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This paper studied the contents of heavy metals and their accumulation in the disturbed landscapes in ore deposits of East Kazakhstan. A total of 14 sites were examined in Zyrynovsky and Tishinsk deposits and Ridder town, and 50 soil samples were taken. Results indicated that the contents of heavy metals in the soil reached the maximum permissible concentration. Emissions of the zinc plant negatively affected the soil of nearby territories. In the remediated areas, a high concentration of heavy metals was observed at a depth where the bulk soil borders the rock. Accumulation of heavy metals on the surface of the remediated areas occurred due to biological accumulation in the plant. Plants transmitted heavy elements through the root system to the upper vegetative organs, making them accumulate in the upper layers of the soil. The heavy metals migrated and accumulated from the lower layers to the surface layers of the soil. The absence of soil meso-fauna resulted in the contamination of soil by heavy metals. The analysis of water samples, taken from the waste storages and the waste waters with heavy metals in the Zyryanovsk deposit and Ridder town, revealed severe water contamination.  相似文献   

利用长武农业生态试验站2010年气象观测资料,分析了长武塬区光合有效辐射及其占太阳总辐射比例系数的日变化、季节变化特征和影响因素。结果表明:就日变化过程而言,光合有效辐射和总辐射趋势一致,晴天呈单峰型,起伏平滑;阴天的形状则不稳定,最大值出现在12∶30~15∶00之间。光合有效辐射具有明显的季节变化特征,春夏较大,秋季次之,冬季最小,从春到冬其平均日总量分别为6.32、7.23、5.63MJ/m2和3.58MJ/m2。光合有效辐射系数阴天大,晴天小;就月平均值而论,6月份最大,为0.423,1月份最小,为0.327。根据观测数据,论文给出了适合该地区的光合有效辐射计算的经验模型。  相似文献   

大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素直接反映了水在大气中输送、混合和相变等过程的关键信息,通过蒸发皿实验可以模拟大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素组成,但模拟方法的可靠性仍需要实测资料的验证.于2019年9-11月在甘肃兰州进行了蒸发皿实验,对逐日大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素进行模拟,同期利用在线大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素分析仪进行实时监测从而对模拟结果...  相似文献   

利用大型称重式蒸渗仪2012—2018年连续观测数据,系统解析了希拉穆仁荒漠草原植物生长季(4—10月)不同时间尺度蒸散发(ET)与气象植被因子之间的关系。研究表明:(1)小时、日和月尺度上,始终与ET保持高度相关的气象植被因子包括风速(P<0.01)、空气温度(P<0.01)和降水量(P<0.01);(2)结合不同时间尺度主控因子,利用多元回归定量表征了小时、日、月尺度的下垫面ET变化特征,经验方程决定系数分别为0.94(P<0.01)、0.42(P<0.01)、0.82(P<0.01),小时和月尺度上的经验方程可较好地反映希拉穆仁荒漠草原下垫面耗水特征;(3)ET与降水差值显示,2012—2018年希拉穆仁荒漠草原植物生长季(4—10月)水汽交换以下垫面水分消耗为主,8月份发生干旱事件的概率最大。  相似文献   

针对我国内陆干旱区人工草地生产管理粗放及气候资源利用不充分等问题,探究合理的牧草种植与水氮供应模式,以充分挖掘区域牧草的生产潜力。采用3 a生(2018年播种)紫花苜蓿(简称‘苜蓿’)和无芒雀麦,分析种植模式(苜蓿与无芒雀麦混播,D1;无芒雀麦单播,D2)、施氮量(低氮量N1:60 kg·hm-2;高氮量N2:120 kg·hm-2)和灌水量(以灌水下限占田间持水量θf的百分比计,分枝期均充分灌水(75%~85%θf),现蕾和初花期轻度亏水W1:65%~75%θf、中度亏水W2:55%~65%θf、重度亏水W3:45%~55%θf,灌水上限均为85%θf)对牧草叶面积指数(LAI)、干物质累积量、累积截获光合有效辐射量(CIPAR)、辐射利用效率(RUE)、产量(Y)、耗水量(ETa)、水分利用效率(WUE)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)的影响。结果表明:(1)牧草LAI和...  相似文献   

