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Abstract: Platelet clumping is a common cause of erroneous platelet counts in cats. Mixing of blood with a vortex mixer was evaluated as a method to disaggregate platelet clumps in feline blood and thus obtain accurate platelet counts. Whole blood samples from 42 cats with platelet clumping and 10 control cats without platelet clumping were mixed for 1 minute at the maximal setting using a standard vortex mixer. Blood smears (for subjective assessment of the type and amount of platelet clumping), platelet counts, and total leukocyte counts were evaluated before and after mixing. Vortex treatment of blood samples with platelet clumps caused an increased platelet count in all but 1 sample. Although most samples had strong increases in platelet counts after mixing, only a minority of samples (5 of 42) appeared to have all platelet clumps dispersed. Of 39 feline blood samples with platelet counts initially <200×109 cells/L, 23 counts increased to >200×109 cells/L and 34 counts increased to >100×109 cells/L. Overall, mixing gave inconsistent and partial improvement in platelet counts. Total leukocyte counts were not significantly affected by vortex mixing. Vortex mixing of 10 feline blood samples without platelet clumping had no consistent effect on platelet or WBC counts. In conclusion, vortex mixing of feline blood does not appear to be a consistent means of correcting the problem of feline platelet clumping.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Platelet aggregates are a common artifact in canine blood. Aggregates may affect the accuracy of platelet counts, with important consequences for patient care. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine if platelet counts in dogs were more accurate if blood was collected into citrate instead of EDTA as an anticoagulant. METHODS: Blood was collected from 50 dogs with neoplasia admitted to the oncology service at Cornell University. EDTA and citrate Vacutainer tubes were filled with blood in random order. Platelet counts and parameters (mean platelet volume [MPV], platelet distribution width [PDW], mean platelet component concentration [MPC], platelet component distribution width [PCDW], and automated platelet clump count [APCC]) were determined using an optical-based hematology analyzer (ADVIA 120). Blood smears from each anticoagulated sample were scored visually for platelet aggregates. RESULTS: The median platelet count was significantly lower (median decrease, 27 x 10(9)/L) in citrate-anticoagulated blood compared with EDTA-anticoagulated blood. This was attributed to platelet activation and aggregation: significantly more aggregates were seen in smears of citrate- than of EDTA-anticoagulated blood. Aggregates were typically small and not detected by the analyzer. Also, the MPV and MPC (or density) were significantly higher (median increase, 3 fL) and lower (median decrease, 33 g/L) in citrate-anticoagulated samples, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Platelets aggregate, likely from activation, when blood from dogs with neoplasia is anticoagulated with citrate for hematology testing, resulting in lower platelet counts. Citrate also yields inaccurate results for MPV and MPC, likely because of inadequate sphering of platelets. Thus, we recommend that citrate not be used as an anticoagulant when accurate platelet counts are desired in dogs.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the difference in plasma prostaglandin F2α metabolite concentrations following oxytocin (OT) challenge between pregnant and non‐pregnant cows. Experiment 1: cows were subjected to the OT challenge test on days 12, 14 or 16 (day of estrus = day 0) with or without prior insemination and plasma 13,14‐dihydro‐15‐keto prostaglandin F2α (PGFM) concentrations were measured from ?30 to 180 min after OT injection. On day 16, the increment of plasma PGFM concentrations in response to OT injection was significantly smaller in pregnant than that in cyclic cows. On days 12 and 14, there was little OT‐induced PGFM secretion and no difference in PGFM increase between the pregnant and cyclic cows. Experiment 2: cows were inseminated on day 0 and subjected to the OT challenge test on day 16. Cows were classified into non‐pregnant/early embryonic death (NP/EED), late embryonic death (LED) and pregnant (PREG) groups. The increment of PGFM concentrations in response to OT injection was less in both PREG and LED groups than that in the NP/EED group. In conclusion, plasma PGFM secretion induced by OT is suggested as the base of pregnancy diagnosis prior to returning estrus in cows.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare hepatic fatty acid deposition, plasma lipid level and expression of cholesterol homeostasis controlling genes in the liver of rats (Wistar Albino; n = 32) and pigs (Large White × Landrace; n = 32) randomly assigned into two groups of 16 animals each and fed 10 weeks the diet with either 2.5% of fish oil (F; source of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, EPA+DHA) or 2.5% of palm oil (P; high content of saturated fatty acids; control). F‐rats deposited in the liver three times less EPA, but 1.3 times more DHA than F‐pigs (p < 0.05). Dietary fish oil relative to palm oil increased PPARα and SREBP‐2 gene expression much strongly (p < 0.01) in the pig liver in comparison with the rat liver, but expression of Insig‐1 and Hmgcr genes in the liver of the F‐pigs relative to the expression of these genes in the liver of the P‐pigs was substantially lower (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 respectively) as compared to rats. When plasma lipid concentration in the F‐animals was expressed as a ratio of the plasma concentration in the P‐counterparts, dietary fish oil decreased HDL cholesterol less (p < 0.01), but LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerols more (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001 respectively) in rats than in pigs: more favourable effect of fish oil on rat plasma lipids in comparison with pigs can therefore be concluded. Concentration of total cholesterol and both its fractions in the rat plasma was negatively correlated (p < 0.01) with hepatic DHA, but also with unsaturated myristic and palmitic acid respectively. It has been concluded that regarding the similarity of the plasma lipid levels to humans, porcine model can be considered superior; however, using this model, dietary fish oil at the tested amount (2.5%) was not able to improve plasma lipid markers in comparison with saturated palm oil.  相似文献   

