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A 126‐day experiment was carried out under controlled conditions to compare the effects of five levels (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 g kg?1) of dietary nucleotide (Vannagen®) on the growth performance and biological indices of juvenile crayfish (8.25 ± 0.39 g). The protein efficiency ratio (PER, 1.69–2.17), lipid efficiency ratio (LER, 2.29–3.00), energy efficiency ratio (EER, 2.68–3.65), protein productive value (PPV, 57.01–68.95%), lipid productive value (LPV, 63.02–75.15%) and energy productive value (EPV, 68.20–88.15%) increased significantly (P < 0.05) as linear response to increased dietary nucleotide from 0.5 to 2.5 g kg?1 in the feed. With an increase in the dietary nucleotide, the uricase activity (654.29–827.63 U g?1) and lactobacillus count to total count ratio (1.21–2.17) of crayfish fed the experimental diets increased significantly (P < 0.05). Crayfish fed the diets containing different levels of nucleotide (from 0.5 to 2.5 g kg?1) had higher phenoloxidase activity (1.57–2.11 U min?1) than that of control after air exposure challenge. At the levels tested, 2 g kg?1 nucleotide in the diet was considered optimum for growth performance, digestibility and immune responses. It can be concluded that dietary nucleotide exerted positive effects on growth performance, feed utilization and accelerate crayfish immune response against air exposure challenge.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary calcium chloride (CaCl2) concentration on the growth, survival, moulting and body composition of Astacus leptodactylus were studied. Diets were prepared using supplementation of 0 (control), 30, 60 and 120 g kg?1 calcium chloride commercial trout larvae diet containing 50% protein and 12% lipid. Astacus leptodactylus larvae with an average total length of 22.0 ± 0.05 mm (TL) and weight of 0.53 ± 0.01 g obtained from eighteen ovigerous females collected from Seydisehir Sugla Dam lake in Konya, Turkey, were stocked in 0.2‐m2 aquariums at a rate of 50 crayfish m?2 and reared for 90 days. The experiments included four treatments (diets) with three replicates each. Calcium chloride exerted positive effects on growth, moulting frequency, feed efficiency and survival of narrow‐clawed crayfish. Crayfish fed with 60 g calcium kg?1 calcium chloride‐supplemented diet exhibited the highest weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) but the lowest survival rate (63.3%) (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in mean moisture (803.5 g kg?1) and protein content (177.0 g kg?1) in crayfish tail meat. However, lipid values were between 3.8 and 11.6 g kg?1 and significantly different among the diets (P < 0.05). Diet with 60 g kg?1 calcium chloride is recommended for the best growth of freshwater crayfish.  相似文献   

As alternative to formalin, the antifungal effect of a plant product [Origanum onites L. (Lamiaceae) oil] was investigated for use in the artificial incubation of narrow‐clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz) eggs. For this purpose, this study was conducted as two experiments. In experiment I, the eggs were artificially incubated for 40 days. In experiment II, juveniles were cultured to determine effects of O. onites oil on juveniles for 30 days. The experimental groups were as follows: formalin (3500 ppm for 15 min), O. onites oil (300 ppm for 15 min, 700 ppm for 2 min and 1000 ppm as a dip treatment 15 split‐second) and a control (no treatment). In the experiment I, the highest hatching rate (86%) and survival rate of stage II juveniles (80%) were observed in 1000 ppm dip group. These results were similar to that of formalin group (85% and 79%) respectively. The control group exhibited the lowest hatching rate (49%) and stage II rate (42%) compared with the 1000 ppm dip group and 3500 ppm formalin treatments. However, other concentrations (300 and 700 ppm) of O. onites showed toxic effects on the eggs and there was no hatching. In the experiment II, the survival rate and growth performance of the crayfish juveniles were similar in all groups. This study indicated that the 1000 ppm O. onites dip treatment could be a good alternative to formalin for improved egg hatchability in the artificial incubation of crayfish eggs.  相似文献   