Identifying water vapor sources in the natural vegetation of the Tianshan Mountains is of significant importance for obtaining greater knowledge about the water cycle, forecasting water resource changes, and dealing with the adverse effects of climate change. In this study, we identified water vapor sources of precipitation and evaluated their effects on precipitation stable isotopes in the north slope of the Tianshan Mountains, China. By utilizing the temporal and spatial distributions of preci...  相似文献   

为探究不同灌水量和氮肥施用量对保护地辣椒生长、光合特性及养分分配的影响,为辣椒生产中合理灌水和施用氮肥提供理论依据。试验设置4个氮肥水平,不施肥(F0)为对照,F1、F2、F3依次按氮肥理论利用率的150%、100%和50%进行施肥; 3个基质含水率水平W1、W2、W3分别为基质最大含水率的80%、60%、40%。结果表明,在高水高肥条件下,干鲜重最大值分别为1314.02g、217.89g,株高茎粗最大值分别为193.57cm、19.57mm,均明显高于低水低肥处理;但在低水低肥处理下,辣椒的干物质积累率大于高水高肥处理,对辣椒光合荧光参数的影响主要表现为:在中、高基质含水率水平,施肥处理提高了辣椒的光能利用效率;高肥处理中辣椒的光合参数均比低肥处理中升高15%以上,降低了胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ),提高了辣椒叶片的光合作用,CO_2同化速率升高;同时,降低了叶片在光合过程中光能以其它形式的耗散。在低水条件下随着施氮量的增加,辣椒光合荧光各指标的变化与中、高基质含水率呈相反趋势。辣椒的养分分配的总体趋势是:在辣椒定植前期(0~60d)各处理辣椒对氮、磷、钾的积累差异不显著。辣椒各器官的钾和除茎外的磷素的积累量逐渐增加,在定植180~210d时积累量达到最大,氮素和茎的磷素先增加后降低。且在整个生育期辣椒各器官对氮、磷、钾素的积累量总体规律一致,大小依次为:果茎叶根,且含量依次为氮钾磷。结论:高水中肥显著促进了辣椒干鲜重、株高茎粗的生长,有利于辣椒叶片的光合和辣椒对氮、磷、钾的吸收和积累;低水高肥处理在前期对辣椒各指标影响不显著,在定植180d以后低水、高肥对辣椒的生长产生拮抗作用增强,该处理的辣椒长势最弱,不利于辣椒植株光合产物和对养分的积累。  相似文献   

研究日光温室滴灌施肥条件下,不同水肥组合对作物产量、品质和氮素利用的影响,综合评价优化水肥和常规水肥管理的调控效应。田间试验设置4个水氮处理,包括不施氮+常规灌溉(N_0+FI)、常规施氮+常规灌溉(FT+FI)、优化施氮+常规灌溉(OPT+FI)、优化施氮+优化灌溉(OPT+OI)。测定不同处理下秋冬茬番茄-春茬小型西瓜的产量、品质以及根、茎、叶、果实氮素吸收量。结果表明:优化水氮处理(OPT+OI)番茄产量和果实可溶性糖、可滴定酸和Vc含量与农户常规水氮处理(FT+FI)无显著差异,但番茄果实的硝酸盐含量降低了66.3%(P0.05);灌溉量相同时,减氮40%处理(OPT+FI)的小型西瓜产量相比常规施氮处理(FT+FI)提高了13.1%;OPT+OI处理果实的可溶性糖、可滴定酸和Vc含量较对照处理(N_0+FI)均显著提高。不同水肥处理下,两季作物氮在各器官的累积量均表现为果实叶茎根。随着番茄的生长,果实和茎的氮素携出量占总携出量的比例分别由62.4%和5.9%增加至67.1%和6.3%,而根和叶中氮素携出量降低,OPT+OI处理果实氮素携出所占比例增量最大,促进了营养器官中的氮素向果实中转运。在当前日光温室栽培条件下,适当优化施氮量和灌溉量既可以保证作物产量和氮素吸收,同时提高果实的品质。  相似文献   

