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Ante mortem diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis was determined ultrasonographically in four dogs. In each dog the thrombus was visible in two-dimensional, grey-scale images of the portal vein obtained through a right intercostal window. Duplex-Doppler measurements and color-Doppler images provided information about the effects of thrombosis on portal blood flow. Reduced portal blood flow compatible with portal hypertension was detected in three dogs. A hypercoagulable state was probably involved in the pathogenesis of portal vein thrombosis in two dogs, one with pancreatitis and gastrointestinal blood loss and another with protein-losing nephropathy and probable immune-mediated anemia. The third dog had chronic ehrlichiosis; thrombosis was probably secondary to vasculitis. The remaining dog had thrombosis secondary to invasion of the portal vein by a recurrent duodenal neoplasm. This dog was euthanized because the tumor was considered inoperable. The dog with pancreatitis developed acute portal hypertension due to obstruction of the portal vein by the thrombus and was euthanized. The dogs with protein-losing nephropathy and ehrlichiosis were treated medically and recovered. Although portal vein thrombosis is uncommon, this complication should be considered in dogs with a variety of abdominal or systemic disorders. Ultrasonography is a practical method for diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis and detection of the underlying cause.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a simple, safe, minimally invasive protocol to evaluate the hepatic vasculature. Five purpose-bred Beagle dogs underwent noncontrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan of the entire abdomen. A dynamic, nonincremental computed tomography scan at the level of T11 was then performed using a test bolus of contrast medium to determine time to peak opacification and to aid in the calculation of scan delay. The time to peak arterial enhancement ranged from 2.0 to 7.0 s, with a median of 2.0 s. The time to peak portal venous enhancement ranged from 23.0 to 46.0 s, with a median of 32.0 s. Scan delay for arterial opacification ranged from 0 to 5.0 s, with a median of 0 s. Scan delay for the portal phase of opacification ranged from 6.0 to 21.0 s, with a median of 17.0 s. Using this information, two separate computed tomographic studies were used to image the arterial and portal venous phases of circulatory opacification, respectively. The dogs were hyperventilated to prevent breathing motion during the scan, each of which required approximately 20 s. A power injector was used to inject diatrizoate meglumine (128 mg I/kg) through an 18-gauge cephalic vein catheter at a rate of 5 ml/s. Scanning was initiated after the appropriate scan delay to optimize the specific phase of vascular filling. Maximum intensity projections allowed clear delineation of the hepatic arteries and the portal venous system, while eliminating overlying structures that might interfere with image analysis. Time/density curves were generated, and the time needed for each study was recorded. Hepatic arteries and portal veins were clearly visualized in all dogs. Parenchymal opacification was also observed.  相似文献   

Bronchiectasis is an irreversible dilatation of the bronchi resulting from chronic airway inflammation. In people, computed tomography (CT) has been described as the noninvasive gold standard for diagnosing bronchiectasis. In dogs, normal CT bronchoarterial ratios have been described as <2.0. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe quantitative and qualitative CT characteristics of bronchiectasis in a cohort of dogs with confirmed disease. Inclusion criteria for the study were thoracic radiography, thoracic CT, and a diagnosis of bronchiectasis based on bronchoscopy and/or histopathology. For each included dog, a single observer measured CT bronchoarterial ratios at 6 lobar locations. Qualitative thoracic radiography and CT characteristics were recorded by consensus opinion of two board‐certified veterinary radiologists. Twelve dogs met inclusion criteria. The mean bronchoarterial ratio from 28 bronchiectatic lung lobes was 2.71 ± 0.80 (range 1.4 to 4.33), and 23/28 measurements were >2.0. Averaged bronchoarterial ratios from bronchiectatic lung lobes were significantly larger (P < 0.01) than averaged ratios from nonbronchiectatic lung lobes. Qualitative CT characteristics of bronchiectasis included lack of peripheral airway tapering (12/12), lobar consolidation (11/12), bronchial wall thickening (7/12), and bronchial lumen occlusion (4/12). Radiographs detected lack of airway tapering in 7/12 dogs. In conclusion, the most common CT characteristics of bronchiectasis were dilatation, a lack of peripheral airway tapering, and lobar consolidation. Lack of peripheral airway tapering was not visible in thoracic radiographs for some dogs. For some affected dogs, bronchoarterial ratios were less than published normal values.  相似文献   