The effects of seasonal, sex and size on digestive enzyme activities of Astacus leptodactylus in natural habitat were investigated in the present study. The freshwater crayfish were sampled 584 individual as seasonally from Egirdir Lake. Ten male and 10 female individuals were sampled randomly from caught crayfish in each two different size ranges (4.5–7.0, 7.1–9.9 cm) and each season. The gastrointestinal tract, gastric, intestine and midgut gland were individually dissected on ice for enzyme analysis and stomach contents. At the end of the study, amylase activities were affected by interaction of season × sex × size in intestinal, season × sex in midgut gland. However, any interaction was not determined in amylase activities of the gastric. Lipase activities were affected by interaction of season × sex × size in intestinal and gastric, season × sex in midgut gland. The protease activities in each organ were affected by interaction of season, sex and size (? .05). In all organs, amylase and lipase activities were similar. However, the highest protease activity was in stomach while the lowest protease activity was the intestine. The protease activities were higher than amylase and lipase activities. There is a positive correlation between protease enzyme activities in gastric with gonad maturation and active feeding period. It can be said based on data of digestive system and high protease activity that A. leptodactylus is an omnivore species in need high protein. In addition, the reason for the low levels of lipase activity may be A. leptodactylus not prefer high fat foods or not fed high fat foods.  相似文献   

To evaluate effects of stocking density on welfare of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii), an experiment was designed using three initial stocking densities in flow‐through tanks (LSD = 3.7 kg m?3, MSD = 6.9 kg m?3, and HSD = 9.3 kg m?3, respectively) for 60 days. Growth, body composition, and haematological and biochemical parameters were monitored. The mortality and feed conversion rate (FCR) were not affected by stocking density. However, the specific growth rate (SGR), final weight and weight gain in the HSD group were significantly lower than in the LSD and MSD groups. The hepatosomatic (HSI) and viscerosomatic indices (VSI) varied inversely with regard to stocking density. Stocking density did not affect crude protein levels in fish. In contrast, the total lipid level was significantly higher in the LSD group compared to the MSD and HSD groups. The levels of erythrocytes and haemoglobin were positively correlated with stocking density. Serum total bilirubin and urea in HSD group were significantly higher than in the LSD group while serum triglycerides showed opposite tendencies. Differences between treatments were not registered for glucose, total protein and albumin. In conclusion, higher stocking density resulted in increased immunosuppression and enhanced energy mobilization. The latter was necessary to enable Amur sturgeon to cope with crowding.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the best synbiotic combination (based on growth and short‐chain fatty acids production) between Enterococcus faecalis and eight prebiotics. Based on the results of in vitro studies, E. faecalis + galactooligosaccharide (EGOS) and E. faecalis + mannanoligosaccharide (EMOS) were selected as synbiotics. A 126‐day feeding trial was conducted to compare the effects of prebiotics, probiotic and synbiotics on the growth indices, In vivo ADC of nutrients, digestive enzymes, hemolymph indices and finally, biological responses against 48‐hr Aeromonas hydrophila exposure challenges of juvenile (4.13 ± 0.12 g) crayfish. The highest values of SGR (2.19% body weight day?1), VFI (2.75% body weight day?1), survival rate (96.67%) and the lowest FCR (2.33) were observed in the juvenile crayfish fed the EGOS‐ diet. The significantly (p < .05) highest means of in vivo ADCOM, in vivo ADCCP, in vivo ADCCF and in vivo ADCGE were measured in crayfish fed the EGOS‐ diet. The mean survival rate of Aeromonas hydrophila‐injected crayfish fed the EGOS‐ diet (56%) was significantly (< .05) higher than those of fed the control (8.67%) and other diets (22.67–35.32%). At the levels tested, 7.86 log CFU E. faecalis g?1 + 10 g kg?1 GOS in the diet was considered optimum.  相似文献   

