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成团泛菌引起的棉花烂铃病对棉花产量因子和品质的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
成团泛菌(Pantoea agglomerans)引起的棉花烂铃病主要造成棉铃吐絮不畅,棉纤维变色,籽粒干瘪。本试验对感染该病害的不同棉花品种的发病率、绒长、单铃重、衣分以及色泽等指标进行测定,用SAS软件分析,结果显示:所有棉花品种都有烂铃病的发生,平均发病率为20.6%,不同品种间发病有明显的差别。病害对单铃重、衣分、瘪籽率、绒长及色泽的影响主要体现在单铃重平均减轻27.6%、衣分平均降低5.3%和瘪籽率平均增加1.6倍、绒长平均缩短1.6mm及平均颜色加深2.0%。由成团泛菌引起的这种细菌病害可引起棉花减产高达10%~20%。 相似文献
作者于1981—1987年,对山西运城、临汾、晋中、晋东南4个地区15个县的棉花烂铃问题进行了调查研究。明确了引起烂铃病以疫病Phytophthora boehmeriae Saw.、红腐Fsa-rriummoniliforme Sheld和红粉Cephalothecium roseum(Link)Corde为主。由疫病引起的烂铃占91.5%,烂铃率与8月中、下旬以后40天内的降雨量呈正相关;果枝节位愈高烂铃率愈低;陆地棉烂铃率高,亚洲棉和草棉抗病,适期播种及早防治蛀铃害虫可降低烂铃率。 相似文献
四川在8月中旬-9月中旬是棉花烂铃发生的高峰时期。连续阴雨,湿度80%以上,5日日照低于15小时,烂铃多损失重。试验表明,棉疫病是引起烂铃的主要原因。15天以下的棉铃未见发生烂铃,铃期40天以上者烂铃最多。85%以上的烂铃发生在5台果枝以下。覆膜棉田下部结铃较多,烂铃也重。烂铃轻重程度与铃重呈负相关,γ=-0.8735与皮棉损失率呈正相关,γ=0.9863,1—5级烂铃的皮棉损失率15。6—98.7%,有效白花量减少42.8—100%,品级降低2—4级,经济价值显著下降。 相似文献
鄂北岗地棉区棉花烂铃原因与防治对策随州市植保站(441300)邱立斌随州市棉花良种场张道英我市棉田划属鄂北岗地棉区,常年棉花种植面积18700hm2左右。棉花是我市农业生产的一大支柱,年产量约2万t。棉花烂铃是影响棉花产量的一个重要因素,尤其是秋雨连... 相似文献
棉花烂铃病的发生、品种抗病性及主要病原菌致病力分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2011~2013年,调查了我国黄河和长江流域6省70县(市)200块棉田和不同栽培模式下棉花烂铃病发生情况,田间试验评价了棉花品种对烂铃病的抗性,采用离体棉铃人工接种方法分析了棉铃烂铃主要病原菌的致病力分化情况。结果表明:(1)所有调查的棉田均有棉花烂铃病发生,其中,棉铃疫病在各地发生最为普遍而且严重,仍属于我国黄河和长江流域棉区的最主要的棉花烂铃病,其病原菌为苎麻疫霉(Phytophthora boehmeriae)。(2)与春棉直播模式相比,3种套种模式均能显著减少棉花烂铃病的发生,其中麦-棉-西瓜12∶2∶1种植模式的防效最好,减少烂铃72.96%。(3)河北、山东和河南3省审定的50个棉花品种对棉花烂铃病的抗性存在显著差异,其中邯7860、邯棉103、锦科178、百棉1号和郑农棉4号5个品种对棉花烂铃病表现了较好的抗性,单株烂铃低于3.0个。(4)苎麻疫霉在棉铃上的致病力存在显著分化。 相似文献
In recent years since 2018, the disease of tomato fruit rot has been often noted in Jiangxi province. In order to ascertain the causal agent, common tissue isolation method was used to isolate the pathogen collected from 8 counties and cities of Jiangxi province. A total of 17 isolates was obtained, which exhibited similar phenotype on V8 agar plates with production of antheridia, oogonia and oospore indicating the characteristics of Phytophthora spp.. The pathogenicity test for the isolates showed the similar disease symptoms with that in the field and the pathogen was reisolated from the infected tomato tissues, which fulfilled the Koch’s postulate. BLAST search with rDNA-ITS, partial Ypt1 and β-tubulin gene sequences for 17 isolates showed 99%-100% of identities to Phytophthora capsici that in correspond with the clustering result of phylogenetic analysis for two represented strains. Combined with morphologic characteristic observation, pathogenicity test and sequence ana-lysis, the pathogen causing tomato fruit rot was identified as Phytophthora capsici. This is the first report of P. capsici causing fruit rot on tomato in Jiangxi province, China. 相似文献
我国主栽抗虫棉品种棉铃病害发生种类和抗性比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本研究对生产上大面积推广过的棉花品种和国家棉花品种区域试验2012年黄河流域点参试品种及其抗病对照‘中植棉2号’、感病对照‘冀棉11’,共40个品种(品系)进行了铃病发生情况调查。田间铃病的发生以红腐、红粉为主, 分别占45.8%、26.7%;其次是疫病(16.7%) 和黑果病(10.8%)。利用SAS软件将烂铃率进行聚类分析(离差平方和法),可以把供试的40份材料分成3类,第一类为铃病发生较轻类型,铃病发生率为4.6%~10.7%;第二类为铃病发生中等类型,铃病发生率为9.8%~13.6%;第三类为铃病发生较重类型,铃病发生率为17.5%~24.4%。结果表明,陆地棉不同品种之间对铃病的抗性差异显著,棉花育种中应注意选育对铃病抗性较好的品种。 相似文献
