal conductance. Given that root growth increases with increasing temperature, changes in sink activity induced by the root-zone temperature treatments provide a possible explanation for the non-stomatal effect on photosynthesis. Irrespective of underlying mechanisms, root-zone temperatures influence bud break and flowering in apple trees.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations were studied in a mature carob (Ceratonia siliqua L. cv "Mulata") orchard subjected to a 4-year irrigation and fertilization experiment. Three irrigation regimes (0, 50 and 100%), based on the evaporation values obtained from a class A pan, were tested in combination with two nitrogen (N) supply regimes in which 21 kg ha(-1) year(-1) (low-N) and 63 kg ha(-1) year(-1) (high-N) were supplied as ammonium nitrate. Leaf nitrogen concentration increased throughout the experiment, independently of treatments. There were no significant differences in leaf N concentration between trees in the high-N and low-N treatments. Irrigation regimes had no effect on leaf mineral concentration but influenced the amount of leaves shed and slightly modified the pattern of leaf shedding that occurred during the summer drought period. Nutritional balances between N and P and N and K were both closely and significantly correlated. Potassium was translocated from leaves to fruits during spring, independently of treatments. Severe water stress periods occurring during spring or autumn induced shedding of leaves leading to nutrient mobilization. Nutrient retranslocation during these drought periods may represent an adaptive mechanism. Nitrogen retranslocation was higher for trees in the high-N treatments than for trees in the low-N treatments, whereas phosphorus retranslocation was independent of the irrigation and fertilization treatments.  相似文献   

We examined interrelationships among natural vegetation zones, soil redox potential (Eh), and metrics of tree seedling performance (i.e survival, growth, and photosynthesis) for planted Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer saccharinum, Quercus palustris, and Quercus bicolor at two created perched wetlands (two years and five years old) in Michigan, USA. Vegetation zones apparently associated with hydrology were fully developed at both sites. Wetland zones always had lower mean Eh than upland zones, indicating mostly anaerobic and aerobic root environments, respectively. Eh values for transition zones were similar to aerobic upland zones at the five-year-old site, and changed from anaerobic to aerobic conditions over the growing season at the two-year-old site. At the five-year-old site, transition zone trees of all species generally had greater height growth, survival, and were less likely browsed by deer than upland trees. They also had much greater survival and endured shorter periods of anoxia stress than wetland trees. Photosynthesis was positively related to survival and Eh, suggesting that unfavorable carbon balance may help explain low survival in the anoxic wetland zone. Management implications include: (1) vegetation zonation is a good indicator of wetland hydrological factors important to planted tree performance; (2) targeting developed transition vegetation zones for tree planting could increase the success and efficiency of efforts to create forested wetlands; and (3) transition zones extended over only a 9.3 cm vertical elevation gradient, indicating the importance of precise grading when creating perched forested wetlands.  相似文献   

Growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings through three growing seasons after planting increased with intensity of herbaceous weed control using herbicides. Weed control had no effect on pine survival. Two years of complete herbaceous weed control (CHC, control throughout the first two growing seasons after planting) and operational herbaceous weed control (OHC, sulfometuron at 0.42 kg ai/ha at the beginning of the first growing season), resulted in lower biomass of weeds plus trees than with no herbaceous weed control (NHC) during the first growing season. Differences in total biomass during the first year were due to differences in biomass of herbaceous weeds. Total biomass on CHC and OHC plots was at least as great as NHC the second year, and greater by the third year, as pines assumed dominance as a result of increased growth from reduction of herbaceous weeds. The operational herbicide treatment had no significant impact on overall herbaceous weed biomass and cover, and little effect on species composition compared to no herbaceous weed control two and three growing seasons after treatment. The CHC treatment significantly reduced herbaceous weed biomass, cover and composition through three growing seasons.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hypothesis that in a pine plantation competition from naturally regenerated acacia trees can be controlled so that the benefits to the pine trees of nitrogen supply from the acacias could outweight their competing effects.Two herbicide experiments in Pinus radiata in eastern Victoria (Experiments A and B) and one in Pinus elliottii in south eastern Queensland (Experiment C) containing a range of densities of acacia stems and pine volume were used to test this hypothesis. In all three experiments no growth benefit to pine was found at any density of acacia stems. Hexazinone weedicide decreased acacia stems to the benefit of pine growth so that pine growth was negatively correlated with the density of acacia stems (Experiment A, r = ?0.801; Experiment B, r = ?0.712; Experiment C, r = ?0.913).Soil nitrogen concentrations examined in one experiment (A) increased in proportion to the number of acacia stems, but no growth response in P. radiata was found. A multiple correlation of acacia stems (x1) and weedicide rates (x2) explained 67% of the variance in soil nitrogen concentrations (y). If the increase in soil nitrogen is attributed to symbiotic N2-fixation, the annual rate of N2-fixation at a stocking of 4000 acacia stems per ha is 32 kg ha?1.The hypothesis was not proven in as much as for the range of species and sites investigated, all denstities of naturally regenerated acacia stems adversely depressed pine volume growth.  相似文献   

