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  • 1. The species diversity of inland waters is among the most threatened of all ecosystems and in many parts of the world it is in continuing and accelerating decline. Such decline could be restrained by acknowledging the scope of target species, so that all relevant stages in their life cycle are considered.
  • 2. The gharial Gavialis gangeticus is a prominent riverine species of the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra and Mahanadi river systems that is becoming increasingly rare due to reduction in water flow and available nesting beaches, modification of river morphology and increased mortality in fishing nets. Despite these threats, scientific information on habitat selection by gharial is still inadequate, which hinders conservation measures.
  • 3. This paper presents the population status, basking site selection and water depth preferences of different size‐classes of gharial based on a study conducted in the National Chambal Sanctuary, India.
  • 4. Between 1992 and 2007 a 40% decline in the gharial population was observed in the National Chambal Sanctuary. The decline was prominent in the recruitment class (<120 cm), which primarily comes from the nests laid in the wild, and also in sub‐adults (>180 to 270 cm) comprising both wild and reintroduced gharial.
  • 5. Along the Chambal River, gharial preferred sandy parts of the river banks and sand bars for basking and showed less preference for rocky river banks and rocky outcrops. Clay river banks were least preferred.
  • 6. Juvenile gharials <120 cm and 120–180 cm preferred water depths 1–3 m and 2–3 m, respectively. Gharial >180 cm (including sub‐adults and adults) preferred water depths >4 m.
  • 7. Increasing demands for sand for development activities, and water abstraction for irrigation and energy generation coupled with mortality in fishing nets, are likely to affect gharial and other aquatic species, and steps need to be taken to maintain the minimum river flow necessary to sustain ecosystem processes.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus is normally considered a freshwater species, but can also occasionally be found in brackish water. It is an obligate air‐breather with highly reduced gills, making its osmoregulation physiology interesting because the gills normally represent the primary site of osmoregulation in teleosts. Being a popular fish for human consumption, the swamp eel is cultured extensively in freshwater ponds in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. However, very little is known about its salinity tolerance, which is becoming topical due to the increasing salt‐water intrusions into tropical deltas. We therefore studied how increased salinity affects survival, growth, blood pressure, heart rate, blood osmolality and plasma ions. All eels survived prolonged exposure to 5 and 10 g L?1, although plasma osmolality increased significantly at 10 g L?1. Further elevation to 15 and 20 g L?1 was associated with significantly elevated mortality, with a corresponding increase in plasma osmolality and ion con‐centrations. Our results show that swamp eels thrive in 0–10 g L?1 with an optimum growth between 0 and 9 g L?1, indicating that utilization of low saline brackish waters for aquaculture is possible.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to obtain an efficient larval rearing protocol for Megabalanus azoricus. The first part of this study investigates the effect of microalgae‐based diets on survival and larval development. Mono and mixed‐diets were tested at 20 ± 1°C, in a sequence of 11‐day feeding experiments. The second part presents a preliminary study on the influence of a biofilm on recruitment and use of oyster spat collectors in a mass rearing system. A photographic record of larval development and a brief reference to the diagnostic features that enable quick larval staging are also presented, along with morphometric measurements. Of the microalgae tested (Chaetoceros sp., Chloromonas sp., Dunaliella sp., T‐Isochrysis sp. and Skeletonema sp.) the mixed‐diet Skeletonema sp. with T‐Isocrysis sp. showed the highest survival percentages: total survival ranged from 79.7 to 85.7% and 69.7–80.0% of nauplii were in stage VI after 11 days of rearing. Cypris were also present, but only represented 5.3% of the survivors at most. In the mass rearing system juveniles were found settled in the collectors after 25 days, at 20 ± 1°C. However recruitment was less than 1%. Preliminary results showed no settlement preference towards collectors with biofilm. Nevertheless, this study provides the first record of M. azoricus settlement under laboratorial conditions and represent a starting point for future larval rearing studies.  相似文献   

