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Reasons for performing study: A significant proinflammatory response is known to occur in the forelimb lamina after carbohydrate administration. As the hindlimbs are often less affected by laminitis compared with the forelimbs, we assessed hindlimb inflammatory response in the early stages of carbohydrate‐induced laminitis to determine whether differences in the response existed. Objective: To determine whether a similar proinflammatory response occurs in the hindlimb laminae to that previously reported for the forelimb. Methods: Archived laminar samples from 12 horses administered 17.6 g of starch (85% corn starch, 15% wood flour)/kg bwt via nasogastric tube that were anaesthetised either after developing a temperature >38.9°C (DEV; n = 6) or at the onset of Obel grade 1 lameness (OG1; n = 6) were used in addition to 6 control horses (CON) that were anaesthetised 24 h after administration of water. Real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction for selected proinflammatory mediators and MAC387 immunohistochemistry were performed. The data were analysed nonparametrically to compare groups. Results: Increases in laminar MAC387‐positive leucocytes and laminar messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) concentrations (P<0.05) for interleukin‐1β, interleukin‐6, cyclo‐oxygenase‐2, chemokine (C‐X‐C motif)ligand (CXCL)1 and CXCL8 were present in both fore‐ and hindlimb laminae from horses with OG1 lameness. Both CXCL1 and CXCL8 were also increased in forelimb and hindlimb laminae in the DEV horses. Conclusions: Administration of carbohydrate resulted in a similar inflammatory response in the hindlimb laminae to that previously reported for the forelimb laminae. These findings suggest that other factors, such as weightbearing, may play an important role in the development of laminitis after a systemic inflammatory condition develops. Potential relevance: Evidence of inflammation in the hindlimb laminae suggests that the hindfeet should be addressed in the septic horse at risk for laminitis; however, laminitis is often less severe in the hindlimbs due to other factors, such as weightbearing and hoof angle.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Large colon resection and anastomosis (LCRA) is the most aggressive method of surgical management of a colon with questionable viability. Currently, published studies are comprised mostly of broodmares and discuss short‐term survival. Objectives: To determine the prognosis for survival after LCRA in a diverse population of horses, report the incidence of post operative complications, and determine if associations between analysed variables and survival rate exist. Methods: The medical records of 52 horses that underwent LCRA were evaluated. Data were used to identify univariable associations with survival as well as complications related to LCRA. Chi‐square, odds ratio with 95% confidence interval, Mann‐Whitney or Kruskal‐Wallis tests were used, with significance set at P<0.05. Results: Forty‐four horses (84.6%) survived anaesthesia and recovery, 30 (57.7%) survived to be discharged from the hospital. Of the variables analysed, heart rate 24 h after recovery was significantly associated with mortality, as were endotoxaemia, ileus and peritonitis experienced post operatively. Conclusions: Heart rate 24 h after recovery may be a more reliable prognostic indicator than other analysed variables. Survival rate and complications after LCRA were similar to those previously reported. Potential relevance: By reporting on LCRA in a diverse group of horses, referral clinics with similar populations may have a better understanding of prognosis and complications associated with the procedure. When a colon with questionable viability is removed, waiting until 24 h after recovery may be advised to allow for a more informed decision regarding prognosis.  相似文献   

A late term broodmare presented with low‐grade intestinal colic. Clinical findings were consistent with a small intestinal lesion requiring surgical intervention. The risks of general anaesthesia to the fetus, combined with clinical findings in an otherwise quiet natured horse influenced the decision to choose an alternative standing left flank approach first. A small intestinal resection and anastomosis was performed successfully and the mare delivered a healthy foal without complications a month later. Standing colic surgery might be a preferred alternative to general anaesthesia in certain circumstances as discussed in this case report.  相似文献   

