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Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses of the H5N1 subtype have caused several rounds of outbreaks in Thailand. In this study, we used 3 HPAI viruses isolated in Thailand in January 2004 from chicken, quail, and duck for genetic and pathogenetic studies. Sequence analysis of the entire genomes of these isolates revealed that they were genetically similar to each other. Chickens, quails, domestic ducks, and cross-bred ducks were inoculated with these isolates to evaluate their pathogenicity to different host species. A/chicken/Yamaguchi/7/04 (H5N1), an HPAI virus isolated in Japan, was also used in the chicken and quail studies for comparison. All four isolates were shown to be highly pathogenic to chickens and quails, with 100% mortality by 10(6) EID50 inoculants of the viruses. They caused sudden death in chickens and quails within 2-4 days after inoculation. The mean death times (MDT) of quails infected with the Thai isolates were shorter than those of chickens infected with the same isolates. Mortality against domestic and cross-bred ducks ranged from 50 to 75% by intranasal inoculation with the 10(6) EID50 viruses. Neurological symptoms were observed in most of the inoculated domestic ducks and appeared less severe in the cross-bred ducks. The MDTs of the ducks infected with the Thai isolates were 4.8-6 days post-inoculation. Most of the surviving ducks infected with the Thai isolates had sero-converted until 14 dpi. Our study illustrated the pathobiology of the Thai isolates against different poultry species and would provide useful information for improving control strategies against HPAI.  相似文献   

In early 2007, H2N3 influenza virus was isolated from a duck and a chicken in two separate poultry flocks in Ohio. Since the same subtype influenza virus with hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) genes of avian lineage was also identified in a swine herd in Missouri in 2006, the objective of this study was to characterize and compare the genetic, antigenic, and biologic properties of the avian and swine isolates. Avian isolates were low pathogenic by in vivo chicken pathogenicity testing. Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses revealed that all genes of the avian isolates were comprised of avian lineages, whereas the swine isolates contained contemporary swine internal gene segments, demonstrating that the avian H2N3 viruses were not directly derived from the swine virus. Sequence comparisons for the H and N genes demonstrated that the avian isolates were similar but not identical to the swine isolates. Accordingly, the avian and swine isolates were also antigenically related as determined by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) and virus neutralization assays, suggesting that both avian and swine isolates originated from the same group of H2N3 avian influenza viruses. Although serological surveys using the HI assay on poultry flocks and swine herds in Ohio did not reveal further spread of H2 virus from the index flocks, surveillance is important to ensure the virus is not reintroduced to domestic swine or poultry. Contemporary H2N3 avian influenza viruses appear to be easily adaptable to unnatural hosts such as poultry and swine, raising concern regarding the potential for interspecies transmission of avian viruses to humans.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of H5N1 avian influenza   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High pathogenic (HP) H5N1 avian influenza (AI) infection has been reported in domestic poultry, wildlife, and human populations since 1996. Risk of infection is associated with direct contact with infected birds. The mode of H5N1 spread from Asia to Europe, Africa and the Far East is unclear; risk factors such as legal and illegal domestic poultry and exotic bird trade, and migratory bird movements have been documented. Measures used to control disease such as culling, stamping out, cleaning and disinfection, and vaccination have not been successful in eradicating H5N1 in Asia, but have been effective in Europe.  相似文献   

