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Computed tomography (CT) was performed on an eleven-year-old dog four days after an acute onset of seizures and neurologic deficits. A ring-enhancing, intra-axial lesion associated with edema, falcial deviation and non-uniform ventricular compression was identified in the left frontal lobe. An area of ill-defined hyperdensity, compatible with hemorrhage, was noted on corresponding CT images prior to contrast enhancement. At post-mortem examination, a focal, hemorrhagic infarct, characterized by liquif ication necrosis, marked gliosis and neovascularization, was found. The etiology of the infarction could not be identified. The CT findings, however, were similar to those seen in humans with cerebral infarction due to embolic occlusion and subsequent hemorrhage. These findings and the pathophysi-ologic mechanisms behind them are discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old neutered female mixed breed dog was examined because of severe, generalized seizure activity, tetraparesis, and encephalopathic signs. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) evaluation was unremarkable except for a mild increase in protein. Serum and CSF titers for infectious diseases were negative. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging examination of the brain was performed and lesions were found within the cerebral gray matter of the temporal and parietal lobes. The lesions had increased signal intensity on T1, T2, and proton density-weighted images. There was mild inhomogeneous enhancement following intravenous contrast medium administration. Neurologic status improved and the seizures were well controlled, but the dog never regained normal mentation and euthanasia was performed 10 weeks after initial evaluation. At necropsy, severe cerebral cortical necrosis was found in the regions corresponding to the lesions seen on MR imaging examination. Large numbers of fat-containing macrophages (gitter cells) were found within these areas, and are thought to be responsible for the characteristic hyperintensity seen on the MR images.  相似文献   

检测15头奶牛离体外周血单核细胞和体内产生抗体免疫应答的结果表明,1.0μg/ml的PWM或SEB使PBMC增殖达最高值,但在分泌Ig中却表现出不同作用,还发现在群体内离体细胞增殖强度的变异程度小于分泌的Ig量的变异程度。  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasonography was done in 12 normal adult dogs to investigate its efficacy in visualization of the pancreas. The endoscopic ultrasonographic device used in the present study had a curved-array ultrasound transducer mounted in front of the objective lens. The tip of the ultrasonic endoscope was inserted into the stomach, and all examinations of the pancreas were performed from within the stomach. Endoscopic ultrasonography provided good images of most parts of the pancreas except for the ends of each lobe. Useful information about the pancreatic parenchyma, including pancreatic lobular structure, pancreatic duct, and vessels of the pancreas was obtained by endoscopic ultrasonography. Blood flow within vessels was detected using color Doppler and pulsed-wave Doppler examination. These results suggest that endoscopic ultrasonography is available as an effective diagnostic modality in small animal practice.  相似文献   

Forty dogs with clinical signs suggestive of upper respiratory tract disease underwent echolaryngography and laryngoscopy. Laryngoscopy was used as the definitive technique to diagnose laryngeal paralysis. The ultrasound investigation accurately indicated the presence of the paralysis and confirmed the uni- or bilateral nature of the disorder. Findings indicative of laryngeal paralysis included asymmetry or absence of motion of the cuneiform processes (30/30), abnormal arytenoid movement (16/30), paradoxical movement (9/30), caudal displacement of the larynx (2/30) and laryngeal collapse (1/30). Thirty dogs were found to be afflicted with laryngeal paralysis and ten had normal laryngeal motility.  相似文献   

A new of performing cerebral sinus venography was developed that opacivies both the ventral and most of the dorsal venous sinus systems. A pediatric angiographic catheter was introduced into the external jugular vein and advanced to the level of the temporal sinus. Iodinated contrast medium was injected manually and radiographs were made. Subtraction radiography was used to visualize vessels field wit contast medium. Venography was simple and relatively non-invasive and was considered safe. The technique was used to confirm occlusion of the transverse venous sinus in healthy dogs that had undergone radical craniectomies.  相似文献   

The sonographic appearance of intraabdominal abscess, excluding prostatic abscess, is presented. The most common sonographic pattern identified for intraabdominal abscess is an irregularly defined, hypoechoic mass with minimal to no through transmission. Definitive diagnosis of intraabdominal abscess using only sonography is not possible, as variations of this common sonographic pattern are imaged. Sonography is best utilized to scan an animal when there is a high suspicion of intraabdominal abscess with no overt physical or radiographic evidence, and to better characterize intraabdominal masses. Sonography can be used to assist in percutaneous aspiration, catheterization, and intraoperative localization of abscessation.  相似文献   