Castration is among the most common surgical procedures performed in the horse (Equus Caballus) and a variety of post-operative complications can occur. This study aims to determine if a single dose of long-acting ceftiofur crystalline free acid (CCFA) used as a preoperative antimicrobial in equine field castrations offers any reduction in post-operative inflammatory markers when compared to procaine penicillin G (PPG). Sixty-five horses aged 8 months to 2 years were randomly assigned to the CCFA (n = 33) or PPG (n = 32) treatment groups. Horses were castrated under general anaesthesia using a closed castration technique with removal of the median raphe. Quantitative and qualitative inflammatory markers were measured and short-term complications were recorded post-operatively on Days 3, 8 and 14. No clinically significant difference in any post-operative inflammatory markers between the CCFA and PPG group was detected. In the CCFA group, 48% of horses experienced short-term post-operative complications compared to 31% in the PPG group. Regardless of the preoperative treatment, castration induced significant elevation in serum amyloid A (P<0.0001), preputial oedema (P<0.0001) and scrotal oedema (P<0.0001) at Day 3. These values returned to baseline levels by Day 8. Horses with grade 3 or above preputial oedema had elevated serum amyloid A values (P<0.001). The data from this study indicate CCFA used as a preoperative antibiotic for routine castration offers no advantages over PPG. The difference in complication rate between groups is likely of minimal clinical importance, as all complications were mild and self-limiting.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is a need to assess the laminar inflammatory response in a laminitis model that more closely resembles clinical cases of sepsis‐related laminitis than the black walnut extract (BWE) model. Objectives: To determine if a similar pattern of laminar inflammation, characterised by proinflammatory cytokine expression, occurs in the CHO model of laminitis as has been previously reported for the BWE model. Methods: Sixteen horses administered 17.6 g of starch (85% corn starch/15% wood flour)/kg bwt via nasogastric (NG) tube were anaesthetised either after developing a temperature >38.9°C (DEV group, n = 8) or at onset of Obel grade 1 lameness (OG1 group, n = 8). Control horses (CON group, n = 8) were anaesthetised 24 h after NG administration of 6 l of deionised water. Laminar tissue was collected from horses while under anaesthesia, followed by humane euthanasia. Real time‐quantitative PCR was used to assess laminar mRNA concentrations of genes involved in inflammatory signalling. Results: Increased mRNA concentrations (P<0.05) for IL‐1β, IL‐6, IL‐12p35, COX‐2, E‐selectin and ICAM‐1 were present in laminae from horses with OG1 lameness but not at the DEV time, when compared to the CON horses. No differences between the groups were found for IL‐2, IL‐4, IL‐10, TNF‐α, IFN‐γ or COX‐1 at either the DEV or OG1 time points. Conclusions: There was a notable difference in the temporal pattern of inflammatory events between the BWE and CHO models, with the majority of laminar inflammatory events appearing to occur at or near the onset of lameness in the CHO model, whereas many of these events peak earlier in the developmental stages in the BWE model. This suggests that, in addition to circulating inflammatory molecules, there may be a local phenomenon in the CHO model resulting in the simultaneous onset of multiple laminar events including endothelial activation, leucocyte emigration and proinflammatory cytokine expression. Potential relevance: The similar (although somewhat delayed) inflammatory response in the CHO model of laminitis indicates that inflammatory signalling is a consistent entity in the pathophysiology of laminitis.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological features of 15 horses diagnosed with non-strangulating intestinal infarction (NSII) based on identification of focal areas of intestinal necrosis without mesenteric strangulation were reviewed. The mean age at presentation was 16.3 years, median 13 years, and there was no age, sex, or breed predilection. The major presenting clinical signs included: acute colic ≤ 24 h duration in nine horses; diarrhoea, depression, and inappetence in four horses; and low-grade chronic or recurrent colic, depression, and inappetence in two horses. One horse presented with both acute colic and diarrhoea. Predisposing diseases included colitis or typhlocolitis in five horses and an initial strangulating small intestinal obstruction in three horses, but in seven horses no underlying or predisposing disease was identified. Four cases were managed medically and 11/15 were managed surgically. The most useful diagnostic test was exploratory celiotomy and the only successful treatment was complete resection of the necrotic intestine. Prognosis for survival was poor with a survival