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This case report describes a 3‐month‐old female Thoroughbred foal that presented following the acute onset of apparent respiratory distress, abnormal head carriage and severe neurological deficits referable to the brainstem or cranial cervical spinal cord. Ultrasonography revealed an abscessing pneumonia. Radiographs did not show evidence of bony pathology at the atlanto‐occipital region, an area consistent with the observed neurological deficits. With magnetic resonance imaging, atlantal and occipital osteomyelitis, atlanto‐occipital septic arthritis, and atlanto‐axial synovitis were diagnosed. Brainstem meningitis and extradural compression were also revealed. Culture of the right occipitoatlantal joint and cerebrospinal fluid yielded a pure culture of Rhodococcus equi. These findings and multifocal R. equi abscessation were confirmed at necropsy.  相似文献   

For decades researchers have been targeting prevention of Rhodococcus equi (Rhodococcus hoagui/Prescottella equi) by vaccination and the horse breeding industry has supported the ongoing efforts by researchers to develop a safe and cost effective vaccine to prevent disease in foals. Traditional vaccines including live, killed and attenuated (physical and chemical) vaccines have proved to be ineffective and more modern molecular‐based vaccines including the DNA plasmid, genetically attenuated and subunit vaccines have provided inadequate protection of foals. Newer, bacterial vector vaccines have recently shown promise for R. equi in the mouse model. This article describes the findings of key research in R. equi vaccine development and looks at alternative methods that may potentially be utilised.  相似文献   

Our objective was to characterize the association between types of radiographic findings and outcome in foals with pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi. Admission lateral thoracic radiographs of 62 foals with culture‐confirmed R. equi pneumonia were reviewed retrospectively. A scoring system was developed to individually assess the severity of alveolar pattern, interstitial pattern, tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, and the number of nodular opacities and cavitary lesions. Individual scores were added to obtain a total radiographic score ranging from 0 (normal) to 22. Forty‐three of 62 foals (69%) survived to discharge. The median total radiographic score of nonsurvivors (14; range, 9–16) was significantly (P = 0.007) higher than that of survivors (11; range, 4–15). Foals with a total radiographic score of greater than or equal to 15 were 6.15 times (95% CI: 1.35 to 28.2) less likely to survive than foals with a lower score (P = 0.019). A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify the potential associations between specific types of radiographic lesions and outcome. The model was statistically significant (P = 0.002) and correctly classified 75.8% of foals. Only severity of alveolar pattern and number of cavitary lesions made statistically significant contributions to the model. There was no significant association between concurrent isolation of other bacteria along with R. equi and the types or severity of radiographic lesions. Based on the results of this study, severity of alveolar pattern and number of cavitary lesions are the radiographic findings significantly associated with a poor outcome in foals with R. equi pneumonia.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old Thoroughbred filly was referred to Hagyard Equine Medical Institute for further evaluation of acute pyrexia and a suspected intra-abdominal abscess based on abdominal ultrasonography performed in the field. Initial examination revealed bilateral uveitis, polysynovitis, a large internal abdominal abscess and pneumonia. A transtracheal wash confirmed the presence of a multi-sensitive strain of Rhodococcus equi. Anaemia and thrombocytopenia were noted during hospitalisation. Results of a Coombs test were consistent with an immune-mediated haemolytic process. Recurrent pyrexia, abdominal discomfort and severe respiratory distress unresponsive to intensive medical support motivated euthanasia followed by necropsy after 30 days of treatment. Overall, six extra-pulmonary disorders were simultaneously diagnosed despite the lack of pulmonary pyogranulomas.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the clinical usefulness of thoracic ultrasonography compared to thoracic radiography in evaluation of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia. Criteria for patient inclusion in this study were: (1) isolation of R. equi from transtracheal aspirate, (2) radiographic evaluation of the pulmonary parenchyma, and (3) sonographic evaluation of the pulmonary parenchyma. Seventeen foals met this criteria and their medical records were reviewed. Pyogranulomatous pneumonia was identified radiographically in 13 foals. Severe consolidative pneumonia with no detectable abscessation was identified radiographically in three others. Both consolidation and abscessation were identified radiographically in one. In this foal only consolidation was ultrasonographically identified. Ultrasonographically, pulmonary abscessation was identified in 12 foals and pulmonary consolidation with no detectable abscessation was identified in three others. Sonographic examination allowed detection of only pleural irregularities in one foal, which was subsequently found to have pyogranulomatous pneumonia radiographically. Results indicate that ultrasonography may be an accurate alternative imaging modality for detection of pulmonary pathology attributed to R. equi pneumonia in foals when thoracic radiography is not available.  相似文献   

