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随着农业社会化服务体系的不断完善和农地确权政策的实施,农户生产经营方式发生了改变,进而对农业生产效率产生影响。本文利用2018年江西省569个水稻种植户的实地调研数据,运用四阶段DEA-Tobit模型分析了社会化服务、农地确权对农业生产效率的影响。研究结果显示,江西省水稻种植户农业生产效率整体偏低,主要是由于纯技术效率较低导致;社会化服务促进了农业生产效率的提高,而农地确权则呈现相反的趋势;此外,社会化服务能够有效缓解农地确权对农业生产效率的不利影响;户主年龄、是否为村干部、拥有农业设施价值以及地块数量对农业生产效率也存在显著影响。基于以上分析,为进一步提高农业生产效率,提出应加强完善社会化服务体系,扩大服务广度以及提高服务质量,同时继续落实农地产权政策的稳定,降低流转市场交易费用,促进农地流转,减少粗放经营等政策建议。  相似文献   

农地流转是优化山区土地资源配置,增加农民收入的重要途径,然而农地流转是否能够提高山区农户农业生产的效率与公平仍缺乏农户案例研究。文章基于重庆市3个典型山区县的调研数据,构建OLS回归模型,分析山区农地流转在效率和公平两方面的作用,并以劳动力投入农业生产时长和劳动力平均年龄为工具变量,通过2SLS模型控制了内生性问题。结果表明:在目前山区农地流转现状下,净转入土地面积与农业生产效率存在显著的正相关关系,而与人均耕地面积呈显著的负相关关系,说明山区农地流转将耕地从人均土地充足的家庭流向人均土地稀缺的家庭,从农业生产效率低的家庭流向农业生产效率高的家庭,进而提高了山区土地配置的效率和公平。同时,本文还发现劳动力占比、牲畜数量、非农收入占比与净转入土地面积有显著的影响。基于此,提出规范山区农地流转市场;鼓励种田能手扩大经营规模;鼓励山区部分农户非农转型等政策建议。  相似文献   

Black farmers are still Black farmers, yet now are considered a part of minority or small or limited resource farmers/ranchers (SLRF/R) by the Department of Agriculture. Except for a few Southern states, their numbers have fallen from a remnant to a fragment in recent years. They continue to leave agriculture at a faster rate than whites. What few programs the Department has for this category of producers (SLRF/R) show genuine promise, provided they are pursued diligently by the Congress and the Department. Also vigorous enforcement of civil rights laws and directives of the Secretary and the new initiatives by the Office of Civil Rights Enforcement (OCRE) have to be sustained.  相似文献   

丰华占优质高产高效抛秧栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了丰华占在抛秧栽培方式下,3种施肥方式和3种不同抛植密度对产量及构成因子、稻米品质的影响。结果表明:施肥方式对株高和秆重有显著和极显著影响;种植密度对株高有显著影响;施肥方式和种植密度互作效应对整精米率有显著影响;产量与其他性状相关不显著;有效穗数与每穗实粒数呈极显著负相关。综合分析结果表明,高密度抛植并重施中期肥是丰华占最优的抛秧栽培方式。  相似文献   

请求权制度是民法的核心内容,请求权包括防御请求权、保全请求权和救济请求权。  相似文献   

Uranium concentrations in North American rivers are higher than those reported 20 years ago. The increase is attributed to applications to agricultural land of larger amounts of phosphate fertilizer containing appreciable concentrations of uranium. Experiments showing a constant phosphorous-uranium ratio for various types of fertilizers and for the easily solubilized fraction of 0-46-0 fertilizers support this view.  相似文献   

主要论述了枸杞的果、籽、叶、柄的化学成分,并根据国内外专家论述,对枸杞的药用功效、临床应用、保健价值以及有效成分做了详细的分析,对大力开发枸杞资源,做到"根、茎、花、实无弃物"的研究与综合利用有很好的指导作用.  相似文献   

隐私权和知情权是公民的重要权利,现实生活中,二者的冲突从未间断。解决这一冲突,在公权范围内,应采用社会公共利益优先原则;在私权范围内,应权衡利益,严密协调。  相似文献   

试论高等教育收费制度与教育公平   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了高等教育收费制度的必然性,探讨了高等教育收费对教育公平产生的影响,并提出了减少影响的对策和措施。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the characteristics of the global restructuring of the agricultural and food system that has occurred in recent years. Emphasis is placed on the emergence of the Food and Natural Resource Question and its relation to the Agrarian Question. It is argued that rather than being separate issues, these are two aspects of a unified process occurring at the global level. Moreover, it is argued that the transnational unity of the agrarian question and the food question mandates a reconstruction of the arena within which production takes place. This phenomenon in turn generates a set of limits to domestic political institutions and locally generated social demands. The implications of the emergence of the international arena as locus of political action is discussed vis-a-vis the local level of socio-political action.Alessandro Bonanno is Associate Professor of Rural Sociology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has researched among other topics, the structure of agriculture, the role of the State in agriculture, and regional and international development. Currently, he is investigating the processes of globalization and restructuring of the agriculture and food sector.  相似文献   

公正是人们权利或利益的合理分配。公正观不同,公正内容也不一致,司法公司是人们对司法活动公正的一种企望,一种司法价值评价。司法公正应包括实体公正、程序公正和司法形象公正三个内容。要矫正“重实体、轻程序”现象,必须特别强调程序公正的历史价值。司法改革是实现司法公正的必经之路。在这场改革中,能否解决好司法独立的问题,尤为重要。  相似文献   

社会永远是个大课堂,大学生在接受学校教师教育的同时也在接受社会这位永远不知疲倦的教师在没有固定科目和课时安排的课堂中的谆谆教导。社会教育与学校大学生思想教育形成了一种"特款"关系。前者必然影响后者,其影响力的本源是社会公正性。  相似文献   

公平是政府绩效评估的前提和重要指标,公平包括权利平等、机会均等和结果意义上的收入平等。政府维护社会公平,应保持公平与效率的统一。  相似文献   

The analysis of the financialization of food and farming has tended to focus on issues such as the impact on the productive and input sectors of the food chain, including the role of asset management companies, private equity consortia and other financial institutions in acquiring and managing farmland. However, processes of financialization impact along the whole agri-food supply chain, including the retail and food service sectors. This paper analyses the take-over by a private equity company of Somerfield, one of the UK’s leading supermarket chains, and the impact the subsequent restructuring had on the management and organization of the retailer’s operations. In doing so, the paper not only extends the analysis of the effects of financialization on the food system, but also raises questions about the extent to which the supermarkets are the dominant actors in the establishment and management of agri-food supply chains.  相似文献   

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