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A crown, root and fruit rot of squash (Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata) has been observed in eastern provinces of Spain over the past 4 years. Isolations from the crown of symptomatic plants and fruits yielded primarily a Fusarium solani that was identified as F. solani f. sp. cucurbitae race 1 on the basis of pathogenicity tests and disease symptoms in the field. In Spain, more than 90% of watermelon plants are grafted, using different Cucurbita hybrids (C. maxima × C. moschata) as rootstocks. In 1998, some grafted watermelon plants were first found to be affected by F. s. cucurbitae race 1. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity of this fungus on several rootstocks commonly used for grafting watermelon (Brava, Titan, Shintoza, RS‐841, TZ‐148 and TW‐1) in order to prevent a possible spread of this fungus that could cause serious economic losses in watermelon production. None of them proved to be resistant.  相似文献   

Mutants ofNectria haematococca var.cucurbitae with high resistance to triadimenol could be isolated at high frequency. Resistance of 30 such mutants studied, was due to a mutation at thetri-1 locus, that maps in linkage group I, 10 cross-over units from the mating type locus. Thetri-1 mutation has no obvious effects on growth and sporulation on media without fungicide and on virulence for squash seedlings and mature fruit. In addition, a resistant mutant killed all of artificially inoculated seedlings in the presence of triadimenol at a concentration which gave 100% protection against the original wild type strain. Thetri-1 mutants were crossresistant at various levels to triadimefon, bitertanol, and propiconazol, but not to non-triazole SBIs. Their sensitivity to three imidazole derivatives was even higher than that of the wild type strains. This is believed to be the first report of a major gene for resistance to an SBI fungicide.Isolatie vanNectria haematococca var.cucurbitae mutanten met een hoog niveau van resistentie tegen triadimenol bleek zeer gemakkelijk. Uit genetische analyse van 30 van deze mutanten bleek dat in alle een mutatie voorkwam in de tri-1 locus die kon worden gelokaliseerd op koppelingsgroep I, 10 overkruisingseenheden verwijderd van de mating-type locus. Detri-1 mutatie had geen waarneembare effecten op groei en sporulering van de schimmel op fungicide-vrij medium en op pathogeniteit ten aanzien van zaailingen en rijpe vruchten van pompoen.Triadimenol-behandeling van zaailingen bleek aantasting door de resistente mutant niet te kunnen voorkomen, terwijl behandeling wel effectief bleek tegen de ouderstam.  相似文献   

应用荧光定量PCR和稀释分离法检测了枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis和木霉菌Trichoderma spp.与茄病镰刀菌Fusariumsolani f.sp.cucurbitae在黄瓜根际动态变化及其对黄瓜根腐病的防治效果。结果表明,施用500×木霉菌肥、100×枯草芽孢杆菌7d后对黄瓜根腐病的防效分别为100%和92.5%,14和28d的防效分别为96.71%、86.76%和85.35%、79.24%;100×枯草芽孢杆菌初始拷贝数为130787 copys/μL,7d内枯草芽孢杆菌拷贝数下降到51161 copys/μL,14和28d时数量开始上升到295139和680556 copys/μL。木霉菌肥的变化趋势与枯草芽孢杆菌相同;用枯草芽孢杆菌和木霉菌肥防治黄瓜根腐病后,茄病镰刀菌变化趋势一致,初始拷贝数分别为2.61和15.34 copys/μL,7d内茄病镰刀菌DNA拷贝数增加明显,100×枯草芽孢杆菌和木霉菌DNA拷贝数分别为11.22和20.9 8copys/μL,之后茄病镰刀菌数量保持平稳。经过稀释分离法分离2种生防菌和茄病镰刀菌的数量,变化趋势与荧光定量PCR检测趋势相似。因此使生防菌快速定殖是提高其对土传病害防治效果的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Populations ofFusarium solani f.sp.cucurbitae (Fsc) andFusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum (Fon) in naturally infested soil of watermelon fields were counted by the soil dilution method with subsequent pathogenicity tests. Inoculum density varied within the same region from one field to another, ranging between 9 and 1600 CFU g?1 soil forFsc and from 0 to 200 CFU g?1 soil forFon. Fusarium crown- and root-rot-diseased seedlings were observed in most soils (93%); however, Fusarium wilt was observed in only 34% of soil samples. The disease incidence on cv. ‘Giza’ (Y) increased significantly with inoculum density in the soil (X) (P<0.001). ForFsc, the relationship between inoculum density and disease incidence was characterized by the equation Y=0.0005X+0.165 (R2=0.67). ForFon, the equation was Y=0.003X?0.0014 (R2=0.88). Based on these equations, the estimated inoculum densities required to cause 50% disease incidence (DI50) on cv. Giza plants was 670 and 171 CFU g?1 soil forFsc andFon, respectively.  相似文献   

