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A study was performed to investigate the effect of different levels of dietary fibre (DF) and dietary protein on visceral organ size, digestibility, nitrogen balance and energy metabolism in rats. Thirty-six male Wistar rats, initial body weight about 76 g were used in a factorial design consisting of three levels of DF (low, 100 g/kg DM: medium, 250 g/kg DM and high, 290 g/kg DM) and two levels of dietary protein (low, 120 g/kg DM and high, 223 g/kg DM). The added fibre source was soybean hulls and Danish fish meal was used as sole source of dietary protein. Measurements of gas-exchange were done on six rats (one group) while urine and faeces were collected individually. The ratio of food/empty body gain increased (P<0.05) with increasing DF and decreasing levels of dietary protein. The weight of the digestive tract was larger (P<0.05) in rats fed the high fibre diet than in those fed the low fibre diet. The digestibility of nutrients and energy decreased linearly with increasing level of soybean fibre (P<0.05). An increased intake of DF was associated with a concomitant loss of protein and energy to faeces. The microbial degradation of NSP and other unabsorbed carbohydrates caused considerably changes in N metabolism of the colon. In rats fed the low protein diets increased levels of DF decreased N excretion in urine and increased N excretion in faeces, while the ratio of retained/digested protein remained constant. When rats were fed the high protein diet protein retention dropped in response to DF both absolute and relative to digested amount, indicating that energy intake could be a limiting factor. Heat production as a percentage of metabolizable energy (HP/ME) was higher (P<0.05) in rats fed the low protein diet than in rats fed the high protein diet, but no significant difference was found among DF levels.  相似文献   

The energy requirement of pregnant and lactating sows is derived on the basis of extensive experimental studies of the energy metabolism (indirect calorimetry, slaughtering) according to the factorial method. For the first reproduction cycle (RC) 0.41 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) or 0.29 MJ net energy fat, pig (NEFpig) resp. were necessary for energy maintenance requirement for pregnant and lactating sows and, depending on age, 0.44 MJ ME or 0.31 MJNEFpig in the second or third RC and 0.47 MJ ME/kg LW0.75.d or 0.33 MJ NEFpig/kg LW0.75.d in the 4th-8th RC. A linear increase of up to 6% of the energy requirement caused by pregnancy between the 85th and 115th day of pregnancy is taken into consideration. Energy requirement per 1 MJ retention both in pregnancy and lactation is 1.45 MJ ME or 1.03 MJ NEFpig, per 1 MJ milk yield it is 1.33 MJ ME or 0.91 MJ NEFpig. 1 MJ body energy for milk yield corresponds to 1.20 MJ ME or 0.82 MJ NEFpig. Equations describing energy retention in the products of conception, uterus and udder are established as well as equations characterizing the connections between live weight gain or loss and energy content of the gain or loss.  相似文献   

不同粗纤维水平日粮对妊娠母猪生殖激素水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹国安  张虎  黄大鹏 《饲料工业》2012,33(16):37-39
为研究不同粗纤维水平日粮对妊娠母猪生殖激素水平的影响,选用30头胎次、配种时间及体况均相近的经产PIC配套系父母代母猪,随机分成5组,妊娠期间分别饲喂含3%、5%、7%、9%和11%的苜蓿草粉粗纤维日粮,通过调节各组的饲喂量,使其所摄入的能量、蛋白、钙、磷等水平基本一致。3%为对照组,日粮中不另加粗纤维。研究结果显示:提高日粮中粗纤维水平会降低妊娠各阶段母猪雌二醇的浓度,但增加妊娠后期孕酮和催乳素的浓度,且当日粮中粗纤维含量达到9%时效果最佳。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of source and level of dietary fiber (DF) and feeding frequency (once vs. twice daily) on feeding motivation and plasma metabolites at 4 different time points post feeding. Sixty pregnant sows (Sus scrofa, 4 blocks of 15 sows) were allocated to 1 of 5 diets within blocks. Four diets were restricted (approximately 35 MJ ME/d): a barley and wheat control diet (171 g DF/kg DM; 12 g DF/MJ ME), and 3 fiber diets formulated to contain 35% DF by including pectin residue (323 g DF/kg DM; 25 g DF/MJ ME), potato pulp (404 g DF/kg DM; 29 g DF/MJ ME), or sugar beet pulp (367 g DF/kg DM; 25 g DF/MJ ME). The fifth diet was a mixture including an equal amount of the 3 fiber diets offered semi ad libitum (ad libitum access to feed during 6 periods of 1 h starting at 0300, 0600, 1100, 1500, 1800, and 2300; 354 g DF/kg DM; 25 g DF/MJ ME). The experimental period included 2 periods of 4 wk each. Restricted-fed sows were fed once daily (0800 h) during the first period and twice daily (0800 and 1500 h) during the second period, or vice versa. Semi ad libitum fed sows had access to feed 6 times a day in both periods. In each period, the feeding motivation was assessed in an operant conditioning test, and samples of peripheral blood were taken in a balanced design, at 0900, 1200, 1900, and 0700 h, corresponding to 1, 4, 11, and 23 h after feeding for restricted sows fed once daily. No differences in the feeding motivation were found between the 4 restricted diets at any of the time points post feeding, but semi ad libitum fed sows had a decreased feeding motivation (P < 0.001). Among the restricted-fed sows, feeding twice daily resulted in decreased feeding motivation at 1900 h (P < 0.001) and at 0700h (P < 0.05) compared with feeding once daily, but not at 0900 and 1200 h, indicating that feeding twice daily reduced feeding motivation during the night compared with feeding once daily. Among restricted-fed sows, plasma concentrations of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) were greater in sows fed high-fiber diets compared with the control (P = 0.02). Nonesterified fatty acid was least in sows on the control diet and greatest in sows on the potato diet, whereas sows on the pectin and sugar beet diets were intermediate (P < 0.001). Less diurnal variation in glucose (P < 0.001) was seen in sows on high-fiber diets. In spite of the found effects on plasma metabolites, the applied level of fiber in the diet of restrictedly fed sows did not reduce their feeding motivation irrespective of fiber source.  相似文献   