The role of behavior, especially vertical migration, is recognized as a critical component of realistic models of larval fish dispersion. Unfortunately, our understanding of these behaviors lags well behind our ability to construct three-dimensional flow-field models. Previous field studies of vertical behavior of larval Pacific cod ( Gadus macrocephalus ) were limited to small, preflexion stages (≤11 mm SL) in a narrow range of thermal conditions. To develop a more complete picture of larval behavior, we examined the effects of ontogeny, temperature, and light on vertical responses of larval Pacific cod in experimental columns. While eggs were strictly demersal, yolk-sac larvae displayed a strong surface orientation as early as 1 day post hatch (∼ 5 mm SL). Consistent with field observations, small preflexion larvae (<10 mm SL) showed no response to varying light levels. However, there was a direct effect of temperature on larval behavior: Pacific cod larvae exhibited a stronger surface orientation at 4°C than at 8°C. The behavior of larger, postflexion larvae (>15 mm SL) in experimental columns was consistent with a diel vertical migration and independent of water temperature: fish were more widely distributed in the column, and median positions were consistently deeper at higher light levels. These laboratory observations are combined with observations from discrete-depth (MOCNESS) sampling in the Gulf of Alaska to characterize the vertical distribution of larval Pacific cod and contrast ontogenetic patterns with walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ). The vertical movements of larval Pacific cod described here will be applied in the development of dispersal projections from Gulf of Alaska spawning grounds.  相似文献   

The ideal water conditions for maximizing the performance of the nursery culture of glass eels harvested from the wild for aquaculture need to be determined for the New Zealand shortfin (Anguilla australis) and longfin (Anguilla dieffenbachii) eels. This study determined the survival and growth of glass eels reared under different temperature and salinity conditions in the laboratory. The growth and survival of shortfin and longfin glass eels reared in salt water (35‰) maintained at 25 °C was examined over 84 days from capture. The mean specific growth rate (SGR) was higher in shortfin [2.30±0.29% body weight (b.w.) day?1] than longfin glass eels (1.52±0.06% b.w. day?1), and survival was also higher in shortfin (76.0±4.16%) than for longfin glass eels (28.7±6.36%). A second experiment identified the effect of salinity (0, 17.5‰ and 35‰) and temperature (17.5 and 26.5 °C) on the acclimation, growth performance and survival of shortfin and longfin glass eels over a period of 84 days from capture. There was no incidence of mortality for either shortfin or longfin glass eels reared across all salinity treatments (0‰, 17.5‰ and 35‰) at 26.5 °C, while survival of shortfin and longfin glass eels reared at 17.5 °C was the highest in 17.5‰, followed by 35‰ and 0‰ treatments. Both temperature and salinity affected the SGR of shortfin glass eels, with the highest SGR observed for shortfin glass eels reared in 0‰ water maintained at 26.5 °C. In longfin glass eels, salinity alone had an effect on the SGR, with the highest SGR observed in glass eels reared in 0‰ water regardless of the water temperature (17.5 and 26.5 °C). In addition, the adaptability of glass eels to salinity was evaluated from the development and the physiological responses of gill chloride cell (CC) morphology. The number and size of CCs increased significantly with increasing salinity in both shortfin and longfin eels.  相似文献   

银鲳人工育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2006年,在舟山海域银鲳繁殖季节(4~5月),随流刺网和张网捕鱼船出海,捕捞性腺成熟的银鲳进行人工授精,把胚胎运回岸上在孵化桶中继续孵化,得到初孵仔鱼并移入水泥池中进行培育。在水温19.0~24.0℃、盐度25.0~28.0的人工育苗条件下培育苗种。饵料为轮虫、卤虫无节幼体和配合饲料,孵化后3 d仔鱼开始开口摄食。银鲳初孵仔鱼~12日龄为仔鱼期,13~40日龄为稚鱼期,41日龄起转为幼鱼期。经50 d培育,获得20~27 mm叉长的银鲳幼鱼。育苗成活率为5%~14%。  相似文献   

