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正确使用Li-6400进行森林土壤呼吸测定是保证测定精度的前提.本文以落叶松林为例,对Li-6400使用过程应该注意的问题进行了研究.结果表明:塑料圈至少应该测定前12小时进行设置,以减少土壤CO2涌出效应对呼吸的影响,而且塑料圈插入深度对测定结果影响很大:当塑料圈插入过浅时横向气体扩散及塑料圈不稳定而造成测定时CO2的再涌出效应使土壤呼吸测定值偏高;而当插入深度过深时,切断根系导致根系呼吸下降,最活跃的土壤表层呼吸受塑料圈阻隔导致的土壤微生物呼吸测定值下降,这些现象共同造成显著低估土壤呼吸测定值.此外,在晴天白天大部分时间内目标[CO2]值设定为外界相应时段的[CO2]平均值,可以保证测定误差小于5%,而在清晨和傍晚进行测定时,则应该及时调整目标值为外界[CO2]保证测量准确性.这一测定原则在实际测定中具有较高的实用性.  相似文献   

We present a field study on the drought effects on total soil respiration (SRt) and its components, i.e., “autotrophic” (SRa: by roots/mycorrhizosphere) and “heterotrophic” respiration (SRh: by microorganisms and soil fauna in bulk soil), in a mature European beech/Norway spruce forest. SRa and SRh were distinguished underneath groups of beech and spruce trees using the root exclusion method. Seasonal courses of SRa and SRh were studied from 2002 to 2004, with the summer of 2003 being extraordinarily warm and dry in Central Europe. We (1) analyzed the soil temperature (T s) and moisture sensitivity of SRa and SRh underneath both tree species, and (2) examined whether drought caused differential decline of SRa between spruce and beech. Throughout the study period, SRa of beech accounted for 45–55% of SRt, independent of the soil water regime; in contrast, SRa was significantly reduced during drought in spruce, and amounted then to only 25% of SRt. In parallel, fine-root production was decreased during 2003 by a factor of six in spruce (from 750 to 130 mg l−1 a−1), but remained at levels similar to those in 2002 in beech (about 470 mg l−1 a−1). This species-specific root response to drought was related to a stronger decline of SRa in spruce (by about 70%) compared to beech (by about 50%). The sensitivity of SRa and SRh to changing T s and available soil water was stronger in SRa than SRh in spruce, but not so in beech. It is concluded that SRa determines the effect of prolonged drought on the C efflux from soil to a larger extent in spruce than beech, having potential implications for respective forest types. This article belongs to the special issue "Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands."  相似文献   

Forest soil is a huge reserve of carbon in the biosphere. Therefore to understand the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems, it is important to determine the dynamics of soil CO2 efflux. This study was conducted to describe temporal variations in soil CO2 efflux and identify the environmental factors that affect it. We measured soil CO2 efflux continuously in a beech secondary forest in the Appi Highlands in Iwate Prefecture for two years (except when there was snow cover) using four dynamic closed chambers that automatically open after taking measurements. Temporal changes in soil temperature and volumetric soil water content were also measured at a depth of 5 cm. The soil CO2 efflux ranged from 14 mg CO2 m−2 h−1 to 2,329 mg CO2 m−2 h−1, the peak occurring at the beginning of August. The relationship between soil temperature and soil CO2 efflux was well represented by an exponential function. Most of temporal variation in soil CO2 efflux was explained by soil temperature rather than volumetric soil water content. The Q 10 values were 3.7 ± 0.8 and estimated annual carbon emissions were 837 ± 210 g C m−2 year−1. These results provide a foundation for further development of models for prediction of soil CO2 efflux driven by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (RS) is a major carbon pathway from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere and is sensitive to environmental changes. Although commonly used mechanical thinning and prescribed burning can significantly alter the soil environment, the effect of these practices on RS and on the interactions between RS and belowground characteristics in managed forests is not sufficiently understood. We: (1) examined the effects of burning and thinning treatments on soil conditions, (2) identified any changes in the effects of soil chemical and physical properties on RS under burning and thinning treatments, and (3) indirectly estimated the changes in the autotrophic soil respiration (RA) and heterotrophic soil respiration (RH) contribution to RS under burning and thinning treatments. We conducted our study in the Teakettle Experimental Forest where a full factorial design was implemented with three levels of thinning, none (N), understory thinning (U), and overstory thinning (O; September to October 2000 for thin burn combination and June and July 2001 for thin only treatments) and two levels of burning, none (U) and prescribed burning (B; fall of 2001). RS, soil temperature, soil moisture, litter depth, soil total nitrogen and carbon content, soil pH, root biomass, and root nitrogen (N) concentration were measured between June 15 and July 15, 2002 at each plot. During this period, soil respiration was measured three times at each point and averaged by point. When we assumed the uniform and even contribution of RA and RH to RS in the studied ecosystem without disturbances and a linear relationship of root N content and RA, we calculated the contributions of RA to RS as 22, 45, 53, 48, and 45% in UU, UO, BN, BU, and BO, respectively. The results suggested that after thinning, RS was controlled more by RH while after burning RS was more influenced by RA. The least amount of RS variation was explained by studied factors under the most severe treatment (BO treatment). Overall, root biomass, root N concentration, and root N content were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with soil respiration with correlation coefficients of 0.37, −0.28, and 0.29, respectively. This study contributes to our understanding of how common forestry management practices might affect soil carbon sequestration, as soil respiration is a major component of ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