The response of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars toFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi (F.o.d.) was evaluated in an artificially infested field from 1988/9 to 1991/2. Disease incidence was highly correlated with disease severity, indicating that disease incidence may be used to estimate the impact ofF.o.d. on the host. Based on the results, the following stepwise procedure was developed for characterizing the response of carnation cultivars toF.o.d. First, the general response of the tested cultivar was classified as resistant or susceptible on the basis of disease incidence values recorded 180 days after planting. Empirical analysis of the data revealed that a disease incidence level of 75% may be taken as a reliable cut-off point for separation of cultivars into the two groups. Within each group, cultivars were then subjected to a more explicit classification: in the resistant group the records of actual disease incidence were used for classification, while in the susceptible group the linear rearrangement of the disease progress curve was calculated according to the Gompertz function, and the value of the intercept was used for classification.Contribution No. 3539-E series, from the Agricultural Research Organization.  相似文献   

Fusarium corm rot of saffron (Crocus sativus L.), incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, causes severe yield losses in Italy. Major symptoms during flowering (October–November) include yellowing and wilting of shoots, basal stem rot and corm rot. Sixty-four isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli, obtained from infected saffron crops located in Italy (Abruzzi, Tuscany and Umbria) and in Spain, were characterized by pathogenicity and vegetative compatibility. Chlorate-resistant, nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants were used to determine vegetative compatibility among the isolates of the pathogen with the aim of examining the genetic relatedness among populations from different locations. All the isolates belonged to vegetative compatibility group 0340. Since saffron shares susceptibility to F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli with other ornamental plants of the Iridaceae (Crocus, Gladiolus, Iris and Ixia), it is likely that a clone of the pathogen (VCG 0340) was introduced with other hosts and is responsible for the disease outbreak observed on saffron in Italy. Alternatively, or additionally, the clone of F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli causing disease on saffron in other countries may have spread to the saffron fields in Italy through the import and dispersal of infested propagation material.  相似文献   

Potential antagonists ofFusarium solani f. sp.pisi (Fsp) were selected from soil samples with varying degrees of receptivity to this pathogen. They were tested against Fsp isolate 48 (Fs48), in increasingly complex systems. Most species testedin vitro were able to antagonize Fs48. No relation could be establishedin vitro between the receptivity of the soil from which an isolate originated and its antagonism to Fs48. In soils naturally infested with pea root rot pathogens, which were stored humid at 4°C for a period longer than a year, various isolates ofFusarium, Gliocladium andPenicillium spp. were able to reduce root rot. After sterilization of these soils, onlyGliocladium roseum isolates, added at 105 conidia g–1 dry soil, significantly reduced disease severity and prevented root weight losses caused by Fs48 at 104 conidia g–1 dry soil. In soils in which the biota were activated by growing peas before the assays, doses of 106 and 107 ofG. roseum were required to reduce root rot. In these soils, the antagonistic effects of fluorescent pseudomonad strains from soil of low receptivity to Fsp were variable. Some strains of fluorescent pseudomonads, from soil moderately receptive to Fsp and from highly infested soils, were also able to reduce root rot. Disease suppression by pseudomonad strains was more evident in the absence than in the presence ofAphanomyces euteiches in the root rot pathogen complex. The role of receptiveness of the soil with regard to potential antagonists is discussed.  相似文献   