This report describes the diagnosis and successful treatment of multiple extrapulmonary sequelae of Rhodococcus equi (R. equi) pneumonia in a 3‐month‐old filly. Bilateral uveitis and hyphaema, haemolytic anaemia and polysynovitis developed in this foal and were likely due to immune‐mediated mechanisms. The challenges associated with diagnosis and treatments of these extrapulmonary disorders are discussed. The filly was treated initially with clarithromycin and rifampin; however, a blood transfusion and immunosuppressive therapy with dexamethasone were required due to progressive haemolysis and for treatment of uveitis and polysynovitis. Bilateral hyphaema was successfully treated with intracameral injections of a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. The development of antimicrobial resistance in R. equi was an additional challenge encountered in the management of this case and emphasises the importance of culture and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing of isolates from foals with R. equi pneumonia. Extrapulmonary disorders associated with R. equi pneumonia are likely underdiagnosed and associated with a poor prognosis. This case highlights the importance of thorough and ongoing diagnostic assessment of foals with R. equi pneumonia and demonstrates that a successful outcome can be achieved with appropriate and directed treatment.  相似文献   

A 20‐year‐old, Thoroughbred mare in the fifth month of gestation was examined for weight loss, pyrexia and lethargy. Physical examination, ultrasonography and radiography revealed a severe abscessing pneumonia and a dead fetus. The mare did not respond to symptomatic treatment and died suddenly. Necropsy revealed multifocal pulmonary abscessation. Rhodococcus equi was isolated from the lungs, liver and kidneys. Specific immune function of the mare and presence of the virulence associated protein A (VapA) of the R. equi isolated was not determined. It is likely that immunosuppression is required for systemic R. equi infections in adult horses; however, it is unknown if VapA is necessary to produce disease in adult horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Disease caused by Rhodococcus equi is a significant burden to the horse breeding industry worldwide. Early detection of rhodococcal pneumonia, albeit important to minimise treatment costs, is difficult because of the insidious nature of the disease and the lack of definitive diagnostic tests. Objectives: To investigate air sampling from the breathing zone of neonatal foals as a predictor of subsequent rhodococcal pneumonia. Methods: Air samples were collected from the breathing zone of 53 neonatal foals (age ≤10 days) and again at the time of routine ultrasonographic screening for R. equi pneumonia (age 1–2 months). Results: Pneumonia was diagnosed ultrasonographically in 23% of foals. Virulent R. equi was detected in air from the breathing zone of 19% of neonatal foals and 45% of foals at age 1–2 months. There was no association between virulent R. equi in the breathing zone of foals and the subsequent ultrasonographic diagnosis of rhodococcal pneumonia. The median concentration of virulent R. equi in the breathing zone of both neonates (0 [range 0–4] colony‐forming units [cfu]/250 l) and older foals (0 [range 0–3] cfu/250 l) was not significantly different from that in background air samples (0 [range 0–6] cfu/250 l). There was no difference in the concentration of virulent R. equi in the breathing zone of older foals that were diagnosed with rhodococcal pneumonia or clinically normal foals. Conclusion: Detection of virulent R. equi in air from the breathing zone was not a positive predictor of rhodococcal pneumonia in foals up to age ≤2 months. Potential relevance: Selective culture of air samples from the breathing zone of young foals is not better at diagnosing rhodococcal pneumonia than early ultrasonographic screening. However, culture of air samples from the breathing zone of older foals remains a useful herd‐based epidemiological tool.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi infections cause severe pulmonary disease in foals, affecting animal welfare and increasing production costs in horse-breeding farms. Extra-pulmonary disorders (EPD) are relatively common and can occur independently of pulmonary disease; foals with EPD have a more guarded prognosis. The accompanying paper by Shaw et al. (2021) reports the successful diagnosis and medical treatment of a large abdominal abscess caused by R. equi infection. The authors report on the benefits of using gallium maltolate, a semimetal compound with antimicrobial activity, in combination with traditional R. equi infection antimicrobial treatment (combination of a macrolide and rifampicin). Experimental studies are needed to understand further the benefits of this combined therapy, to evaluate the synergistic effects and if it improves the concentration of antimicrobial drugs into infected tissues. The publication of this case report in Equine Veterinary Education is of clinical importance to equine practitioners when diagnosing and treating R. equi infected foals with or without EPD.  相似文献   