采用室内受控实验方法测定了不同温度(15,20,25和30℃)和盐度(盐度5,10,15,20,25,30和35)以及温度和盐度交互作用对中华原钩虾幼体孵化、存活及生长的影响。结果表明,中华原钩虾幼体孵化的数量受水温影响显著(P<0.05),20℃幼体孵化率最高,平均每只亲体孵化幼体30.67个。水温对幼体生长的影响差异十分显著(P<0.01),15~25℃范围内,幼体的日增长和特定生长率随水温升高而增加,水温25℃时达到最大值,平均日增长体长为0.23 mm/d、体质量平均日增长体质量为0.20 mg/d,特定生长率体长为6.40%/d、体质量特定生长率为15.79%/d;当水温高于25℃,钩虾的日增长和特定生长率降低。根据相关性方程式推算其最适孵化温度为21.50℃,最适生长温度为20~25℃。中华原钩虾幼体的存活率受温度的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),20℃钩虾幼体存活率最高,为98%,30℃存活率最低,为87.67%。盐度对中华原钩虾孵化幼体数量、存活率及幼体生长的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。温度和盐度交互作用结果表明,中华原钩虾对盐度有较好的适应能力,温度对中华原钩虾种群发展的影响要大于盐度的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on growth and survival of juvenile blackfoot abalone, Haliotis iris, were investigated. Animals of 10, 30 or 60 mm initial shell length were exposed to ambient (6–10°C), 14, 18, 22 and 26°C for 112 days in a flow‐through culture system. Maximum growth occurred at 22°C for the 10 and 30 mm size classes and at 18°C for the 60 mm size class. Regression analysis identified the optimal temperature for growth (ToptG) at around 21°C for the 10 and 30 mm size classes and at 17–18°C for the largest size class. In a second experiment, the critical thermal maximum of H. iris was determined as a measure of thermal tolerance. Abalone were subjected to increasing water temperatures at a rate of 2°C h?1 until they detached from the substrate. Abalone of 10 mm displayed greater thermal tolerance than abalone of 30 and 60 mm in length. CT50 temperatures were 28.8, 27.7 and 27.8°C, yielding deduced ToptG values of 19.7, 18.3 and 18.4°C for the 10, 30 and 60 mm size classes respectively. The size‐dependent nature of the relationship between growth and temperature could be capitalized upon in recirculating aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

Weaning marine fish larvae from live prey to a dry microdiet is an important step towards optimizing the commercial production, but early weaning is constrained by the lack of sufficient digestive enzymes at first feeding. This study quantified the activity of five digestive enzymes throughout the larval period of pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera [L.]) to assess ontogenetic changes in digestive abilities, and then trials were conducted that determined the optimal time for weaning. The activity of all digestive enzymes was low or undetectable at first feeding (3 days post hatching, dph; 2.5 mm standard length, SL). A substantial increase in activity occurred at 5.7 mm SL (17 dph), 6.9 mm SL (21 dph), 7.7 mm SL (23 dph), 8.4 mm SL (25 dph) and 11.2 mm SL (30 dph) for bile salt‐dependent lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase and acid protease respectively. During the weaning experiment, larvae were co‐fed live prey and microdiet beginning 15 dph (4.8 mm SL). Live prey was withdrawn from the diet at 24, 28, 32 or 36 dph, with the control receiving live prey and microdiet throughout (to 43 dph). There were no significant differences in mean final SL among treatments, but survival was significantly lower when larvae were weaned at 24 dph compared to 32–43 dph. Based on the digestive enzyme activity and survival, weaning larval pigfish at 32 dph (11.7 mm SL) when reared at 24°C is recommended.  相似文献   