A 63‐day experiment was done to study the effects of four levels (5, 10, 20 and 50 g/kg) of encapsulated organic salts (Na‐acetate, Na‐butyrate, Na‐lactate and Na‐propionate) on the growth indices and haemato‐immunological responses of crayfish Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus (4.38 ± 0.08 g). Crayfish were distributed at 51 1,000‐L tanks (17 treatments at triplicate). The highest values of final weight (27.86 g), specific growth rate (2.94% body weight per day) and survival rate (96%) were observed in the crayfish fed the 20 g/kg of encapsulated Na‐propionate diet (p < .05). The highest activities of phenoloxidase (7.4 U/min), superoxide dismutase (7.80 U/min) and lysozyme (9.40 U/min) were observed in the gut of crayfish fed the 20 g/kg of encapsulated Na‐propionate diet (p < .05), as well as the highest activities of alkaline protease (10.70 U/mg), lipase (9.10 U/mg), amylase (9.60 U/mg) and the lactobacillus count (p < .05). Broken line regression model of SGR and phenoloxidase activity suggested that the optimum dietary levels of encapsulated Na‐acetate, Na‐butyrate, Na‐lactate and Na‐propionate could be 30.7, 31.8, 31.4 and 33.5 g/kg, respectively, in crayfish reared in culture conditions.  相似文献   

A 18‐week feeding trial was carried out under controlled conditions to compare the effects of onion powder (OP) at six levels (5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 g/kg) on the growth performance, nutritional efficiency indices, hemolymph indices and fillet organoleptic properties of juvenile (5.62 ± 0.39 g) crayfish. The significantly (< .05) highest values of final weight (71.30 g) and SGR (2.02% per day) and the lowest FCR (1.03) were observed in the juvenile crayfish fed the diet containing 40 g OP/kg. The juvenile crayfish fed the diet containing 40 g OP/kg had the significantly (< .05) highest THC (105.27 × 105 cell/ml), HC (98.33 × 105 cell/ml), SGC (38.54 × 105 cell/ml) and LGC (49.51 × 105 cell/ml). The crayfish fed the levels of dietary OP higher than 30 g/kg showed the significantly (< .05) higher values of SOD (4.07–4.30 U/min) and LYZ (6.73–7.20 U/min) compared with those fed 5, 10, 20 and 30 g of dietary OP/kg and control. Polynomial regression of SGR, FCR, PPV and PER suggested that the optimum dietary OP level could be higher than 30 and <50 mg/kg in crayfish reared in culture conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of timing of extended photoperiods on growth and maturity of brook trout was investigated in a 112‐day experiment. The fish with mean initial weight of ~192 g were reared under four light regimes: one control group with natural ambient photoperiod and three groups exposed to an 18L:6D regime initiated at days 1, 23 or 46 of the growth trial. Light‐emitting diodes, with intensity of 250–1000 lux, depending on the distance from the light source, were used for extending light periods. There was a positive effect of prolonged day length on fish growth (< 0.05), and a delay in gonad development and sexual maturity. Significantly higher numbers of sexually mature fish were found among controls groups, regardless of sex. Survival rate was not affected by light regime. This study demonstrated that the short‐term expansion of the photo period delayed maturation and increased the growth rate of brook trout.  相似文献   

The social environment plays a major role in the control of growth in many crustaceans, but little is known on the mechanisms involved. Two‐ and three‐year‐old noble crayfish, Astacus astacus are strictly nocturnally active. In the present article, we studied social effects on the pattern of nocturnal activity, represented by the time which the animals spent outside shelters. For this purpose, the activity of groups of uniformly large (‘dominant’) and uniformly small (‘subordinate’) individuals were recorded at different densities both separately and in mixed set‐ups. In crowded laboratory cultures, the presence of larger (dominant) conspecifics was found to reduce the time which smaller (subordinate) individuals spent outside shelters in search of food and feeding by about one‐third. It is suggested that this asymmetric inhibitory effect is an element of the functional chain which ultimately results in an extremely wide variation in individual growth rates of communally reared A. astacus. The relevance of the findings to crayfish aquaculture is discussed.  相似文献   

