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Productivity of 2-yr-old crossbred cows containing various proportions (0, 1/4 or 1/2) of Brahman breeding was evaluated using 203 spring-calving and 171 fall-calving heifers over a 3-yr period. All heifers were mated to Limousin sires. Percentage of cows exposed to breeding that weaned a calf was the only trait for which a significant crossbred cow group x season of calving interaction was found. Preweaning ADG and age-adjusted weaning weight increased as proportion Brahman breeding increased. Age-adjusted weaning weight was similar for the two groups because spring-born calves were weaned at an average age of 205 d and fall-born calves were weaned at an average age of 240 d. For weaning condition scores, an interaction between dam breed and proportion Brahman was detected; scores tended to be greater for calves out of 1/2 Hereford dams than for those out of 1/2 Angus dams, and this difference increased as proportion Brahman increased. Weaning conformation scores were similar for all calves. Age-adjusted weaning hip height increased as proportion Brahman breeding increased. Based on numbers of weaned calves, spring calving was more advantageous than fall calving. Averaged across both calving seasons, weaning weight tended to increase as proportion Brahman increased.  相似文献   

Productivity of 3-, 4-, and 5-yr-old crossbred cows containing various proportions (0, 1/4, or 1/2) of Brahman breeding out of Angus or Hereford dams was evaluated using 489 spring-calving and 427 fall-calving records collected over a 4-yr period. Cows were bred to Limousin sires for the first 3 yr and to Limousin and Salers sires the 4th yr. Interactions between crossbred cow group and season of calving were not significant. Percentage of cows exposed to breeding that weaned a calf increased (P less than .01) as proportion Brahman breeding increased, was higher (P less than .01) for cows out of Angus dams than for cows out of Hereford dams, and was higher (P less than .01) for spring-calving cows. As the proportion Brahman increased, the percentage requiring assistance at birth decreased, and cows out of Angus dams required less (P less than .05) assistance than those out of Hereford dams. Preweaning ADG, adjusted weaning weight, weaning conformation, weaning condition, and adjusted weaning hip height increased a proportion Brahman breeding increased. Spring-born calves gained .12 kg/d faster (P less than .01) than fall-born calves. However, weight at weaning was similar for the two groups; spring-born calves were weaned at an average age of 205 d, and fall-born calves were weaned at an average age of 240 d. Fall-calving cows were heavier (P less than .05) than spring-calving cows, and 0 and 1/2 Brahman cows were heavier (P less than .01) than 1/4 Brahman cows. These data indicate that Brahman-cross dams can be used to improve reproductive rate and increase preweaning growth rate, and thus weaning weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lifetime productivity of young (2 to 6-yr-old) crossbred cows containing various proportions (0, 1/4, or 1/2) of Braham breeding was evaluated using 188 spring-calving and 154 fall-calving cows. Cows were mated to Limousin sires to produce 1983 through 1986 calf crops. The 1987 calf crops were produced using Limousin and Salers sires. Significant (P less than .10) genotype (crossbred cow group) x environment (season of calving) interactions were found for age at first calf and lifetime calving percentage and mature cow weight. Within the spring calving group, no differences were found between crossbred groups for age at first calf or lifetime calving percentage. However, within the fall-calving group, 0 and 1/2 Braham cows from Angus dams calved earlier than did those from Hereford dams. Age at first calf also tended to increase as proportion of Brahman increased in the fall-calving group. Within the fall-calving group, lifetime calving percentage for 0 and 1/2 Brahman cows from Hereford dams was lower than for those from Angus dams. The opposite was true for the 1/4 Braham crosses. In general, as the proportion of Brahman breeding increased, productivity, measured as weight per calf or weight weaned per year, increased; however, age at first calving increased also as proportion of Brahman increased. All spring-calving groups calved earlier in life (P less than .05) than their respective fall-calving counterparts and with the exception of the 0 Brahman groups, which were similar, spring-calving groups produced a higher (P less than .05) percentage of calves than did the fall groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Primiparous beef cows produced in 3 calving systems were used in a 2-yr study with a completely random design to measure milk yield throughout a 190-d lactation (2002, n = 20; 2003, n = 24 per calving system). Calving occurred in late winter (average calving date = February 4 +/- 2 d), early spring (average calving date = March 30 +/- 