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Scintigraphy is currently the reference standard for diagnosing feline hyperthyroidism; however, computed tomography (CT) is more widely available in veterinary practice. The purposes of this prospective study were to describe the CT appearance of thyroid glands in cats with hyperthyroidism and compare CT findings with findings from 99mTc–pertechnetate scintigraphy. Twenty‐five adult hyperthyroid cats were included. Plain CT images were acquired for each cat and the following characteristics recorded for each thyroid lobe: visibility, delineation, position, attenuation, shape, and subjective size. Scintigraphic images were also acquired and the following characteristics recorded: radiopharmaceutical uptake, delineation, ectopic foci, shape, and subjective size. In CT images, thyroid lobes were most commonly found between the second and fourth cervical vertebrae, dorsolateral to the trachea. Affected thyroid lobes (based on scintigraphy reference standard) were most commonly oval and moderately enlarged in CT images. A heterogeneous attenuation pattern (isoattenuating to adjacent soft tissues with hypo‐ and hyperattenuating foci) was most commonly found in affected thyroid lobes. A positive correlation (P < 0.01) was identified between CT and scintigraphy for left‐to‐right thyroid lobe size relationship and subjective size of the larger thyroid lobe. The CT estimated mass was significantly higher (median = 148.8; range = [0;357.6]) for the more active thyroid lobe compared to the less active thyroid lobe (median = 84.6; range = [0;312.3]); (W = 154; P < 0.01). Findings indicated that CT may not reliably differentiate unilateral vs. bilateral hyperthyroidism in cats; however, CT may be a reliable alternative test for correctly identifying the more active thyroid lobe.  相似文献   

Thyroid scintigraphy is commonly used for evaluation of cats with hyperthyroidism, with the thyroid‐to‐salivary ratio (T/S) being the most common method to quantify the degree of thyroid activity and disease. Calculation of thyroid‐to‐background ratios (T/B) or percent thyroidal uptake of 99mTcO?4 (TcTU) has only been reported in a few studies. The purpose of this prospective, cross‐sectional study was to evaluate a number of quantitative scintigraphic indices as diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism, including the T/S, three different T/B, TcTU, and estimated thyroid volume. Of 524 cats referred to our clinic for evaluation of suspected hyperthyroidism, the diagnosis was confirmed (n = 504) or excluded (n = 20) based on results of a serum thyroid panel consisting of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), free T4 (fT4), and thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations. In the hyperthyroid cats, median values for TcTU, T/S, and three T/B ratios were all significantly higher (P < 0.001) than values in euthyroid suspect cats or clinically normal cats. All scintigraphic parameters were relatively sensitive and specific as diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism, but the T/S ratio had the highest test accuracy. The T/S ratio correlated strongly with the TcTU (r = 0.85). However, the TcTU had a higher and more significant correlation (P < 0.01) with serum T4 (r = 0.76 vs. 0.64), T3 (r = 0.77 vs. 0.64), and estimated thyroid volume (r = 0.62 vs. 0.38). Overall, calculation of TcTU is an accurate diagnostic test, but also appears to be the best parameter to predict the functional volume and metabolic activity of the feline adenomatous thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Thyroid scanning was performed in 135 hyperthyroid cats and 13 normal cats with technetium-99m as pertechnetate (99mTcO4) or with radioactive iodine (131I). Of the hyperthyroid cats, enlargement and increased radionuclide accumulation were found in one thyroid lobe in 38 (27%) and in both lobes in 97 (73%). In two hyperthyroid cats with thyroid carcinoma, extension of tumor into the thoracic cavity was detected. In normal and hyperthyroid cats the radionuclide images produced with 99mTcO4 and 131I were similar; however, the quality of the 99mTcO4 scans was usually better than that of the 131I scans.  相似文献   