Stock density is one among the most important factors in aquaculture that directly influences the growth of organisms; however, there is limited information about the effects of stocking density on growth performance of sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Gmelin, 1788) that has a commercial potential and represents a new species for aquaculture. In this study, we investigated the effect of stocking densities on the growth performance of juvenile H. tubulosa (40.3 ± 3.34 g) in laboratory conditions. Stocking densities were selected as 6, 15 and 30 ind m?2 with total biomass 253.3 ± 0.18, 601.2 ± 0.11 and 1201.4 ± 0.15 g m?2 respectively. We monitored the growth by wet weights and calculated the growth performance through weight gain, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain, coefficients of variation and survival rate during 8 weeks of research period. We found that individual mean weight gain in 6 ind m?2 group was approximately 29.53 g while it was 3.03 g and ?4.36 g for 15 ind and 30 ind m?2 groups respectively. Results have shown that the specific growth rate tends to decrease as the number of individuals in unit area increases. The final mean weight, growth rate, specific growth rate, relative weight gain and coefficients of variation were significantly different among treatment groups. In conclusion, a density of 6 ind m?2 is recommended for stocking juvenile H. tubulosa under rearing conditions. Stocking density of 15 ind m?2 is not favourable for long term as the growth rate is negligible where 30 ind m?2 should be avoided in tank‐based rearing units.  相似文献   

Stocking density is a biotic factor affecting the production of cultivated animals in aquaculture. Herein, a rearing trial was conducted to investigate the impact of stocking density on the survival, growth performance and physical injury of Marsupenaeus japonicus juveniles in a flowing water aquaculture system. Five stocking densities were examined in this study, that is, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 individuals/m2. Throughout the experiment, ammonia nitrogen and nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.02 ± 0.006 mg/L to 0.08 ± 0.035 mg/L and 0.002 ± 0.001 mg/L to 0.076 ± 0.021 mg/L respectively. The survival rate, specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), absolute growth rate (AGR) and coefficient of variation for weight (CV) across the stocking densities ranged from 90.38 ± 3.20% to 94.33 ± 4.73%, 1.42 ± 0.16%/day to 1.53 ± 0.05%/day, 1.09 ± 0.19 g to 1.15 ± 0.16 g, 0.018 ± 0.003 g/day to 0.019 ± 0.004 g/day and 16.21 ± 5.78% to 35.09 ± 10.68% respectively. Within the investigated densities, the survival rate and the abovementioned growth parameters were not significantly (p > .05) affected by the stocking density, consequently, a higher stocking density resulted in a significantly (p < .05) greater final biomass. The results regarding physical injury showed that the antennal breakage rate displayed a tendency of a positive correlation with the stocking density. Overall, the current study provides basic data for establishing a viable intensive farming system for Mjaponicus and a promising indicator for easily assessing the crowding stress status of Mjaponicus.  相似文献   