冻融对伊犁草地土壤水稳性大团聚体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以伊犁托乎拉苏大草原土壤为研究对象,进行0~20 cm草地表层土壤混合样品多点采集,实验室内依据干筛法取得各粒级大团聚体,模拟不同含水率、冻融试验,利用湿筛法获得每种粒级的水稳性大团聚体质量,对实验数据进行统计分析,研究草地土壤在冻融环境条件下其水稳性大团聚体的特征、变化规律及其机理。研究结果表明:(1)初始水分含量是影响土壤水稳性大团聚体的关键因素。随着土壤初始含水率的提高,5 mm、5~4mm、4~2 mm、2~1 mm四个粒径组水稳性团聚体,呈现出逐渐降低、或先升高后降低的变化趋势;1~0.5 mm、0.5~0.25 mm呈现先降低后增加、或先增加后降低再增加的趋势。(2)冻融循环次数是影响土壤水稳性大团聚体的重要因素。随冻融循环次数的增加,各组粒级水稳性团聚体表现出的规律性不尽相同,1 mm水稳性团聚体整体有降低趋势,1~0.5 mm、0.5~0.25 mm两组粒径水稳性团聚体则整体呈现增加趋势。(3)冻结温度是影响土壤水稳性大团聚体的另一重要因素,随着冻结温度的降低,5 mm与5~4 mm水稳性团聚体有降低的趋势,1~0.5 mm与0.5~0.25 mm水稳性团聚体有升高的趋势,4~2 mm与2~1 mm两个粒级水稳性团聚体并无显著变化。  相似文献   

在太行山山前平原日光温室覆膜滴灌条件下,采用(φ)20cm标准蒸发皿的水面蒸发量为控制灌溉参量,研究了不同蒸发皿系数(Kcp=0.4,0.6,0.8和1.0)的灌水量对早春茬口普通番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.var.commune Bailey)生长的影响.试验结果表明:番茄的株高、...  相似文献   

草原开垦破坏草地植被,并且破坏了整个草原的生态环境,这已取得共识。然而,目前还有人想开垦呼伦贝尔天然草地来追求短期的利益。通过调查一个天然草地坡面的土层厚度和土壤水分,分析天然草地地貌部位对土层厚度和土壤水分的影响,以此为根据来阐述开垦天然草地的利害。结果表明:上部样点含水量低,坡脚和坡底样点含水量依次增加;黑土层保水性好,黄粘土层透水性差,砂土层保水性很差;坡面80%的面积黑土层小于或等于30cm,开垦压实以后厚度只能满足暂时耕作的需要。呼伦贝尔草原地形起伏较大,干旱且多大风,易发生土壤侵蚀。开垦以后将会失去保水性好的黑土层,那时,呼伦贝尔草原前景甚忧。因此,建议不应开垦呼伦贝尔草原,并给与适当保护。  相似文献   

不同覆盖方式对温室葡萄耗水规律和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选出适合河西走廊地区的日光温室葡萄最佳覆盖模式,在张掖市水务局灌溉试验站,设白膜+秸秆覆盖、黑膜+秸秆覆盖、白膜覆盖、黑膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖和砂子覆盖等不同覆盖处理,对温室葡萄耗水规律和产量表现进行了研究分析。结果表明:1不同覆盖方式均可增加土壤含水量,秸秆+黑膜覆盖下的土壤含水量最大,全生育期内秸秆+黑膜覆盖下的土壤相对含水量达到了16.54%,单一的秸秆覆盖的土壤含水量在中后期也增大较快,土壤含水量增大到了17.64%,秸秆+地膜双重覆盖与单一的秸秆覆盖在中后期均能明显提高土壤储水能力;2不同覆盖处理相比对照(不覆盖)均能增加葡萄产量,以黑膜+秸秆覆盖葡萄的增产效果最好,增产高达28.85%(P0.05),白膜+秸秆覆盖增产25.53%(P0.05);3不同覆盖处理均能调节土壤温度,地膜+秸秆覆盖方式兼备了单一地膜和单一秸秆覆盖处理的特点,前期土壤升温幅度大于秸秆覆盖,后期降温趋势小于地膜覆盖,且以黑膜+秸秆覆盖较为明显,其处理下土壤温度保持在21.13℃左右;4各覆盖处理均可提高灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)和水分生产效率(WUE),达到节水增产的目的,以黑膜+秸秆效果最好,黑膜+秸秆覆盖处理的灌溉水利用效率和水分生产效率均最大,分别达到了6.53 kg·m~(-3)和5.88 kg·m~(-3)。  相似文献   

