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A study on the epidemiology and seasonal dynamics of gastrointestinal nematode infections of sheep was carried out in a semi-arid region of eastern Ethiopia for 2.5 years (May 2003 to September 2005). The experimental flock comprised a total of 60 Black Head Ogaden sheep, consisting of four equal groups of young male and female and old male and female sheep. These grazed on communal pastures together with a larger university flock, as well as with animals owned by neighbouring small-holder farmers. A new experimental flock was established each year of the study. Parasitological data (EPG, faecal culture L3, PCV and FAMACHA estimates) and animal performance (weight change) were recorded each month on all experimental animals. In addition, four tracer lambs were assigned each month to the flock to determine the seasonal patterns of infective larvae acquired from pasture. Results showed distinct seasonal patterns associated with the bi-modal annual rainfall. High levels of infection occurred during the short and long rain seasons with peaks occurring in May and September of each year. Haemonchus contortus was the most prevalent parasite, followed by Trichostrongylus spp., with a number of other nematode species being occasionally recorded. H. contortus showed and increased propensity to undergo arrested development during the dry seasons. Correlations between EPG and PCV, EPG and FAMACHA eye scores, and PCV and FAMACHA eye scores were all highly significant (P<0.001). However, there was no significant association between the EPG and LW of the study animals during each study year. This information will provide a basis for developing epidemiologically based control strategies for gastrointestinal nematode parasites that are appropriate for flocks owned by small-holder farmers of semi-arid areas of eastern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Effects of gastrointestinal nematode infection on metabolism and nutrient utilisation in sheep are reviewed. Infection induces protein deficiency by increasing the demand for amino acids in the alimentary tract while reducing supply through depression of appetite. Mechanisms through which improved protein nutrition could improve the performance of the host are then discussed. Opportunities for capitalising on such effects are limited by our rudimentary understanding of the cell-mediated immune response in gastrointestinal epithelial tissue. Both resistance of the animal to larval establishment and performance in the face of larval challenge can be enhanced by improved protein nutrition. However, enhanced immune responses may not necessarily be synonymous with improved productivity except at luxurious levels of protein intake, because of apparently competing demands for protein. Such levels of protein nutrition are difficult to achieve in pasture-based systems, because of the protein limiting role of the rumen. Work with protein-protecting tannins to overcome this limitation is discussed. The much more limited evidence for effect of mineral nutrition, particularly copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co) and phosphorus (P), on outcome of larval challenge is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Effects of gastrointestinal nematode infection on metabolism and nutrient utilisation in sheep are reviewed. Infection induces protein deficiency by increasing the demand for amino acids in the alimentary tract while reducing supply through depression of appetite. Mechanisms through which improved protein nutrition could improve the performance of the host are then discussed. Opportunities for capitalising on such effects are limited by our rudimentary understanding of the cell-mediated immune response in gastrointestinal epithelial tissue. Both resistance of the animal to larval establishment and performance in the face of larval challenge can be enhanced by improved protein nutrition. However, enhanced immune responses may not necessarily be synonymous with improved productivity except at luxurious levels of protein intake, because of apparently competing demands for protein. Such levels of protein nutrition are difficult to achieve in pasture-based systems, because of the protein limiting role of the rumen. Work with proteinprotecting tannins to overcome this limitation is discussed. The much more limited evidence for effect of mineral nutrition, particularly copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co) and phosphorus (P), on outcome of larval challenge is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis was thought to be a minor problem on a lowland sheep farm purchasing some 200 ewe lambs annually. Serological investigations and production records suggested a more substantial problem with most of the ewe lambs seroconverting during their first pregnancy, many while still at grass and receiving no supplementary food. Only 60 live lambs were produced per 100 ewe lambs tupped. It was known that cats occasionally inhabited the sheep houses, from which straw bedding was spread onto the pastures after lambing. Trials over two years with ewe lambs grazing either 'clean' or 'dirty' pastures indicated that the straw bedding was the most likely source of infection. Serial serological studies not only defined the time of infection but also showed that the ewe lambs could be kept free of infection and produce more live lambs; 58 live births came from 81 'clean' ewe lambs compared with 21 from 50 'dirty' ewe lambs.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea is a major impediment to profitable sheep production in many countries as it predisposes animals to blowfly strike and contaminates wool and meat carcasses. While it is accepted that nematode parasites are a major cause of diarrhoea in grazing animals, less is known about what facets of the host-parasite relationship lead to diarrhoea and what the most appropriate control strategies are. In this review, the relationship between gastrointestinal nematode infection and diarrhoea is discussed and it is concluded that in many cases, particularly in immunologically mature sheep, diarrhoea is not due to parasite infection per se but rather due to immunopathological processes. Mechanisms that lead to faecal softening in immune sheep are considered, and the question addressed as to whether anthelmintic treatment and selective breeding of naturally parasite-resistant sheep will effectively reduce the occurrence of diarrhoea.  相似文献   