2 d), and late spring (average calving date = May 26 +/- 1 d). Additionally, cows used in this study had been weaned at varied ages as calves, creating 6 dam treatments. Dam age at weaning was 140 (late spring), 190 (late winter, early spring, late spring), or 240 (late winter, early spring) d of age. Milk production was measured by using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique at an average of 20, 38, 55, 88, 125, 163, and 190 d in milk. Milk yield for the 190-d lactation period was calculated as area under the curve by trapezoidal summation. Data were analyzed with a model containing treatment, year, and their interaction. Orthogonal contrasts were used to separate effects when treatment was significant (P < 0.10). Total milk yield did not differ (P = 0.42) between cows in the late winter and early spring systems, but cows in the late spring system tended to differ (P = 0.09) from the average of the other 2 systems. Cows in the late spring calving system had increased milk yield in 2002 and lesser milk yield in 2003 compared with the other calving systems (treatment x year interaction, P < 0.001). Cows born in late spring that had been weaned at 140 d of age produced more (P = 0.05) total milk than those weaned at 190 d of age. Peak milk yield was affected (P < 0.001) by treatment and showed a treatment x year interaction (P = 0.006). Day of peak lactation differed among treatments (P = 0.002), with cows in the late winter system peaking later (P = 0.007) than early spring cows, and late spring cows peaking earlier (P = 0.004) than the average of late winter and early spring cows. The average date of peak lactation was May 4 for the late winter system, May 31 for the early spring system, and July 19 for the late spring system. Calf ADG differed (P < 0.001) for the late spring system compared with the average of the late winter and early spring systems, but the relationship interacted with year (P < 0.001). Cow BW and BW change differed among treatments (P < 0.004), with much of the difference associated with the amount of milk produced or the timing of peak lactation. Season of calving affects milk yield of primiparous cows grazing Northern Great Plains rangelands and ADG of their calves.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report the nutrient composition of pastures fed to spring-calving dairy cows in the Manawatu region of New Zealand, and describe changes in the nutrient composition of these pastures over a 12-month period. Having done this we sought to: (1) compare the nutrient composition of the pasture offered with the nutrient requirements of spring-calving dairy cows; (2) identify periods when individual nutrient surpluses and deficits are likely; and, (3) identify nutrients that demonstrate a high level of variability between sampling occasions. METHODS: Seven farms took part in the study. Each farm was visited monthly from August 1996 to July 1997. Samples of pasture were taken at each visit and submitted for estimation of dry matter (DM), metabolisable energy (ME), crude protein (CP), non-structural carbohydrate (NSC), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlorine (Cl), sulphur (S), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), and dietary cation-anion differences (DCAD). RESULTS: Sampled pastures were characterised by low to marginal ME, NSC, Ca, Mg, and Zn concentrations when compared with recommended dietary nutrient concentrations for lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle in New Zealand. Analyses revealed relatively high CP, NDF and K concentrations, and DCAD. CONCLUSIONS: These analyses identify broad trends in the nutrient balance of a pasture-only feeding regime and provide a useful reference for planning feed strategies for spring-calving, pasture-fed dairy herds in this region. Recommended changes to on-farm practice should be made after considering the whole farm system, rather than being made solely on the basis of perceived deficiencies or excesses of individual nutrients.  相似文献   

The performance of spring calving Holstein-Friesian (HF) and Jersey×Holstein-Friesian (J×HF) dairy cows was examined during three successive years (mean of 35 HF cows and 31 J×HF cows per year). Throughout the experiment cows were managed on one of three grassland-based systems of milk production, namely low concentrate (LC), medium concentrate (MC) or high concentrate (HC). Post-calving, cows were housed and offered grass silage, supplemented with 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0 kg concentrate/cow/d in systems LC, MC and HC, respectively (mean period from calving to start of full time grazing, 69 days). During the grazing period target concentrate feed levels were 0, 2.5 and 5.0 kg/cow/d for systems LC, MC and HC, respectively (mean period from start of full time grazing to start full time re-housing, 206 days). Full lactation concentrate inputs were 530, 1092 and 1667 kg/cow, in systems LC, MC and HC, respectively. There were no