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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate using strain gauges, a hoof cast with heel wedge, and a therapeutic shoe with unsupported toe for their effectiveness in redistribution of load from the dorsal hoof wall. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro biomechanical study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Twenty forelimb specimens. METHODS: Rosette strain gauges were placed on the dorsal and lateral hoof wall of 20 normal shaped hooves. Limbs were loaded vertically using a tensile testing machine with a 1 Hz sinusoidally cycling load up to 3000 N during 15 seconds. Mean values of principal strain and direction at 2500 N load were calculated for 3 experimental conditions (unshod, therapeutic shoe with unsupported toe, and hoof cast with heel elevation) and tested by ANOVA (P<.05). RESULTS: Vertical limb loading in an unshod hoof leads to a biaxial compression of the dorsal wall with high longitudinal compression (epsilon2 = -1515 microm/m). Principal strain at the dorsal wall (epsilon2) was decreased by 23% with the therapeutic shoe and by 59% with the hoof cast. On the lateral hoof wall principal strain was unchanged with the shoe, but increased by 34% with the cast. CONCLUSIONS: Strain measurements indicate unloading of the dorsal hoof wall by both methods with the cast being more effective than the shoe. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The hoof cast with wedge offers substantial unloading of the dorsal wall, but increases load on the quarter. Therefore a hoof cast would likely be most helpful in acute laminitis when palmar structures can still bear load. The therapeutic shoe offers rehabilitation and regrowth of the dorsal wall without increased load on the quarter wall.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: To evaluate quantitative sensory testing (QST) of the feet of laminitic horses using a power‐assisted hoof tester. Hypothesis: Hoof Compression Thresholds (HCTs) can be measured reliably and are consistently lower in horses with chronic laminitis than in normal horses. Methods: HCTs of chronic laminitic (n = 7) and normal horses (n = 7) were repeatedly measured using a hydraulically powered and feedback controlled hoof tester. Data from 2 tests, at 3 sites in both forefeet, during 3 sessions were collected and statistically analysed using linear mixed models. Results: The mean ± s.e. HCT for the laminitic horses was 29.6 ± 3.5 kg/cm2 and for horses in the normal group was 59.8 ± 4.3 kg/cm2. Residual variance was the largest of the error components and was greater (P<0.001) for the normal horses; none of the other components significantly differed between the 2 groups. Averaging of HCTs from each foot could produce a test with intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.83 for the normal group and 0.87 for the laminitic group, with an estimated sensitivity of 0.94 and a specificity of 0.93. This test would permit detection with 80% power and 95% confidence of a reduction of over 40% in the difference in mean HCTs between laminitic and normal horses following effective treatment provided that the experimental groups are of 9 or more horses. Conclusions: HCTs can be safely and reliably measured experimentally using this hoof tester. The level of variability found indicates that, under these conditions, treatments may need to produce at least a 40% improvement to be detected. Simplification of the hoof tester, training of the horse and repeated testing may permit the method to be used clinically to detect changes in the HCTs of individual laminitic horses but these potential improvements will require further investigation. Potential relevance: Measurement of HCTs can provide an additional means for assessing the effectiveness of treatments for alleviation of chronic equine laminitis.  相似文献   


Cranium and brainstem dimensions were measured in 32 postmortem dog heads. Positive correlations were found between cranium length (CL) and brainstem length (BL) (r=0.87), between cranium width (CW) and brainstem width (BW) (r=0.83), and between cranium distance (CD = CL CW/2) and brainstem distance (BD = BL+BW/2) (r=0.91). Positive correlation coefficients were also found between CL and CW (r=0.90), and between BL and BW (r=0.85). It was concluded that head size accurately reflected brainstem size. A least squares estimation of the brainstem distance (BD) from CL and CW values was BD = 10.9 + 0.16 (CL CW/2) (BD, CL and CW in mm).

Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and cranium dimensions were measured in 43 dogs (86 ears) with different head size, body size, sex and age. Wave form, absolute and interpeak latencies and correlation coefficients, relating latencies to cranium dimensions and body weight, were analysed CL, CW, and CD were positively correlated with body weight (r=0.93, 0.70 and 0.93, respectively), and CL, CW, and CD were correlated with age (r=0.33, 0.52 and 0.40, respectively). BAEPs consisted of five distinct positive peaks (I to V). Secondary positive peaks following peaks I and II were seen in 60% (I') and 90% (II') of the recordings. Late waves were recorded in 90% (VI), 50% (VII), and 25% (VIII) of the recordings. Latencies increased with decreasing stimulus intensity level (from 90 dB to 10 dB hearing level, HL),especially for peaks I, II, V, and the I‐V interpeak interval Absolute and interpeak latencies were positively correlated with cranium distance and body weight. Correlation coefficients increased as wave latencies increased At 90 dB HL, the highest correlation coefficients, relating cranium distance to peak V and the I‐V interpeak latency, were 0.55 and 0.53 (P < 0.00001), respectively. Regression analysis showed that each 1 cm increase in cranium distance was accompanied by an increase of 0.006 ms in the latency of wave I, 0.03 ms for wave III, 0.05 ms for wave V, and 0.05 ms for the I‐V interpeak interval Regression analysis showed that an increase of 1 kg in body weight was accompanied by an increase of 0.001 ms in the latency of wave I, 0.005 ms for wave III, 0.011 ms for wave V, and 0.01 ms for the I‐V interpeak interval. It is concluded that head size, which accurately reflects brain size, is a relevant source (25%) of intersubject variance of BAEP latencies in the dog.  相似文献   

The wooden shoe provides the clinician with an alternative option to conventional farriery when treating a variety of foot problems such as acute/chronic laminitis, white line disease, distal phalanx fractures and poor-quality hoof capsules. The wooden shoe provides a simplified method to apply many of the principles of therapeutic farriery which include redistributing the load or forces on the foot, repositioning breakover and providing heel elevation when necessary. Understanding the biomechanics of the wooden shoe along with understanding good basic farriery which include the appropriate foot trim, proper size, fit and placement of the wooden shoe on the foot combined with the appropriate application are essential for consistent success. This paper outlines what is considered to be the proper application of the wooden shoe.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: In the treatment of laminitis it is believed that reducing tension in the deep digital flexor tendon by raising the palmar angle of the hoof can reduce the load on the dorsal lamellae, allowing them to heal or prevent further damage. Objective: To determine the effect of alterations in hoof angle on the load in the dorsal laminar junction. Methods: Biomechanical finite element models of equine hooves were created with palmar angles of the distal phalanx varying from 0–15°. Tissue material relations accounting for anisotropy and the effect of moisture were used. Loading conditions simulating the stages in the stance where the vertical ground reaction force, midstance joint moment and breakover joint moment were maximal, were applied to the models. The loads were adjusted to account for the reduction in joint moment caused by increasing the palmar angle. Models were compared using the stored elastic energy, an indication of load, which was sampled in the dorsal laminar junction. Results: For all loading cases, increasing the palmar angle increased the stored elastic energy in the dorsal laminar junction. The stored elastic energy near the proximal laminar junction border for a palmar angle of 15° was between 1.3 and 3.8 times that for a palmar angle of 0°. Stored elastic energy at the distal laminar junction border was small in all cases. For the breakover case, stored elastic energy at the proximal border also increased with increasing palmar angle. Conclusions and potential relevance: The models in this study predict that raising the palmar angle increases the load on the dorsal laminar junction. Therefore, hoof care interventions that raise the palmar angle in order to reduce the dorsal lamellae load may not achieve this outcome. See also correspondence by Redden See also correspondence by Curtis  相似文献   

