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In order to clarify the respiratory responses strategy of Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii exposed to water temperature changes, respiratory parameters of the fish were studied under two temperature regimes: fish acclimated at 13°C for Group I, temperature was increased to 16°C, 19°C, 22°C and 25°C and then returned stepwise to 22°C, 19°C, 16°C and 13°C; and fish acclimated at 25°C for Group II, the water temperature was reduced in steps to 22°C, 19°C, 16°C and 13°C, subsequently, returned to 16°C, 19°C, 22°C and 25°C. The results showed that the respiratory frequency (fR), oxygen consumption rate (VO2) and gill ventilation (VG) of the fish were directly dependent on the acute temperature in both acclimation groups (p < .05). The initial 25°C VO2 in Group II was significantly higher than the initial 13°C VO2 in Group I (p < .05), but was significantly lower than that at 25°C in Group I (p < .05). In Group I, respiratory stroke volume (VS.R) of fish significantly increased or decreased with the acute temperature increases or decreases, respectively (p < .05); oxygen consumption efficiencies (EO2) of fish did not significantly show differences when temperature increased to 25°C from 13°C (p > .05), but the EO2 significantly declined while returning to acclimation temperature (p < .05). In Group II, the VS.R of the fish did not significantly change with acute temperature fluctuations between 25 and 13°C (p > .05), while the EO2 increased with acute temperature increases (p < .05). The Q10 values for fR, VO2, VS.R, VG and EO2 were 1.53–1.72, 1.92–2.06, 1.07–1.60, 1.78–2.44 and 1.11–1.65 at 13–25°C of temperature interval respectively. Amur sturgeon showed partial metabolic compensation to temperature changes. The study results suggest that the ability of Amur sturgeon to regulate metabolism in response to acute temperature changes makes this species good adaptability in the aquaculture rearing.  相似文献   

施氏鲟幼鱼摄食和生长的最适水温   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
实验用施氏鲟(AcipenserschrenckiiBrandt)幼鱼为黑龙江捕获的野生亲本经人工繁殖、培育所得,8月龄,体长(32 63±1 80)cm,实验周期35d。实验设计了4个水温处理组,实验水温分别为17℃、20℃、23℃和26℃,实验观察到,生活在不同水温环境中的幼鱼表现出不同的生长特性,养殖在23℃温度环境中的施氏鲟幼鱼的生长速度显著高于其他处理组幼鱼,水温对施氏鲟的特定生长率(SGR)、日增重(DWG)、食物转化率(FCR)和摄食率(FR)有着显著的影响。这些参数与水温(T)之间的相关关系可用二次回归曲线来描述,生长率与水温的回归方程式为:SGR=-12 933+1 418T+(-0 033)T2,摄食率与水温的关系式为:FR=-5 324+0 719T+(-0 016)T2。根据回归方程,求得施氏鲟幼鱼的最适生长水温为21 53℃,最大摄食率的水温为22 33℃。结论认为,施氏鲟在水温17~26℃都可摄食生长,但在20℃时最适宜;同时证实,施氏鲟最适生长温度要低于其最适摄食温度。  相似文献   