significant genotype×system interactions for any of the milk production parameters examined. Food intake during the confinement and grazing periods was unaffected by genotype. Milk yield was highest with HF cows while milk fat and milk protein content were highest with the J×HF cows (P<0.001). Genotype had no effect on fat plus protein yield. Milk yield and fat plus protein yield were higher with systems MC and HC than with LC (P<0.001). HF cows were on average 44 kg heavier than J×HF cows, while the mean condition score of the J×HF cows was approximately 0.2 units higher than that of the HF cows (P<0.001). Live weight and condition score changes during the lactation followed similar trends with both genotypes. The J×HF cows had fewer days to first observed heat (P<0.05), a higher conception rate to first service (P<0.01), first plus second service (P<0.001), and a higher pregnancy rate at the end of the breeding season (P<0.05). Although mean somatic cell score was unaffected by genotype, the proportion of cows with one or more cases of mastitis was lower with the J×HF cows (P<0.05). In summary, while the J×HF cows had improved fertility performance compared to the HF cows, both genotypes exhibited similar levels of tissue mobilisation and deposition throughout the lactation, while there was no evidence of a genotype×grassland system interaction for any of the milk production parameters examined.  相似文献   

D.L. Robinson   《Livestock Science》2007,110(1-2):174-180
Four fertility traits were compared for artificially inseminated (AI) beef cows: A) for cows that calved to the AI sire (from either the initial or follow-up inseminations that season), the number days from initial AI to calving; B) for cows calving either by AI or to a backup bull, the number days from initial AI to calving; C) As trait B for cows that calved, otherwise the maximum of trait B for the contemporary group plus a penalty of 21 days; D) Define the ‘start date’ for a contemporary group as the date the first cow in the group was AI'd. For cows that calved, trait D was the number of days from the ‘start date’ to calving, otherwise the maximum of trait D for cows in the group that calved plus a penalty of 21 days.The vast majority of cows received only one insemination in a season, so trait A resembled gestation length and had estimated heritability of 12%. Traits B, C and D had estimated heritabilities of 3.2%, 3.5% and 5.2% respectively; estimated genetic correlations of traits AD with naturally mated days to calving were 0.48, 0.60, 0.80 and 0.74 respectively. Trait D is therefore the recommended female fertility trait for AI cows. It has a similar frequency distribution to days to calving from natural mating and should be included in a joint analysis with days to calving of naturally mated cows.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate wool (Dorset and Rambouillet) and hair (Dorper, Katahdin, and White Dorper) breeds for their ability to complement Romanov germplasm in two distinct production systems by estimating direct sire and grandsire effects on lamb growth, survival, and ewe productivity traits. Rams of the five breeds (n = 75) were mated to Romanov ewes (n = 459) over a 3-yr period to produce five types of crossbred lambs (n = 2,739). Sire breed (P > 0.06) did not impact body weight or survival traits of the first-generation crossbred (F1) lambs. The productivity of retained crossbred ewes (n = 830) mated to Suffolk and Texel terminal sires was evaluated at 1, 2, and 3 yr of age in each production system. In the intensive production system, labor and harvested feed were provided for sheep that lambed in March in barns, and ewes were limited to rearing two lambs with additional lambs reared artificially. Ewes in the extensive production system lambed in May on pasture and were responsible for rearing all lambs born with no labor or supplemental feed provided before weaning. A total of 1,962 litters and 4,171 lambs from 2,229 exposures to two terminal sire breeds (Suffolk and Texel) were produced in the experiment. Crossbred ewes in the intensive production system were mated in October, resulting in larger litter sizes than crossbred ewes mated in December for the extensive production system. However, single- and twin-born lamb mortality was similar between the two systems that differed greatly in labor, feed, and facilities. Lambs produced in the intensive system received concentrate feed from an early age and were heavier at 24 wk of age than lambs produced in the extensive system. These outcomes resulted in greater 24-wk litter weight in the intensive than in the extensive system (P < 0.0001). Unexpectedly, the relative performance of crossbred types did not differ importantly between production systems. White Dorper × Romanov crossbred ewes had numerical advantages in productivity in each system; however, differences between ewe types were not significant. In the extensive system, without labor and shelter at lambing or supplemental feed until weaning, 3-yr-old crossbred ewes of all types averaged 1.78 lambs marketed per ewe lambing, and 40% of the ewes that gave birth to triplets weaned their entire litters. These results document that prolific sheep and extensive systems can be successfully combined if appropriate crossbred types are used.  相似文献   