Severe portal vascular anomalies have been reported previously accompanying azygos continuation of the caudal vena cava, polysplenia, and situs anomalies in dogs and people. Three dogs with portal vascular anomalies were identified by means of CT angiography as having portal vein aplasia with portal insertion into the caudal vena cava, azygos continuation of the caudal vena cava, and interruption of the pre‐hepatic caudal vena cava. This information confirms that complex embryological defects may occur in patients presenting for congenital portosystemic shunt, and that CT angiography is a non‐invasive method of completely evaluating these potentially non‐surgical portal vascular anomalies.  相似文献   

Collateral venous pathways develop in dogs with obstruction or increased blood flow resistance at any level of the caudal vena cava in order to maintain venous drainage to the right atrium. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the sites, causes of obstruction, and configurations of venous collateral pathways for a group of dogs with caudal vena cava obstruction. Computed tomography databases from two veterinary hospitals were searched for dogs with a diagnosis of caudal vena cava obstruction and multidetector row computed tomographic angiographic (CTA) scans that included the entire caudal vena cava. Images for each included dog were retrieved and collateral venous pathways were characterized using image postprocessing and a classification system previously reported for humans. A total of nine dogs met inclusion criteria and four major collateral venous pathways were identified: deep (n = 2), portal (n = 2), intermediate (n = 7), and superficial (n = 5). More than one collateral venous pathway was present in 5 dogs. An alternative pathway consisting of renal subcapsular collateral veins, arising mainly from the caudal pole of both kidneys, was found in three dogs. In conclusion, findings indicated that collateral venous pathway patterns similar to those described in humans are also present in dogs with caudal vena cava obstruction. These collateral pathways need to be distinguished from other vascular anomalies in dogs. Postprocessing of multidetector‐row CTA images allowed delineation of the course of these complicated venous pathways and may be a helpful adjunct for treatment planning in future cases.  相似文献   

Portal hypertension resulting in ascites and portosystemic shunts leading to hepatoencephalopathy are major clinical manifestations of hepatic circulatory disease. Diffuse liver disease impairing sinusoidal blood flow can induce portal hypertension, portosystemic shunts, or both. The liver may also be involved secondarily in posthepatic hypertension and become the site of ascitic fluid formation. Portosystemic shunts may or may not be associated with portal hypertension. Selective catheterization of the hepatic and portal veins permits one to record pressures and to outline gross and subgross vascular anomalies by injecting contrast medium. Sequential pressure recordings in the caudal vena cava, in a free and wedged hepatic vein position, in the splenic pulp, and directly in the portal vein are the bases for the differentiation of prehepatic, liver-induced, and posthepatic portal hypertension. In addition to localizing the disease process along the postcaval-portal vein axis, pressure measurements are a reliable basis for the prognosis and selection of the most appropriate therapy. In dogs with portacaval shunts, wedge hepatic vein pressure recordings assist in the detection of hepatic sinusoidal anomalies that limit blood flow and preclude surgical ablation of the shunts. The various technics and their suitability for direct and indirect portal vein pressure recording are described and evaluated. Normal portal vein pressure values in 11 dogs and two cats, using different technics, are provided. The clinical usefulness of the various technics of pressure recording and angiography was illustrated in ten dogs with ascites, hepatoencephalopathy, or both.  相似文献   

Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in captivity reared, endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana). Objectives of this retrospective, case series, cross‐sectional study were to describe computed tomography (CT) respiratory anatomy in a juvenile whooping crane without respiratory disease, compare CT characteristics with gross pathologic characteristics in a group of juvenile whooping cranes with respiratory aspergillosis, and test associations between the number of CT tracheal bends and bird sex and age. A total of 10 juvenile whooping cranes (one control, nine affected) were included. Seven affected cranes had CT characteristics of unilateral extrapulmonary bronchial occlusion or wall thickening, and seven cranes had luminal occlusion of the intrapulmonary primary or secondary bronchi. Air sac membrane thickening was observed in three cranes in the cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs, and air sac diverticulum opacification was observed in four cranes. Necropsy lesions consisted of severe, subacute to chronic, focally extensive granulomatous pathology of the trachea, primary bronchi, lungs, or air sacs. No false positive CT scan results were documented. Seven instances of false negative CT scan results occurred; six of these consisted of subtle, mild air sacculitis including membrane opacification or thickening, or the presence of small plaques found at necropsy. The number of CT tracheal bends was associated with bird age but not sex. Findings supported the use of CT as a diagnostic test for avian species with respiratory disease and tracheal coiling or elongated tracheae where endoscopic evaluation is impractical.  相似文献   