When harvested, oysters represent a removal from the ecosystem of nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and carbon (C). A number of factors potentially affect nutrient content, but a quantitative understanding across the geographical range of the eastern oysters is lacking. This study was designed to quantify the relationships among various metrics of farmed eastern oysters near its northern geographical range focusing on nutrient content. Hatchery‐reared oysters were deployed in polyethylene bags at six sites, and were measured on multiple occasions from 2010 to 2012. A quadratic polynomial fit to the combined datasets for shell height indicated that on average a ‘cocktail’ size oyster (63 mm shell height) would be reached after 2 year, and ‘regular’ size (76 mm) would require 3 year. There were significant differences in growth rates and oyster nutrient content among the sites; means for %N in soft tissue ranged from 6.9 to 8.6, and 0.07 to 0.18 in shell. Per cent N in soft tissue and shell were highest at two sites at the mouths of rivers with elevated dissolved inorganic N concentrations in the water. Grand means (all sites, seasons and years combined) of soft tissue N and C for regular size oysters were 7.3% and 38.5%, respectively; and for shell N and C were 0.13% and 12.0% respectively. Our study extends the range of data on nutrient content of the eastern oyster to northern New England, and indicates that oyster size, seasonality, and nutrient concentration in ambient water potentially affect %N and %C content of oysters.  相似文献   

This study represents a first report on the proximate composition and fatty acid profile of Lagocephalus sceleratus from the Mediterranean Sea as well as seasonal changes and sexual differences. Significant variations in the proximate composition were observed during the months of the study (p < 0.05). The highest moisture, fat, protein, and ash contents were found to be 78.47, 0.33, 21.62, and 1.63%, respectively. Total saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid values were similar throughout the year despite individual variations of 24.22–29.46 and 7.87–13.94%, respectively. However, significant variations were observed in total polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as significant differences between sexes (p < 0.05) with some exceptions. The major fatty acid was found as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), between 24.17 and 32.65%. Due to the low fat content of this species, the highest eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) + DHA values were calculated as 80.93 mg/100 g of edible muscle. The results indicated that this species contains high nutritional properties in terms of protein content and fatty acid values.  相似文献   

The effect of varying oxygen saturation regimes on growth and haematological profiles of peled Coregonus peled was investigated on fish of initial age 90 days post hatching. Eighty‐five juveniles per group (initial body weight 3.09 ± 0.80 g) were submitted to a 63‐day experiment with one of four water saturation regimes: normoxia (NORm, 80%–90%), hypoxia (HYPo, 50%–60%), hyperoxia (HYPe, 150%–160%) and intermittent hyperoxia (iHYPe, 150%–160% ‐ 80%–90%). Survival rate in NORm, HYPe and iHYPe ranged from 96.3 ± 2.1% to 97.7 ± 2.7, but survival 87.5 ± 3.0 was significantly lower in the HYPo group. No differences were observed in feed conversion ratio. The highest final body weight of 18.2 ± 4.6 g and a specific growth rate of 2.81 ± 0.01%/day were seen in the NORm group. Significant differences were found in haemoglobin concentration with increased saturation. The fish had lower haemoglobin 55.00 ± 5.72 and 51.35 ± 10.89 g/L in treatments HYPe, iHYPe with compared to the normoxia (64.22 ± 5.78 g/L). Haematocrit was similar in the groups HYPo, NORm and iHYPe (0.55 ± 0.04, 0.58 ± 0.05 and 0.54 ± 0.09) with the exception of HYPe, which was significantly lower (0.48 ± 0.06). Significantly lower count of erythrocyte was observed in iHYPe group (0.88 ± 0.20) with compared to the normoxia (1.06 ± 0.13). The supersaturation level was not associated with effects on growth and survival, and adding oxygen is not recommended for intensive rearing of peled. The results showed normoxia oxygen level to be the most suitable conditions for peled.  相似文献   