Stock density is one among the most important factors in aquaculture that directly influences the growth of organisms; however, there is limited information about the effects of stocking density on growth performance of sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Gmelin, 1788) that has a commercial potential and represents a new species for aquaculture. In this study, we investigated the effect of stocking densities on the growth performance of juvenile H. tubulosa (40.3 ± 3.34 g) in laboratory conditions. Stocking densities were selected as 6, 15 and 30 ind m?2 with total biomass 253.3 ± 0.18, 601.2 ± 0.11 and 1201.4 ± 0.15 g m?2 respectively. We monitored the growth by wet weights and calculated the growth performance through weight gain, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain, coefficients of variation and survival rate during 8 weeks of research period. We found that individual mean weight gain in 6 ind m?2 group was approximately 29.53 g while it was 3.03 g and ?4.36 g for 15 ind and 30 ind m?2 groups respectively. Results have shown that the specific growth rate tends to decrease as the number of individuals in unit area increases. The final mean weight, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain and coefficients of variation were significantly different among treatment groups. In conclusion, a density of 6 ind m?2 is recommended for stocking juvenile H. tubulosa under rearing conditions. Stocking density of 15 ind m?2 is not favourable for long term as the growth rate is negligible where 30 ind m?2 should be avoided in tank‐based rearing units.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of physical contact on the growth of Apostichopus japonicus through various stocking densities, group culture and physical isolation culture. The results showed that the specific growth rates (SGR), the feed conversion efficiencies and the energy used for growth of the animal decreased with the increase in stocking density, while the coefficient of variations (CV) in group culture treatments increased. In high density treatments (4, 6 ind./40 L), the SGRs in isolated culture treatments were not different to those in group culture treatments of the same density, however, the CVs in the latter (58.0% and 60.4%, respectively) were significantly higher than those in the former (37.8% and 35.8%, respectively). The CV difference between group one and isolated one of the same density (20.2% and 24.7%, respectively) was less than that in single individual culture (32.7%), indicating that the effect of physical contact on growth variation was weaker than that of genetic factor. This study proved that the individual growth variation in sea cucumber resulted mainly from genetic factor and physical contact, while some chemical mediator might also be the factor affecting the growth rate of sea cucumber.  相似文献   

李大鹏 《水产学报》2004,28(1):54-61
研究了光照强度和周期,水流速度,养殖密度对史氏鲟摄食、生长和行为的影响.光照周期在一定的照度和时间范围内对史氏鲟稚鱼的摄食和生长没有显著影响.水流和养殖密度对史氏鲟的生长有着显著的影响.高水流速度和低养殖密度对史氏鲟的生长有着积极的影响,生长效率、特定生长率和日增重都随流速的增大和养殖密度的降低而增大,条件系数随密度的增大而减小,而净增重随密度的增大而增大,各密度组的史氏鲟稚鱼的生长离散没有加剧.在流速为0.06 m·s-1和0.18 m·s-1范围内,稚鱼的生长效率(GE)与流速(V)之间存在着显著的正相关关系,其关系式为 GE=46.106+142.04V (r=0.5216).特定生长率(SGR)与养殖密度(SD)之间存在着显著的负相关,其关系式为SGR=4.9728-0.4914SD (r=-0.6553).3种环境因子对稚鱼的食欲未有明显影响,但饵料转化率会随养殖密度的增大和流速的降低而显著性增大.史氏鲟稚鱼在照度100~1100 lx之间的趋光率为49.55%,无显著的趋光性;当亮区照度在13 000 lx以上,稚鱼100%避光.处于全黑条件下的稚鱼的体色却普遍变浅,呈灰白色;而另两种光周期条件下的稚鱼体色深黑,全光照条件下的稚鱼体色与自然光周期下的一样.在试验流速范围内,水流刺激还将影响稚鱼的某些行为,在流水环境中稚鱼喜聚集和逆水游动.  相似文献   

为研究流水养殖系统中不同养殖密度对俄罗斯鲟幼鱼生长的影响,实验将初始体质量为(29.70±1.32)g的俄罗斯鲟幼鱼分置于2.5(SD1)、3.6(SD2)和4.7 kg/m3(SD3)3个养殖密度进行流水池塘(4.4 m×4.4 m×0.45 m)养殖,每个密度设3个重复,实验周期为90 d。结果显示:低密度组(SD1)幼鱼增重率(WG)、体长增长率(LG)、特定生长率(SGR)和饵料转化率(FCR)分别为362.01%±15.87%、55.88%±4.77%、(1.79±0.03)%d、114.95%±4.52%,显著高于高密度组(SD3)的272.30%±2.74%、46.34%±6.22%、(1.53±0.02)%/d、94.49%±1.96%,而SD3组幼鱼生长离散程度和死亡率显著高于SD1组幼鱼;随养殖密度增加,幼鱼体内蛋白和脂肪含量降低,水分和灰分含量升高,但是不存在显著性差异。研究表明,较高的养殖密度对俄罗斯鲟幼鱼的生长造成了显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