Long‐day photoperiods are considered as an effective managerial tool in manipulating of reproduction and somatic growth in a number of fish species. In this study, the effects of three different artificial photoperiods on the gonadal development and somatic growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss L.) were investigated. Two years‐old immature female rainbow trout (279.94 ±2.25 g) were exposed to three artificial photoperiod regimes of 24L:0D, 18L:6D and 6L:18D and natural light (NL) regime for 5 months. The highest gonadosomatic indices were recorded in NL and 6L:18D groups while the rates were significantly lower in fish maintained under 18L:6D and 24L:0D photoperiods (< 0.05). Mean oocyte diameters in fish exposed to 24L:0D and also to 18L:6D were significantly lower than the 6L:18D and NL groups. Photoperiods with 24L:0D and 18L:6D regimes resulted in significantly higher mean final weights and specific growth rates (SGR) than NL regime. The highest mean final weight (635.45 ± 16.19 g) and SGR (1.03 ± 0.04% day?1) were obtained under 24L:0D photoperiod. Fish exposed to 24L:0D and 18L:6D showed the highest condition factor as 1.44 ± 0.01 and 1.44 ± 0.02 respectively, when compared with the NL (1.27 ± 0.01) and 6L:18D (1.34 ± 0.02) groups. Basically, the results suggested that continuous artificial lightning can be used as an influential factor in delaying gonadal development and enhancing somatic growth in rainbow trout during gonadal growth phase.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of physical contact on the growth of Apostichopus japonicus through various stocking densities, group culture and physical isolation culture. The results showed that the specific growth rates (SGR), the feed conversion efficiencies and the energy used for growth of the animal decreased with the increase in stocking density, while the coefficient of variations (CV) in group culture treatments increased. In high density treatments (4, 6 ind./40 L), the SGRs in isolated culture treatments were not different to those in group culture treatments of the same density, however, the CVs in the latter (58.0% and 60.4%, respectively) were significantly higher than those in the former (37.8% and 35.8%, respectively). The CV difference between group one and isolated one of the same density (20.2% and 24.7%, respectively) was less than that in single individual culture (32.7%), indicating that the effect of physical contact on growth variation was weaker than that of genetic factor. This study proved that the individual growth variation in sea cucumber resulted mainly from genetic factor and physical contact, while some chemical mediator might also be the factor affecting the growth rate of sea cucumber.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of dietary tryptophan (a precursor of 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT, serotonin) on the agonistic behavior, growth, and survival of freshwater crayfish were investigated. For this aim, a control diet (D1) and three experimental diets (D2, D3, and D4) were prepared. D1 contained no additional tryptophan (TRP), but D2, D3, and D4 diets were supplemented with TRP at 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 % in dry diet, respectively. The control contained 0.33 % TRP. Results revealed that higher supplemental dietary TRP levels caused a significant decrease in the aggressive behavior (P < 0.05), but an increase in the calmness of crayfish. In addition, the results showed that 5-HT levels in the hemolymph before the fight (after 15 days of feeding; resting) were significantly different (P < 0.05) between D1 and D4. There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the 5-HT level of hemolymph between the crayfish fed control and D4 after 15 days of feeding. However, after the fight, 5-HT concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TRP-supplemented A. leptodactylus as compared with the control. The findings of this study showed that supplemental dietary TRP caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the growth and survival rate of A. leptodactylus. The crayfish fed D4 had the best survival rate at the end of the experiment (91.60 % in August). The findings of this study also showed that difference in survival rate between the crayfish fed control and D2 in June, July, and August was not significant (P > 0.05). In addition to these, supplemental dietary TRP gave rise to significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR) values in June and July (P < 0.05). For example, in June, it was 0.38 for the crayfish fed D4, 0.28 for the crayfish fed D3, 0.18 for the crayfish fed D2, and 0.13 for the crayfish fed control. However, in August, the highest SGR (0.56) was obtained from the crayfish fed control. The results also showed that the SGRs of females were lower than the males in June, July, and August (P < 0.05). In conclusion, this research shows that the aggressive behavior of A. leptodactylus can be suppressed, and rearing efficiency (i.e., increased growth and high survival rate) of this species can be improved by increasing TRP levels to 1.00 % in its diet.  相似文献   

Calanoid copepods, including species of the genus Acartia, are commonly used as larval diets for marine finfish. This study aimed to determine the separate effects of water temperature (18, 22, 24, 28° ± 0.5°C) and photoperiod (24L:0D; 18L:6D; 12L:12D; 8L:18D; 0L:24D) on Acartia grani egg production (EP), hatching rate (EHR) and population growth. Egg production rate was not affected by the two abiotic parameters. A. grani eggs incubated at T24°C and T28°C were the first to achieve 50% hatching rate (23–25 hr), with significant differences at the end of the experiment (48 hr) between T28°C treatment (EHR 88 ± 5%) and T18°C treatment (EHR 65 ± 2%). However, different temperature regimes did not affect final number of individuals in population growth experiment. Still, when eggs were excluded from data, population at lower temperatures (18°C) was mainly composed by the nauplii stage (72%), while at higher temperatures (24°C and 28°C) more than 60% of the population was composed by copepodites and adults. A. grani subjected to long‐day photoperiods had significantly lower EHR (16.7% at 24L:0D; 20.8% at 18L:6D) than at short‐day photoperiods (52.6% at 6L:18D; 50.0% at 0L:24D). In population growth experiment, eggs were the most common life stage after 12‐day culture. Lowest population number was found at constant light conditions (665.0 ± 197.1), suggesting higher metabolic rates and depletion of energy reserves in long‐day conditions. This study expanded knowledge on the biological response of A. grani to separate temperature and photoperiod regimes, and provided ground to improve the culture of this potential life feed species for hatcheries.  相似文献   

