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Condie KC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,155(3765):1013-1015
Geochemical studies of Wyoming Precambrian graywackes derived from continental crust older than 3.2 x 10(9) years indicate that their source area was at least as highly differentiated as most younger Precambrian crust. The composition of this early crust (approximately that of calcium-rich granite) is not unlike that of the 2.5 to 3.2 x 10(9) year old North American crust. Limited geochemical data suggest that the composition of North America may not have changed significantly during the last 3.0 to 3.5 x 10(9) years.  相似文献   

Measurement of the levels of ozone and carbon monoxide (a tracer of anthropogenic pollution) at three surface sites on the Atlantic coast of Canada allow the estimation of the amount of ozone photochemically produced from anthropogenic precursors over North America and transported to the lower troposphere over the temperate North Atlantic Ocean. This amount is greater than that injected from the stratosphere, the primary natural source of ozone. This conclusion supports the contention that ozone derived from anthropogenic pollution has a hemisphere-wide effect at northern temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

The discovery of abundant skeletal remains of Felis trumani from a late Pleistocene deposit in Wyoming shows that it was as highly modified for cursorial locomotion as the cheetah (Acinonyx). Several other Pleistocene felids that have been regarded as pumas seem to be related forms. The late Pleistocene fauna of the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming is dominated by cursorial taxa.  相似文献   

The initial occupation of Eastern North America was by small bands of people who gained their livelihood by hunting and gathering. As time passed, the occupants of different regions be came increasingly familiar with the available natural resources. The de velopment or introduction of new tools and devices enabled the people to ex ploit their environments more effective ly, until, by Late Archaic times, popu lation size had increased, in terms both of density within a given area and num ber of people in individual social units. The initial agricultural productivity aided the culmination of the long cul tural traditions in the remarkable pro ductions and practices of the Hope wellian complexes of Middle Woodland times. The major Hopewellian centers reflect the marked change in societal organization and patterns. The costumes of the dead and the manner of their burial clearly reflect individual status differentiations, while artistic creativity is probably to be equated with incipient specialization of labor. Many of the Mississippian societies reached an even more advanced plateau of cultural de velopment, with fortified towns, an or ganized priesthood, dominant hereditary chiefs, political and military alliances, and a well-developed class system. The details of the cultural develop ment in Eastern North America are unique, but the general trend may be regarded as a common one in human society, and the patterns of behavior, as analogous to those developed by other peoples in other areas of the Old World and the New.  相似文献   

Interest in extraterrestrial causes for the apparent 26-to 32-million-year periodicity of mass extinctions has focused on the terminal Eocene event and older events, although there is now evidence of a mid-Oligocene event near the early/late Oligocene boundary, or about 32.4 million years ago. An abrupt (200,000 years or less) mid-Oligocene extinction event appears in the record of North American land mammals, which results in the selective disappearance of archaic members of the fauna and later diversification of other taxa. The selective nature of the extinctions suggests climatic and ecological causes rather than an extraterrestrial catastrophe. Increased mid-Oligocene glaciation, worldwide cooling, a major regression event, and abrupt changes in the flora are probably the immediate causes, and these may have resulted from changes in global oceanic circulation.  相似文献   

Examination of ova and parasites from coprolites of probable human origin revealed eggs of the phylum Acanthocephala. Specimens were gathered from Danger Cave in Utah, an area heavily populatd with definitive rodent hosts for the Acanthocephala species Moniliformis clarki. It is postulated that prehistoric man developed Acanthocephala infection by ingesting the arthropod intermediate host, or that he was a victim of false parasitism by ingesting the whole rodent.  相似文献   

Smith BD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,246(4937):1566-1571
As a result of research carried out over the past decade, eastern North America now provides one of the most detailed records of the origins of agriculture available. Spanning a filll three millennia, the transition from forager to farmer in eastern North America involved the domestication of four North American seed plants during the second millennium B.C., the initial emergence of food production economies based on local crop plants between 250 B.C. and A.D. 200, and the rapid and broad-scale shift to maize-centered agriculture during the three centuries from A.D. 800 to 1100.  相似文献   

