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Forage sorghum yield and water use efficiency under variable irrigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The response of forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] to three irrigation treatments in a semiarid environment was studied in the field for two seasons. Treatments were light frequent, moderate less frequent, and heavy infrequent irrigation, where irriga-tion water at 8 mm day–1 was delivered every 7, 10, and 13 days, respectively. These irrigation regimes meant heavier water inputs with increasing irrigation frequency. Plant heights and leaf area indices of forage sorghum were higher in the frequently watered plots than in plots where irrigation water was delivered less frequently. Averaged over the two seasons, maximum dry matter (DM) yields were 16.3, 11.8, and 10.5 tonnes ha–1 for frequent, intermediate, and infrequent irrigation regimes, respectively. Light, frequent irrigation resulted in a significantly higher water use efficiency (WUE) compared to the other two regimes, thus increasing the return from irrigation. These results suggest that in such semiarid environments, DM yields and WUE of forage sorghum could be increased by combining light irrigation with a short interval. Received: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

Performance of WATCOM (a numerical model) and CRPSM (a simple water balance model) were assessed in simulating root zone water storage and water balance components under cowpea in Nigeria using a line source sprinkler system. Three sets of field data were collected: the first was used for calibration and model parameters’ estimation and the other two for testing and comparisons. The simulated soil water storage and crop evapotranspiration with WATCOM and CRPSM were in good agreement with field-measured data though WATCOM performed significantly better (P < 0.05) under the stressed condition. The maximum average error between predicted and measured soil water storage was −0.95 and +1.47 mm for WATCOM and CRPSM, respectively, while that between measured and predicted actual crop evapotranspiration was +2.7 and +11.38 mm, respectively, for the two models. WATCOM gave generally higher cumulative deep percolation and lower evapotranspiration than that of CRPSM for all irrigation levels (P < 0.05), and values of deep percolation for WATCOM were in better agreement with field data than that of CRPSM. This suggests that drainage below the field capacity needs to be included in CRPSM and that WATCOM will be a more useful management tool when detailed soil parameter is required and under variable water regime.  相似文献   