The two main components of soil respiration, i.e., root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration, respond differently to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations both in mechanism and sensitivity because they have different substrates derived from plant and soil organic matter, respectively. To model the carbon cycle and predict the carbon source/sink of forest ecosystems, we must first understand the relative contributions of root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration to total soil respiration under elevated CO2 concentrations. Root/rhizosphere and soil microbial respiration have been shown to increase, decrease and remain unchanged under elevated CO2 concentrations. A significantly positive relationship between root biomass and root/rhizosphere respiration has been found. Fine roots respond more strongly to elevated CO2 concentrations than coarse roots. Evidence suggests that soil microbial respiration is highly variable and uncertain under elevated CO2 concentrations. Microbial biomass and activity are related or unrelated to rates of microbial respiration. Because substrate availability drives microbial metabolism in soils, it is likely that much of the variability in microbial respiration results from differences in the response of root growth to elevated CO2 concentrations and subsequent changes in substrate production. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting soil respiration were found to affect both root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 386–393 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Tropical forests, like boreal forests, are considered key ecosystems with regard to climate change. The temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production in tropical forests is unclear, especially in eastern Asia, because of a lack of data. The year-round variation in temperature is very small in tropical forests such that it is difficult to evaluate the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production using field observations, unlike the conditions that occur in temperate and boreal forests. This study examined the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 production in the tropical hill evergreen forest that covers northern Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar; this forest has small temperature seasonality. Using an undisturbed soil sample (0.2 m diameter, 0.4 m long), CO2 production rates were measured at three different temperatures. The CO2 production (SR, mg CO2 m−2 s−1) increased exponentially with temperature (T, °C); the fitted curve was SR = 0.023 e0.077T, with Q10 = 2.2. Although still limited, our result supports the possibility that even a small increase in the temperature of this region might accelerate carbon release because of the exponential sensitivity and high average temperature.  相似文献   

Soil respiration and soil carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were investigated in a tropical monsoon forest in northern Thailand, from 1998 to 2000. Soil respiration was relatively high during the rainy season and low during the dry season, although interannual fluctuations were large. Soil moisture was widely different between the dry and wet seasons, while soil temperature changed little throughout the year. As a result, the rate of soil respiration is determined predominantly by soil moisture, not by soil temperature. The roughly estimated annual soil respiration rate was 2560gCm–2year–1. The soil CO2 concentration also increased in the rainy season and decreased in the dry season, and showed clearer seasonality than soil respiration did.  相似文献   