The Badain Jaran Desert is the second-largest area of shifting sands in China. Our first measurements of the energy components and water vapor fluxes on a megadune using eddy covariance technology were taken from April 2012 to April 2013. The results indicate that the longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes exhibited large fluctuations and seasonal dynamics. The total radiative energy loss by longwave and shortwave radiation was greater on the megadune than from other underlying surfaces. The radiation partitioning was different in different seasons. The land-atmosphere interaction was primarily represented by the sensible heat flux. The average sensible heat flux(40.1 W/m2) was much larger than the average latent heat flux(14.5 W/m2). Soil heat flux played an important role in the energy balance. The mean actual evaporation was 0.41 mm/d, and the cumulative actual evaporation was approximately 150 mm/a. The water vapor would transport downwardly and appear as dew condensation water. The amount of precipitation determined the actual evaporation. The actual evaporation was supposed to be equal to the precipitation on the megadune and the precipitation was difficult to recharge the groundwater. Our study can provide a foundation for further research on land-atmosphere interactions in this area.  相似文献   

基于锡林浩特国家气候观象台2016—2017年的群体光合作用及同期土壤水分观测数据,分析了不同水分胁迫状态下典型草原植物群落光合作用的受限程度。结果表明:牧草生长初期及末期,群体光合速率处于较低水平,水分胁迫未对群体光合作用产生明显影响,7月牧草进入旺盛生长期,群体光合速率显著升高,并在8月上旬达到最高值(≥10.89μmol·m-2·s-1),水分限制对群体光合作用的影响显著;在牧草生长的初期和中期,群体光合速率、呼吸速率与10~20 cm土层土壤水分含量相关性最显著,表明植物根系和土壤微生物在该层分布最为集中;0~30 cm各土层平均土壤水分含量与群体光合速率之间存在良好的线性回归关系,方程拟合效果为极显著,表明30 cm以上土层土壤水分含量影响典型草原植物群体光合作用;MK突变检验分析表明,当典型草原0~10 cm土层土壤体积含水量低于9%时(对应重量含水量为6.82%,相对含水量为27.60%)、0~30 cm土层平均土壤体积含水量低于12%时(对应重量含水量为9.57%,相对含水量为39.24%),群体光合速率会受到非常明显的抑制。...  相似文献   

BI Xu  LI Bo  NAN Bo  FAN Yao  FU Qi  ZHANG Xinshi 《干旱区科学》2018,10(4):612-627
Soil organic carbon(SOC) and soil total nitrogen(STN) in arid regions are important components of global C and the N cycles, and their response to climate change will have important implications for both ecosystem processes and global climate feedbacks. Grassland ecosystems of Funyun County in the southern foot of the Altay Mountains are characterized by complex topography, suggesting large variability in the spatial distribution of SOC and STN. However, there has been little investigation of SOC and STN on grasslands in arid regions with a mountain-basin structure. Therefore, we investigated the characteristics of SOC and STN in different grassland types in a mountain-basin system at the southern foot of the Altai Mountains, north of the Junggar Basin in China, and explored their potential influencing factors and relationships with meteorological factors and soil properties. We found that the concentrations and storages of SOC and STN varied significantly with grassland type, and showed a decreasing trend along a decreasing elevation gradient in alpine meadow, mountain meadow, temperate typical steppe, temperate steppe desert, and temperate steppe desert. In addition, the SOC and STN concentrations decreased with depth, except in the temperate desert steppe. According to Pearson's correlation values and redundancy analysis, the mean annual precipitation, soil moisture content and soil available N concentration were significantly positively correlated with the SOC and STN concentrations. In contrast, the mean annual temperature, p H, and soil bulk density were significantly and negatively correlated with the SOC and STN concentrations. The mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature were the primary factors related to the SOC and STN concentrations. The distributions of the SOC and STN concentrations were highly regulated by the elevation-induced differences in meteorological factors. Mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature together explained 97.85% and 98.38% of the overall variations in the SOC and STN concentrations, respectively, at soil depth of 0–40 cm, with precipitation making the greatest contribution. Our results provide a basis for estimating and predicting SOC and STN concentrations in grasslands in arid regions with a mountain-basin structure.  相似文献   