Odontogenic neoplasms are locally invasive oral tumors in dogs. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe CT characteristics for varying histopathologic types of canine odontogenic neoplasms. A board‐certified veterinary radiologist who was unaware of histologic findings reviewed and scored imaging studies. A total of 29 dogs were included in the study. Twenty‐three of these dogs had concurrent dental radiographs. The most common CT characteristics for all tumor types were a direct association with or in the region of multiple teeth in 96.4% (27/28), contrast enhancement in 96.3% (26/27), alveolar bone lysis in 93.1% (27/29), and mass‐associated tooth displacement in 85.2% (23/27). Mass‐associated cyst‐like structures were identified in 53.6% (15/28) and were only present in tumors containing odontogenic epithelium. Canine acanthomatous ameloblastomas (n = 15) appeared as extra‐osseous (10/15) or intra‐osseous (5/15) masses. Intra‐osseous canine acanthomatous ameloblastomas were more likely to have mass‐associated cyst‐like structures and were subjectively more aggressive when compared with extra‐osseous canine acanthomatous ameloblastomas. Amyloid‐producing odontogenic tumors (n = 3) had subjectively uniform CT imaging characteristics and consisted of round soft tissue and mineral attenuating masses with multiple associated cyst‐like structures. Fibromatous epulides of periodontal ligament origin (n = 4) were contrast enhancing extra‐osseous masses that were rarely referred for CT examinations and 25% (1/4) were not visible with CT. Other odontogenic tumors were less represented or had more variable CT imaging characteristics. Mass‐associated tooth destruction was appreciated more often with dental radiographs and extra‐oral tumor extension was identified more often with CT.  相似文献   

Canine pulmonary eosinophilic granulomatosis is a rare inflammatory pulmonary disease characterized by formation of eosinophilic granulomas that tend to obliterate the normal pulmonary architecture. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the CT characteristics of confirmed idiopathic pulmonary eosinophilic granulomatosis in a group of dogs. Five dogs met inclusion criteria. All patients were young adult dogs of variable breeds. No dog had concurrent occult heartworm disease. Computed tomographic characteristics most commonly included pulmonary masses and nodules of variable size, and lesions were most commonly located in the caudal lung lobes. Four dogs had large pulmonary masses with or without additional nodules and one dog had nodular lesions disseminated throughout the entire lung parenchyma. All large eosinophilic granulomas were smoothly margined, heterogeneous pulmonary masses displaying heterogeneous contrast enhancement. A honeycomb‐like enhancement pattern was observed in all but one mass and consisted of multiple hyperattenuating rims delineating central hypoattenuating areas, suggestive of bronchiectatic lung with peripheral enhancing airway walls and fluid‐filled, necrotic bronchial lumen. One dog had evidence of tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy. Findings indicated that canine eosinophilic pulmonary granulomatosis should be included as a differential diagnosis for dogs with CT characteristics of multiple pulmonary masses and/or nodules in caudal lung lobes, and a honeycomb‐like enhancement pattern in masses after intravenous administration of iodinated contrast medium.  相似文献   