The structures of the equine foot have the unique ability to adapt, change shape and restore. There are multiple benefits in shod vs. barefoot or in allowing the horse to be without shoes for a given time period to improve the palmar section of the foot. However, it requires a transition period, a change in the manner in which the foot is trimmed, a commitment from the owner/trainer and, in the case of leaving the horse without shoes permanently, it depends whether the horse can perform the desired function without shoes.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Hyperinsulinaemia is known to induce laminitis experimentally in healthy ponies with no history of the condition. Horses are more insulin sensitive than ponies and whether prolonged hyperinsulinaemia and euglycaemia would have a similar laminitogenic effect requires study. Objectives: To determine if laminitis results when the prolonged euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp technique (p‐EHC) is applied to clinically normal Standardbred horses, and to monitor hoof wall temperature seeking an association between vascular activity and laminitis development. Methods: Eight young, clinically normal Standardbred horses were assigned into 4 pairs and within each pair, one was assigned randomly to either treatment (n = 4) or control (n = 4) groups. Treated horses received continuous infusions of insulin and glucose until clinical signs of laminitis developed, at which point the horses were subjected to euthanasia. Control horses received an equivalent volume of a balanced electrolyte infusion for the same period. Hoof wall surface temperature (HWST) was monitored continuously throughout the experimental period. Results: All horses in the treatment group were calculated to have normal insulin sensitivity. All treated horses, and none in the control group, developed laminitis (P = 0.01). Pronounced digital pulses were a feature of the treatment group, while insignificant digital pulses occurred in control horses. HWST was higher and less variable in treated horses once hyperinsulinaemia was established. Conclusions: Healthy Standardbred horses subjected to prolonged hyperinsulinaemia develop laminitis within 48 h, demonstrating that laminitis in horses can be triggered by insulin. Potential relevance: Insulin resistance and the associated hyperinsulinaemia place horses and ponies at risk of developing laminitis. This study demonstrates a need for prompt management of the persistent hyperinsulinaemia seen in some endocrinopathies.  相似文献   

The medical records of 30 horses (18 Warmbloods, 7 draught horses, 3 other breeds and 2 of unknown origin) with chronic proliferative pododermatitis (canker) were reviewed and long‐term outcome was obtained by telephone questionnaire. In 28/30 cases, the owner was the first to discover the problem. The disease was initially recognised as canker in only 5/28 cases, whereas in 10/28 cases a treatment for thrush had been continued for several months before referral. There was a similar prevalence in the fore (41) and hind (44) hooves; 13/30 horses had 4 hooves affected. Treatment consisted of surgical debridement and hoof care. Duration of hospitalisation was significantly decreased in horses receiving oral prednisolone for 3 weeks compared to those without this additional systemic treatment (mean ± s.d. 24 ± 5 days, n = 7 vs. 40 ± 19 days, n = 19, respectively). Long‐term follow‐up ranged from 3 months to 6 years (36 ± 22 months) and was available for 24 horses. No recurrence was reported in 10 horses. In 14 horses problems recurred within the first year, and 6 had been subjected to euthanasia for this reason specifically, whereas the others were managed by regular trimming. There was no significant association between recurrence and the number of affected hooves or the use of any systemic treatment. Horses with delayed referral because of preceding treatments had significantly more chance to develop recurrence, highlighting the need for prompt diagnosis and subsequent treatment.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Hyperinsulinaemia has been implicated in the pathogenesis of laminitis; however, laminar cell types responding to insulin remain poorly characterised. Objectives: To identify laminar cell types expressing insulin receptor (IRc) and/or insulin‐like growth factor‐1 receptor (IGF‐1R); and to evaluate the effect of dietary nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) on their expression. Methods: Mixed‐breed ponies (n = 22) received a conditioning hay chop diet (NSC ~6%); following acclimation, ponies were stratified into lean (n = 11, body condition score [BCS]≤4) or obese (n = 11, BCS ≥7) groups and each group further stratified to remain on the low NSC diet (n = 5 each for obese and lean) or receive a high NSC diet (total diet ~42% NSC; n = 6 each for obese and lean) for 7 days. Laminar samples were collected at the end of the feeding protocol and stained immunohistochemically for IRc and IGF‐1R. The number of IRc(+) cells was quantified; distribution of IGF‐1R was qualitatively described. Laminar IRc content was assessed via immunoblotting. Results: The number of IRc(+) cells was greater in the laminae of high NSC ponies than low NSC ponies (P = 0.001); there was a positive correlation between the change in serum insulin concentration and number of IRc(+) cells (r2= 0.74; P<0.0001). No epithelial IRc(+) cells were observed; IRc(+) cells were absent from the deep dermis. Analysis of serial sections identified IRc(+) cells as endothelial cells. The distribution of IGF‐1R was more extensive than that of IRc, with signal in vascular elements, epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Conclusions: Increased dietary NSC results in increased laminar endothelial IRc expression. Laminar keratinocytes do not express IRc, suggesting that insulin signalling in laminar epithelial cells must be mediated through other receptors (such as IGF‐1R). Potential relevance: Manipulation of signalling downstream of IRc and IGF‐1R may aid in treatment and prevention of laminitis associated with hyperinsulinaemia.  相似文献   