工厂化流水养殖条件下进行为期90 d的饲养试验,探讨养殖密度对杂交鲟[西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)(♀)×施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)(♂)]幼鱼生长性能、肌肉组分含量和血液生理指标的影响。杂交鲟初始体重为(251.11±0.59)g,养殖密度分别设置为5.50 kg/m3、8.27 kg/m3、11.01 kg/m3、13.80 kg/m3。结果表明,养殖密度对杂交鲟幼鱼的生长和存活影响显著(P0.05),随着养殖密度的增加,幼鱼的终末体重、特定生长率、肥满度和存活率呈下降趋势,而饲料系数则呈上升趋势;实验结束时,杂交鲟幼鱼肌肉中水分含量随养殖密度的增加而上升(P0.05),而粗脂肪含量却下降(P0.05),粗蛋白和灰分的含量则变化不显著(P0.05);养殖密度对杂交鲟幼鱼的血液指标影响显著(P0.05),各处理组的幼鱼血液中血红蛋白、血浆葡萄糖及总蛋白含量差异显著(P0.05)。结果说明,高密度环境对杂交鲟幼鱼生长性能与肌肉组分均产生了显著影响。  相似文献   

将体长为(3.59±0.26)cm的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)按1 800尾.m-3、1 500尾.m-3和1 200尾.m-3的密度分别饲养在注水0.3 m3的圆形玻璃纤维桶(容量为0.5 m3)中30 d,检测了基本水质因子、对虾肝胰腺和肌肉组织中的酚氧化酶(PO)活力、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、抗菌活力(Ua)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活力、体质量增长和成活率,研究了不同放养密度对凡纳滨对虾稚虾免疫指标及生长的影响。统计分析发现,试验过程中水体理化因子均在适宜范围,各处理间水质因子的差异不显著;对虾的PO活力、Ua和AKP活力均随着密度的增加而降低,SOD活力则反之;对虾的体质量增长、体质量特定增长率和成活率随着密度的增加而降低,成活率差异显著(P〈0.05)。结果表明,凡纳滨对虾(体长〈4.8 cm或体质量〈1.2 g)在密度为1 200~1 800尾.m-3时,密度胁迫可明显影响其免疫指标和生长。  相似文献   

不同盐度驯化模式对施氏鲟生长及摄食的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用逐步增盐法(IG)、阶段增盐法(IT)及盐度突变法(is)3种不同的驯化模式对施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)进行盐度驯化,对3种模式下的特定生长率(SGR)、生长效率(GE)、摄食率(FR)及食物转化率(FCR)进行统计,并与对照组(CT)进行比较分析。结果表明,驯化方法对于施氏鲟的成活率具有较大影响,3种不同驯化模式下的成活率由高到低依次是IT(100%)、IS(93.33%)、IG(85%),各盐度驯化组死亡个体规格均较小。盐度对于施氏鲟的生长具有一定的抑制作用,盐度驯化各组在SGR、GE方面均低于对照组,IS组和IG组SGR与CT组无显著性差异(P〉0.05),IT组显著(P〉0.05)低于CT组。IG、IS、IT组与CT组相比,摄食率有所下降,但无显著差异(P〉0.05)。IG、IT、IS各组FCR均低于对照组,但对照组FCR与IG、IS组没有显著差异,与IT组差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论认为,尽管盐度对于施氏鲟的生长具有一定的影响,但是通过IG及IS方法的驯化,施氏鲟在25盐度下仍然保持一定的生长速度。  相似文献   

This study conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary zinc (Zn) levels on feed utilization, tissue Zn composition and serum enzyme activities of juvenile Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. Five isoenergetic and isonitrogenous semi‐purified diets were formulated with increasing Zn sulphate (ZnSO4.5H2O) level to provide the actual Zn values of 14.7 (control), 20.8, 27.3, 37.7 and 46.4 mg/kg diet. Each diet was assigned to three groups of 20 experimental Siberian sturgeons with uniform size (initial weight of 26.52 ± 0.94 g) for a period of 8‐week feeding trial. Results showed that growth performance and muscle protein content were significantly increased with increasing dietary Zn level up to 27.3 mg/kg (p < .05), beyond which they remained significantly unchanged (p > .05). Muscle lipid content significantly declined with increasing dietary Zn level. While muscle and serum Zn contents were not significantly changed among treatments (p > .05), liver Zn content tended to rise with increasing dietary Zn supplementation. Alkaline phosphatase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities were also raised with increasing dietary Zn level. The adequate amount of dietary Zn requirements for the Siberian sturgeon was estimated to be 28.24 mg/kg based on the relative growth rate and 34.60 mg/kg based on the liver Zn content.  相似文献   