Virulence (≡ severity of disease) and physiological specialization of nine isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli recovered in El Barco de Avila (Castilla y León, west-central Spain) and of two isolates from Chryssoupolis (Greece) were determined. The susceptibility/resistance response showed by a differential set of common bean cultivars ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) selected at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) delineated the isolates into two new races: races 6 and 7. The results of pathogenicity tests did not show any significant differences in virulence among the isolates. However, the reactions of several Spanish common bean cultivars indicated the presence of two groups of isolates, highly virulent and weakly virulent, among the Spanish isolates analysed. These results indicate that isolates classified in the same race are not homogeneous with respect to virulence, and suggests that race analysis using the CIAT differential cultivars is insufficient to describe the physiological specialization of F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli .  相似文献   

By random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of the representative isolates of each race of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, RAPD fragments of 0.6, 1.6, and 2.9kb were obtained. The 0.6-kb RAPD fragment was common to the representative isolates of all three races. Amplification of the 1.6- and 2.9-kb fragments were unique to the isolates of races 1 and 2, respectively. Sequence tagged site (STS) marker FLA0001, FLA0101, and FLA0201 were generated from the 0.6-, 1.6-, and 2.9-kb RAPD fragments, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showed that FLA0001 was common to all 49 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae. FLA0101 was specifically generated from all 23 isolates of race 1 but not from races 2 or 3. FLA0201 was specifically amplified from all 12 isolates of race 2 but not from races 1 or 3. In two isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucum, PCR amplified FLA0001 and FLA0101 but not FLA0201. On the other hand, these STS markers were not detected from isolates of five other formae speciales. Because these STS markers were not generated from isolates of other plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria, or plant materials examined in this study, PCR analysis combined with the three STS markers should be a useful means for rapid identification of races of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae.  相似文献   

Root inoculation of susceptible carnations withFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi induced characteristic unilateral wilt only if root woundings and use of a microconidial suspension had not been combined at the time of inoculation. The combination, however, induced atypical and sudden stem breaking soon followed by death. In all cases wilt was due to destruction of the xylem. Unilateral wilt appeared to follow sparse natural infection of single roots. Stem breaking was due to destruction of the vascular tissues all around the stem and is ascribed to multilateral infection caused by translocation of microconidia at inoculation through several wounded roots directly into the stem.Microconidia were carried passively 5–10(–10) cm into stems of susceptible and resistant carnations within 24 h both after immersing cut ends of the roots in a conidial suspension and after pouring a suspension on the soil. Passive spore transport is an inoculation artefact which may severely affect interpretation of experimental results; it seems to be unimportant in natural Fusarium wilt development in carnation.Samenvatting Inoculatie van de wortels van vatbare anjers metFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi veroorzaakte de kenmerkende eenzijdige verwelking alleen als wortelbeschadigingen bij de inoculatie niet werden gecombineerd met het gebruik van een suspensie van microconidiën. Die combinatie veroorzaakte namelijk afwijkende symptomen waarbij de planten plotseling omknakten en vervolgens snel afstierven. De verwelking leek in alle gevallen veroorzaakt te worden door afbraak van het xyleem. Eenzijdige verwelking leek te volgen op spaarzame natuurlijke wortelinfecties. Bij omgeknakte planten bleek het vaatweefsel rondom in de stengel aangetast te zijn, hetgeen toegeschreven wordt aan infectie van verschillende kanten van de stengel als gevolg van passief transport van microconidiën bij de inoculatie door verscheidene beschadigde wortels direct de stengel in.Microconidiën werden binnen 24 uur 5–10(–30) cm de stengels van vatbare en resistente anjers ingezogen wanneer de wortels afgesneden en met het uiteinde in een sporensuspensie gehangen werden, maar ook wanneer de suspensie op de grond gegoten werd. Passief transport van sporen is een inoculatie-artefact dat echter belangrijke consequenties kan hebben voor de interpretatie van de resultaten van proeven. Bij de natuurlijke verspreiding vanF. oxysporum in anjers lijkt passief sporentransport van weinig belang.  相似文献   