Previous lymphangiographic studies have investigated the use of computed tomography (CT) for characterizing the thoracic duct and its tributaries in dogs. However, there is limited published information on the appearance of the canine cisterna chyli using CT. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the features of the canine cisterna chyli in pre‐ and post‐contrast abdominal CT studies. The presence, location, shape, maximum width, size compared with the aortic diameter (Ao:cisterna chyli ratio) and mean attenuation of the cisterna chyli were recorded from archived abdominal CT scans of 30 dogs. Breed, age, sex and neutering status were also noted. A cisterna chyli was identified in 26 of the dogs (87%). In 22 cases a cisterna chyli could be reliably identified prior to intravenous contrast administration and in all 26 cases in postcontrast images. The cisterna chyli was most commonly located right dorsolateral to the abdominal aorta between L1 and L4. Shape varied on transverse images from crescent‐like to globular and maximum diameters ranged from 5 to 9 mm. The Ao:cisterna chyli ratio varied between 0.29 and 0.71 (mean value—males: 0.32; females: 0.38). On pre‐contrast images the mean Hounsfield units were 21.3HU (range: –3.8 to 64.25). Mild enhancement of the cisterna chyli post‐contrast was observed in 24 dogs (80%). Findings supported the use of pre‐ and post‐contrast abdominal CT as a non‐invasive method for assessing qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the canine cisterna chyli.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a method for computed tomographic (CT) measurement of tibial torsion, and to compare this technique with direct anatomic measurement of tibial torsion in cadaveric canine tibiae. Paired hind limbs of 10 cadaveric dogs were mounted on a custom-designed limb holding apparatus. One-millimeter thick, contiguous, transverse CT slices were obtained from the distal femur to the proximal tibia and 2 mm CT slices were obtained from the distal tibia to the proximal tarsus. The tibiae were freed of soft tissues and digital photographic images of the proximal and distal articular surfaces were obtained with the camera lens aligned perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia. Multiple proximal and distal tibial axes were identified on the images; two proximal and two distal axes were found to be repeatable in all specimens in both the direct and CT methods. The torsion angle was calculated by determining the difference between the axis angles for each pair of proximal and distal axes. There was no significant difference in torsion angle identified between the direct photographic and CT method for any pair of proximal and distal axes. CT determination of tibial torsion is a rapid and accurate method, and warrants investigation in clinical patients.  相似文献   

Spirocerca lupi is a common cause of vomiting, regurgitation, and sudden death in dogs that live in tropical or subtropical regions. Sudden death due to aortic rupture may occur with no preceding clinical signs. The purpose of this prospective study was to compare radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) characteristics of aortic lesions in a cohort of 42 dogs with endoscopically confirmed spirocercosis. Dorsoventral and right lateral recumbent thoracic radiographic findings were compared with pre‐ and postcontrast thoracic CT findings. Aortic mineralization was detected using CT in 18/42 dogs (43%). Three dogs had faint diffuse aortic wall mineralization. Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 6% and 96%, respectively, for detecting aortic mineralization. A total of 20 aortic aneurysms were detected using CT in 15/42 dogs (36%). Using CT as the reference standard, radiographs had a sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 56%, respectively, for detecting aortic aneurysms. Respiratory motion, aortic displacement by esophageal masses and Spirocerca nodules adjacent to the aorta mimicked aneurysm formation on radiographs. Aortic thrombi were seen in two dogs in postcontrast CT images. Findings from this study indicated that aortic mineralization and aneurysm formation are common in dogs with spirocercosis. Findings also supported the use of pre‐ and postcontrast CT as effective methods for detecting and characterizing these lesions.  相似文献   

Alveolar echinococcosis is a rare metacestodal infection of humans and domestic animals with Echinococcus multilocularis and predominantly affects the liver. In humans, diagnosis is based on serology, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), techniques that have not yet been validated for the diagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis in dogs. Therefore, the purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the radiographic, ultrasonographic, and CT appearance of canine alveolar echinococcosis. Eleven dogs with confirmed alveolar echinococcosis (PCR or histology from biopsy material of metacestode tissue) diagnosed between 1995 and 2003 were included in the study. The age of the dogs at initial presentation ranged from 7 months to 10.5 years. Abdominal radiographs were made in nine animals, abdominal ultrasonography was performed in 10 dogs, and two CT studies in one dog, respectively. The history, clinical presentation, and laboratory findings for the 11 dogs were unspecific, the most frequent clinical finding being nonpainful progressive abdominal distention. All radiographed dogs had large liver masses; they contained small mineralizations in five. The most frequent ultrasonographic finding was multiple large cavitary masses with or without wall mineralizations. Seven animals received surgical and subsequent medical therapy with albendazole (10mg/kg) and all went into clinical remission. This study reviewed for the first time imaging findings associated with alveolar echinococcosis. The disease has to be included in the list of differential diagnoses in dogs with large, cavitary liver masses, particularly when mineralization is noted.  相似文献   