Hypoglycin A (HGA) was detected in blood and urine of a horse suffering from atypical myopathy (AM; Day 2, serum, 8290 μg/l; urine: Day 1, 574, Day 2, 742 μg/l) and in its cograzing partners with a high variability (46–1570 μg/l serum). Over the period of disease, the level of the toxic metabolites (methylencyclopropylacetic acid [MCPA]‐conjugates) increased in body fluids of the AM horse (MCPA‐carnitine: Day 2, 0.246, Day 3, 0.581 μmol/l serum; MCPA‐carnitine: Day 2, 0.621, Day 3, 0.884 μmol/mmol creatinine in urine) and HGA decreased rapidly (Day 3, 2430 μg/l serum). In cograzing horses MCPA‐conjugates were not detected. HGA in seeds ranged from 268 to 367 μg/g. Although HGA was present in body fluids of healthy cograzing horses, MCPA‐conjugates were not detectable, in contrast to the AM horse. Therefore, increasing concentrations of MCPA‐conjugates are supposed to be linked with the onset of AM and both parameters seem to indicate the clinical stage of disease. However, detection of HGA in body fluids of cograzing horses might be a promising step in preventing the disease.  相似文献   

The emergence of new antibiotic‐resistant Escherichia coli pathotypes associated with human disease has led to an investigation in terms of the origins of these pathogens. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unspecified agents are responsible for 38.4 million of the 48 million (80%) cases of foodborne illnesses each year in the United States. It is hypothesized that environmental E. coli not typically associated with the ability to cause disease in humans could potentially be responsible for some of these cases. In order for an environmental E. coli isolate to have the ability to cause foodborne illness, it must be able to utilize the same attachment and virulence mechanisms utilized by other human pathogenic E. coli. Recent research has shown that many avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) isolated from poultry harbour attachment and virulence genes also currently found in human pathogenic E. coli isolates. Research also suggests that, in addition to the ability to cause gastrointestinal illnesses, APEC may also be an etiological agent of foodborne urinary tract infections (FUTIs). The purpose of this article was to evaluate the evidence pertaining to the ability of APEC to cause disease in humans, their potential for zoonotic transfer along with discussion on the types of illnesses that may be associated with these pathogens.  相似文献   

This study was conducted based on the evidence of fish habitats in North India being affected by organophosphate pesticides draining from agricultural fields into bodies of water, especially during the rainy season. Various tissues of fish such as scales, gills ovaries, kidney, and liver have been studied from the toxicological point of view, but the toxicological effects of aquatic pollutants on fish cornea have not been investigated to date. We conducted comparative toxicological studies on the cornea of Cyprinus carpio communis using two sublethal (0.038 and 0.126 ppm) concentrations of monocrotophos pesticide for 30 days. Corneas from all the groups were evaluated by a scanning electron microscope. The fish exposed to the monocrotophos pesticide developed corneal necrosis due to the formation of crystalloid‐like structures, thinning and shrinkage of microridges on the corneal epithelium. After 30 days, fish from the monocrotophos‐treated tank were transferred to normal environmental conditions. After 60 days under natural condition, epithelial cells did not fully recover. In conclusion, exposure to monocrotophos induces irreversible changes in the cornea of C. carpio communis. As fish and mammalian visual systems share many similarities, the reported finding may offer useful insights for further toxicological and ophthalmological studies in humans.  相似文献   

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