Susceptible interactions of Early Sam carnations with races 1,2,4, and 8 ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi differed in pathogenesis, both after stem and after root inoculation. Race 1 induced pallescence and withering of leaves. Affected vascular tissue had a uniform pallid to pale brown colour; though heavily colonized, it was not or virtually not degraded. Defence reactions developed only slowly. Race 2 induced yellowing, of the midribs in particular, and withering of leaves. Affected vascular tissue was white with dark brown margins. Colonized tissue was degraded to leave vascular cavities. At lower heights of colonization, many defence reactions developed, which sometimes resulted in localization of the pathogen. Race 4 induced a similar pathogenesis as race 2, except for less intensive defence reactions. Race 8 induced midrib lesions on, and pallescence, withering and necrosis of leaves. Affected vascular tissue had a uniform light brown colour. Degradation of colonized vascular tissues was rare; instead, many defence reactions were observed, even at high heights in the plants.Races 1, 2 and 4 ofF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi did not induce disease symptoms in Novada carnations, known to be highly resistant to race 2. Stem-inoculated plants localized the infection close to the inoculation site; stems of root-inoculated plants remained unaffected. The localization response also occurred in Early Sam and Novada carnations stem-inoculated withF. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici.Samenvatting Tussen interacties van Early Sam-anjers met fysio's 1, 2, 4 en 8 vanF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi werden verschillen in ziekteontwikkeling gevonden na wortel-zowel als stengelinoculatie. Fysio 1 gaf verbleking en verdroging van de bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was gelijkmatig vaal of lichtbruin van kleur, en werd hevig gekoloniseerd, maar vrijwel niet afgebroken. Afweerreacties kwamen slechts traag op gang. Fysio 2 gaf vergeling, in het bijzonder van de hoofdnerven, en verdroging van de bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was wit met donkerbruine randen. Gekoloniseerd weefsel werd afgebroken, hetgeen leidde tot de vorming van holten in het vaatweefsel. In de lagere gekoloniseerde delen traden veel afweerreacties op, hetgeen soms lokalisatie van het pathogeen tot gevolg had. Fysio 4 gaf eenzelfde ziekteontwikkeling als fysio 2, maar minder afweerreacties. Fysio 8 gaf lesies bij de hoofdnerven, en verbleking, verdroging en necrose van bladeren. Aangetast vaatweefsel was gelijkmatig lichtbruin van kleur. Afbraak van gekoloniseerd vaatweefsel werd zelden waargenomen; veel afweerreacties vergezelden de kolonisatie tot hoog in de stengel.Inoculatie van Novada anjers met fysio's 1,2 en 4 vanF. oxysporum f. sp.dianthi had geen ziektesymptomen tot gevolg. Via de stengel geïnoculeerde planten lokaliseerden de infectie ter hoogte van het inoculatiepunt; de stengels van via de wortels geïnoculeerde planten waren onaangetast. De lokalisatiereactie trad ook op in Early Sam en Novada anjers na inoculatie via de stengel metf. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici.  相似文献   

Two Fusarium species, F. oxysporum f.sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum, are known to be involved in the root and crown rot complex of asparagus. We have investigated reports on the involvement of F. redolens, a third species, which until recently was considered conspecific with F. oxysporum because of morphological similarities. RFLP analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region and AFLP fingerprinting identified eight strains from asparagus unambiguously as F. redolens. Four of these were tested and found to be pathogenic to asparagus either in this study (two strains) or in a previous one in which they were classified as F. oxysporum (three strains). Disease symptoms and disease development were the same as with F. oxysporum f.sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum. Present data and literature reports identify F. redolens as a host-specific pathogen involved in root, crown and spear rot of asparagus. The pathogen is formally classified as F. redolens Wollenw. f.sp. asparagi Baayen.  相似文献   