Crossbred, spring-calving cows (yr 1, n = 136; yr 2, n = 113; yr 3, n = 113) were used in a 3-yr experiment to evaluate the influence of supplemental protein prepartum and grazing subirrigated meadow postpartum on pregnancy rates and calf feedlot performance. A 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used in a switchback design. From December 1 to February 28, cows grazed dormant upland range in 8 pastures (32 +/- 2 ha each). The equivalent of 0.45 kg of supplement/cow per d (42% CP) was provided to half of the cows on a pasture basis 3 d/wk. For 30 d before the beginning of breeding (May 1 to May 31), half of the cows grazed a common subirrigated meadow (58 ha), and the remainder was fed grass hay in a drylot. Cow BW and BCS were monitored throughout the year, and steer calf performance was determined until slaughter. Feeding supplement prepartum improved (P = 0.01 to P < 0.001) BCS precalving (5.1 vs. 4.7) and prebreeding (5.1 vs. 4.9) and increased (P = 0.02) the percentage of live calves at weaning (98.5 vs. 93.6%) but did not affect (P = 0.46) pregnancy rate (93 vs. 90%). Calves born to dams fed supplement prepartum had similar (P = 0.29) birth weight (37 vs. 36 kg) but greater (P = 0.02) weaning weight (218 vs. 211 kg). However, steer feedlot DMI (8.53 vs. 8.48 kg), ADG (1.6 vs. 1.6 kg), and carcass weight (369 vs. 363 kg) were not affected (P = 0.23 to P = 0.89) by prepartum supplementation. Allowing cows to graze subirrigated meadow postpartum improved (P < 0.001) BCS prebreeding (5.2 vs. 4.9) but did not affect (P = 0.88) pregnancy rate (92 vs. 91%). Allowing cows to graze subirrigated meadow increased (P = 0.01) calf weaning weight (218 vs. 211 kg) but not (P = 0.62 to P = 0.91) feedlot DMI (8.4 vs. 8.3 kg), ADG (1.6 vs. 1.6 kg), or carcass weight (363 vs. 362 kg) of their steer calves. Increased percentage of live calves at weaning as a result of feeding supplemental protein increased net returns at weaning and after finishing in the feedlot. Net returns were increased by allowing cows to graze subirrigated meadow postpartum regardless of whether calves were marketed at weaning or after finishing in the feedlot.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of feeding dairy cows diets containing lucerne hay, centrosema hay, and groundnut haulms (crop residue) on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield, and milk composition, nine multiparous Friesian-Holstein cows in their mid-lactation stage were used in a 3?×?3 crossover design replicated three times. Dairy cows fed lucerne hay had significantly (p?<?0.001) higher DMI than dairy cows fed centrosema hay. DMI for cows fed groundnut haulms and lucerne hay was not significantly different. Daily milk yield for dairy cows fed diet containing lucerne hay was significantly (p?<?0.01) higher than that for dairy cows fed diets containing groundnut haulms or centrosema hay. Milk composition and body condition scores of the cows were not significantly affected by either lucerne hay, groundnut haulms, or centrosema hay. Overall, the results in this study indicated that feeding dairy cows diets containing lucerne hay increased milk yield.  相似文献   

Milk yield from 273 Angus- and Hereford-sired cows and preweaning performance of their calves were used to determine how accurately milk EPD of Angus and Hereford sires predicted milk production of crossbred daughters and subsequent calf performance. Mean milk EPD (kg) for high Angus (HA), low Angus (LA), high Hereford (HH), and low Hereford (LH) bulls (n = 41) selected as sires were +8.7, -6.2, +7.6, and -4.8, respectively. Cows calved in spring or fall from 1992 to 1997 and yielded a total of 660 records. Twenty-four-hour milk production of the cows was estimated by two weigh-suckle-weigh measurements at monthly intervals. The statistical model included breed, milk EPD level, sire of cow within breed and milk EPD level, year, season, cow age, calf sire, sex, and all two- and three-way interactions. Means were obtained for monthly milk production, total milk production, time and yield of peak production, monthly calf weights, monthly cow weights and body condition scores (1 through 9), and calf birth and weaning data. The least squares means for 24-h milk production (kg) of HA, LA, HH, and LH with P-values for high vs low, across breeds, were, respectively, as follows: mo 1: 6.9, 5.9, 7.1, and 5.7 (P < 0.01); mo 2: 7.2, 6.1, 6.9, and 5.7 (P < 0.01); mo 3: 6.1, 5.1, 5.1, and 4.3 (P = 0.01); mo 4: 6.1, 4.9, 4.9, and 4.8 (P = 0.01); mo 5: 4.8, 4.0, 4.2, and 3.8 (P = 0.01); mo 6: 4.7, 3.4, 3.2, and 3.0 (P < 0.01); and mo 7: 3.7, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.0 (P = 