Exploring the surface energy exchange between atmosphere and water bodies is essential to gain a quantitative understanding of regional climate change, especially for the lakes in the desert. In this study, measurements of energy flux and water vapor were performed over a lake in the Badain Jaran Desert, China from March 2012 to March 2013. The studied lake had about a 2-month frozen period(December and January) and a 10-month open-water period(February–November). Latent heat flux(LE) and sensible heat flux(Hs) acquired using the eddy covariance technique were argued by measurements of longwave and shortwave radiation. Both fluxes of longwave and shortwave radiation showed seasonal dynamics and daily fluctuations during the study period. The reflected solar radiation was much higher in winter than in other seasons. LE exhibited diurnal and seasonal variations. On a daily scale, LE was low in the morning and peaked in the afternoon. From spring(April) to winter(January), the diurnal amplitude of LE decreased slowly. LE was the dominant heat flux throughout the year and consumed most of the energy from the lake. Generally speaking, LE was mostly affected by changes in the ambient wind speed, while Hs was primarily affected by the product of water-air temperature difference and wind speed. The diurnal LE and Hs were negatively correlated in the open-water period. The variations in Hs and LE over the lake were differed from those on the nearby land surface. The mean evaporation rate on the lake was about 4.0 mm/d over the entire year, and the cumulative annual evaporation rate was 1445 mm/a. The cumulative annual evaporation was 10 times larger than the cumulative annual precipitation. Furthermore, the average evaporation rates over the frozen period and open-water period were approximately 0.6 and 5.0 mm/d, respectively. These results can be used to analyze the water balance and quantify the source of lake water in the Badain Jaran Desert.  相似文献   

在宁南半干旱区早作农田连续进行了4 a不同秸秆覆盖量的冬小麦栽培试验,对不同秸秆覆盖量下的土壤碳库活度(A)、碳库活度指数(AI)、碳库指数(CPI)和土壤碳库管理指数(CMPI)进行了分析.结果表明:与不覆盖(CK)相比,0.9-0.6万kg/hm2覆盖量下0~20 cm土层土壤总有机碳含量显著提高1.46~1.01...  相似文献   

WU Jun 《干旱区科学》2021,13(7):674-687
Water resources are a crucial factor that determines the health of ecosystems and socio-economic development; however, they are under threat due to climate change and human activities. The quantitative assessment of water resources using the concept of blue water and green water can improve regional water resources management. In this study, spatiotemporal distributions of blue water and green water were simulated and analyzed under scenarios of climate change and land-use changes using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Northwest China, between 2009 and 2014. Green water, a leading component of water resources, accounted for more than 69.00% of the total water resources in Ningxia. Blue water and green water showed a single peak trend on the monthly and annual scales during the study period. On the spatial scale, the southern region of Ningxia showed higher blue water and green water resources than the northern region. The spatiotemporal distribution features of blue water, green water, and green water flow had strong correlations with precipitation. Furthermore, the simulation identified the climate change in Ningxia to be more influential on blue water and green water than land-use changes. This study provides a specific scientific foundation to manage water resources in Ningxia when encountered with climate change together with human activities.  相似文献   

为探明降解膜在极端干旱区滴灌棉花的应用效果,设置4种不同类型的降解膜(黑色氧化—生物双降解膜M1、白色氧化—生物双降解膜M2、黑色全生物降解膜M3及白色全生物降解膜M4),以普通塑料地膜为对照(CK)开展试验,分析降解膜的降解情况、棉田耗水规律、株高、茎粗、叶面积指数、单株干物质累积量,籽棉产量及水分利用效率.结果表明...  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对黑土农田土壤水分及 利用效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在土壤耕作长期定位试验的基础上,研究了免耕秸秆覆盖(NT)和少耕(RT)对东北黑土区农田土壤水分及利用效率、玉米产量及特性的影响。结果表明:在作物生长季3种耕作措施土壤剖面含水量整体上呈先降低后增加的变化趋势,各时期20~40 cm土层含水量均较低。免耕可显著提高0~90 cm土层土壤含水量,90 cm土层以下三种措施土壤含水量差异逐渐降低,到190 cm土层差异不明显。土体储水量主要受降雨及不同耕作措施的影响,在干旱的春季以及降水量较少的秋季土体储水量较低,表现为:免耕>传统>少耕,而在降水量较大时土体储水量相应增加,表现为:少耕>免耕>传统。3种耕作措施下玉米叶面积指数变化趋势一致,总体表现为:传统>少耕>免耕,其中传统和少耕最高分别比免耕高0.22和0.26。在生长季少耕蒸散量最高。传统耕作玉米籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别较免耕和少耕高30%和17%,29%和11%,籽粒产量均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),表现为:传统>少耕>免耕,所以对于玉米而言,在该区不适宜实施免耕秸秆覆盖和少耕这两种保护性耕作体系。  相似文献   

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