Administration of iodinated contrast medium interferes with iodide uptake in the human thyroid gland and compromises diagnostic thyroid scintigraphy and radioiodine treatment for 4–6 weeks. However, the degree and duration of inhibition of thyroid uptake of pertechnetate (99mTcO4?) by iodinated contrast medium has not been established in any species. The main objective of this study was to better understand the temporal characteristics and magnitude of inhibition of feline thyroid uptake of 99mTcO4? due to iohexol administration. Routine thyroid scintigraphy was performed in eight cats by intravenous (IV) injection of 185 MBq (5 mCi) of 99mTcO4? both 4 days before and 0,1, 3, 7,14, and 28 days after IV administration of 880 mg I/kg iohexol (240 mg I/ml). Thyroid scintigraphy data were used to calculate thyroid:salivary gland ratios (T:S) and the percentage of total injected 99mTcO4? dose uptake within the thyroid (%TU) at 20 min postinjection. After iohexol administration, mean T:S was significantly decreased below baseline only on day 1. At no point during the study did any cat have a T:S that fell below the published normal reference range of 0.71±0.14. There was a significant decrease in %TU on day 1, 3, and 14; however, at no point during the study, did any cat have a %TU that fell below the published normal reference ranges of 0.64±0.57, 0.68±0.9, or 0.75±1.38.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to determine the accuracy of increased thyroid activity for diagnosing hyperthyroidism in cats suspected of having that disease during pertechnetate scintigraphy using subcutaneous rather than intravenous radioisotope administration. Increased thyroid activity was determined by two methods: the thyroid:salivary ratio (T:S) and visual inspection. These assessments were made on the ventral scintigram of the head and neck. Scintigraphy was performed by injecting sodium pertechnetate (111 MBq, SQ) in the right-dorsal-lumbar region; static-acquisition images were obtained 20 min after injection. We used 49 cats; 34 (69%) had hyperthyroidism based on serum-chemistry analysis. Using a Wilcoxon's rank-sum test, a significant difference (P < 0.0001) was detected in the T:S between cats with and without hyperthyroidism. Using a decision criterion of 2.0 for the T:S, the test accurately predicted hyperthyroidism in 32/34 cats (sensitivity, 94%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 85-100%) and correctly predicted that hyperthyroidism was absent in 15/15 cats (specificity, 100%; CI, 97-100%). Using visual inspection, the test accurately predicted hyperthyroidism in 34/34 cats (sensitivity, 100%; CI, 99-100%) and correctly predicted that hyperthyroidism was absent in 12/15 cats (specificity, 80%; CI, 56-100%). The positive and negative predictive values were high for a wide range of prevalence of hyperthyroidism. And, the test had excellent agreement within and between examiners. Therefore, detecting increased thyroid activity during pertechnetate scintigraphy by subcutaneous injection is an accurate and reproducible test for feline hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate thyroid:thyroid (T:T) ratio and visual inspection for assessing thyroid-lobe asymmetry in suspected hyperthyroid cats. Although thyroid-salivary asymmetry is a preferred test, inherent thyroid symmetry may assist image interpretation. Association was determined using a scatter plot and Spearman's rank correlation. Agreement was assessed using the kappa (K) statistic. Accuracy was assessed by sensitivity and specificity. Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed in 33/48 (69%) cats based on elevated serum total thyroxine level. Using two Wilcoxan rank-sum tests, a significant difference (P < 0.0001) was detected between cats with and without hyperthyroidism for both methods of assessing thyroid symmetry. For the 18 cats with T:T ratios < or = 1.5, there was poor correlation between the two methods (r(s) = 0.39). Using a cut-point of 1.5 for the T:T ratio, the test accurately predicted hyperthyroidism in 28/33 cats (sensitivity, 85%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 71-99%) and correctly predicted that hyperthyroidism was absent in 14/15 cats (specificity, 93%; CI, 77-100%). For visual inspection, agreement for diagnosing hyperthyroidism was excellent between methods (kappa = 0.82), within the same examiner (weighted kappa = 0.85) and between examiners (weighted kappa = 0.89). Considering cats with only definitely asymmetric thyroid lobes as positive, visual inspection accurately predicted hyperthyroidism in 28/33 cats (sensitivity, 85%; CI, 71-99%) and correctly predicted that hyperthyroidism was absent in 11/15 cats (specificity, 73%; CI, 48-99%). Thyroid-lobe asymmetry occurs more frequently in hyperthyroid than in euthyroid cats but caution should be exercised because some euthyroid cats have asymmetric thyroid glands.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a protocol for diuretic renal scintigraphy (renography) in cats and describe normal findings. 99mTc‐DTPA renal scintigraphy was performed twice in 10 healthy cats. Furosemide or saline were injected 4.5 min after radiopharmaceutical administration for the diuretic or control scan, respectively. A dynamic acquisition was performed for 8 min. The following parameters were evaluated: (1) global and individual glomerular filtration rate (GFR); (2) shape of the time–activity curve (TAC); (3) time of peak (TOP); (4) individual kidney excretion half‐time (T1/2) of the radiopharmaceutical; (5) percentage of maximum activity measured at the end of the study. Global GFR in the control studies (2.79±0.83 ml/min/kg, mean±SD) did not differ significantly from the diuretic scans (2.34±0.51 ml/min/kg). The shape of most (16/20) TAC of diuretic renograms was similar to those of control renograms. The TOP of the diuretic renogram curves was 3.06±0.58 min, and did not differ from that of the control scans (3.01±0.61 min). T1/2 of the diuretic renograms was significantly shorter (5.15±0.83 min) than that of the control renograms (6.31±1.50 min). A significantly lower percentage of maximum activity was present at the end of the study in diuretic renograms (median: 47.25%; range: 33.60–59.60%) compared with control renograms (63.40%; 30.00–69.40%). Diuretic renal scintigraphy is a noninvasive and fast procedure to perform in cats. The applicability of this technique needs to be investigated in patients with significantly impaired renal function and obstructive uropathies.  相似文献   