When subsurface irrigation sources are lacking in humid and subhumid regions, high yearly precipitation may allow for storage of surface water in farm ponds and lakes for irrigation. Irrigation at selected growth stages may avoid critical stress for crops with some drought tolerance, such as grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Because grain sorghum is responsive to N, injecting fertilizer N through the irrigation system also may improve production. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of timing of limited-amount irrigation and N fertigation on grain sorghum yield; yield components; grain N content; and N uptake at the 9-leaf, boot, and soft dough stages. The experiment was conducted from 1984 to 1986 on a Parsons silt loam (fine, mixed, thermic, Mollic Albaqualf). The experiment was designed as a 6 × 2 factorial plus two reference treatments. Six timings for irrigation were targeted at the 9-leaf (9L), boot (B), soft dough (SD), 9L-B, 9L-SD, and B-SD growth stages. N application systems were either 112 kg N ha–1 surface-banded preplant or 56 kg N ha-1 preplant and 56 kg N ha–1 injected through the irrigation at a rate of 28 kg N ha–1 per 2.5 cm of irrigation. Two reference treatments included were one receiving N but no irrigation and one receiving neither N nor irrigation. In 1984, irrigation generally increased grain sorghum yield by nearly 1 Mg ha–1. However, yield was not affected by selection of irrigation timing, N application method, or the interaction of the two factors. This was partly because early irrigations increased kernels/head, whereas later irrigations increased kernel weight. Above average rainfall during the growing season, especially just prior to the 9-leaf, boot, and soft dough growth stages, resulted in no irrigations in 1985. In 1986, yield was increased by early (9-leaf) irrigations as compared to soft dough irrigations. Early irrigations resulted in higher kernels/head; however, rainfall after the soft dough irrigation may have masked any treatment effect on kernel weight. As in 1984, N application method did not affect grain sorghum yields, even though yield was reduced to less than 3 Mg ha–1 with no N nor irrigation. In both 1984 and 1986, N uptake at succeeding growth stages appeared to respond to irrigations made at previous growth stages. Injecting half of the fertilizer N through the irrigation system did not affect N uptake compared to applying all N preplant. The lack of response to fertigation may be related to the low leaching potential of the soil used in this study.Contribution No. 92-606-J, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Production and water use in lettuces under variable water supply   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of a variable water supply on the water use, growth and yield of two crisphead and one romaine (i.e., Cos) lettuce cultivar were examined in a field experiment using a line source sprinkler system that produced a range of water regimes that occur in growers fields. Four locations at increasing distances from the main line were monitored through the season (i.e., from thinning to harvest, 28–63 days after planting (DAP)). These locations at the end of the season corresponded to: (1) rewatering to field capacity (FC); (2) watering with a volume 13% below that required in the field capacity treatment (0.87*FC); (3) 30% below FC (0.70*FC); and (4) 55% below FC (0.45*FC). A linear production function for dry matter accumulation and fresh weight vs. crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined for lettuce during this period, giving a water use efficiency for dry matter of 1.86 g m–2 mm–1 and for fresh weight of 48 g m–2 mm–1 . For lettuce irrigated to field capacity, ETc between thinning and harvest was 146 mm; maximum crop coefficients of 0.81–1.02 were obtained at maturity (55–63 DAP). For the three irrigation treatments receiving the largest water application, ETc was higher in the Cos culivar than in the two crisphead lettuce cultivars which had similar ETc. Plant fresh weight was more sensitive than dry weight to reduction in water supply. In the FC treatment, root length density and soil water extraction were greatest in the top 0–45 cm, and decreased rapidly below 45 cm depth. Soil water extraction by roots increased at lower depths when irrigation was reduced. Instantaneous rates of leaf photosynthesis and leaf water potential showed no response to the irrigation treatments in this study, despite differences in biomass production. Evaporation was determined to be the major component of ETc for 45 of the 63 days of the growing season. The large loss of water by evaporation during mid-season and the apparent insensitivity of lettuce to the volume of irrigation during this period may provide an opportunity for reducing irrigation applications.  相似文献   

Real-time adaptive irrigation scheduling under a limited water supply   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The problem of real-time irrigation scheduling under limited water supply is considered. The goal is to develop an irrigation operation policy which maximizes crop yields and is responsive to current season changes in weather and other variables. Because irrigation decisions are sequential and dependent on crop and soil water status, and also because crop yields can only be known at the end of the season, the decisions are arrived at by a two-stage process. In the first or the design stage, irrigations are planned for the entire season at weekly intervals using historical data and an optimal irrigation scheduling model. In the second stage, the decisions for the subsequent weeks are revised each week after updating the status of the system with real time data up to that week and solving the irrigation optimization model once again for the new conditions. Thus, each week an irrigation decision is made, the entire planning horizon is kept in view. The procedure is illustrated by application to a case study.  相似文献   