The belief that the use of fish fertilizers originated among North American Indians, and was communicated as such by Squanto to the Plymouth settlers, has achieved the status of folklore and is therefore difficult to challenge. However, examination of the documentary evidence of Squanto's history and of native cultivation practices, and a cultural analysis of the implications of the use of fish fertilizer, have produced complementary lines of evidence. This evidence indicates that widely held beliefs about the "manner of the Indians" should be revised: Squanto's advice at Plymouth is probably best viewed as an interesting example of culture contact, one in which a native "culture-bearer" conveyed a technological idea from one group of Europeans to another.  相似文献   

A recently discovered skeleton of Ptilodus exhibits several specializations for climbing. A survey of postcranial bones of Cretaceous and early Cenozoic multituberculates from North America reveals similar locomotor specializations. Multituberculates possessed distinctive tarsal adaptations for a range of pedal mobility characteristic of arboreal mammals that descend trees headfirst. The divergent hallux could move independently of the other digits. The long robust tail of Ptilodus possessed musculoskeletal features that, among living mammals, are associated with prehensility.  相似文献   

A comparison of paleobotanical records with archeological and ethnographic evidence from the Pacific Northwest shows a strong correlation between the expansion of Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) in coastal forests between 5000 and 2500 years ago and the evolution of a massive woodworking technology by native cultures. This suggests that an important component of cultural development was environmentally constrained until large cedar trees, the basic resource for canoe-building and plank-house construction, had become available in late Holocene time.  相似文献   

Snow DR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1995,268(5217):1601-1604
Recent estimates for the size of the aggregate North American Indian population in A.D. 1492 vary from about 18 million to less than 2 million. The unusually favorable archaeological characteristics of Mohawk Iroquois sites in eastern New York have allowed a detailed demographic reconstruction of one case for the period A.D. 1400 to 1776. The case indicates that exogenous epidemics did not reach the region until the 17th century and supports arguments favoring the lower populations estimates for North America as a whole.  相似文献   

The concentration of insoluble mineral aerosol in the lower troposphere of the western equatorial North Atlantic Ocean has increased by a factor of 3 over the last decade. This increase may be related to the drought in the Sahelian zone of North Africa.  相似文献   

From radioisotopic (potassium-argon) age determinations of tuffs and magnetostratigraphy of Late Tertiary mammal-bearing beds in Catamarca Province, northwest Argentina, refined estimates have been obtained for the durations and boundaries of beds of Chasicoan (Middle Miocene) through Chapadmalalan (Pliocene) age. An age of 9.0 million years is tentatively accepted for the Chasicoan-Huayquerian boundary, 5.0 million years for the Huayquerian-Montehermosan boundary, and 3.0 million years for the Montehermosan-Chapadmalalan boundary. Procyonids (raccoons and their allies), a group of North American origin, are first recorded in South America in a level immediately below a unit dated at 6.0 million years. Cricetine rodents of the tribe Sigmodontini are first recorded in South America in beds of Montehermosan age in Argentina. Ground sloths, a group of South American origin, first appear in North America in Early Hemphillian time in beds dated between 9.5 and 9.0 million years. The Panamanian land bridge was established by 3.0 million years ago, and an interchange of the terrestrial faunas was well under way by Late Blancan time (around 2.5 million years before present) in North America and by Chapadmalalan time in South America.  相似文献   

Organic remains, especially dung, of extinct ground sloths provide ideal material for radiocarbon dating. Rampart Cave, Arizona, revealed periodic occupation at intervals by the Shasta ground sloth from before 40,000 years ago until 11,000 years ago. Dates from other caves in the arid Southwest indicate that the Shasta ground sloth disappeared at very soon after the time of Clovis big game hunters. Ground sloth remains in South America are slightly younger. The timing of ground sloth extinction is in accord with the model of explosive overkill.  相似文献   

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