High-resolution ultrasonography was evaluated as an alternative to 99mTcO-4 scintigraphy for examining size and appearance of thyroid glands in hyperthyroid cats. Thyroid ultrasound examinations were performed on 6 normal cats and 14 cats with hyperthyroidism. Thyroid lobe volume was estimated from ultrasound images using the equation for a prolate ellipsoid, π/6 (length * height * width). Total thyroid volume was estimated by adding the volume estimations of the left and right lobes. Thyroid lobes of hyperthyroid cats were considered abnormal if estimated volume exceeded the 99% confidence interval for normal thyroid volume determined from the control group. Scintigraphic examinations performed on hyperthyroid cats were evaluated for unilateral versus bilateral disease and for the presence of ectopic activity. Mean thyroid lobe volume and total thyroid volume for normal cats was 85 and 169 mm3, respectively. Mean thyroid lobe volume and total thyroid volume for hyperthyroid cats was 578 and 889 mm3. There was a significant difference in mean estimated total thyroid volume of normal and hyperthyroid cats. Thyroid lobes with greater than normal TcO-4 uptake on scintigraphy were larger and had variable homogeneity, echogenicity, and margination on ultrasound examination. There also was an 85.7% agreement of scintigraphy and ultrasonography in differentiating normal from abnormal thyroid lobes. A fair correlation between estimated total thyroid volume of hyperthyroid cats and most recent pretherapy serum thyroxine values were also found. This preliminary study indicates that thyroid ultrasound examination may provide information that is useful for diagnosis and treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. Although ultrasound provides accurate evaluation of the thyroid glands, it cannot replace 99mTcO-4 scintigraphy for screening of metastatic lesions and ectopic glands.  相似文献   

Nineteen cats with abnormally high serum T4 concentrations underwent thyroid scintigraphy using technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTcO4) before and after 36 +/- 6 days of methimazole administration (approximately 2.5mg PO q 12 h). Thyroid-to-salivary gland ratios (T:S ratios) and percentage thyroidal uptake of injected radioactivity at 20 and 60min after injection of 99mTcO4 were compared before and after methimazole treatment. Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration was measured before and after methimazole treatment. Quantitatively, there was a positive association between the thyroid uptake of 99mTcO4 and the serum T4 before treatment (r = 0.74-0.83). TSH suppression was present when cats were first evaluated for hyperthyroidism. Methimazole treatment did not relieve TSH suppression in 17 cats. Two cats with unilateral thyroid uptake developed bilateral, asymmetric thyroid uptake of 99mTcO4 after treatment and had the greatest increase in TSH concentration after treatment. Quantitatively, thyroid scintigraphy did not significantly change after methimazole treatment (P>0.1). Evaluation of serum TSH concentration may be helpful in identifying methimazole-induced changes in the scintigraphic features of hyperthyroidism in mildly hyperthyroid cats.  相似文献   