Many wells in the US Central Plains can no longer meet full crop water requirements due to declines in Ogallala aquifer water levels. A study was conducted in Southwest Kansas to determine optimum limited irrigation strategies for grain sorghum. Objectives were to (1) calibrate and validate the AquaCrop model, (2) apply AquaCrop to assess the effect of varying climate, planting dates, and soil types on yield, and (3) evaluate water productivities and optimal irrigation needs. Experimental data of grain sorghum were used to calibrate and validate AquaCrop. Planting date was found to substantially affect biomass and grain yield, and hence, considerably affect water productivities. The highest grain water productivities were obtained with late planting in a wet season. Late planting was associated with lower irrigation requirements. Depending on local conditions, we recommend planting to occur between June 1st and June 10th. Grain sorghum yield was optimized on sandy soils of southwestern Kansas with irrigation of 100–275 mm for early, 150–275 mm for normal and 100–275 mm for late planting. The optimal irrigation on silt loam soils for the corresponding planting dates were 175–350, 175–250 and 125–250 mm, respectively, with the lowest and highest in the range being for the wet and dry climate season conditions. Fluctuations in grain sorghum prices had a substantial impact on economic water productivity. Overall planting grain sorghum under optimum conditions combined with deficit irrigation improved water productivity.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1999,60(2):137-155
Risk analysis of replanting strategies for grain sorghum at three Kansas locations was conducted using stochastic dominance techniques. Yield data were simulated for seven planting dates, six seeding rates or target plant populations, and three maturity classes over a 33-year period using weather data for each year at each location. The results showed that optimal planting dates, seeding rates, and maturity classes vary by location and risk preference. In northeast and southcentral Kansas, planting at later rather than earlier dates was preferred as risk aversion increased. In southwest Kansas, generally no change occurred in the preferred strategy as the level of risk aversion increased. Early- and medium-maturing hybrids and low-to-moderate seeding rates often were selected. Late-maturing hybrids never were selected by risk-averse managers. The degree of risk aversion did not significantly affect the selection of a replanting strategy for southcentral and southwest Kansas, but did for northeast Kansas. However, whether managers replanted immediately or delayed, replanting varied with the replanting decision date and degree of risk aversion. Replanting on the first replanting decision date in southwest Kansas rather than delaying 2 weeks or more was preferred by all risk-averse managers. More strongly risk-averse managers in the northeast and all risk-averse producers in southcentral Kansas preferred to delay replanting of damaged stands, in some cases by 2–4 weeks after the decision date. Results also showed that when a stand was damaged late in the season, the expected yield from the damaged stand had to be lower than that from a stand damaged early in the season in order for replanting to occur. Price changes had only minor impacts on the preferred replanting strategies. A higher crop price caused replanting to occur more often, because the yield reduction of a damaged stand required for replanting to be economically feasible grew smaller as the price increased.  相似文献   

Field water supply (FWS) combines the three sources of water used by a crop for evapotranspiration (ET), and consists of available soil water at planting (ASWP), rainfall, and irrigation. Examining the grain yield and FWS relationship (Yg:FWS) may provide insight into the reported variability in crop water production functions such as water productivity (WP) and irrigation water productivity (IWP). Since water is most productive when entirely consumed in ET, diversion of FWS into non-ET losses such as drainage and excessive soil water evaporation results in declines in WP and IWP. The objective of this experiment was to examine the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships of grain sorghum grown under a range of irrigation treatments (0, 25, 50, and 100% replacement of ET), beginning soil water contents, evaporative demands, in the Amarillo, Pullman, and Ulysses soils of the Great Plains. The purpose was to determine the amount of FWS beyond which declines in WP and IWP began to occur due to non-ET losses as indicated by a change in the slope and intercept of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships. Large amounts of non-ET irrigation application losses occurred in the finer-textured soils in the T-100 irrigation treatment. In both years, the T-100 irrigation application amounts and ASWP resulted in a FWS ranging from 750 to 870 mm which exceeded the maximum ET requirement of 530-630 mm and which reduced WP and IWP. Piecewise regression analysis of the Yg:FWS and Yg:ET relationships for the crops in the Pullman and Ulysses soils identified the knot point, or change in slope and intercept, in the FWS where both WP and IWP tended to be optimized. This was about 500 mm in both soils, and involved the utilization of about 250 mm in ASWP, irrigation applications averaging about 250 mm, and about 60-130 mm remaining in the soil at harvest. For the coarser-textured Amarillo soil, the yield response to increasing FWS was linear, because non-ET application losses such as drainage gradually increased with the irrigation application amount. The linear Yg response in the sandy Amarillo soil and the piecewise Yg responses in the clay and silt loams of the Pullman and Ulysses soils to FWS also reflected the difference in water-holding capacities of the soils that affected the amount of available water as irrigation increased. Irrigating without considering FWS resulted in non-ET irrigation application losses and declines in WP and IWP.  相似文献   