0.05). Least squares means for total milk (kg) were 911.4, 729.6, 758.0, and 664.2 (P < 0.01); for yield at peak (kg/d) were 7.0, 5.7, 6.1, and 5.2 (P < 0.01); for birth weight (kg) were 37.1, 37.9, 38.3, and 38.8 (P = 0.31); for 205-d weight (kg) were 237.3, 218.2, 222.2, and 214.1 (P < 0.01); for final cow weight (kg) were 482.4, 505.4, 509.5, and 511.7 (P = 0.11); and for final cow BCS were 4.9, 5.3, 5.1, and 5.2 (P < 0.01). The correlations of total production with the monthly productions were 0.52, 0.56, 0.52, 0.54, 0.35, 0.37, and 0.31 (P < 0.01) and were 0.12 with birth weight, 0.45 with 205-d weight, -0.12 with final cow weight, and -0.26 with final cow body condition score (all P < 0.01). Daughters of high-milk EPD sires produced more milk and weaned heavier calves than those of low-milk EPD sires at the expense of body condition. These results suggest that sire milk EPD are sufficiently associated with milk yield and calf performance to be useful tools in genetic improvement of preweaning performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to study the relationship between leukotriene B4 (LTB4) synthesis and placental separation and uterine involution in the cow. In experiment I, the concentration and synthesis of LTB4 by caruncular tissue was lower in cows with retained fetal membranes (RFM cows, n = 11) than in cows that expelled the fetal membranes normally (NFM cows, n = 19). The presence of bacterial cell wall, especially of alpha-hemolytic streptococci and coagulase positive staphylococci enhanced LTB4 synthesis by allantochorion only in NFM cows. In the RFM group, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide decreased allantochorionic LTB4 synthesis. With caruncle, only epidermal growth factor increased LTB4 production in NFM cows. In experiment II, the caruncular and endometrial secretion of LTB4 was lower in cows with subuterine involution (SUI cows, n = 5) or cows with SUI and RFM (SUI+RFM cows, n = 4) than in cows with normal uterine involution (NUI cows, n = 8). This decrease was especially noticeable in the previously gravid horn. In the three uterine involution groups, there were no differences in LTB4 synthesis by caruncular tissue taken from the previously gravid horn. However, progesterone and a bacterial suspension of E. coli reduced the synthesis of LTB4. Estradiol had no effect on LTB4 synthesis at the end of the postpartum period. These results suggest that LTB4 may play an important role in both placental separation and uterine involution in cattle and LTB4 synthesis may be modulated by endocrine and bacterial factors.  相似文献   

Most of the metabolic diseases of dairy cows occur within the first 2 wk after calving, and cows with a metabolic disease are prone to infectious diseases. Although metabolic diseases are generally recognized as a risk factor for infectious diseases owing to the associated decrease in immune function, the difference in immune status between cows with milk fever (MF) or displaced abomasum (DA) during the lactation period has not been clarified. Therefore, the peripheral blood leukocyte populations in 38 multiparous Holstein cows from 1 herd were analyzed after calving. The cows were divided into 3 groups according to health: 21 cows that remained clinically healthy throughout the experimental period (control group), 9 cows that had MF on the day of calving, and 8 cows with an onset of DA within 4 wk after calving. The T- and B-cell numbers were lowest at week 0, and they increased gradually after calving. There was no significant difference between the 3 groups in the number of each subset of leukocytes on the day of calving, but the number of CD8+ T-cells was significantly lower in the MF and DA groups than in the control group at week 1. The numbers of CD4+, CD8+, and WC1+ T-cells tended to be lower in the DA group than in control group from weeks 4 to 12, a tendency not observed in the MF group. These data suggest that when cows have DA around the time of calving, their lymphocyte numbers remain lower until 12 wk after calving.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A study was carried out to identify prevalence and risk factors for bovine subclinical mastitis (SCM) in crossbred lactating cows within the Kurunagala...  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study was conducted to test whether the lactation curves of cows kept in cold loose-housing systems (CLHs) were the same as for cows in warm loose-housing systems (WLHs) in the Nordic countries. Approximately 40 000 test-day records from 5366 Ayrshire or Black and White cows kept on 38 CLHs and 166 WLHs in Finland during 1996 and 1997 were used. Analysis used a random-coefficient model (correcting for parity, breed and calving-year-season and the correlation-structure between test-days of the same cow and cows of the same herd). Cows in a CLH produced up to 1 l less milk per test-day, but this difference was not statistically significant. Surprisingly, the difference in milk yield was not affected by calving-year-season, parity or breed.  相似文献   