Applied ethology can help to improve Litopenaeus vannamei aquaculture. Our purpose was to demonstrate an influence of stocking density on behaviour. The shrimp were first distributed in aquaria and observed via an ad libitum observational method to construct an ethogram of social and feeding behavioural categories. The resulting ethogram consisted of retreat, cannibalism, getting to the feeding tray, occupying the feeding tray and getting feed. We then kept shrimp in aquaria at densities of 50, 75 and 100 animals m?2 and observed them via a behavioural sampling method using our ethogram as well as focal animal sampling of behaviours derived from the literature. These literature‐derived behaviours consisted of inactivity, feeding, crawling, exploration, burying, swimming and cleaning. We found that stocking density affects the behaviour of the shrimp. Optimal searching and feeding and a low frequency of crawling and swimming occurred at a density of 50 animals m?2, indicating a higher potential for growth and welfare at this density.  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were used to test the influence of lipid source on growth performance, antioxidant status and lipid metabolism of juvenile Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Each diet was supplemented with 90 g kg?1 of lipid from each of six sources including fish oil (FO), beef tallow (BT), sunflower oil (SO), linseed oil (LO) and equal combinations of FO + SO + BT (FSB) or LO + SO + BT (LSB). After 56 days, fish fed LSB demonstrated highest weight gain, specific growth rate and lowest hepatosomatic index among all groups. The n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the whole fish were highest in the SO group, and n‐3 PUFAs were highest in fish fed LO. The fish fed FO contained highest n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids. Triglyceride in the serum of fish fed LSB was lowest, but was not significantly different from that in the SO group. Triglyceride in the serum of fish fed FO and BT was highest among all groups. Lipase, malate dehydrogenase and lipoprotein lipase activities were highest in fish fed LSB. Serum malondialdehyde in fish fed LSB was significantly lower than in fish fed FO or SO, but no significant differences were found among fish fed LSB, BT, LO or FSB. Fish fed LSB showed higher catalase activity and total antioxidant capacity than fish fed FO or FSB. This study indicates that linseed, sunflower oil and BT mixed oil are a suitable lipid source and can benefit growth performance and antioxidation in juvenile sturgeon.  相似文献   

An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted to quantify dietary copper (Cu) requirement of juvenile Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. Five isonitrogenous diets were formulated to provide actual dietary copper values of 1.8, 5.7, 10.1, 15.9 and 28.3 mg Cu per kg diet. Experimental diets were fed to the Siberian sturgeon (27.57 ± 0.24 g) in triplicate to apparent satiation for 8 weeks. At the end of experiment, weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly increased with increasing dietary Cu level up to 10.1 mg/kg and then decreased with further increases in dietary Cu level (p < .05). The Cu concentration in the liver and cartilage was positively correlated with the respective concentrations in the diet (p < .05), while muscle and serum Cu concentrations remained significantly unchanged (p > .05). Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase had the highest activities in serum of fish fed with 15.9 and 28.3 mg Cu per kg diet, respectively. Analysis by the broken‐line regression of SGR, crude protein content and superoxide activity demonstrated that the optimum dietary Cu requirements in juvenile Siberian sturgeon were 9.51, 9.58 and 16.10 mg/kg diet, respectively.  相似文献   

采用组织匀浆、饱和硫酸铵分步沉淀和Sephadex G-100葡聚糖凝胶层析的方法提取和纯化施氏鲟卵黄蛋白,并对其性质进行了研究。结果表明:采用50%和70%饱和度的硫酸铵分步沉淀与Sephadex G-100凝胶层析相结合的方法,可以获得一种卵黄蛋白纯品。Native-PAGE和SDS-PAGE分析表明,该纯化蛋白纯度为100%,由一种同源亚基组成,其亚基的相对分子质量约为30 kD。油红O、免疫印迹(Western-blot)和罗丹明B染色均为阳性,表明该蛋白为施氏鲟卵中的一种脂磷蛋白。  相似文献   