New and viable species for aquaponics and integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in freshwater systems can improve yields and sustainability of aquaculture. Freshwater crayfish species such as Astacus astacus and Pontastacus leptodactylus are omnivorous feeders and considered candidates for feeding on faecal matters in existing aquaculture systems. Feeding trials were conducted to determine growth response and RNA/DNA ratio in freshwater crayfish fed fish waste. Carapace length and wet weight were measured to determine the growth response. Juvenile A. astacus was fed faeces of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), while adult P. leptodactylus was fed with two commercial pellet diets and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) faeces. The nutritional composition of hybrid striped bass faeces was close to optimal diet composition of A. astacus, and crayfish showed significantly higher carapace growth, weight gain and weight gain per moult as the group fed rainbow trout faeces. The growth of P. leptodactylus was significantly lower in terms of weight gain and weight gain percentage per moult for crayfish fed on pikeperch faeces. Thus, this study can recommend a co‐cultivation of hybrid striped bass and A. astacus within one system, but cannot recommend co‐cultivation of P. leptodactylus with pikeperch. Additionally, this study showed controversial results of RNA/DNA ratio and weight gain of both crayfish species. Thus, RNA/DNA ratio cannot be approved for investigations on crayfish physiological status in controlled feeding experiments if animals are fed with an inadequate diet.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary lipid level was evaluated on growth, survival, and molting of yearling narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus. Yearling crayfish were fed five isonitrogenous diets (35% protein), formulated to contain 4%, 7%, 10%, 13%, or 16% lipid. Crayfish (10.1 ± 1.6 g) were reared for 56 days in 60-L fiberglass tanks at 23 ± 1.7 °C, with flow-through water and continuous aeration. At the end of the trial, crayfish fed 13% lipid had the highest weight gain and specific growth rate, significantly different from crayfish fed 4% and 7% lipid (p < 0.05). Crayfish fed 13% lipid had a significantly higher survival rate (86.7%) than the animals fed 4% lipid (71%) (p < 0.05). Molting was not affected by lipid level (p > 0.05). We recommend 13% dietary lipid level for optimum growth and survival of Astacus leptodactylus in intensive cultivation.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking density and photoperiod on Hippocampus abdominalis was examined in this study. Stocking densities of 45, 30, 15 and 5 seahorses 3 L?1 were tested on newborns. Growth and survival were independent of stocking density. A second stocking‐density experiment aimed to remove the effect of an early mortality experienced in experiment 1 using older juveniles at 25, 15 and 5 seahorses 3 L?1. There were no differences in the parameters measured. Also, the effect of photoperiod was investigated on seahorses cultured under 24:00, 16:08 and 08:16 (L:D) photoperiods. A single Artemia meal was delivered at 10:00 hours. Survival and body growth in 16:08 and 08:16 hours were higher than in 24:00 hours. In a second experiment, seahorses were cultured in the photoperiods and conditions described for experiment 1, except they were fed twice the amount in two meals delivered at 10:00 and 16:30 hours. The seahorses in 16:08 hours showed better growth than the other treatments, but there were no differences in survival. These results suggest that early juvenile H. abdominalis can be cultured at higher stocking densities than previously reported, without compromising growth and survival, and when feeding was not limiting, grew better in an extended photoperiod (16:08) but not in 24:00 hours.  相似文献   

The effects of nucleotides on growth, and physiological and antioxidant parameters were evaluated by feeding Pelteobagrus fulvidraco diets supplemented with 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0 or 1.5 g kg?1 of nucleotides respectively. All nucleotide groups showed higher specific growth rate, feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, whole‐body lipid content and serum cholesterol concentrations than the control group, but the significant difference was seen only between fish from the 1.5 g kg?1 nucleotide group and fish from the control group. Whole‐body ash content in fish from the 0.6 g kg?1 nucleotide group, and liver superoxide dismutase and catalase in fish from the 0.4 g kg?1 nucleotide group were significantly higher than those in fish from the control group. Respiratory burst activity was significantly higher in fish from the 0.6, 1.0 and 1.5 g kg?1 nucleotide groups than in fish from the control. This finding was accompanied by lower liver concentrations of thiobarbituric acid‐reacting substances in fish from the same groups compared to those from the control group. The results indicate that dietary nucleotides could improve growth and antioxidant responses in juvenile yellow catfish.  相似文献   

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