Equine laminitis is a severely debilitating disease. There is a poor understanding of the underlying pathophysiology, and traditional imaging modalities have limited diagnostic capacity. High field strength magnetic resonance (MR) imaging allows direct visualization of the laminae, which other modalities do not. This would prove useful both in assessment of clinical patients and in further investigation into the pathophysiology of the disease. The objective of this study was to characterize the anatomic changes within the equine foot associated with the initial active stage of laminitis. Images obtained using a 4.7 T magnet were compared with digital radiographs using histologic diagnosis as the reference standard. Objective measurements and subjective evaluation for both modalities were evaluated for the ability to predict the histologic diagnosis in horses with clinical signs of laminitis as well as in clinically normal horses and horses that were in a population at risk for developing laminitis. Signal intensity and architectural changes within the corium and laminae were readily seen at 4.7 T, and there was a strong association with the histologic diagnosis of active laminitis. Measurements obtained with MR imaging were more sensitive and specific predictors of laminitis than those obtained radiographically. Subjective evaluation with MR imaging was more sensitive than with radiography and should become more specific with greater understanding of normal anatomy.  相似文献   

Twenty horses with pemphigus foliaceus were seen over a period of 15 years in a veterinary medical teaching hospital. Breeds seen were seven quarterhorses, five thoroughbreds, three cross-bred horses, two Arabians and one of each of the following: standardbred, Tennessee walker and warmblood. There was no breed, age or sex predisposition. Nine were mares, ten were geldings and one was a stallion. Ages ranged from 2.5 months to 25 years, with a mean of 8.6 years. Sixteen (80%) of the pemphigus foliaceus horses first exhibited signs between September and February. There was a statistically significant more common occurrence of pemphigus foliaceus during those months. Signs in the four other horses were first noted in March, May or June. Three of those horses were < 13 months of age. Oedema (14/20) and crusts (13/20) were the most common lesions. Pain was present in 9/20 horses, pruritus in 7/20 and pyrexia in 7/20. Follow-up was available for 13 horses. Five of these horses were euthanased. In three horses the reason for euthanasia was laminitis secondary to treatment. Four horses remained lesion-free after medication was discontinued. Two horses required maintenance medication and are doing well at the time of writing.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Equine hoof canker is a chronic proliferative pododermatitis of as yet unknown aetiology. Like equine sarcoid disease, canker is a therapy‐resistant disorder characterised by hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a marked tendency to recur. Hypothesis: There is an association of sarcoid‐inducing bovine papillomaviruses of types 1 and 2 (BPV‐1, BPV‐2) with hoof canker disease. Methods: Using PCR‐based techniques, we assessed canker tissue, intact skin and/or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 25 canker‐affected horses for the presence of sarcoid‐associated BPV‐1 and ‐2. Results: Conventional PCR revealed BPV‐1/‐2 DNA in 24/24 canker, 12/13 skin and 10/11 PBMC DNA isolates. Using inverse PCR, full‐length BPV episomes were detected in 1/5 canker specimens. Sequencing of viral early and late genes amplified from canker, intact skin and PBMC DNA of 2 cases revealed an overall identity of 98% to BPV‐1. Viral DNA loads amounted to ≤16 copies per cell in canker tissue and intact skin, and to ≤0.35 copies per PBMC, as determined by quantitative PCR. Using RT‐PCR, the viral major oncogene E5 was shown to be transcribed in 2/4 canker tissue specimens and 5/7 PBMC isolates. Immunocapture PCR from 7 canker and 6 skin extract supernatants revealed capsomere‐associated viral DNA in one canker and one skin sample. Hoof tissue, skin and PBMCs collected from 13 individuals with no signs of canker or BPV‐related malignancies scored negative throughout the experiments. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the observed presence of BPV‐1/‐2 in canker‐affected horses is not coincidental but indicative of an active contribution to hoof canker disease. Potential relevance: The use of antivirals and/or immune modulators may help improving canker therapy.  相似文献   

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