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This study has investigated the muscle growth of diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) juveniles raised in replicate tanks over a period of 29 weeks and analysed at three sampling points (February, June and September). Data for weight, length, condition factor (K), muscle fibre growth and myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) number were collected and results were analysed in relation to body growth and ploidy status. Diploids were significantly heavier than triploids throughout the trial (~10–20%) and had K in June and September samplings. Over the whole period, the rate of muscle fibres' recruitment was 318 fibres per day and 252 fibres per day for diploid and triploid cod respectively. The larger body weight of diploids resulted in a total number of fast fibre number of 114 979 compared to 91 086 in triploids. The average diameter of the 2.5% of the smallest fibres (2.5th percentile) was higher in diploids than triploids at the start of the trial, with a reversed picture for the average of the upper 2.5% (97.5th percentile) at the end of the trial. The probability density function of the estimated muscle fibre diameters showed similar fibre size distribution between size‐matched diploids and triploids at all sample points. The peak fibre diameter was approximately 25 μm in February and increased to approximately 50 μm in June and September, irrespectively of ploidy. Pax 7 were used as molecular markers for MPCs. A positive correlation between Pax 7+ cells and total body length was observed only among triploid fish at the onset of the experiment.  相似文献   

During the development of breeding programme for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L., in Iceland, genetic parameters were estimated for 1402 individuals, which were assigned with DNA profiling to 140 dams and 70 sires. The cod was reared in cages on the eastern and western coasts of Iceland from 2004 to 2005. At the average body weight of 1.8 kg, the estimated heritability (h2 ± SE) for body weight, gutted weight and the condition factor (CF) were 0.31 ± 0.06, 0.34 ± 0.04 and 0.24 ± 0.06 respectively. Genetic correlation (rG) in body weight between the two rearing locations was estimated as 0.95, which reflects a low G × E interaction. The estimated heritability for hepatosomatic index (HSI) and fillet yields was 0.061 ± 0.04 and 0.04 ± 0.04 respectively. The HSI and fillet yields were highly genetically correlated with body weight or 0.67 and 0.82 respectively. The genetic correlation between the CF and body weight was estimated as 0.31. There appears to be substantial amount of additive genetic variation for body weight suggesting that selection is likely to be successful. Low heritability for fillet yields and the HSI indicates less promise of genetic improvement. Assigning of parentage to individuals with DNA profiling was 80% successful.  相似文献   

Three‐year classes of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua were studied throughout their rearing in the eastern coast of Iceland from 2004 to 2011. The growth and status of maturity were recorded during the rearing. For one of the year classes, genetic parameters for body weight and maturity status were estimated from 757 individuals, which were the offspring of 40 dams and 20 sires. The estimate for heritability of body weight was h2 = 0.34 at the average weight of 630 g, and heritability for proportion of maturity was h2 = 0.17 given the same weight. The relationship between body weight and the proportion of mature individuals at first winter revealed a strong genetic correlation of rG = 0.90. The phenotypic relationship between body weight and proportion of maturity was estimated with a Bayesian logistic regression as P(yi = 1(mature)) = Φ(β0 + β1weight + β2sex). The best fit yielded β0 = ?2.9320 with a 95% interval between ?3.2807 and ?2.5394, β1weight = 0.0041 with a 95% interval ranging from 0.0035 to 0.0046 and β1sex = ?0.0201 with a 95% interval from ?0.2003 to 0.1445. The gender had no notable effect. This strong phenotypic and genetic correlation in body weight and maturation suggests that an increased growth rate will consequently lead to a higher proportion of mature individuals in the population. As a consequence, genetic manipulations to simultaneously increase growth and delay maturation may present a challenge.  相似文献   