Although the removal or addition of understory vegetation has been an important forest management practice in forest plantations, the effects of this management practice on soil respiration are unclear. The overall objective of this study was to measure and model soil respiration and its components in a mixed forest plantation with native species in south China and to assess the effects of understory species management on soil respiration and on the contribution of root respiration (Rr) to total soil respiration (Rs). An experiment was conducted in a plantation containing a mixture of 30 native tree species and in which understory plants had been removed or replaced by Cassia alata Linn. The four treatments were the control (Control), C. alata addition (CA), understory removal (UR) and understory removal with C. alata addition (UR + CA). Trenched subplots were used to quantify Rr by comparing Rs outside the 1-m2 trenched subplots (plants and roots present) and inside the trenched subplots (plants and roots absent) in each treatment. Annual soil respiration were modeled using the values measured for Rs, soil temperature and soil moisture. Our results indicate that understory removal reduced Rs rate and soil moisture but increased soil temperature. Regression models revealed that soil temperature was the main factor and soil moisture was secondary. Understory manipulations and trenching increased the temperature sensitivity of Rs. Annual Rs for the Control, CA, UR and UR + CA treatments averaged 594, 718, 557 and 608 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. UR decreased annual Rs by 6%, but CA increased Rs by about 21%. Our results also indicate that management of understory species increased the contribution of Rr to Rs.  相似文献   

Fine root lifespan and turnover play an important role in carbon allocation and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Fine roots are typically defined as less than 1 or 2 mm in diameter. However, when categorizing roots by this diameter size, the position of an individual root on the complex lateral branching pattern has often been ignored, and our knowledge about relationships between branching order and root function thus remains limited. More recently, studies on root survivals found that longevity was remarkably different in the same branching level due to diameter variations. The objectives of this study were: (1) To examine variations of fine root diameter from the first-to fifth-orders in Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr and Larix gmelinii Rupr roots; and (2) To reveal how the season, soil nutrient, and water availability affect root diameter in different branch order in two species. This study was conducted at Maoershan Forest Research Station (45°21′–45°25′N, 127°30′–127°34′E) owned by Northeast Forestry University in Harbin, northeast China. Both F. mandshurica and L. gmelinii were planted in 1986. In each plantation, fine roots of two species by sampling up to five fine root branch orders three times during the 2003 growing season from two soil depths (i.e., 0–10 and 10–20 cm) were obtained. The results showed that average diameters of fine roots were significantly different among the five branch orders. The first-order had the thinner roots and the fifth order had the thickest roots, the diameter increasing regularly with the ascending branch orders in both species. If the diameter of fine roots was defined as being smaller than 0.5 mm, the first three orders of F. mandshurica roots and the first two orders of L. gmelinii roots would be included in the fine root population. The diameter ranges of the fine roots from first-order to fifth-order were 0.15–0.58, 0.18–0.70, 0.26–1.05, 0.36–1.43, and 0.71–2.96 mm for F. mandshurica, and 0.17–0.76, 0.23–1.02, 0.26–1.10, 0.38–1.77, and 0.84–2.80 mm for L. gmelinii. The average coefficient of variation in first-order roots was less than 10%, second-and third-order was 10–20%, and fourth-and fifth-order was 20–30%. Thus, variation in root diameter also increased with the ascending root order. These results suggest that “fine roots”, which are traditionally defined as an arbitrary diameter class (i.e., <2 mm in diameter) may be too large a size class when compared with the finest roots. The finest roots have much shorter lifespan than larger diameter roots; however, the larger roots are still considered a component of the fine root system. Differences in the lifespan between root diameter and root order affect estimates of root turnover. Therefore, based on this study, it has been concluded that both diameter and branch order should be considered in the estimation of root lifespan and turnover. __________ Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005, 29(6): 871–877 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

In order to clarify the effects of tree species on organic matter dynamics in soil, we investigated the amount of forest floor material, leaf litter decomposition rate, soil chemical characteristics, soil respiration rate and cellulose decomposition rate in a Japanese cedar forest (cedar plot) and an adjacent Japanese red pine forest (pine plot) established on a flatland. The amount of forest floor material in the cedar plot was 34.5 Mg ha−1 which was greater than that in the pine plot. Because the leaf litter decomposition rate was higher in the pine plot than in the cedar plot, it is likely that the difference in the amount of forest floor material between the plots is caused by the difference in the leaf litter decomposition rate. The C concentrations of soil in the cedar plot were 1.2–2.1 times higher than those in the pine plot. Soil pH(H2O)s in the cedar plot were significantly higher than those in the pine plot. The soil respiration rates and the rates of mineralized C in the cedar plot byin vitro incubation were higher than those in the pine plot. From this result, it is assumed that soil organic matter in the cedar plot was decomposed relatively faster compared with the pine plot. Furthermore, microbial activities, which were reflected as cellulose decomposition rates in the cedar plot, were higher than those in the pine plot. A part of this paper was presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1998).  相似文献   

