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During a long‐term 3‐year dietary exposure of mature carp females to lead, its bioaccumulation in the brain, changes in the neurohormonal activity at the level of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland as well as the growth and maturation of ovaries were analysed. Moreover, an analysis of the effectiveness of hormone‐stimulated spawning during two subsequent spawning seasons was carried out. The results of the analyses show that chronic exposure of maturing and mature carp females to lead in feed results in its accumulation in the brain (1.365 μg g?1). This impairs the endocrine activity of the hypothalamus, which is manifested by, among others, an increased secretion of dopamine and impaired spontaneous secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH). The observed decrease in the concentration of gonadotropin in blood inhibits vitellogenesis, which is manifested by a lower degree of the maturity of oocytes, lower fecundity (as measured by egg number, egg weight, egg maturity and egg survival) and lower gonadosomatic index values. The final negative impact of lead is the impairment of reproductive functions, as manifested by a smaller number of spawning females and in their lower fecundity during spawning.  相似文献   

Performance tests of Northern mirror carp (M72) and three different crossbreds were conducted in semi‐intensive pond conditions from the larval stage up to market size. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible utilization of new hybrid combinations (M72 × PL – Poho?elice mirror carp) and (M72 × Dor – Israeli mirror carp), and to compare them with a hybrid widely reared as a commercial product (M72 × M2 – Hungarian mirror carp) and with M72 purebred. The testing model was derived from similar studies carried out in the conditions of the Czech Republic, where an internal control of different scale cover is used to eliminate all non‐genetic effects. ancova revealed at market size significantly better growth in M72 × Dor (1 619±28.3 g; LS mean±SE) and M72 × PL (1475±29.8 g) compared with M72 (1278±26.3 g). Survival during the test of 3 years duration was significantly the best in the M72 × Dor hybrid as were the dressing out parameters measured at market size, even if these were significantly different only in proportion of fillets with skin (39.1±0.28%). Interestingly, the crossbred M72 × M2 commonly used by Czech fishermen showed for both, growth (1371±26.2 g) and survival, the lowest values among crossbreds and with regard to dressing out parameters mostly among all tested groups.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Ten lots of common carp and six lots of crucian carp (each lot of 100 fish) were treated under anoxia for five days at water temperatures of 25–31°C. The average per group mortality of common carp was 17%, but none of the 600 crucian carp died. The digestive tract tissues of the common carp that died had significantly lower zinc concentrations than those that survived (59 ± 41 vs 142 ± 60 μg/[g fresh tissue], P  < 0.001). The digestive tract tissues of the crucian carp had mean zinc concentrations of 652 ± 458 μg/(g fresh tissue). One lot of common carp that had low tolerance for anoxia was fed a high zinc diet (2000 mg zinc/kg diet) for 1, 2 or 6 months and then subjected to 5 days anoxia. The survival rates of those fed the high zinc diet 1 and 2 months increased from 0 to 50%, respectively; all of fish that had fed a high zinc diet for 6 months survived. Thus, anoxia survival in common carp and crucian carp is closely related to the high concentrations of zinc in their tissues.  相似文献   

The immunostimulatory role of carotenoid extract from shrimp processing discards was evaluated by feeding common carp fingerlings with a diet containing carotenoid extract for 21 weeks at 100 and 200 mg kg?1 astaxanthin levels. Haemoglobin content was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the blood of fish fed with carotenoid diet (>8.1 g dL?1) compared with that from fish fed with carotenoid deficient diet (6.86 g dL?1) and also leukocyte counts were higher (P < 0.05). No differences (P > 0.05) were observed in total serum protein, globulin level and albumin‐globulin ratio, but albumin content was higher (P < 0.05). Respiratory burst activity was significantly (P < 0.05) higher, the serum lysozyme activity almost doubled and the serum bactericidal activity was significantly increased when the fish were fed with diet containing 200 mg kg?1 of astaxanthin but no significant differences were observed in serum trypsin inhibitory activity. There was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in leukocyte myeloperoxidase activity due to dietary carotenoids. Challenging fish with Aeromonas hydrophila after the feeding period resulted in 50% mortality in the control group while in the group fed with diet containing 100 mg kg?1 astaxanthin, the mortality rate was 15%. No mortality and even symptoms of infection was not observed in the group fed with diet containing 200 mg kg?1 of astaxanthin. The study indicated that carotenoid extract from shrimp processing discards can effectively be used as immunostimulants in aquaculture of carps and dietary carotenoids were found to enhance various immune defence mechanisms and also provide protection against the infection of pathogen A. hydrophila.  相似文献   