Digestive capacity and compensatory growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to examine whether digestive capacity correlates with growth rate in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Ninety fish (1035±240 g; 478±36 mm) were assigned to one of three treatments: deprived of food for 5 weeks and then re-fed for 24 days, deprived for 10 weeks and then re-fed for 24 days, or fed for 24 days without deprivation (controls). Three times a week during feeding, the fish were provided with meals of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in excess. Within each treatment, ten fish were sacrificed before and twenty after the feeding period. The relative masses of the pyloric caeca, intestine, and white muscle were determined. Cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), citrate synthase (CS), and nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) activities were assayed in the pyloric caeca, intestine, and muscle as was trypsin activity in the pyloric caeca. During the re-feeding period, fish that had been deprived of food for 10 weeks showed compensatory growth, growing 1.9 times faster than the controls (0.94±0.26 versus 0.50±0.31% body mass ⋅ day−1). Fish that displayed compensatory growth had a lower relative white muscle mass than controls (66.5±4.1% vs. 69.6±7.4%) while the relative masses of the pyloric caeca (2.21±0.49% vs. 1.78±0.31%) and intestine (0.95±0.20% vs. 0.77±0.15%) were greater than the controls, suggesting that the sizes of these digestive tissues might correlate with compensatory growth capacity. Citrate synthase in the pyloric caeca was the only enzyme that showed higher activity during compensatory growth (8.57±0.94 U ⋅ g tissue−1 compared to 7.13±1.03 U ⋅ g tissue−1 in the control group). This suggests that aerobic catabolic capacity of pyloric caeca could be related to growth capacity during recovery, possibly via the energetic cost of digestive enzyme synthesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The growth performance of different stocks of farmed North Atlantic cod over several years in Irish rearing conditions is described. The growth trajectories for all stocks reared were similar. From all growth data, it was found that weight at 180 and 365 days post hatch (dph), with mean values of 17.7 and 158.7 g, respectively, are accessible and useful indicators of hatchery growth performance. The importance of using standard benchmarking points to facilitate concerted and improved research efforts is highlighted here. Growth performance was evaluated against existing predictive models and these were found to be quite robust and very useful within certain constraints. Comparative growth modelling using prevailing ambient sea surface temperature regimes for five different countries (Ireland, Norway, Canada, Iceland and the Faeroes) was also undertaken. Harvest size of 2.5 kg was estimated to be reached in approximately 36 months post hatch in the Faeroes, 38 months in Ireland, 37 months in Norway, 40 months for Canada and up to 42 months in Iceland.  相似文献   

A disease outbreak in farmed Atlantic cod caused by Yersinia ruckeri is reported. Mortality started following vaccination of cod reared in two tanks (A and B). The accumulated mortality reached 1.9% in A and 4.8% in B in the following 30 days when treatment with oxytetracycline was applied. Biochemical and molecular analysis of Y. ruckeri isolates from the cod and other fish species from fresh and marine waters in Iceland revealed a high salinity‐tolerant subgroup of Y. ruckeri serotype O1. Infected fish showed clinical signs comparable with those of Y. ruckeri ‐infected salmonids, with the exception of granuloma formations in infected cod tissues, which is a known response of cod to bacterial infections. Immunohistological examination showed Y. ruckeri antigens in the core of granulomas and the involvement of immune parameters that indicates a strong association between complement and lysozyme killing of bacteria. Experimental infection of cod with a cod isolate induced disease, and the calculated LD50 was 1.7 × 104 CFU per fish. The results suggest that yersiniosis can be spread between populations of freshwater and marine fish. Treatment of infected cod with antibiotic did not eliminate the infection, which can be explained by the immune response of cod producing prolonged granulomatous infection.  相似文献   

In the present study the impact on autochthonous (adherent) bacteria in proximal intestine (PI) and distal intestine (DI) of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) was evaluated following feeding of a control diet and a diet supplemented with 5% chitin. The autochthonous gut bacteria were investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Analysis of the microbiota associated with PI and DI of Atlantic cod indicate that dietary chitin modulate the intestinal bacterial community. For example, band 25 ( Escherichia coli–like), band 14 ( Anaerorhabdus furcosa–like) and band 29 (uncultured bacterium–like) in PI were depressed by dietary chitin (P < 0.05). The number of bands (23.7 ± 5.4) in DI of fish fed chitin was marginally higher than the control fish (16.7 ± 2.1) (P = 0.065), and the relative abundances of band 6 (swine faecal bacterium–like) were marginally stimulated by dietary chitin (P = 0.095). Furthermore, the present study reports several novel sequences not previously reported in the gastrointestinal tract of Atlantic cod. Whether the dietary effect of chitin on gut bacterial community has any positive effect of fish health merits further investigations.  相似文献   

Reduced abundance and contracted spatial distribution of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) may indicate large spatio‐temporal variation in their habitat quality. Season‐specific Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models were developed to quantify such variation in the offshore GOM management area. Data used were non‐zero cod catch rates with calibrations from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) spring and fall bottom trawl surveys over the period 1982–2013 and key physical environmental variables including depth, bottom temperature, bottom salinity and sediment types. Significant declines were found in the average HSI across the study area in the springs of early 2000s and 2010s. These low average HSI values coincide with reduced age‐1 recruitment of GOM cod stock after the mid‐1990s. Moreover, the western coastal areas of the GOM generally exhibited higher average HSI values than the eastern coastal areas, whereas the offshore areas always had the lowest average HSI. Relatively higher cod survey catch rates in the western GOM may imply positive influences of environmental controls on the distribution of GOM cod.  相似文献   