温度对杉木林土壤呼吸的影响(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil samples collected from the surface soil (0(10 cm) in an 88-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forest in Nanping, Fujian, China were incubated for 90 days at the temperatures of 15°C, 25°C and 35°C in laboratory. The soil CO2 evolution rates were measured at the incubation time of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 days. The results showed that CO2 evolution rates of soil samples varied significantly with incubation time and temperature during the incubation period. Mean CO2 evolution rate and cumulative amount of CO2 evolution from soil were highest at 35°C, followed by those at 25°C, and 15°C. Substantial differences in CO2 evolution rate were found in Q10 values calculated for the 2nd and 90th day of incubation. The Q10 value for the average CO2 evolution rate was 2.0 at the temperature range of 15-25°C, but it decreased to 1.2 at 25- 35°C. Soil CO2 evolution rates decreased with the incubation time. The cumulative mineralized C at the end of incubation period (on the 90th day) was less than 10% of the initial C amounts prior to incubation.  相似文献   

For evaluating microbial community changes in a Siberian larch stand disturbed by forest fire or clearcutting,357 clones were randomly selected and sequenced using a culture-independent approach and 16S rRNA sequencing to characterize the bacterial composition and diversity from the different disturbed Siberian larch stands.Interestingly,the burned larch stand had an increase in the relative amounts of b-proteobacteria and Firmicutes and a decrease in Acidobacteria,while Gemmatimonadetes increased Verrucomicrobia decreased in the harvested larch stand.Microbial diversity and richness were higher in the undisturbed larch stand than the disturbed(burned or clear-cut)larch stands,and the influence of clear-cutting was more negative than that of the forest fire.This study indicates that evaluating the microbial diversity of undisturbed,burned,and clear-cutting Siberian larch stands provides information about the impact of forest disturbances on soil microbial communities,which may be helpful for understanding and evaluating soil health and devising reafforestation strategies for larch.  相似文献   

We present results of individual-based root system measurement and analysis applied for Larix gmelinii trees growing on the continuous permafrost region of central Siberia. The data of root excavation taken from the three stands were used for the analyses; young (26 years old), mature (105 years old), and uneven-aged over-mature stand (220 years old). In this article, we highlight two topics: (1) factors affecting spatio-temporal pattern of root system development, and (2) interactions between aboveground (i.e., crown) and belowground (i.e., root) competition. For the first topic, the detailed observation of lateral roots was applied to one sample tree of the overmature stand. The tree constructed a superficial (<30 cm in depth) and rather asymmetric root system, and each lateral root expanded mainly into elevated mounds rather than depressed troughs. This indicated that spatial development of an individual root system was largely affected by microtopography (i.e., earth hummocks). For these lateral roots, elongation growth curves were reconstructed using annual-ring data, and annual growth rates and patterns were compared among them. The comparison suggested that temporal root system development is associated with differences in carbon allocation among the lateral roots. For the second topic, we examined relationships between individual crown projection area (CA) and horizontal rooting area (RA) for the sample trees of each stand. RA was almost equal to CA in the young stand, while RA was much larger (three or four times) than CA in the mature and overmature stands. Two measures of stand-level space occupation, crown area index (aboveground: CAI; sum of CAs per unit land area) and rooting area index (belowground: RAI; sum of RAs), were estimated in each stand. The estimates of RAI (1.3–1.8 m2 m−2) exceeded unity in all stands. In contrast, CAI exceeded unity (1.3 m2 m−2) only in the young stand, and was much smaller (<0.3 m2 m−2) in the two older stands. These between-stand differences in RAI–CAI relationships suggest that intertree competition for both aboveground and belowground spaces occurred in the young stand, but only belowground competition still occurred in the two older stands. Based on this finding, we hypothesized that competition below the ground may become predominant as a stand ages in L. gmelinii forests. Methodological limitations of our analysis are also discussed, especially for the analysis using the two indices of space occupation (CAI, RAI).  相似文献   