利用PCR-SSCP技术分析了352只藏绵羊免疫球蛋白Aα重链恒定区基因(immunoglobulin constant heavyα-chain gene,IGHA)DNA片段的多态性。结果显示:藏绵羊IGHA基因存在多态性,共有6种基因型(分别命名为AA、BB、CC、AB、AC和BC),由3个等位基因控制(分别命名为A、B、C),克隆测序表明它们主要表现在长度(A长度为321bp,B、C长度都为315bp)和多个单核苷酸差异上;藏绵羊以基因型BC为主(基因型频率为0.534);不同基因型与5种可辨析的胃肠道线虫粪便虫卵计数(faecal egg counts,FEC)关联分析表明,CC基因型蔵绵羊对于类圆线虫(Strongyloides sp.)和夏伯特线虫(Chabertia sp.)具有相对较低的每克粪便中的虫卵数(eggs per gram,EPG)(P0.05),说明CC基因型具有较高的抗这2种线虫感染的能力,为优势基因型,可以初步将之作为藏绵羊分子标记辅助育种的标记之一。  相似文献   

An effort was undertaken to replace a community of sheep endoparasites that had been classified as resistant to levamisole and albendazole with a community of more susceptible parasites using a dilution approach that could be integrated into the management of a commercial flock. For this study, pastures on this sheep farm were divided into two areas: north and south. Strategically timed anthelmintic treatments combined with pasture management reduced to nondetectable levels the endemic community of anthelmintic resistant parasites in this flock and on these pastures by early summer. A group of 102 ewes, lambs, and rams were experimentally infected with third stage larvae from the more susceptible community of parasites. These sheep then seeded the south pastures with the new parasite community, while sheep on the north pastures maintained the endemic resistant community. Despite its insensitivity as a technique for detecting anthelmintic resistance, fecal egg count reduction tests at the end of the grazing season indicated that the more susceptible parasites were present on the south pastures while resistant parasites were present on the north.The following grazing season, similar protocols were used to introduce the more susceptible parasites onto the north pastures. At the end of the grazing season, fecal egg count reduction tests indicated that the new community of parasites had become established on both groups of pastures of the farm.  相似文献   