人工养殖不同年龄史氏鲟的血液生化指标   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定了1~5龄5个年龄组的人工养殖史氏鲟血液的总蛋白、血脂、血糖、血清酶和无机离子等共22项血液生化指标。结果显示,1龄史氏鲟总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)和球蛋白(GLB)含量最低,与2~5龄组有显著性差异。5龄史氏鲟GLB最高,且与1~4龄组有显著性差异。1~4龄白蛋白/球蛋白比值(A/G)间无差异,5龄组A/G值显著降低,并与1~4龄组差异显著。随着年龄的增长,胆固醇(CHOL)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDLC)逐渐升高,与年龄呈正线性相关且相关性显著(P<0.05),5龄HDL-C与1~4龄有显著性差异。所有年龄组中甘油三脂(TRIG)无显著性差异。1~4龄组血糖(G)无显著性差异,5龄组G含量显著降低。尿素氮(BUN)与年龄呈显著负线性相关(〖WTBX〗R=-0.3627),但相关性不显著(P=0.0815>0.05)。CREA与年龄呈正线性相关(R=0.4154, P=0.0389)。1~4龄总胆红素(T-BIL)无显著性差异,5龄最高。1~4龄组碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)无显著性差异,5龄组显著升高,与1~4龄组差异极显著(P<0.01)。所有年龄组的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和淀粉酶(AMY)无显著性差异。1龄组钠离子(Na+)最低,并与2~5龄组有显著性差异,2~5龄组中的Na+无显著性差异。各年龄组中钾(K+)、氯(Cl-)、镁(Mg2+)无显著性差异  相似文献   

研究了养殖密度对饲料驯化期西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)稚鱼生长和存活的影响。试验设置5个养殖密度(1.843、1.638、1.433、1.228、1.024 kg/m3)。试验期间采用依次投喂水蚯蚓、软颗粒饲料、硬颗粒饲料的驯养方法,逐步从活饵料转喂人工配合颗粒饲料。试验结果表明,最大密度组D1溶解氧达到最低值4.09 mg/L,接近鲟鱼正常生长发育的临界溶氧;高密度组D1、D2、D3和低密度组D4、D5死亡率和终体重差异显著(P<0.05);D3特定生长率(SGR)均值最大,D1、D2和D3、D4、D5的SGR差异显著(P<0.05);D4的终体重、日增重(DWG)、肥满度(CF)最大,各密度组对DWG、CF和体长及体重变异系数(CV)的影响较小(P>0.05)。试验期间从D1到D5组的死亡率依次为2.06%,1.99%,1.87%,1.68%和1.64%,CF为0.498~0.532,SGR平均值为11.16%~13.14%,体重CV为30.72%~33.54%,体长的CV为6.64%~9.94%。根据试验结果,建议饲料驯化期西伯利亚鲟稚鱼的适宜养殖密度控制在1.228~1.433 kg/m3,即直径2 m的玻璃缸每缸3 000~3 500尾。  相似文献   

在水温(22±2)℃下,通过8周的生长实验,研究了饲料中添加含药用植物茯苓(Poria)、白芍(Radix Paeoniae Alba)、鱼腥草Herba Houttuyniae)及大黄(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)的混合添加剂对初始体质量为(137.61±22.26)g的施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)生长性能和血液生化指标的影响.药用植物添加剂配比:茯苓、白芍、鱼腥草、大黄质量比为7:5:4:4(干粉).将施氏鲟饲养在室内圆形水族箱(半径44 cm,水深50 cm)中,每箱8尾,每日3次饱食投喂添加上述药用植物的饲料,添加量为饲料总质量的0%(对照组)、0.5%、1%和2%,每组3个平行.结果表明,当药用植物添加量为0.5%时,施氏鲟的摄食量、增重率、特定生长率以及蛋白质表观消化率最高(分别为385.76 g、241.46%、2.19%/d和75.59%),显著高于对照组(P<0.05).当添加量为1%时,施氏鲟血浆酸性磷酸酶活性显著高于对照组(P<o.05),0.5%及1%添加量可显著提高血浆总蛋白和球蛋白的含量(P<0.05).植物性添加剂使施氏鲟血浆中总胆固醇、甘油三酯含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05).当添加量达到2%时,施氏鲟血浆谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶以及乳酸脱氢酶活性显著升高(P<0.05).饲料中添加0.5%的植物添加剂可以显著降低施氏鲟血浆中皮质醇含量(P<0.05);0.5%~1%添加量可以显著提高血浆甲状腺素含量(P<0.05).饲料中添加适量的药用植物对施氏鲟具有一定的促生长、缓解应激、提高免疫力及降低血脂的作用.  相似文献   