Induction of triploidy has been suggested as an effective tool to prevent spawning of farmed fish. This experiment examined the growth potential of triploid cod when reared communally with diploid ones after the juvenile stage. Pressure treatment was used to induce triploidy in a batch of cod eggs in April 2009. The resulting offspring were reared separately from their diploid counterparts until they reached the proper size for PIT tagging. At the age of 8 months, an equal number of 115 diploids (135.5 ± 3.95 g) and triploids (93.6 ± 2.63 g) were communally reared in a circular flow-through tank until the age of 22 months. By the end of this rearing period, diploids (1,002.4 ± 39.9 g) were significantly heavier than triploids (654.6 ± 27.7 g), but the specific growth rate did not differ significantly during the growth trial. Gonadal development at the age of 22 months was also lower among triploids than diploids, especially for females (5.3 and 91.9 %) but also for males (32.5 and 72.7 %). Sterility among female triploids was evident by the reduced size and dysfunctional gonads, but gonadal development in male triploids was less suppressed. Prevalence of body deformities was, however, significantly higher among triploids (62.6 %) than diploids (33.9 %). Higher prevalence of deformities in triploid cod underlines the need for further fine-tuning of the triploidization procedure or finding other methods of sterilization. At present, triploid cod are still far from being established as an alternative for commercial production.  相似文献   

Escapes of cod (Gadus morhua) from sea cages represent an economic problem for farmers and a potential environmental problem. We estimate that 0–6% of cod held in sea‐cage farms in Norway were reported to have escaped each year from 2000 to 2005, which is a high proportion compared with salmon. We interviewed employees at 19 coastal sea‐cage cod farms in Norway to investigate both how and why cultured cod escape and to document cage handling and management strategies that were effective in minimizing escapes. Based on the interviews, we describe five working hypotheses that may explain why a greater proportion of cod than salmon escape: (1) cod are more willing to escape than salmon; (2) cod bite the net cage and create wear and tear; (3) net cages have insufficient technical standards for cod culture; (4) cod are placed in sea cages at considerably smaller sizes than salmon; and (5) cod are more popular feed for predators. Preliminary testing of the hypothesis that cod bite netting and create holes was done by placing pre‐damaged net panels with cut twines and control panels inside sea cages. Holes in the pre‐damaged net panels increased in size over a period of 3 months. The type of damage indicated that biting of netting twines was the likely cause.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the nutritional composition and effects of short periods with cultivated copepod nauplii versus rotifers in first‐feeding. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae were given four different dietary regimes in the earliest start‐feeding period. One group was fed the copepod Acartia tonsa nauplii (Cop), a second fed enriched rotifers (RotMG), a third fed unenriched rotifers (RotChl) and a fourth copepods for the seven first days of feeding and enriched rotifers the rest of the period (Cop7). Cod larvae were fed Artemia sp. between 20 and 40 dph (days posthatching), and ballan wrasse between 36 and 40 dph, with weaning to a formulated diet thereafter. In addition to assessing growth and survival, response to handling stress was measured. This study showed that even short periods of feeding with cultivated copepod nauplii (7 days) had positive long‐term effects on the growth and viability of the fish larvae. At the end of both studies (60 days posthatching), fish larvae fed copepods showed higher survival, better growth and viability than larvae fed rotifers. This underlines the importance of early larval nutrition.  相似文献   

Commercial farming of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is now being developed in several countries. The ecological consequences of cod culture are poorly understood, but recent research suggests that Atlantic cod are more prone to escape from net pens than Atlantic salmon. Here, we describe the movements and the spatiotemporal distribution of farmed cod after escape relative to wild cod, both during and outside the natural spawning season. The experimental design included simulating escape incidents of farmed cod tagged with acoustic transmitters and using an array of automatic listening stations to monitor their dispersal and distribution. For comparison, local wild cod were monitored using the same array of receivers. The farmed cod dispersed rapidly after a simulated escape, they randomly distributed over large areas and their distribution overlapped with local wild cod. Moreover, escaped farmed fish were found at local cod spawning areas during the spawning season. The study also indicated that the recapture rate of escaped farmed cod was high compared with that of escaped farmed salmon. Thus, while our results showed that there is a considerable potential for ecosystem effects caused by escaped farmed cod, mitigating actions such as an efficient recapture fishery for escapees may be possible.  相似文献   