Bench-grafted 'Fuji/M.26' apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees received a constant nitrogen (N) supply (10.7 mM) from bud break to the end of June, and were then fertigated with 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 mM N in a modified Hoagland's solution for 2 months during the summer. In mid-October, half of the trees fertigated at each N concentration were sprayed twice with 3% urea, whereas the remaining trees served as controls. All trees were harvested after natural leaf fall and were stored at 2 degrees C. Five trees from each of the N treatment combinations were destructively sampled during dormancy to determine the composition of N and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC). As the N supply from fertigation increased, amounts of N in both free amino acids and proteins increased, whereas C/N ratios decreased. Foliar urea applications in the fall significantly increased amounts of N in both free amino acids and proteins, but decreased their C/N ratios. Arginine, the most abundant amino acid in both free amino acids and in proteins, accounted for an increasing proportion of N in free amino acids and proteins with increasing N supply from fertigation or foliar urea application. The ratio of protein N to free amino acid N decreased from about 27.1 to 3.2 as N supply from fertigation increased from 0 to 20 mM, and decreased further to 3.0 in response to foliar urea applications in the fall. Concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose and TNC decreased as the N supply from fertigation increased, whereas concentrations of sorbitol and starch remained relatively unchanged. Foliar urea applications decreased the concentration of each TNC component and the TNC concentration in each N fertigation treatment. A negative linear relationship was found between carbon in TNC and N in proteins and free amino acids. The sum of carbon in TNC, proteins and free amino acids remained constant in response to N supply from fertigation. However, foliar urea applications decreased the sum of carbon in proteins, free amino acids and TNC because about 21% of the decrease in TNC carbon was not recovered in free amino acids or proteins. Young apple trees store N and carbon dynamically in response to N supply. As N supply increases, an increasing proportion of N is found in the form of free amino acids, which have a low carbon cost, although proteins remain the main form of N storage. Furthermore, part of the carbon from TNC is incorporated into amino acids and proteins, decreasing the carbon stored as TNC and increasing the carbon stored as amino acids and proteins.  相似文献   