Thirty-six Boran × Friesian dairy cows (392 ± 12 kg; mean ± SD) in early parity were used in a randomised complete block design. Cows were blocked by parity into three blocks of 12 animals and offered normal maize (NM) stover (T1), NM silage (T2) or quality protein maize (QPM) silage (T3) basal diets supplemented with a similar concentrate mix. Feed intake, body weight and condition changes and milk yield and composition were assessed. The daily intake of DM, OM, NDF and ADF for cows fed the NM stover-based diet was higher (P < 0.05) than for the cows fed the NM silage and QPM silage-based diets. However, the daily intake of DOM (9.3 kg) and ME (140.8 MJ) for cows on QPM silage-based diet was higher (P < 0.05) than for cows on NM stover-based diet (8.4 kg and 124.2 MJ) and NM silage-based diet (7.9 kg and 119.1 MJ). Body weight of cows was affected (P < 0.05) by the diet, but diet had no effect (P > 0.05) on body condition score, milk yield and milk composition. The digestible organic matter in the NM stover-based diet (724 g/kg DM) was lower (P < 0.05) than that in the NM (770 g/kg DM) and QPM silage-based diet (762 g/kg DM). It was concluded that the performances of the cows on the NM silage and QPM silage diets were similar and were not superior to that of the NM stover-based diet.  相似文献   

In farm production conditions two comparative trials lasting 58 and 128 days were carried out. Acidogenic exposure to acids of silage juices, silage and haylage (lactic acid, acetic and butyric acids) in feed ration ranged from 0.33 to 2.85 mol per 100 kg live weight. It was proved that it was possible to include 9 to 10 litres of silage juices in feed ration under the condition that the total daily intake would not exceed 1.94 mol of acids per 100 kg live weight. This supplement of silage juices increased milk production. Higher amount of acid (2.65 and 2.85 mol) resulted in acidogenic and ketogenic type of silage juice enriched feed ration, which caused a more rapid decrease of lactation curve in dairy cows fed this feed ration than in those in the control group.  相似文献   

Spring calving is recommended for beef herds in the Salado region of Argentina, but autumn calving is an alternative being used by some farmers. This study explored the biological and economic feasibility of autumn calving in cow–calf systems and their long-term performance compared with spring calving. Reproduction and calf performance data were collected from an autumn calving herd (1999–2005) and from a spring calving herd (1966–1995) at the INTA-Balcarce Research Station (37°45′ S; 58°18′ W). Similar data were obtained from a commercial farm which practiced both autumn and spring calving (1998–2003). These data showed that autumn calving is feasible in the region, provided that cows calve with a high condition score. This is a major difference with spring calving, where cows can normally gain weight during breeding. A climatically driven computer model was used to compare, at farm level, the effect of calving season across a range of combinations of weaning dates and stocking rates. Spring calving systems had greater production potential (15–20%) and profitability (17–28%) at high stocking rates. However, at low to moderate stocking rates, calving season had little effect on expected production and risk efficiency. This suggests that autumn calving could be a suitable alternative for the Salado region of Argentina. To exploit its potential, however, calf weaning age should be greater than with spring calving.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the production, consumption, and energy balance parameters of primiparous 3/4 and 7/8 Holstein × Gir (HG) dairy cows fed two diets of differing energy levels during the postpartum period. At the beginning of the study, 28 days prepartum, the average weight of both genetic groups was 498?±?12 kg and body condition score (BCS) was 3.5?±?0.05. At the end of the study, 61 days postpartum, the 3/4 HG cows had higher weight and body condition scores than the 7/8 HG (456?±?8 and 429?±?8 kg and 3.13?±?0.03 and 2.94?±?0.03 BCS for 3/4 HG and 7/8 HG, respectively). Milk from cows fed the high-energy diet had higher percentages of fat, protein, lactose, and total dry extract than cows fed the low-energy diet. Cows fed the high-energy diet had higher net energy intake (95.3?±?1.9 vs. 88.1?±?2.1 MJ/day) and higher energy balance (3.64?±?2.13 vs ??6.02?±?2.30 MJ/day). The 3/4 HG cows displayed higher energy for maintenance (33.1?±?0.4 MJ/day) than the 7/8 HG (31.5?±?0.5 MJ /day). In conclusion, although the primiparous 3/4 HG were heavier than the 7/8 HG and had a higher body condition score, no differences in milk produced up to 60 days postpartum were observed. The higher energy diet during the postpartum period increased energy balance, resulting in higher production of milk fat, protein, and lactose.


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