Hyperthyroidism is the most common feline endocrinopathy; thyroid computed tomography (CT) may improve disease detection and methimazole dose selection. Objectives of this experimental pre‐post with historical case‐control study were to perform thyroid CT imaging in awake or mildly sedated hyperthyroid cats, compare thyroid gland CT appearance in euthyroid and hyperthyroid cats pre‐ and postmethimazole treatment, and determine whether thyroid size or attenuation correlate with methimazole dose needed for euthyroidism. Premethimazole treatment, eight hyperthyroid cats received CT scans from the head to heart, which were compared to CT of seven euthyroid cats. Total thyroxine levels were monitored every 3–4 weeks. Postmethimazole CT was performed 30 days after achieving euthyroid status. Computed tomography parameters recorded included thyroid length, width, height, attenuation, and heterogeneity. Median time between CT was 70 days (53–213 days). Mild sedation was needed in five hyperthyroid cats premethimazole, and none postmethimazole. Thyroid volume was significantly larger in hyperthyroid cats compared to euthyroid cats (785.0 mm3 vs. 154.9 mm3; P = 0.002) and remained unchanged by methimazole treatment (?4.5 mm3; P = 0.50). Thyroid attenuation and heterogeneity decreased with methimazole treatment (96.1 HU vs. 85.9 HU; P = 0.02. 12.4 HU vs. 8.1 HU; P = 0.009). Methimazole dose ranged from 2.5 to 10 mg daily with a positive correlation between pretreatment thyroid gland volume and dose needed to achieve euthyroidism (P = 0.03). Euthyroid and hyperthyroid cats are easily imaged awake or mildly sedated with CT. Methimazole in hyperthyroid cats significantly lowers thyroid attenuation and heterogeneity, but not size.  相似文献   

Thyroid to salivary (TS) ratio is the most commonly used scintigraphic parameter for differentiating euthyroid and hyperthyroid cats. Studies to determine the normal TS ratio have been performed in small cat populations. In this study, the TS ratio was determined in 32 cats between 8 and 13 years of age. The study population was documented to be euthyroid based on normal initial and 6-week follow-up serum thyroid concentrations and normal T3 suppression tests. All images were obtained with a low-energy all-purpose collimator between 20 and 40 min after the injection of approximately 111 MBq (3.0 mCi) pertechnetate. Manual regions of interest (ROI) were made of the thyroid and salivary glands of the ventral image A 95% prediction interval based on the natural log of the TS ratio was computed to provide a normal range of 0.48-1.66. This range is similar to previous studies, but suggests a slightly higher upper limit than previously reported.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is useful for assessing the morphology of the thyroid gland in hyperthyroid cats. Our aim was to describe the ultrasonographic changes of the thyroid gland in hyperthyroid cats after 131I therapy. Ultrasonography was performed in 15 hyperthyroid cats at initial presentation and 6 months after 131I using a multifrequency linear transducer set at 12 MHz. The following criteria were evaluated: length, width, height, volume, shape, homogeneity, and vascularity, using Power Doppler. Pretreatment, 10 cats had bilaterally abnormal thyroid lobes, four cats one abnormal lobe with the contralateral lobe being normal or reduced in size, and one cat with one normal lobe and one lobe not visible. Six months after 131I therapy, there was a reduction in median volume from 819 to 210 mm3, reduced rounding, reduced heterogeneity, and decreased vascularity. In conclusion, ultrasonography may be used to monitor thyroid changes in order to assess 131I treatment response. Further studies are necessary to determine whether ultrasonography could contribute to the detection of a relapsing course of hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Thyroid‐to‐salivary ratio and percent dose uptake are the most widely recognized scintigraphic measurements. Recently, the thyroid‐to‐background ratio has been proposed as an alternate method. However, this method has not been validated. The purpose of this observational, cross‐sectional, prospective study was to determine the location of a background region of interest (ROI) that is most reflective of blood pool activity. We also hypothesized that the thyroid‐to‐background ratio using this background ROI would be a better predictor of thyroid function. Fifty‐six cats presented to the Virginia‐Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine seeking radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism were enrolled in this cross‐sectional study to evaluating thyroid‐to‐background ratio. A blood sample for measuring plasma radioactivity was collected at the time of scintigraphy. The plasma radioactivity was compared to the background ROIs in eight anatomic regions. Scintigraphic measures of thyroid‐to‐background and thyroid‐to‐salivary ratios, and percent dose were then compared to serum T4. The heart ROI was most closely correlated with plasma pertechnetate activity (r = 0.70). Percent dose uptake was most closely correlated with serum T4 (r = 0.74), followed by thyroid‐to‐salivary ratio (r = 0.66) and thyroid‐to‐background ratio using the heart ROI (r = 0.59). Thyroid‐to‐background ratio using the heart background ROI is a good predictor T4 but percent dose uptake and thyroid‐to‐salivary ratio proved to be better predictors of T4 than any of the thyroid‐to‐background ratios.  相似文献   