Effects of protein supplementation and of nematode control on production responses in young grazing sheep and on nematode population dynamics were assessed. Young Merino wether sheep (n = 270) were allocated to one of three supplementation (Su) treatments and one of three regimes of nematode control (drench, Dr) in a factorial design. Each of the nine treatments was replicated three times in a randomised complete block. Animals received no supplement (SuO) or were given supplements at a level equivalent to 200 g day−1, fed three times a week. The supplements contained 25% lucerne meal with either 75% sunflower meal (Su1) or 75% formaldehyde-treated sunflower meal (Su2). Nematode control regimes were: not drenched unless survival of individual animals was threatened (DrO); drenched according to a strategic drenching programme (Dr1); treatment with a controlled-release albendazole capsule (Dr2). Infections with Haemonchus contortus were suppressed by use of closantel. Due to drought conditions and lack of pasture growth, lucerne hay was fed to all sheep from Week 14 onwards (350 g per head per day, fed twice a week). Supplementation reduced the need for ‘survival drenching’ in Dr0 sheep considerably. Live-weight gain was increased significantly by supplementation with Su1 or Su2 during the 36-week experiment. Undrenched animals given Su1 or Su2 tended to grow faster than unsupplemented animals in the Dr1 and Dr2 groups. Greasy wool production and fibre diameter were increased by supplementation and anthelmintic treatment. Faecal worm egg counts (FEC) in undrenched sheep were significantly lower for Su1 and Su2 sheep than for Su0 sheep. There were no effects of supplementation on FEC in Dr1 or Dr2 sheep. Worm burden was generally unaffected by supplementation, while the drenching treatments Dr1 and Dr2 reduced worm burden at Week 16 and to a lesser extent at Week 27. Trichostrongylus colubriformis was the predominant nematode species, with smaller numbers of Nematodirus spp., Trichostrongylus vitrinus, Trichostrongylus axei and Ostertagia circumcincta also present. It was concluded that supplementary feeding with protein meal substantially reduced production losses attributable to nematode infections in young grazing sheep. This appears to be due to an enhanced resilience of the host, rather than any major changes in development of protective immunity.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of metabolic disease was evident in a large flock of sheep early in the lambing season. Pregnancy toxemia and secondary hypocalcemia were diagnosed on the basis of history, physical examination findings, and results of serum biochemical analyses. To decrease costs to the owner, pooled serum samples were used to determine the metabolic health status of the flock. Ewes close to the time of lambing were found to be in severe negative energy balance, which resulted in excessive fat mobilization as well as clinical signs associated with pregnancy toxemia and hepatic lipidosis. By nutrient analysis, it was determined that the ewes had an inadequate amount of fermentable carbohydrates, which provide glucose to support the additional nutrition required during late gestation. The diet provided to sheep during late gestation should contain sufficient glucose precursors to maintain adequate glucose availability to maternal and fetal tissues. To minimize the physiologic decline in dry-matter intake during late gestation (which results in accentuation of negative energy balance), high-quality feed ingredients should be fed to ewes during this period.  相似文献   

Studies on the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, conducted at two different farms in the Baghdad area, in 1979, revealed two peaks in worm egg counts in ewes, one in spring and the other in autumn; the latter coincided with the lambing season. Similarly in lambs, two peaks of infection were apparent, but the spring peak was not so well defined. During the hot and dry summer months of Iraq, helminthic infection was at a low level. Faecal culture for larvae and their identification indicated the predominance of Haemonchus contortus infection in the ewes and that of Ostertagia and Trichostrongylus spp. in the lambs examined, Trichostrongylus infection predominating during the hot, dry period of the year. The self-cure phenomenon as well as preparturient rise in egg counts, as reported in other countries, was also observed during this study.  相似文献   

Two field trials were conducted in two farms (farms A and B) in southern Italy, to assess the efficacy of eprinomectin applied topically at the dose rate of 500 micro g/kg to sheep with naturally occurring infections of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN). The nematode population determined by necropsy consisted of Teladorsagia circumcincta, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus vitrinus, T. capricola, Nematodirus sp., and Chabertia ovina in sheep from farm A, and of T. circumcincta, T. vitrinus, T. capricola, T. colubriformis, and C. ovina in sheep from farm B. In each farm, 42 female sheep were assigned to a eprinomectin treated group (E-group) and a control untreated group (C-group) of 21 animals each. On farm A, the percentage reductions in strongyle faecal egg counts from E-group compared to C-group were 99.1% on day 10; 97.4% on day 30; and 67.0% on day 60. On farm B, on the same days, they were 95.4, 84.9, and 69.4%, respectively. In the course of the two trials, eprinomectin was well tolerated by all the animals with no adverse reactions following the topical treatment.  相似文献   

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