日粮蛋白、能量水平对哺乳母猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验选用14头分娩日期相近的杜长大经产母猪,按体重、胎次随机分成2个处理,每个处理7个重复,1头1个重复。在28d的试验期母猪自由采食和饮水。研究饲喂按NRC(1998)配制的高蛋白、高能量水平日粮(蛋白为18.50%和代谢能为14.23MJ/kg)与按NRC(1988)配制的日粮(蛋白为17.10%和代谢能为13.19MJ/kg)对母猪生产性能的影响。分娩当天、28d测定母猪背膘厚度、体重、采食量;分娩当天、21d、28d测定仔猪窝重;21d采取母猪乳样,分析乳固形物、乳蛋白、乳脂成分。结果表明:高水平日粮对母猪采食量和失重有显著影响(P<0.05),对仔猪平均日增重和母猪乳成分没有显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

The effect of level of protein intake on growth and calcium metabolism was studied in 24 foals. Starting at four months old, the foals were fed one of three diets containing all nutrients, with the exception of protein, at levels recommended by the United States National Research Council Subcommittee on Horse Nutrition for a 12 month period. The protein levels in the three diets were 9 per cent (low protein) 14 per cent (NRC recommended level) and 20 per cent (high protein). The foals fed the low protein diet were changed to the high protein diet after 140 days when they were nine months old. There were no significant differences in the rates of growth in weight, height, cannon circumference or in hoof growth and feed utilisation of the horses fed the 14 or the 20 per cent protein diets. However, growth, feed intake and feed utilisation by the foals fed the low (9 per cent) protein diet were significantly depressed. The average daily gains for the first 140 days for the 9, 14 and 20 per cent protein treatment groups were 64, 631 and 687 g in weight, 0.57, 0.83 and 0.87 mm in height and 0.04, 0.13 and 0.14 m in forecannon circumference, respectively. The average daily feed intakes for the 140 day period for the three groups were 2.7, 4.4 and 4.7 kg, respectively. After the change to the high protein diet the foals that had been fed the low protein diet maintained a higher rate of gain in bodyweight, height and cannon circumference, and utilised feed more efficiently than the other two groups throughout the second 140 days of the experiment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in serum progesterone levels in pregnant sows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the autumn and winter of 1979 and the spring and summer of 1980 serum samples were taken from approximately 20 sows at between 40 and 90 days of gestation in each of seven commercial herds. In most of these herds progesterone concentrations were significantly lower in the autumn than in the other three seasons. Between June 1980 and June 1981 every pregnant sow in a further herd of 250 sows was sampled at 25 to 30 days and at 70 to 91 days of gestation. Seasonal differences in progesterone concentrations were again evident, with the concentrations rising from their lowest in August, September and October to a peak in March. Comparisons between the early and late pregnancy progesterone levels from sows sampled in this herd at different times of the year suggested that corpora lutea which were formed in the summer and early autumn were fully competent and responsive, but that their lower hormone production was possibly the result of reduced luteotrophic stimulation. These findings are pertinent to the pathophysiology of the autumn abortion syndrome and other seasonal reproductive problems in sows.  相似文献   