Multiple septic osteomyelitis, septic thrombi and septic arthritis are recognised as possible complications of sepsis; however, there are few reports of localised pyomyositis in association with septic arterial thrombosis in foals. A 1-month Thoroughbred colt was presented for investigation of acute and progressive left hindlimb lameness. Physical and laboratory examinations were performed. Ultrasonographic, radiographic and computed tomographic examinations revealed the presence of multiple abscesses and areas of osteomyelitis localised to the gluteal muscles, coxal bone and lumbar spine respectively. Considering the poor prognosis, the foal was subjected to euthanasia. Necropsy confirmed the diagnostic imaging findings and revealed the presence of an extensive septic thrombus, affecting the internal iliac artery, and a single pulmonary abscess. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus was isolated from all lesions.  相似文献   

A 2-day-old filly foal presented with signs of depression, recumbency and inappetence. Blood analyses revealed hypoalbuminaemia, hyperfibrinogenaemia, hyperglycaemia and hyperkalaemia. The foal deteriorated despite intensive treatment and was subjected to euthanasia. At post mortem examination, the urinary bladder, ureters and kidneys appeared normal grossly. Histologically both kidneys showed disorganised development with the presence of structures inappropriate for a foal of this age, including primitive glomeruli, immature renal tubules and persistent metanephric ducts. Based on these findings a diagnosis of bilateral renal dysplasia was made.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old Thoroughbred filly presented with pyrexia, inappetence and diarrhoea. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a multilobulated abdominal mass that was determined to be associated with the caecum using computed tomography. Computed tomography also identified mesenteric lymphadenopathy and a pulmonary mass in the left caudal lung lobe. Percutaneous aspiration of the abdominal mass yielded pure growth of Rhodococcus equi. The filly responded in a positive fashion to the administration of clarithromycin, rifampin and gallium maltolate. Follow-up computed tomography revealed complete resolution of the abdominal mass and lymphadenopathy. Extrapulmonary disorders associated with R. equi should be considered even when thoracic ultrasonography reveals no evidence of pulmonary pathology. Although intra-abdominal abscesses have a grave prognosis, successful treatment is possible. Gallium maltolate can be safely administered to foals and may improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

Hydranencephaly is well recognised in several domestic animals, especially ruminants, but is virtually unknown in the horse. This case report describes a premature filly foal that on the day of delivery was found with a severe neurological disorder that initially improved but then progressively worsened. The foal was subjected to euthanasia on humane grounds and post mortem examination revealed somewhat asymmetric but bilateral destruction of the telencephalon identified as hydranencephaly. The possible causes of hydranencephaly in foals are discussed.  相似文献   

Patellar luxation associated with traumatic injury is rare in the horse, and surgical correction has not been adequately described. This case report describes the clinical findings associated with traumatic lateral patellar luxation in a 2-day-old cob colt, and the technique used for successful surgical repair. A combination of computed tomography (CT), radiography and ultrasound was used to diagnose lateral luxation of the patella due to a complete tear of the vastus medialis muscle. All patellar ligaments were intact and no congenital abnormalities associated with the patellar luxation were present. Surgical correction of the patellar luxation was achieved using a lateral release of the patella performed by transection of the lateral femoropatellar ligament along with overlying fascia, and stabilisation of the patella by medial imbrication of the medial patellar ligament and parapatellar fascia to the distal tendon of the sartorius muscle. Radiographs at 18 weeks of age showed the patella in a normal position in a well-developed trochlear groove. At 1 year of age the foal was walking and trotting sound, with normal range of motion of the affected stifle.  相似文献   

A neonatal Thoroughbred filly presented with a 3-h history of abdominal pain and distention that failed to respond to medical treatment. Diagnostic evaluation, including abdominal ultrasound, barium enema and proctoscopy, was suggestive of atresia coli. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a pedunculated mass in the wall of the diaphragmatic flexure of the ascending colon. The mass, subsequently diagnosed as a hamartoma, was attached to a smaller hamartoma by a fibrous pedicle originating from the descending colon. The descending colon had intussuscepted retrograde into the ascending colon along the fibrous band. The filly was euthanised due to poor prognosis.  相似文献   

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