rate of only 1/15 (7%). Among the 15 horses, both single and multiple NSII lesions were seen, and they occurred in both the small intestine and large intestines. There was no evidence of Strongylus vulgaris infestation in any of the affected horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There are few objective data on return to use and performance in horses following colic surgery. Objective: To investigate return to functional use of horses following colic surgery and factors associated with a negative outcome. Methods: The North Carolina State University Equine Colic Database was reviewed for horses that underwent exploratory celiotomy for colic (2003–2010). Horses were excluded from the study if they survived <6 months, had no intended use preoperatively, or if further data were not available at attempted follow‐up. Information retrieved included history, background, use, and selected pre‐, intra‐, and post operative factors. Telephone interviews were used to obtain follow‐up data. Logistic regression was used to investigate associations between clinical data and outcome, reported as odds ratios with a 95% confidence interval and corresponding P value. Results: Of patients surviving to 6 months, 133/195 (68%) were performing their intended use and 85/156 (54%) were at or above preoperative performance. At one year, 145/190 (76%) horses were performing their intended use and 101/153 (66%) were at or above preoperative performance. Animals were significantly less likely to return to use/performance if they had a previous celiotomy, stall rest for an orthopaedic condition, a nonstrangulating lesion type, incisional hernia, diarrhoea or laminitis. Conclusions: The overall prognosis for return to use and performance following colic surgery is fair to good. Multiple pre‐ and post operative factors may affect the likelihood of return to use and performance. Potential relevance: Targeted owner education regarding preoperative lameness, post operative rehabilitation and treatment for complications, such as incisional hernioplasty, may help inform owners about their horse's potential for return to use and performance following colic surgery.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Endotoxaemia contributes to morbidity and mortality in horses with colic due to inflammatory cascade activation. Effective therapeutic interventions are limited for these horses. Ethyl pyruvate (EP), an anti‐inflammatory agent that alters the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, improved survival and organ function in sepsis and gastrointestinal injury in rodents and swine. Therapeutic efficacy of EP is unknown in endotoxaemic horses. Objectives: Determine the effects of EP on signs of endotoxaemia and expression of proinflammatory cytokines following administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in horses. Methods: Horses received 30 ng/kg bwt LPS in saline to induce signs of endotoxaemia. Next, horses received lactated Ringer's solution (LRS), (n = 6), 150 mg/kg bwt EP in LRS, (n = 6), or 1.1 mg/kg bwt flunixin meglumine (FM), (n = 6). Controls received saline followed by LRS (n = 6). Physical examinations, behaviour pain scores and blood for clinical pathological testing and gene expression were obtained at predetermined intervals for 24 h. Results: Lipopolysaccharide infusion produced clinical and clinicopathological signs of endotoxaemia and increased expression of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin 6 (IL‐6) and IL‐8 (P<0.001) compared with controls. Leucopenia and neutropenia occurred in all horses that received LPS. Horses treated with EP and FM had significantly (P<0.0001) reduced pain scores compared with horses receiving LPS followed by LRS. Flunixin meglumine was significantly more effective at ameliorating fever compared with EP. Both EP and FM significantly diminished TNFα expression. Ethyl pyruvate significantly decreased, but FM significantly increased, IL‐6 expression. Neither EP nor FM altered IL‐8 expression. Conclusions and potential relevance: Ethyl pyruvate administered following LPS diminished the clinical effects of endotoxaemia and decreased proinflammatory gene expression in horses. Ethyl pyruvate suppressed expression of proinflammatory cytokines better than FM. However, FM was a superior anti‐pyretic compared with EP. Ethyl pyruvate may have therapeutic applications in endotoxaemic horses.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Ileus (functional obstruction of aboral gastrointestinal transit) is an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal dysfunction and colic in the horse. A number of specific conditions have been previously reported in association with ileus. This report describes the recognition of primary gastric and small intestinal ileus of undetermined cause in a series of post parturient mares. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical features, treatment and outcome of a series of episodes of primary gastric and small intestinal ileus. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed of colic episodes seen in an equine practice in Newmarket, UK over a 6 year period (2002-2007). RESULTS: Seventeen episodes of gastric and small intestinal ileus were identified, which occurred in 15 horses. All episodes occurred in post parturient mares. No previously reported cause of ileus was identified in any of the episodes. Fifteen of the 17 episodes received medical treatment (medical support and nasogastric decompression) and, in addition, surgical decompression was performed in 9 episodes. Two mares were subjected to euthanasia before treatment due to the presence of gastric rupture and the remaining 13 mares survived with a follow-up period of at least 10 months. Two mares suffered a further episode of gastric and small intestinal ileus, one 4 days and the other 2 years after the initial episode. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric and small intestinal ileus of, as yet, unknown aetiology appears to be a potential cause of acute colic in the post parturient mare. The outcome following treatment by decompression is good.  相似文献   

Horses are exquisitely sensitive to bacterial endotoxin and endotoxaemia is common in colic cases. In this study, gene expression of inflammatory cytokines was characterised in the blood of healthy horses following i.v. administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Six horses received an LPS infusion and 6 controls received an equivalent volume of saline. Gene expression of genes encoding interleukin (IL)‐1α, IL‐1β, IL‐6, IL‐8, and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) was quantified by real‐time PCR. Gene expression of all inflammatory cytokines was upregulated following administration of LPS. Interleukin‐1α, IL‐1β, IL‐8 and TNF‐α gene expression peaked at 60 min, while IL‐6 expression peaked at 90 min post LPS infusion. Interleukin‐1β and IL‐6 messenger RNA expression levels were above the baseline values 3 h post LPS infusion, whereas IL‐1α, IL‐8 and TNF‐α expression levels returned to baseline values by 3 h after LPS infusion. It was concluded that LPS infusion upregulated gene expression of inflammatory cytokines in the blood of healthy horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: If untreated, caecal impaction may progress to rupture of the caecum and reports of long‐term outcome for horses undergoing surgery for caecal impaction are required. Objectives: To describe short‐ and long‐term complication rates for horses undergoing surgery for caecal impaction in an otherwise life‐threatening gastrointestinal condition. Methods: Case records were reviewed for horses undergoing surgery for caecal impaction. Horses were included in the study if an abnormally large, fluid‐distended or feed‐impacted caecum was the primary diagnosis at surgery and excluded if the caecum had already ruptured upon opening the abdomen, necessitating euthanasia. Short‐term follow‐up data were obtained from clinical records; and included complications, repeat celiotomy and survival to discharge. Long‐term survival was defined as survival for >1 year post operatively. Long‐term follow‐up data were obtained through telephone interviews with owners and referring veterinary surgeons. Survival, occurrence of post operative colic and subsequent use of the horse were recorded. Results: Twenty horses underwent surgery for caecal impaction: 16 horses underwent caecal bypass (typhlotomy and removal of caecal contents, ileal transection followed by ileocolostomy); 3 underwent typhlotomy alone; and one horse underwent typhlotomy followed by a second procedure where caecal bypass was performed. Five horses (25%) were admitted for colic evaluation with primary caecal impactions, in 10/20 (50%) of cases the impaction was secondary to previous orthopaedic surgery and in 5/20 (25%) caecal impaction was identified at repeat celiotomy following a previous colic surgery. Sixty‐five percent (13/20) of horses survived to discharge; 11/13 (85%) of horses discharged survived long term; 100% (3/3) horses that received typhlotomy alone were discharged and survived long term. Conclusions: The prognosis following caecal impaction surgery is fair, if the horse survives to discharge then prognosis for long‐term survival is good. Potential relevance: Surgery for caecal impaction carries a fair prognosis for a potentially life threatening disease, in particular where caecal dysfunction is suspected.  相似文献   

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