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Tracheal hypoplasia is commonly seen in English Bulldogs affected with brachycephalic airway syndrome. Previously published diagnostic criteria for tracheal hypoplasia in this breed have been a radiographic tracheal diameter:tracheal inlet ratio (TD:TI) < 0.12 or a tracheal diameter:third rib diameter ratio (TD:3R) < 2.0. Computed tomography has become increasingly used for airway evaluation, however published information is lacking regarding CT tracheal dimensions in English Bulldogs. Objectives of this prospective cross‐sectional study were to describe radiographic and CT tracheal dimensions in a sample of clinically normal English Bulldogs and compare these values with tracheoscopy scores. Computed tomography (n = 40), radiography (n = 38), and tracheoscopy (n = 40) studies were performed during a single general anesthesia session for each included dog. Tracheal measurements were recorded at three locations: cervical, thoracic inlet, and thorax. Tracheal diameters were narrowest at the thoracic inlet with all techniques. Computed tomographic measurements averaged 19% greater than radiographic measurements. All included dogs had radiographic tracheal measurements greater than the previously published criteria for tracheal hypoplasia. Mean CT TD:TI was 0.26 (± 0.03, 0.20–0.33), and mean CT TT:3R was 2.27 (± 0.24, 1.71–2.74). Radiographic TD:TI and CT TD:TI were significantly correlated (P = 0.00); however radiographic TT:3R and CT TT:3R were not significantly correlated (P = 0.25). Tracheoscopy identified hypoplastic changes in all dogs and tracheoscopy scores were not correlated with CT or radiography diameter measurements. In conclusion, findings indicated that some CT and radiographic tracheal diameter measurements were comparable in English Bulldogs however diameters for both imaging techniques were not comparable with tracheoscopy scores.  相似文献   

Nasal cavity radiographs and CT images from 31 dogs with nasal cavity cancer were compared. All dogs had abnormal clinical signs relating to -nasal cancer and histologic confirmation of malignant nasal cavity neoplasia. No dog had cyto reductive surgery prior to imaging. All radiographic and CT examinations were abnormal. CT was more accurate than radiographs in identifying unilateral versus bilateral nasal cavity disease and tumor extension into adjacent structures such as the cranial cavity, hard palate, and pterygopala-tine fossa. The improved accuracy of CT in these respects was not of benefit in the confirmation of nasal cavity disease because radiographs were abnormal in every instance. However, CT may be useful for more accurate tumor staging, predicting possible treatment-related complications, and planning of surgery and radiation therapy. It was also determined that one dorsally located radiation therapy portal bounded laterally by the medial ocular canthi, as described in previous reports, would not have been adequate for encompassing all abnormal tissue in 28 of the 31 dogs evaluated.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Labrador Retriever presented for urinary incontinence and constipation of 2 weeks duration. There was a tender abdomen, lumbar pain and conscious proprioceptive deficits in both pelvic limbs. Depressed pelvic limb reflexes were present consistent with a lower motor neuron lesion. In radiographs of the lumbar spine there was narrowing of the intervertebral disc space at L5-L6 with irregular, multifocal areas of mineralized opacities dorsal to the intervertebral disc space, presumably within the vertebral canal. On computed tomography, an intramedullary, partially mineralized mass was identified in the spinal cord at the level of caudal L5 through cranial L6. At necropsy there was a four-centimeter enlarged, irregular segment of spinal cord at the level of L5-L6. When sectioned, the spinal cord bad a mineralized texture. Histologically there were variable sized cells that were stellate in appearance with vacuolated cytoplasm (physaliferous cells) and mucinous background consistent with a chordoma. Chordoma is a rare, skeletal neoplasm that originates from mesoderm-derived notochord and has been reported in humans and animals. Extraskeletal development of a chordoma within the spinal cord is a rare manifestation of this neoplasm. However, based on other reports in dogs, solitary extraskeletal locations of chordomas may be the typical expression of this neoplasm in the dog. Differentiation of similar histologically appearing tumors, such as a parachordoma or myxoid chondrosarcoma, will require immunohistochemical characterization of these tumors in veterinary patients.  相似文献   