We performed a retrospective study of 100 dogs and 16 cats with planar brain scintigraphy and histopathologically established diagnoses from a total of 485 studies performed from 1976 to 1992. Necropsy (112) or surgical biopsies (4) diagnoses were categorized in two ways: first as focal brain disease, diffuse brain disease or normal; second as either neoplastic, non-neoplastic or normal. A radiologist reviewed brain scintigrams and categorized the studies as focal areas of increased accumulation, diffuse or poorly localized areas of increased accumulation, or normal. We calculated for this population of 116 animals that focal brain scintigrams had 75% sensitivity and 90% specificity for any focal brain disease. The sensitivity and specificity of a focal scintigraphic lesion for a brain tumor was 72% and 82% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of a diffuse or poorly localized scintigraphic lesion as a test for diffuse brain disease was 40% and 88% respectively.  相似文献   

Thyroid imaging using technetium-99m as pertechnetate (99mTcO4) was carried out in five healthy, euthyroid and 37 hyperthyroid cats using both pinhole and parallel-hole collimators. Images of greater resolution, necessary to distinguish bilateral lobe involvement, were obtained using the pinhole collimator. Per cent thyriod 99mTcO4 - uptake was calculated in each cat and was significanly (P < 0.001) higher in hyperthyroid compared with euthyroid cats. In the hyperthyroid cats, per cent thyroid uptake was significantly correlated with serum total thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) Concentrations. Per cent thyroid 99mTcO4 - uptake is increased in feline hyperthyrodism and may be calculated using a pinhole collimator alone at the time of qalitative assessment of the extent of thyroid tissue involvement.  相似文献   

Susan M.  Newell  DVM  MS  John P.  Graham  MVB  MSc  Gregory D.  Roberts  DVM  MS  Pamela E.  Ginn  DVM  Ellis C.  Greiner  PhD  Amy  Cardwell  CVT  Danielle  Mauragis  CVT  Christine  Knutsen  DVM  Jay M.  Harrison  MS  Frank G.  Martin  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2001,42(1):70-76
Quantitative hepatobiliary scintigraphy using 99mTc-mebrofenin was performed on eight normal cats and on the same cats after induction of experimental cholangiohepatitis by infection with the liver fluke Platynosomum concinnum. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy was performed 3 times at 10 weeks, 4 months and 6 months after infection. In addition, routine biochemical tests, hepatic ultrasound and ultrasound guided hepatic biopsy samples were obtained at the same time points, and the results compared with hepatobiliary scintigraphy. The normal hepatic extraction fraction was determined to be 85%, and the normal hepatic excretion half time (T 1/2) was 14 minutes. There was no significant change in scintigraphic parameters compared to pre-infection values at any time following infection with the liver fluke. No correlation between scintigraphic parameters and histologic scores was found; however, significant correlation was identified between parasite burden and histologic scores 6 months following infection. Despite the presence of severe multifocal histologic abnormalities, minimal clinical, biochemical and scintigraphic derangements were identified using this model of cholangiohepatitis. Based on this study, hepatobiliary scintigraphy appears to be an insensitive test for structural hepatobiliary abnormalities. The role of hepatobiliary scintigraphy in functional hepatobiliary abnormalities of the feline liver has not been determined.  相似文献   