Differentin vivo resistance/susceptibility levels of 14 carnation cultivars toFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi race 2, the causal agent of Fusarium wilt disease of carnation, were also expressed in anin vitro system and assayed as the degree of fungal colonization of callus cultures at 20° C. Temperature influenced thein vitro expression of carnation resistance. An incubation temperature of 27° C increased the colonization of calli derived from both the susceptible (‘Corrida’ and ‘Ambra’) and the resistant (‘Pulcino’ and ‘Pallas’) cultivars. At 15°C, the colonization of calli derived from Pulcino and Pallas diminished significantly more than for Ambra and Corrida. Inhibition of fungal growth on resistant calli was correlated to retardation in hyphal development. Both scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy observations showed that hyphae did not penetrate into carnation cells.  相似文献   

Reduction of chlamydospore formation and of lysis of macroconidial cells ofF. solani f.cucurbitae comparable to that found in chitin-amended soil was obtained with additions of NH4Cl or KNO3 to soil. NH4-nitrogen and NO3-nitrogen levels in these soils were kept comparable to those detected in chitin-amended soil. Combined addition of NH4Cl and KNO3 was most effective. Reduction of chlamydospore formation or macroconidial lysis in nitrogen-amended soils was not correlated with an increase or decrease in germination of macroconidia.Samenvatting Na toedienen van chitine aan grond (1 g/100 g grond) werden de concentraties van met water uit grond extraheerbaar NH4- en NO3-stikstof bepaald over een periode van twee maanden (Fig. 1). Indien door het toedienen van anorganische zouten concentraties van NH4- en NO3-stikstof werden verkregen, vergelijkbaar met die in chitinerijke grond, dan werd de vorming van chlamydosporen uit macroconidiën vanFusarium solani f.cucurbitae in een zelfde mate geremd als in chitinerijke grond (Fig. 2., Tabel 1). Evenals in de chitinerijke grond, werd ook de volledige afbraak van macroconidiën geremd, waardoor ongelyseerde, doch vooral gedeeltelijk gelyseerde, veelal tweecellige structuren van kiemkrachtige macroconidiën in de grond aanwezig bleven. De concentratie van anorganisch stikstof blijkt dus van invloed te zijn op vorming van chlamydosporen uit macroconidiën en op de afbraak van macroconidiën.Het effect van toedienen van NH4-N komt het meest overeen met het effect van toediening van chitine aan grond op lysis en chlamydosporenvorming.Gecombineerde toediening van NH4Cl en KNO3 remde de chlamydosporenvorming en lysis van macroconidiën het sterkst. Indien de macroconidiën na 4 tot 7 weken tenslotte geheel verdwijnen, zoals in chitinerijke grond werd geconstateerd (Schippers en de Weyer, 1972), zal de gecombineerde toediening van NH4Cl en KNO3 tot een aanzienlijke vermindering van de concentratie van het pathogeen in grond leiden.In een vorige publikatie werd verondersteld, dat de vermindering van chlamydosporenvorming en van lysis van macroconidiën in chitinerijke grond het gevolg zou kunnen zijn van kiemremming (Schippers en de Weyer, 1972). Deze kiemremming zou voortvloeien uit het vastleggen van eenvoudige C-verbindingen, die voor de kieming in grond vereist zijn. Het vastleggen van eenvoudige C-verbindingen is het gevolg van de door de verhoogde N-concentratie toegenomen microbiologische activiteit.Met enkele oriënterende experimenten kon echter geen duidelijk verband tussen chlamydosporenvorming of lysis van macroconidiën en kieming van macroconidiën worden aangetoond. (Tabel 2).  相似文献   