In 2008, the Indonesian Government implemented a revised village-level Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response (PDSR) program to gain a better understanding of both the magnitude and spatial distribution of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks in backyard poultry. To date, there has been considerable collection of data, but limited publically available analysis. This study utilizes data collected by the PDSR program between April 2008 and September 2010 for Java, Bali and the Lampung Province of Sumatra. The analysis employs hierarchical Bayesian occurrence models to quantify spatial and temporal dynamics in backyard HPAI infection reports at the District level in 90 day time periods, and relates the probability of HPAI occurrence to PDSR-reported village HPAI infection status and human and poultry density. The probability of infection in a District was assumed to be dependent on the status of the District in the previous 90 day time period, and described by either a colonization probability (the probability of HPAI infection in a District given there had not been infection in the previous 90 day time period) or a persistence probability (the probability of HPAI infection being maintained in the District from the previous to current 90 day period). Results suggest that the number of surveillance activities in a district had little relationship to outbreak occurrence probabilities, but human and poultry densities were found to have non-linear relationships to outbreak occurrence probabilities. We found significant spatial dependency among neighboring districts, indicating that there are latent spatial processes that are not captured by the covariates available for this study, but which nonetheless impact outbreak dynamics. The results of this work may help improve understanding of the seasonal nature of H5N1 in poultry and the potential role of poultry density in enabling endemicity to occur, as well as to assist the Government of Indonesia target scarce resources to regions and time periods when outbreaks of HPAI in poultry are most likely to occur.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to perform the comparative molecular characterization of avian influenza virus (AIV) H9N2, pathogenicity and seroprevalence in commercial and backyard poultry flocks. Fifty commercial poultry flocks were investigated between 2012 and 2015. Eighteen flocks (36%) out of 50 were positive HA. Seven (38.9%) out of 18 were positive by chromatographic strip test for AI common antigen. By Real-time RT-PCR, only two flocks were positive H9. The molecular characterization of two different AI-H9N2 viruses, one isolated from a broiler flock (A/chicken/Egypt/Mansoura-18/2013) and the other from a layer flock (A/chicken/Egypt/Mansoura-36/2015) was conducted on HA gene. Moreover, a higher seroprevalence, using the broiler strain as a known antigen, was shown in backyard chicken flocks 15/26 (57.7%) than duck flocks 9/74 (12.2%). Interestingly, the pathogenicity index (PI) of the H9N2 broiler strain in inoculated experimental chickens ranged from 1.2 (oculonasal route) to 1.9 (Intravenous route). The PI indicated a highly pathogenic effect, with high mortality (up to 100%) in the inoculated chickens correlated with the high mortality (80%) in the flock where the virus was isolated. The firstly recorded clinical signs, including cyanosis in the combs and wattles and subcutaneous haemorrhages in the leg shanks and lesions, as well as histopathology and immunohistochemistry, revealed a systemic infection of the high pathogenicity with the H9N2 virus. Conversely, the H9N2 layer strain showed a low pathogenicity. In conclusion, as a first report, the molecular analysis and pathogenicity of the tested strains confirmed the presence of a high pathogenicity AIV-H9N2 with systemic infections.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic influenza A virus subtype H5N1 causes significant poultry mortality in the six countries where it is endemic and can also infect humans. Egypt has reported the third highest number of poultry outbreaks (n = 1084) globally. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify putative risk factors for H5N1 infections in backyard poultry in 16 villages in Damietta, El Gharbia, Fayoum, and Menofia governorates from 2010–2012. Cloacal and tracheal swabs and serum samples from domestic (n = 1242) and wild birds (n = 807) were tested for H5N1 via RT-PCR and hemagglutination inhibition, respectively. We measured poultry rearing practices with questionnaires (n = 306 households) and contact rates among domestic and wild bird species with scan sampling. Domestic birds (chickens, ducks, and geese, n = 51) in three governorates tested positive for H5N1 by PCR or serology. A regression model identified a significant correlation between H5N1 in poultry and the practice of disposing of dead poultry and poultry feces in the garbage (F = 15.7, p < 0.0001). In addition, contact between domestic and wild birds was more frequent in villages where we detected H5N1 in backyard flocks (F = 29.5, p < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Indonesia continues to report the highest number of human and poultry cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. The disease is considered to be endemic on the island of Bali. Live bird markets are integral in the poultry supply chain on Bali and are important, nutritionally and culturally, for the rural and urban human populations. Due to the lack of biosecurity practiced along the supply chain from producer to live bird markets, there is a need to understand the risks associated with the spread of H5N1 through live bird movements for effective control. Resources to control H5N1 in Indonesia are very limited and cost effective strategies are needed. We assessed the probability a live bird market is infected through live poultry movements and assessed the effects of implementing two simple and low cost control measures on this risk. Results suggest there is a high risk a live bird market is infected (0.78), and risk mitigation strategies such as detecting and removing infected poultry from markets reduce this risk somewhat (range 0.67–0.76). The study demonstrates the key role live poultry movements play in transmitting H5N1 and the need to implement a variety of control measures to reduce disease spread.  相似文献   

Wildlife surveillance was conducted for influenza viruses in conjunction with the 1983-84 lethal H5N2 avian influenza epizootic in domestic poultry in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. Virus-isolation attempts made on cloacal and tracheal swabs from 4,466 birds and small rodents within the quarantined areas and 1,511 waterfowl in nearby Maryland yielded only a single H5N2 isolate from a pen-raised chukar in Pennsylvania. Antibodies against hemagglutinin type 5 and/or neuraminidase type 2 were found in 33% of the aquatic birds tested; however, this finding could not be used to confirm previous H5N2 avian influenza virus activity because of the possibility of prior infections with multiple influenza subtypes. The low prevalence of lethal H5N2 avian influenza virus in wild birds and small rodents strongly indicated that these animals were not responsible for dissemination of the disease among poultry farms during the outbreak.  相似文献   

采用禽流感病毒多克隆抗体及型特异性单克隆抗体,研究建立了型特异性抗原捕捉ELISA检测方法,用于检测H5N1和H9N2亚型禽流感病毒。优化了反应条件,确定了包被抗体、检测抗体及酶结合物的最佳工作浓度,对该方法的敏感性、特异性、重复性及稳定性进行了分析,并与病毒分离鉴定的结果进行了比较。结果表明,该方法敏感、特异,具有良好的重复性和稳定性,可用于临床样品及鸡胚、细胞培养物中禽流感病毒的检测。  相似文献   