降水预报准确率对变量灌溉水分管理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为充分利用降水,提高变量灌溉水分管理精度,将降水预报信息与变量灌溉制度结合生成变量灌溉处方图,在评估2016年和2017年不同降水等级预报准确率的基础上,研究了未来3 d降水预报信息对冬小麦和夏玉米变量灌溉制度的影响.结果表明,两年冬小麦和夏玉米生育期内,预见期1,2,3 d的降水预报信息准确率差异不大,无雨预报准确率最高,两年平均为83.3%,大雨和暴雨次之,为51.7%,中雨预报准确率最差,为23.0%.结合降水预报信息制定变量灌溉制度,2016年冬小麦和2017年夏玉米生育期内分别减少灌水量8 mm和16 mm.根据目前预报信息准确率,建议无雨和小雨预报时,直接按设计灌水定额灌溉;中雨预报时,可采用灌水定额的80%实施灌溉;大雨和暴雨预报时,可适当推迟灌溉.  相似文献   

Summary Results are reported from a long-term field experiment designed to determine the effect of irrigation water salinity on the yield and water uptake of mature grapefruit trees. Treatments were started in 1970 and consisted of chloride concentrations in the irrigation water of 7.1, 11.4 and 17.1 meq/1 added as NaCl+CaCl2 at a 1 : 1 weight ratio.For the last four years of the experiment, 1973 to 1976, yield was linearly related to the mean chloride concentration in the soil saturation extract weighted according to the distribution of water uptake with depth and time (Fig. 2, Table 1). There was a 1.45% (1.68 Mg/ha) yield reduction for each 1 meq/1 increase in chloride concentration above a threshold value of 4.5 meq/1. This corresponded to a 13.5% (14.7 Mg/ha) decrease per 1 mmho/cm increase in the electrical conductivity of the soil saturation extract above a threshold value of 1.2 mmho/cm.Total water uptake was reduced as salt concentration in the soil increased (Fig. 3, Table 2). In the high salinity treatment, root concentration in, and water uptake from, the lower portion of the root zone were decreased. The maximum electrical conductivity (ECe) measured at the bottom of the root zone was 7.90 mmho/cm similar to the values of EC, obtained by linear extrapolation to zero yield and also to zero water uptake.Salt accumulation in the soil depended on the quantity and salt concentration of the irrigation water, rainfall, and on the amount of leaching. SAR and the Na+ concentration of the soil remained low throughout the experiment (Table 3). No leaf symptoms of either Cl or Na+ injury were observed. The results indicate an osmotic — rather than a specific ion effect — of salinity on grapefruit yield.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. 1977 Series No. 197-E  相似文献   

Groundwater is being mined in much of the irrigated area of the central and southern High Plains of the USA. Profits and risks inherent in irrigation management depend on the association between crop yield and level of water application. Research was conducted over a 14 year period (1974–1987) to establish the yield vs. water application relationships of corn, grain sorghum, and sunflower. The research was located near Tribune, Kansas, USA on a Ulysses silt loam soil. Plots were level-basins to which water was added individually through gated pipe. Irrigation studies of the three crops were located adjacent to each other. Irrigation treatments were arranged in completely randomized blocks with three replications. As total irrigation amount increased from 100 to 200, 200 to 300, and 300 to 400 mm, sunflower yield increased by 0.53 Mg ha−1, 0.43 Mg ha−1, and 0.37 Mg ha−1, respectively. Corn outyielded grain sorghum at total irrigation amounts of 345 mm and above. Yield increase over continuous dryland was greater in corn than in grain sorghum at total irrigation amounts above 206 mm. Therefore, if grain mass is the consideration, grain sorghum is a better choice than corn at less than 206 mm of irrigation, whereas corn is a better choice than grain sorghum at more than 206 mm of irrigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to assess the feasibility and significance of applying spatially variable irrigation under a central pivot system at the Federal German Agricultural Research Center, Braunschweig, Germany. The assessment was based on soil moisture holding capacity, soil depth variation and root development. Soil texture analysis was carried out by sampling on a 60 meter grid. The German Agro-Meteorological Model was applied to simulate the water balance in the crop-soil-atmosphere system for the growing season 2003/4. The research findings are presented in terms of six scenarios: 20, 30, 40 mm water application depths per irrigation under both variable rate application and uniform application. The comparison revealed that the loss of water was higher for the uniform application scenarios than that for the variable rate application (VRA) scenarios for the applications of 20 and 30 mm. The VRA scenario of 20 mm water application was found out to be the best option for water conservation.  相似文献   