万瑞景  卞晓东 《水产学报》2012,36(7):1065-1072
根据1978—1986年4—6月太平洋中部热带水域、西太平洋热带水域以及东海外海黑潮流域调查期间所采集到的缪氏暗光鱼仔稚鱼样品,结合相关的文献资料,详细描述了缪氏暗光鱼的个体发育形态,旨在丰富我国鱼类早期生活史的研究内容并为今后鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类鉴定提供参考资料。缪氏暗光鱼卵子为圆球形、无色、透明的分离浮性卵。卵子表面被有一层特殊突起状的胶质膜,卵子直径为1.29~1.82 mm,内卵膜直径为0.87~1.17 mm。胶质突起的底部在卵膜的表面呈正六角形。单一油球,直径为0.22~0.28 mm。卵黄间隙非常狭小。卵黄表面呈泡状龟裂。胚胎发育过程没有色素出现。体长2.80 mm的前期仔鱼,肛门位于体中部稍后,可数肌节17+16=33对,鱼体上无色素分布。体长为2.90 mm的前期仔鱼,眼球上开始出现黑色素细胞沉淀。体长为5.90 mm的后期仔鱼,鳔泡形成,后半部上方出现点状色素分布;体长为6.90 mm的后期仔鱼,出现2个BR发光器和2个IV2发光器。体长为8.20 mm的后期仔鱼,鱼体上星状和点状黑色素增多,出现3个BR发光器、OP3发光器和7个IV2发光器。体长10.70 mm的稚鱼,腹囊中部出现一列星状黑色素,BR发光器和IV2发光器的数量增多外又出现1个ORB发光器。体长14.00 mm的稚鱼,颅顶至尾柄有许多大小不等的星状黑色素分布,尾柄上的黑色素较为浓密,整个腹囊散布点状黑色素,又出现了OP1、OP2、5个IV1、5个OA、4个VAV、6个AC2以及6个AC3发光器,至此,发光器发育还没完全。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of mislabelled seafood products in the globalized market underline the need for approaches to identify the origin of these products. Pacific white shrimp cultured in different salinities (Litopenaeus vannamei) from 16 locations in China and USA were collected and differentiated based on δ13C and δ15N values. The δ13C and δ15N values of 16 commercial feeds used in shrimp culture were measured and effects of feed on C and N stable isotope composition in shrimp were investigated. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of the shrimp did not provide means to discriminate farmed shrimp from China and USA. However, the shrimp cultured in water with high salinity were enriched in 13C compared to shrimp cultured in freshwater and this provided another basis for discrimination. The correlation between δ13C in feed and shrimp was not significant, while the δ15N in feed and shrimp showed a trend of positive correlation.  相似文献   

为探讨高温和低盐对中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)早期胚胎发育进程的影响, 本研究利用中心复合设计(CCD)和响应曲面分析法(RSM), 开展不同温度(12~26 ℃)和盐度(22~34)对中间球海胆胚胎发育早期进程的联合效应研究, 旨在建立温度和盐度对中间球海胆胚胎发育进程的定量关系模型, 并通过统计优化方法得出温度和盐度的最佳组合。结果显示, 在实验设定的温度和盐度范围内, 随着温度的升高, 中间球海胆早期胚胎发育时间呈现出先缩短后延长的趋势; 随着盐度的降低, 中间球海胆胚胎发育早期时间延长。温度的一次效应、二次效应和盐度的一次效应均显著影响(P<0.05)中间球海胆胚胎发育早期进程; 温度一次项系数的绝对值均大于盐度的一次项系数; 温盐的联合效应对中间球海胆胚胎发育早期进程的影响不显著(P>0.05)。实验建立的 2 细胞期、8 细胞期、16 细胞期、囊胚期、上浮期和四腕幼虫期发育进程模型方程决定系数分别为 0.9576、0.9508、0.9689、0.9932、 0.9681 和 0.9763。模型优化和验证试验得出, 温度 20.47 ℃和盐度 31.46 时, 中间球海胆 2 细胞期、8 细胞期、16 细胞期、囊胚期、上浮期、四腕幼虫期的发育时间最短, 分别为 1.28 h、2.07 h、3.31 h、4.14 h、11.28 h 和 47.31 h。 研究结果表明高温和低盐会延长中间球海胆早期胚胎发育时间。  相似文献   