Accurate pedigree information is critical when managing animal breeding programmes and ensure the highest rate of genetic gain. The abundance of available genomic data and the development of high‐throughput genotyping platforms have facilitated the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as the best DNA markers for genomic selection studies. Furthermore, the superior qualities of SNPs compared with those of microsatellite markers allow standardization between laboratories, which is crucial for developing an international set of markers for use in traceability studies. The objective of this study was to develop a high‐throughput SNP array to assign common carp pedigrees accurately. A 48‐SNP array was developed based on the Fluidigm genotyping platform, and a phylogenetic analysis was performed to distinguish different pedigrees. A likelihood‐based approach was used to infer parental pairs, and the pair with the highest LOD score (log of the ratio of the likelihood given parentage to likelihood given non‐parentage) was assigned. The SNP genotypes of the offspring and candidate parents tested were collected, and 94% of the offspring were assigned to the most‐likely parent pair, which was consistent with the actual pedigree records. Using this SNP assay will allow implementation of offspring testing at large commercial farms where improved accuracy of pedigree assignments and genetic evaluations will increase genetic gains in the common carp aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

This study investigated effects of linseed or fish oil–enriched finishing diets on the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) composition in dorsal muscle tissues of pond‐cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio). After 180 days of dietary exposure to cereal diet containing vegetable oil (1%), carp were exposed to 7% linseed (LO) or 7% fish oil–enriched (FO) finishing diets for 30 days. FO supplied 17 and 20 mg fish?1 day?1, respectively, of the long‐chain n‐3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid for 30 days and doubled long‐chain PUFA concentrations in carp of the FO pond. The increased supply of short‐chain PUFA in LO resulted in higher short chain, but not long‐chain PUFA, showing that there was very little PUFA conversion. Thus, dietary short‐chain PUFA could not compensate for the low levels of dietary long‐chain PUFA in LO. However, moderate supply of dietary long‐chain PUFA in finishing diets for 30 days is very efficient in increasing nutritionally important long‐chain PUFA concentrations in carp.  相似文献   

用微卫星标记分析了鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)的2个品种福瑞鲤和豫选黄河鲤选育群体的遗传结构,并揭示了雌雄个体间遗传距离的分布规律。结果表明,23个微卫星标记在福瑞鲤(FR,n=192)和豫选黄河鲤(YX,n=96)中各检测到160个和131个等位基因。福瑞鲤的平均有效等位基因数(N_e)、观测杂合度(H_o)、期望杂合度(H_e)和多态信息含量(PIC)分别为4.559、0.695、0.741和0.702,群体处于高度多态水平(PIC≥0.5);豫选黄河鲤的4项遗传多样性参数分别为3.620、0.665、0.642和0.600。虽然豫选黄河鲤同样处于高度多态水平(PIC≥0.5),但是N_e、H_e和PIC均极显著低于福瑞鲤(P0.01),说明福瑞鲤的杂交选育背景决定了其较系统选育的豫选黄河鲤具有较多的来源于不同亲本的等位基因;而两者H_o差异不显著(P0.05),说明豫选黄河鲤种内也保持了较高的遗传杂合度。分别统计福瑞鲤与豫选黄河鲤雌雄个体间的遗传距离,结果表明两两雌雄个体间遗传距离呈正态分布。福瑞鲤个体间遗传距离的中间值位于0.8~1.0,占37.39%;而豫选黄河鲤个体间遗传距离中间值位于0.5~0.7,占49.33%。建议福瑞鲤和豫选黄河鲤在家系配组时,选择亲本间遗传距离阈值范围在0.8~1.0和0.5~0.7为宜。  相似文献   

This study investigated the efficacy of tea tree oil (TTO) as an anaesthetic for common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., by estimation of behaviour changes and responsiveness to being taken out of the water. All applied concentrations (from 0.2 to 0.6 mL L−1) resulted in sedation and immobilization. The lowest effective concentration (induction time ≤3 min, recovery time ≤10 min after 15 min of exposure) was 0.5 mL L−1. Exposure in excess of 30 min at a concentration of 0.5 mL L−1 caused mortality. TTO displayed distinct general anaesthetic‐like properties, fulfilling the basic requirements for a potent fish anaesthetic.  相似文献   