The overall irrigation efficiency, ep, for the irrigationnetworks in the Thessaloniki plain, in Northern Greece, wasestimated from historical data, spanning eight years. Irrigationnetworks differ regarding the method of water delivery and themethod of field application. Overall irrigation efficiency is theparameter which helps to adjust water supply to meet the actualcrop water requirements. A method is introduced which calculatesnetworks ep using spatially distributed data. Efficiencyvalues for all systems were calculated using the proposed method.Seasonally averaged ep values for eight years for 32(surface and sprinkler) irrigation networks ranged from 0.38 to0.81. Analysis of the time series ep values can identifyoperational factors that might affect network ep. Sprinklerand surface network irrigation efficiencies did not show anysignificant difference.  相似文献   

为探索饲用甜高粱最佳灌溉定额和节水效果,设置了不同灌溉定额(2 400, 3 000, 3 600, 4 200, 4 800 m3/hm2)对两茬收割饲用甜高粱生长和生物产量的影响的田间试验.结果表明,甜高粱茎粗和株高的峰值分别出现在播后62 d和158 d.随灌溉定额增加甜高粱在形态上表现为株高增加、茎粗减小的趋势.在头茬收割(播后76 d)时,株高日增长率最大,为4.00~4.89 cm/d.两茬收割甜高粱鲜生物学产量为63.9~115.5 t/hm2,干生物学产量为12.7~21.4 t/hm2,全生育期耗水量为326.95~504.24 mm,鲜生物学产量WUE为15.53~24.63 kg/m3,干生物学产量WUE为3.89~4.51 kg/m3.灌溉定额为4 200 m3/hm2时,甜高粱总鲜、干生物量最大,灌溉定额为4 800 m3/hm2时,甜高粱总鲜、干生物量增幅不大.从节水和增加生物量角度而言,畦灌方式下的两茬收割饲用甜高粱全生育期灌水4次,灌水定额为1 050 m3/hm2,灌溉定额为4 200 m3/hm2的灌溉效果最佳.  相似文献   

In the Trás-os-Montes region, almond orchards are usually planted in the dry soils on the upper valley of the Douro river and are typically cultivated under non-irrigated conditions, leading to low yields. This study aimed to compare the physiological responses of five almond varieties (Francoli, Ferragnès, Glorieta, Lauranne and Masbovera) growing under non-irrigated and irrigated conditions. In irrigated conditions, all cultivars had higher photosynthetic rates, with maximum rates in a range of 10–12 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Study of daily photosynthesis (June–August) indicates that, irrigated plants showed maximal values at 11 h (32 °C), while in water stressed ones highest values were found at 9 h (28 °C). The irrigation induced an increase in photosynthesis of around 173% in Lauranne, 187% in Francoli, 204% in Glorieta, 266% in Masbovera and 331% in Ferragnès. In relation to values of water potential that allow half-rate of photosynthesis (ψw50), they were calculated as −2.95, −2.50, −3.10, −3.20 and −3.30 MPa for Ferragnès, Glorieta, Masbovera, Francoli and Lauranne, respectively.  相似文献   