Because soil CO2 efflux or soil respiration (RS) is the major component of forest carbon fluxes, the effects of forest management on RS and microbial biomass carbon (C), microbial respiration (RH), microbial activity and fine root biomass were studied over two years in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation located near Aiken, SC. Stands were six-years-old at the beginning of the study and were subjected to irrigation (no irrigation versus irrigation) and fertilization (no fertilization versus fertilization) treatments since planting. Soil respiration ranged from 2 to 6 μmol m−2 s−1 and was strongly and linearly related to soil temperature. Soil moisture and C inputs to the soil (coarse woody debris and litter mass) which may influence RH were significantly but only weakly related to RS. No interaction effects between irrigation and fertilization were observed for RS and microbial variables. Irrigation increased RS, fine root mass and microbial biomass C. In contrast, fertilization increased RH, microbial biomass C and microbial activity but reduced fine root biomass and had no influence on RS. Predicted annual soil C efflux ranged from 8.8 to 10.7 Mg C ha−1 year−1 and was lower than net primary productivity (NPP) in all stands except the non-fertilized treatment. The influence of forest management on RS was small or insignificant relative to biomass accumulation suggesting that NPP controls the transition between a carbon source and sink in rapidly growing pine systems.  相似文献   

The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (500 μmol·mol−1 and 700 μmol·mol−1) on total soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration ofPinus koraiensis seedlings were investigated from May to October in 2003 at the Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin Province, China. After four growing seasons in top-open chambers exposed to elevated CO2, the total soil respiration and roots respiration ofPinus koraiensis seedlings were measured by a Li-6400-09 soil CO2 flux chamber. Three PVC cylinders in each chamber were inserted about 30 cm into the soil instantaneously to terminate the supply of current photosynthates from the tree canopy to roots for separating the root respiration from total soil respiration. Soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders were measured on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively. The results indicated that: there was a marked diurnal change in air temperature and soil temperature at depth of 5 cm on June 16, the maximum of soil temperature at depth of 5 cm lagged behind that of air temperature, no differences in temperature between treatments were found (P>0.05). The total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed showed strong diurnal and seasonal patterns. There was marked difference in total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed between treatments (P<0.01); Mean total soil respiration and contribution of root under different treatments were 3.26, 4.78 and 1.47 μmol·m−2·s−1, 11.5%, 43.1% and 27.9% on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively. Foundation item: This study was supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX1-SW-01) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30070158). Biography: LIU Ying (1976-), female, Ph. D. Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

The relationship between the recovery of canopy trees after fire and root collar sprout dynamics was investigated during 1998–2000 in a secondary cool-temperate broad-leaved forest consisting of Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonica trees, in northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned in April 1998. All of the Betula trees that were severely damaged, two-thirds of those slightly damaged, and half of those intact in 1998, died within three growing seasons after the fire. By contrast, half of the Quercus trees that were slightly damaged and half of those severely damaged recovered their foliage, and no slightly damaged or intact trees died during the three growing seasons after the fire. Many Betula trees developed several fruiting bodies of wood-destroying fungi on their stems, irrespective of damage severity. Fungi also infected some of the surviving Quercus, although the crowns tended to recover. Although many sprouting Betula were observed in 1998, the number of sprouts declined rapidly over the study period. Multiple regression analyses showed that the survival and growth of Betula sprouts were positively influenced by the number of sprouts in 1998, damage severity in 1998, and the degree of recover or decline during the study period, and were negatively influenced by parent tree size. On the other hand, a few sprouts of Quercus remained alive. Quercus remained dominant and the dominance of Betula was rapidly reduced after the fire. However, many Betula sprouts remained alive. Stand structure will change drastically for the time being.  相似文献   