A series of high-resolution computed x-ray tomography (CT) images of the normal canine middle and inner ear are presented to serve as a reference for optimal interpretation of clinical CT images of animals with diseases affecting this region.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 39 dogs with spirocercosis is described, emphasizing radiographic and computed tomographic aspects and clinical presentation. Dogs were classified as complicated or uncomplicated, both clinically and radiographically. Besides the expected upper gastrointestinal signs, a high incidence of respiratory (77%) and locomotor (23%) complications were present. All dogs had thoracic radiographs. Esophageal masses were radiographically classified as typical or atypical according to their location. Twenty-seven dogs had a typical caudal esophageal mass. Six dogs had a mass atypically located in the hilar region. These masses were smaller and more difficult to visualize radiographically. The remaining 6 dogs did not have a radiographically detectable esophageal mass. Radiology as an initial diagnostic tool was effective in detecting and localizing the mass and to detect early respiratory abnormalities such as pleuritis, mediastinitis, pneumonia, and bronchial displacement. Endoscopy was the modality of choice to confirm antemortem esophageal masses. In dogs where the mass filled the whole esophageal lumen, endoscopy failed to give essential information necessary for surgical excision of neoplastic masses, such as the extent of esophageal wall attachment. Caudal esophageal sphincter involvement was difficult to determine endoscopically with large caudal esophageal masses. Computed tomography was performed on 3 dogs and did not address the latter problems completely, but was found to be a sensitive tool to detect focal aortic mineralization and early spondylitis, both typical for the disease, and essential in the diagnosis of non- or extramural esophageal abnormalities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of single-detector computed tomographic arthrography (CT arthrography) for the diagnosis of cranial and caudal cruciate ligament and meniscal lesions in the dog stifle. Four normal and 25 abnormal stifle joints, determined to have lesions related to intra-articular ligamentous insufficiency based on clinical history, orthopedic examination, and survey orthogonal radiographs, were imaged using a previously developed CT arthrography protocol. Surgery was performed immediately following the CT procedure. Three board-certified radiologists inexperienced at interpreting CT stifle arthrograms reviewed all CT studies independently, and then as a group, without knowledge of surgical or necropsy findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for determination of cranial and caudal cruciate and meniscal tears were calculated for each individual reviewer and based on group consensus. All reviewers identified the normal canine stifle joints imaged correctly. Reviewers did well in discriminating normal from torn cranial cruciate ligaments, with sensitivities of 96–100% and specificities of 75–100%. No reviewer correctly identified the solitary caudal cruciate ligament tear and specificity ranged from 89.3% to 100%. Reviewers were less adept at discriminating normal from torn meniscal fibrocartilage, with sensitivities of 13.3–73.3% and specificities of 57.1–100%. Interpretive accuracy improved slightly when consensus scores were compared with surgical findings. Single-detector CT arthrography may be useful for identifying pathology of the canine cruciate ligaments but is of limited value for assessing the menisci.  相似文献   

The computed tomography (CT) imaging findings of a celiacomesenteric trunk (CMT) in a 1‐year‐old dog with primary hypoplasia of the portal vein (PHPV) are described. Computed tomography angiography revealed acquired porto‐systemic shunts secondary to portal hypertension and a common origin of the celiac and cranial mesenteric arteries. The imaging findings and the association of a CMT with other vascular diseases have never been reported in dogs. The recognition of this rare arterial anomaly should prompt to investigate possible concurrent vascular diseases and may influence the planning of abdominal surgeries.  相似文献   

Evolution of pulmonary arterial and parenchymal changes as assessed with computed tomography (CT) is described in a dog experimentally infected with Dirofilaria immitis. The dog was imaged 125, 168, 216, and 402 days after infection. Initial changes during the prepatent phase of infection included enlargement of the peripheral caudal lobar pulmonary arteries and intermittent periarterial interstitial infiltrates. The changes were progressive, involving additional arteries over time, but remained mild. With the presence of adult filariae a filling defect was observed in the caudal lobar pulmonary artery using CT angiography. Recognizing thoracic CT findings associated with the prepatent phase of canine heartworm infection may be important in endemic areas.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old dog weighing 3.4 kg presented with intermittent regurgitation. Esophagography revealed that the thoracic esophagus was compressed dorsally at the region of the fourth intercostal space and segmentally dilated from the second to third intercostal region. Three‐dimensional computed tomographic (CT) angiography confirmed a suspected vascular ring anomaly and also revealed multiple other vascular anomalies. These included aberrant right subclavian artery, absence of bilateral external jugular veins, right‐gastric caval shunt, and a completely duplicated caudal vena cava. Findings supported the use of thoracic CT angiography to rule out additional vascular malformations in dogs with suspected vascular ring anomaly.  相似文献   

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