The influence of body position on volume and x-ray attenuation of the lungs of three Beagles was investigated with computed tomography. In left and right lateral recumbency, the dependent lung had decreased volume and increased x-ray attenuation compared with ventral recumbency. Volume and x-ray attenuation of the nondependent lung, however, were unchanged. In dorsal recumbency, there was a vertical gradient of x-ray attenuation being increased dorsally and decreased ventrally compared with ventral recumbency where regional differences in x-ray attenuation were not found. Results indicate a risk of overlooking a mass in the dependent pulmonary parenchyma of dogs in lateral and dorsal recumbency. Regional differences in x-ray attenuation of the lungs of dogs can be avoided if the radiographs are obtained with the dog in ventral recumbency.  相似文献   

A 15‐year‐old female spayed domestic long‐haired cat was referred for trismus, hypersalivation, and bilateral ocular discharge. On examination, the cat showed pain on palpation of the left zygomatic arch, palpable crepitus of the frontal region, and limited retropulsion of both globes. A contrast‐enhanced sinonasal computed tomographic study was performed, showing facial distortion and extensive osteolysis of the skull, extending beyond the confines of the sinonasal and paranasal cavities. Additionally, soft tissue and fluid accumulation were observed in the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses. Postmortem biopsy samples acquired from the calvarium yielded a histologic diagnosis of sinonasal adenosquamous carcinoma, a rare and particularly aggressive neoplasm previously only reported in the esophagus of one cat.  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old female spayed Shetland Sheepdog presented for evaluation of a subcutaneous mass over the right prescapular region. The mass had been cytologically diagnosed as a lipoma by the referring veterinarian 20 months prior, but had grown significantly and was very firm. CT scan of the mass was suggestive of neoplasia; however, the tissue of origin could not be determined. Histopathologic evaluation diagnosed infiltrative angiolipoma, and marginal resection of the tumor was performed. Infiltrative angiolipomas are benign but locally aggressive neoplasms uncommonly reported in veterinary medicine. This report correlates the clinical, CT, and histopathologic characteristics of an infiltrative angiolipoma.  相似文献   

Indicators of pulmonary hypertension in dogs examined with thoracic computed tomography (CT) are not well established in the veterinary literature. In humans, the main pulmonary artery to aortic diameter ratio (MPA:Ao) measured via CT, has been shown to be more sensitive than echocardiographic variables for predicting presence and severity of pulmonary hypertension, in some cases. In veterinary literature, the MPA:Ao has been determined echocardiographically to have an upper limit of about 1:1. Measurement of this ratio has not been described in dogs using CT. The objectives of this cross‐sectional, prospective study were to compare echocardiographic measurement of MPA:Ao with that obtained via CT, determine if measurement of MPA:Ao via CT is repeatable and reproducible, and determine the effect of respiration and contrast administration on the measurement of MPA:Ao via CT. Ten healthy dogs without pulmonary hypertension were anesthetized to undergo thoracic CT using three protocols and echocardiography. The MPA:Ao was measured three times by three observers for each of the three CT protocols and compared to echocardiographic measurements. The mean MPA:Ao measured among all observers and CT protocols was 1.108 ± 0.152 (SD). The effect of CT scan protocol on MPA:Ao significantly differed among the three methods (P = 0.0014), where expiratory scans had lower MPA:Ao than inspiratory scans. The ratio measured on inspiratory CT scans consistently overestimated MPA:Ao when compared to echocardiography (bias = 0.226). Findings did not support the echocardiographically derived upper limit of MPA:Ao as an upper limit for determination of main pulmonary arterial enlargement on CT.  相似文献   

Long digital extensor tendon avulsion is reported in a 5 month old Great Dane. Clinically the dog presented with a unilateral weight-bearing pelvic limb lameness. Joint effusion was present and there was pain and crepitance associated with flexion of the stifle. Orthopedic evaluation and radiographs were suggestive of a long digital extensor tendon injury which was confirmed by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.The injury was surgically repaired with screw and spiked washer fixation.  相似文献   

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