The total energy budget of 65 ± 8.0 g common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., was studied in the laboratory. The pattern of energy allocation varied with dietary protein content and ration levels. The energy lost as heat of metabolism, R, was found to increase with dietary protein level and total ration. Energy lost as faeces, F, varied from 19% to 24% of consumption, C, but did not appear to be related to either protein content or ration levels. The energy equivalent of nitrogenous excretion, U, as a proportion of C increased with an increase in dietary protein but decreased with an increase of ration level. Regression equations were developed from the data to allow prediction of respiratory energy losses, faecal losses and excretory losses. The balance of energy budgets compiled from experiments conducted over an 18-day period was between 66% and 82%. Observed growth was always less than predicted growth, so the predictive models overestimated growth. The data presented form the basis for the first reported study of total energy budgets in Cyprinus carpio.  相似文献   

闫学春 《水产学报》2005,29(2):281-284
金属硫蛋白(metallothiontine,简称MT),又称重金属结合蛋白,是一种低分子量富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白。锌、铜、镉等多种金属元素均可在体外或体内诱导组织MT大量合成。已有研究表明,MT在微量元素代谢、重金属富集、环境污染的清除等方面起重要作用,因此, 选择恰当的启动子是保证外源基因在转基因鱼中成功表达的最重要因素。在转基因鱼的研究过程中,使用的转基因材料从最初阶段的人及其它哺乳类如牛、羊等的生长激素基因发展到现在的鱼的生长激素基因,启动调控顺序也由小鼠的重金属螯合蛋白(MT-1)基因发展到鱼的重金属结合蛋白基因,如虹鳟金属硫蛋白基因、鲤β-肌动蛋白基因、美洲鲽抗冻蛋白基因以及鲤金属硫蛋白  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters and the content of microcystins in the tissues of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) in relation to the toxic cyanobacterial water bloom. Fish (average body mass 2176±697 g) in the hypertrophic pond were exposed to natural water bloom (dominated by Planktothrix agardhii, Pseudanabaena limnetica and Limnothrix redekei ), which contained microcystins (concentration in biomass 20–181 μg g−1 dry wt, concentration in water 0.3–9.5 μg L−1). Biochemical parameters in fish blood plasma were analysed in 89 fish at 14-day intervals during the whole season (nine sampling periods). Our results demonstrated high variability and fluctuations in the investigated parameters. The content of microcystins and density of cyanobacterial cells correlated with some haematological indices as lipase, alanine–aminotransferase, albumin, magnesium and chlorides. The concentrations of microcystins in the muscle and liver of the fish (determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometer) were below the limit of detection during the monitored period [0.31 ng g−1 fresh weight (f.w.) for the liver and 0.13 ng g−1 f.w. for muscle]. Our study demonstrates that although known cyanobacterial toxin microcystins were not detected in the fish tissues, several biochemical parameters important for the fish physiology were modulated by natural cyanobacterial bloom.  相似文献   

Common carp juveniles were fed for 9 weeks one of the eight semipurified diets containing graded levels of magnesium, 0.08, 0.6, 1.1, 3, 2 g Mg kg–1 and 25 or 44% protein.Fish growth and feed utilization were significantly affected by both Mg and protein levels in the diets. Significant interaction between these two studied variables existed in relation to the fish performance as well as to mean deposition rate of several minerals in common carp body. The fish fed diets containing 0.08 g Mg kg–1 had reduced growth and developed deficiency signs such as muscle flaccidity and skin hemorrhages.Results indicated that a minimum Mg level of 0.6 g Mg kg–1 was required to elevate plasma and bone magnesium content and to reduce the whole body Ca concentration (hypercalcinosis symptom). Further increase of dietary Mg up to 3.2 g Mg kg–1 improved growth rate of fish insignificantly, but the deposition rate of dietary Mg fell to as low as 7.4 and 10.7 percent in low- and high-protein diet fed fish, respectively. In Mg-deficient fish, considerable amount of magnesium was absorbed via extra-oral routes, however, this way of the covering magnesium need becomes insufficient in fast growing fish.  相似文献   

The effects of introducing common carp (CC) and of adding artificial feed to fertilized rohu ponds on water quality and nutrient accumulation efficiency were studied. All ponds were stocked with 15 000 rohu ha?1. Treatments included ponds with rohu alone, rohu plus 5000 common carp ha?1 and rohu plus 10 000 CC ha?1. A comparison was also made between supplementally fed and non‐fed ponds. The overall highest nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 and 0 CC ha?1. The largest fractions of N and P inputs accumulating in fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 CC ha?1 and subsequently ponds without CC. Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in ponds without CC compared with ponds with CC. Compared with 5000 CC ha?1, stocking 10 000 CC ha?1 can be considered as overstocking, because this leads to lower fish production and relatively less nutrients retained in plankton and benthic organisms.  相似文献   