通过分析苹果开花期年际变化特征及气象条件对苹果花期的影响,证明初春温度是影响苹果开花期早晚的主要气象因子。3月至4月上旬≥0℃积温每增加或减少10℃,开花期提早或推迟1 d;3月下旬至4月上旬平均最高气温每偏高或偏低0.5℃,开花期提早或推迟1 d;根据初春气象条件,准确预报苹果开花期,为做好果园田间管理,有效防御霜冻灾害提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The presence of trees in fields may help overcome the physiological stress that happens to late sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in subtropical India. Wheat was planted in an agroforestry system with Eucalyptus tereticornis trees on 7 January 1998 in a fan design that provided different combinations of tree row spacing and orientations. Crop profile microclimatic conditions and the resulting growth responses of the intercropped wheat were studied to explore the potential of agroforestry systems to influence late sown wheat yields under different tree row spacing and orientations. Agroforestry treatments exhibited a potential to optimize the microclimatic conditions for seedling emergence, tillering and earhead emergence at some tree row orientations and distances from the crop. The net radiation distribution at three stages of crop growth indicated that the radiation availability was lower in all the agroforestry treatments than for the sole crop. The tree row orientation and distance influence the growth behavior of the crop but the effect of sun angle (which changes with season) can change their influence over time. The deterioration or amelioration of microclimatic conditions in agroforestry with the passage of time should be expected because of altered interaction patterns between sunrays and tree canopy resulting from changing solar elevation and angle of sunrays. Statistically similar harvest indices in all the treatments despite lower total biological yields in agroforestry treatments revealed that microclimatic conditions under agroforestry were more favorable for wheat growth attributed to reduction in heat load during the post anthesis period. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

【目的】为了阐明我国西南高海拔区域苹果光合作用对光强度和CO_2浓度变化的响应机制,为后续深入开展该区域苹果光合特性研究提供参考,筛选适合该区域苹果光合-光响应和光合-CO_2响应的模型。【方法】以‘黔选2号’‘黔选3号’‘嘎拉’‘蜜脆’‘红星’5个品种苹果叶片为试材,进行光合-光响应和光合-CO_2响应的测定,并利用直角双曲线模型、非直角双曲线模型、指数方程模型和直角双曲线修正模型进行光合-光响应曲线的拟合,运用直角双曲线模型、Michaelis-Menten模型(M-M模型)、直角双曲线修正模型进行光合-CO_2响应曲线拟合。【结果】光合-光响应中,气孔导度的变化影响蒸腾速率的变化,5个品种苹果叶片的光合速率均对强光有较好的适应性,在其他影响因子相同的情况下,CO_2浓度可能是生产中的实际限制因子。光合-CO_2响应中,5个品种苹果叶片气孔导度与蒸腾速率表现为同步变化,但气孔导度的变化并未影响胞间CO_2浓度的值,胞间CO_2浓度的值呈线性增加。在CO_2浓度满足光合作用底物消耗的情况下,光合有效辐射是苹果叶片发挥光合能力的主要限制因子。【结论】在拟合不同品种苹果叶片光合-光响应曲线和光合-CO_2响应曲线的模型中,直角双曲线修正模型拟合效果均表现最好。  相似文献   

2009—2010年对拉萨半干旱河谷地带新植林采用堵洞与夹日法进行了鼠(兔)种类和密度调查,结果表明鼠(兔)种类有黑唇鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson和白尾松田鼠Pitymys leucurusBlyth,在新植林地洞口密度为905.07洞/hm2,有效洞口率是31.66%,有效洞口系数为0.18,鼠(兔)密度为50.64只/hm2。饲养和实地监测发现,两种鼠(兔)对新植林地的金丝垂柳、白榆、藏青杨、北京杨4种树的危害株率均在25%以上。选用P-1拒避剂、0.2%莪术醇抗生育剂和克鼠星1号杀鼠剂单独、交叉施药进行防治实验,结果表明单独施用克鼠星杀鼠剂的效果是暂时的,单独施用拒避剂和莪术醇抗生育剂的效果是缓慢的,同时混合施用3种药剂18个月后捕鼠(免)率、有效洞数、植株受害率分别下降了90%,81.23%,85%,效果较持久。  相似文献   