Selected biomarkers of health were examined in 50 post‐spawning cod Gadus morhua collected in November 2015 from the southern Baltic. The biomarkers included condition factor (CF), macroscopic lesions, histopathology of spleen, liver and gonads, and morphometry of follicular atresia and hepatic and splenic melanomacrophage cells (MMC). All fish appeared in good body condition. One fish had a dermal ulcer, and in seven, macroscopic nematodes were noted within body cavity. Microscopic lesions in the liver included biliary myxozoanosis, microsporidial and necrocentric granulomas, parasitic hepatitis, multifocal necrosis, foci of cellular alterations, spongiosis, peliosis and cytoplasmic fibrillar inclusions. The spleen and gonads had microsporidial and/or necrocentric granulomas. Some of the biomarkers showed differences as compared to spawning cod collected in May from the same location in 2012, most importantly values an order of magnitude lower for splenic MMC in post‐spawning fish. In post‐spawning fish, there were statistically significant correlations between MMC, CF, follicular atresia, parasitic hepatitis and microsporidiosis. This is the first comparison of biomarkers of health in post‐spawning and spawning Baltic cod. Future studies need to examine the relationships of biomarkers to levels of pollutants in the environment and in tissues of cod.  相似文献   

The present investigation addresses whether the midgut (MG) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is an infection route for Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum serotype 02 β and if Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, a probiotic bacterium, can out‐compete the pathogen and modulate the autochthonous MG microbiota. This was investigated by using an ex vivo method the intestinal sac, utilized previously in studies on Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Exposure of the MG to V. (L.) anguillarum did not reveal any cell damage indicating that the MG does not appear to be an infection route for V. (L.) anguillarum in healthy Atlantic cod. This finding together with previous observations on Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon indicate that intestine as an infection route might vary between these two species. When the MG was exposed to C. maltaromaticum, no cell damage or cellular disruptions were observed. As budding from the apices of microvilli was observed in all treatments exposed to bacteria, we suggest that budding might be involved in the primary barrier against bacterial infection. However, to clarify this hypothesis, further studies are needed. Exposure of the MG to the probiotics and pathogenic bacteria indicated that C. maltaromaticum, to some extent, is able to out‐compete V. (L.) anguillarum but the topic merits further investigation. Analysis of the MG microbiota after sterile saline solution and bacterial exposure indicates that bacteria related to Staphylococcus sciuri belong to the autochthonous gut microbiota in Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Francisellosis, caused by the bacterium Francisella piscicida , has become one of the most serious diseases in Atlantic cod production in Norway. The major aim of this study was to determine the distribution of F. piscicida in farmed and wild fish in areas with cod farming along the Norwegian coast, and its occurrence in cod from areas without cod farming. Two real-time PCR assays, targeting the 16S rRNA gene and the FopA gene of F. piscicida , were developed since sensitive and specific diagnostic tools are required for detecting asymptomatic carriers of the bacterium. A total of 422 wild cod from 13 sampling areas and 955 farmed cod from 10 areas along the coast of Norway were examined. Using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, F. piscicida was detected in wild populations of cod from all counties examined south of Sogn og Fjordane in southern Norway (overall prevalence 13%, n  = 221). Wild cod north of Sogn og Fjordane were negative for the bacterium ( n  = 201). Farmed cod from most parts of Norway were F. piscicida positive. The apparent absence of the bacterium in wild populations of cod in the northern parts of Norway and its widespread occurrence in wild cod from southern parts of Norway is believed to relate to differences in seawater temperatures.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influences of two algal derivatives, alginic acid and fucoidan (FUC) on the activities of the intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) of Atlantic cod. The cells were isolated from three regions of the intestines, and primary cultures were incubated with the derivatives followed by temporal analysis of cellular activities. Epithelial cell survival in the fore and hind intestine was not significantly affected by the algal derivatives at both time points (3 and 24 h postincubation, hpi). Cellular survival in the mid‐intestine decreased significantly at 3 hpi. Stimulation of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity of IEC induced by the algal derivatives was observed to be region dependent. Myeloperoxidase activity in the cells from fore‐ and mid‐intestines was not significantly affected by the two algal derivatives. Both algal derivatives significantly stimulated the activity at 3 hpi in the hind intestinal cells, and FUC‐exposed cells remained significantly elevated until 24 hpi. The results showed that algal derivatives could be applied as potential immunostimulants in cod with stimulatory action of MPO activity in the mucosal immune cells of the hind intestine.  相似文献   

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