The existence of hypothyroidism in greyhounds remains controversial and its investigation is complicated by the low circulating thyroid hormone concentrations typically found in healthy dogs of this breed. Quantitative measurement of thyroidal technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTcO4) uptake is known to be useful in assessing thyroid function in other breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid scintigraphy as a method of assessing thyroid function in greyhounds suspected of primary hypothyroidism. Twenty greyhounds (eight females, 12 males) were studied. Thirteen had bald thigh syndrome and seven poor performance and low total T4. Total T4 concentrations were decreased in 18 (90%), and free T4 in two (10%) dogs. All canine thyroid stimulating hormone concentrations were within the reference interval. Thyroidal 99mTcO4 uptake values (mean ± SD, 0.76 ± 0.26%) were within the reference limits published for euthyroid dogs (0.39–1.86%) making hypothyroidism highly unlikely. There were no significant differences ( P <0.05) when comparing data between dogs with bald thigh syndrome (13 dogs) and the remaining dogs (seven dogs). Seventeen (85%) dogs had higher uptake in the left thyroid gland than in the right that might reflect an anatomic feature of the greyhound breed. Calculation of percent thyroidal uptake of 99mTcO4 is more accurate than thyroid:salivary gland ratios because of high variability in salivary gland uptake. Percent thyroidal uptake of 99mTcO4 should be used when assessing thyroid function scintigraphically in the greyhound breed.  相似文献   

Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed in 80 cats with thyroid scintigraphy using technetium pertechnetate. These cats were subsequently treated with radioiodine using a modified fixed dose method based on the volume of hyperfunctioning thyroid tissue calculated from the pertechnetate scans. The medical records and thyroid scintigrams were evaluated retrospectively. Follow-up was obtained on the cats to evaluate treatment success. Several parameters were evaluated in an attempt to identify a difference between treatment success and failure. Cats that failed to become euthyroid after one dose of radioiodine had a significantly higher pretreatment serum thyroxine level, had a significantly larger volume of hyperfunctioning thyroid tissue on scintigrams, and cats receiving oral versus intravenous radioiodine were over represented. Based on our results we conclude: 1) the administration of a dose of radioiodine based solely on the volume of hyperfunctioning thyroid tissue as estimated from the pertechnetate scan may be inadequate for those patients with extremely elevated serum thyroxine levels or large thyroid glands, and 2) oral administration of radioiodine is not recommended for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

The computed tomographic (CT) findings of fungal rhinitis/sinusitis in cats were characterized. The CT images of 10 cats ranging in age from 7 to 13 years were examined. The mean age was 10.8 years and all were neutered males. Nasal aspergillosis was diagnosed in five cats, cryptococcosis in three cats, hyalohyphomycosis in one cat, and trichosporonosis in one cat. Bilateral disease was present in eight cats, seven had abnormal soft tissue attenuation in two-thirds of the nasal cavity, and six had turbinate lysis. Seven cats had also lysis of the hard palate, nasal septum, or frontal bone. One cat had lysis of the cribriform plate. Five of the nine cats whose lymph nodes were imaged had lymph node enlargement. There was contrast medium enhancement in the nasal cavity in all cats, with either a primarily peripheral rim or heterogeneous pattern. There appears to be an overlap of clinical signs, age, and CT features of cats with nasal neoplasia and those with fungal rhinitis/sinusitis.  相似文献   

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