Simple diagnosis by ethanol immersion (SDEI) to detect Glomerella cingulata was used to detect three other fungi that also cause latent infection of strawberry plants. Signs on strawberry leaves with asymptomatic latent infection by Colletotrichum acutatum became visible using SDEI. Salmon-pink conidial masses were produced in the acervuli on the treated leaves 5 days after incubation at 28°C. In the case of Dendrophoma obscurans, pycnidia with amber conidial masses formed 5 days after incubation at 28°C. The pycnidia were observed mainly on the ribs, and conidial masses exuded from the ostiole. These macroscopic conidial masses were similar to those of G. cingulata and C. acutatum. When water was dripped onto a lesion caused by D. obscurans, the pycnidia exuded white filamentous conidial masses, making the distinction of D. obscurans from G. cingulata or C. acutatum. On petioles with latent infection by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae, white aerial hyphae grew out from the vascular tissues on the cut surface 3 days after incubation at 28°C and were easily observed by eye or with a loupe. Thus, SDEI was also useful for diagnosing latent infection of strawberry plants by C. acutatum, D. obscurans, and F. oxysporum f. sp. fragariae.  相似文献   

Adzuki bean cultivar Acc259, which is resistant to races 1 and 2 of Phialophora gregata f. sp. adzukicola, was used as a breeding resource for resistance to brown stem rot (BSR). During the third year after two successive cultivations of Acc259, a severe outbreak of BSR occurred in an experimental plot at the Tokachi Agricultural Experiment Station, Hokkaido, Japan. The isolates obtained from diseased plants were virulent to Erimo-shozu (susceptible to all races) and Acc259 but avirulent to Kita-no-otome (resistant to race 1 but susceptible to race 2). The existence of a new race of P. gregata f. sp. adzukicola, designated race 3, was determined; and its frequency in the plot soil was shown to increase from 16.7% before planting Acc259 to 100% after the third year. Of 140 isolates from the commercial production area that were formerly identified as race 1, 13 were actually race 3 and were restricted to certain limited fields.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱-火焰光度检测器 (GC-FPD) 测定了马拉硫磷在西葫芦中的残留量,根据2016年湖南、山东、北京、安徽、山西和黑龙江6地马拉硫磷在西葫芦中的规范性残留试验,对中国各类人群和不同作物中的马拉硫磷进行了膳食风险评估。样品用乙腈提取,丙酮置换乙腈后,GC-FPD检测。结果表明:在0.02~8.0 mg/kg添加水平下,马拉硫磷在西葫芦中的回收率在88%~109%之间,相对标准偏差 (RSD) 为5%,定量限 (LOQ) 为0.02 mg/kg。湖南和山东的消解动态试验结果显示,马拉硫磷的半衰期为2.74~4.65 d,属于易降解农药;6地的最终残留试验结果表明,距最后一次施药3、5、7 d后,西葫芦中马拉硫磷的最终残留量在 < 0.02~0.049 mg/kg之间。针对西葫芦的膳食风险评估结果显示,中国各类人群对马拉硫磷的国家估计每日摄入量 (NEDI) 为0.115~0.207 μg/(kg bw·d),风险商值 (RQ) 为0.000 4~0.000 7;全膳食暴露风险评估结果显示,马拉硫磷在各类食物中的NEDI值为82.251 μg/(kg bw·d),RQ值为0.275 1,表明马拉硫磷在西葫芦中的长期膳食摄入风险较低。推荐中国马拉硫磷在西葫芦上的最大残留限量值 (MRL) 为0.1 mg/kg,可确保中国西葫芦的食用安全性。  相似文献   

Ocimum (Lamiaceae) is an important plant genus, with many species used for food flavorings and for essential oils. Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. basilici, FOB) is the most important disease of basil (O. basilicum L.). Twenty-five accessions of O. basilicum, five of O. americanum and two of O. campechianum were initially evaluated for resistance to one FOB isolate (named as FOB-1). Eight accessions (identified as resistant to FOB-1) and one susceptible control were reevaluated to FOB-1 and four other FOB isolates of distinct geographic origins. The FOB isolates varied in aggressiveness and interacted differentially with the Ocimum accessions. Two accessions of O. americanum, one of O. campechianum, and one of O. basilicum had high levels of resistance to all five FOB isolates. The Ocimum germplasm identified here could represent useful sources of resistance genes for developing cultivars with wide-spectrum resistance (i.e., effective against a broad range of FOB isolates). In addition, having a set of potential differential accessions might be useful for large-scale analysis of FOB isolates to demonstrate the presence of physiological races in the Ocimum–FOB pathosystem.  相似文献   