借鉴哺乳动物内皮细胞体外培养技术,结合鱼类细胞自身特点,纯化培养鲤血管内皮细胞并传至3代,以此作为粘附材料。应用淋巴细胞分离液离心技术并结合玻璃粘附法分离纯化鲫、草鱼外周血中淋巴细胞、单核细胞,并与上述3代内皮细胞进行免疫粘附试验,同时进行免疫粘附动力学观察。结果显示,鲫、草鱼两类细胞对内皮细胞的粘附率分别为0.09±0.013,0.20±0.018;0.11±0.015,0.21±0.023。表明鲤科鱼类不同种的同类细胞粘附率差异不大,而同种不同类细胞则差异显著。动力学观察分析表明,淋巴细胞粘附较快,60min进入平台期;单核细胞粘附慢,120min进入平台期。初步证明鱼类内皮细胞具有免疫介导作用。  相似文献   

The semi‐intensive system of common carp monoculture in earthen ponds is currently the most practiced fish rearing system in several countries in Eastern Europe. This system is based on the addition of supplemented feed to ponds to achieve faster growth. In this study, the general state of the fish health was monitored when three different types of feeds were used: grain cereals (CF), commercial pelleted feed and extruded feed. The markers used were: (i) the histopathological index (HP) of the main organs: gills, liver and kidney; and (ii) the histomorphometric parameters of the hepatocytes and enterocytes to assess the state of the digestive system in fish fed different types of supplemented feed. At the end of the experiment, the fish were in good health, since irreversible lesions were not noticed to a greater extent in any of the fish organs. There were also no other severe lesions present. However, the results showed differences in the HP indices of the liver and gills, as well as the total HP index, indicating a better health status of the fish in the CF group. The histomorphometric results showed larger cytoplasmic areas of hepatocytes in fish fed CF, which is attributed to glycogen accumulation and higher numbers of goblet cells in the distal intestines of fish fed compound feeds. This can be attributed to slight inflammation.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that stocking 1.5 rohu (Labeo rohita) and 0.5 common carp (Cyprinus carpio) m−2 yields the highest production in small holder ponds in Bangladesh. The present study looked into the effects of additional stocking of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) in fed or non‐fed ponds on water quality and fish production. A low, additional stocking density of 0.2 Nile tilapia m−2 was tested. All treatments were executed in triplicate in 100 m2 ponds and the duration of the experiment was 4.5 months. The results showed that tilapia addition increased nutrient concentrations and reduced total suspended solid concentration and phytoplankton biomass (P<0.05). Tilapia stocking resulted in additional production without affecting the growth and production of rohu and common carp. Supplemental feeding increased the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, phytoplankton availability and the growth and production of rohu and common carp (P<0.01). The combination of supplemental feeding and tilapia stocking resulted in a higher net yield than the other treatments (P<0.05). Stocking 1.5 rohu, 0.5 common carp and 0.2 tilapia m−2 in fed‐ponds is a good culture combination for polyculture farmers in South Asia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus collected from the East Sea/Sea of Japan were analyzed for cadmium, zinc and copper to elucidate the specific accumulation of heavy metals in various organs of squid of varying size and sex. There was no relationship between the size and sex of squid and the concentrations of heavy metals in various organs. Amongst organs, the liver contained the highest concentrations of all metals and the mantle had the lowest concentrations. In the liver and gills, concentrations of copper were higher than the other metals because of the existence of copper in hemocyanin in the blood. Cadmium showed the highest ratios (L/M) of the concentrations in the liver and in the mantle, even though cadmium in liver had lower concentrations than copper and zinc. This indicates that cephalopods constitute an important source of cadmium for cephalopod predators. The results show that the Japanese common squid is a useful bioindicator of metal pollution in offshore Korean waters.  相似文献   

The reaction of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in an ice‐ and snow‐covered pond to depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) in winter was recorded using radio telemetry. The carp moved from the deeper parts of the pond to the shallow areas near the tributary in search of better oxygenated water. Evidence was found that feeding occurred until December but ceased with the oxygen crisis. After the carp farmer started aeration to improve the oxygen supply, carp returned towards the deeper parts of the pond. The gross activity was significantly correlated with DO (P<0.001) and was not influenced by water temperature (P>0.05). The clear documentation of the carp's reaction to oxygen depletion suggests, that radio telemetry may be useful for investigating the effects of various stress factors on fish in pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

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