Three experimental diets were used to investigate the digestion of carbohydrates and utilization of energy in sows fed diets with different levels and physicochemical properties of dietary fiber (DF). The low-fiber diet (LF; DF, 16%; soluble DF, 4.8%) was based on wheat and barley. The high-fiber 1 diet (HF1; DF, 41%; soluble DF, 11%) was based on wheat and barley supplemented with the coproducts: sugar beet pulp, potato pulp, and pectin residue, and the high-fiber 2 diet (HF2; DF, 44%; soluble DF, 7.3%) was based on wheat and barley supplemented with approximately 1/3 of the coproducts used in diet HF1 and 2/3 of brewers spent grain, seed residue, and pea hull (1:1:1, respectively). The diets were studied in 2 series of experiments. In Exp. 1, the digestibility and ileal and fecal flow of nutrients were studied in 6 ileal-cannulated sows placed in metabolic cages designed as a repeated 3 x 3 Latin square design. In Exp. 2, energy metabolism was measured in respiration chambers using 6 sows in a repeated 3 x 3 Latin square design. The DF level influenced the ileal flow of most nutrients, in particular carbohydrates, which increased from 190 g/d when feeding the LF diet to 538 to 539 g/d when feeding the HF diets; this was also reflected in the digestibility of OM and carbohydrates (P < 0.05). The ranking of total excretion of fecal materials was HF2 > > HF1 > LF, which also was reflected in the digestibility of OM, protein, and carbohydrates. Feeding HF diets resulted in greater CH(4) production, which was related to the amount of carbohydrates (r = 0.79) and OM (r = 0.72) fermented in the large intestine, but with no difference in heat production (12.2 to 13.1 MJ/kg of DM). Retained energy (MJ/kg of DM) was decreased when feeding HF1 compared with LF and negative when feeding HF2. Feeding sows HF1 reduced the activity of animals (5.1 h/24 h) compared with LF (6.1 h/24 h; P = 0.045).  相似文献   

Variations of plasma volume (PV) and variations of triglyceride, cholesterol, total lipid, beta-lipoprotein and phospholipid concentrations in the blood plasma were investigated in trials with ten sows, crossbreds of the White Thoroughbred and Landrace breeds, at the age of 2-3 years, kept on a defined diet; the trials were performed before the sows became pregnant and during their pregnancy (days 1-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-100 and 101-120). The PV in nonpregnant sows is 9.8 +/- 0.33 1. Following a decrease to the values of 7.8 +/- 0.33 l (p less than 0.01) in the first 40 days of pregnancy the plasma volume increases in the successive periods and it makes 15.4 +/- 0.19 l at the end of pregnancy (p less than 0.001). Total lipaemia decreases during pregnancy from 2.80 +/- 0.054 in nonpregnant sows to 2.49 +/- 0.245 g per 1 in sows at the end of pregnancy. Cholesterol concentrations in the blood plasma also decrease from 2.48 +/- 0.53 in nonpregnant ones to 1.88 +/- 0.173 mmol per 1 (p less than 0.001) in sows at the end of pregnancy, beta-lipoprotein concentrations from 3.95 +/- 1.134 in nonpregnant ones to 3.47 +/- 0.199 g per l in sows on days of pregnancy 81-100 (p less than 0.05), phospholipid concentrations in the first 60 days of pregnancy from 1.62 +/- 0.079 before insemination to 1.29 +/- 0.05 mmol per l in sows of 41-60 day pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of dietary nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP) content on the metabolic rate in group-housed sows was studied. Twelve groups of six nonpregnant sows were each fed one of four experimental diets similar in composition except for the starch and NSP content. Exchanging sugar beet pulp silage (SBPS) for tapioca created the difference in starch and NSP ratio in the diet. On a DM basis, diets contained 0, 10, 20, or 30% SBPS. Sows were group-housed and fed at 1.30 times the assumed maintenance energy requirements. Nitrogen and energy balances were measured per group during a 7-d experimental period, which was preceded by a 33-d adaptation period. Both digestibility and metabolizability of energy decreased with increasing dietary SBPS content (P < 0.05). Heat production and energy retention were unaffected by the exchange of starch for NSP (P > 0.1). Based on energy retention data and apparent fecal digestibilities of crude protein, crude fat, starch, and NSP, the estimated net energy value of fermented NSP was 13.4 kJ/g. The present study shows that group-housed sows are capable of using energy from fermented NSP (i.e., NSP from SBPS) as efficiently as energy from digested starch (i.e., starch from tapioca).  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of reduced sensitivity to growth hormone-releasing hormone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone through feeding a subtherapeutic level of chlortetracycline (CTC; 350 mg CTC/d) and two levels of dietary CP (10% and 13% of diet DM) on growth performance and carcass merit characteristics. Thirty-two steers (initial average BW, 286 kg) were adapted to a common 13% CP diet consisting primarily of grass hay, corn, and soybean meal fed to gain 1.25 kg/d. The steers were assigned to four treatments (with or without CTC and 10% or 13% dietary CP in a factorial arrangement) and fed ad libitum amounts of diet for 91 d. Feed intake was determined daily and steers were weighed weekly. Steers were killed at the end of the feeding period for carcass merit determinations. Efficiency of BW gain was greater (P < .05) for steers fed the 13% CP diet than for the 10% CP diet and tended to be less for CTC-steers when the 10% CP diet was fed and greater for the CTC-steers when the 13% CP diet was fed (CTC x dietary CP interaction, P < .10). Feeding CTC increased (P < .01) fat over the longissimus muscle and marbling. This study is interpreted to indicate that the sustained effect of subtherapeutic feeding of CTC to cattle appears to increase fat deposition consistent with a reduced growth hormone and thyroid status reported earlier for these same steers. This would tend to increase energy utilization but may not necessarily produce a measurable increase in BW gain.  相似文献   