Characterization of an H5N1 avian influenza virus from Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2003, an avian influenza (AI) virus of H5N1 subtype (A/Duck/China/E319-2/03; Dk/CHN/E319-2/03) was isolated from a smuggled duck in Kinmen Island of Taiwan. Phylogenetic analysis and pairwise comparison of nucleotide and amino acid sequences revealed that the virus displayed high similarity to the H5N1 viruses circulating in Asia during 2004 and 2005. The hemagglutinin (HA) protein of the virus contained multiple basic amino acid residues (-RERRRKR-) adjacent to the cleavage site between the HA1 and HA2 domains, showing the highly pathogenic (HP) characteristics. The HP phenotype was confirmed by experimental infection of chickens, which led up to 100% mortality within 24-72h postinfection. The virus replicated equally well in the majority of organs of the infected chickens with titers ranging from 10(7.5) to 10(4.7) 50% embryo lethal dose (ELD50) per gram of tissue. In a mouse model the virus exhibits low pathogenic characteristics with a lethal infection observed only after applying high inoculating dose (>or=10(7.6) ELD50) of the virus. The infectious virus particles were recovered only from the pulmonary system including trachea and lungs. Our study suggests that ducks infected with H5N1 AIV of HPAI pathotype showing no disease signs can carry the virus silently and that bird smuggling represent a serious risk for H5N1 HPAI transmission.  相似文献   

On 19th July 2007 re-occurrence of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus was noticed in Europe. The index strain of this novel H5N1 lineage was identified in the Czech Republic where it caused historically the first HPAI outbreak in commercial poultry. In the present study we performed molecular and phylogenetic analysis of the index strain of the re-emerging H5N1 virus lineage along with the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 strains collected in 2006 and established the evolutionary relationships to additional viruses circulated in Europe in 2005-2006. Our analysis revealed that the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 viruses collected during 2006 were separated into two sub-clades 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, which predominated in Europe during 2005-2006. On the contrary the newly emerged H5N1 viruses belonged to a clearly distinguishable sub-clade 2.2.3. Within the sub-clade 2.2.3 the Czech H5N1 strains showed the closest relationships to the simultaneously circulated viruses from Germany, Romania and Russia (Krasnodar) in 2007 and were further clustered with the viruses from Afghanistan and Mongolia circulated in 2006. The origin of the Czech 2007 H5N1 HPAI strains was also discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 1246 faecal and tissue samples collected/received from 119 farms located in various states of India were processed for isolation of avian influenza viruses (AIV) during 2003-2004 as part of a program to monitor AIV infection in Indian poultry population. Avian influenza virus was isolated for the first time in India from poultry farms with history of drop in egg production, respiratory illness and increased mortality in Haryana state. A total of 29 H9N2 AIV isolates were obtained from the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Orissa and Union Territory Delhi. Subtyping was done by HI, RT-PCR and neuraminidase inhibition assay. Pathotyping of six representative isolates by intravenous pathogenicity index (0.0/3.0) in 6-8 weeks old chicken, trypsin dependency in cell culture and HA cleavage site analysis (335RSSR*GLF341) confirmed that these isolates are low pathogenic. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the HA gene showed that the Indian isolates are very closely related (95.0-99.6%) and shared a homology of 92-96% with H9N2 isolates from Germany and Asian regions other than that of mainland China. Deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of L226 (234 in H9 numbering) which indicates a preference to binding of alpha (2-6) sialic acid receptors. Two of the six isolates had 7 glycosylation sites in the HA1 cleaved protein and the remaining four had 5 sites. Phylogenetic analysis showed that they share a common ancestor Qa/HK/G1/97 isolate which had contributed internal genes of H5N1 virus circulating in Vietnam. Further characterization of Indian H9N2 isolates is required to understand their nature and evolution.  相似文献   

为评估H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)在实验室环境下对鸭的致病力,本研究以无特殊病原(SPF)鸭为模型,对我国近年分离的7株病毒进行了致病力分析。结果发现其中4株病毒对鸭致死率为100%,2株病毒对鸭的致死率分别为60%和80%,另外1株病毒,A/goose/Hubei/51/05(GS/HB/51/05),对鸭无致病力。本研究还发现,与高致病力毒株一样,GS/HB/51/05也可在鸭体内呈全身性复制,并且可通过喉头和泻殖腔向外排泄。我们推测GS/HB/51/05可能是中国南方出现的其他对鸭呈高致病力的H5N1病毒的祖先,对这些病毒的系统研究,可揭示H5N1亚型AIV对鸭的致病力遗传机制。  相似文献   

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