中华鲟幼鱼循环饥饿后的补偿生长和体成分变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)幼鱼循环饥饿后的补偿生长和体成分变化。实验设4个循环饥饿组(T1:饥饿1 d,饱食投喂3 d;T2:连续饥饿2 d,饱食投喂4 d;T3:连续饥饿4 d,饱食投喂6 d;T4:连续饥饿7 d,饱食投喂8 d)和1个对照组(T0:每天饱食投喂)。结果显示:在水温21.5~25.4℃条件下,T1组末重和特定生长率均超过对照组,表现为超补偿生长;T2组末重和特定生长率均接近对照组,表现为完全补偿生长,T1、T2组食物转化率均显著高于对照组;T3、T4组实际摄食水平均明显高于对照组,但表现为不能补偿生长。4个循环饥饿组幼鱼肝体比及脏体比均显著高于对照组。各组肌肉蛋白质和脂肪含量下降,同时水分和灰分含量上升;从饥饿2 d组开始,蛋白质和脂肪含量显著低于对照组,且蛋白质含量比脂肪含量下降幅度更大。  相似文献   

分别以糊精、小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉、α-淀粉(预糊化玉米淀粉)、蔗糖、葡萄糖为糖源,配制6种等氮等能的半纯化饲料,喂养达氏鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)幼鱼(68.05 g±1.63 g)8周,研究饲料中糖源对达氏鲟幼鱼生长性能、体成分及生理生化指标的影响。结果发现糊精、小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉、α-淀粉组实验鱼饲料效率和蛋白质效率显著高于蔗糖和葡萄糖组(P0.05),玉米淀粉组实验鱼增重率、特定生长率和饲料效率最高。不同糖源对达氏鲟肥满度影响不显著(P0.05),而对肝体比和脏体比均影响显著(P0.05)。肝体比和脏体比最高的为葡萄糖组,最低的为小麦淀粉组。小麦淀粉组全鱼、肌肉和肝中粗蛋白含量最高,葡萄糖组全鱼和肌肉的粗蛋白含量最低且均显著低于其他各组(P0.05)。糊精、蔗糖和葡萄糖组全鱼和肌肉粗脂肪显著高于其他各组(P0.05)。α-淀粉组肝糖原显著高于其他各组(P0.05),α-淀粉组和葡萄糖组肌糖原显著高于其他各组(P0.05)。肝和血液中甘油三酯和总胆固醇含量和肌体和血液中糖水平呈正相关。不同糖源对达氏鲟消化道消化酶和肝丙酮酸激酶、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸激酶活性影响显著(P0.05),对肝己糖激酶、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶活性影响不显著(P0.05)。研究结果表明,在饲料中添加玉米淀粉作为糖源更有利于达氏鲟幼鱼生长。  相似文献   

This study compared Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) and Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) on several biochemical parameters including glucose (GLU), urea, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-L), activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), direct bilirubin (D.BILI), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride (TGL), creatinine (CREA), total protein (TP), and total bilirubin (T.BILI). The results showed that there were great differences in these parameters between the two species. The concentrations of GLU, UREA, LDH-L, ALT, AST, D.BILI, ALP, CHOL, TGL, CREA, and T.P for the Amur sturgeon were significantly higher than those for Chinese sturgeon.The T.BILI level of the Amur sturgeon was, however, significantly lower than that for the Chinese sturgeon.  相似文献   

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