The beta-adrenergic agonist, cimaterol, was fed to young growing pigs to determine whether the carcass compositional changes observed in finishing pigs fed a beta-adrenergic agonist would be manifest in young animals. Furthermore, because cimaterol increased the deposition of lean mass in finishing pigs, it could have a protein sparing effect in young pigs that are rapidly accreting muscle mass and have a high dietary protein requirement. Pigs were fed cimaterol (at 0, .25 and .50 mg X kg-1 diet) and either an adequate (18%) or restricted (14%) protein diet from about 10 to 60 kg body weight. Pigs that were fed the 14 compared with 18% protein diet grew slower and ate less but had the same gain-to-feed ratio. These pigs also had shorter carcasses, less lean muscle and more fat deposition (assessed by carcass measurements and carcass chemical composition) than pigs that received adequate protein. Plasma protein and albumin concentrations were greater and plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and fatty acid concentrations were lower in pigs fed high compared with low dietary protein. Dietary cimaterol had no effect on any of the growth or carcass variables or on adipose tissue metabolism. When fed the high protein diet, cimaterol-supplemented pigs had smaller livers and stomachs. Dietary cimaterol did not have any major detectable effects on these young pigs, nor was there any evidence for a protein sparing effect.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the net energy (NE) values and energy efficiency of wheat bran (WB), sugar beet pulp (SBP), corn gluten feed (CGF), soybean hulls (SBH), and defatted rice bran (DFRB) fed to pregnant sows. Thirty‐six multiparous pregnant sows were randomly assigned to six dietary treatments with six replicates per treatment. Each period lasted for 21 days including 14 days for adaptation. On day 15, sows were moved into respiration chambers for heat production (HP) measurement and provided feed at 544 kJ/kg BW0.75/day. On day 20, sows were fasted to measure the fasting heat production (FHP). Experimental diets included corn‐soybean meal basal diet and five diets containing 29.20% WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB, respectively. Results showed that inclusion of WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB to basal diet decreased (p < 0.05) the apparent total tract digestibility of energy and nutrients. The average adjusted total HP and FHP were 418 kJ/kg BW0.75/day and 326 kJ/kg BW0.75/day, respectively. The average NE:ME ratio of experiment diets was 82.5%. In conclusion, the NE values of WB, SBP, CGF, SBH, and DFRB were 9.05, 8.59, 8.37, 7.64, and 7.93 MJ/kg DM, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding two fibre-rich diets with contrasting solubility and a concentrated low dietary fibre on the rate of gastric emptying were examined in six gastric cannulated pregnant sows. Additionally, it was examined whether any effect could be related to the physico-chemical properties of digesta, i.e. viscosity and/or water binding capacity. The sows were fed each diet for one week in a 3 x 3 Latin Square design and the samples were taken in a randomised order 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 15.5 h after the morning meal. The stomach contents were evacuated through the gastric cannula once daily. The evacuated gastric digesta was quantified and a representative sample was taken to determine its viscosity, water binding capacity and its content of dry matter, dietary components and solid (Cr2O3) and liquid (polyethylene glycol) phase markers. The flow of liquid digesta was calculated as the difference between digesta and dry matter. Increasing the content of dietary fibre in the diet led to higher recovery of liquid digesta but did not have any significant effect on the gastric emptying of dry matter and dietary components. The effect of dietary fibre could not be attributed to the viscosity of the liquid phase of digesta but might be related to the ability of the increased gastric dietary fibre content to hold water. The stomach selectively retained the insoluble dietary fibre components most noticeably seen with the bran-supplemented diet where the concentration of insoluble NSP in digesta increased significantly from 2 hours and onward.  相似文献   

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