在高密度工业化封闭循环海水养殖条件下(养殖密度为14?2±0?48 kg/m2),选取大菱鲆(371?68±43?15 g)360尾,随机均分4组,设置4个水温梯度14℃、16℃、18℃和21℃,旨在探寻水温对大菱鲆氨氮排泄、转氨酶及血清免疫因子的影响,试验期为56 d。结果表明:(1)养殖水体总氨氮浓度随水温升高呈先升后降,18℃时总氨氮浓度极显著高于14℃、21℃时;大菱鲆氨氮排泄率随水温升高而升高,且二者呈指数关系。(2)大菱鲆肝脏GPT、GOT活力随水温升高呈先升后降,均在18℃达最大值;而血清两种指标变化趋势与之相反,均在21℃达最大值。(3)血清LZM、SOD活力及皮质醇含量均随水温升高呈先升后降,均在18℃达最大值;血氨含量则逐渐下降,14℃时极显著高于18℃、21℃时;鳃丝Na+?K+?ATPase活力随水温升高而升高,但组间差异不显著。综上,封闭循环水养殖大菱鲆的适宜水温为16~18℃。  相似文献   

The extensively farmed giant freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, can survive salinities up to 26 g L?1, but the commercially important grow‐out occurs exclusively in freshwater areas. Recent studies suggest the shrimp equally capable of growing in brackish as fresh water and a better understanding of how this species responds to changing salinity could significantly impact freshwater prawn farming in deltas and coastal areas. Here, the effect of salinity (0 and 15 g L?1) on standard metabolic rate (SMR) and critical oxygen tension (Pcrit) was measured in adult M. rosenbergii using intermittent closed respirometry. SMR was 79.8 ± 3.1 and 72.7 ± 2.9 μmol kg?1 min?1 in fresh and brackish water, respectively, with no significant difference between the two salinities (P = 0.122). During hypoxia M. rosenbergii maintained oxygen uptake down to a Pcrit of 26.3 ± 1.4 mmHg in fresh and 27.2 ± 2.0 mmHg in brackish water (P = 0.682), showing that salinity had no overall effect on oxygen conductance in the animals. These findings are in agreement with recent growth studies and provide further evidence that grow‐out phase could be accomplished in brackish water areas. Thus, the predicted intrusions of brackish water in tropical deltas as a consequence of future global warming may not impact this important production.  相似文献   

To determine the optimal rearing temperature for Centropomus undecimalis larvae during the yolk resorption period, changes in larval development were measured at four different temperatures (23, 25, 28 and 31°C). Yolk and oil‐globule volume was recorded for 25 larvae at four different times. This involved an initial measurement at hatch and at 24, 48 and 72 h posthatch (hph). Additional morphological measurements included standard length, body height and eye diameter. On average, at the end of the three trials, larvae reared at 25°C had a longer mean standard length than larvae reared at 23, 28 and 31°C. Larvae reared at 25°C also had more yolk and oil globule reserves than larvae raised at 28 and 31°C. The body height:length residuals were also the highest at 25°C (i.e. larvae had deeper or stockier bodies). The yolk sac was present up to 72 hph at 23 and 25°C, while it was entirely consumed after 48 hph in larvae held at 28 and 31°C. Larvae showed the fastest growth during the first 24 hph in all temperature treatments; this period corresponded to the highest energy consumption as determined by the decrease in yolk sac and oil‐globule volume. Eye diameter did not vary significantly with time during yolk‐resorption. We conclude that a temperature near 25°C is optimal for raising snook larvae during the yolk‐resorption period.  相似文献   

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