A group of 160 Beagles were studied radiographically to determine the pattern of degenerative changes within the vertebral column, especially involving the intervertebral discs. The normal radiographic appearance of both disc and surrounding vertebrae is described. Disc space narrowing and calcification of discal tissues provide radiographic patterns that assist in diagnosis and prognosis. Because of the older age of the dogs, severe degeneration of the endplates with marked instability between vertebral segments was seen.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic linear and area measurements were performed on both kidneys of 15 clinically healthy dogs. Renal volumes were calculated from linear and area data applying three prolate ellipsoid models. Ultrasonographic volumes were then compared using linear regression analysis with kidney volumes measured in vitro by water displacement. In vivo ultrasonographic volumes had a statistically significant relationship with the in vitro volume. The highest correlation was provided by the single plane area method. There was also a correlation between body weight and ultrasonographically detected renal volume, suggesting that ultrasound imaging may be a useful method for assessment of renal volume changes in dogs with renal disease.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) was used to investigate brain tumors in the caudal fossa of three dogs. Changes detected by CT included compression or distortion of cerebrospinal fluid spaces within the caudal fossa, and changes in parenchymal density before and after intravenous injection of a nondiffusible, iodinated contrast medium. CT provided information regarding tumor size, location, character, and relationships with normal caudal fossa structures. It was concluded that CT offered advantages over technics currently in use for diagnosis and assessment of caudal fossa lesions in the dog.  相似文献   

The radiographic signs associated with implanted canine total hip prostheses include: (1) a 1 mm-or-less wide static lucent zone at the acetabular and femoral bone-cement interfaces, and (2) periosteal bone proliferation surrounding the stem of the femoral prosthesis. The radiographic signs associated with total hip replacement complications are dislocation of the femoral component, bone changes suggestive of infection involving the acetabular and femoral components, and loosening of the acetabular component. Arthrography is beneficial in determining the presence of a loose prosthesis with or without infection.  相似文献   

MR images provide for the exact assessment of the brain, including ventricular size. Still inter- and intrabreed comparison of ventricle size is difficult due to the varying anatomies in dogs. To compare the ventricle area of different sized breeds, 25 dogs (13 Yorkshire Terriers and 12 German Shepard dogs) were reviewed, retrospectively. Hemisphere and ventricle of each side were outlined manually three times. All measurements were averaged and their percentage (ventricle area by hemisphere area) was defined as the relative ventricle area. This value in Yorkshire Terriers (5.3) was significantly higher compared to German Shepard dogs (1.7). However, on the basis of the neurologically symptomatic sample (7 Yorkshire Terriers) in this study, threshold values of normal and abnormal relative ventricle areas could not be detected.  相似文献   

Canine kidney measurements were obtained in vivo using ultrasound before and after anesthesia and were compared with direct caliper measurements at laparotomy. Following excision, the kidney dimensions were also measured ultrasonically in a water bath and the results were used to calculate kidney -volume by a modified parallel planimetric method and three variations of a prolate ellipsoid method. The calculated volume was compared with actual kidney volume determined by volume displacement. All methods were found to underestimate actual volume so that a linear correction of ultrasonically calculated volume was required to predict actual volume. The modified parallel planimetric method and a prolate ellipsoid method using height and width determinations cranial and caudal to the renal pelvis were the best models. The prolate ellipsoid model was chosen for subsequent kidney volume calculations because of its simplicity. The noninvasive calculation of kidney volume using ultrasound was sufficiently accurate to be clinically useful, particularly when serially evaluating kidney size changes in the same dog.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography was effectively used to evaluate lateral cerebral ventricles in 28 dogs with persistent fontanelles. There was a significant incidence of ventriculomegaly in miniature and brachycephalic breeds. No relationship was found between the size and the fontanelle and the presence or size of ventriculomegaly. A significant relationship was found between the presence of a fontanelle and the presence of ventriculomegaly. There was no statistically significant relationship found between the presence of clinical signs and ventricular size.  相似文献   