A field study (1999-2000 to 2001-2002) was carried out to optimize the irrigation frequency and suitable water application methods for cauliflower with a view to increase curd yield (CY) and water use efficiency (WUE). Check Basin (CB), Each Furrow (EF) and Alternate Furrow (AF) methods were tested with three irrigation frequencies depending on the attainment of soil matric potential (Ψm) value at 0.2 m depth as: −0.03 MPa (F1), −0.05 MPa (F2) and −0.07 MPa (F3). Maximum CY was recorded under F1 and decreased by 10.4 and 31.4%, respectively under F2 and F3 frequencies. In contrast, WUE decreased by 9.3% from F3 to F1. Highest CY and WUE obtained under CB followed by EF and AF methods. Furrow application methods saved 12-24% irrigation water over CB method. Maximum soil water stress coefficient (Ks) recorded at curd development stage in comparison to other stages. Both seasonal evapotranspiration (ETa) and yield-moisture stress index (Kys) recorded positive linear relationships with CY. Present study shows a crop response factor of 0.822 for cauliflower. In this region, cauliflower should be irrigated with check basin method at an interval of 8-10 days.  相似文献   

Optimal crop production depends greatly on available soil water, and it is therefore important to know when and how much to irrigate in order to attain agronomic potential. In this work, plant indicators are used to assess water stress. These are compared with available soil water to find the critical point for irrigation scheduling of sweet sorghum. The experimental trial was carried out in Bečej, in the Vojvodina region, on a sweet sorghum crop, grown in moderate climatic conditions on a well-drained, deep chernozemolic meadow soil. Plant indicators tested were predawn and midday leaf water potential and crop and air temperature difference. All the methods were sensitive to water deficit in plants, but not all can be used for irrigation scheduling. The predawn leaf water potential was the most reliable parameter among those tested due to its relative independence from weather conditions and a valid indicator of plant water status. This was not the case with canopy-air temperature difference. The predawn leaf water potential corelation with available soil water indicates that the threshold value for irrigation scheduling of sweet sorghum is when the former has decreased to –0.45 MPa. This corresponds to a soil water depletion to about 10% of available water in the active root zone. The canopy-air temperature difference was sufficiently sensitive to indicate the onset of mild plant water stress, although it showed a certain threshold value when water shortage appeared, which occurred when the air and canopy temperature were the same. Received: 9 April 1996  相似文献   

Contribution to irrigation from shallow water table under field conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mathematical model SWBACROS was applied to estimate the contribution of a shallow groundwater to the water needs of a maize crop. The model was applied with the top and boundary conditions defined by the observed irrigation/rainfall events and the observed water table depth. The simulated water contents of the top zone were very close to the observed values. Furthermore the model was applied with an assumed free drainage bottom boundary condition. The difference of the computed water content profiles under the presence and absence of the water table gave a very good estimate of the capillary rise. It was found that under the specific field conditions about 3.6 mm/day of the water in the root zone originated from the shallow water table, which amounts to about 18% of the water, which was transpired by the maize crop.  相似文献   

 Field experiments were conducted for 2 years (1997 and 1998) on sandy loam soil in northwestern Botswana to study the effect of five levels of pan evaporation replenishment (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) on marketable yield, yield components, irrigation production efficiency and economic return of winter broccoli, carrot, rape and cabbage under a drip irrigation method. The highest mean marketable yield (2 years) of broccoli (19.1 t/ha), carrot (58.9 and 32.9 t/ha), rape (61.8 t/ha) and cabbage (97.2 t/ha) was recorded at 80% of pan evaporation replenishment. The irrigation production efficiency of broccoli (5.9 kg/m3), rape (14.6 kg/m3) and cabbage (23.6 kg/m3) was maximum at 80, 20 and 60% of pan evaporation replenishment respectively. Irrigation replenishment up to 80% of pan evaporation loss did not influence the irrigation production efficiency for total and root yield of carrot. The results revealed that a further increase in irrigation amount resulting from 100% of pan evaporation replenishment did not increase the marketable yield of crops but reduced the irrigation production efficiency significantly. The seasonal water applied and marketable yield of broccoli, carrot, rape and cabbage showed quadratic relationships (R 2 = 0.85–0.98), which can be used for allocating irrigation water within and between the crops. The net return increased with the increase in pan evaporation replenishment. The results revealed that the rape crop is the most remunerative, followed by cabbage, broccoli and carrot. Received: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

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