为明确成团泛菌Pantoea agglomerans引起的玉米细菌干茎腐病经种子传播的规律,采用细菌常规分离法、Sherlock微生物鉴定系统、特异性分子检测技术,对与干茎腐病相关的杂交种金玉9856及其父本PS056、母本OSL190进行了种子带菌检测,证明金玉9856和PS056种子内部带菌,获得分离物Pagl和Pag2,2个分离物对感病的PS056均具有致病性.菌液浸种、种子注射接种和自然带菌种子直播都能够引发干茎腐病,发病率分别达到100%、100%和80%,而持续高温(50℃)处理4天的种子则在植株上不表现症状.对种子接种后长成的植株的系统检测证明,成团泛菌侵染种子后,通过植株维管束系统向地上部组织扩展,随着水分的运输,病菌通过茎秆到达果穗的籽粒中,完成从种子到植株、再到新种子的病害循环,同时能够引起植株发病. 相似文献
2019年在新疆葡萄上发现一种新病害,主要危害成熟葡萄果实。感病果实病部产生橄榄绿色霉层,导致葡萄产量和品质严重下降。为明确该病害病原菌种类及其生物学特性,从南北疆11个葡萄园采集80个病样,用常规稀释分离法和单孢分离法对病原菌进行分离和纯化,根据采集地点、葡萄品种、菌落生长速度等特征选取21个代表性菌株进行形态学鉴定、分子生物学鉴定和致病性测定以明确病原菌种类;并研究了温度、光照、培养基、pH对病原菌生长及产孢的影响。结果表明,引起新疆葡萄果腐病的病原菌为枝孢菌,有两个种,即枝状枝孢Cladosporium cladosporioides和柠檬形枝孢Cladosporium limoniforme,其中枝状枝孢为优势种。两种病原菌的适宜生长和产孢的温度均为25℃,适宜生长和产孢的培养基是PDA,不同光照条件下都可大量产生分生孢子,最适宜生长和产孢的pH为7。明确了新疆葡萄枝孢果腐病病原菌及其生物学特性,为今后该病害的预测预报、发生规律和防治方法的研究打下基础。 相似文献
A boll rot of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was observed for the first time in Greece in August 1993 in Larissa and Volos counties, and in August and September 1995
in Trikala and Phthiotis counties. Fungi of the genusPhytophthora were isolated from diseased plants. Morphological characteristics of the pathogen were recorded on mounts made directly from
the infected tissues or after growth of the isolated fungus on corn meal agar or sterile distilled water. Colony morphology,
growth rates, features of asexual and sexual structures and maximum growth temperatures were examined. APhytophthora species new to Europe,Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada, attacking cotton bolls, was identified. The pathogenicity of the isolates was confirmed by artificial inoculations
of detached cotton bolls. Analysis of α-esterase isozymes revealed unique banding patterns for isolates ofP. boehmeriae compared with those ofP. cactorum andP. parasitica, which arePhytophthora species with similar morphology. 相似文献
Effects of postharvest onion curing parameters on bulb rot caused by Pantoea agglomerans,Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea allii in storage 下载免费PDF全文
Crop loss of onion bulbs during storage carries an exceptionally high economic impact because a large portion of the production expenses has been expended before storage. Because of this, it is important to define practices that can reduce onion bulb losses caused by storage rots. This study investigates the impact of various curing parameters on disease development resulting from infection by Pantoea agglomerans, P. ananatis and P. allii on onion bulb cultivars Vaquero and Redwing, during storage. Overall, both the incidence and mean rot severity were similar amongst the bulbs under comparable conditions regardless of the species of Pantoea inoculated, although a significant difference was detected between the two onion bulb cultivars. In addition, a significant reduction of storage rot was observed when curing temperatures were ≤35°C. At temperatures >35°C, a shorter curing duration (2 days vs 14 days) decreased the severity of bulb rot due to Pantoea. This increased understanding of the inter‐relationships between the parameters used for curing, and the incidence and severity of bulb rot caused by Pantoea helps provide guidance towards using the curing process as a means to reduce the level of damage resulting from post‐harvest storage rot. 相似文献