Cheng L  Fuchigami LH 《Tree physiology》2002,22(18):1297-1303
Bench-grafted Fuji/M.26 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees were fertilized with a nutrient solution (fertigation) containing 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 or 20 mM nitrogen (N) in a modified Hoagland's solution from June 30 to September 1. In mid-October, half of the trees in each N treatment were sprayed twice with 3% urea, 1 week apart. The remaining trees served as controls. All trees were harvested after leaf fall and stored at 2 degrees C over winter. One group of trees from each treatment was destructively sampled before bud break to determine amounts of reserve N and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC); the remaining trees were transplanted to N-free medium in the spring. These trees were supplied with Hoagland's solution with or without 10 mM N (from 15N-depleted NH4NO3) for 60 days, starting from bud break. With increasing N supply from fertigation, tree N concentration increased, whereas TNC concentration decreased. Foliar urea applications increased tree N concentration and decreased TNC concentration in each N fertigation treatment. There was a negative linear relationship between tree N concentration and TNC concentration. Irrespective of whether N was provided the following spring, trees with high N reserves but low carbohydrate reserves produced a larger total leaf area at the end of the regrowth period than trees with low N reserves but high carbohydrate reserves. The pooled data on reserve N used for new growth showed that, regardless of the spring N supply, there was a linear relationship between total N accumulated in the tree during the previous season and the amount of reserve N remobilized for new shoot and leaf growth. About 50% of tree N content was remobilized to support new shoot and leaf growth over the range of tree N status examined. We conclude that the initial growth of young apple trees in the spring is determined mainly by reserve N, not reserve carbohydrates. The amount of reserve N remobilized for new growth in spring was proportional to tree N status and was unaffected by current N supply.  相似文献   

Five soil treatments in a 4-year-old clearcut in southern Sweden affected biomass increase and net nitrogen uptake by planted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings through their on net mineralisation and root growth. The patch soil treatments studied were: (i) soil inversion in an old clearcut; (ii) mineral soil from the clearcut remaining, (iii) mineral soil from the clearcut with fertiliser application during the first season; (iv) mineral soil from a nearby uncut forest replacing the clearcut mineral soil; and (v) an untreated control. Growth increased in seedlings in treatments (i) and (iii), but growth in soil treatments with humus removal was not better than that of seedlings in untreated soil. High N uptake early in the first growing season resulted in increased growth during this season in contrast to late N uptake that resulted in a high N concentration in the seedlings after the first growing season. This in turn led to a high growth rate during the next growing season. Generally, both root growth and net N mineralisation were positively correlated to N uptake in the soil treatments. Therefore, a combination of low net N mineralisation and poor root growth as a result of high soil density appears to explain the low N uptake in seedlings in undisturbed soil. The importance of competition with field vegetation for N and water was not clear. Net mineralisation was larger in soil treatments where the humus layer was retained than where it was removed. Net N mineralisation in soil from old clearcuts was the same as in soil from fresh clearcuts.  相似文献   

Shoot development was studied for two consecutive years in peach trees fertilized with N either in the previous fall or in the middle of the growing season. During the first year, two additional treatments were studied: no N supply and nitrate supplied in the irrigation water throughout the growing season. The number of shoots that developed depended on nitrogen availability in the period following bud break. During shoot development, leaf emergence occurred in one, two, or three stages, which ended at about 500 to 600 degree days, 1,000 to 1,200 degree days, and 1,500 to 2,000 degree days after bloom, respectively. The proportion of shoots exhibiting a second or third developmental stage depended on nitrogen availability at the beginning of that stage. Increasing nitrogen availability during a developmental stage prolonged the stage and increased the number of leaves produced.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient colorimetric method based on the use of Fast Blue B-salt (FBB) was established to select catechin-rich tea trees (Camellia sinensis L.). The catechin levels measured by the colorimetric method under optimized reaction conditions correlated closely with estimations by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The FBB colorimetric method was successfully used to classify 160 tea trees on the basis of their catechin contents into rich and poor lines. HPLC analysis of the FBB-selected tea tree extracts showed them to contain (−)-epigallocatechin 186 mg/g in tea tree line HR-29, (−)-epicatechin 43.7 mg/g in HR-82, (−)-epigallocatechin gallate 4.32 mg/g in HR-29, and (−)-epicatechin gallate 0.22 mg/g in HR-52. Classification of tea trees from the Hadong region into catechin-rich and -poor trees was independent of the growing season. Thus the FBB colorimetric method could find application as a reliable tool in screening and selection of tea trees on the basis of their catechin content.  相似文献   

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