There is little information on the effects of in situ levels of aluminum (Al) in the forest soil solution on the root morphology of Japanese red cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). We evaluated whether morphological and nutritional changes in the white roots of Japanese red cedar saplings grown in glass-bead culture for 18 weeks occurred in response to Al solutions at five concentrations: 0 (control), 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0mM. Branching white roots treated with 0.5 or 1.0mM Al had some stunted, brown, thickened tips. Their mean lengths were significantly shorter than those of roots treated with 0.05 or 0.1mM Al. The maximum diameters of white roots treated with 0.5 or 1.0mM Al were significantly larger than those of the control. Treatment with 0.5 or 1.0mM Al reduced the concentrations of Ca and Mg in the white roots and increased the concentration of Al compared with the control. These results indicate that between 0.1 and 0.5mM Al, a drastic change occurs in the effects of Al on the morphology and nutritional status of white roots of Japanese red cedar saplings, and suggest that the Al levels in Japanese forest soils may induce morphological changes in the white roots.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 production seasonality at a number of depths was investigated in a temperate forest in Japan and in a tropical montane forest in Thailand. The CO2 production rates were evaluated by examining differences in the estimated soil CO2 flux at adjacent depths. The temperate forest had clear temperature seasonality and only slight rainfall seasonality, whereas the tropical montane forest showed clear rainfall seasonality and only slight temperature seasonality. In the temperate forest, the pattern of seasonal variation in soil respiration was similar at all depths, except the deepest (0.65 m–), and respiration was greater in summer and less in winter. The contribution of the shallowest depth (around 0.1 m) was more than 50% of total soil-surface CO2 flux all year round, and the annual mean contribution was about 75%. CO2 production mostly appeared to increase with temperature in shallower layers. In contrast, in the tropical forest, soil CO2 production seasonality appeared to differ with depth. The CO2 production rate in the shallowest layer was high during the rainy season and low during the dry season. Soil CO2 production at greater depths (0.4 and 0.5 m–) showed the opposite seasonality to that in the shallower layer (around 0.1 m). As a result, the contribution from the shallow depth was greatest in the tropical forest during the rainy season (more than 90%), whereas it decreased during the dry season (about 50%). CO2 production appeared to be controlled by soil water at all depths, and the different ranges of water saturation seemed to cause the difference in seasonality at each depth. Our results suggest the importance of considering the vertical distribution of soil processes, particularly in areas where soil water is a dominant controller of soil respiration.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of four natural populations of Larix gmelinii from East Siberia was determined and compared by RAPD analysis. Comparison of the RAPD profiles provided an estimation of variability in 193 RAPD fragments. More than 89% of these fragments were found to be polymorphic. The main genetic variability parameters of the two populations from Central Yakutia, a region free of fluoride pollution, had considerably higher values than those from East Transbaikalia, a region potentially affected by fluoride pollution (FLU, near a fluorite quarry growing on soils with a high natural content of fluorides). AMOVA revealed that 72.94% of the variation was within populations, while only 7.05% of the variation was between populations within geographical regions. The genetic diversity of the FLU fluoride-tolerant population was the lowest, but only slightly lower than that of a fluoride non-tolerant population from Chita, 50 km distant from FLU. Although this study demonstrates the absence of fundamental alterations of genetic structure within the populations of L. gmelinii growing on soils with a high content of fluorides, it is presumed that the reduction of genetic diversity was the genetic response of the FLU population to such an environmental stress as a constantly high concentration of fluorides within the soil.  相似文献   

Deciduous broad-leaved forests (DBF), Larix principis-rupprechtii (LF) and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations (PF) are three typical forest communities in the warm temperate zone of the Dongling Mountains. In this study, we used an indirect method, hemispheric photography, to measure and analyze the dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) and canopy openness of the three forest communities. The results show that the LAI values of DBF and LF increased gradually with plant growth and development. The highest LAI value appeared in August, while canopy openness changed inversely with LAI. The lowest value appeared in November. DBF maintained a higher LAI in August and had a more open canopy in November compared with LF. For PF, we observed little changes in the LAI and canopy openness which was attributed to the leaf retention of this evergreen species. However, a similar relation between LAI and canopy openness was found for the three forest communities: canopy openness varied inversely with LAI. The relation is exponential and significant. Therefore, canopy openness is a good indicator of LAI in forests. This result can be used to test the validity of the LAI based on remote sensing and to provide a reference for the study of the canopy heterogeneity and its effect. This also benefits modeling for fluxes of carbon, water and energy from the level of the stand to landscape. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 431–436 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

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