Isolates ofFusarium oxysporum from wilted muskmelons, watermelons, cucumbers and from the muskmelon rootstockBenincasa hispida were screened for pathogenicity on seedlings and adult plants of these crops and related species. In seedling tests the isolates were not typically species-specific, contrary to what might be expected as an implication of their characterization as forma specialis. They often attacked species of several genera of plants, but not beyond the family of theCucurbitaceae. In the adult stage, plants were much more exclusively attacked by their corresponding formae speciales, but essential exceptions occurred. Isolates from cucumber were highly pathogenic to muskmelons, in the adulstage even causing more wilt of the latter than of cucumber.Comparing the results of these experiments with data from the literature, it is argued that the proposed f.sp.cucurbitacearum, embracing all formae speciales which specialize on plants within the family of theCucurbitaceae, would best fit in with the present state of knowledge. A proposition is given for equivalence of old and new classifications of isolates.Samenvatting Isolaten vanFusarium oxysporum uit verwelkte meloenen, watermeloenen, komkommers en uit de meloene-onderstamBenincasa hispida werden getoetst op pathogeniteit voor zaailingen en volwassen planten van deze gewassen en verwante soorten. In zaailingtoetsen waren de isolaten weinig soort-specifiek, in tegenstelling tot wat mocht worden afgeleid uit hun karakterisering als forma specialis. Zij tastten vaak soorten uit verschillende geslachten aan, maar niet buiten de grenzen van de familie derCucurbitaceae. in het volwassen stadium waren de interacties veel specifieker en werden planten slechts aangetast door de bijbehorende formae speciales. Enkele essentiële uitzonderingen kwamen echter voor. Isolaten van komkommer waren zeer pathogeen voor meloen. In het volwassen stadium veroorzaakten zij zelfs sterkere verwelking van meloen dan van komkommer.Vergelijking van de resultaten van deze proeven met gegevens uit de literatuur leidt tot de conclusie dat de voorgestelde f.sp.cucurbitacearum, die alle formae speciales met specialisatie opCucurbitaceae omvat, het best overeenkomt met de huidige stand van kennis. Een voorstet wordt gedaan ter vervanging van de oude classificatie van isolaten door corresponderende nieuwe aanduidingen.  相似文献   

Four carnation cultivars, Novada (resistant to races 1 and 2 ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi), Elsy (susceptible to race 1), Lena (susceptible to race 2) and Sam's Pride (susceptible to both races), were selfed and crossed. When three months old, the seedlings were inoculated via the roots or via the stems, after which wilting was recorded weekly according to a 5-point ordinal scale.Analyses were carried out on the proportions of diseased plants. For race 1 variation between the progenies could be described by means of general combining abilities only; GCA values were not affected by the inoculation method used. Also for race 2 GCAs were most important but the GCA values appeared different for the two inoculation methods. It is concluded that resistance to both races is inherited in an additive way.Indications for independently inherited root-specific resistance components (extravascular resistance) were only found with race 2. With both races, the ability to confine the pathogen at the infection site appeared the most important resistance component. Resistant progenies were also characterized by longer latent periods and lower wilting rates.Both race 1 and race 2 induced the accumulation of the phytoalexins dianthalexin and methoxydianthramide S, but race 2 induced higher amounts than race 1. The accumulation of phytoalexins was positively correlated to the resistance level of the progenies against the respective races. The progenies of the double-resistant cultivar Novada appeared to produce particularly high levels of phytoalexins.  相似文献   

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