Linda J.  Konde  DVM  Robert H.  Wrigley  BVSc  MS  DVR  MRCVS  Richard D.  Park  DVM  PhD  Jack L.  Lebel  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1985,26(3):74-81
Eight dogs with renal neoplasia were radiographically and sonographically examined. An enlarged, nonopacified kidney was seen on the excretory urogram in four dogs, but differentiation between a solid mass or severe hydronephrosis was not possible. The excretory urogram suggested an avascular lesion in one kidney, but differentiation between solid or cystic disease was not possible. Renal neoplasia was diagnosed in two dogs by excretory urography. Radiographic examination suggested splenic neoplasia in one dog. Solid masses were sonographically diagnosed in all dogs. A metastatic lesion was sonographically diagnosed in the opposite kidney of one dog that was missed on the radiographic examination. Ultrasonography com-plemented radiography as a diagnostic modality in eliciting additional information on renal disease. Sonograms did not allow determination of tumor cell type or whether the tumor was benign or malignant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic features of grass awns in soft tissue. A 10 MHz linear transducer was used. Ultrasound images from 25 dogs (27 awns) were collected and compared with the results from water bath studies using wild oat seeds (Avena spp.) collected in the field. Wild oat seeds were the most common grass awn found in soft tissue of dogs. Ultrasonographically grass awns appeared as a double/triple spindle-shaped echogenic interface within soft tissue. The same appearance was observed in water bath studies. In four dogs, the grass awn was removed surgically with a clamp introduced into a fistulous tract, using sonographic guidance. The grass awn was not found surgically in only three dogs, suggesting more attention during surgery. Ultrasonography is a useful diagnostic imaging technique to identify grass awns within soft tissue.  相似文献   

Data herein provide a reference for the normal development of canine postnatal cerebral cortical morphology. The growth of the canine cerebrum involves the emergence of sulci in a regular sequence of appearance through a number of breeds. The sequential course of sulcus development is constant in all breeds of the same age. The cortical surface is characterized by the full set of sulci at day 14 postpartum. These data will be useful for the investigations into abnormal canine cerebral cortex development.  相似文献   

瘤胃VFA产量与瘤胃可发酵有机物质关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究用6个处理的日粮(4种不同处理的糊化淀粉尿素、豆饼和常规尿素)在5头安装有瘤胃和真胃瘘管的阉牛中进行6×5拉丁方试验。试验中测定了瘤胃VFA浓度及产量,并同时用体内法和尼龙袋法测定了有机物质的降解率:还研究了体内法测定的瘤胃可消化有机物质(RDOM)及尼龙袋法测定的瘤胃24小时可发酵有机物质(FOM)与瘤胃VFA产量的关系。结果表明:用RDOM预测VFA能(E_(VFA))的平均值为7.222MJ/kg RDOM(r=0.7082):用FOM预测VFA产量的平均值为7.602 mol/kg FOM(r=0.6686)。还发现瘤胃24小时可发酵碳水化合物(F_(CHO))与平均瘤胃VFA浓度相关系数为r=0.7932。在碳水化合物的各种成分中,瘤胃24小时ADF降解量与乙酸产量的相关系数为r=0.7361;瘤胃24小时中性冼涤剂溶解物的降解量与丙酸产量相关系数为r=0.6296,说明对乙酸产量影响最大的是纤维素的降解量,而可溶性碳水化合物的降解量主要影响丙酸的产量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of ultrasonographic imaging of the vagosympathetic trunk in the dog. Cervical ultrasound was performed in 30 healthy dogs. In all 30 dogs the vagosympathetic trunk was detected as a hypoechoic structure in the carotid sheath, adhering the dorsomedial surface of the common carotid artery. The echotexture of the nerve was heterogeneous with anechoic areas separated by hypoechoic bands. A scanner equipped with a 5 to 8 MHz linear array probe was used for imaging and measurements. The diameter of the vagosympathetic trunk ranged from 0.59 to 2.48 mm varying in correlation to the body weight. In summary, ultrasonography is a helpful noninvasive method to image and evaluate the cervical vagosympathetic trunk in the dog.  相似文献   

Static and real-time B-mode hepatic ultrasound imaging was performed on 16 anesthetized dogs (7.7–29 kg). Sagittal static B-mode scans were acquired at 1–cm intervals, and transverse scans were made with both static and real-time units. Measurements were made from the surface of the liver to the diaphragm and were tested individually and when added or multiplied together for significant correlation with liver and body weight. Only one of the static B-mode measurements had a significant correlation ( p >0.05), and none of the real-time measurements was dependent on liver weight. Ultrasonographic assessment of canine liver size using these methods was of little value in predicting actual liver weight.  相似文献   

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